Biology Definitions For Maintaining A Balance - REVISION: Jay Paul

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Biology definitions for Maintaining a balance _REVISION

Activation energy- the energy necessary to start a chemical reaction
Active transport- Movement of substances across a membrane by a
process requiring expenditure of energy.
Ammonia- Main nitrogenous waste product of bony fish; excreted in
large amounts of water.
Parts of the mammalian kidney:

Buffer-a solution of 2 or more chemicals, which prevent marked

changes in hydrogen ion concentration (pH) when either acid or base
(alkali) is added to the system.
Cambium- Group of cells, which divide to form new xylem and
phloem cells.
Chromosome- structure made up of genetic material (DNA) and
protein found mainly in the nucleus.
Cohesion- attraction between molecules of water.
Denatured- structural change in proteins.
Diffusion- movement of particles in gases, liquids or solutions from
where they are more concentrated, to where they are less concentrated.
Effector- Part of an organism which produces a response.
Endocrine system- hormonal system that produces internal secretions
which act upon organs.
Enzyme- a highly specialised cellular protein that reduces the amount
of energy required to initiate a chemical reaction, thereby increasing
the speed of the reaction; the names of enzymes often end in ase. Eg.
cellulase, an enzyme which digests cellulose.
Eucaryotic- cells which have their genetic material (chromosome)
inside a nucleus bounded by a membrane and which have other
membrane-bound organelles, includes cells of protists, fungi, animals
and plants.
Evaporative cooling- removing of heat from the body by chaging
liquid water to water vapour using heat from the skin surface
(eg.sweating) or from respiratory surfaces (eg.panting).
Jay Paul

Bored of Studies -

Excretion- the elimination of harmful and unwanted products of

Excretory organs- organs involved in the removal of wastes eg.
kidneys, lungs, skin.
Gymnosperms- cone-bearing plants.
Herbaceous- characteristic of a soft plant, having no woody tissue.
Homeothermy- maintainence of a stable body temperature
independent of changes in the environmental temperature.
Lignin- a material which strengthens and keeps xylem vessels open,
the major component of wood.
Lymphatic system- system of thin-walled vessels and groups of tissue
(lymph nodes) which drain the fluids from around cells back to the
bloodstream (as a fluid called lymph); the system is also involved in
the immune response with transport of the breakdown of products of
Metabolic pathway- A series of step-wise chemical reactions
occurring in the cells of the body; heat is produced as a by-product of
Optimum- conditions at which enzymes work best; includes
temperature and pH.
Organelle- any part of a cell which has a specific functional role, in
eukaryotic cells. Organelles are usually bound by a membrane.
Pituatary- small structure in the brain which secretes hormones,
including ones which control the functions of other endocrine glands
(eg. thyroid glands).
Rate of reaction- speed at which a reaction proceeds. It is normally
measured as the amount of subsrate(s) used up or the amount of
product(s) formed in a given a amount of time.
Rennin- an enzyme found in the stomachs of mammals (especially
young ones), which makes milk go solid (coagulate). It if found in
junket tablets used to make a desert out of milk and flavouring (sort of
yoghurt desert).
Respiratory surface- a special surface for gaseous exchange.
Salt gland- a structure found in marine birds and turtles which permits
excretions of salts.
Stomates- holes (pore) in plant leaves. These pores are controlled by 2
guard cells which regulate the loss of water from leaves
Temperature gradient- difference in temperature. Heat energy flows
from an area of higher temperature to one of lower temperature.
Thyroid gland- endocrine gland in the throat area which produces
thyroid hormones.
Jay Paul

Bored of Studies -

Thyroid hormones- hormones involved with regulating the level of

body metabolism.
Urea- breakdown (deamination) of excess amino acids; diluted by
water and excreted in urine.
Uric acid- main nitrogneous waste product of insects, reptiles and
birds; largely insoluble and excreted in a paste with little water.
Urea- a waste product containing 2% urea.
Vascular plant- plants which have conducting vessels, xylem and
phloem, including the plants ferns, gymnosperms and angiosperms.
Vasodilation- increase in the diameter of the blood vessels to increase
blood flow.
Vasoconstriction- decrease in blood vessel diameter, to decrease blood

Jay Paul

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