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Le Mois de

February 2008! No. Seventeen

T he Café Colombe is now in full swing and we have
been setting up event nights once a month. The last two
have been great in reaching towards the non believers. At
the end of January we threw a crêpe night where we saw
more non-believers than ever show up. The night was very
encouraging because we made lots
of new contacts and the Lord gave
us hope that our passing out flyers
was not in vain.
At the end of February we showed
the movie “Amazing Grace” which
recounts the life of William Wilbur-
force and his efforts to stop the
slave trade in England. Again we
saw new faces come in the door
and there were encouraging dis-
cussions going on afterwards
about the movie, and the themes
that it presented. Please continue
to pray for the upcoming event
nights, as we are really beginning
to see the Lord’s hand in these and how
they are opening the door for more relationships and for
God to move. As for the regular nights once a week, there
are a handful of faithful customers and the small attendance
leaves time to be able to get into deeper conversations.

Its hard to believe that I have already taken a year and a half of French classes and yet I still
have lots to learn. However I am progressing, and this semester I am actually switching programs
that will begin to integrate me in to the normal university classes. I have a schedule more like that
of a college student where I can choose some of the classes I take. This is really great because
now I have other subjects rather than just grammar and oral every day. This semester I am taking
economics, civilisation, story telling, and of course I still have an oral and written class to practice
those wonderful grammatical problems I still possess. Also this new program allows me to get to
know a broader group of students, because I have different people in each class. Please be pray-
ing for my studies and also for the people that God has placed me in class with.
T his is how it happened… It was a rather found a ring and he knew that this was the
girl that he was to marry, so what was he
bright and sun shiny day for the month of
waiting for?
February and Noah was awoken by a knock at the door,
So there on the beach with Kate’s head in his lap
quite earlier than normal. It was Kate, ‘should have
Noah decided to ask the question… “But God I have
known,’ he said to himself, they had been in a bit of an
nothing to give her, and I really want to be able to give
argument the night before, and Kate, being the beautiful
her something, so can you please provide a ring of some
woman she is, came over to patch things up and start
sort that I can give her?” He reached into his bag and
the new day a fresh.
pulled out his keys. One hand still rubbing her head he
During her time with God that morning she had
slowly took the keys ever so quietly off, then found a
asked what He wanted her to do today, and to her sur-
small piece of green sea glass on the beach and
prise He had simply replied to take Noah a cup of coffee.
wedged it in-between the rings of the key ring. Once the
“What!” she said, “No way, he doesn’t deserve that, plus
ring was assembled the time had come. He gently spun
we are fighting”, again the Lord said go take him a cup of
her around and began to tell her all those lovely things
coffee. Finally, and perhaps a bit reluctantly she pre-
that you tell the woman of your dreams, she didn’t really
pared the coffee and set out to Noah’s house. She made
understand why he as doing this, until the question came
him get out of bed and get ready, then led him down to
and the secretly assembled ring was revealed. The re-
the beach and there presented him with the cup of cof-
sponse was a yes!
fee that the Lord had told her to give him. They spent
Later that day as they were walking home from
some time talking and sharing, and ended up on the
lunch with friends they passed by a little ring shop. So
subject of things that God had showed them in the past
they peeked inside to see if there was anything to there
about their relationship. They both were amazed at how
liking, and there was. So they went inside to try some
many things the Lord had shown them, and all the things
on. After a few questions and trying on a few different
he had done to get them together. It was during this con-
ones, they decided they really liked one and it just so
versation that something dawned on them both.
happened that Noah had just enough money with him.
Noah was sharing that many times the previous
To the vendor’s surprise Kate and Noah said that they
year he would get these urges to simply ask Kate to
would take the ring. Than Noah asked if there was a
marry him, but logically he could not do this, they had
special phrase that you said when you wanted to marry
never even talked about liking each other, however from
someone in France. She could not think of it so she
time to time in heated discussions or fun times, he would
asked a colleague. As he told them, Noah got down on
just get this urge to ask her. So back at the end of April
his knee and repeated the phrase to Kate in French. The
2007 when Noah had finally addressed the topic of liking
shop keeper was surprised and tried to tell them that you
Kate, he managed in his boyish words to get out “Do you
only said that if you really wanted to marry someone. “I
think its possible?” “Do I think what’s possible?” Kate
do” Noah said. Both vendors responded with shock and
answered back. “You and I,” Noah replied. “Oh,” she
excitement! “No way! That’s great! We have never had a
said, “well yes actually I do with God all things are pos-
couple get engaged here!!! Oh man and I don’t even
sible.” The funny thing is that when Noah asked her that,
have champagne to celebrate with. Wait hold on,” he
he knew in his heart that he was going to marry this
said as he ran to the back. Coming out with a six pack of
woman, and so that for him was like he was asking her
beers he began to hand them out to everyone in the
to marry him. Unfortunately those were not the words
store. “This is all I have but we have to celebrate!” For
that came out of his mouth last April. Then Kate began to
the next 2½ hours we talked and got to share what we
share that about a year back around the same time the
were doing in France and about the church and coffee
Lord was really putting it on her heart that if Noah was to
bar ministry.
ask her to marry him that she was to say yes.
The day had been more than a suc-
God had been preparing her even though
cess, all because Kate said yes to God
she didn’t even know that Noah was going
about a little cup of coffee. So next time
to talk to her about liking her. After talking
God asks you to do something little that
about this, Noah began to think to him-
may not even make sense… you should
self if he should have just asked her
do it, you never know what will be
back then, and if it was only because
around the corner! Praise be to God!
of logical things that he didn’t. Then
he began to think about what had
changed. Logically nothing had
really changed, He had still not
• For our monthly outreach events with the
coffee bar ministry.
• For my studies on the French language
• My non believing friends and classmates here.
• A focus on Jesus & unity amongst the group
serving in the church. FRENCH
• For my fiancé Kate and I! That we would con-
tinue to mature and for wisdom with our fu- Beum
ture. 146 B er
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• That I would daily seek the Lord and His will e 060 e
for my life, for His joy, to know Him better 00
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and that I would live to please the Father and ty cod EPHONE:
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• For all the preparations that are involved in .calva r @gma
planning a wedding.
I would like to ask each one of you to earnestly pray Thanks to all who are sup-
for the work being done out here in France and for porting me and the work
the hearts of the people in the country of France. that the Lord has asked me
Second, I would ask that you prayerfully consider to do out here in France. It
supporting the work done out here through a one is by the grace of God that
time or monthly gift/donation. I am able to stay and serve
here. I thank God for the
Please address & send check or money order to blessing that you are to me
address below. You may also send support via Pay and pray that He richly
Pal if that is more convenient for you to my email blesses you as well.
N oa h Beumer -N oah Beumer-
617 W. Knox
S poka ne, WA. 99205

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