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School of Business Management

Journal of Management (ISSN: 2249-2216)

CARE Journal of Management is an annual publication of CARE School of Business Management, Trichy.
CARE Journal of Management (ISSN: 2249-2216) welcomes original and unpublished research contributions,
conceptual ideas and book-reviews from all functional areas of management. At the same time we encourage
contributions in the field of applied research which will support the industry.
Guidelines for Authors
1) The contribution must be original and unpublished. Submission of a manuscript implies that it is not currently
on offer to another publisher. Contributors should also refrain from submitting the paper elsewhere until a
decision is received from CARE Journal of Management.
2) Author(s) must take note of the copyrights of other works included in their contributions, and wherever
necessary obtain prior permission from the copyright holders before submitting their literary work to CARE
Journal of Management.
3) CARE Journal of Management will not be responsible for any issues arising from contents, copyrights or any
other issues relating to and arising from the submission of the authors. In all such cases, the responsibility will
be that of the contributors.
Style Guide for Authors

Authors are to follow the APA style for citations

All papers must have an abstract (max 200 words) & 3-6 keywords
The cover page should contain title of the paper, authors name, designation, official address, contact address,
phone number and e-mail address.
Manuscript length should be between 3000 - 5000 words including all tables/graphs, typed in single space or
printed in 12 point Times New Roman font on A4 size paper with 1.5 margins on all four sides. All pages
should be numbered consecutively.
Footnotes should be kept to a minimal. Do not use endnotes.
References/Bibliography should be kept in an alphabetical order.
All papers should be proof-read before they are submitted to CARE Journal of Management.
Articles, in word documents are to be submitted by email to

Papers submitted before 30th June 2014 will be considered for this years edition. However we accept
submission of papers throughout the year.
Copyright of Works Submitted to CARE Journal of Management
1) Authors are to transfer copyright of their original works to CARE Journal of Management.
2) Authors can use their contributions for their publication in book(s) authored by the persons, thesis or an edited
book or for their personal use in any other form however; works that were published in CARE Journal of
Management should be indicated as a reference.
Publication Procedures:
1) Materials submitted for publication will undergo a single blind review.
2) If necessary the author(s) may be required to resubmit the paper in the light of suggestions provided by the
reviewers/editorial board.
3) CARE Journal of Management will inform the author(s) about the acceptance or non-acceptance of the
papers. CARE Journal of Management reserves the right of not providing any reasons for non-acceptance.
4) Upon acceptance, the final version of the paper will be sent to the author(s) for final verification. Author(s)
are to respond within 3 days upon receipt of the paper.
5) There will not be any compensation payable to the author(s) in any form except publishing the works by way
of recognition.

No. 27, Thayanur Village, Trichy 620 009, TN, India. Ph. No: +91 431 269 05 05

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