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Assignment one

Introduction What is new media? 300

Body three project total 900
Project 1 300
Project 2 300
Project 3 300
Conclution 300

What is media?
Media is a communication channel that presents the content of a substance,
whether it is news. Information, entertainment and advertising to the people.
Technology have changing is brings a change of media formats improved since
the change is a personal media publications and develop a form of electronic
media is the media, radio and television media. At present, the development of
technology does not stand still.
Internet media developed to increase communication. So said that the
transformation of media technology systems can be divided into two types
according to the characteristics of the media for broadcasting, television is the
traditional media and new media. (Porgit Smbatiphanich, 2004)
[1.]Traditional Media is the media acts as a messenger sent to recipients
via a single receiver can not reply directly to the sender. It can be
subdivided by The media acts as a messenger only refers to media that
acts sent letters or sounds or pictures to only include newspaper,
telegraph and radio, the medium that transmits two compounds is sending
audio and video simultaneously include TV-movie material.
[2.]New media is media that allows senders and receivers act messenger
and simultaneous exposure to two-way communication and media also
acts as a messenger to many common video, audio and text
simultaneously by incorporating the traditional media with the
advancement of technology related. The media can have two-way
communication over the network and its potential as a media mix or
multimedia. Nowaday New Media developed a variety of known and more
popular (Burnett, R. and Marshall D. P. 2003: 40-41).
The role of communication technology today, such as computers, satellite
communication, Telephone network, audio visual equipment have an impact to
traditional media. Which include newspapers, magazines, radio television is
called digital revolution. It will make information available in any form, such as
text, audio, animations, images or graphics has morphed into another language
are all the same is able to read and pass quickly to computer can also be present
in any combination to meet the needs of active users is called digitization. The

system has made a number of important factors that may cause the "new
media" as the media are concerned with the computer system and reflection or
interactive. Expectations from new media will be able to meet its needs of people
is more effective than traditional media. The new media is not limited in time and
space as well as the limitations of traditional media ever before.

Porgit Smbatiphanich (2004)
Advertising in the decade 2000-2010: The study analyzed the media on
advertising model. Doctoral Thesis ,Board of material science and media
Thammasat University.

Burnett, R. and David P. M. (2003). Web Theory. London: Routlege.

Kevin, Kawamoto. (2540). 10 Thing should Know about New Media.

In The Seminar for Technology Educators of The Freedom Forum Pacific
Coast Center San Francisco (pp )

Sursiththi Withyarath, New media development: Digital language influences on

patterns of human communication and its impact on media ethics.
Board of Management from Rachphatt swnsunantha university

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