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The study of protein give a lot of benefits in medical and biotechnological fields. The
study provide us with a useful information on both cells and organism structure and
biological processes. Besides, we can identify which part of gene that involve in
manipulations of DNA and RNA through replication, combination and slicing of the DNA
and RNA.
The purpose of protein purification is to isolate one or a few proteins from the
complex mixture and finally separate the desired protein from all other proteins. The method
that can be used to purify the proteins is size exclusion chromatography or gel filtration that
separate the proteins based on the charge or chromatography and affinity chromatography.
Before the purification can be done, there were several requirements need to be follow to
carry out the process. The requirements are the sample that wanted to purify is needed, buffer
solution that is suitable to our protein, temperature stability, organic solvents stability,
detergent requirement, and hydrophobicity.
Protein purification is one of the very important process and beneficial to me as a
future pharmacist. By purifying a protein, a valuable biochemical reagents can be obtained
such as hormones, antibodies and DNA polymerase. Once the protein has been purified, it is
possible for us to study the enzymatic activity or metabolic activity of the protein. Based on
this application or process, we can identify specific enzymes based on its enzymology
towards a particular disease from that particular protein or DNA. Thus, pharmacist can
develop a therapy or medication for the specific disease.
Besides that, protein purification also allow us to produce antibodies that are capable
of determining the location of that protein which can give significant support or hypothesis
and disprove incorrect speculations. This may help pharmacist to structure and design a
specific reagents that can be used to test the ability of the protein based on the structure
function relationship.
As conclusion, the protein purification process is one of the essential processes in the
development of new drugs for treating a specific disease. This process allow us to develop
new drugs or improve the efficiency of the drugs that are available in the market. Pharmacist
can develop a therapy by using recombinant DNA technology which has better production of
therapy and more benefits compared to traditional method. On the other hands, by protein
purification, pharmacist not only can find the cure but also prevention whereby vaccine can
be produced.

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