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Chapter 2 : "Milestones in the History of Information and Computer Ethics"

Terrel Ward Bynum

"The great principles of justice, these principles offer a foundation for ethics
across cultures; and they still leave room for-indeed, welcome-immense cultural
What I expect to learn :
I expect that I should be able to accpet the precedents of traditions and polici
es that are insufficient to settle the question or deal with the case, use the p
urpose of a human life plus the great principles of justice to find a solution t
hat fits as well as possible into the ethical traditions of the given society.
There are four steps in were to take almost instantaneously and without human
intervention, we remarkable insight and foresight, Norber Wiener is a scientist
working with a groups including engineers who were invovled with him in the inte
rvention of digital computer radar. He said that "When the war ended, Wiener wro
te a book about the new science of cybernetics that he and his colleagues had cr
eated.Two years later he followed up it up with second book about the likely soc
ial and ethical impacts of the new information technologies with these books-app
rarently without realizing it- Wiener laid the foundations of infomation ethics
and computer ethics, it is clrea that Wiener is very serious taking and creating
a Book with his colleagues I think that being with his colleagues and having th
e others share their ideas with Wiener, Wiener produced two book that are very i
mportant to us nowadays. Typical ethics, Wiener analyzed or at least touched upo
n, decades ago.
Wiener's cybernetic account of human nature and society leads to the view that
people are fundamentally social beings who can reach their full potential only
by actively participating in communities of similar beings. Society, therefore,
is essential to a good human life. But a despotic society could be oppressive an
d thereby stifle human freedom.Ethical relativists sometimes cite the wide diver
sity of cultures in the world-with different values, laws, codes, and practives-
as evidence that there is no underlying ethical foundation that can apply everyw
here. Wiener could respond that his account of human nature and the purpose of h
uman life can embrace and welcome a rich variety of cultures and practices while
still advocating adherence to "the great principles of justice". Thse principle
s offer a foundation for ethics across cultures; and they still leave room for-i
ndeed. welcome-immense cultural diversity.
What I have learned :
I learned that Information age that Weiner predicted half a century ago has come
into existence; and metaphysical and scientific foundation for information ethi
cs that he laid down can still provide insight and effective guidance for unders
tanding and resovling many ethical challenges.
Integrative Questions
1.) What is developments of maner?
2.) What is computer ethics initiative?
3.) What is influential textbook of uniqueness debate?
4.) What is philosophy faculty ?
5.) What is classic paper influential computer theory?

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