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Baloch Sardar Watch

Unpredictable sardars are threat to baloch people.

Problem Called Khair Baux & Sons Ltd,

Khair Baux & Sons. Co.Ltd want everyone to be either under them or get lost. In their head
small chip is programmed that "we are the best and the rest of Baloch must follow us". We
have to upgrade their whole system via sites like sardar watch. This is a typical “Slave
Master” mentality, or we call Baloch Sardar mentality. One Mr.Mehrab said “Sardars are
product of Baluch tribal society, without a tribe there wouldn’t be a Sardar.” In his opinion “
the fault is in the social organization.”


Let everyone work in their own way without attacking one another. No one will follow
other. Simple solution. When dealing with enemy one must adopt collective approach, all
political groups must be represented at negotiation table.

Call all-party conference & Draft constitution for Balochistan

It is time to call an all-party conference by a wise person (NOT Khair Baux of course) to
instill a sense of unity and resistance among people. The conference must appoint a
drafting committee under an able expert or leader to draw up a constitution for

Baloch Independence Movement

Baloch community have to learn something from “Indian National Movement”, things like,
how it has gone thru various phases and how it saw participation of various groups from
various regions culminating to independence. In this regard let us phrase Baloch
Independence Movement from the Wikipedia as “a movement that encompasses a wide
spectrum of political organizations, philosophies, and movements with common aim of ending
Pakistan occupation of our mother land. The term incorporates campaigns, agitations and
efforts of both nonviolent and militant philosophy.”

Baloch Sardar Watch

Learn from Indian National Movement

Read Indian National Movement :


A Sardar psycho wrote this about Khair Baux Marri & Sons
“Waja KBM is not a person only .we ,the majority of Baluch, clearly know that he is the name
of an ideology, vision, movement and revolution itself and sacrifices of him and his great
sons are unmatched in the world of revolution and never be forgettable”

Was Nawab Khair Baksh Marri ever on the forefront of the armed movement? Asad Rehman say "
No", his role was a political leader's role. Khair Baksh Marri, swindled money and ordered search of
women. "Khair Baksh ordered Mir Hazar’s weapons taken away when they were returning to
Balochistan and it is also alleged that he had Mir Hazar’s women searched. This is of course is
against all Baloch customs and honor.". A man of such low moral fiber violates Baloch customs and
honor, can never be leader of baloch people. Every self-respecting Baloch must neither forget this
nor forgive him.

How things work in a Democratic setup

Baloch Sardar Watch

This is some kind of joke? People are dying and disappearing in Balochistan and so much time and
energy is wasted on the merits of holding a conference?

This is what political leaders–and political enemies–AROUND THE WORLD do to resolve their
differences–they MEET to hash things out.

 They meet in small groups.

 They meet in large groups. Whoever is available.
 And then they return to their corners and revise and fine tune their ideas.

One meeting is not the end of all meetings. And no one’s behavior is written in stone–people and their
beliefs change. It is possible to win people over–but it takes DIALOGUE. This practice of knifing each
other in the back–this does NOTHING to move your goals forward at all–it only sets you back and
buries any good will there might be. It does not create an environment that allows people to come over
from other sides. It only creates an environment that perpetuates a downward spiral of mistrust and
nastiness and outsiders will pick you off one-by-one–as they have done throughout your history. You
do NOT need to be conducting a truth commission at this point. It is time to discuss what a free
Balochistan would look like–how it would be run, how it will develop, so that people within and
without the country, have something to discuss other than personalities, leaders who have not been
elected, and who is doing what to undermine the cause. (Wendy Johnson Bangkok conference

No one is leader in today’s Balochistan, all are Sarmachars

Ms.Wendy Johnson from US who runs website rightly point to the people
that as of now there are no general election in to claim anyone as leader of Balochistan.
Here is the definition that can help some psychopaths to understand “ When I refer to
leaders in my note above, I am not referring to any current tribal, political or resistance
leaders. I am referring to the fact that (as far as I know), Balochistan is not yet
independent. Its citizens (the general public) have not participated in a general
election to elect a president, prime minister, etc. I was simply trying to point out that if I
knew my 'enemies' were going to attend a conference, I would be the first one to show up,
express my point of view and participate in an honest debate. Democracy is messy and noisy
and rightly so--there is much to be worked out in every non-autocratic society. Thank you,
Wendy Johnson”

Message to Khair Baux & Sons Ltd

We working middle class Baloch do not follow you. Or some people do not follow you. You
& your Sons are NOT fit to be our leaders. Do you have any problem? Don’t we have right
to form an organization and fight the enemy in our way? Do you believe in Democratic
principles and values or principles of Stone Age era.

Baloch Sardar Watch

Mehrab’s View on Sardar/tribal System

“It is not to me to say the tribal system is good; one has to judge for itself, one can fix a
machine if he/she knew the Machine, than what is wrong with it, reappearing it would be
last stage.We have a tribal system in Baluchistan. By denying the tribal system it would not
disappear. If you are a Baluch, it is your democratic right to oppose the system or change it
completely as long as it is civilized I don’t think anyone has objection. Baluch social moral
values based on tribal and religious values. One must work out a replacement for the tribal
system. Education and job can promote individualism, and self-realization but Baluchistan
right now deprived from both. Assimilation into Persian and Punjabi system also is not the
answers. Baluch social organization must be reformed by the Baluch for the Baluch.
Sardars are product of Baluch tribal society, without a tribe there wouldn’t be a Sardar. In
my opinion the fault is in the social organization. “

Baloch Sardar Watch

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