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Please see below further interview questions and answers, please remember my answers
are not conclusive and to try and think of others yourselves. All answers must have lots of
detail when possible. Try to imagine you are in the situation and explain step by step what
you would do. If you are asked about a question where you have never experienced the
situation then just say what you would do if this did happen to you. Lots of detail in your
answers is the key to passing the interview.

How to deliver good standard of nursing care?

In the UK nurses use what we call the NURSING PROCESS. You can use the steps of the
NURSING PROCESS for any nursing problem and it is very important that you make sure in
your interview you use these words:
2. I WILL ASSESS THE NEEDS of the resident/patient
3. I WILL PLAN CARE that I give to my patients (In UK the nurses will write a care plan listing
their actions to take)
4. I WILL MONITOR the care we provide
5. I WILL EVALUATE the care delivered

What will your responsibilities as a nurse in the UK be?

- Follow the NMC code of conduct as well as policies of my employer

- I must ASSESS, PLAN, MONITOR & EVALUATE care provided to my patients
- I will be accountable for all my actions and make sure that I practise safe nursing
- I must PROTECT my patients from any kind of ABUSE and KEEP THEM SAFE

- I must keep improving my English so that I communicate with full confidence with my
patients/ staff/ families (THERE ARE MANY COURSES)

If you are giving out the medications and a patient refuses to take the medicine, what
would you do?

I would try to find out why they do not wish to take them and answer any questions
they may have about the medication

I would explain the importance of taking them and what might happen if they don't
(without scaring them!)

I would ask another nurse to try and ask the patient

I would try a little later on to see if they might take them

If they still would not take them, I would consider phoning a family member who
might be able to speak to them over the phone and persuade them to take them.

Failing everything I would ensure I document it correctly in their medicine

prescription kardex and in the patients notes.

If this continued to happen I would speak to the GP to advise of the situation and
discuss alternatives

What qualities do you think are important for a Nurse in care of the elderly?

I believe that all nurses regardless of who they look after should be kind, caring,
patient, be trustworthy, motivated, honest, reliable, punctual, sympathetic and be
able to prioritise the care needs of all their patients.

In relation to caring for elderly I believe you need to have a bit more patience as the
elderly can be very slow at daily tasks eg eating, washing, dressing ect..but it is part
of our job to promote independence wherever possible and to be patient during
each task.

We also need good understanding of dementia and the best ways in which to deal
with its symptoms, this usually entails getting to know patients on an individual basis
and what may be a good intervention or one patient may not work for the next.

Taking time to get to know my patients is therefore essential to a good working


If a patient collapses what would you do?

Assess the situation, is it safe to approach the patient?

Call for help

Assess the patient ABC - commence CPR if necessary, follow the CPR protocol and
get the necessary help.

If not necessary and patient is still conscious ask how they feel now, how they felt
before it happened and when it happened?

Make patient comfortable until able to decide if it is safe to move them or do you
need a medical assessment

Maybe speak with or get the GP on call to assess or emergency ambulance

Check clinical observations (b/p, pulse, respirations, spo2,) Monitor as condition


Document incident

Complete an incident form

Inform family if patient allows or if an emergency situation

You have a patient with non insulin diabetes and their BM is between 3 & 4. What would
you do?

Check what the patients normal range is for this time of day

Ask if they have eaten, or are they about to eat?

Ask how they feel?

Review plan in place for patients diabetes treatment and treat as per plan.

If there is no plan in place and the BM is low for them I will ensure I give them
something to eat (biscuits, glass of milk or coke)

Recheck BM after 30 mins and again if seen necessary

If it continues to be low/lower consider using glucogel

Contact GP if still concerned

Advise patient to call for nurse should they feel in anyway different (increased heart
rate, perspiration, agitated, blurred vision...)

Monitor situation, do they take oral medication for their diabetes, does it need

Document situation and ensure other staff members are informed.

Do you understand the term abuse? Explain to me what the term abuse means to you.

Abuse is any action that intentionally harms or injures another person. It also
encompasses inappropriate use of any substance, especially those that alter
consciousness (e.g., alcohol, cocaine, methamphetamines).

There are several major types of abuse: physical abuse, sexual abuse, substance
abuse, elder abuse, and psychological abuse.

If you are the nurse in charge and a nurse called in sick, what would you do?

Ask the sick nurse to keep us up to date of when she will return

Look at the staff roster and try to make changes by asking other staff to swap shifts
or do extra

Cover any immediate shift myself if I am unable to get cover

Follow the policy in place for emergency cover eg: phone nursing agency if possible

Advise the manager of the situation when they return

How will you manage a new admission?

I will admit the patient as per the policy/procedure in place.

I will assess what needs addressing and prioritise

I will assess the patients 'Activities of daily living' Maintaining a safe environment,
Communication, Breathing, Eating and drinking, Elimination, Washing and dressing,
Controlling temperature, Mobilisation, Working and playing, Expressing sexuality,
Sleeping, Death and dying and prepare care plans accordingly.

I will orientate the patient to the new environment and show them how to call for

I will explain the day to day routine and ask about their likes, dislike, preferences eg;
do they like to eat in the dining room with others or alone in their room.

Ask them what they consider to be of most importance to them whilst staying with
us and advise others of these things to try and make them feel as comfortable as

This list is endless.......

A resident has a history of chronic heart failure, with a low bp, poor oral intake over 24
hours also taking diuretic, what action would you take?

I appreciate the resident has heart failure however I would hold the diuretic until I
had the patient assessed by a doctor.

I would ask the resident to remain on bed rest with their legs raised to try and
increase the b/p

I would ask why they have not been drinking and treat any problems in relation to
this and advise the importance of drinking

I would assist with drinking needs

I would carry out anything ordered by the doctor e.g.; IV Fluids, monitoring of input
and output, regular monitoring of clinical observations (bp, pulse, resp ect)

Ensure the patient is comfortable and has the nurse call bell to hand.

Advise patient not to mobilise alone until we get the bp at satisfactory level, in case
they should feel light headed and faint.

Advise all staff on shift of the situation

Document everything

What action would you take if you find a resident on the floor complaining of leg pain?

Get help

Assess the situation and approach if safe to do so

Ensure the patient is as comfortable as possible whilst you assess them

Assess the patient -how did it happen, did the fall, where is the pain, what type of
pain is it, is the pain constant

Check the clinical observations - temp, pulse, bp ect...

Look at the leg for signs of a break, did they hear a crack

Speak with the doctor or phone for an ambulance dependent on the assessment

Only mobilise if certain there is no break otherwise await the doctor or ambulance
and make patient as comfortable as possible

You find a resident who is non responsive, what action would you take?

call for help

immediately instigate CPR protocol - ABCD....

(At this point in your interview, (please explain each step of CPR and what you will
do and why)

If you are the nurse on day shift and two residents develop vomiting and diarrhoea, what
action would you take?

Immediately instigate the protocol for possible infection prevention spread eg:
wearing appropriate clothing when entering the rooms, putting up signs on doors if
appropriate, wash clothing and bedding as per policy for infected linen.

Inform patient of possible infection status and allow time for questions and relieve

Obtain samples of faeces for testing (send for O and S and CDIF if seen necessary)
(organism and sensitivity and clostridium dificile)( to send for cdif the sample must
be water like and if this is suspected then alcohol gel must not be used for hand
decontamination and soap and water washing is essential)

Isolate the patients to their room

Inform all staff of possible infection status including domestic staff (cleaners) and
kitchen staff

Ensure nurse in charge is aware

Speak with the doctor and carry out anything they request

monitor the patient for signs of dehydration, commence on an input and output

monitor dietary intake

administer anti-emetics, anti-diarrhoea medications as the doctor has prescribe

Limit visitors to the residents and ensure they are aware of hygiene procedures.

Inform kitchen staff and discuss the last 24 hours menu, ???could it be food

Possibly stop visitors entering home if more residents develop symptoms

What is the reverse barrier technique?

Protective Isolation, otherwise known as reverse barrier nursing, is the separation of a
patient who is at high risk from diseases and organisms that are carried by others. The policy
that is put into place helps to prevent a patient from infection from another patient.

An example of a patient who would require protective isolation is somebody who has a
damaged immune system, which would make them more susceptible to catching diseases
from other patients. The patient would need to be moved to a single room or ward, which
contains a hand washbasin and a toilet. The door to the isolation room should be kept
closed at all times, and only opened for entrances and exits that were vital for the care of
the patient. The number of staff accessing the room would be kept to a bare minimum so as
to limit the risk of further infection.
A member of staff who is nursing a patient with an infection should not be treating a patient
who is in protective isolation. Furthermore, any staff with any infections should not be
permitted into the room at any time. A notice stating that the patient in the room is in
isolation should be clearly visible on the door of the room, and the situation should be
closely and constantly monitored. All staff and visitors should be made aware of the
protective isolation and the risks thereof. Staff members who are given access to the room
should wear rubber gloves and masks for the extra security of the patient. Visitors are not
usually allowed when a patient is in protective isolation.
Explain the technique of taking the pulse.

How do I check the pulse on my wrist?

Place your index and middle fingers on the inside of your wrist, below your thumb.

Use a watch with a second hand and count your pulse for 60 seconds.

Write down your pulse rate, the date, time, and which side was used to take the
pulse. Also write down anything you notice about your pulse, such as that it is weak,
strong, or missing beats.

How do I check the pulse on my neck?

Place your index and middle fingers on one side of your neck, just under your jaw,
where your neck and jaw meet.

Use a watch with a second hand and count your pulse for 60 seconds.

Write down your pulse rate, the date, time, and which side was used to take the
pulse. Also write down anything you notice about your pulse, such as that it is weak,
strong, or missing beats.

How would you ensure your patient/residents would have a happy life?

Each patient should be assessed on an individual basis about their likes and dislikes

Every effort should then be made to ensure that each individuals likes are addressed
eg 'playing bingo or other games, receiving books to read, watching television
programmes, going on trips out.

Ensuring they are receiving food and drinks that they like

Ensuring they are comfortable at all times especially if they are bed/chair bound

Being respectful of their religious beliefs and having ministers visit if they request

Ensuring dignity is maintained at all times

Promoting their independence

Could you explain why diet is important for elderly patients?

Maintaining your cardiovascular health during the later years of life is important,
particularly because heart disease was avoid eating foods that contain unhealthy fats
and to increase your intake of healthy fats. Unhealthy fats -- such as trans fats found
in processed

As you age, your bones begin to lose strength. Bone-related diseases, such as
osteomalacia and osteoporosis, are associated with increased risk of fractures.
Vitamin D and calcium are important nutrients that can help you maintain strong

Good nutrition can help you sustain your mental health. Older people are at
increased risk of experiencing depression, according to the Centres for Disease
Control and Prevention.

Older adults are at increased risk of developing cardiovascular, metabolic and

cancer-related diseases due to inadequate dietary intakes of nutrients; prolonged
malnourishment results in rapid deterioration of health and early death. Healthy
nutrition habits as you age are imperative not only for physical wellness, but also
mental well-being and quality of life. Improving the nutrition habits of an elderly
patient involves recognizing the physiological changes that impact appetite and
creatively formulating a plan that works for the individual.

Calories supply the body with energy to conduct normal daily activities.

A nutritious diet can significantly improve health and quality of life in older adults.
Along with avoiding tobacco and remaining physical active, a healthy diet can reduce
the risk of developing chronic conditions such as cardiovascular disease and cancer.

If you had a patient has problems with falling a lot, how would you manage this? What do
you think some of the causes would be?

Speak with the patient and find out why they think it is happening.

Try to find out the cause and manage it appropriately (eg: what is their diet like,
have they got pains,

Assess patient safety and commence any protocol seen necessary to prevent further

Ensure nurse call bell is to hand at all times

What do you understand the word dignity to mean?

Dignity is a term used in moral, ethical, legal, and political discussions to signify that
a being has an innate right to be valued and receive ethical treatment.

The RCN believes that every member of the nursing workforce should prioritise
dignity in care, placing it at the heart of everything we do. Yet while dignity is clearly
a vital component of care, the RCN is concerned that it is beginning to be lost.

When dignity is absent from care, people feel devalued, lacking control and comfort.
They may also lack confidence, be unable to make decisions for themselves, and feel
humiliated, embarrassed and ashamed.

Providing dignity in care centres on three integral aspects: respect, compassion and
sensitivity. In practice, this means:

Respecting patients' and clients' diversity and cultural needs; their privacy - including
protecting it as much as possible in large, open-plan hospital wards; and the
decisions they make

Being compassionate when a patient or client and/or their relatives need emotional
support, rather than just delivering technical nursing care

Demonstrating sensitivity to patients' and clients' needs, ensuring their comfort.

Patients and clients can also experience dignity - or its absence - in what they wear,
such as gowns, and in the physical environment where treatment takes place. For

facilities such as toilets should be well maintained and cleaned regularly

curtains between beds should close properly to offer some measure of privacy

toilet doors should be closed when in use

bays in wards should be single-sex

gowns should be designed and made in a way that allows them to be fastened
properly to avoid accidental exposure

privacy should be provided for private conversations, intimate care and personal
activities, such as going to the toilet. (RCN)

What means the following scores: Glasgow and Waterlow?

The Glasgow Coma Scale or GCS is a neurological scale that aims to give a reliable, objective
way of recording the conscious state of a person for initial as well as subsequent
assessment. A patient is assessed against the criteria of the scale, and the resulting points
give a patient score between 3 (indicating deep unconsciousness) and either 14 (original
scale) or 15 (the more widely used modified or revised scale).
GCS was initially used to assess level of consciousness after head injury, and the scale is now
used by first aid, EMS, nurses and doctors as being applicable to all acute medical and
trauma patients. In hospitals it is also used in monitoring chronic patients in intensive care.
The Waterlow score permits patients to be classified according to their risk of developing a
pressure sore.
The categories of risk factors are listed below:

weight for height


skin condition


sex and age


special risks:

tissue condition and perfusion

neurological dysfunction

major surgery or trauma


The score in each section is summated to give the overall score which indicates the relative

0-9 - low risk

10-14 - at risk

15-19 - high risk

20+ - very high risk

A systematic review found that the Waterlow score offers a high sensitivity score (82.4%),
but low specificity (27.4%), in the risk assessment of pressure ulcers (2).

You are the nurse in charge and a patient comes to you to say,No one has taken me to
the toilet today and my pad is wet. What would you do?

Take the patient to the bathroom and tend to their skin care needs immediately.

Reassure the patient this matter will be dealt with, ask if this happens regularly or if
this is the first time.

Relieve the patients anxieties.

Offer a complaints form to the patient.

Investigate why this happened and deal with it; speak with the
care assistants and the nurse in charge if seen necessary.

Monitor this situation and ensure other staff are made aware of what happened and
that it should never happen again.

What is Urinary Tract Infections and which are the symptoms?

Urinary tract infections (UTI) aren't just a nuisance they can cause serious health
problems. A urinary tract infection happens when bacteria in the bladder or kidney
multiplies in the urine. Left untreated, a urinary tract infection can become something more
serious than merely a set of uncomfortable symptoms. UTIs can lead to acute or chronic
kidney infections, which could permanently damage the kidneys and even lead to kidney

failure. UTIs are also a leading cause of sepsis, a potentially life-threatening infection of the
The population most likely to experience UTIs is the elderly. Elderly people are more
vulnerable to UTIs for many reasons, not the least of which is their overall susceptibility to
all infections due to the suppressed immune system that comes with age and certain agerelated conditions, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Younger people tend to empty the bladder completely upon urination, which helps to keep
bacteria from accumulating within the bladder. But elderly men and women experience a
weakening of the muscles of the bladder, which leads to more urine being retained in the
bladder, poor bladder emptying and incontinence, which can lead to UTIs.
Symptoms of UTIs
The typical signs and symptoms of a UTI include:

Urine that appears cloudy

Bloody urine

Strong or foul-smelling urine odor

Frequent or urgent need to urinate

Pain or burning with urination

Pressure in the lower pelvis

Low-grade fever

Night sweats, shaking, or chills

What indicates the colour of the nails of a patient?

Changes in the fingernails can indicate everything from heart disease to thyroid problems
and malnutrition. Here are some nail conditions that might require medical attention.
Nail Separates from Nail Bed
What it looks like: Fingernails become loose and can separate from the nail bed.
Possible causes:

Injury or infection

Thyroid disease

Drug reactions


Reactions to nail hardeners

Yellow Nails
What it looks like: Yellow discoloration in the fingernails. Nails thicken and new growth
slows. Nails may lack a cuticle and may detach from the nail bed.
Possible causes:

Respiratory conditions, such as chronic bronchitis

Swelling of the hands (lymphedema)

Spoon Nails
What it looks like: Soft nails that look scooped out. In spoon nails (koilonychia), the
depression usually is large enough to hold a drop of liquid.
Possible causes:

Iron deficiency


Nail Clubbing
What it looks like: The tips of the fingers become enlarged and the nails curve around the
Possible causes:

Low oxygen levels in the blood, which could point to heart disease

Inflammatory bowel disease

Cardiovascular disease

Liver disease

Opaque Nails
What it looks like: Nails look mostly opaque but have a dark band at the tips (a condition
known as Terry's Nails)
Possible causes:


Congestive heart failure


Liver disease

If your senior parent has one of these nail problems, and it doesn't go away, make an
appointment with your doctor to get it diagnosed.

Which are the main types of diabetes and talk a little about each one?
Type 1 Diabetes

Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease. An autoimmune disease results when the body's
system for fighting infection (the immune system) turns against a part of the body. In
diabetes, the immune system attacks and destroys the insulin-producing beta cells in the
pancreas. The pancreas then produces little or no insulin. A person who has type 1 diabetes
must take insulin daily to live.
At present, scientists do not know exactly what causes the body's immune system to attack
the beta cells, but they believe that autoimmune, genetic, and environmental factors,
possibly viruses, are involved. Type 1 diabetes accounts for about 5 to 10 percent of
diagnosed diabetes in the United States.
Symptoms include:

Increased thirst

Increased urination

Constant hunger

Weight loss

Blurred vision

Extreme fatigue

If not diagnosed and treated with insulin, a person with type 1 diabetes can lapse into a lifethreatening diabetic coma, also known as diabetic ketoacidosis.
Type 2 Diabetes
The most common form of diabetes is type 2 diabetes. About 90 to 95 percent of people
with diabetes have type 2. This form of diabetes is most often associated with older age,
obesity, family history of diabetes, and physical inactivity,
Type 2 diabetes, formerly called adult-onset or noninsulindependent diabetes, is the most
common form of diabetes. This form of diabetes usually begins with insulin resistance, a
condition in which fat, muscle, and liver cells do not use insulin properly. At first, the
pancreas keeps up with the added demand by producing more insulin. In time, however, it

loses the ability to secrete enough insulin in response to meals. People who are overweight
and inactive are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes.
The symptoms of type 2 diabetes develop gradually. Their onset is not as sudden as in type
1 diabetes. Symptoms may include:


Frequent urination

Increased thirst and hunger

Weight loss

Blurred vision

Slow healing of wounds or sores

Some people have no symptoms.

Treatment includes taking diabetes medicines, making wise food choices, exercising
regularly, controlling blood pressure and cholesterol, and taking aspirin dailyfor some.
Read more on Type 2 Diabetes

Gestational Diabetes
Some women develop gestational diabetes late in pregnancy. Although this form of diabetes
usually goes away after the baby is born, a woman who has had gestational diabetes is more
likely to develop type 2 diabetes later in life.

How can you control diabetes?

A major goal of treatment is to control the ABCs of diabetes: A1C (blood glucose average),
Blood pressure, and Cholesterol.

Talk to your health care team about how to manage your A1C (blood glucose or sugar),
Blood pressure, and Cholesterol. This will help lower your chances of having a heart attack, a
stroke, or other diabetes problems. Here's what the ABCs of diabetes stand for:

A for the A1C test. The A1C Test shows you what your blood glucose has been over
the last three months. The A1C goal for most people is below 7. High blood glucose
levels can harm your heart and blood vessels, kidneys, feet, and eyes.

B for Blood pressure. The goal for most people is 130/80. High blood pressure makes
your heart work too hard. It can cause heart attack, stroke, and kidney disease.

C for Cholesterol. The LDL goal for most people is less than 100. The HDL goal for
most people is above 40. LDL or "bad" cholesterol can build up and clog your blood
vessels. It can cause a heart attack or a stroke. HDL or "good" cholesterol helps
remove cholesterol from your blood vessels.

What is a pressure ulcer?

A pressure ulcer is an ulcerated area of skin caused by irritation and continuous pressure on
part of the body. It starts as an area of skin damage. The damage can then spread to the
tissues underlying the skin. In severe cases, there can be permanent damage to muscle or
bone underneath the skin. Pressure ulcers can be very painful and can take a very long time


Pressure ulcers can affect any area of the body but are more common over bony
prominences (places where your bones are close to your skin). Common areas for pressure
ulcers to occur are around your sacrum (the lower part of the backbone), your heels, your
elbows, your hips, your back, your bottom, the back of your head and your shoulders.
Pressure ulcers can develop very quickly. In people who are at high risk (see below), it can
take less than an hour for a pressure ulcer to develop.
What causes pressure ulcers?

Pressure ulcers are caused by the pressure from the weight of your body pressing down on
your skin. They usually occur when a bony prominence is pressed against a surface such as a
chair or a bed. This compresses the skin and the underlying tissues and can also damage
blood vessels. Friction (rubbing) of your skin can also play a part in the formation of a
pressure ulcer. Friction can happen, for example, if you are dragged across a surface such as


If you are spending long periods in bed or in a chair, you may slide down and need to be
pulled back up again by someone else (or you may be able to pull yourself back up).
However, as these sliding and pulling movements happen, the layers of your skin also slide
over each other, as well as over the underlying tissues. These sliding or 'shearing' forces can
also contribute to pressure ulcer formation.
Changes to the skin as it ages may make this sliding of the skin more likely. A lot of moisture
around the skin (for example, if you have urinary or faecal incontinence or you are sweating
a lot) can increase the effects of pressure, friction and shearing forces. Damp skin becomes
softer and more fragile.
Using the correct preventative measures (see below) should mean that most pressure ulcers
are avoidable.
Who gets pressure ulcers?
Most pressure ulcers occur when someone is admitted to hospital. They affect between 1 to
5 in every 100 people admitted to hospital. However, pressure ulcers can also develop in
someone at home, or in a nursing or residential home.
A pressure ulcer is more likely to develop if you:

Are seriously ill (including someone in an intensive care unit).

Are not very mobile (for example, you may be confined to a chair or a bed),
particularly if you are not able to change your position without help from someone

Have had a spinal cord injury (this means you are unable to move or feel your legs,
and sometimes your arms).

Have a poor diet.

Are wearing a prosthesis (for example, an artificial limb), a body brace or a plaster

Are a smoker.

Are incontinent of urine or faeces (this causes damp skin which is more easily

Have diabetes (this can affect sensation and ability to feel pain over parts of the

Have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or heart failure.

Have Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease or rheumatoid arthritis.

Have recently had a broken hip or undergone hip surgery.

Have peripheral vascular disease (poor circulation in your legs or arms, caused by
narrowing of your arteries by atheroma).

What do pressure ulcers look like?

Pressure ulcers can look different depending on how severe they are. They are graded
depending on their severity and how deep they go:

Grade 1 - your skin is permanently red but is not broken at all. It may feel warm,
hard or slightly swollen. In dark-skinned people, your skin may be purple or blue in

Grade 2 - the ulcer is still superficial. It may look like a blister or abrasion.

Grade 3 - the ulcer goes through the full thickness of the skin and there is damage to
the tissues underneath the skin.

Grade 4 - this is the most severe form. The ulcer is deep and there is damage to
muscle or bone underneath.

Preventing pressure ulcers

The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) has produced guidelines with
recommendations for best practice for the prevention of pressure ulcers. NICE recommends
that all people who are admitted to hospital, a nursing home or similar, or people who are
receiving nursing care at home, should be assessed for their risk of developing a pressure
ulcer. This is usually done by a healthcare professional (usually a nurse). This assessment









There are various pressure ulcer risk assessment scales that may be used, looking at factors
such as your diet, your mobility, your continence, your consciousness level, any underlying
illnesses that you may have, etc.
What treatments are often needed for pressure ulcers?

Pain relief - a pressure ulcer can be painful. Simple painkillers like paracetamol may
be helpful. Sometimes stronger painkillers are needed.

A change to your diet - a poor diet can slow the healing of a pressure ulcer.

Dressings - various different dressings may be used, including gel and foam-based

Antibiotics - these may be needed if there are any signs of infection.

Surgery - sometimes surgery is needed to remove damaged or dead skin. The

medical term that is used for this type of surgery is 'debridement'. Sometimes plastic
surgery may be used to close a pressure ulcer that is not healing. Skin grafts may be

What are the main characteristics of a care plan?

1. Its focus is holistic, and is based on the clinical judgment of the nurse, using
assessment data collected from a nursing framework.
2. It is based upon identifiable nursing diagnoses (actual, risk or health promotion) clinical judgments about individual, family, or community experiences/responses to
actual or potential health problems/life processes.
3. It focuses on client-specific nursing outcomes that are realistic for the care recipient
4. It includes nursing interventions which are focused on the risk factors of the
identified nursing diagnoses.

A Care plan can address any number of issues that range from extreme aggression, gaining
weight, Physiotherapy or stopping smoking, to getting more communication with other
residents/family members

What it is essential when it comes to good medication ?

Build strong trusting relationships as these are fundamental to how well care is delivered.
Take time to communicate, update records, and share information.
Ensure regular and formal reviews of care plans and medication.
Prioritise safety by protecting the drugs round, improving systems and attention to detail.
Identify, capture and develop good practice and help disseminate this to staff.
Make use of relevant health professionals to ensure medication practices are safe.
Clarify roles and responsibilities to ensure smoother communication and safer care.
Consider medication as part of a holistic approach to care to ensure that decisions are
always made in the interests of the resident and their voice is heard.

In conclusion, care home staff need to be aware of the importance of managing medicines
safely; be confident to recognise and deal with problems as they occur; and be encouraged
to report and learn from previous mistakes

It is also Important to:

Keep medicines locked away at all times

Will have their medicines at the times they need them and in a safe way

Wherever possible will have information about the medicine being prescribed made
available to them for others acting on their behalf

Handle medicines safely, securely and appropriately

Ensure that medicines are prescribed and given by people safely

Follow published guidance about how to use medicines safely

Any medications administered are recorded immediately and accurately

What key concepts that combine to make person-centred care a reality are?

Person-centred care aims to ensure a person is an equal partner in their health care. The
individual and the health system benefit because the individual experiences greater
satisfaction with their care and the health systems is more cost-effective.

Key concepts:

respect and holism

power and empowerment

choice and autonomy

empathy and compassion.

They may be thought of as making different contributions to the overall idea of dignity.
A good care home will follow the principles of person-centred care. This approach aims to
see the person with vulnerability as an individual, rather than focusing on their illness or on
abilities they may have lost. Instead of treating the person as a collection of symptoms and
behaviours to be controlled, person-centred care considers the whole person, taking into

account each individual's unique qualities, abilities, interests, preferences and needs.
Person-centred care also means treating residents with dignity and respect

What do you understand by Safeguarding Vulnerable adults principle?

Safeguarding Adults is the principle that all adults should be able to live free from fear or
harm and have their rights and choices respected.

Vulnerable adults are people who are at a greater than normal risk of abuse. Older people
are vulnerable, especially those who are unwell, frail, confused and unable either to stand
up for themselves or keep track of their affairs.

Older people are more at risk they are normally dependent on someone else.. Abusers may
create a feeling of dependency and may also make the vulnerable person feel isolated, that
nobody else cares for them and that they're on their own.

Broadly speaking, a vulnerable adult is aged 18 or over, receives or may need community
care services because of a disability, age or illness, and who is or may be unable to take care
of themselves or protect themselves against significant harm or exploitation.

How will you make sure you fit into the team?
I will work hard to earn their respect. I will be friendly and professional to all. I will also
make an effort outside work to go to work functions and to also become part of the
community where I live. I find it easy to get on with many people and never had problems
In case a care assistant refuses to do his job, what is your attitude?

If any of your staff do anything or refuse to do something THIS MEANS THE PATIENT will
suffer for it.
You must try to resolve the issue with the staff member and try to get their respect and
understanding. IT is easier if everyone try to get on and work nicely together.
BUT if you cant resolve the problem, you will have to get team leader or manager involved
to follow a disciplinary with the care assistant.
Please explain the mouth care procedure.

Perform hand hygiene and don non-sterile gloves, facemask and shield.

To fully inspect oral cavity, use a flashlight and a 4 X 4 gauze to facilitate

lifting/moving of the tongue

Inspect top, sides and undersurface of tongue. Assess lips, back of throat and
mucous membranes for any bleeding, odor, discharge or evidence of skin breakdown
or ulceration

Inspect teeth to observe for breakage, missing teeth, dental carries or recent
trauma. Consider need for dentistry consult.

Remove any partial or full plates or dentures.

Palpate along cheeks, gum line and neck glands for signs of swelling, enlarged lymph
nodes or abscess.

Review ETT or NG tube placement and assess for associated ulcers/early pressures;
discuss with RRT if tube repositioning is needed

Document findings in AI record.

In case a family member complaints about the care delivered to their relative, what would
you do?

1. I will take any complain very serious!

7. GO BACK and EVELUATE to see if your plan has worked and if they are now happy!

Can you name the symptoms of appendicitis?

Appendicitis typically starts with a pain in the middle of your abdomen (tummy) that may
come and go.
Within hours, the pain travels to your lower right-hand side, where the appendix is usually
located, and becomes constant and severe.
Pressing on this area, coughing or walking, may all make the pain worse.

If you have appendicitis, you may also have other symptoms, including:

feeling sick (nausea)

being sick

loss of appetite


a high temperature (fever) and a flushed face

How can you determine levels of risks?

Several risk assessment tools or scales are available to help predict the risk of a pressure
ulcer, based primarily on those assessments mentioned above. These tools consist of
several categories, with scores that when added together determine the total risk score. The
Braden and Norton Scales for predicting pressure ulcer risk are the most widely used in a
variety of healthcare settings. The clinician uses these tools to help determine risk so that

interventions can be started promptly. These tools are only used for assessing adults. For
those who work with children, the Braden Q Scale has subcategories that relate to assessing
children (see Resources at the end of this course).

What is Braden Scale?

The Braden Scale consists of six categories:

Sensory perception: Can the patient respond to pressure-related discomfort?

Moisture: What is the patients degree of exposure to incontinence, sweat, and


Activity: What is the patients degree of physical activity?

Mobility: Is the patient able to change and control body position?

Nutrition: How much does the patient eat?

Friction/shear: How much sliding/dragging does the patient undergo?

There are four subcategories in each of the first five categories and three subcategories in
the last category. The scores in each of the subcategories are added together to calculate a
total score, which ranges from 623. The higher the patients score, the lower his or her risk.
(For more information, see Resources at the end of this course.)

Less Than Mild Risk: 19

Mild Risk: 1518

Moderate Risk: 1314

High Risk: 1012

Very High Risk: 9

It is recommended that if other risk factors are presentsuch as age, fever, poor protein
intake, or diastolic blood pressure less than 60 mm Hgthe risk level should be advanced to
the next level. Each deficit that is found when using the tool should be individually
addressed, even if the total score is above 18. The best care occurs when the scale is used in
conjunction with nursing judgment. Some patients will have high scores and still have risk

factors that must be addressed, whereas others with low scores may be reasonably
expected to recover so rapidly that those factors need not be addressed (Braden, 2012).

What is Norton scale?

The very first pressure ulcer risk evaluation scale, called the Norton Scale, was created in
1962 and is still in use today in some facilities. It consists of five categories:

Physical condition

Mental condition




Each category is rated from 1 to 4, with a possible total score ranging from 5 to 20.

Low risk: 18

Medium Risk: 1417

High Risk: 1013

Very High Risk: <10

It is important that when the clinician uses a scale, the scale must not be altered in any way,
meaning there cannot be shortcuts or changes to the definitions. Any changes would alter
the accuracy and usefulness of the scale in predicting the risk of developing pressure ulcers.
Risk assessment is more than an act of determining a numerical score; it requires
identification of those risk factors that contribute to that score and minimizing the deficits










interventions (Kelechi et al., 2013).


PEG feeding is used where patients cannot maintain adequate nutrition with oral intake.

When do you use PEG FEEDING ?

Indications include difficulties with oral intake often where obstruction to the upper airway
or gastrointestinal tract makes passing a nasogastric tube difficult:

Neurologically unsafe swallowing:

o Acute ischaemic or haemorrhagic stroke: in patients with acute stroke,
gastrostomy feeding should be considered at 14 days post-stroke.
o Chronic progressive neuromuscular disease.
Failure of feeding:
o Dementia; however, there is insufficient evidence to suggest that enteral
tube feeding is beneficial in patients with advanced dementia.[5] PEG
insertion does not improve survival in end-stage dementia and should be
avoided except in circumstances where it can be justified as a palliative
intervention, genuinely in the patients best interest.
o Cystic fibrosis: PEG feeding is safe, efficacious and acceptable in children and
adults with nutritional failure due to cystic fibrosis but should be carried out
only in the context of close co-operation between cystic fibrosis chest
physicians and an enteral feeding team.
o Peritoneal dialysis: PEG insertion can improve nutritional status but increases
the risk of fungal peritonitis and failure of dialysis. PEG insertion can be
undertaken in patients on peritoneal dialysis. Dialysis should be stopped for
three days and prophylactic antifungal therapy given.
o Oro-pharyngeal and oesophageal malignancy: enteral tube placement into
the stomach may hinder surgical techniques in oesophageal cancer and
should be avoided if curative resection is planned.

PEG tubes may also be indicated in other clinical situations such as malignant bowel
obstruction,[6] head injury, Crohn's disease, fistulae, other causes of short bowel
syndrome, AIDS and HIV encephalopathy and severe burns.

Name a few contra-indications to PEG.

Absolute contra-indications for use of PEG in adults:

o Active coagulopathies and thrombocytopenia (platelet count less than 50 x
109/L) must be corrected before tube insertion.
o Anything that precludes endoscopy (such as haemodynamic compromise,
sepsis or a perforated viscus).

Relative contra-indications for use of PEG in adults include acute severe illness,
anorexia, previous gastric surgery, peritonitis, ascites, and gastric outlet obstruction.


Infection: active systemic infection increases the risk of early mortality and morbidity
post-PEG placement. Elevation of serum CRP is the most accurate prognostic
indicator of poor outcome.
Other comorbidity: poorer outcome, with increased PEG site and systemic infection
have been reported in patients with diabetes mellitus, chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease and low albumin levels.
Ventriculo-peritoneal shunts: placement of PEG tubes increases the risk of shunt
infection but this risk decreases with increased time between shunt insertion and
PEG insertion. Prophylactic antibiotics may further reduce the infection risk.
Anatomical considerations: in patients with severe kyphoscoliosis, the stomach is
often intrathoracic. This particularly applies to patients with cerebral palsy.
Radiological and endoscopic approaches may be impossible. A combined
laparoscopic and endoscopic approach can be tried but this requires a general
anaesthetic, which also represents a considerable risk for the patient.

PEG insertion method

In the majority of patients in whom there is an indication for percutaneous enteral

tube feeding, an endoscopic gastrostomy is the procedure of choice.
The treating doctor has a duty to obtain informed consent from competent patients
and to undertake adequate consultation with those closest to patients not
competent to make the decision.
PEG tube placement should be carried out under full aseptic technique.
Antibiotic prophylaxis is indicated to prevent skin site infection.
In areas of high meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) prevalence, oropharyngeal colonisation should be identified and managed prior to PEG tube

Benefits of PEG feeding

Benefits include:

It is well tolerated (better than nasogastric tubes).

Nutritional status is improved.
Ease of usage over other methods (nasogastric or oral feeding) reported by carers.
Satisfactory use by home carers.[9]
Low incidence of complications.

Reduction in aspiration pneumonia associated with swallowing disorders.

Cost-effective relative to alternative methods, particularly when reasonably long
survival is expected.

Management after insertion

Education of carers and patients is essential to reduce tube problems and

A number of studies indicate the support and education of patients should be
multidisciplinary, involving:
o Nurses (wound care and ostomy expertise).
o Dietitians (nutritional advice and support).
Ongoing care involves:
o Inspection and maintainance of the access device (see 'Care of PEG tube',
o Wound care advice.
o Nutritional support and advice.

Explain the care of PEG tube.

This routine care can be performed by the patient and/or the carers with suitable training.
After about 10 days following insertion asepsis is not required.

Examine the skin for infection/irritation around the site.

Note the measuring guide number at the end of the external fixation device.
Remove the tube from the fixation device and ease away from the abdomen.
Clean the stoma site with sterile saline.
Dry the area with gauze.
Rotate the gastrostomy tube to prevent adherence to sides of the track.
Re-attach the external fixation device to the abdomen.
Attach the gastrostomy tube gently to the fixation device and position as before
according to the mark/number on the tube.
Avoid use of bulky dressings.

Immediate (within 72 hours):

o Haemorrhage or perforation.
o Aspiration.
o Oversedation.
o Ileus.
o Pneumoperitoneum.


Wound infection.
Wound bleeding.
Injury to the liver, bowel, or spleen.

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