Takoma Park Rangers

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Nick Shereikis

September 21, 2014

It just dawned on me that if I'm going to want to use soccer as an advanced exhibition, now
would be the time to start journaling (since we're in-season). I play for the Takoma Park Rangers, and it's
our first season playing Division One NCSL soccer. So far we've won two and tied two. We just played
our fourth game of the season today away against the Herndon Red Devils, and just barely came out with
a win. It really wasn't the best game for anyone, but was hands-down my worst game of the season so far.
Herndon started the game hard and pushed us back into our own half, but we eventually managed
to pull ourselves together. Some amazing link-up play from our forwards kept the ball in their half, and
we managed to score twice quickly. The second half is where it got bad. When the ball was launched over
my head towards our goal, miscommunication with our goalie led to an easy tap-in for the Herndon
forward. Shortly after, I gave up an indirect free-kick inside our penalty box, which they easily converted.
I was playing so badly I was pulled out of the game something that never happens and given a talking
to by coach. While I was out, Herndon scored again to take the lead. When I went back in, the game was
more frantic than anything else. Eventually, we managed to score off a corner kick to tie the game up.
With five minutes left, we scored again to regain the lead, and managed to hold them off until the final
Although we won 4-3, there's a lot that I can improve on for next game. My communication was
horrendous, and cost us a goal as well as being detrimental to team play. I need to talk more on the field to
help the team move the ball around smoothly, and know where to be. I also need to work on internalizing
my emotions. It's natural to feel frustrated, but that feeling shouldn't affect your play or the rest of the
team's. I let my emotions cloud my judgment and impact my abilities, and as a result the team suffered.
As captain, I should be doing whatever I can to help the team rather than focusing in on myself, I need
to be able to step back and evaluate what the team needs at the moment. It's an important skill that I'm
still working towards.
Apart from being an integral part of my life, this team is teaching me so much about myself and
giving me so many new leadership opportunities that to not use it as an advanced exhibition would be
extremely hard. I'm developing skills that I can use not only throughout my athletic career, but also
through my social and academic careers as well. As rough as today's game was, it helped me hone in on
areas of my game and captaincy that I need to work on in order to better serve the team. And that's really

Nick Shereikis
what this advanced exhibition is all about an experience that not only is important to me, but that also
helped me impact others in my life.
I'm sorry if this sounds a little fragmented, it's my first journal entry and I'm still a little wired
from the game. I'm going to try to chronicle each game throughout the season and so hopefully show my
progression as a leader.

Nick Shereikis
October 5, 2014
I neglected to journal after last week's game against the VSA Heat, so I'll just say that it was a
mediocre game which we won 2-0. The more important game was today's, which we played at Blair
against BFC Barca 97 Elite. Barca is technically a division one team this year, but only because they're
taking a couple seasons off from playing Region One soccer (where they won the regional title last year).
I went in a little nervous, and quickly had all my fears validated.
They walked all over us. Faster, more aggressive, and more cohesive as a team, they worked the
ball around the field while we struggled to keep up. Every goal they scored was pretty much the same
they took the ball outside, cut it back inside, and shot. That being said, none of them were directly my
fault (our outside defenders were the ones who kept getting beaten), but I still failed to stop them. By the
second half, we had almost given up. It was 3-0, and there was obviously no way we were going to come
back. Still, it was again my job to try and boost the team morale and pick up the slack. Although we were
tired and disappointed in ourselves, we went back out and fought for our pride (I'm just now realizing
how overly dramatic this sounds) and managed to hold them to only one more goal in the half.
Although we lost 4-0, this game marks an enormous improvement from the Herndon game. Even
though things didn't pan out the way I wanted them to, I kept my head. I was in constant communication
with everyone, so much so that I actually lost my voice after the game. And even though all of the goals
came from the mistakes of a couple players, I stayed calm and supportive rather than overtly critical of
my teammates. I managed to hide my frustration this game. As strange as it may sound considering the
score line, I'm proud of how I managed and dealt with the game and the team today. I don't think I could
have done any more than I did today to impact the game.
Obviously Ill keep working to improve on my own game and my leadership skills throughout the
season, but today felt very good. I even managed to (relatively) lift people's heads after the game. I mean
yeah, we lost, but it was only 4-0 against the best team in the entire region (an area known for soccer

Nick Shereikis
October 26, 2014
Today we played one of the best-ranked teams in Virginia, the SYA Strikers. It was the first game
this season where I've felt completely confident, on top of things, and ready to play a moment that also
coincides with the end of the Blair varsity soccer season. On the Blair team, I sit the bench most games
and never really get noticed or playing time. It's depressing and hard, and it saps my confidence. Today,
however, I felt amazing and my play definitely improved because of it.
Today's game was more straightforward than any other this season, and so there's not as much to
talk about. SYA is a good team; they defend as a unit, move the ball smoothly, and have a good offense.
Their main play seemed to be launching a ball over the top for their relatively fast forward, a play which
got them their first goal of the game early on. Once we figured that out, however, it was extremely easy to
guard against it through a mixture of positioning and communication (if I'm out of position, someone
needs to cover for me and vice versa). We managed to hold them to that single goal for the rest of the
game, but struggled to create opportunities for ourselves in front of their goal. The ref let the game play a
good ten minutes longer than he should have, which gave us just enough time to finally score on a corner
kick. The ball was whipped into the box, where I flicked it on to our forward and he scored.
I have my confidence back, and it's helping me not only play to the full extent of my abilities, but
the team as well. There's a lot of pressure on you as captain, a lot of eyes on you, and leading by example
is as important as leading through being vocal and authoritative. You have to constantly earn the respect
of the team, something I did today. I talked, defended well, got an assist on our goal to tie the game up,
and the team's morale was as high as it's ever been. We didn't even win the game, but the way we played
and came together as a team matters more than anything else we did today.
We have one game left this season against last year's league winners (they're in the lead again this
year). Hopefully I and the team can carry this momentum through to pull out a win in our last game of
the season.

Nick Shereikis
November 2, 2014
The fall 2014 season is officially over, and the Takoma Park Rangers will be returning to division
one this spring! We finished in sixth place, not bad for a team new to the division. Today's game was
somewhat similar to the Barca game, but better in terms of the score. We lost 2-1 against the league
winners, Arlington White, but that's not really indicative of the entire game.
The game started out similar to last week's SYA game. We knew what they were going to be like
going into the game very good defensively, clean and professional, and skilled up top. What we weren't
prepared for, however, was their talent for set pieces. Their first goal came from a corner kick, something
the Takoma Park Rangers has always struggled with. Their second goal came from a free kick just outside
the box, which their center midfielder whipped low and hard around our wall and into the corner of the
net. Our goal came from a breakaway play when our forward was sprung loose by a long ball and beat
their goalie one-on-one. Both teams had other chances, and the game was extremely even until the very
Unlike other games we've played, today's match was clean, professional, and good-natured. The
other team was good and competitive, but not rude or mean-spirited whatsoever. The game was close until
the end, and both teams enjoyed themselves. We ended the game in good spirits, with the knowledge that
we can be competitive with even the best team in division one.
I had a good game. I felt on-point again, and helped direct team play as well as defend as a
cohesive unit. I was vocal and strong, and despite losing, very happy with the way the game went. I'm
looking forward to our next season too; it'll be the last season for five of our senior players who will be
going to college soon. Hopefully we can make it a fun and also competitive last season for them before
they leave, and finish the season higher top four, maybe than we did this year!
We don't really do much in the offseason as a team, apart from very laid-back winter practices in
a church gym. We also have a small tournament, but it's only going to be half the team (it's an indoor 7v7
tournament), which should be fun. I probably won't journal after those since they're more for fun than
actual competition, which means this'll be my last journal for a while!

Nick Shereikis
January 7, 2015
Looks like I've torn my ACL. It happened while I was playing in that indoor tournament I
mentioned a while ago. Very first game of the tournament, they kick off and play starts. Twenty seconds
later, I'm chasing a ball down when their forward jumps on my back. I land strangely and there's a
popping noise, and suddenly I can't walk.
It wasn't swollen at all when we went to the doctor, so he told me it was probably just an MCL
sprain. After getting my MRI back, however, it looks like I've completely obliterated my ACL and
damaged a small portion of my meniscus. Whereas before I would have been out for just a few weeks,
now I'm out for upwards of half a year.
I can't even express how I'm feeling right now. I'm going to undergo extremely painful surgery,
tough and hard rehab and physical therapy, miss out on the last season I would have had with the senior
players on my club soccer team, and then if I'm lucky be back in time for my senior year of high
school soccer. Oh, and I'm also going to miss most identification camps/opportunities to have college
coaches see me, almost eliminating my chances of playing college soccer. The surgeon gave me the rough
time frame of six months, but that seems incredibly quick to me.
And it doesn't just suck for me, but for my club team too. They don't really have a back-up center
back to replace me, and they're going to have to pick another captain for the season. I don't want to sound
overly pompous or arrogant, but I honestly think that I've become an integral part of the team. And
without me, it's going to be a long spring season.
I still can't believe this is happening. I've never broken any bones. The worst thing I've done to
myself up to this point has been tweaking my hip flexor in middle school. And now I have to deal with
one of the worst possible sports injuries there are. As sad and disappointed I am now, the worst part for
me is knowing that I'll have to sit and watch my team and friends this spring season without being able to
help them or play. I don't know how involved I'll stay with the team either. Obviously I want to help out
in any way I can, and I'm committed to coach and everyone on the team, but it doesn't make sense for me
to go to practices if I can't do anything. Maybe I'll just go to games. I have no idea.
My surgery is scheduled for January 28. They're doing open surgery to take a strip of my patellar
tendon, and then they'll use arthroscopic surgery to insert that where my ACL used to be. The other

Nick Shereikis
options were a cadaver or a piece of my hamstring, but this is supposed to be the strongest and most
reliable option.

Nick Shereikis
January 31, 2015
I'm a couple days out of my surgery. There's really not much to do I'm still immobilized and
can't walk, so I've just been lying in bed watching TV and reading. I'm not actually in that much pain yet,
though. They put in nerve blocks before the surgery, so I literally can't feel my entire left leg right now.
The most I can do is raise my toes every now and then, which apparently helps prevent possible blood
clots. It's kind of strange that the blocks are still working three days after the surgery, but we called to ask
about it and basically they told me I'm just lucky they're still in place. I also just got a prescription for
Percocet filled, so that should help numb the pain, if not take care of it completely, when it arrives.
Oh, and here's something funny that happened to me right as we're pulling into the hospital
before my surgery, the radio started playing "I Wanna Be Sedated" by the Kinks. That was good for a
couple laughs before I was put under general anesthesia.
I've been thinking about what I want to do with soccer this season, and I've decided to go to every
game I can. I want to stay as involved as possible even if I can't play, and to help out however coach
needs me to. We'll see how it goes as we get closer to the spring season. Coach has also been very good
about checking in and asking me how I'm doing. The Blair varsity coach has too, he actually called me to
talk to me about it.
I know this isn't as long as the advanced exhibition journals are supposed to be, but I can't write
any more today. I'm not feeling great, and the future is too uncertain right now to journal anything
important. Maybe I'll write another entry to make up for it. Anyway, I'm going to attach a picture to this to
make up for the extra space:

Nick Shereikis
April 19, 2015
Ok, we're three games into our season already. I would have written about an earlier game, but I
figured if I waited until we played Herndon it would be a good parallel to my first journal entry. This
game was less exciting than last year's though, and it ended in a 0-0 tie.
I've been attending every game this season, standing on the sideline in my crutches. We lost our
first game of the season against a team we really should have beaten, and barely won our second against
another team that shouldn't have been a problem. I've been helping pick starting lineups, set up warm-ups
and drills, and do a bunch of other things for the team (like giving people rides and checking player
availability for tournaments and games). Our defensive midfielder is playing center back for me this
season, so I've also been trying to help him learn the position as quickly as possible both at practice and
during games. I've found that even though I'm not on the field, I can still give directions and impact the
team by pacing up and down the sideline yelling onto the field. I might get a little annoying at times to the
rest of the team, but nobody's said anything yet and I think that I'm being relatively helpful.
Today's Herndon game was a boring affair. Nobody scored, the field was quiet, and both teams
looked fairly mediocre. Our defense held up well, although they weren't really tested, but our offense
struggled to create scoring opportunities. I don't know whether it's entirely because of me, but this is
going to be a long season (as predicted). We've started off the same as last season though, so that's a
decent sign.
It's hard to watch and not be able to play, but I'm learning to be a different kind of leader. I can't
lead by example any more, and it's harder to impact play when you're not on the field. But I can still talk
to people when they come off the field, yell and direct people from the sideline, and help keep the team
morale high from the sideline. And like I said, I can definitely help with the more managerial aspects of
the team.
My ACL injury is also forcing me to take a step back and re-evaluate my involvement on the
team. Up to this point, I've always been a soccer player. I have other interests, but nothing that I'm
extremely passionate about. Now that I'm not practicing three times a week, however, I have more time to
dedicate to figuring out and exploring other passions and, at the same time, further defining my identity
as a person.

Nick Shereikis
May 31, 2015
Today we played the Arlington B team, who we demolished without a problem last season and,
I'm glad to say, took care of this season as well. The score was only 2-0, but we never looked in danger of
conceding a goal and our passing and speed of play was much higher than it's been all season.
Arlington didn't look that confident, and they came out slow. Our offense quickly pushed them
back into their own half, where they stayed on the defensive for most of the game. Our first goal came in
the first half when our right midfielder saw the opportunity to bomb a ball into the top left corner of the
goal from roughly 30 yards out. Our second goal came from a nice little link-up play that sent our forward
into a one-on-one situation with their goalkeeper. We won the game, finished in high spirits, and coach
was happy. It was a good day all around.
I did my normal pacing up and down the line, including helping the defense set up for a corner
kick. Nobody was talking and everybody was just standing around until I got people to tell each other
which players they were marking and set up properly, after which the team easily pumped the ball back
away from our goal and we launched a counter attack. I also helped coach decide on which formation to
use, and even argued with the referee a little (what's he going to do, eject me? I'm not even playing this
season). More and more I'm feeling like an assistant coach, which is a very different role than captain.
I've decided to use my newfound time during the week to step up my involvement in other
activities. I'm practicing piano much more now than I ever have before, and I've also submitted an
application to become a founding member of a new statewide youth leadership forum that's partnering
with Sugar Free Kids to target and expose big soda marketing. Not only am I finding other ways to fill my
time, but I'm trying to do so in a manner that continues to help my leadership skills develop and also
impacts/benefits the community.
I attribute my new activities especially my application to Sugar Free Kids to the confidence
that the Takoma Park Rangers has given me. The team has really taught me to not only be a leader, but
also a lot about group dynamics and how to be confident in my own abilities. I'd like to apply these skills
elsewhere to have a hopefully broader impact on the community, and this new organization seems to be a
good way to do it.

Nick Shereikis
June 7, 2015
Well, it's the last day of the spring season again. We just ended our season with another 1-1 tie,
this time against the LMVS Patriots. I'm not really going to talk about the game that much, because it was
extremely mediocre and not very exciting. As it turns out, we've managed to end the season not only in
the exact same place as last season sixth but also with the same number of points (12). We even
conceded fewer goals than last season as well (although we also scored fewer). All in all, not a bad
My rehab is going pretty well. I'm going to physical therapy three times a week at Metro
Orthopedics & Sports Therapy (MOST), and I'm slowly getting better. Both my legs (although my left in
particular), have seriously atrophied from lack of use. I'm working on strengthening my knee, but also
rebuilding and developing muscle in my hamstrings, quads, and glutes. They're still saying I should be
back in action within six months, although I seriously doubt that. Adrian Peterson and RGIII recovered
from ACL injuries in six months, and they're professional football players with the best medical treatment
in the world. Most people I've talked to were out at least 11 months before they were cleared to play, and
a lot of them had to see sports therapists (as in psychologists) because they were still messed up mentally
from the injury. So yeah, I'm not really looking forward to the process.
I've also been using my extra time to increase my production with Silver Chips Online. I've
published roughly 20 articles in three months. I've also been named as one of next year's managing
editors, which I'm really looking forward to. It's yet another opportunity to put the leadership skills I've
gained from the Takoma Park Rangers to use in another context/setting, and help the incoming juniors not
only learn what being on the publication means, but also hopefully develop as writers as well.
Blair soccer tryouts are also coming up quickly. Hopefully I'll be back in time, because I've been
with the program since my freshman year and I'd hate to miss out on my senior year. As a senior, I should
theoretically be starting at center back and I have a shot at being captain too, since I was my sophomore
year on junior varsity and did a fairly good job with it. There's really nothing I can do to speed up my
recovery, so at this point it's just hoping I get back in time to get back in shape and help lead the Blair

Nick Shereikis
July 21, 2015
I'm currently writing this from the Premier Soccer International camp at the Christchurch School
in Virginia. I've been here for a couple days with three teammates from the Rangers. We come every year
as a team, but this year it's just the three of us (what with a lot of the team graduating and all). It's a sleepaway soccer camp that we do every year, but this year we're the oldest people on campus which means
we're not only expected to be some of, if not the best, players, but also to set an example and help run
practices and games. It's a more minor leadership role that I'm sharing with my friends rather than taking
on by myself, but it's again an opportunity to practice the skills I've gained over the years.
My knee isn't doing the best right now. I played the entirety of the first two days (it's three, twohour sessions a day), and now I'm sore and starting to limp again. I've been sitting out almost all day, and
I might have to sit out tomorrow as well. But at this point, I'm kind of used to it. I'm helping coach the
younger kids and set up drills and games, and also just enjoying watching everything. There're some
extremely good players here, and it's fascinating to watch them.
Looking forward, this'll probably be my role with the Rangers next season. Playing when I can,
serving as a captain on the field and off it. It's a good benchmark of where I'm at with my rehabilitation,
and indicative of where I'll be at for Blair tryouts in the upcoming weeks. It won't quite be the senior year
I imagined, but it's better than completely missing out on everything. I've been with the Blair program for
three years and put in all the work, and I was looking forward to my role as a starting senior. But oh well.
I don't want to repeat myself too much here, so I'll end this journal here (even though it's a tad short) and
include a picture from the camp:

Nick Shereikis
August 12, 2015
There's no way I'll be able to play Blair soccer this season. The first day of tryouts was yesterday,
and I could barely keep up. Even the mile warm-up had my knee hurting and me winded, and by the end
of the three hour tryouts I was limping heavily. I went to my physical therapist today, and she thinks I
may have tendinitis essentially, my ACL is fine, but now my issues are with the patellar tendon that they
cut into to replace my ACL.
I talked to the Blair coach today, as well. He's extended an invitation essentially, he'll put me on
the roster and I'll act as a kind of team manager until I'm ready to play again, at which point he'll work me
back onto the field. And even if I'm not ready to play at all during the season, he'll let me play a couple
minutes during our senior night for ceremonial purposes. The downside to all this is that I still have to
come to study hall and every practice, which is a huge commitment. But if I can help out with the team, I
want to.
My situation also means that I probably won't be able to play this season for the Rangers either.
I'll probably take on the same role as last season in that I'll serve more as an assistant coach than captain,
and do all the same things I did last season. I'm kind of expecting it to be more depressing this season
though, since I'll be on the verge of playing but unable to which should be more frustrating than last
season, where I was barely back from surgery.
It's a bad situation all around, and I'm not enjoying any of it. The only upshot is that I'll still be
able to hone my leadership skills throughout the season as well as through Silver Chips Online. And my
application for the statewide youth leadership team got accepted! We've met twice already, and decided
on a team name The Sweet Truth. Things are moving extremely slowly, but my experience with group
dynamics and leadership on the Takoma Park Rangers is proving invaluable in facilitating conversation
and making decisions about the organization. Once again, my years serving as captain for my club soccer
team have prepared me well to work with others in an organization completely different from anything
I've ever done before. It's really shown me that the life skills and attributes I've gained from playing with
the Rangers are valuable and effective in all areas of my life, not just my athletic career.

Nick Shereikis
August 24, 2015
I'm done with Blair soccer. I know in my last journal entry the coach and I had worked out a way
to keep me involved, but after attending practices and some scrimmages, that's not what I want. I've been
setting up drills and shagging balls, acting as a linesman during scrimmages and getting water for people.
I wanted to help out, but it's depressing to be nothing more than a manager when, if everything had gone
normally, I would be a starter on that team. Furthermore, the coach just forced two players competing for
a spot on the team to take penalties against each other, and cut the loser. Another player was cut from the
team by flipping a coin. I can't support these kinds of actions. If you want to cut someone, be a man and
do it. But don't hide behind indecision. It's cowardly.
I told the coach today that I'm out. It went better than expected, and I think he respected me for
telling him. We ended on decent terms, anyway, which is good because I have him for anatomy class this
year. And I'm confident I made the right decision. Doing the right thing is as important as anything else
for a leader, and I think I've earned the respect of my friends and teammates by leaving the team.
I've been going to Rangers practices too. I'm shagging balls, setting up drills, and hanging out
with coach but here's the difference between my club team and the school team: I enjoy my club team,
and it has a significant impact on my life. I've learned from my club teammates and become a better
person for it, and I want to do everything I can to help them this season. I'll do the same thing I did last
season go to games, help coach, and play in practices when I can. This season, I'll be able to lead by
example during practices and also help out from a more managerial/coaching perspective during games;
combining everything I've learned over the last couple of seasons to become a more effective leader.
As the school year starts, my position with Silver Chips Online will also kick into overdrive. Like
I said earlier, I'm looking forward to using my leadership skills and abilities to better our publication, and
help the new staff writers develop their voices and exercise their potential.
The Sweet Truth has come to a grinding halt. The person contracted by Sugar Free Kids to lead
the group is being slow and unresponsive, and so nothing's getting done. I've contacted him multiple
times, as well as talking to the other members of the organization, but to no avail. The youth summit we
were planning for October has been postponed and taken the backseat, and it's extremely frustrating. I set
up a Facebook group to communicate with everyone (something I first learned how to do and manage
from the Rangers), and hopefully we can get things moving soon.

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