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St Chad’s Notices

21st March 2010

Easter at
St Chad’s
This Easter Journey to the Cross
with St Chad’s. Pick up an Easter
flyer from the back of church for a
full list of services and times.

The Rt Revd Graham Dow will be

leading a series of bible studies
during Holy Week, focusing in on
the gospel of John, and the title
Heaven’s King – Life-giver and

Onelife Young
Leaders conference
“In 2025 the Church,
government, businesses,
education and public services in Good News!
the UK will be seasoned with Share your story
strong Godly, committed leader.”
True or False?
Good News
We believe that if the church Every week we would love to print good news from the church family about what
gets behind young people both God has done in you or through you. We all need encouragement and would
through modeling Godly love to print testimonies of breakthrough, people being healed or set free. We
characteristics and through don’t promise to use every story, but we will endeavour to use as many as
prayer the answer could be true. possible. You can also ask to be anonymous if required. Please email with your stories!!!!
This year we are hosting the
ONELIFE young leader's Read on for this week’s Good News…
conference again, gathering
young people from across the
Healing at N:Counter
north to be inspired, equipped
On Sunday night at N Counter we had 3 physical healings - It was amazing!!!
and sent back to their localities
Kath Bardsley who has worn two hearing aids for a number of years was
to be Godly influencers and
completely healed - She hasn’t worn them since!!!!
The Light Shines in the Darkness
Please pray for the whole
I was cycling home after a governors meeting late in the evening when my front
conference and that we'd see
light went out. I pulled over in a very dark lay-by and tried to fix it. I took it apart
God move in powerful ways
and reset it, but nothing happened. Being concerned that nowhere was open to
among all the young people.
get batteries, I decided the best thing to do was to pray. The lights still didn’t
work on the roadside, so I set off and trusted that God would come through and
Want to know more contact
lo and behold after 10 yards my light beams back on - brighter than they have
James Neal or check out:
ever been! It stayed true all the way home. When I tested it the next morning, it
was back on the blink again!
Issue March
#: [Date]
2010 Dolor Sit Amet

Leadership St Chad’s
Huddle APCM 2010 The week
The Leadership huddle is
where many of the steps for our
Our annual meeting will take
place on Sunday 11 April
Gap goals will be rolled out. It 2009 from 9.30am until
is therefore imperative that 12.15pm, followed by a church Monday 22
those considered leaders in the family lunch. We will start with 3.30pm Fireworks in Church
church would make the a communion service and then
following dates a priority. 19th move on to the business of the Tuesday 23
April & 3rd June. APCM, including election of 10.00am Little Lights in Church
Church Wardens and new 7.00pm Pulse Café in
We would like to formally invite members of the PCC Lifecentre
all PCC, Standing Committee, (Parochial Church Council*), 7.45pm Ytime in Lifecentre
small group leaders, kids and a report on the church
leaders, youth leaders and all finances. We will also take a th
Wednesday 24
those who would consider look back at our activities and 10.00am Sparklers in Church
themselves involved in the hear testimonies about the 12.00pm Holy Communion
leadership of ministry either year. Childcare will be
inside or outside of the church. available in Lifecentre for the th
Thursday 25
duration of the meeting. 10.00am Stars in Church
During the meeting there will be
worship, a biblical context for 7.30pm Pulse Small Groups
For catering purposes, please
what is taught, accountability, th
put your name on the sign up Friday 26
practical leadership skills and
sheet for the APCM. Please
the chance to have input for
include children. Put a (v) in Saturday 27
specific ministries in breakout
brackets after your name if you
sessions from time to time.
require a vegetarian meal. We Sunday 28

These meetings are not are suggesting a voluntary 9.15am Parish Communion
designed to replace specific contribution of £5 per adult or 10:30am Children at Lifecentre
ministry planning meetings and £12 per family. Thanks. 10.45am Worship Together
these should continue as 6.30pm N Counter followed by
normal. Electoral Roll social time

Contact Joe Pienaar for more

information Everyone is welcome to attend
the APCM, although to
participate in the voting you
must be on the Electoral Roll.

Prayer Course The Electoral Roll is now

Resource available in church. Please
check that your details are
Jonathan Walker, a reader in correct. Church Office
the Church of England has 1-5 Stockport Road
written a new course on prayer If you are not on the Electoral
Romiley, Stockport
called Prayer Eleven for Roll and would like to be, or if
your details have changed, SK6 4BN
Seekers. The course is aimed at
teaching individuals (or perhaps please complete a form
small groups) about prayer, and (available from the back of phone (0161) 430 4652
you can download the course church). Forms should be email
for free from his web site returned to Jan or the church
st web
office by 21 March.
Thanks. Office Hours
Mon - Thurs 9 - 5pm

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