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Irresistible Persuasion An Introduction To The Art Of Influence

Hi and welcome to this quick report on unleashing your irresistible persuasive
powers. In this report we are going to be covering a few of the simple and
often over looked fundamentals in the persuasion process which will help you
realize just how easy influence can be.
By the end of this report, you'll understand exactly how persuasive you can be
when you put your mind to it, and will have some simple strategies which you
can use right away to put this into action.
Let's start by covering the fundamentals. Read this part carefully, because it
forms the foundation of everything you're going to be learning in this eBook,
and with the email lessons you may receive down the line.

What is Influence?
According to the Oxford English Dictionary influence is the capacity or power of
persons or things to be a compelling force on or produce effects on the
actions, behaviour, opinions, etc., of others.
Basically its the ability to get others to want what you want and to think what
you think and to become a factor in their decision making, to be an influence is
to be influential (obviously!)

What is Persuasion?
Referring again to the Oxford Dictionary(for good reason you'll see why soon)
the definition of persuasion that I like the most is the ability, or method of
transformation of anothers belief through reason, convincing etc.
Of course, as you'll come to realize, in the real world it is emotion, not logic,
which will be our greatest tools as masters of influence.
Basically: Persuasion and Influence is the art of making other people feel
good as they do, think, feel or believe exactly what you want them to!

Persuasion is not pressuring people into your beliefs, it is not bullying others
into your mind-set, and neither is it anything to with trickery or deceit of other
individuals or groups.
Persuasion is, however, the artistic, elegant, smooth and effective, also often
and undetectable process of getting others to want what you need them to.
So, armed as we now are with definitions, let us get right down to practical
skills and concepts which you can put to work now.

Is learning the art of Persuasion Ethical?

There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it
so. ~
Shakespeare, Hamlet Act 2, Scene 2

The Above quote from Shakespeares famous play, Hamlet, speaks mountains
of truth in this regard. Being able to be influential, or persuasive is not, by any
means, unethical, nor is learning how to be irresistibly persuasive unethical in
the least.
Persuasion is a very strong and powerful tool, and with great power, naturally
comes great responsibility (yes, I go from Shakespeare to Spiderman in a single
Some of the key principles that need to be followed when using this incredible
tool is to always have the best interest of the other person or people in mind,
only move them towards what's best for them, do not use this amazing ability
for anything other than as a force for good.
Great, now that we have that understood. Lets move on to the real amazing
stuff you got this report for!

The Six Weapons of Influence:

When one begins to learn what it truly means to be irresistibly persuasive, one
needs to start with the underlying factors or what is actually the tools or
weapons that help make one persuasive in the first place.
Dr. Robert B. Cialdini, a world renowned researcher on influence has defined
what he calls the six weapons of influence which is a great building block on
the quest of gaining influence to understand.

Cialdini's 6 Cores of All Influence and Persuasion

1. Commitment and Consistency
2. Social Proof
3. Scarcity
4. Reciprocity
5. Authority
6. Liking
I will not go into detail explaining these stages or weapons here , but I will be
using a bit of the latter three in this report to teach to you the fundamental
basics of becoming irresistibly persuasive and how you can effectively build
these into your everyday interactions and relations with people, making you
one of the most persuasive and influential people in your inner circle.

The famous good cop/bad cop scenario which we see in almost every crime or
investigative series or movie (and for others, in real life) is built upon the
principle of reciprocity.
Free Samples, Free Trials, Give aways in marketing as well, is built upon this
principle of reciprocity.
Nathan and I gave you this free report, in part, because (believe it or not) we
have something down the line that we want you to buy. We thought providing

you with real value now, and proving that we know our stuff, would be
something you'd appreciate more than empty spam or marketing.
We all like to return favours, to not be in anybodys debt, and to feel that we're
'quits' give people stuff for free, and you will get things back. I guarantee it.

From the age of 5, when you first were told to 'listen to your teacher or else' to
the power your boss may have over you now (and her boss over her), you have
been conditioned to follow authority.
Evolutionarily speaking, this is one of the most compelling psychological
triggers you have.
Experiments such as the 'Milgrim' test and many others have proven time and
time again that few things sway the human mind more than confident words
from an authority figure.
Have authority and display this through your body language, the way you
talk, the way you dress, and the way others respond to you, and you'll be
amazed by how eager others are to respond to you.

When people like you, they naturally add extra importance to what you have to
say, to your opinions and suggestions.
You would, for example, be more willing to give your best friend $20 if he was
down and out, than you would be to hand over $2 to a drunk and offensive
Although there is a subtle difference between the two, gaining rapport is the
quickest way to get others to start liking you. Do this, and you'll immediately
notice an increase in positive responses.

Gaining Rapport:
Rapport is basically the invisible connection we have with people where we
naturally seem to be similar and can easily relate on the same levels as one
another without actually being on the same level.

Determining the Baseline:

How do you feel.... only when you are everywhere, and being the way you find
yourself right now...?
In less hypnotic words, what is your baseline?
A baseline is a point of reference, a person's 'homoeostasis' or natural state.
In order to gain rapport with someone we first need to develop a baseline of
the person in question.
To form a baseline we need to take note of the following (and more):

What mood is the person in?

What is their main representational system?

What are their key words and predicates?

Do they use gestures for certain things?

How do they act and move?

What is their tonality?

Do their actions match their words?

These are just a few of the questions one needs to ask in order to build a
This process, when done well and often, becomes natural, and all of these
questions and internally and instinctively answered for us with our regular
interactions, the better you get, the more natural it becomes.

By understanding the persons baseline and where they are it is much easier to
gain rapport with them using very simple to follow processes.
Establishing a baseline allows you to know exactly where someone ease, so you
can easily take them to where you want them to be. It's like finding the big 'you
are here' on the map without knowing where you are, it's impossible to find
your way to where you are going.
I will be teaching you the basic processes of mirroring and matching but with
some behind the scenes understandings to help you master these methods and
techniques to its fullest.

Mirroring and Matching:

Mirroring and matching is one of the simplest and easy to implement
techniques to building rapport with someone, as I said earlier, people like
people who are like them, the process of mirroring and matching is to give
their mind the belief and impression that this person is like me so I like them
That sounds pretty Nave, but welcome to the understanding of rapport, and
you have been like this forever, just think back to your high school friends, and
you'll know exactly what I mean.

How to effectively mirror and match to gain rapport:

Mirroring and matching is so much more than just doing what the other person
is doing or acting as they do, which if you did just that, it could result in the loss
of rapport as they may feel that you are just mimicking or copying them.
There are different levels of mirroring and matching:
Delayed mirroring
Cross matching
Micro/Mini Mirroring/Matching
There are more methods or levels but these are the three main ones I will
cover in this rapport. I mean report

Delayed Mirroring:
Delayed mirroring as the name suggests, is when you mirror somebody as if it
were a bad delayed reaction. Instant Mirroring is not a very good form of
mirroring as it almost looks as if you are copy-catting or teasing whoever it is
you are mirroring and they can often get annoyed and irritated with the
Delayed mirroring allows a second or so of waiting time and for you to make
you movement as smooth and natural as possible which is the key to
performing this art of rapport gain.

Cross Matching:
In order to always keep the subtlety, sometimes just delayed mirroring is not
enough, the other is to utilize cross mirroring, because the subconscious
usually just sees gestures as a whole and is not too concerned about how the
gesture is created or formed.
So for example, if the person you are trying to match crosses their arms sitting
beside you, you could straighten your legs forward and cross them at just about
your ankles.
With mirroring and matching it is always great to be able to understand and
read human gestures and expressions, because there are some gestures you
just dont want to send back at them, more advanced stuff later.

Micro/Mini Mirroring/Matching:
This is another really advanced and powerful technique when done well, and it
requires loads of practice to make sure it becomes a natural part of your
One needs to be able to view and notice the little things that people do.
Those curl of the lip for that micro second of the concealed smirk, the twitch in
the cheek of that concealed smile, that slight eyebrow raise to conceal shock or

People always try to cover up what they are really feeling, especially around
strangers, business associates, peers etc. but our faces and body language tend
to always give us away some way or another.
The trick here is that these concealments are often very small and subtle that
without actually looking for them it is quite difficult to spot, though the great
thing is that these expressions or micro expressions are usually the same with
most if not all the people you know.
A great exercise to do is to gauge and measure the people around you, sit in a
restaurant or a park and spend some time just noticing peoples expressions,
and the more you practice the better you are going to get. You may find it even
helps to practice making the same expressions or gestures to yourself (no
monkey faces now).
The great thing about this simple and powerful technique is that you relate to
the person's hidden emotions by showing them the same expression that they
themselves were trying to hide, hence making them much more comfortable
and open around you. This develops rapport on a much higher and deeper
level all together.
One of the amazing things about rapport, is that once you have rapport with
that person, that person will naturally have the same amount of rapport with
you, this will allow you to gauge them and take them to any level you wish.
Like I mentioned when determining a baseline, to gauge what mood they are
in, if you, for example, wanted or needed to change a person mood, the fastest
and easiest way would be to reach down to their baseline, grip it and lift it to
the level you need it to be.
Basically go to their level, and make sure you are in rapport and then begin
changing your level to the one you want them to be in and watch how easily
and effectively they will follow. Almost like you literally have them hooked!
These techniques, when done well, are extremely powerful and profound and
form the foundations of all influence and persuasion that takes place in this

I suggest that if you are serious about becoming one irresistibly influential
person this is the very first place to start, once you have a great level of usage
of these principles you will notice, like many others before you, the amazing
benefits that come with this awesome ability.
With all the benefits that come with this power of persuasiveness and grand
influence you will realize that the next step to bettering your life is to master
your natural born gift of influence and persuasion, this is your first step and I
congratulate you and welcome you to the wonderful world of Irresistible
Eternal Smiles,
Leo Gopal

Advance Notice - Join The Persuasion Elite

As a member of the Irresistible Persuasion Newsletter, you are going to be in
for a series of exciting treats over the next few weeks.
We're talking up to the minute real time techniques, as well as the latest
updates on a very exciting persuasion product we have in the pipeline.
Allow yourself to become a confident master of influence, and join the elite
inner circle of hypnotic persuasion experts by paying close attention to your
inbox, and reading our letters carefully.
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