1942 King Novelty Company Curio Catalog

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.~OR"ftOO.": 'boa ~~ .. cp~~.

, , " . .' ::a.; fgN~t -. i.It~ lias be!l~: ·~~o~;;

moaded by ·ConJurors 1"0£: 'ij~(b Ro'o~ 'Doctors;, aq,li '~has

be6n:solcMo~hig 's:{TRes'eV,:oodooJ!. ,:y?1) Mlieye.

tOla thel~ ~it.9i\>!n. t~M/CairY,"tb,() Ro~t for~IJ;"'~Kii" Wlnnl",s~ and,,$U.CCESS· ,"''LOw,e. We'do not'sll for' tlii8.pur~ge· e..lltr:l:iJ.w -no" claiIhs tliat-'it;js"valu:~ aQCl'e 81' a. LUCk;·Qflni,...~t ',is '8Olli' ~·~ou oillY' ~ ,

a ur~o. '

~ODESTO';fE'h¥-:~n used'by many ~ple. bqth In' the pMt' and .lD., th.e present; for the purpose of

Drawln, LUCK 8~clia.8:ta: ~ring in.tae )'Iifmin¥8 in Gamel!. or to BflDg_L\lck' ~ M~n~y ,~atte~.or Lu~k ', )1\ Lov.e and

Romance, Even though It 18 true that the Carryapg .

of a LODEST.ONE has. been . considereq . Luck),. w~ mak;e .no Chl~1! ,like ,tHis and sell It onIY'/oq)tiopie who,d&&ire it as a ~Cur.io •. ,;


Th'! AnolQnt Rom""" bello:vc<l thaUhe ,"ODESToNC kept bU4b~nd and witt II1l~btul' and thelt I.;o,~,o ~re. OlPb:ells , attrlbuWl to tli~fLODI:5TONIt tho'Powo, of attrnoUi)j:

,¥r <I~ro~o~~~[~~d~:~~nlW.Ji!"ib~f~&~~·n)tNI~

'Is 'believed to·giVC '(Ital1ty, and health to, tIloae wbe wee:

It, and It 18 very, PopqllU' among Mehalllmcdllllll as a

TiIllBman aaalll8t EYll5plrlts. '

Hoo-Doc Men made Coltju,o Ba •• In wblch tlwly placed

f~e::~l;r."ii~~1ri~:, g>~a~Wol~~ :!oo:~~~~J:d

Homo Bro.lclng and Good-Bra Enomy !?,lc"a"Jo .. Oattlng, and, general.Good Lucie. Wo have'inoirtUDaDY ~ plo who woUld' not be "Ubout C&lTyLDg a, L.OIlESTONIt B1'OOOd' with them, We haVe! found' tlII8, eal!!\!lJAIIY tt'ue a!llc,nH');'ollql tliat'1I to do Onmbllnr.J~J"y. lrel'lllos,lItU!

,NulIIllor 01\ 0, lind wllo WIBD.-to'w,ln,!D .. ov'.

Afrnll'1'l, We d 'LODE5"ONE'toraoy,oUhMO

purJ)O!IC8' koanyo)alm8,thaUt'I. LUCK'Y,

or that It w r •• Awar EvU Slllrl!:!. but,'sell only aa a

Curio. We !tunrant.ee tllat thlB LODES. ONE III Geritilnely; MagnotlcaU" Ali •.•• with Power to ~tu.et Stool Dun er your modey re1uuded. We bave ta~eJl e~o care I.Q 'securing only tho !lest grade of LODESTONE.

Order by ~~~ A-208 price Only, SOC S for $1..~:I Dozen $3.00 -. ,

Watch It Attract

We hAve _ny calls for t~ MAGffETIC SAND. Some ll"OJlle like to CAm>' a lI~tle 10 n Rod Flannel


lIe1illI~.t:O llo IlUCK'Y. -It Is,

~~~Mr~~ ~~g'Jl~~~rft'

the name ot Magnotlo &ind, We make ~o 01811118 that It IS'

~,~'rfo~Y~r~ p)::'\' ~rto~Il!

STONE In'thlS Magnotlc Pew· der and hAve fun watcblDlt It DRAW BDd stick to the LODESTONE. The LodeBt<me h"lfMaanetle POWER to' AUt'aot th.o Magnetic

Il'a n if. ,

FR' 'EE' OF, EX"I:RA '

) , 'CHA:RGE"


Packed 10 a 01888 Jar; Bag FR£IE etelttra cborgo.

NO. MOl 350

Priel Only,

Sweet Perfume Attracts Attention

'Ilhe charm of this ekqulslte pcrf\erl!~ III "'Ned, by. ;e.11. I,ts s'w;.eet smelll"g; soothing odor'ilngers Il-bout you like a. r~clnating dream. 0 .. - del' a. botHe ot GO,OD J.UCK Pertume tode.y. We SeIIove YOU ,",,!Il bet hT.l1lod \V! til1 1'1>9 sweo,t frag~ande,

Thrills with Delight

He i.oves Her.-

Sbe, $mells SO';;$weet

Thl'l1l! ' 1:'.' ,~'lrc)jantlnir c;)rlcntlit "fragnmOG, wlil's munv friends for usors of tnls ·p,ertume. Some people uSI) it wh'jTI thoy wish tQ be attl'lICtod to the opposite ';sex or '!,\'a!n fa.vors. Order a bottle now. !l)!"Y -It yourself on hall(lkerchict or clothes or r.ub -a -drgp _Qr ewe behind the ears,

p . --

~rde.r by No., A-20S 55

Price with "Fax ..• '.' . . C

Admiring Glances from the Men Folks

Rub Sachet Lovell' Powder on your body. Give yourselJl a, chance to win in lov:e lily' k&epi'ng your person 'f,ragrantly pel'., fumed wIth these wonderful, sweet smelling Sachet Powder-s, You'll be pleased with the delightful rragrancG of these Powders \W'h!Oh,'.m:an~ !l!1;Y' 1s en., !t!ohtS'.

Oriental Type Frag .. an~. ~ . Smel.s Real ,Sweet

. t.a~sLong Time' I

MAGIC W&8 tha orlgloal motive forwe.v, log Jewels AAld a Protessor. Thera are numerous eXAlDplea that Jewelry haS beclD worn and even now 18 subconsciouslY wom tor I. 8Upposed MACIC properties. One boolc> on the POWERS of Oems 86ya: Any jowol 80 wom muat tie classed 88 a CHARM whloh word mOaDJI anything worn to secure GOOD FORTUNE nnd Oet Rid of E .... 'Som.,' preler tho namo 'MASCOT-anythlog thnt Brln,. OOO~ LUCK~ Tile origin Of 'tile beUef th~~ to each MONTH'"cit"U'6 }lOllr II speolal:Stone, was deiiloaT.ed and that tho Stono ol"tl1e,Month

.WIII! ondowed ·wltll.~ PeouU .... ·ylrtuo:tor tl1oso bbrn III tbat mOllth mil'

be trllOoli b,BOt( to tbnmtLiig,s of JoSopb'us III tho'llrilt oontury. ;

Many I>copie' llke. ~ w~~ Ii 8to~e'.tbat tb~Y 1j'oU01'O :18 Oonne~ted· ,mtlt_ .. Th.lr Own II RTH~M~NTH ,vIta th.o DeUet thllt'tlloBIItT,H MON:riH STONE will Bring OOOD LUCK IN LOVE ADd MONEY'maU'o<s.;i1ct BII n PROTECTION IIlId O'R1V£ AWAY EVIL. Wo DlRko DO olalriis to thlacrleoHortheae BIRTH,MONTH RINGS tbatwo bllvellsud,below tor aate, The montbs and the stones to oOrfCspond woro Ilsted by th.e Nntlonnl .Asaocl~tll>n qf' l~welers. Tho nng that you buy' Is sot with a Simulated Stone In St.i'II"" snv ... mountlog. WI> have 'also 8ta~d below tho stllumenta made In II book regarding BIRTH STONES. 'We mako no claims that the W68rIDg ot the roal stone or a sImulated stone or tlJeso rinG'S that we are selling will IlOrtorm any sUJ)Crnatural miracles but hn\'o listed these bellets because we leel you would bo Inte~ted bi readInG' what some authors have said.

No.8hAUGUST SARDONYX - Sald to alve ()Onjuglll felioity and nlso said that,' it favors fortune and thnt the woman whoso stono it is' and does not wear it will be lon'ely. '


!>. ~rtain Book on Folk1or~ gi~~ the, f~owi~ bolief regarding' DOlL'S 5110E STRING, "Cut Root into emall pieces. put oamphor Of whiskey on it. rub on your Ran~ Will give you control 'over any woman. Carry II bit'ioQ your pocket. no snake will bite you; Lay a. pieco in a man's path, will never bave any, more money:

Use it 'for ',. Gambling "Hand:" We make 0'0' claims thnt this Root'wllHiave 'noy suporne.tural

_: eJreot!,1U! :a,l5pve mentioned, n'nll 'seJ1;!ully,,* a. Curio. '" I

-'-','1' ,'" .'~ ....


Eac.h SOC Orde't N,o.. A-223

3 ~Oli, $:t.2Hl :.O.Zci

", " .. "~ ...

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