SceneSorinHannibal Signed Signed

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Scene Between Hannibal Pierce & Sorin Stepanov

Location: Fredericksburg, Gillespie County, Texas. Just outside the Domain of Prince Serafin of
Austin. This scene is happening outside of the Domain Boundaries.
Sorin Stepanov called forth Hannibal Pierce to come to his Haven in Fredericksburg. To come
alone, bring himself in his own form no Astral Projection.
Sorin is already at his Haven which is just a small one bedroom house nothing special except a
small library, and a security system. Most of the insides are nondescript, no paintings on the
wall, no decorations. The place looks virtual empty from outwards appearances.
Hannibal arrives, which Sorin notices from the security feed which shows the front entrance
way, and driveway. Sorin goes to the door and opens it.
"Apprentice Pierce... Please come in and take a seat." Sorin says.
Hannibal steps inside, its noticeable that he has a sense of hesitation about him, since he is
unsure of why he was summoned here. "Why am I here Brother?" he asks.
Sorin looks to Hannibal. "You should sit down. I have a few questions I need answered first,
right now I am not your Brother, I am your Regent." he says. "You knew that this day
might come, that I would be placed in a position that would ultimately be above you in
station. I have been issued the duties to act as Regent of this area, until High Regent Aigner
finds a suitable placement, or my position becomes permanent, and with that, it means I
am in charge of any questioning, I see fit to bestow upon those under my Rank." He pauses
for a moment.
"Hannibal Pierce, you are hereby called to Baton Rouge to undergo Tribunal. Although
within the Ranks of the Camarilla you have showed promise with your status rewards. You
have not portrayed your Clan with the same light. You have refused to follow orders from
Regent's while within their domains. You have failed to produce reports to your local
Regent. You have continued to fail to follow orders regarding the Gargoyle known as
liberty, and most recently you have allowed yourself to become Blood Bonded to the Prince
of Austin Texas. Do you contest any of these charges?" Sorin asks.
Hannibal looks to Sorin.
Sorin takes a chair and sets it in front of Hannibal, and sits down to where they are eye level. "I
am now going to ask you a few questions and I want you to be honest with me." Sorin uses
Aura Perception & Telepathy and Command & Mesmerism, while asking and listening to
answers to the questions below. Sorin will also look at mannerisms, composure, and body
language during the questioning to see if anything strikes out.

Questions & Answers

"Are you currently in communication with Prince Serafin?"
He is in my head, yes.
"Does Prince Serafin know where you are?"
"Have you divulged any of Clan Tremere's Secrets to Prince Serafin?"
"Have you used Clan titles when discussing other Tremere with Prince Serafin?"
"Have you ever created an Item using Thaumaturgy for someone outside of Clan
Yes. Archon Sharp commanded me to make a tracer stone and I made a shafts for Iancier
in order for us to have the Ventrue on our side to secure a seat on the council.
"Have you ever divulged any of Clan Tremere's Secrets to The Gargoyle named Liberty?"
"Are you currently under the effects of a Blood Bond with Prince Serafin?"
"Are you currently under the effects of a Blood Bond with the Gargoyle named Liberty?"
"Have you ever had the Gargoyle named Liberty drink your blood?"
"Have you ever used Dominate on the Gargoyle named Liberty?"
Yes when she came to my home I made her forget how she got there.
"Describe, to the best of your knowledge, what you know regarding Prince Serafin's plans
involving House and Clan Tremere.?"
I know that he will have us loyal one way or the other hence the blood bond put on myself.
(Spending a WP to say that.)
"Have you ever entered into a Blood Contract with a member of any clan outside of Clan
No , absolutely not.
"Have you ever owed major or higher level prestation to a member outside of Clan
Tremere?" (If yes), describe the prestation owed, to whom, and any favors performed as
"Have you ever, by action or inaction betrayed House and Clan Tremere?"
No , never.
Sorin listens to the answers.
"Hannibal, these questions are for your own good. The Tribunal will be asking very similar
ones. I have been requested to place you in Torpor, and send you to Baton Rouge. Should
you defy me, I will attempt to force you into Torpor. I do not want to have to harm you
brother...." he says. "If its not me, it will be High Regent Aigner whom sends others after
you, please comply with my request." Sorin takes a moment to pause and think about his next

actions. I shall advocate for you at the tribunal. The Regent shall know if your words
spoken under truth. I shall make sure of it."
Hannibal looks up. Sorin , I am ready to be staked and delivered for judgment by tribunal
as ordered by the high Regent for my accused crimes against house and clan Tremere.
With that he hands Sorin a stake and waits.
Sorin pauses and looks to the stake. "It seems you came prepared, I appreciate you not
making this any harder on me than it already is." Sorin adds as he takes the stake from
Hannibal. "We shall see one another again brother." He says as he jabs the stake down into
Hannibal's chest. The ritual within the stake starts to make its magic. With having jabbed so
close to Hannibal's heart it does not take long for the wooden tip to find its way and penetrate the
heart. Sorin watches as his brother falls limp. Serafin is immediately notified of the break in
Telepathy (If the ST Rules that Telepathy worked outside of the VSS Boundaries.)
Sorin uses Movement of the Mind, and prepares the body for transportation. Raising it and
moving it over and lowering it into a coffin which he purchased using his resources the night
before. Black with silver trim. Sorin lowers Hannibal's body down into the coffin and seals the
Sorin moves to the garage and slides the coffin into the rental van. Sorin starts his trip towards
Baton Rouge. This takes six hours to get too. Sorin might have to stop in Lafayette LA,
depending on the sunrise. If he has too, he will take refuge and park at a truck stop or Walmart.
And then move to the rear of the van, cast Defense of the Sacred Haven, and Warding Rituals
upon the van.
OOC Note: Upon the Agreement of the Austin Storyteller, Nick Kice, and the Agreement of
Bryan Perryman who plays the Character Hannibal Pierce. I will end this scene, should both
agree. I will then send the Baton Rouge Storyteller a Proxy request for my character. This will
include the Torpored corpse of Hannibal Pierce. My intentions are to deliver Hannibal to High
Regent Aigner.




Bryan Perryman
Derek Stark

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