Jessica Maglietto, City of Buffalo Common Council, Delaware District (2007)

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Jessica Maglietto

480 Woodward Avenue

Buffalo, New York 14214
Stonewall Democrats of WNY Questionnaire

1. Why are you seeking this office?

I am running for Delaware District Council because I believe that the district deserves a
strong voice to fight against the issues that are increasingly plaguing the community and
to be a champion for those which will make it stronger. Now, more so than ever, issues
such as unkempt properties, crime, graffiti, litter, loitering, unruly traffic and a lack of
parking are threatening the quality of life in the residential and business areas of the

The Delaware District Councilmember must have a strong working relationship with
other officials in City Hall in order to take a stand to eradicate the quality of life issues
that are threatening the vitality of the district. The district needs a sound and dedicated
Councilmember who will work to increase the presence of police on its streets, smart
economic development in its commercial districts and programming for its youth and
seniors. I possess the education and professional experience to provide the residents of
the Delaware District with the representation they need.

2. Why are you seeking the endorsement of the Stonewall Democrats of WNY?

I believe strongly in the principals--- equality, acceptance and fairness--- upon which the
Stonewall Democrats of WNY was founded. I respect and admire the work that the
Stonewall Democrats of WNY does everyday to gain and preserve these principals.

3. What three issues do you consider to be most important to the people served by
the office you seek? For each issue:
a) Provide an example of specific action(s) you have previously taken- -either as
a public official or as a private citizen--to bring about positive change
relative to this issue;
b) And Specify what additional action(s) in regard to this issue you intend to
propose if elected to the office you seek.

After walking door-to-door and meeting many of the residents of the Delaware District I
have learned that the issues that matter the most to them fall under the umbrella of having
a good, sound quality of life: strong neighborhoods, safe streets, vibrant business districts
and reliable services. As Director of CitiStat Buffalo, I have an in-depth knowledge of
each city department, its budget, structure and the services it provides, which will enable
me to address these issues and improve the Quality of Life in the Delaware District.
The Delaware District needs a hard working, proactive Councilmember to fight for its
residents. I intend to be proactive and work to solve situations before they become

4. What three civil rights issues do you perceive to be the most important to the gay,
lesbian, bisexual and transgender (GLBT) community? For each issue:
a) Provide an example of specific action(s) you have previously taken- -either as
a public official or as a private citizen --to bring about positive change
relative to this issue; and
b) Specify what additional action(s) in regard to this issue you intend to propose
if elected to the office you seek.

Equal rights, informed representation and respect are issues important to the GLBT
community. Members of the GLBT community are entitled to the same, equal rights as
those individuals who identify themselves as being heterosexual, be it in regard to
building a Iife with a partner, raising a family or working or socializing without the threat
of harassment or inferior treatment. The GLBT community needs and deserves informed
representation at all levels of government to help bring awareness to these issues and to
fight for these rights. As Delaware District Councilmember, I will work tirelessly so
members of the GLBT community enjoy these equal rights and will lobby State
legislators, urging them to do the same.

Equitable funding is another important issue. Local GLBT-focused organizations, such as

the Pride Center of WNY, AIDS Family Services and the Benedict House, provide
invaluable resources to the residents of Buffalo. As Delaware District Councilmember, I
will work with the GLBT community to identify and fight for public funding for these

5. Stonewall Democrats of WNY strongly believes that candidates have a

responsibility to provide voters with truthful, fair and clean campaigns for public
office and to conduct themselves in a manner conducive to a civil, issue -oriented
debate with their fellow candidates. Will you sign a written pledge to conduct your
campaign accordingly?


6. If endorsed by the Stonewall Democrats of WNY, will you list the endorsement on
all applicable campaign literature (i.e., all literature listing any other


7. If endorsed by the Stonewall Democrats of WNY, will you attend a GLBT

community forum to introduce endorsed candidates? Yes.
A 3496/S 1571

Enacts the "Dignity For All Students Act"; authorizes the commissioner of education to
establish policies and procedures affording all students in public schools an environment
free of harassment and discrimination based on actual or perceived race, national origin,
ethnic group, religion, disability, sexual orientation, gender or sex; requires reporting
harassment and discrimination to such commission; makes exemptions.

Support: YES

S 2800/A 4978

Makes a marriage or union absolutely void if contracted by two persons of the same sex
regardless of whether such marriage or union is recognized or solemnized in another

Support: NO

A 5845

Amends the disability benefits law to include domestic partners in certain provisions and
defines the term domestic partner: adds reference to domestic partner in provisions
relating to voluntary coverage and disposition of accrued benefits upon death; defines
domestic partner as a person at least 18 years old who is either dependent upon the
employee for support, or who has registered as the domestic partner of the employee with
any registry of domestic partnerships maintained by the state or by any county, city,
town, or village (excludes persons related by blood to the employee in such a manner as
would bar marriage to the employee in this state); effective immediately but shall be
deemed to have been in full force and effect on and after 9/11/01.

Support: YES
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City Bereavement Leave for Domestic Partners: Provide that bereavement leave be
granted to individuals in same-sex relationships on the same basis as those granted to
employees who are married.

I would co-sponsor or vote for the legislation as long as there is language in the
measure that clearly defines the roles of the partners in a same-sex relationship to
safeguard it so that there are no abuses of the system.

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