2.1 Information On Channel Location

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Information on channel location

Channel that we chose is no.14 which is adjacent to the building C10. It is

beside a corridor where people use to walk as a pathway.


Surrounding environment
The surrounding environment that we can be see when we do the research on

channel we choose, we found the surroundings are clean and there are no are many
obstacles to the existing drainage like the leaves on the trees near the channel we do
research. In addition, the study area we have a large tree, and the tree does not
interfere with the channel.

Channel characteristics
The channel characteristics that we have selected to make this research in

which our channel available in two types of semi-circle form of channel and
rectangular. For the channel the form of semi-circle we need to know the angle to the
curvature of the channel. And for a rectangular shaped channel characteristics have
known is the base and the height of rim of the drain. It is a pre-cast concreted just like
the other corridor drainage used to be.

Date and time of measurements

Our member of have a total of four members went to the location of our

research to make an initial review of on 17th September 2014 before the semester
break. After returning from the holidays, we have conducted the measurement
channels on 28th October 2014 at 5.00 pm in the area of our research. We performing
the measurement to obtain channel slope, depth, height and bottom of the channel.

On-site weather observations

For the observation of the weather in the our research location, we found that

at 17th September 2014 there are no rain and sunny weather on our day made the
review area of our research. On 28th October 2014, the weather on the day we made
the measurements of the channel in the research areas, we found that the weather very
well and there is no rain on the following.


Flow direction
The flow are normally flows like other drainage, where the flows flowing from

upperstream down to downstream and discharge to the main drainage. The figure
below shows the direction of the flow. The upperstream are from the left and flows to
downstream as shown.


Other important information

Throughout the whole measuring procedures, the weather are in a good

condition as there was no rain nor too hot but in the week before the submition report, from
Wednesday to Saturday there were heavily rain in a short period. We also went to check the
study area after that, however there are no water flowing occurred.


Methods and Equipments



Measuring tape (used for measures the 3m of study area, the perimeter
of the channel, and the datum level)


Rubber tube (used to estimate the longitudinal slope)


Rope threads (used to level through the study area)


Wood (used to divide the sections of the channel which includes

upstream, middle and downstream of the identified 3m reach)


Methods we use to get the slope of the channel is to use a rubber tube filled

with water inside it. this method to identify the level of the channel. In addition, we
use a rope threads to obtain benchmark level of the channel. we were will be shows
the steps make measurements for this channel.
the steps were carried :
1. we need to identify the areas and make sure the area of the right channel
(channel no.14 which is adjacent to the building C10).
2. when we find out the channels we choose earlier is correct, then we could
take the length of the channel along the 3-meter with a measuring tape.

Figure 1 measure the channel

3. After a taking the channel length, the existing wood shall be placed in each
1 meter

Figure 2 wood place at every 1 meter

4. After the wood was placed in each 1 meter rope thread is bound to be one
straight line . In addition, the string is installed to obtain level for the

Figure 3 rope thread installed

5. After the rope thread is installed, we will get the channel level by taking
measurements and if a high level, we have to fix a little bit to lower rope
thread has been installed in accordance with the level measurements have
been made.

Figure 4 the level be adjust

6. After the level has been rectified, we can take the rubber tube has been
filled water, then put the tube from end to end of the stick to get the same
level of the water level. Measure level use the rubber tube because to get
the balance of the the water level.

Figure 5 level measure using rubber tube

7. After the water level has to be, so we can get the width and depth of the
channel want to measure. We have taken measurements for the semicircular and rectangular channels. We have been taken this measurement of
the depth of every 1 meter we mark along 3 meters.

Figure 6 width channel has be measured

Figure 7 depth of channel has be measured


Equation Used

In this study project, our channel involves semi-circle and rectangular form
which required us to use the area formula as follows :

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