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Who We Are:

Venture Off was established at The University School as a means to provide students
with a challenging, perspective-stretching experience. The goal was to get students out
of their comfort zones, both literally and figuratively, and Venture Off has been faithful
to that vision. Students who join a Venture Off event, whether for a few hours or a few
days, will have the opportunity to grow physically, mentally, and spiritually. While the
first few years of Venture Off used the Colorado and Utah wilderness as the backdrop
for this adventure, we have felt compelled to expand this opportunity to utilize other
areas of the world as a new backdrop, believing that there are areas of a students life
and heart that can best be uncovered as they engage with other cultures and their eyes
are opened to Gods heart for the world.

Missional Philosophy:

Venture Off and The University School believe that short-term missions, when
approached with humility and with a focus on supporting the long-term development
through working with local ministries and field partners, can be an opportunity for both
spreading the love of Christ to the world as well as for participants to grow in their own
intimacy with Christ and understanding of God and the world we live in. Specific
precautions are taken to ensure that we are not approaching missions with a selfish
mentality and creating more harm through building dependence rather than promoting
development. To this end, we partner directly with ministries on the field to serve them
and promote the ministries they have already established within the local culture.

Partner and Field Information:

For the 2016 Venture Off: Passport, we are partnering directly with The Jesus Way in
Kingston, Jamaica, a grassroots ministry that was launched in February 2008 by Travis
and Yvonne Stewart. Because the safety of our participants is a high priority, we will be
staying at the Jesus Way ministry center which is a secured location outside of town in
the Red Hills of Jamaica. The official language in Jamaica is English, which makes it an
ideal location.

Jamaica does not require any specific immunizations; however, the CDC does have some
recommended vaccines on their website. The only required vaccination for Venture Off
or Jesus Way is an up-to-date tetanus shot. All others will be at the discretion of the

Trip Details:

Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado and Kingston, Jamaica

Trip Dates: June 9th 24th, 2016

June 9th team members should plan to arrive in Colorado Springs. Airport

pick-up will be arranged for out-of-state participants.
June 10th-11th activities in Colorado Springs, CO
June 12th Travel day to Kingston, Jamaica
June 13th- 21st - Ministry and activities in Kinston, Jamaica
June 22nd Travel day back to Colorado Springs
June 23rd Final debrief and activities in Colorado Springs
June 24th team members depart for home

The specific details of the trip are not provided to participants ahead of time;
however, parents will be given more specific information as the time of the trip

Program Costs: $2500 which includes all food, lodging, travel, and activity costs for the
length of the program. Students are responsible for their own immunizations, passport
costs, and travel to Colorado Springs.

All payments will be collected made to Venture Off or The University School. Specific
guidelines will be provided that will allow for support donations to be tax-deductible.

Application Process:
1) Applications are due by November 15th along with a $200 deposit. Deposits
will not be refunded unless a student is not selected to attend.
2) Participant interviews either in-person or via Skype
3) Notification of acceptance or denial
4) Follow-up information provided regarding timelines for payments,
support-raising information, etc.

Dear Parents,
While your high school student may believe that theyre the ones setting out on this
adventure, we know that you are probably taking the biggest risk of all! Sending
your student on any type of trip, away from home, and possibly to another part of
the world could be more of an exercise in faith for you than for them. While they get
excited about a new culture, adventures, exotic locations and living out the Gospel,
you think about things like safety and transportation, risks in third world countries,
and sickness or emergencies. And while we know youre excited about this
experience with them, we understand your need to make sure theyll be safe and
well cared for.
We believe in your student and the impact they can make around the world as well
as the calling that God wants to put on their life; and we believe in you and the
calling God has given you to help your student navigate through this world. So, we
are always available to talk with you about questions or concerns, and to walk you
through the next steps to get your students to the field and embark on this
incredible opportunity!
Venture Off staff

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