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You are now chatting with 'Eunice D'.
Eunice D: at 18:20:23
Hello, thank you for contacting Xbox Customer Support. My name is Eunice D. How can I help you today?
Palagniuc: at 18:20:43
Eunice D: at 18:21:02
Hello there, how are you doing?
Palagniuc: at 18:21:19
I am little big sad
Palagniuc: at 18:21:24
Eunice D: at 18:21:57
I am very sorry to hear that Palagniuc, how may I help you today?
Palagniuc: at 18:23:03
I want to download a free game(Games with gold)...and i cant.I have an error 80150017
Eunice D: at 18:23:40
I understand that you are having issues with downloading a free game. No worries, I am here to find the best
resolution for your concern.
Palagniuc: at 18:23:58
Thank you
Palagniuc: at 18:24:29
More exactly Army of TWO The Devils Cartel
Eunice D: at 18:25:15
Before we proceed, may I have your email or gamertag/
Palagniuc: at 18:25:34
Eunice D: at 18:27:09
Thank you.
Eunice D: at 18:27:16
For verification purposes, I will be sending a code on your email, once you received it, please provide it to me.
Palagniuc: at 18:27:30
Eunice D: at 18:28:45
I already sent the code, please check also your spam or junk folder.
Palagniuc: at 18:31:19
Eunice D: at 18:33:30
Thank you, I am pulling up your account now.
Eunice D: at 18:35:57

Just to set your expectation, Palagnuic. we will be doing some troubleshooting steps to isolate the main cause of
this issue and if this won't work, I may refer you to the game developer for this may be an in game issue.
Eunice D: at 18:38:22
And also the main reason for this is your physical location does not match your Xbox region, it is detecting your
physical location, Don't worry, I won't left you without any better options for this. We will find the best option to fix
this issue.
Palagniuc: at 18:39:08
Thank you
Eunice D: at 18:39:22
You are welcome.
Eunice D: at 18:39:53
We will do some troubleshooting steps first. What Xbox are you using?
Palagniuc: at 18:40:06
Eunice D: at 18:40:53
Palagniuc: at 18:41:30
For what?
Eunice D: at 18:41:52
For some troubleshooting steps.
Palagniuc: at 18:42:02
Eunice D: at 18:43:09
Let us Clear the Cache.
Eunice D: at 18:43:30
1.Press the Guide button on your controller, go to Settings, and select System Settings.
Eunice D: at 18:43:30
2.Select Storage.
Eunice D: at 18:43:30
3.Highlight storage device (Hard Drive),and then press "Y" on your controller.
Eunice D: at 18:43:30
4.Select Clear System Cache.
Eunice D: at 18:43:30
5.When prompted to confirm storage device maintenance, select Yes
Eunice D: at 18:43:30
Eunice D: at 18:45:16
Inform me when you are done.
Palagniuc: at 18:47:17
Im done
Eunice D: at 18:48:07
Then let us powercycle the console.
Eunice D: at 18:48:23
After clearing the cache, kindly turn off the console and unplug all the cables attached to your console and please
remove your hard drive(if you have one), after doing that, kindly plug the cables back after 2 to 3 minutes and
please turn on the console again so we can re-download your profile again.
Palagniuc: at 18:49:17
With or without hard drive
Palagniuc: at 18:49:20
Eunice D: at 18:49:47
Yes, if you don't have one, just proceed to unplugging the cables.
Eunice D: at 18:53:10

Inform me once you are done.

Palagniuc: at 18:58:25
I unplugged the cables
Eunice D: at 18:59:26
Okay and kindly plugged in all the cables back after 2-3 minutes and after that turn on your console.
Eunice D: at 19:01:53
Inform me when you are done.
Palagniuc: at 19:04:57
Im done
Eunice D: at 19:06:46
Please try to download the free game.
Palagniuc: at 19:08:25
It doesnt work
Eunice D: at 19:08:52
The same error message?
Palagniuc: at 19:09:01
Palagniuc: at 19:09:07
Eunice D: at 19:10:35
I do apologize for all the inconvenience and I appreciate your understanding on this issue. If there is something
more that I can do, I would definitely love to, this is an in game issue.
Eunice D: at 19:10:56
I will provide you the link on how to contact the game developer of this game.
Eunice D: at 19:12:48
Palagniuc: at 19:13:17
And what can i tell them
Palagniuc: at 19:13:20
Eunice D: at 19:14:30
There are chats and phone support, you can reach out and you can tell them your issue that you cannot
download the game and you have already contacted us and we have already done some troubleshooting steps.
Eunice D: at 19:15:00
I will be taking notes of al the details of this chat and I will be providing you a reference number.
Eunice D: at 19:15:28
Reference number is 1287971146.
Eunice D: at 19:17:34
Palagniuc,is there anything else I can assist you with?
Palagniuc: at 19:18:35
Eunice D: at 19:19:25
I am looking forward to this issue to be resolved. I really appreciate your understanding and patience on this
Eunice D: at 19:21:30
You can also contact to contact your ISP (Internet Service Provider) to set a proxy IP address because it is
detecting your physical location, please ask them to set it on US IP address and after that you will be able to
download the game.
Palagniuc: at 19:23:32
How can i contact them?
Eunice D: at 19:23:51
Your ISP provider?

Palagniuc: at 19:24:08
Eunice D: at 19:24:42
Let me check. May I ask what is your ISP name?
Palagniuc: at 19:25:56
Eunice D: at 19:26:17
Let me check it on my end their contact details.
Eunice D: at 19:27:57
I was able to get a link on how to contact them.
Eunice D: at 19:28:02
Eunice D: at 19:28:44
We will make sure on my end that I was been able to give you all the options to help this issue to be address
Eunice D: at 19:29:19
I appreciate your cooperation and understanding.
Eunice D: at 19:29:37
Would there be anything else, Palagniuc
Palagniuc: at 19:30:47
Eunice D: at 19:32:02
Take care always.
Eunice D: at 19:32:40
Feel free to contact us anytime.
Eunice D: at 19:33:46
If that was everything, I'd like to thank you again for contacting Xbox Customer Support. To properly end the chat
session, please click on the "Close chat" button on the upper right hand corner of the chat window. Have a
wonderful rest of your day!
Eunice D: at 19:33:47
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Eunice D: at 19:33:49
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info: at 19:36:01
Chat session has been ended by the agent.


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