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1 Complete the verb table.

Past Simple
(1) bought

Past participle
(2) bought

2 Put the words in order to write questions.

1 you a country ever have in foreign lived ?
Have you ever lived in a foreign country?
2 eaten you Japanese food ever have ?
3 parents flown ever in have a your jumbo jet ?
4 friend best slept tent has ever in your a ?
5 ever has USA your the been mother to ?
6 through worked night ever have the you ?
3 Write true answers to the questions in 2.
1 Yes, I have. / No, I havent.
4 Write questions with yet. Then write answers with not yet or just.
You / finish exams ?
Have you finished your exams yet?
Yes, Ive just finished them?
He / shave ? X

They / get on plane ? X

She / pack her luggage?

You / print e-tickets ?

You / say goodbye to your parents ? X

5 Complete the conversations with the appropriate form of get or take.

A Are you coming soon? Youre (1)
a long time.
B I know, but Im still (2)
A (3)
B OK. OK. (4)

off your shoes! Youre getting mud on the carpet!

it easy.

A When did they (5)

B Last month. We (6)
A Is it time to (7)
B Yes, it is. Lets (8)

lots of photos.
off the bus?
a taxi next time were very late!

A Wow! Look at your inbox! Youve (9)

a lot of emails!

B I know. Ive been on holiday. Its going to (10)

a long time to read them all.

6 Put the words in the box in the correct group.

platform open-air hand luggage
departure gate highlight day return
Train travel
Air travel




7 Read the text and write short answers.

1 Daniel, from Newcastle, England
Ive been to the Edinburgh Festival lots of times and Ive seen hundreds of shows. There have been some
great shows and some really terrible ones. The best thing was some capoeira dancing from Brazil. The
performers and the atmosphere were superb!
2 Fiona, from Belfast, Northern Ireland
Ive never been to the Festival, but Im going this year. Ive been in lots of plays at school and university,
and I love it. Ive got tickets for some different things at the Festival music, dance, and theatre. Im really
looking forward to it!
3 Raj, from Birmingham, England
I went to the Edinburgh Festival last year and loved it. But Ive been disappointed this year its been too
busy, and the shows Ive seen havent been great. Im not sure if Im going to go next year.
4 Grant, from Cincinnati, USA
I go to the Festival every year with my wife, Shona, and our three kids this is our third Festival! There
are lots of things for families to do. Last year we all enjoyed a flamenco show everyone danced and
clapped with the performers!

Has Daniel enjoyed all of the shows he has seen at the Festival?
Does Daniel think the Brazilian dancers performed well?
Is it going to be Fionas first trip to the Festival this year?
Does Fiona like acting?
Does Fiona think that she is going to be disappointed at the Festival?
Has Raj enjoyed the Festival this year?
Is Raj going to go to the Festival next year?
How many times have Grant and his family been to the Festival?
Does Grant live in the USA?
Did Grants children dance flamenco last year at the Festival?

8 Make notes about a festival you know.

Whats the name of the festival?
Where and when does it take place?
How long does it last?
What acts perform there?
Do you like it? Why?
Other information?
Use your notes to write a paragraph. Write 80100 words.
9 Match the short conversations.
1 A day-return to Swindon, please.
2 The announcement said go to gate 13.
3 Can I see your ticket and boarding pass, please?
4 Have you got any hand luggage?
5 Where can I buy a ticket?
6 Wheres the nearest bus stop?
7 Does this bus stop at the railway station?
8 Are you coming back today?

No, it doesnt.
Yes, I am.
No, I havent.
Yes, here you are.
Its opposite the bank.
No, look its on the departure board. Its gate 30.

No, he hasnt.

g Thats 62, please.

h From the ticket office, over there.
10 Translate the sentences into your own language.
1 The Festival takes place in August.
2 How many pieces of hand luggage have you got?
3 Excuse me does this bus go to the town centre?
4 Are you coming back today?
5 We havent been through customs yet.
6 Why dont you take off your jacket?
7 Im taking the 10.02 train to London.
8 The platform number has just gone up on the departures board.

1 Complete the verb table.

Past Simple
(1) was

Past participle
(2) been

2 Write questions with yet. Then write answers with not yet or just.
1 You / pack bags ?
Have you packed your bags yet?
Yes, Ive just packed them?
2 She / clean her teeth ? X
3 They / buy the house? X
4 He / finish writing emails ?
5 The train / leave ?
6 She / check your boarding pass ?

3 Complete the conversations with the appropriate form of get or take.

A When did they (1)
B Last month. We (2)
lots of photos.
A Wow! Look at your inbox! Youve (3)
B I know. Ive been on holiday. Its going to (4)
A Are you coming soon? Youre (5)
B I know, but Im still (6)
A Is it time to (7)
B Yes, it is. Lets (8)
A (9)

a lot of emails!
a long time to read them all.
a long time.


off the bus?

a taxi next time were very late!
off your shoes! Youre getting mud on the carpet!

B OK. OK. (10)

it easy.

4 Put the words in order to write questions.

1 famous have a person you met ever?
Have you ever met a famous person
2 ever has USA your the been mother to?
3 failed ever best an has your exam friend?
4 been have Italy ever your to parents?
5 eaten you Chinese food ever have?
6 sun you seen have set ever the?
5 Write true answers to the questions in 4.
1 Yes, I have. / No, I havent.
6 Read the text and write short answers.
1 Lianne, from Toronto, Canada
I go to the Festival every year with my husband, Will, and our four kids this is our third Festival! There
are lots of things for families to do. Last year we all enjoyed a tango show everyone danced and
clapped with the performers!
2 Vijay, from Leeds, England
I went to the Edinburgh Festival last year and loved it. But Ive been disappointed this year its been too
busy, and the shows Ive seen havent been great. Im not sure if Im going to go next year.
3 Seamus, from Dublin, Ireland
Ive never been to the Festival, but Im going this year. Ive been in lots of plays at school and university,
and I love it. Ive got tickets for some different things at the Festival music, dance, and theatre. Im really
looking forward to it!
4 Brita, from Stockholm, Sweden
Ive been to the Edinburgh Festival lots of times and Ive seen hundreds of shows. There have been some
great shows and some really terrible ones. The best thing was some Japanese drumming. The
performers and the atmosphere were brilliant!

How many times have Lianne and her family been to the Festival?
Does Lianne live in Canada?
Did Liannes children dance tango last year at the Festival?
Has Vijay enjoyed the Festival this year?
Is Vijay going to go to the Festival next year?
Is it going to be Seamuss first trip to the Festival this year?
Does Seamus like acting?
Does Seamus think that he is going to be disappointed at the Festival?
Has Brita enjoyed all of the shows she has seen at the Festival?
Does Brita think the Japanese performers were good?

7 Make notes about a festival you know.

Whats the name of the festival?
Where and when does it take place?
How long does it last?
What acts perform there?
Do you like it? Why?
Other information?
Use your notes to write a paragraph. Write 80100 words.

Three times.

8 Match the short conversations.

1 Can I see your ticket and passport, please?
2 The announcement said go to gate 15.
3 A day-return to Glasgow, please.
4 Wheres the nearest bus stop?
5 Does this bus stop in the town centre?
6 Have you got any hand luggage?
7 Where can I buy a ticket?
8 Are you coming back tomorrow?

No, it doesnt.
Yes, I am.
No, I havent.
Yes, here you are.
Its opposite the chemists.
No, look its on the departure board. Its gate 50.
Thats 48, please.
From the ticket office, over there.

9 Put the words in the box in the correct group.

hand luggage platform open-air
departure gate highlight day return
Air travel
Train travel


hand luggage


10 Translate the sentences into your own language.

1 Have you ever been to Mexico?
2 You board from gate 16 at 11 oclock.
3 Excuse me where can I get the 184?
4 Ive found out the weather forecast for this weekend.
5 Have you met the new student yet?
6 I havent got very wet I took an umbrella.
7 A return ticket to Bristol, please.
8 Can you put your bags on the scale, please?
Unit 12 Test A
1 3 did 4 done 5 ate 6 eaten 7 flew 8 flown 9 left 10 left 11 took 12 taken
2 2 Have you ever eaten Japanese food?
3 Have your parents ever flown in a jumbo jet?
4 Has your best friend ever slept in a tent?
5 Has your mother ever been to the USA?
6 Have you ever worked through the night?
3 Students own answers
4 2 Has he shaved yet? No, he hasnt shaved yet.
3 Have they got on the plane yet? Not, they havent got on yet.
4 Has she packed her luggage yet? Yes, shes just packed it.
5 Have you printed the e-tickets? Yes, Ive just printed them.
6 Have you said goodbye to your parents yet? No, I havent said goodbye to them yet.
5 2 getting 3 Take 4 Take 5 get 6 took 7 get 8 take / get 9 got 10 take
6 2 day return
3 hand luggage

4 departure gate
5 open-air
6 highlight
7 2 Yes, he does.
3 Yes, it is.
4 Yes, she does.
5 No, she doesnt.
6 No, he hasnt.
7 Hes not sure.
8 Theyve been twice. This is their third visit.
9 Yes, he does.
10 Yes, they did.
8 Model answer
The Sziget Festival is one of the largest music festivals in Europe. It takes place in August every year on an island in
Budapest. The festival lasts five days, sometimes six days. There are pop and rock bands performing, but there are also
other kinds of performers and many other attractions. I dont like it very much, because the island is really crowded during
the festival, and the ground gets very muddy when it rains. Its a festival where people can stay in tents all week, or take
public transport back home in the city every night.
9 2f 3d 4c 5h 6e 7a 8b
10 Students own answers
Unit 12 Test B
1 3 gave 4 given 5 met 6 met 7 made 8 made 9 ran 10 run 11 saw 12 seen
2 2 Has she cleaned her teeth yet? No, she hasnt cleaned them yet.
3 Have they bought the house yet? No, they havent bought it yet.
4 Has he finished writing emails yet? Yes, hes just finished writing them.
5 Has the train left yet? Yes, its just left.
6 Has she checked your boarding pass? No, she hasnt checked it yet.
3 2 took 3 got 4 take 5 taking 6 getting 7 get 8 take / get 9 Take 10 Take
4 2 Has your mother ever been to the USA?
3 Has your best friend ever failed an exam?
4 Have your parents ever been to Italy?
5 Have you ever eaten Chinese food?
6 Have you ever seen the sun set?
5 Students own answers
6 2 Yes, she does.
3 Yes, they did.
4 No, he hasnt.
5 Hes not sure.
6 Yes, it is.
7 Yes, he does.
8 No, he doesnt.
9 No, she hasnt.
10 Yes, she does.
7 Model answer
The Sziget Festival is one of the largest music festivals in Europe. It takes place in August every year on an island in
Budapest. The festival lasts five days, sometimes six days. There are pop and rock bands performing, but there are also
other kinds of performers and many other attractions. I dont like it very much, because the island is really crowded during
the festival, and the ground gets very muddy when it rains. Its a festival where people can stay in tents all week, or take
public transport back home in the city every night.
8 2f 3g 4e 5a 6c 7h 8b
9 2 departure gate
3 platform
4 day return
5 open-air
6 highlight
10 Students own answers

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