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Lesson 1 Understanding the Cat in The Hat!

Teacher: Amanda Augustinsen!

Common Core State Standards:!

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.1.3 Describe characters, settings, and major events in a story,
using key details.!
Learning Objective: !
The students will become familiar with all of the characters in the story. !
The students will be able to recognize the beginning, middle, and end of the book. !
Computers for all students/computer lab!
Web Links!
Assesment: !
During the lesson student understanding will be assessed through questions and responses
to the padlet !
The students will be assessed on their understanding of the different characters in The Cat
in the Hat using a Rubric, created on Rubristar. !
Classroom Learning Enviornment Focus:!
The students will work independently during the activities!
The students will share as a group!
During sharing the students will be excepted to pay attention to the others presentations and
not talk or be off task!
The teacher will read The Cat in The Hat to the students, sitting on the rug. (Time 10 min). !
Transition: The students will quietly go back to their desk and log on to their computers. !
Lesson Development:!
The students will go to and respond to the teachers questions.!
What is on event that happens in the beginning? What is one event that happens in
the middle? What is one event that happens at the end?. (Time 10 min)!
The teacher will show all of the responses on the smart board, read them aloud, and correct
any mistakes. !
Students will long on to FakeBook, on their
computers. The students will create a FakeBook, pretending to be one of the characters in
the cat in the Hat, Sally, Sam, The Cat in the Hat, Thing 1 or Thing 2. The students will be
required to make 5 posts on the fake book page about how their character is feeling, at least
two posts have to be from another character. The students will pick a profile picture and
cover photo related to the their character. When they are finished they will print out their
Fakebook page. Time (20 min). !
The students will now pick a DIFFERENT character than they picked when making their
fakebook profile. The students will visit
aliens/. They will answer the questions and chose an alien as if they were the character that
they chose. For example if I chose the Cat in the Hat I will respond to the questions
pretending I am the Cat in the Hat. When the students are fine they will print out the alien
that they chose for their character. Time (10 min)!
The students will share their printed Fakebooks and Alien projects in groups of 4. !

Each student will show the character they chose and describe the characters mood and
feelings. !
The students will hand in both of their projects to the teacher

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