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Understanding by Design

Technology Enhanced Unit

Chasity Howard
Unit Title: Introduction to Film and Animation
Audience: 8th Grade
Duration: 45 minutes/ 5Days


Media Arts Standards:
Standard 1: The student will develop and expand his or her knowledge of the processes,
techniques, and applications used in the creation of a media artwork.
MA8-1.1 Identify the specific skills, knowledge, and abilities necessary for creating
media artwork
Standard 2: The student will create media artwork that demonstrates an understanding
and command of the principles of artistic design.
MA8-2.1 Expand his or her media arts vocabulary.
MA8-2.2 Design and create media artwork that communicates his or her experiences.
MA8-2.3 Describe processes used in the creation of media artwork and identify the
products that are the result of those processes.
MA8-2.4 Apply elements of artistic design specific to individual media.
Standard 4: The student will make connections between the media arts and other arts
disciplines, other content areas and the world.
MA8-4.1 Analyze examples of media artwork to gain an awareness of the components
that connect the media arts to everyday life and activities in the world at large.
Standard 5: History and Culture The student will understand the context and history of
the development of the media arts from the late nineteenth century to present and will

recognize the role of media artwork in world cultures.

MA8-5.1 Analyze ways that information from past and present culture has influenced the
evolution of the media arts.
ISTE Standards:
2. Communication and collaboration: Students use digital media and environments to
communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual
learning and contribute to the learning of others.
a. Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety
of digital environments and media
b. Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a
variety of media and formats
4. Critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making: Students use critical
thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems, and make
informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources.
b. Plan and manage activities to develop a solution or complete a project
6. Technology operations and concepts: Students demonstrate a sound understanding of
technology concepts, systems, and operations
a. Understand and use technology systems
Instructional Goals:
Essential Questions:
To develop an appreciation for early films
and animation, students will demonstrate
Who were the key contributors to early
an understanding of the inventors and
films and animation and how did their
inventions that led to the first films.
contributions to the art lead the way to
modern day film and animation around the
Students will be able to evaluate the impact world?
films have had and continue to have on
What impacts did the introduction of film
and animation have on people and how
Students will create a flipbook animation to does it still impact us today?
mimic one of the earliest forms of
How can I create a short animation using a
1. Students will learn about early inventions from a variety of inventors that when

put together, eventually led to the first films and animations and modern day film
and animation around the world.
2. Students will recognize the emotional, social, intellectual and moral impacts film
had and continues to have on society.
3. Students will develop a concept for an animation and create a flipbook.


Performance Task(s):
- Create a Thinglink presentation
- Create an animated flipbook
- Blog

Other Evidence:
- Throughout the unit there will be
formative assessments such as
discussions and quizzes using
Padlet, Todays meet, and Google


Activity: Day 1

Video Brief History of Film Animated Documentary

View clips of first films

o Horse in Motion
o Arrival of a Train
o Critique-What are your first impressions/thoughts about these two

Final Discussion

With your table partner, discuss how film and animation has changed in the last
100+ years? Things to consider: Sound, Color Production Companies, Actors and
Actresses and how people view movies. Come up with three ways film and
animation has changed over the last 100+ years and give an example for each.
Post your answer to this Padlet wall:

Closure: Ticket Out the Door- What film have you seen that you feel demonstrates
an advancement in film and animation and tell me why.
Activity: Day 2


Movie clip examples

o The Fault in Our Stars
o SuperSize Me
o Inception
o My Sisters Keeper

Step 1: With a table partner, think about and discuss the impacts films have on
people. Think social, emotional, intellectual and moral impacts. Come up with
three different ways and give an example of a movie for each.
Step 2: Use to create a presentation of your information. Here is
my example:
Step 3: e-mail me a link to your Thinglink

Presentation Timeo Turn to the table behind you. Take turns presenting your Thinglink with
each other.

Closure: Ticket Out the Door- Tell me about a film you have seen that has impacted
you on an emotional, social, intellectual and moral level and what you took away from
that film.

Activity: Day 3

Flipbook Project Introduction

Demo Videos

Concept and Sketches

Cut and staple paper

Closure: Peer review of concept and sketches

Activity: Day 4

Flipbook Project Review

Replay Demo Video

Revise your concept/sketches based on yesterdays peer review.

Work on Flipbook

Closure: Peer review of flipbook progress

Activity: Day 5

Flipbook Project Review

Complete Flipbook

Blog: Write a one paragraph reflection on your blog for your flipbook. Things to
address: What did you like about your book? , What would you change?, Rate your
overall effort. Add a picture of your sketch work and final book.
Closure: Turn your flipbook. Make sure your name is on the back.

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