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Comparison of chemical composition of various food stuf

Macromolecules are in all forms of life. These organic compounds
are carbohydrates, lipids and proteins. The presence of these
macromolecules can be tested using diferent reagents.
Carbohydrates are made up carbon,oxygen and hydrogen.They can
be categorized into two groups which are sugar and nonsugars.Sugar consist of monosaccharides and disaccharides while
non-sugar consist of polysaccharides. Monosaccharides are the
simplest form of sugar,disaccharides compose of two
monosaccharides while polysaccharides are compose of long chains
of monosaccharides unit that are bound together by glycosidic
Proteins are the building blocks of life. It is made up of long chains
of amino acids linked together by peptide bonds. This composition
is tested by using Biurets test.
Lipid are molecules that contain hydrocarbon and is the building
block for structure of living things. It is a non-polar organic
compound which is soluble in organic solvent such as alcohol. It
consists of elements such as carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.
The carbohydrate,lipid and protein are tested using their specific
reagent which results in specific colour changes.
In the experiment for detection of carbohydrate,the materials and
apparatus used are potato,iodine solution,microscope,glass
slide,scalpel, measuring cylinder, sucker, Benedicts
solution,glucose solution,fruit juice,water bath,timer,dilute
hydrochloric acid (HCl) , sodium bicarbonate ( NaHCO3 ), fresh
milk, sodium hydroxide (NaOH), copper sulphate ( CuSO 4 ), coconut
oil, ethanol. The first experiment for starch, a potato was sliced
thinly by using a scalpel.One drop of iodine solution was added to
stain the potato.The stained potato was placed under the
microscope and was observed using two diferent magnification
which are x10 and x40.The stained cells of potato were observed
and recorded in table 1.0

The second experiment of carbohydrate, which is reducing sugar, 1

cm3 of Benedicts solution and 3 cm 3 of glucose solution was
added into a test tube.The test tube was placed into the boiling
water bath which is 90 degrees Celcius for 2 minutes.The test tube
was removed from the water bath and the changes in colour of the
solution were recorded in table 1.1

For the third experiment for carbohydrates, which is non-reducing

sugar, 1 cm 3 of Benedicts solution and 3 cm3 of fruit juice was
added into a test tube. The solution was observed and the colour
changes were recorded in Table 1.2. Then, 3 cm3 of fruit juice and
1 cm 3 of dilute hydrochloric acid (HCl) was added into a another
clean test tube. The solution was boiled in a water bath at 90
degrees Celcius for 3 minutes. The test tube was removed from the
water bath and left to cool at room temperature for 5 minutes. After
cooling, sodium bicarbonate was added into the solution to
neutralize the mixture until the foaming stops. Then, the Benedicts
test was repeated on the mixture. The colour changes were
observed and recorded in Table 1.2.
The next group of test was protein. 2 cm3 of sodium hydroxide
(NaOH) was added into 2 cm 3 of fresh milk in a test tube followed
by four drops of copper(II) sulfate ( CuSO 4 . The mixture was
shaken gently. The colour changes were observed and recorded in
table 1.3.
For the next experiment which is detection of lipid, a measuring
cylinder is used to measure 2 cm3 of ethanol. The ethanol is then
poured into a test tube. A few drops of coconut oil is then added to
the test tube using a sucker. The test tube is shaken gently and the
changes is observed. A few drops of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) is
added into the solution. Then the changes is observed again.
Table 1.0 Iodine test for the presence of starch
Magnification of potato cells
image observed under

Starch granules are stained blue
black by iodine solution.
Starch granules are stained blue
black by iodine solution.

Table 1.1 Reducing sugar

1cm3 of Benedicts solution +
3cm3 of glucose solution
Table 1.2 Non-reducing Sugar
1cm3 of Benedicts solution + 3cm3
fruit juice
1cm3 of dilute hydrochloric acid
(HCl) +3cm3 of fruit juice + sodium
bicarbonate (NaHCO3)

Solution changes in colour from
blue to brick red precipitate

Solution changes in colour from
orange to green
Solution changes in colour from
orange to green, then to orange yellow

Table1.3 Biuret test for the presence of protein

2 cm 3 of fresh milk+2 cm 3 of
2 cm 3 of fresh milk+2 cm 3 of
NaOH+ CuSo 4

No changes
Solution changes in colour to violet.

Table1.4 Emulsion test for the presence of lipid

Coconut Oil + 3cm3 Ethanol

Cloudy with emulsion

Coconut Oil + 3cm3 Ethanol + NaOH


In the carbohydrate experiment for the starch,the colour of iodine
changes from brown to blue black when in contact with the potatos
cells.Starch has 2 components which are amylose and
amylopectin.The amylose component of starch has helical
structure.The iodine is trap inside the helix and this complex gives
intense blue colour.
Reducing sugars carry out a type of chemical reaction called as
reduction.The Benedicts test is used to test the reducing sugars
and in the process the reducing sugars are oxidized.When the
glucose is heated with Benedicts solution the glucose decomposes
to form products that reduce Cupric (
) ions to Cuprous (
)ions. The solution changed to brick red precipitate upon heating in
the water bath with the temperature of 90 degrees Celcius for 2
In the experiment to determine the presence of non-reducing sugar,
Fehlings test was carried out. 1 cm 3 Benedicts solution was added
into the 1 cm3 of fruit juice to test the presence of non-reducing
sugars. When the solution turned from orange to green, the
negative result shows that a trace of non-reducing sugars is present.
In a separate test tube, 1 cm3 of dilute hydrochloric acid and
3 cm3 of fruit juice were added together and placed in a water bath
of 90 degrees Celcius to hydrolyse the glycosidic bond. Sodium
bicarbonate was added into the mixture until it stops fizzing, as to
neutralize the solution. The solution turned from orange to yellow
and it proved that sucrose is present in the solution.
The presence of protein is detected by using Biurets test. When 2
cm3 of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) was added to 2 cm 3 of fresh
milk, there is no change in colour. The mixture started to change to
violet colour when four drops of copper(II)sulphate solution were
added.This is explained when cupric ion in alkaline medium forms a
violet coloured complex with peptide bond of protein.The test is
answered by compound having two or more peptide bonds.
Emulsion test is to determine the presence of lipid. Lipids do not
dissolve in water but it dissolves in ethanol. This characteristic is
used in Emulsion test. A few drops of coconut oil is added into a test
tube containing 2 cm3 of ethanol and is gently shaken. The
reaction between lipid and ethanol causes the solution to turn
cloudy. When a few drops of sodium hydroxide is added into the
mixture, the solution forms an emulsion. This is known as

emulsification. A small globule is formed in the solution which

makes it appear cloudy.

The experiment showed the presence of specific chemical
composition in food when tested with the specific reagent. Starch in
the potato reacted to iodine which proved the presence of starch.
The glucose solution showed colour changes to brick red precipitate
when added with Benedicts solution. In the third experiment, the
neutralize fruit juice changed to tangy orange colour when reacted
with Benedicts solution which showed the presence of non-reducing
sugar. Biurets test proved the presence of protein in the fresh milk.
The Suldans test showed emulsion in coconut oil.

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