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Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns is a farming simulation game for the
Nintendo hand-held console systems. The original game in Japan was only available
for the Nintendo DS console but the North American version is available for both
Nintendo DS and Nintendo 3DS consoles.
The 3DS version is also available for download off of the North American Nintendo
3DS eShop. The digital version of the game sells for $29.99 and will take 1929
blocks of memory on your SD card. The 2013 digital version of the 3DS game does
not appear to have the same freezing and lock-up problems that the 2011 retail
version has.

The Story of the Two Towns

Long ago the towns of Bluebell and Konohana
were friendly neighbors, joined together by a
tunnel underneath the mountain that separates
the towns. Eventually the towns started to
disagree with each other on whose town had the
best cooking cousine. As the villagers became
more obnoxious with each other, the Harvest
Goddess became more annoyed with them. One
day she finally put her foot down and collapsed
the tunnel between the towns, cutting them off
from each other. Now the only interaction the towns have with each other is at their
cooking festival, where their cooking conflict continues four times per season.
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As a new farmer, you are eager to start your new life at one of the towns but a freak
travel accident makes you to forget what town you originally were going to live in!
Listen to each mayor's story, hear about each town, and then decide where you want
to start your new farm life.

Game Features
As its name implies, Tale of Two Towns allows
you to select the town you want to live in.
Bluebell Town's specialty is with animals such as
cows, chickens, sheep, and the new alpaca.
Konohana Town concentrates on growing crops,
trees, and grains. Both farms in each town have
a small area where you can have some of the
other town's features; there are small fields for
crops on the Bluebell Town farm and a small
barn for animals on the Konohana Town farm.
Different villagers live in each town and have
their own theme. Bluebell Town is a European-style town and Konohana Town is
Asian-themed. Unique shops exist in both towns and you will need to travel across
the mountain to shop in each town.
Residing in a specific town is not permanent. You can change your home town once
per season and are free to move back and forth between towns. Players are
expected to move from time to time in order to upgrade each farm and experience
each town's separate festivals.
Some other features include:

The ability to select your character's gender at the beginning of the game.
Six different marriage candidates to select from.
Seasonal festivals that are unique to each town.
A vast mountainous area where you can find items, fish, and bugs to sell.
Mid-day weather changes.
The new dating feature, where you must go out on dates with your potential
A message board request system where villagers will post requests for your
New flower crops such as rose, carnation, and sunflower.
Cat and dog pets who will automatically herd your animals outside.
Winter season crops.
Weekly cooking festival based on salad, soup, main course, and dessert
And much more!

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Introduction .............................................................................................................. 1
The Story of the Two Towns ................................................................................... 1
Game Features ......................................................................................................... 2
Content...................................................................................................................... 3
Before You Begin... .................................................................................................. 9
Hearts Colors and Events Have Changed ..................................................................... 9
The Horse Cart is For Storage ........................................................................................ 9
Collect 10 Old Boots, 10 Old Balls, 8 Ore Stone, and 10 Snowballs ............................ 9
The Horse Doesn't Need Attention............................................................................... 10

Basic........................................................................................................................ 11
Game Controls .............................................................................................................. 11
Farm Summary and Rucksack ..................................................................................... 12
The Stamina Bar ............................................................................................................ 12
Friendship Levels .......................................................................................................... 13
Your Farm Degree ......................................................................................................... 15
Farm Rank Titles ........................................................................................................... 17
Wonderful Stones ......................................................................................................... 18
Star Rank and Freshness ............................................................................................. 19
Freshness ............................................................................................................................... 19
Current Freshness Points ........................................................................................................ 20
Freshness Example................................................................................................................. 20
Star Rank ................................................................................................................................ 21
The Star Ranks and the Konohana Crop Festival .................................................................... 21

Farm Equipment ............................................................................................................ 22

Your Clothing Options .................................................................................................. 22
Boy Clothing Outfits................................................................................................................. 23
Girl Clothing Outfits ................................................................................................................. 24

Time, Seasons, and Weather ........................................................................................ 25

Daily Weather ......................................................................................................................... 26

The Two Towns ...................................................................................................... 27

All About Bluebell Town ............................................................................................... 27
All About Konohana Town............................................................................................ 28
The Local Stores ........................................................................................................... 28
Bluebell Shops ........................................................................................................................ 29
Jessica's Animals................................................................................................................ 29
Enrique's Shop.................................................................................................................... 30
Cam's Flowers .................................................................................................................... 31
Howard's Cafe .................................................................................................................... 32
Grady's Animals .................................................................................................................. 34
Konohana Shops..................................................................................................................... 35
Gombe's Seeds .................................................................................................................. 35
Raul's Shop ........................................................................................................................ 36
Yun's Tea House................................................................................................................. 37
Kana's Animals ................................................................................................................... 38

The Cooking Festival .................................................................................................... 40

The Town Teams .................................................................................................................... 40
Winning the Festival ................................................................................................................ 40
Results and Prizes .................................................................................................................. 41

Wild Animals ................................................................................................................. 42

The Purpose for the Wild Animals ........................................................................................... 42
Befriending the Animals........................................................................................................... 43

The Mountain ................................................................................................................. 46

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Message Boards ..................................................................................................... 48

The Message Board ...................................................................................................... 48
Accepting a Request ............................................................................................................... 49
Completing a Request ............................................................................................................. 49

Request Levels .............................................................................................................. 50

Increasing Your Request Level ................................................................................................ 50

Normal Requests ........................................................................................................... 51

Bluebell Normal Requests ....................................................................................................... 52
Konohana Normal Requests.................................................................................................... 54

Item Needed Requests .................................................................................................. 56

Tutorial Requests .......................................................................................................... 60
Bluebell Tutorial Requests ....................................................................................................... 60
Konohana Tutorial Requests ................................................................................................... 60

Item Requests................................................................................................................ 61
Konohana Item Requests ........................................................................................................ 61
Bluebell Item Requests............................................................................................................ 62

Construction Requests ................................................................................................. 63

"Through The Tunnel" Requests .............................................................................................. 63
"Renovations" Requests .......................................................................................................... 64
Other Requests ....................................................................................................................... 66

Tool Upgrade Requests ................................................................................................ 66

Watering Can Upgrades .......................................................................................................... 67
Hoe Upgrades ......................................................................................................................... 67
Sickle Upgrades ...................................................................................................................... 68

Help Requests ............................................................................................................... 68

Ore Stone ....................................................................................................................... 72
Finding Ore Stone ................................................................................................................... 72
Smashing Ore Stones ............................................................................................................. 73

Your Farm ............................................................................................................... 74

Moving Towns ............................................................................................................... 74
Farm Expansions .......................................................................................................... 75
Bluebell Farm Expansions ....................................................................................................... 76
Konohana Farm Expansions ................................................................................................... 77

Bee Huts ........................................................................................................................ 78

Seeding the Bee Hut ............................................................................................................... 78
Collecting Honey ..................................................................................................................... 78

Fish Pond....................................................................................................................... 80
Increasing the Star Rank ......................................................................................................... 80
Increasing the Number of Fish ................................................................................................. 80

Horse Cart...................................................................................................................... 82
Types of Horse Carts .............................................................................................................. 83

The Maker Sheds........................................................................................................... 84

Bluebell Maker Machines ........................................................................................................ 84
The Yarn Maker .................................................................................................................. 84
The Fermenting Maker ........................................................................................................ 85
The Beverage Maker........................................................................................................... 86
Konohana Maker Machines ..................................................................................................... 87
The Grain Mill ..................................................................................................................... 87
The Seed Maker ................................................................................................................. 88
The Pickling Pot .................................................................................................................. 90

Fruit Trees and Tea Trees ............................................................................................. 91

Tree Types.............................................................................................................................. 92

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Item List ......................................................................................................................... 93

Salad Recipes ......................................................................................................................... 93
Soup Recipes.......................................................................................................................... 94
Appetizer Recipes ................................................................................................................... 95
Main Dish Recipes .................................................................................................................. 99
Dessert Recipes .................................................................................................................... 103
"Other" Recipes..................................................................................................................... 107
Fermenting Maker Machine ................................................................................................... 110
Beverage Maker Machine...................................................................................................... 111
Pickling Pot Maker Machine .................................................................................................. 112
Yarn Maker Machine ............................................................................................................. 113
Grain Mill Maker Machine ...................................................................................................... 113
Honey ................................................................................................................................... 114
Cooking Staples .................................................................................................................... 114
Flower Bouquets ................................................................................................................... 115
Flower Perfume..................................................................................................................... 115
Alchemy Potions ................................................................................................................... 115
Crops, Grains, and Fruit ........................................................................................................ 116
Animal Products .................................................................................................................... 118
Foraged (Wild) Items ............................................................................................................. 118
Jewels and Ore ..................................................................................................................... 119
Critters .................................................................................................................................. 120
Fishing .................................................................................................................................. 123
Miscellaneous Items.............................................................................................................. 126
Seeds ................................................................................................................................... 126

Crops & Animals .................................................................................................. 129

The Crop Fields ........................................................................................................... 129
Bluebell Farm Field Spaces ................................................................................................... 130
Konohana Farm Field Spaces ............................................................................................... 131

Growing Crops ............................................................................................................ 132

Buying Seeds ........................................................................................................................ 132
Uncovering The Soil .............................................................................................................. 132
Digging Holes and Trenches ................................................................................................. 133
Watering Your Crops ............................................................................................................. 134
Using Fertilize to Increase Star Rank ..................................................................................... 134

Spring Seasonal Crops ............................................................................................... 136

Summer Seasonal Crops ............................................................................................ 138
Fall Seasonal Crops .................................................................................................... 140
Winter Seasonal Crops ............................................................................................... 141
Grains and Rice ........................................................................................................... 142
Buckwheat, Soybeans, and Wheat ........................................................................................ 143
Rice ...................................................................................................................................... 144

Chickens ...................................................................................................................... 144

Cows ............................................................................................................................ 145
Sheep ........................................................................................................................... 146
The Alpaca ................................................................................................................... 147
Cats and Dogs ............................................................................................................. 148
Pet Friendship ....................................................................................................................... 149
Herding Cows, Sheep, Alpaca, and Chickens ........................................................................ 149

The Horse and Owl ...................................................................................................... 150

The Horse ............................................................................................................................. 150
The Owl ................................................................................................................................ 151

Products Produced Daily ............................................................................................ 152

Animal Friendship ....................................................................................................... 153

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Activities ............................................................................................................... 156

Catching Fish .............................................................................................................. 156
Hand Fishing ......................................................................................................................... 156
Rod Fishing........................................................................................................................... 158

Catching Mountain Critters ........................................................................................ 161

Cicadas................................................................................................................................. 162
Beetles.................................................................................................................................. 162
Dragonflies............................................................................................................................ 163
Fireflies ................................................................................................................................. 164
Frogs .................................................................................................................................... 165
Butterflies .............................................................................................................................. 165
Hoppers ................................................................................................................................ 166

The Tunnel Mine .......................................................................................................... 169

List of Mine Items .................................................................................................................. 171

Cooking Basics ........................................................................................................... 172

Cook From Recipe ................................................................................................................ 172
Cook Without Recipe............................................................................................................. 173
Becoming Inspired to Learn New Recipes ............................................................................. 173

The List of Cooking Recipes ...................................................................................... 175

Cooking Recipes: Salad ........................................................................................................ 176
Cooking Recipes: Soup ......................................................................................................... 177
Cooking Recipes: Appetizer .................................................................................................. 179
Cooking Recipes: Main Dish.................................................................................................. 186
Cooking Recipes: Dessert ..................................................................................................... 194
Cooking Recipes: Other ........................................................................................................ 199

Foraging for Wild Items .............................................................................................. 205

Foraging Spots...................................................................................................................... 207
Jumping into the Rivers ......................................................................................................... 208

Flower Bouquets and Perfume ................................................................................... 208

Flower Bouquet ..................................................................................................................... 209
Perfume ................................................................................................................................ 209

The Alchemy Pot ......................................................................................................... 210

Event ..................................................................................................................... 212

Spring Festivals .......................................................................................................... 212
Flower Viewing Festival ......................................................................................................... 212
Spring Harmony Day ............................................................................................................. 212
Children's Day ....................................................................................................................... 213
Spring Crop Festival .............................................................................................................. 213
Animal Festival ...................................................................................................................... 214

Summer Festivals ....................................................................................................... 215

Bug Catching Festival ........................................................................................................... 215
Bare-Handed Fishing Contest ............................................................................................... 215
Summer Flower Day.............................................................................................................. 216
Angling Contest ..................................................................................................................... 216
Star Gazing Festival .............................................................................................................. 217
Summer Crop Festival ........................................................................................................... 217
Animal Festival ...................................................................................................................... 218

Fall Festivals ............................................................................................................... 218

Music Festival ....................................................................................................................... 218
Moon Viewing Festival .......................................................................................................... 219
Fall Flower Day ..................................................................................................................... 219
Fall Crop Festival .................................................................................................................. 220
Animal Festival ...................................................................................................................... 220
Pumpkin Festival ................................................................................................................... 221

Winter Festivals ........................................................................................................... 221

Snow Festival........................................................................................................................ 221
Winter Harmony Day ............................................................................................................. 222
Starry Night Festival .............................................................................................................. 223
New Years Eve ..................................................................................................................... 224

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The Cooking Festival .................................................................................................. 224

The Town Teams .................................................................................................................. 224
Winning the Festival .............................................................................................................. 225
Results and Prizes ................................................................................................................ 225

Random Events ........................................................................................................... 226

Bluebell Events ..................................................................................................................... 227
Konohana Events .................................................................................................................. 235
Family Events ....................................................................................................................... 240

Flower Events .............................................................................................................. 242

Triggering Events .................................................................................................................. 242
The Flower Events ................................................................................................................ 243

Birthdays ..................................................................................................................... 243

People ................................................................................................................... 247

Harvest Goddess ......................................................................................................... 247
Pierre............................................................................................................................ 248
Bluebell Villagers ........................................................................................................ 249
Cheryl ................................................................................................................................... 250
Diego .................................................................................................................................... 252
Eileen.................................................................................................................................... 254
Enrique ................................................................................................................................. 255
Grady .................................................................................................................................... 257
Howard ................................................................................................................................. 259
Jessica.................................................................................................................................. 261
Nathan .................................................................................................................................. 263
Rose ..................................................................................................................................... 265
Rutger ................................................................................................................................... 267
Ash ....................................................................................................................................... 269
Ash's Flower Events .......................................................................................................... 271
Cam ...................................................................................................................................... 274
Cam's Flower Events ........................................................................................................ 276
Alisa ...................................................................................................................................... 280
Alisas Flower Events ........................................................................................................ 282
Georgia ................................................................................................................................. 283
Georgia's Flower Events ................................................................................................... 284
Laney .................................................................................................................................... 287
Laney's Flower Events ...................................................................................................... 289
The Oracle ............................................................................................................................ 292
The Oracle's Flower Events............................................................................................... 294

Konohana Villagers ..................................................................................................... 297

Ayame .................................................................................................................................. 298
Gombe .................................................................................................................................. 300
Ina ........................................................................................................................................ 302
Mako ..................................................................................................................................... 304
Rahi ...................................................................................................................................... 306
Raul ...................................................................................................................................... 308
Sheng ................................................................................................................................... 309
Ying ...................................................................................................................................... 311
Yun ....................................................................................................................................... 313
Dirk ....................................................................................................................................... 315
Dirks Flower Events ......................................................................................................... 318
Hiro ....................................................................................................................................... 318
Hiro's Flower Events ......................................................................................................... 320
Kana ..................................................................................................................................... 323
Kana's Flower Events........................................................................................................ 325
Nori ....................................................................................................................................... 328
Nori's Flower Events ......................................................................................................... 330
Reina .................................................................................................................................... 333
Reina's Flower Events....................................................................................................... 335

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Mikhail .................................................................................................................................. 338

Mikhails Flower Events ..................................................................................................... 340

Family life .............................................................................................................. 344

Getting Married............................................................................................................ 344
Marriage Requirements ......................................................................................................... 344
Dates and Flower Events ...................................................................................................... 345
Flower Events ................................................................................................................... 345
Jealousy Points................................................................................................................. 346
Proposal and Wedding .......................................................................................................... 346
Reverse Proposals ............................................................................................................ 347
Married Life ........................................................................................................................... 347

Having A Baby ............................................................................................................. 348

Pregnancy and Birth .............................................................................................................. 348
Growing Up ........................................................................................................................... 349

Your Child .................................................................................................................... 350

Credit ..................................................................................................................... 354

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Before You Begin...

There are a few things you will want to know of before you start playing Harvest
Moon: A Tale of Two Towns. Besides reading the instruction manual, the following
tips should help you get started and clear up confusion:

Hearts Colors and Events Have Changed

Instead of seeing hearts on the character's portraits when you talk to him or her, you
will see a string of flowers along the side of the conversation dialog box. All
characters will have this. The flowers indicate how friendly you are with the person.

Marriage candidates will have colored flowers in white, purple, blue, green, yellow,
pink, and finally red. There isn't a "black" or "orange" love stage in this version of
Harvest Moon. The four special marriage candidates do not have colored flowers.
Regular villagers also have simple white colored flowers.

The Horse Cart is For Storage

You will get a horse and horse cart at the beginning of the game. The horse cart is
used as your traveling storage shed. You can access its contents by checking the
toolbox in your house or by pressing A when standing at the cart outside of your
house. You can upgrade your horse cart buy purchasing new versions from the Pet
shops, winning cooking festivals, and completing message board requests.
The lower level your horse cart is, the fewer items you can store. Low level horse
carts also decrease an items freshness faster than if you had a better one. There are
horse carts that will keep an item's freshness forever.

Collect 10 Old Boots, 10 Old Balls, 8 Ore Stone, and 10 Snowballs

When you are bare-hand fishing, you can pick up
garbage items. If you find Old Boots and Old Balls,
keep them in your horse cart until you have 10 of
each one. In your first winter, Rutger will put the
request for the Master Rod up on the Bluebell
message board. You will be requested to bring him 10
Old Boots and 10 Old Balls, but the bare-hand fishing
ponds are frozen in Winter! If you have the required
items before Rutger's request appears, you can get
the Master Rod even in Winter instead of having to
wait until Spring when the ponds thaw.
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If you don't have the required items if Rutger asks for them in Winter, he will put his
request back on the Bluebell message board once a season until you complete it.
The Snowballs can be found randomly on the ground during Winter. You'll need 10
of these to complete the Oracle's request that rewards you with the Snowboard. She
also wants 10 Elli Leaves, which are a foraged wild flower also found in Winter. Elli
Leaves have a star rank and will rot if you try to keep them until Winter of year 2,
when the Oracle's quest becomes available. Snowballs don't rot (or melt) so you can
collect the necessary 10 and store them in your horse cart until you activate the
request from the Oracle.
Ore Stone is a wild foraged item found in the mountain area, needed for bed
expansions. You can find it by looking on the ground or foraging in the tree trunks
and mountain cracks. If you find one, don't smash it with your hammer to get at it's
random contents. Instead, store it in your storage cart until you have a total of 8.
After that, you can smash any new ones you find to see what's inside.

The Horse Doesn't Need Attention

The horse in Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns is merely rented to you for a fee.
The horse doesn't have any friendship points, there are no horse festivals, and you
can swap it out for another horse at any time. You can brush the horse and feed it a
Horse Treat, but there isn't any purpose of it. There's no need spending time trying to
raise hearts with the horse when it doesn't have any to begin with.
The only uses for the horse is attaching the horse cart to it for a mobile storage unit
and riding it from one town to the other. Riding the horse is faster than running.

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Game Controls
The buttons used to play the game are not overly-complicated. All of the game's
actions appear on the top screen of the Nintendo DS while the bottom screen is
reserved for your rucksack and inventory. There is no way to customize the game's
Directional Pad

A Button

B Button

X Button
Y Button
Start Button
Select Button
Left Shoulder
Right Shoulder

Move your character
When focus is on the touch screen, move through the items and
Talk to a villager
Confirm selections
Jump on your horse
Pick up items off the ground
Use an equipped tool
Cancels a selection
Jump off your horse
Jump in the air
When focus is on the touch screen, closes the opened menu
Opens your rucksack instead of tapping on the icon on your touch
When holding an item, places the item back in your rucksack
Not Used
Change the map view when in town
Toggle between run-mode and walk-mode
When viewing your rucksack, pages to the left
Assign a tool to the A Button
When viewing your rucksack, pages to the right
When talking to a person, removes dialog box so you can see their
full portrait

If you are playing the Nintendo DS game on a Nintendo 3DS console, you can hold
down the Nintendo 3DS' Select button to play the DS game in its native screen
resolution and not streched out to fit the size of the Nintendo 3DS screen width.
You can use your stylus on the lower touch screen to navigate through your
rucksack or when placing items in the shipping bin, but the touch screen is not used
to move your character around.

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Farm Summary and Rucksack

While all of the game's activies are on the top screen,
the bottom screen of your Nintendo console is
reserved for your held items inventory, the current time
and weather, your current outfit, the shipped items list,
a map of your location in the world, your total money,
and the board requests you've accepted. If you want a
close-up map of the town you are in, you can press
the Start button.
Your inventory is separated into three bags: rucksack, fish, and insects. To open
your inventory, press one of the bag buttons at the bottom of the touch screen or
simply press the X Button to open the rucksack. Your rucksack can hold 36 items (3
pages of 12 items each) while the fish and insect bags can hold up to 12 items. You
can't increase the size of your rucksack. Like-items will stack together based on their
star rank and applicable freshness rating. Paging through your inventory bags can
be done by using the Right Shoulder and Left Shoulder buttons, or by simply using
the directional pad.
If you fill up a bag with items, you can still use your remaining areas. For example, if
you catch a lot of fish and fill up the 12 slots of your fish bag you can still pick up wild
flowers, since flowers fit into your rucksack bag and not your fish bag. You just won't
be able to put anymore fish in your bag.

Rucksack: This area will hold your tools, harvested crops, foraged items, and
generally most everything you pick up in the game. The fish bones, long boots,
and balls you catch when fishing are also placed here and not in your fish bag.

Fish: The fish you catch will be stored in this 12-slot bag.

Insects: All of the bugs you collect are placed here until you ship or gift them.
Frogs fall into the "insect" category and will be placed in this bag too.

The Stamina Bar

In the upper-left corner of your top screen you'll see your
stamina bar. This blue bar indicates how much energy you
can use up before you pass out for the day. Every morning,
the bar will be full (blue) and will decrease as you work with
your tools. Once the bar is completely empty (red) you'll pass out and be forced to go
to bed.
Your energy bar will start out with 200 stamina points. You will lose points as you
use work on your farm but you can recharge your points by eating food or using the
bathrooms in your house. You will always have 200 stamina points when you wake
up in the morning; you can't save up your stamina for the next day.

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Ways to Decrease Your Stamina

Each time you use your Watering Can, Milker, Clippers, Brush, Bell, Fertilizer, or
Animal Medicine
Use your Hoe or Sickle at level 1 strength
Plant seeds
Each time you use your Axe or Hammer
Each time you use a fishing pole, normal or Wonder
You get hit by a wild boar
Each time you use a Hoe or Sickle at level 2 strength
Refill your Watering Can with water
Each time you use a Hoe or Sickle at level 3 strength
You get hit by a wild bear or wild bat
Each time you use a Hoe or Sickle at level 4 strength
Use the geyser to travel
Jump into water before 9:00 pm
Each time you use a Hoe or Sickle at level 5 strength
Each time you use a Hoe or Sickle at level 6 strength
Each time you use a Hoe or Sickle at level 7 strength
Jump into water after 9:00 pm
Ways to Recover Your Stamina
Catch a Fish Fossil, Legendary Treasure, or Message in a Bottle when fishing
Catch King Fish when fishing
Use the toilet room in your house (requires house upgrade)
Use the bath room in your house (requires house upgrade)
FULL Go to bed until 6:00 am
Eat something (wild item, crop, fish, cooked dish, etc.) The stamina recovery will
vary depending on the item

You can increase your overall stamina points to a maximum of 300. Randomly on
the bulliten board you'll find a request from the Oracle. If you complete her request
then you'll receive Magic Water as a reward. You can only obtain 10 Magic Waters
in the game and after that, they won't appear anymore. When you drink a Magic
Water you'll increase your stamina points by 10. It does ship for 50,000 G and can
be given as a gift to Hiro, Ayame, and Gombe if you didn't care about increasing your
Later in the game you can build a Hot Spring up near the Harvest Goddess' pond.
You need to complete the tunnel between the two towns, have a level 5 bulliten
board rank, and have 15,500 friendship (3.5 flowers) with Eileen.

Friendship Levels
Your friendship with the people in the game can affect activation of events and
requests. The higher your friendship level, the better the results. You will need a high
level of friendship with a marriage candidate if you expect to marry him or her.
When you talk to a person in the game, you will see a string of six flowers running
along the side of the conversation dialog box. These friendship flowers indicate what
your friendship point level (FP) is with that particular person. The flowers will start out
as buds and will bloom as you increase your friendship.
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Normal townsfolk will have white-colored flowers and marriage candidates will have
colored flowers. The colored flowers represent the different "heart" colors that the
person has. In this game, the colors are white, purple, blue, green, orange, pink, and
red. The secret marriage candidates (Dirk, the Oracle, Mikhail, and Alisa) have
white-colored flowers like the non-marriageable residents but it is only to make it
harder to tell that you can marry him or her if you weren't already aware that they
could be married. Before you can marry, you need to reach 60,000 friendship points
(full bloom level) with a bachelor or bachelorette.
Raising your friendship with the people can be done by:

Talking: You can earn +100 FP each day when you talk to a person. Talking
to the person more than once won't give you additional friendship.

Giving Gifts: Each individual has different types of gifts that they like. A gift
can affect the friendship points +800, +300, or +50 FP. You can give one gift
per day to a person. Birthdays are very important because the points you earn
from the gift will be multiplied by 5; an +800 point gift will become a +4000 FP
gift on a birthday. Keep track of their birthdays!

Completing Requests: On the message board in each town you'll find

requests that the people would like someone to complete. If the request only
involved one person then you'll receive +50 FP when you complete that
person's request. If the request involved two people, you will get +25 FP for
each person.

Random Events: When you become friends with the townspeople you can
trigger random events. These events will let you see some story between the
villager(s) involved in the event. You can get between +100 FP and +300 FP.
Some of the random events don't reward you with any friendship points.

Date and Flower Events: Only the marriage candidates can participate in
dates. These can activate when the bachelor or bachelorette has more than
5000 FP. Talk to the person a second time per day to see if they suggest
going out on a date. If you pick a good spot, you'll earn +100 FP. During a
date, you may trigger Heart Events that can earn you between +2000 FP and
+3000 FP if you give a positive response during the event.

Showing Animals: Each person have specific animals that they like. You can
show an individual a wild animal if you see the person on the mountain areas.
You can earn +100 FP per day.

Festivals: Participating in the towns' festivals can earn you friendship points.
Some are just small amounts (+100) while others can be up to +1000 FP.
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Besides raising friendship points, you can actually lower friendship! There is no
advantage to lowering friendship points in the game. Be careful of doing the following

Ignoring a Person: If you don't talk to a villager for at least a week, there is a
30% chance that the person will lose -100 FP.

Giving BAD Gifts: The townsfolk also have gifts that they do not like. These
types of gifts can result in a -300 FP or a -1000 FP hit. If you give a bad gift on
a birthday, it also adds a multiple of 5, turning a -1000 FP gift into a -5000 FP
gift! Be careful!

Showing a Disliked Animal: Villagers also have animals that they don't want
to be shown; Nathan does not like mice at all!

LITTERING: Just like in past Harvest Moon games, you can lower your
friendship by carelessly discarding items. Do not throw items into the fishing
rivers on the mountain, the stream that runs through Konohana, or the rice
paddy on your Konohana farm. If you throw an item and it bounces, then it is
not littering. Only if the item is destroyed does it count negatively.

Your Farm Degree

On the touch screen of your console, you will find your farm summary page. This
menu will list your farm name, your family information (if applicable), your birthdate,
the friendship level between the villages, and your farm degree. The farm degree is a
rank that you receive automatically based on the number of farm degree points you
The farm degree doesn't have any influence in the game. It is just a special title you
can use to compare yourself against your friends. You will be given a new title as
you increase your points, but you can't see exactly how many farm degree points
you have.
You will earn degree points as you do things in the game. You get points for shipping
items, seeing events and festivals, and even simply by talking to a villager. All of
your points combine together to make your farm degree title. You can't lose degree
points; they only increase.

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Put an item into the shipping bin

Use an equipped tool
Catch a fish using your fishing pole
Catch a bug or frog
Buy an item from a shop
Have a flower bouquet made
Give a gift to a villager
Make a cooked recipe (success or failure)
Collect Honey from a bee hive
Use the Maker machine
Collect a fish from your fishpond (Konohana)
Have a wild animal eat food that you place on the ground
Bounce on a mushroom, slide down a path, or use the zip-lines on the
Use the hot spring
Make an item using Oracle's alchemy cauldron
Pick up a foraged item from a mountain hot-spot
Travel using the geyser in Konohana Town
Talk to your livestock / pick up your chicken once per day
Talk to a villager once per day
Pick up an ore from the mine
Use the owl to travel from the top of the mountain to a town
Use an umbrella

Animal birth

Catch a new bug or fish you haven't caught before

Complete a Rank D message board request
Catch a fish with your bare hands
Go out on a date
Move from one town to the other town
Get a new clothing outfit
Have a tool upgraded by Sheng
Get a gift from a wild animal
Harvest a crop
Complete a Rank C message board request

Complete a Rank B message board request

Complete a Rank A message board request

Complete a Rank S message board request

Take 3rd place in a town festival

Trigger a random event

Take 2nd place in a town festival
Build an expansion on your farm (house, fields, etc.)
Participate in a town festival
Trigger a flower event
Catch a King Fish
Take 1st place in a town festival
Learn all of the cooking recipes in a cooking category
Reach 10 hearts with a pet (each pet one time)

16 | H M : T o T T


Take all 6 Wonderful Stones to the Harvest Goddess

Your child is born

Your child can crawl
Your child can walk (full grown)
Complete the first tunnel repair
Complete the second tunnel repair
Complete the tunnel basement repair
Complete the tunnel mine access repair

Get married

Complete the third tunnel repair

Wake up in the morning; the year you are in times 5

(Year 1 x 5 = 5 points, year 2 = 10 points, etc.)

Farm Rank Titles

Note: These titles may be different once the English version is released, but the point
values will be the same.
Rank Title
Veteran Farmer
Novice Rancher, Level 1
Novice Rancher, Level 2
Novice Rancher, Level 3
Novice Rancher, Level 4
Amateur Rancher, Level 1
Amateur Rancher, Level 2
Amateur Rancher, Level 3
Amateur Rancher, Level 4
Amateur Rancher, Level 5
Amateur Rancher, Level 6
Medium Rancher, Level 1
Medium Rancher, Level 2
Medium Rancher, Level 3
Advanced Rancher, Level 1
Advanced Rancher, Level 2
Advanced Rancher, Level 3
Super Rancher
Ranch Virtuoso
Ranch Maestro

Point Value

Rank Title
Ranch Knight
Ranch Baron
Ranch Viscount
Ranch Count
Ranch Marquis
Ranch Duke
Ranch Juggernaut
Ranch Prince
Ranch Chief
Ranch Master
Ranch King
Ranch Emperor
Ranch Angel
Ranch Archangel
Ranch Shaman
Ranch Magus
Ranch Legend
Supreme Ranch Legend
True Supreme Ranch

Point Value
or more

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Wonderful Stones
As you go through the game, you may come across
the six Wonderful Stones. These round stones are
not used for tool upgrades. If you collect all six of the
stones, visit the Harvest Goddess with the stones in
your rucksack to receive three random wishes.
If you want to marry Alisa, then you'll need to collect
the Wonderful Stones and ask the Goddess for
Each of the six colors can be found at specific locations:

Red and Orange: This stone is found just by picking it up from specific
foraging hot-spots found in the mountain areas. Depending on the season and
weather, the location will change.
Spring: Go to the Konohana Low-Mountain area and check the bamboo patch.
You can also check behind the waterfall in Konohana Mid-Mountain on rainy
or snowy days.
Summer: Check the tree log in Bluebell Mid-Mountain on sunny days. On
rainy/snowy days, look at the hot spot at the top of the cliff, by the wild rabbit,
on Bluebell Low-Mountain.
Fall: On rainy or stormy days, check the tree stump on Konohana LowMountain.
Winter: The Red and Orange Wonderfuls are not available.

Blue and Yellow: You will need to catch these colored stones when bare
handed fishing on rainy days before midnight. During Spring season you can
search the Konohana Low-Mountain pond and in Fall, the Bluebell LowMountain pond. You can't find the Yellow and Blue stones during Summer or

Green and Purple: These stones can be found when fishing using the Master
Rod. You'll need to complete the Master Rod request (10 Old Balls and 10
Old Boots) before you will be given the long-casting fishing pole. In Summer,
fish at the Konohana Mid-Mountain fishing spot (the one south of the waterfall,
not at the waterfall) on a rainy day to try and catch the Green Wonderful. For
the Purple Wonderful, fish at the Bluebell High-Mountain stream in Winter
season on snowy days.

Once you collect all six Wonderful Stones, put them in your rucksack and throw one
of the Wonderfuls onto the ground. The Harvest Goddess will appear and give you a
random selection of three wishes:

I want to be friends with the Bluebell Villagers: Raise your friendship points
with the villagers who live in Bluebell by +1000 points. This does not include
marriage candidates.
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I want to be friends with the Konohana Villagers: Raise your friendship points
with the villagers who live in Konohana by +1000 points. This does not include
marriage candidates.

Get close to someone special (Girl players only): Raises your friendship
points with the male marriage candidates by +3000 FP.

Get close to someone special (Boy players only): Raises your friendship
points with the female marriage candidates by +3000 FP.

I want the Harvest Goddess to Sing: The goddess sings, no other benefit

I want the Harvest Goddess to Laugh: The goddess laughs, no other benefit

I want to marry Alisa (Boy main character only): Alisa needs to be above
55,000 FP before this wish can appear. You must select this wish if you want
to complete Alisa's marriage requirements.

If you save your game before activating your choice of three wishes and you don't
get what you're looking for, reload your save game and try again. Once your wish
has been granted, the six Wonderful Stones will return to the mountain so you can
find them again. Remember that your save is set back in your house in the morning,
so if you reload a save game then you have to play through the day again.

Star Rank and Freshness

When you select an item in Harvest Moon: A Tale of
Two Towns you will see its description, star rank, and
freshness (if applicable). The overall quality of the
item will determine how much profit you can earn if
you ship the item. For edible items, it also influences
the stamina recovery gained when the item is eaten.
Star rank and freshness is also important for the
dishes you enter into the cooking festival. You won't
want to enter a rotten dish!
Not every item has a star rank and freshness. Your tools and fished-up garbage
won't have these qualities.
Most items in the game have a freshness rank. When you first obtain an item, it is at
its maximum freshness. Freshness is on a 100-point scale. The more days you store
the item, the less freshness it will have. It is best to sell an item when it is at its
highest freshness. Freshness is a factor for items that are edible.

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Super Fresh! = 100 to 71 points

Fairly Fresh = 70 to 41 points

Not so Fresh = 40 to 21 points

Getting Bad = 20 to 1 point

It's rotten... = 0 points

Every morning the game will calculate the freshness of the item based on the
season you are in, the number of freshness points the item currently has, the type
of item it is, and the location of where the item is being stored.
Current Freshness Points - (Season + Type - Location) = New Freshness


Milk: 5
Wild items: 5
Fish: 4
Summer: 4
Flower Bouquet: 4
Spring: 2
Flower Crops: 3
Fall: 2
Processed Dairy: 3
Winter: 1
Beer: 3
Processed Grains: 3
Fermented Items: 3

Sled Cart: 4
Cooked Recipes: 3
Dragon Cart: 4
Mushrooms: 3
Shrine Cart: 4
Vegetable Crops: 2
Fancy Cart: 4
Tree Crops: 2
Old Cart: 1
Eggs: 2
Bamboo Cart: 1
Chocolate Pack: 2
Striped Carriage: 1
Miso: 2
Cardboard Horse Cart: 1
Natto: 2
Rucksack: 0

The calculation will take the current point value of the item and factor in the
other influences to calculate a new freshness point value. If the resulting point
value drops to 0 or less than the item is rotten.
The season you are in can impact the decay rates of your items. During the
Spring and Fall when the weather is mild, the items will decay slower than if
you were in the heat of Summer. Winter season is so cold that items will lose
freshness slower than any other season.
Some types of items will decay faster than other types. Milk goes bad the
fastest, followed by fish, crops, and other types of items.
The location where you store your items will also determine how fast the
freshness points will drop. Storing an item in your rucksack will cause the item
to decay the fastest. The other option is to use your horse cart. The decay
rate of the cart is less than your rucksack and the style of cart you have will
influence how quickly the item rots.

Freshness Example
If you picked up a Lavender on the mountain during Fall and store it in your rucksack
until morning, then 100 points - (2 + 5 - 0) = 93 points of freshness the next morning.
This means after 5 days, the Lavender will have dropped from Super Fresh to Fairly
Fresh. If you had stored it in a Sleigh Horse Cart instead of your rucksack (- 0
becomes - 4), then it will take 10 days to drop one level of freshness.

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There are horse carts that have infinite freshness. The UFO Horse Cart and
Mechanical Horse Cart can keep items fresh indefinitely! The UFO Horse Cart
comes from completing one of Sage's request and the Mechanical Horse Cart can
be purchased from an animal shop for 300,000 G once you reach year 3.
Star Rank
Besides freshness on edible items, the star rank will be a factor in calculating the
profit you earn when shipping the item. The stars are on a scale of a half star; .5 star,
1 star, 1.5 star, etc. The highest star rank you can have is 5.
Determining how many stars appears on an item is based on the item's Star Points.
Each half star on an item will be a max of 30 Star Points. Zero stars means the item
has 0 SP, .5 stars means the item has between 1 and 30 SP, 1 star is at 31 to 60 SP,
and so on. An item will have 5 stars once it reaches 271 SP and there is a maximum
of 300 SP.
You can influence the star rank by doing tasks based on the type of item you have:

Animal Products: Based on the hearts of your animals. More hearts means
higher star rank produced items. You can increase your animals' hearts by
letting them outside, talking to them, and feeding them every day.

Crops: You can buy fertilizer from Gombe's seed shop in Konohana. The
fertilizer takes one square of soil on your crop field and will affect all crops
surrounding its fertile spot. Once you pick a higher star rank item, and you
have the seed maker, you can convert the crop back to seed and re-grow with
fertilizer to increase the rank again. A stick of fertilizer will add 1 SP to the
growing crop each day.

Fish: There are two ways to handle fish. Caught fish star rank are based on
your fishing level which increases as you catch different types of fish. For fish
you are raising in your pond on Konohana, your fish will increase star rank as
they age in your pond. You won't get 3 star rank fish or later until year 4.

Honey: You "seed" your bee hives by getting wild Honeycombs from the
mountain. The higher the star rank of the wild Honeycomb, the higher your
resulting honey.

Wild Items: The star rank of the wild items like flowers, mushrooms,
honeycombs, etc. will increase automatically as you proceed through the
years. In year one you'll find items worth 1.5 stars maximum. In year two they
increase to 2 stars, year three is 3 stars, year four is 3.5 stars, and year five
through nine will get you wild items worth 4.5 stars. Once you reach year 10
you can start to find wild items worth 5 stars.

The Star Ranks and the Konohana Crop Festival

The point value that each half-star represents will help you with winning the seasonal
Crop Festivals if you live in Konohana Town. The individual points do not affect how
much the crop ships for; shipping profits are based on how many stars the crop has,
not how many Star Points each star represents.
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Farm Equipment
At the beginning of the game you will start with a set of basic tools. If you begin in
Bluebell, you will get a free Cow and Chicken as well as a milker and brush. If you
begin in Konohana, you get Turnip Seeds to go along with your watering can, hoe,
and sickle. You'll also have a field of full-grown Turnips to harvest.

As a Bluebeller, you will get a visit from Rutger on Spring 10. He will want to
tell you how you can plant crops. If you ask him to explain crops to you,
Rutger will give you a watering can, hoe, sickle, and Turnip Seeds. If you tell
him you already know how to plant crops, he will still give you all of the tools
except for the free Turnip Seeds.

As a Konohanian, you won't get a milker or brush until you buy animals at
Jessica's animal store in Bluebell. After you buy a cow you'll receive the
milker and brush.

For either town, you must buy a sheep before you will be given wool clippers from
The hammer is unlocked around Spring 12 of your first year. Eileen will visit you in
the morning and explain the remodeling system and Sheng's tools upgrade. After
that, visit the message board in Konohana to see Sheng's request, "A Fine
Hammer!". The blacksmith will want you to fetch him 8 Stones and in return he'll give
you a hammer.
You also need to get the axe in a similar way. After you complete the Hammer
reqeust, give Sheng gifts to raise his friendship and then look on the Konohana
message board on the first day of the next season. That is when he'll post the Axe
request if his friendship is over 200 FP (so basically one gift). Remember you need
to get the Hammer before you see the Axe request appear. Sheng wants you to
bring him 8000 G and 10 Branches before he'll give you an Axe.

Your Clothing Options

When you first start your farming adventure and you
choose a village to live in, the mayor will reward you
with your first clothing outfit. To change your clothes,
tap on your character portrait on the touch screen of
your Nintendo console. Once you enter the dressing
room area, simply pick the outfit's icon from the
bottom of the menu. You can change your clothes at
any time and as many times as you want.
The bachelors and bachelorettes have specific clothing outfits that they prefer. If you
wear the person's favorite outfit and talk to him or her, you'll earn a bonus 100
friendship points per day.

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In total there are seven different outfits you can collect. There is a set for the girl
main character and a set for the boy main character. You won't get the other
gender's outfits though. You can eventually earn the other town's clothing outfit if you
move to that town at some point in the game; move from Bluebell to Konohana to
earn the Konohana Outfit and from Konohana to Bluebell to earn the Bluebell Outfit.
The rest of the clothing outfits are from bulliten board requests posted by Nori and
the Oracle. Raise your friendship with the two ladies to get their request to appear.
Boy Clothing Outfits
Konohana Outfit
You'll get this outfit if
you start your game in
Konohana or you move
to Konohana later in
the game.
Preferred by: Nobody

Bluebell Outfit
You'll get this outfit if you
start your game in Bluebell
or you move to Bluebell
later in the game.
Preferred by: Nobody

Work Outfit

Casual Outfit

Raise Nori's FP to
3100 points (not even
2 flowers) or more. She
wants 2 Wool and
10,000 G.

Raise Nori's FP to 6200

points (not even 2 flowers)
or more and have the Work
Outfit. She wants 2 Wool
and 30,000 G.

Preferred by: Georgia

Preferred by: Reina

Classy Outfit
Urban Outfit
Raise Nori's FP to
9300 points (almost to
2 flowers) or more and
have the Casual Outfit
outfit. She wants 2
Good Wool and 60,000
Preferred by: Laney
and the Oracle

Raise the Oracle's FP to

7750 points (not even 2
flowers) or more, be at
Message Board level 4,
and have the Urban Outfit.
She wants 5 White Alpaca
Wool, 1 Good Wool, and
100,000 G.
Preferred by: Alisa
Bonus! Earn 15% more
when raising FP by talking,
gifting, etc.
23 | H M : T o T T

Wild Outfit
Raise the Oracle's FP to 7750 points (not
even 2 flowers) or more, be at Message
Board level 4, and have the Classy Outfit.
She wants 5 Brown Alpaca Wool, 1 Great
Wool, and 100,000 G.
Preferred by: Nori
Bonus! The next day's weather will be
sunny if you wear Wild Outfit to bed
Girl Clothing Outfits
Konohana Outfit
You'll get this outfit if
you start your game in
Konohana or you
move to Konohana
later in the game.
Preferred by: Nobody

Bluebell Outfit
You'll get this outfit if you
start your game in Bluebell
or you move to Bluebell
later in the game.
Preferred by: Nobody

Work Outfit

Casual Outfit

Raise Nori's FP to
3100 points (not even
2 flowers) or more.
She wants 2 Wool and
10,000 G.

Raise Nori's FP to 6200

points (not even 2 flowers)
or more and have the Work
Outfit. She wants 2 Wool
and 30,000 G.

Preferred by: Ash

Preferred by: Cam

24 | H M : T o T T

Classy Outfit
Raise the Oracle's FP to
7750 points (not even 2
flowers) or more, be at
Message Board level 4,
and have the Hip Outfit.
She wants 5 White Alpaca
Wool, 1 Good Wool, and
100,000 G.

Hip Outfit
Raise Nori's FP to
9300 points (almost to
2 flowers) or more and
have the Casual Outfit.
She wants 2 Good
Wool and 60,000 G.

Preferred by: Dirk and


Preferred by: Hiro

Bonus! Earn 15% more

when raising FP by talking,
gifting, etc.
Cute Outfit
Raise the Oracle's FP to 7750 points (not
even 2 flowers) or more, be at Message
Board level 4, and have the Classy Outfit.
She wants 5 Brown Alpaca Wool, 1 Great
Wool, and 100,000 G.
Preferred by: Kana
Bonus! The next day's weather will be
sunny if you wear Cute Outfit to bed

Time, Seasons, and Weather

A year in Harvest Moon: A Tale of Two Towns is made up of four seasons: Spring,
Summer, Fall, and Winter. Each of these seasons is 31 days long and not the
normal 30 days like in most Harvest Moon games. The 1st of a season starts the
new season and it ends on the 31st. You will notice a transition between seasons.
For example, near the end of Winter you'll see less snow on the ground as it gets
closer to Spring.
Each day in the game is 24 hours long. You'll wake up at 6:00 am, play through your
day, and go to bed (and save your game) in the evening hours. The game's clock is
in the upper-right corner of the console's touch screen, next to the icon indicating the
current weather. The clock counts through the minutes and hours. Each 10 minutes
in-game is about 20 second real-time. On average, expect to spend between 10 to
15 minutes playing through each day.

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The game clock does not stop when you enter buildings. It will stop when you you
access a menu or talk to a villager. If you need to pause your game, select your
Shipping Notebook or Board Notices menu from your touch screen. Pressing Start or
Select won't do anything in the game. When you cancel out of the menus, time will
start proceeding again. Looking at the contents of your horse cart does not pause
the game.
The latest you can stay awake to is 5:00 am. If you are still up when 5 o'clock in the
morning rolls around, your character will collapse from exhaustion and be sent to
bed without the option to save the game. Be carefull of staying up too late or
depleting your stamina bar if you want to save your game that day.
Daily Weather
The weather in the game has the option to change; the weather you awake to may
not be the same weather later on in the afternoon. The weather report can be found
by listening to the radio inside of your farmhouse. You will get the radio from a
request on the message board of your starting town around Spring 12 to 14 of
your first year. The radio will first tell you today's weather and then tell you
tomorrow's weather.
If the weather is going to change, it will do so
at 1:00 pm. If you had placed your animals
outside in the sun, they may find themselves
getting soaked by rain later in the day! Make
sure you pay attention to the radio and adjust
your chores based on the weather.
There are five types of weather patterns in the
game: sunny, rainy, snowy, hurricane, and
blizzard. If you are going to experience a
storm that day, it will occur starting at 6:00 am.
You won't have a sunny day and then
suddenly find yourself in a hurricane at 1pm.
Storms are all-day events and you can go
outside during a storm. Some fish and items
are only available when the weather is stormy.
Sunny weather can happen any day of the
year. Rainy days are only available in Spring,
Summer, and Fall. Snowy days are only in
Winter. You'll only have hurricanes during
Summer season and blizzards in Winter.

A rainy day means that your

crops will get watered for you,
but all of the shops are closed
on all-day rainy days! If rain is
predicted for only half a day, the
shops will remain open.

My weather is always sunny!

How can I make it rain?!
If you are wearing the Wild
Outfit (boy players) or Cute
Outfit (girl players), the weather
will always be sunny the next
day if you wear the outfit to
bed. If you want rainy days,
you'll have to wear a different
outfit to bed.

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The Two Towns

At the beginning of the game you must choose which town you are going to live in;
Bluebell or Konohana. Each town has their own festivals, shops, and villagers. You
can visit the other town you don't live in by traveling over the mountain. Both towns
have a farm in need of someone to take care of it.
What town you like best is really just a matter of preference. You can buy items from
either town's shops, complete each town's message board requests, and even marry
people from the other towns. The main points when it comes to deciding which town
to live in is basically would you rather concentrate your farming efforts on animals or
on crops?

All About Bluebell Town

Bluebell town is a European-style town. The
town has a large statue in the middle with all of
the residences on the outside areas. Bluebell's
specialty is animals, and you will have to visit
here if you want to buy animals for your farm.
The Town Hall is the northern-most building.
Just south of the main town area you'll find the
church. It will be empty until you unlock Nathan
on Winter 3 of your first year. The church
doesn't really serve much of a purpose though,
since your wedding will take place at the townneutral festival grounds on top of the mountain.
Bluebell Facts:

Number of Villagers: 15

Number of Shops: 5

Marriage Candidates living in Bluebell:

Ash, Cam, Laney, Georgia, Alisa

Town-specific Festivals: Spring

Harmony Day, Animal Festival, Barehanded Fishing Contest, Star Gazing,
Pumkin Festival, Winter Harmony Day,
Starry Night

Your Bluebell farm has specific features on it: Bee Hives, Cheese Maker, Yarn
Maker, Drink Maker, and Pet Playpen. The maximum number of livestock you can
keep (after expansions) is 16, and the maximum number of chickens is 10.

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All About Konohana Town

Konohana Town has a rural Asian-style setting
with unpaved roads and cozy houses. The
town isn't as centeralized as Bluebell and there
is lots of space around the houses for their
fields. Crops are a specialty in Konohana and
most everyone is growing some sort of
vegetable or fruit tree. The town hall is to the
east in the center of town.
Konohana Facts:

Number of Villagers: 14

Number of Shops: 4

Marriage Candidates living in Konohana:

Kana, Reina, Dirk, Nori, Hiro

Town-specific Festivals: Flower Festival,

Children's Day, Crop Festival, Bug
Catching Festival, Fishing Contest,
Moon Viewing, Snow Festival

Your Konohana farm has specific features on

it: Rice Paddy, Seed Maker, Flour Mill,
Fermenter, and Fish Pond. The maximum
number of livestock you can keep is 4, and the
maximum number of chickens is 2.

The Local Stores

In Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns, there are nine shops to buy items from.
Five of the shops are in Bluebell Town, and four are in Konohana Town. Both towns
have a general goods shop, a food shop, and a pet shop. In Bluebell you'll find the
animal ranching and flower shop, and Konohana has the crop seed shop.
You can buy items from each town's retail stores at any time. You'll just have to
travel to the other town to go shopping! You may find that the other town charges
you more money to buy items. There is a 5% markup on the price of items if you
don't lived in that town. For example, if you start out living in Bluebell the cost of a
chicken will be 1500 G, but if you start in Konohana the same chicken will cost you
1575 G. The price for goods will increase (or decrease) until you've completed the
tunnel between the towns.

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Most town shops will be closed when it rains all day. For some reason
villagers don't like to sell goods on days where the morning and afternoon
weather calls for rain. If only half the day will be rain, then the shops will be open
for business. You can learn the day's weather by listening to the Radio in your
Cam's Flower Stand in Bluebell is the only shop that stays open on all-day rainy

Shopkeepers will set out their random goods when their stores open, usually
between 3 and 5 items to sell that day.
Bluebell Shops
Jessica's Animals
Shop Hours: 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
Closed: Wednesdays
There are two "shops" at the animal ranch. Jessica will sell animals and her daughter
Cheryl will sell animal staples like food and medicine. Both ladies will be behind the
counter in their house.
Chicken Feed
Animal Medicine
Vegetable Treat
Grain Treat
Nutra Treat

80 G
60 G
500 G
500 G
700 G
700 G
700 G

Silkie Chick
Silkie Chicken
Jersey Calf
Jersey Cow
Suffolk Lamb
Suffolk Sheep
Alpaca, White
Alpaca, Brown

800 G
1500 G
2500 G
6000 G
1500 G
3000 G
5500 G
13,500 G
3000 G
7000 G
4500 G
10,000 G
18,000 G
18,000 G

Any Season
Any Season
Any Season
Any Season
Any Season
Any Season
Any Season
Any Season
Any Season
Any Season
Any Season
Any Season
Any Season
Any Season
Any Season
Any Season
Any Season
Any Season
Any Season
Any Season
Any Season

Starting in Fall, Year 1
Starting in Winter, Year 1
Starting in Spring, Year 2
Must buy 1 Chick
Starting in Spring, Year 2
Starting in Spring, Year 2
Must buy 1 Calf
Starting in Spring, Year 2
Staring in Spring, Year 2
Must buy 1 Chick and 1 Calf
Must buy 1 Lamb
Starting in Spring, Year 2
Starting in Spring, Year 2
Starting in Fall, Year 2
Starting in Fall, Year 2

29 | H M : T o T T

Jessica will also buy your chickens, sheep, cows, and alpaca. The price she pays
will vary depending on the number of hearts the animal has. An animal with 0 hearts
will only earn you the base sell price of 800 G. The more hearts the animal has, the
higher her purchase price will be. Jessica has a maximum purchase price for each
type of animal:

Chicken: 1600 G

Silkie Chicken: 5200 G

Sheep: 6000 G

Suffolk Sheep: 8400 G

Cow: 2800 G

Jersey Cow: 11,200 G

Alpaca: 14,800 G

You can also ask Jessica to breed your animals. When you hire her for animal
breeding, she will visit your farm and take away the animal you wish to breed. Two
weeks later, she will return with the original animal and the baby animal. Breeding a
chicken costs 700 G and breeding a cow or sheep costs 2500 G.
Enrique's Shop
Shop Hours: 8:00 am to 9:00 pm
Closed: Saturdays
Diego and Enrique live in the back of the shop. Diego will mind their chickens while
Enrique manages the shop inventory. On Saturdays the two brothers will hike along
the mountain path. Their shop inventory is practically the same as Raul's shop in
Konohana, but Enrique sells Flour and Raul sells Rice.
Pet Food
Owl Food
Horse Treat
Dog Bone
Cat Bell
Curry Powder

150 G
150 G
150 G
2500 G
2500 G

Any Season
Any Season
Any Season
Any Season
Any Season

Own a dog or a cat
Own the owl
Own a dog
Own a cat

500 G

Any Season


500 G

Any Season


100 G
150 G
220 G

Any Season
Any Season
Spring and Winter

Rice Candy

200 G

Summer and Fall

Chili Pepper

800 G
180 G

Summer and Fall

Spring and Summer

Own a Dog Bone or Cat Bell (yr 2
or later)

30 | H M : T o T T

Sea Urchin

500 G
400 G

Spring and Summer

Summer, Fall, and Winter


1000 G


Fall Sun

2000 G

Any Season

Winter Sun

2000 G

Any Season

Blue Feather

10,000 G

Any Season

Starting in Fall, Year 2 and you
own a Dog Bone or Cat Bell
Starting in Summer, Year 1. Only
one for sale.
Starting in Winter, Year 1. Only
one for sale
Starting in Spring, Year 2 and you
have a pink flower with a bachelor
or bachelorette

Cam's Flowers
Shop Hours: 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
Closed: Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays
Cam's flower stand is right outside the food shop. He will have flower seeds and
flowers for sale. Cam will also create bouquets and perfume for you. He will charge
you 200 G for his work and you will need to hand over 3 flowers for the creation.
Sometimes you can earn more profit by shipping his flower creations, but sometimes
it will be worth less than the individual flowers if you had shipped them.
Citrus Perfume
Herb Perfume
Rose Perfume
Spring Perfume
Summer Perfume
Fall Perfume
Winter Perfume
Carnation Seeds
Marguerite Seeds
Pink Rose
Pink Rose Seeds
Casablanca Seeds
Red Rose
Red Rose Seeds
Sunflower Seeds
Gerbera Seeds
Nadeshiko Seeds
White Rose
White Rose Seeds
Gentian Seeds

120 G
120 G
1570 G
1150 G
1930 G
1160 G
1150 G
650 G
250 G
420 G
140 G
640 G
260 G
830 G
280 G
660 G
120 G
840 G
260 G
650 G
250 G
430 G
120 G
800 G
200 G
420 G
140 G

Any Season
Spring, Summer, and Fall
Any Season

Starting in Fall, Year 1
Starting in Fall, Year 1
Starting in Spring, Year 2
Starting in Spring, Year 2
Starting in Summer, Year 2
Starting in Spring, Year 2
Starting in Spring, Year 3
Starting in Summer, Year 2
Starting in Fall, Year 2

31 | H M : T o T T

Snowdrop Seeds
Blue Rose
Blue Rose Seeds

630 G
230 G
3500 G
1500 G


Starting in Winter, Year 2

Howard's Cafe
Shop Hours:10:00 am to 10:00 pm
Closed: Thursdays
Howard sells edible dishes at his cafe. He seems to sell a lot of dessert recipes, so if
you're looking for treats to give to people then keep an eye on his inveltory.
230 G
1000 G Spring
130 G
170 G
Summer / Winter
360 G
60 G
Onion Soup
390 G
Asparagus Soup
470 G
420 G
Summer / Winter
Radish Soup
340 G
550 G
Pumpkin Soup
530 G
Fall / Winter
Sauteed Turnips
350 G
Cabbage Rolls
510 G
Fried Egg
140 G
Fish and Chips
370 G
French Fries
280 G
220 G
100 G
Honey Toast
230 G
Boiled Potato
430 G
Roasted Mushroom
110 G
Steamed Mushrooms 50 G
330 G
310 G
Curry Bread
230 G
Cream Croquette
410 G
Main Dish
250 G
Penne Pasta
150 G
Dry Curry
220 G
260 G
Omelet Rice
320 G
290 G
Onion Salad
Mimosa Salad
Tomato Salad
Caprese Salad
Potato Salad
Herb Salad

Year 2 or later
Year 2 or later

32 | H M : T o T T

Marinated Fish
Curry Rice
Cheese Fondue
Mushroom Pasta
Sponge Cake
Honey Cake
Choc. Sponge Cake
Chocolate Donuts
Honey Pudding
Ice Cream
Choc. Ice Cream
Chocolate Banana
Fruit Parfait
Yam Dessert
Pumpkin Pudding
Stewed Apple
Apple Pie
Mont Blanc
Rice Pudding
Chocolate Cookies
Chocolate Cake
Chocolate Pudding
Soft Chocolates
Honey Tea
Honey Shake
Honey Wine (Glass)
Herb Tea
Cafe au Lait
Chicha (Glass)
Straight Tea
Hot Coffee
Red Wine (Glass)
Chestnut Wine Gls
Rose Tea

350 G
430 G
290 G
210 G
220 G
170 G
210 G
390 G
410 G
410 G
350 G
510 G
170 G
640 G
600 G
650 G
1040 G Spring
340 G
320 G
140 G
310 G
600 G
880 G
1030 G Summer
330 G
710 G
330 G
420 G
500 G
280 G
220 G
850 G
990 G
680 G
790 G
1250 G Winter
220 G
490 G
410 G
60 G
250 G
420 G
380 G
70 G
150 G
380 G
250 G
300 G
520 G

Year 2 or later
Year 2 or later
Year 2 or later

33 | H M : T o T T

Russian Tea
Hot Chocolate
Beer (Glass)

90 G
630 G
260 G


Year 2 or later

Grady's Animals
Shop Hours:10:00 am to 5:00 pm
Closed: Mondays and Thursdays
Pets can be bought from Grady. His shop inventory is the same as Kana's Animals
shop in Konohana. You can also rent horses and buy horse carts for your farm.
Once you buy a horse cart, you can return to the shop to increase the number of
inventory items it can hold. The cost to add an additional 12 slots (a "page") is the
same for every type of cart you own, but each cart is remodeled independently.
Once you buy a pet, you can't sell it and it can never become sick or die. There are 4
colors of each pet.
Wooden Horse Cart
Striped Horse Cart
Mechanical Chicken
Chinese Lion
Cart Remodel, 2 pages to 3
Cart Remodel, 3 pages to 4
Cart Remodel, 4 pages to 5
Cart Remodel, 5 pages to 6
Cart Remodel, 6 pages to 7
Cart Remodel, 7 pages to 8
Cart Remodel, 8 pages to 9

Horse Carts
5000 G
5000 G
300,000 Any
300,000 Any
1000 G
2000 G
3000 G
5000 G
100,000 Any
Horse Rental

Pony (Black, Brown, Red, or


5000 G


Thoroughbred (Black, Brown,

Red, or White)



Draft (Black, Brown, Red, or




Cat (White or Black)

5000 G

Starting in Spring, Year 3
Starting in Spring, Year 3

Tunnel Connection #1 has been
Tunnel Connection #3 has been
built and you rented a
Own a Chick or Chicken

34 | H M : T o T T

Cat (Brown or Yellow)

5000 G

Small Dog (Black/White or

Small Dog (Brown/Brown or
Large Dog (Tan/Green Bow or
Tan/Blue Bow)
Large Dog (Dark Brown/Red
Bow or Light Brown/Blue

5000 G
5000 G
5000 G


Starting in Spring, Year 2 and own

a Chick or Chicken
Own a Sheep or Alpaca
Starting in Spring, Year 2 and own
a Sheep or Alpaca
Own a Cow

5000 G


Starting in Spring, Year 2 and own

a Cow



Tunnel Construction #1 has been


Konohana Shops
Gombe's Seeds
Shop Hours:10:00 am to 5:00 pm
Closed: Mondays and Tuesdays
Gombe will sell crop vegetable seeds at his shop. He also sells normal Fertilizer you
can use to increase the star rank of your corps.
Note: If you receive crop seeds as a prize for participating in the cooking fesivals or
from a message board request, then Gombe will start to sell that seed in his shop.
This allows you to unlock year 2 seeds in year 1.
Potato Seeds
Turnip Seeds
Cabbage Seeds
Cucumber Seeds
Asparagus Seeds
Strawberry Seeds
Corn Seeds
Radish Seeds
Onion Seeds
Pumpkin Seeds
Tomato Seeds
Pineapple Seeds
Watermelon Seeds
Carrot Seeds
Eggplant Seeds
Yam Seeds
Spinach Seeds
Green Pepper Seeds
Daikon Seeds
Bok Choy Seeds


1000 G Any Season
170 G
120 G
300 G
350 G
240 G
850 G
490 G
250 G
120 G
220 G
100 G
4000 G Summer
3000 G Summer
150 G
330 G
950 G
290 G
200 G
110 G
370 G

Starting in Spring, Year 2
Starting in Spring, Year 2
Starting in Spring, Year 3
Starting in Spring, Year 3
Starting in Summer, Year 2
Starting in Summer, Year 2
Starting in Summer, Year 2
Starting in Summer, Year 3
Starting in Summer, Year 3
Starting in Fall, Year 2
Starting in Fall, Year 2
Starting in Fall, Year 3
Starting in Winter, Year 2

35 | H M : T o T T

Cherry Tree Seed

Coffee Tree Seed
Peach Tree Seed
Banana Tree Seed
Grape Tree Seed
Apple Tree Seed
Cacao Tree Seed
Mandarin Seed
Tea Tree Seed
Rice Stalk
Wheat Seeds
Soybean Seeds
Buckwheat Seeds

Trees / Bushes
100 G
120 G
250 G
300 G
330 G
120 G
2000 G Fall
590 G
1000 G Spring and Winter
90 G
Spring and Winter
60 G
Spring and Winter
100 G
Summer and Fall
80 G
Fall and Winter

Starting in Spring, Year 2

Starting in Spring, Year 3
Starting in Summer, Year 2
Starting in Summer, Year 2
Starting in Fall, Year 2
Starting in Fall, Year 2
Starting in Fall, Year 3
Starting in Winter, Year 2
Starting in Winter, Year 1
Starting in Spring, Year 2
Starting in Winter, Year 1

Raul's Shop
Shop Hours: 8:00 am to 8:00 pm
Closed: Sundays
Raul sells the same things as Enrique, but in his shop you can find the Summer
seasonal sun stones used for the Wifi crop field in the Goddess' Pond. He also sells
different umbrellas, Fish Food, and Rice.
Pet Food
Owl Food
Horse Treat
Fish Food
Dog Bone
Cat Bell
Red Umbrella

150 G
150 G
150 G
150 G
2500 G
2500 G
500 G

Any Season
Any Season
Any Season
Any Season
Any Season
Any Season
Any Season

Own a dog or a cat
Own the owl
Construct the Fish Pond
Own a dog
Own a cat

500 G

Any Season


100 G
180 G


Rice Candy

200 G

Chili Pepper

800 G


180 G

Sea Urchin

500 G


400 G

Any Season
Any Season
Spring and
Spring and
Summer and
Spring and
Spring and
Summer, Fall,
and Winter


1000 G

220 G


Own a Dog Bone or Cat Bell
Starting in Fall, Year 2 and you own a Dog
Bone or Cat Bell

36 | H M : T o T T

Summer Sun
Winter Sun

2000 G
2000 G

Any Season
Any Season

Blue Feather

10,000 G

Any Season

Starting in Summer, Year 1. Only one for sale.

Starting in Winter, Year 1. Only one for sale
Starting in Spring, Year 2 and you have a pink
flower with a bachelor or bachelorette

Yun's Tea House

Shop Hours:10:00 am to 10:00 pm
Closed: Tuesdays
Yun runs the tea house by herself while she takes care of her granddaughter, Ying.
She makes a variety of tea drinks and asian-inspired meals.
Cucumber Namul
Tofu Salad
Boiled Spinach
Shark Fin Soup
Egg Soup
Soybean Soup
Miso Soup
Egg Custard
Steamed Dumpling
Simmered Potato
Roasted Corn
Cold Tofu
Dashi Egg
Tuna Yukhoe
Miso Eggplant
Roasted Eggplant
Baked Yam
Pot Sticker
Spring Roll
Vegetable Stir Fry
Chinese Dumpling
Dried Tofu
Boiled Daikon
Egg Rice Bowl
Sushi Bowl
Inari Sushi
Bamboo Shoot Rice
Natto Roll
Kappa Roll
Fried Rice
Cold Soba Noodles

Price Season
180 G Spring
240 G Summer
410 G Winter
300 G Fall
140 G Spirng
280 G Summer
740 G Summer
500 G Fall
450 G Winter
130 G Spring
670 G Spring
220 G Spring
390 G Summer
80 G
260 G Summer
210 G Summer
810 G Summer
340 G Fall
190 G Fall
100 G Fall
680 G Fall
570 G Fall
450 G Winter
360 G Winter
140 G Winter
170 G Winter
Main Dish
280 G Spring
210 G Spring
270 G Spring
120 G Spring
380 G Spring
280 G Spring
220 G Summer
130 G Summer

Year 2 or later
Year 2 or later
Year 2 or later
Year 2 or later
Year 2 or later
Year 2 or later

37 | H M : T o T T

Soba Dumplings
Grilled Fish
Mixed Rice
Tempura Bowl
Kitsune Udon
Tempura Soba
Crab Omelet
Fish Stew
Milk Stew
Kimchi Stew
Strawberry Candy
Bamboo Dumplings
Green Rice Candy
3 Color Dumplings
Soybean Rice Candy
Sweet Dumplings
Chestnut Bun
Soy Milk Pudding
Egg Tart
Green Tea
Sencha Tea
Mixed Juice
Matcha Tea
Buckwheat Tea
Peach Juice
Banana Juice
Apricot Wine (Gls)
Puer Tea
Oolong Tea
Apple Juice
Ginseng Tea
Mandarin Juice
Mixed Smoothie
Plum Juice
Plum Wine (Glass)

260 G
70 G
460 G
330 G
320 G
400 G
100 G
150 G
180 G
540 G
650 G
220 G
310 G
390 G
190 G
190 G
420 G
290 G
280 G
160 G
440 G
240 G
70 G
140 G
530 G
80 G
210 G
220 G
400 G
270 G
90 G
140 G
170 G
390 G
260 G
700 G
40 G
270 G




Year 2 or later


Year 2 or later
Year 2 or later
Year 2 or later

Kana's Animals
Shop Hours:10:00 am to 5:00 pm
Closed: Fridays and Saturdays
Kana sells the same items as Grady in Blubell Town. The only real difference is the
hours the shop is open if you marry Kana and you live in Bluebell. He still runs his
pet store, but because he has to travel back to Konohana to open it, the opening
time will be later. If you have not completed the tunnel between the two towns, then
38 | H M : T o T T

the shop will open at 12:00 pm. If you have completed the tunnel, then Kana can
walk directly to his shop and opens it at 11:00 am.
Wooden Horse Cart
Striped Horse Cart
Mechanical Chicken
Chinese Lion
Cart Remodel, 2 pages to 3
Cart Remodel, 3 pages to 4
Cart Remodel, 4 pages to 5
Cart Remodel, 5 pages to 6
Cart Remodel, 6 pages to 7
Cart Remodel, 7 pages to 8
Cart Remodel, 8 pages to 9
Pony (Black, Brown, Red, or
Thoroughbred (Black, Brown,
Red, or White)
Dosanko (Black, Brown, Red,
or White)

Horse Carts
5000 G
5000 G
1000 G
2000 G
3000 G
5000 G
10,000 G
30,000 G
Horse Rental
5000 G
10,000 G
20,000 G


Starting in Spring, Year 3
Starting in Spring, Year 3

Tunnel Connection #1 has been
Tunnel Connection #3 has been
built and you rented a

Cat (White or Black)

5000 G

Cat (Brown or Yellow)

5000 G

Small Dog (Black/White or

Small Dog (Brown/Brown or
Large Dog (Tan/Green Bow or
Tan/Blue Bow)
Large Dog (Dark Brown/Red
Bow or Light Brown/Blue

5000 G
5000 G
5000 G


Own a Chick or Chicken

Starting in Spring, Year 2 and
own a Chick or Chicken
Own a Sheep or Alpaca
Starting in Spring, Year 2 and
own a Sheep or Alpaca
Own a Cow

5000 G


Starting in Spring, Year 2 and

own a Cow

10,000 G


Tunnel Construction #1 has

been built

39 | H M : T o T T

The Cooking Festival

The cooking contest between the two towns takes
place four times per season. The participants will
gather at the mountaintop and have their dishes
judged by the gourmet, Pierre. The town that wins the
festival will gloat about their victory and then the
festival ends until the next time it takes place. Your
goal is to participate in the cooking festival enough
times that it repairs the friendship between the two
Inside of your house you'll find your seasonal calendar, listing the dates that the
cooking festivals take place. The calendar also tells you the category of dish that the
festival will be judging. On the day of the festival, bring your cooked dish to the
mountaintop between noon and 4:00 pm, then hand it to the mayor of your town. You
can't enter the contest for the other town's team!
Make sure your dish is "Super Fresh!" rating. You can enter a "Fairly Fresh" dish, but
you have less of a chance of winning. You also don't want to enter a dish from a
different category into the current festival's category.
Optionally, you can choose to cheer for your town instead of entering a dish that
you've cooked.
The Town Teams
Each town team is made up of three participants; either yourself and two others, or a
team of three villagers. The villagers that make up your team are random, but not all
villagers participate in the contest:

Bluebell Participants: Ash, Cam, Cheryl, Diego, Enrique, Georgia, Howard,

Jessica, and Laney

Konohana Participants: Ayame, Hiro, Kana, Nori, Raul, Reina, Sheng, Ying,
and Yun

Winning the Festival

The chances of winning the festival is based on your
entered dish and the other villagers' dishes.
Winning is a team effort! The dish you enter needs to
have a high value of stamina recovery. Adjusting the
stamina recovery can be done by adding additional
ingredients when cooking the dish you want to enter
into the festival. The star rank of the ingredients and
your personal cooking level will determine the stamina
recovery rate of the resulting dish.

40 | H M : T o T T

The dishes that your teammates enter will be randomly selected based on the
festival's cooking category. You don't have any control over what dishes they enter,
but the higher the friendship you have with that villager, the better the chance
of a high stamina recovery entry. It is important to work on raising your friendship
with the cooking contest participants in your village. For example, if you live in
Bluebell and you ignore Diego and Enrique (0 or low friendship), then they'll most
likely enter Failed Dishes (0 STA) as their contest entry when they're on your
cooking festival team.
Pierre will judge each town's dish and then give his feedback. You'll have a general
idea how well your team did by listening to his opinions:
1. Excellent: "This is amazing!", "Simply wonderful!", "What fantastic flavor!", and
"It's as if it was made by the Harvest Goddess herself!"
2. Good: "Delicious!", "Pretty good!", "Quite tasty!", and "Hmm... This isn't bad..."
3. Okay: "Hmm...", "Not bad, but not great...", "This is all right...", and "This is
okay, I suppose..."
4. Bad: "Um, what a unique flavor...", "Ugh...", "*cough*...", and "Can I have
some water?"
After he gives his opinions, Pierre will declare one of the towns as the winner.
Results and Prizes
Once the contest is over you'll meet up with the mayor of your town. Depending on
the results you may be rewarded with a prize:
If you entered a dish and lost or you simply cheered for your town (win or lose):

Spring cooking festivals: If it is the first festival on Spring 7 then you will get
Onion Seeds. The prize for any spring festival after the first one will be
Cabbage Seeds or Cucumber Seeds
Summer cooking festival: Onion Seeds or Tomato Seeds
Fall cooking festival: Spinach Seeds or Yam Seeds
Winter cooking festival: Bok Choy Seeds

If you entered a dish and won:

Bluebell Town: If you have 3 hearts of town friendship or less, the prize is
Great Butter. If you have 4 hearts or more, the prize is Adamantite. If you are
in year 2, then your festival prize will be the Fancy Cart or the Shrine Cart.
Konohana Town: If you have 3 hearts of town friendship or less, the prize is
Wine and the prize is Mithril if you have 4 hearts or more. If you are in year 2,
then your festival prize will be the Fancy Cart or the Shrine Cart.
If the tunnel between the town is complete and if you have the Fancy Cart and
Shrine Cart, then the prize will be the Sled Cart. After that the prize is a
Diamond regardless of the town you are living in.

41 | H M : T o T T

After you receive (or don't receive) a prize, the Harvest

Goddess will appear and show you how well you are
doing with mending the towns' friendship. Each heart
on the friendship meter is 1000 points; heart one is 0
to 1000, heart two is 1001 to 2000, etc. The goal of the
game is to fill all the hearts on the town friendship
meter, which will occur at 10,000 points.
The number of points you earn will vary depending on the outcome of the festival:

You entered a dish and won: +800 points

You entered a dish and lost: +400 points
You cheered for your town and won: +200 points
You cheered for your town and lost: +100 points

Ideally, you will want to enter the festival each time instead of cheering from the side.
Even if your town loses when you participate in the festival, you will earn more town
friendship than if you had simply watched the festival take place.

Wild Animals
When you venture out into the mountain area you're
bound to find some of the native animals. These
animals will be in various areas of the mountain and
initially will run away from you; the bear and to boar
will actually attack you! If you work at it, the wild
animals can become friendly.
The wild animals cannot become pets on your
farm! The animals will always live in the mountain
area no matter how nice you are towards them. They are "wild" animals, after all.
Animals appear when you enter a mountain area will vary depending on the season
you're in, the current weather, and the time of day.
The wild animals you'll find are the Bear, Boar, Duck, Fox, Monkey, Mouse, Panda,
Rabbit, Raccoon, Sparrow, and Weasel. All of the animals come in multiple colors
(except for the Panda). You will also find Bats in the tunnel and Moles on your farm,
but you can not befriend the Bats or Moles.
The Purpose for the Wild Animals
The whole point of the wild animals is to receive gifts
from them. The wild animal families will give you a gift
on certain days of the week if you venture up to the
mountaintop at any time of the day. This event has a
25% chance of triggering when you enter the
mountaintop area, and it can only occur on sunny
days and non-festival days.

42 | H M : T o T T

Mondays: Mouse (Milk, Cheese, or Cheesecake) or Sparrow (Corn, Popcorn,

or Baked Corn)
Tuesdays: Duck (Killifish, Eel, or Small Blue Crab) or Rabbit (Turnip, Turnip
Salad, Mixed Salad)
Wednesdays: Monkey (Banana Seed, Banana, or Chocolate Banana) or
Raccoon (Soybean, Soy Milk, or Dried Tofu)
Thursdays: Fox (Tofu, Deep-Fried Tofu, or Inari Sushi) or Weasel (Egg, Egg
soup, or Egg Rice Bowl)
Fridays: Bear (Sweetfish, Salmon, or Tuna) or Boar (Shimeji, Shiitake, Brown
Saturdays: Panda (Green Tea (Can), Sencha Tea (Can), or Oolong Tea

Besides the weather and weekday requirement, you need to have a high friendship
with the wild animal you're trying to receive a gift from. A wild animal needs to have
at least 700 friendship points or higher. The more friendship you have with the wild
animal, the greater the chance of getting a better item.
The other advantage to befriending the Boar and Bear wild animals is they'll stop
attacking you!
Befriending the Animals
The animal friendship is based on an invisible point
system between 1 and 1000. Feeding an animal will
get you 10 FP per day. Picking up an animal will get
you 5 FP; but for the bear and boar (that can't be
picked up) you just have to press A to talk to the
animal instead. Even if you receive an angry response
in return, you'll get the +5 FP.
You can determine your current friendship level with a
wild animal by how it reacts to you. If the animal becomes stressed and runs away
when you walk up to it, then you are between 0 and 300 FP. If the animal doesn't
react at all, then you are between 301 and 700 FP. If you receive a music note
above the animal's head when you get close, then you are friends with the animal
and have 701 or more friendship points. At this point you can start to receive gifts at
the mountaintop.
To befriend a wild animal, you will need to feed it. Throw food at the animal and
make it land somewhat close to where the animal is. If the food is something the
animal likes, then it will walk towards the food and eat it. If it is something it doesn't
like, then your food offering will be ignored. You only need to feed a member of the
wild animal family once. For example, if you feed a Turnip to the brown rabbit, you
don't have to feed a Turnip to the white rabbit when you see it on the same day. In
fact, the white rabbit will ignore the second Turnip.
Because items bounce across the ground when they land, try to throw from a
distance away towards the wild animal. A good distance will be when the animal is
close to the edge of your top screen.

43 | H M : T o T T

Different animals like different kinds of food:

Food: Turnip, Tomato, Carrot, Yam, Honey, Fruit Honey, Spring Honey,
Summer Honey, Fall Honey, Rose Honey
Season: Spring, Summer, Fall
Weather: Sunny or Rainy
Location: Brown: Blue-Low, Blue-Mid (6am to 6pm)
Dark Brown: Kono-High (6am to 6pm)

Food: Egg, Black Egg, Golden Egg, Potato, Tomato, Corn, Bok Choy, Banana
Season: All Year
Weather: Sunny, Rainy, or Snowy
Location: Brown: Blue-Mid (6am to 9pm), Kono-Low (9am to 9pm)
Dark Brown: Blue-Mid (9am to 9pm), Kono-High (9am to 9pm)
Food: Killifish, Small Killifish, Large Killifish, Smelt, Small Smelt, Large Smelt
Season: All Year
Weather: Sunny, Rainy, or Snowy
Location: Green: Blue-Low (6am to 5am), Kono-Low (6am to 5am)
White: Blue-Low (6am to 5am), Kono-High (6am to 5am, not Snowing), KonoMid (6am to 5am), Kono-Low (6am to 5am)

Food: Egg, Black Egg, Gold Egg, Potato, Tomato, Corn, Carrot, Yam, Grape,
Banana, Deep-Fried Tofu
Season: All Year
Weather: Sunny
Location: White: Blue-High (1pm to 10pm)
Brown: Blue-Low (1am to 5am), Blue-Mid (6am to 9am), Blue-High (1am to
5am), Kono-Low (6am to 9am, 1am to 5am), Kono-Mid (1pm to 10pm), KonoHigh (1pm to 10pm)

Food: Egg, Black Egg, Golden Egg, Turnip, Corn, Bok Choy, Yam, Banana,
Season: All Year
Weather: Sunny, Rainy, or Snowy
Location: White: Blue-Mid (6am to 5am), Kono-Mid (9am to 9pm, Sunny only
Brown: Blue-low (9am to 9pm, Sunny only), Blue-Mid (9am to 9pm), KonoLow (9am to 9pm, Sunny only), Kono-Mid (9am to 9pm, Sunny only)
Food: Cheese, Good Cheese, Great Cheese, Turnip, Tomato, Carrot, Corn,
Season: All Year
Weather: Sunny, Rainy, or Snowy
Location: Blue-Low (6am to 8am), Blue-Mid (6am to 9am [Sunny only], 6pm to
5am), Kono-Mid (6pm to 5am)
Brown: Blue-High (6am to 9am, 6pm to 5am), Kono-Low (6pm to 5am)
44 | H M : T o T T

Food: Bamboo, Turnip, Strawberry, Corn, Yam, Grape, Banana
Season: All Year
Weather: Sunny, Rainy, or Snowy
Location: Kono-Low (9pm to 5am)
Food: Turnip, Carrot, Tomato, Bok Choy, Corn, Banana, Grape
Season: All Year
Weather: Sunny
Location: White: Blue-Low (1pm to 9pm), Blue-High (1am to 5am), Kono-Low
(1pm to 9pm), Kono-Mid (6am to 9am)
Brown: Blue-Low (6am to 5am, Sunny, Rainy, or Snowy), Blue-High (1pm to
8pm), Kono-Mid (6am to 9am), Kono-High (1am to 5am)
Food: Egg, Black Egg, Golden Egg, Potato, Corn, Bok Choy, Banana, Grape
Season: All Year
Weather: Sunny, Rainy, or Snowy
Location: Brown: Blue-Mid (9pm to 5am), Kono-Mid (9pm to 5am, Sunny only)
Dark Brown: Blue-Low (9pm to 5am, Sunny only), Kono-Low (9pm to 5am,
Sunny only), Kono-Mid (6am to 5am)
Food: Corn, Wheat, Rice
Season: All Year
Weather: Sunny
Location: Red: Kono-High (6am to 6pm)
Brown: Blue-High (6am to 6pm), Kono-Mid (6am to 6pm), Kono-High (6am to
Food: Egg, Black Egg, Golden Egg
Season: All Year
Weather: Sunny, Rainy, or Snowy
Location: Brown (Spring to Fall): Kono-Low (6am to 5am), Kono-Mid (6am to
White (Winter): Kono-Low (6am to 5am), Kono-Mid (9am to 5am, Sunny only)
Besides befriending animals you can do a few things to decrease your friendship
with the wild animals. If you hit a wild animal with one of your tools, you will lose 20
FP. Also, if you litter (throw an item into the rivers) then you will lose -10 FP.

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The Mountain
Since the tunnel between the towns is not useable, thanks to the Harvest Goddess,
you will need to travel across the mountain to visit the other town. Each side of the
mountain has a low, mid, and high area connected by the mountaintop area where
festivals take place.
Bluebell Side

Konohana Side

The mountain is full of things to pick up, areas where you can go fishing, and wild
animals you can befriend. There are even zip lines that travel through an area, jump
mushrooms you can use to scale out-of-reach locations, and slides to take you back
down to the main pathway. To use a travel mushroom, press B to jump onto it and
bounce away. Zip lines are activated by pressing the A button. If you leave the zip
line right before it ends, then you'll have a GOOD dismount and won't crash into a

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The mountain also has a lot of wild items you can pick up off of the ground. There
are special foraging spots where you can collect up to 5 items per day. The items
found in these foraging spots will vary depending on the season you're in and the
current weather conditions.
Information on how to find Ore Stone can be found on the Ore Stone page.
There are also large boulders that block pathways and shortcuts through
mountain area. These rocks will be destroyed by the wild bears as you repair
tunnel between the towns. You do not have to befriend the bears to break
boulders. The bears hibernate during Winter and are not available to destroy
boulders during that season.


To activate a bear event, walk into the area with the

boulder between 9:00 am and 6:00 pm on a sunny day
after you've completed a tunnel repair. The boulders
are smashed in a specific order:
1. Konohana Mid-Mountain: Opens the lower path
Konohana High-Mountain. Requires Tunnel Repair #1 to be completed.
2. Konohana Mid-Mountain: Opens the path in the northwest corner to
Konohana High-Mountain. Requires Tunnel Repair #2 to be completed.
3. Konohana Mid-Mountain: Unlocks the jump mushroom shortcut back up to the
path. Requires Tunnel Repair #3 to be completed (basically, the tunnel has
been reconnected).
4. Bluebell High-Mountain: Unlocks the jump mushroom to reach the area below
the bridge. Requires Tunnel Repair #4 to be completed (the lower tunnel

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Message Boards
The Message Board
If you're looking for something else to do besides
farming or raising livestock, visit the message board in
Bluebell Town or Konohana Town. The local villagers
will post requests to these message boards, asking for
someone (you!) to help them out. New requests will
appear on the board in the morning and will remain
there until the request expires or you accept it and it
goes into your Request List.
You can accept requests from both message boards. Just because you live in
one town doesn't mean you're trapped with just that town's message board. You are
free to travel over to the other town and complete their requests too!
When viewing a town's message board, posted requests will be marked with colored
post paper:
The Go To villager is important! Rutger and Ina will post Delivery Requests to
their town's message board. The mayors will want you to deliver the requested
item to the noted villager and not to them. After you hand over the item to the
Give To person, you can then return to the mayor to receive the reward.

Yellow Requests will be the majority of requests posted to the message

boards. These are Normal Requests and will reappear on the message board
on a regular basis.

Green Requests are for the Tutorials. These six requests will only appear on
the message board of the town you are living in and are to help you get use to
your new environment.

Red Requests indicate a special Item will be rewarded if you complete it. You
will find the Stethoscope, clothing outfits, Hammer, Axe, and other important
tools by completing red-colored requests.

Purple Requests are always from Eileen. The purple posts on the message
board are for Construction Requests, such as farm expansions or repairing
the tunnel between the towns. Purple posts only appear on the Bluebell
message board.

Blue Requests are only from Sheng the blacksmith. He will upgrade your Hoe,
Sickle, or Watering Can so the tools are more efficient to use. Sheng's Tool
Requests are posted to the Konohana message board.

Orange Requests won't appear until you are at Request Level 4 and in year
two of the game or later. An orange Help Request only appears for one day
and must be completed that same day.

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Accepting a Request
To check a request, move the hand cursor over the
paper and press A. The top screen of your DS or 3DS
will display the general information about the request,
such as who the Requester is, its Deadline, the Rank
of the request, and a story as to why the request is
being posted. If you want to see more details about a
request, press the Y button.
The next page will tell you what the person is requesting. You'll also see the
minimum star rank of the item(s) you must fetch. If your collected item doesn't meet
the minimum star rank, then the item won't be accepted toward request completion.
Some of the items being requested doesn't have a star rank, such as critters, Small
Coin, and so on.
Another press of the Y button will tell you what your reward will be if you return the
item(s) to the Give To person before the Deadline is up.
To accept a request, press A a second time and confirm you want to Accept and add
it to the Request List on your bottom touch screen. You don't have to complete
every request that you accept. Nothing bad will happen if you let an unfinished
request expire from your list. Item Requests, Construction Requests, and Tool
Requests will reappear on their message board at the beginning of the season if you
couldn't complete it before the Deadline.
Completing a Request
Most of the requests you accept will be Normal
Requests and will require you to fetch something for
the Requester. You will need to talk to the Requester
to learn more about the request or to turn over the
requested items.
When you have the requested item(s), you will be
prompted to turn it over when you talk to the
Requester. Simply move the item from your bag to the
Requester's green bag. The item must be in your bag before you can hand it over;
you can't store it in your Horse Cart or Storage Box and hand it over from there.
Press B to exit the bag exchange screen and had over the requested item(s).
If the request is a Help Request, then you just need to talk to the Requester again to
have him or her review and approve your work.
Once the request has been completed, you will be given its reward. If the rewarded
item has an associated star rank, then the star rank of the rewarded item will
be a half-star higher than the highest star ranked item you turn over. For
example, if Mako requests that you bring him Mint and you hand over a 1 star Mint,
then the Green Tea he gives you as a reward will have 1.5 stars.

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You don't have to accept every item from the Reward bag. You can move just what
you want over to your personal bag and press B to reject everything else. You also
have access to the Toss can in the lower-right corner if you need to throw an item
You will also earn +50 friendship points with the Requester. If the request was a
Delivery Request from Rutger or Ina, you will receive +25 FP with the mayor and +25
FP with the Give To person. Your Request Level points will increase as well,
depending on the Rank of the request and the Freshness of the items you handed

Request Levels
When you turn in completed message board requests
from the villagers and you receive your reward, you
will also earn Request Points that add up to your
Request Level. You can find your current Request
Level rank in your Info notebook; tap the blue book on
your touch screen and select the Data category to find
Message board requests have a rank on them, located in the upper-left corner of the
request. The lowest rank is D and the highest is S (D, C, B, A, and S). The higher the
rank of the request you complete, the more Request Points you'll earn towards your
Request Level.
Your Request Level will determine how many requests you can accept at one time
and the highest rank possible for the requests that will appear on the message board.
Some requests will not appear on the message board until you've reached a specific
Request Level.

Max No.
7 and 8
9 and 10 32

Request Ranks
Rank D only
Rank D only
Rank D and C
Rank D and C
Rank D, C, and B
Rank D, C, and B
Rank D, C, B, and A
Rank D, C, B, A, and S

Increasing Your Request Level

When you complete a request to the Go To villager
listed on the request, you'll earn invisible Request
Points. The rank of the quest you complete and the
freshness of the item you are handing over will
determine how many RP you'll receive. After you've
earned enough RP, your Request Level will increase.
50 | H M : T o T T

The rank will give you a base value depending on the rank. Rank D requests
will earn you 10 RP, Rank C is 20 RP, Rank B is 30 RP, Rank A is 40 RP, and
Rank S is 50 RP.

The base RP you've earned is then multiplied by a number determined by the

freshness of the items that you've turned in. Above 95 points will earn you 2x
the base RP! From 95 to 71 freshness points (Super Fresh!) you'll get a 1.5x
multiplier, 70 to 56 FP (Fairly Fresh) is 1.25x, and 55 to 41 (Fairly Fresh) does
not have a multiplier. If you turn in a request item that has a Not So Fresh or
Getting Bad freshness rating, then you will lose some of the Request Points
that you just earned! Ideally, only turn in items that are Fairly Fresh or
Super Fresh. For items that don't have a freshness, such as Rocks and
critters, you'll automatically get the 2x multiplier.

For example, you have Gombe's "Enjoying a Song" request at Rank C and it is
Summer season. He would like you to give him 2 Magic Blue Flowers in exchange
for a Flour and 450 G. If you found 2 new Magic Blue Flowers together in the
mountain area on the same day and you gave them to Gombe that day, you'd earn
40 Request Points (20 RP [Rank C] x 2 [multiplier] = 40). The flowers will have 100
freshness points because you "picked" them that day.
Now, let's say you found the 2 flowers on a festival day, when Gombe won't be
accessible to hand over his request. So you decided to keep the flowers in your bag
until the next day. According to the freshness calculations, in the morning the flowers
will have 91 freshness points; 100 - (5 [wild item type] + 4 [summer season] - 0 [bag
storage]) = 91. When you turn the 2 Magic Blue Flowers to Gombe, you'll get 30 RP
(20 x 1.5 = 30). Just by having to wait a day, you lost 10 Request Points.
When you earn enough Request Points, you will earn a new Request Level!

Rank 1 = 0 points
Rank 2 = 501 points
Rank 3 = 1001 points
Rank 4 = 2001 points
Rank 5 = 3001 points

Rank 6 = 4501 points

Rank 7 = 6001 points
Rank 8 = 8001 points
Rank 9 = 10,001 points
Rank 10 = 12,501 points

Normal Requests
The yellow paper Normal Requests will be the most
common request posted on the message board. New
requests will appear throughout the season and when
they expire, new ones will take their place. These
requests will repeat on a regular basis whether you've
accepted (and completed) the request or you naturally
allow them to expire off the board.

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Each villager has about four Normal Requests that they post on their town's
message board. The uniqueness of reward you receive for completing the request
will not vary depending on which of the four you accepted. The villager will give you
the same type of reward no matter which one you select. The reward will vary
depending on the rank of the request.
For example, Cam's "For a Cat" and "Need a Meal!" requests will ask for different
items, but the reward for both requests at rank D will be the same: 209 G and Herb
Tea (Can).
If you have a Request Level of 10 (the maximum level), the Harvest Goddess
randomly will post a request on the message board of the town you are living in. She
can ask for fruits and vegetables, alcohol, Strawberry Candy, and Golden Milk. In
exchange, she will reward you with Strawberry Seeds (Rank D); Strawberry Seeds,
Yam Seeds, and Jade (Rank C); Strawberry Seeds, Watermelon Seeds, and Moon
Stone (Rank B); or Strawberry Seeds, Pineapple Seeds, and Diamond (Rank A).
The Oracle can also post random requests, but she does so on the Bluebell
message board. Her requests won't appear until you are at Request Level 10. The
Oracle's S-rank request may reward you with Magic Water, which is the only item in
the game that can permanently increase your stamina by 10 points. There are only
ten Magic Waters available in the game.
Bluebell Normal Requests



Request Names and Requested Items

Food (western-style cooked dishes)
For the Goddess! (salad, soup, appetizer,
main dish, western-style dessert cooked
To Grow (seeds)
Hospitality (tea leaves, etc.)
A New Product (veggies, fruit, milk products,
For Cheryl! (dessert recipes)
Midnight Snack (western-style cooked
For Cheryl! (fruit, milk, honey)


Flowers, Please! (flowers or herbs)

For a Cat (fish or milk products)
Need a Meal! (western-style cooked recipes)
Ore Please (ore, gem)


Beauty Treatment (fruit, honey, western-style

dessert cooked recipes)
Dressing Up (flowers, herbs, perfume)
For Ash (western-style cooked recipes)
To Protect Ash! (critters)

Rank Rewards
Rank A: Fall Wine, Spring
Wine, 2300 G
Rank B: Wine, 424 G
Rank C: Wine, 224 G
Rank D: Wine
Rank A: Flour, Gerbera Seeds,
Vegetable Stir Fry, 2500 G
Rank B: Flour, Treat, 150 G
Rank C: Chicken Feed, 520 G
Rank D: Chicken Feed, 250 G
Rank A: Carnation Seeds,
White Rose Seeds, 3150 G
Rank B: Margaret Seeds, 660
Rank C: Black Tea (Can), 488
Rank D: Herb Tea (Can), 209 G
Rank A: Butter, Honey Shake,
Jersey Milk
Rank B: Butter, Milk
Rank C: Milk
Rank D: Milk

52 | H M : T o T T




Doing Deals (flowers, herbs)

It's a Secret! (drinks) Meal, Please! (salad,
soup, appetizer, main dish cooked recipes)
Product Research (fruit, veggies, seeds)

Rank A: Fruit Honey, 3280 G

Rank B: Fruit Honey, 480 G
Rank C: Honey, 340 G
Rank D: Honey, 40 G

Doing Deals (critters, fish)

It's a Secret (Fish Fossil, Legendary
Treasure, etc.)
Meal, Please! (cooked recipes)
Share, Please (veggies, fruit, milk products,
cooked recipes, etc.)
Help! (flowers or herbs)
Help! (material stone or lumber)
Help! (western-style dessert cooked recipes
or drinks)
Need a Snack (western-style cooked recipes)

Rank A: Chili Pepper, Curry

Powder, Oil, 2480 G
Rank B: Curry Powder, Oil, 480
Rank C: Oil, 500 G
Rank D: Oil, 200 G
Rank A: Blueberry, Fruit Wine,
2630 G
Rank B: Blueberry, 750 G
Rank C: Honeycomb, 525 G
Rank D: Honeycomb, 225 G
Rank A: Animal Medicine,
Okonomiyaki, 2550 G
Rank B: Animal Medicine, 300
Rank C: Udon Noodles, 422 G
Rank D: Udon Noodles, 122 G
Rank A: Royal Milk Tea, Party
Cake, 2150 G
Rank B: Black Tea (Can), 688
Rank C: Black Tea (Can), 488
Rank D: Black Tea (Can), 188


Diet (asian-style dessert cooked recipes)

Frustration (western-style cooked recipes)
Special Feed! (fruit or veggies)
Special Medicine! (fish, fruit, flowers, veggies)


I Need Style! (wool)

New Recipe? (western-style cooked recipes)
Secret Recipe! (fruit, flowers, herbs, milk
products, wild items, honey, flour, jam)
Trouble! (material stone or lumber)


For Horse (fodder, etc.)

Meal, Please! (salad, soup, appetizer, or
main dish cooked recipes)
Pet Treat (fruit)
Share, Please! (fruit or veggies)

Rank A: Nutra Treat, Vegetable

Treat, 2200 G
Rank B: Treat, 300 G
Rank C: Horse Treat, 450 G
Rank D: Horse Treat, 150 G


Food, Please! (western-style cooked recipes)

For the Cows (tea leaves)
Making Rare Cheese (herbs and flowers)
Mending (wool)

Rank A: Butter, Cheese,

Fodder, 3089 G
Rank B: Butter, Fodder, 500 G
Rank C: Fodder, 540 G
Rank D: Fodder, 240 G


Borrow Tea Leaves (tea products)

Dessert Research! (flowers or herbs)
Normal Ingredients (western-style cooked
Recipe Research! (veggies, fruit, milk
products, honey, jam, flour)

Rank A: Cherry Tree Seed,

Sponge Cake, 3325 G
Rank B: Cherry Tree Seed,
Sponge Cake, 525 G
Rank C: Sponge Cake, 425 G
Rank D: Sponge Cake, 125 G

53 | H M : T o T T


Borrow Ingredients (veggie or fruit)

Food, Please! (western-style or asian-style
cooked recipes)
Fruit, Please! (fruit)
Souvenir, Please! (tea or beverage)

Rank A: White Bouquet

Rank B: Colorful Bouquet
Rank C: Colorful Bouquet
Rank D: Colorful Bouquet


Bad Old Habits (fish fossil, legendary

treasure, small coin, etc.)
For the Goddess! (fruit or veggies)
For the Goddess! (flour, jam, milk products)
Hospitality (drinks, wine, fruit, pickled goods,

Rank A: Bread, Honey, Sponge

Cake, 3055 G
Rank B: Bread, Pudding, 466 G
Rank C: Bread, 490 G
Rank D: Bread, 190 G

Alpaca! (alpaca wool)

For Research (ore, critters, flowers, herbs,
yarn, honey)
Weak Tummy (asian-style or western-style
cooked recipes)
Weak Tummy (asian-style or western-style
dessert cooked recipes, fruit, veggies)

Rank S: Magic Water

Rank A: Royal Jelly
Rank B: Royal Jelly
Rank C: Royal Jelly
Rank D: Royal Jelly

(Req. lvl


It's a Secret! (flower, herbs, wool, fish)

Lovely Rutger (western-style cooked recipes)
Oh no! Dinner! (milk products, honey, wool)
Oh no! Dinner! (pretty much anything else)


A Date (western-style cooked recipe)

It's a Secret! (flower, herbs, perfume, ore)
Lovely Rose (Red Bouquet)
Mayor Request (asian-style or western-style
dessert cooked recipes, drinks, tea)

Rank A: Chicken Feed, Cocoa

Pack, Oil, 2470 G
Rank B: Chicken Feed, Oil, 620
Rank C: Chicken Feed, 520 G
Rank D: Chicken Feed, 220 G
Rank A: Plum, Rose Honey,
3050 G
Rank B: Eel, Plum, 390 G
Rank C: Plum, 450 G
Rank D: Plum, 150 G

Konohana Normal Requests


Request Names and Requested Items

Rank Rewards


Adult Beverage (tea leaves, etc.)

Making Medicine (weeds, herbs, flowers)
Making Medicine (Poisonous Mushroom,
Failed Dish)
Midnight Snack (asian-style cooked

Rank A: Cabbage Seeds, Eggplant

Seeds, 2970 G
Rank B: Cabbage Seeds, 500 G
Rank C: Apple Jam, 430 G
Rank D: Apple Jam, 130 G


Delivery (flour, jam, milk products)

A Present (critters, Fish Fossil, Legendary
Treasure, etc.)
My Lunch (salad, soup, appetizer, or main
course cooked recipes)
Help Request (fish)

Rank A: Onion Seeds, Potato

Seeds, 3310 G
Rank B: Potato Seeds, 630 G
Rank C: Strawberry Rice Candy,
480 G
Rank D: Strawberry Rice Candy,
180 G

54 | H M : T o T T


Enjoying a Song (flowers, herbs, critter)

For Nori (asian-style dessert cooked
Old Man's Craving (asian-style cooked
Yummy Food! (picked good, fish)

Rank A: Buckwheat Flour, Flour,

Yam Seeds, 2280 G
Rank B: Buckwheat Flour, Flour,
430 G
Rank C: Flour, 450 G
Rank D: Flour, 150 G


Becoming Manly (main dish or appetizer

For Dr. Ayame (asian-style cooked
Ingredients Needed (fruit, milk, veggies,
flour, jam)
Medical Research (herbs, flowers,
veggies, fruit)

Rank A: Pumpkin Seeds, Tea Tree

Seeds, 2380 G
Rank B: Green Rice Candy,
Pumpkin Seeds, 390 G
Rank C: Green Rice Candy, 410 G
Rank D: Green Rice Candy, 110 G


Crops (fruits or veggies)

Meal, Please! (asian-style cooked recipes)
Need Ingredients (fruit, fish, veggies)
Need Ingredients (wild items, flour, etc.)

Rank A: Chili Pepper, Curry

Powder, Seaweed, 2400 G
Rank B: Curry Powder, Seaweed,
400 G
Rank C: Seaweed, 420 G
Rank D: Seaweed, 120 G







For Hayate! (lumber or material stone)

For Hayate! (veggies or fruit)
Need a Meal (salad, soup, appetizer, or
main dish cooking recipes)
Riding Snack (pickled items, fruit, fish)
Having Trouble (critters, asian-style
dessert cooked recipes)
Midnight Snack (asian-style cooked
Share, Please! (drinks, perfume, flowers,
Super Fertilizer (Failed Dish)
Borrow Ingredients (veggie or fruit)
Food, Please! (western-style or asian-style
cooked recipes)
Fruit, Please! (fruit)
Souvenir, Please! (tea or beverage)
Meal Request (asian-style cooked recipes)
Need to Borrow! (wool)
Need to Borrow! (Tea leaves, milk
products, flour, veggies, fruit)
To Go with Wine (picked items, fruit)
Dessert, Please! (western-style or asianstyle dessert cooked recipes)
Flowers, Please! (flowers or herbs)
Meal, Please! (asian-style cooked recipes)
Secret Request (drinks)
Appearances (perfume)
I'll Show Him! (fruit, veggies, flowers,
herbs, seeds, ore)
Lacking Hunkiness (milk products)
Meal, Please (salad, soup, appetizer, main
course cooked recipes)

Rank A: Fertilizer, Treat, 2100 G

Rank B: Pet Food, 650 G
Rank C: Pet Food, 450 G
Rank D: Pet Food, 150 G
Rank A: Ginseng Tea, Peach Tree
Seeds, 2955 G
Rank B: Buckwheat Tea, Peach
Tree Seeds, 335 G
Rank C: Macha Tea, 515 G
Rank D: Green Tea, 223 G
Rank A: White Bouquet
Rank B: Colorful Bouquet
Rank C: Colorful Bouquet
Rank D: Colorful Bouquet
Rank A: Bok Choy Seeds,
Cucumber Seeds, 2880 G
Rank B: Cucumber Seeds, 450 G
Rank C: Green Tea, 523 G
Rank D: Green Tea, 223 G
Rank A: Ruby
Rank B: Onion
Rank C: Onion
Rank D: Small Coin
Rank A: Black Egg, Curry Powder,
Wool, 2680 G
Rank B: Curry Powder, Egg, 460 G
Rank C: Curry Powder, 380 G
Rank D: Curry Powder, 80 G

55 | H M : T o T T


For Research (lumber or material stone)

For Research (flowers or herbs)
Midnight Snack! (asian-style cooked
Summoning Courage (fish)


Bliss (drinks, picked goods)

Help Me Out! (lumber, material stone)
Help Request (asian-style dessert cooked
I'm Hungry! (asian-style cooked recipes)



Food, Please! (asian-style cooked recipes)

For My Panda (wool)
For Sheng (fruit, picked goods)
My Letter... (flowers, herbs
Course (asian-style cooked recipes)
New Recipe? (veggies, fruit, tea leaves,
jam, milk products, flour)
Recipe Research (western-style dessert
cooked recipes)
Rich Memories (drinks)

Rank A: Apple Jam, Blueberry Jam,

Strawberry Jam, 3097 G
Rank B: Apple Jam, Blueberry Jam,
592 G
Rank C: Blueberry Jam, 562 G
Rank D: Blueberry Jam, 262 G
Rank A: Corn Seeds, Strawberry
Jam, 2815 G
Rank B: Apple Jam, Strawberry
Jam, 335 G
Rank C: Apple Jam, 430 G
Rank D: Apple Jam, 130 G
Rank A: Salmon
Rank B: Bamboo
Rank C: Bamboo
Rank D: Bamboo
Rank A: Flounder, Sea Bass, 2290
Rank B: Eel, 540 G
Rank C: Small Eel, 575 G
Rank D: Small Eel, 275 G

Item Needed Requests

On certain days of the year, you may find an "Item
Needed" request posted on the message board.
These requests are always Rank B and can be a little
challenging to complete. They will appear just like a
yellow Random Request once your Request Level is 4
or higher and you have at least 12,400 FP with the
Requester (2 flowers = 10,000 FP). Item requests from
the Konohana villagers will appear on the Konohana
message board and requests from the Bluebell
villagers will appear on the Bluebell message board.
If you accept an Item Needed request, you will need to complete the request on that
same day. The responses you receive when you turn in the requested items will be a
bit different than a standard Random Request ("Oh, Reina needs Rocks for
Research... again...") so you might learn a little more about the Requester.
Another nice thing about the Item Needed requests is that you can accept these
Rank B requests even if you can't receive Rank B requests yet. Normally you can't
see Rank B requests on your message boards until you are at Request Level 5 or
higher, but these Item Needed requests will appear once you've reached Level 4!

56 | H M : T o T T

Some of the Item Needed requests will require you to view certain events between
the villagers.

Requester Requested Item(s)

Spring 02 Kana

1 White Mopho
1 Honey

100 G
20 Fodder
1 Treat

You've seen "The Horse Fanatics" event

You are not married to Kana or Georgia
Spring 03 Laney

1 Cherry
1 Flour
1 Good Butter

Spring 04 Grady

5 Black Eggs

Spring 05 Reina

1 White Morpho
1 Oki Butterfly
1 Helena Morpho

Spring 07 Nathan

2 Eggs
2 Black Eggs

Spring 13 Rose

1 Deep-Fried Tofu

Spring 18 Cheryl

1 Great Butter

Spring 19 Reina

1 Onion
1 Milk

750 G
8 Black Tea (Can)
2 Sunflower Seeds
5 Strawberry Jam
1000 G
4 Sunflowers
660 G
8 Peaches
2 Apple Tree Seeds
290 G
1 Red Wine
12 Cheese
100 G
4 Flour
1 Butter
670 G
1 Cocoa Tree Seed
2 Soft Chocolates
370 G
2 Banana
2 Mandarin Tree Seeds

You've seen "Casual Conversation" event

You are not married to Ash or Reina
Spring 20 Alisa

2 Strawberry

Spring 21 Ash

1 Cherry
1 Sponge Cake

Spring 22 Hiro

2 Black Egg

You've seen Doctor Training

You are not married to Hiro or Nori
1 Shimeji
Spring 23 Reina
1 Shiitake
1 Carrot
Spring 24 Gombe

1 Shiratama Flour

780 G
8 Butter
6 Spring Honey
201 G
4 Butter
1 Wool
300 G
4 Honey
3 Pumpkin Seeds

510 G
5 Peaches
2 Grape Tree Seeds
200 G
2 Buckwheat Seeds
2 Onion Seeds
2 Radish Seeds

57 | H M : T o T T



Requested Item(s)

Summer 02 Rahi

1 Puer Tea

Summer 05 Georgia

1 Great Cheese

Summer 11 Hiro

99 Failed Dish

Summer 12 Georgia

1 Cucumber
99 Failed Dish
1 Chili Pepper

100 G
3 Small Coins
1 Dogfish Shark
890 G
2 Animal Medicine
2 Spaghetti
3 Vegetable Treat
100 G
1 Honey
2 Daikon Seeds
660 G
2 Animal Medicine
2 Spaghetti
5 Fish Treats

You've seen "The Horse Fanatics" event

You are not married to Kana or Georgia
Summer 16 Kana

1 Red Rose
1 Sunflower

1000 G
50 Fodder
5 Vegetable Treats

Summer 20 Howard

1 Soy Milk

260 G
8 Flour
2 Citrus Perfume

Summer 21 Cam

1 Pink Rose

560 G
12 Herb Perfume
6 White Rose Seeds

You've seen The Flower Order event

You are not married to Cam or Laney
Summer 22 Georgia

1 Cherry
1 Good Butter

Summer 29 Laney

1 Yarn Ball

210 G
2 Animal Medicine
2 Spaghetti
2 Nutra Treat
430 G
8 Black Tea (Can)
2 Gerbera Seeds
2 Pumpkin Pudding

You've seen The Flower Order event

You are not married to Cam or Laney
510 G
12 Flour
2 Citrus Perfume
Requester Requested Item(s)
100 G
1 Flour
2 Butter
1 Honey
1 Matcha Tea (Can) 150 G
1 Bamboo
8 Cooked Rice

Summer 30 Howard
Fall 02
Fall 07

Fall 14


1 Tomato
1 Onion

5 Jersey Milk

1620 G
25 Shimeji
25 Shiitake
5 Chili Peppers

58 | H M : T o T T

360 G
2 Great Cheese
5 Flour
2 Good Butter
910 G
3 Rose Tea (Can)
10 Fall Honey
410 G
8 Black Tea (Can)
2 Snowdrop Seeds
1 Yam Dessert
920 G
4 Herb Perfume
2 Blue Rose Seeds
590 G
8 Honey
1 Eggplant Seed

Fall 19


1 Fall Wine

Fall 20


1 White Rose
1 Marguerite

Fall 21


1 Good Cheese

Fall 24


1 Gold Tea

Fall 27


1 Spinach
1 Flour

Fall 28


1 Oolong Tea (Can)


Requested Item(s)

Winter 02


2 Nadeshiko
2 White Rose
2 Gerbera

10 Ore Stone

Winter 03


1 Penne Pasta
1 Cheese

100 G
2 Flour
4 Bok Cho Seeds


100 G
4 Apples

You've seen Doctor Training

You are not married to Hiro or Nori
900 G
1 Cocoa Tree Seed
Winter 04
8 Rice Candy
5 Matcha Tea (Can)
900 G
Winter 08
1 Fruit Wine
1 Agate
5 Eggs
570 G
Winter 11
1 Shimeji
7 Mandarin
100 G
Winter 15
1 Sponge Cake
1 Red Wine
2 Cheese
You have completed Alisa's Fall 02 Item Needed request
Winter 17
2 Rose Honey
5 Chocolate Packs
140 G
Winter 18
1 Rice Flour
4 Small Coin
3 Tofu
100 G
Winter 20
3 Sashimi
2 Flour
1 Strawberry Seed
1 Chocolate Pack
1 Ice Cream

Winter 25


1 Tofu

100 G
2 Flour
1 Cucumber Seed

59 | H M : T o T T

Winter 26


380 G
8 Butter
2 Wool

1 Red Rose

You've seen "Casual Conversation" event

You are not married to Ash or Reina

Tutorial Requests
Tutorial requests appear in your first few days of the
game and only on the message board of the town you
start your game in. These requests have a green
paper color when you view the board and are Rank D.
The beginning board requests teach you how to do
some basic things in the game, such as hand fishing
or catching mountain critters. You can do each green
tutorial request once. If you leave the request on the
message board instead of accepting it, the tutorial request will eventually expire and
will not reappear.
Bluebell Tutorial Requests
Life in
Jump and
Let Me Tell





Spring 2

1 day

Follow his message

board tutorial

5 Fodder, 5
Chicken Feed

Spring 2

15 days

1 Smelt, 1 Kilifish

2 Fish Paste

Spring 2

15 days

1 Spotted Locust

2 Treats

Complete Critter

15 days

1 Small White

2 Butter

Spring 3

15 days

1 Longhead Locust

2 Chicken Feed

Spring 3

15 days

1 Mint, 1 Chamomile

2 Lavender

Konohana Tutorial Requests

Request Name
Life in





Spring 2

1 day

Follow her message

board tutorial

3 Turnips, 3

Spring 2

15 days

1 Small Sweetfish, 1

2 Fish Paste

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Critter Catching
Jump and Catch
Let Me Tell You

Spring 2

15 days

1 Piggyback Locust

2 Turnip Seeds

Complete Critter

15 days

1 Small White

2 Rice Flour

Spring 3

15 days

1 Shiitake, 1 Bamboo

2 Potato Seeds

Spring 3

15 days

1 Mint, 1 Chamomile

2 Lavender

Item Requests
Some of the tools and items you need for your farm will come from message board
requests from the other villagers. These types of item reward requests will appear on
the first of the season and will remain on the message board until you accept and
complete the request. Even if you don't have the items required and can't complete
the message board request, it will appear again the next season.
Once completed, you won't see it appear again in the game.
The item requests for the Radio and cooking utensils will vary depending on what
town you are living in. If you live in Bluebell Town, the Radio requests comes from
Rutger and the cooking utensils from Howard. If you are living in Konohana Town,
then your requesters will be Ina and Yun.
Konohana Item Requests
A Fine
A Fine Axe!
Radio for
New Clothes
New Clothes
New Clothes





No Requirements


8 Rocks

A Hammer

You have a Hammer and

Sheng has 200 or more FP


8000 G

An Axe

You are living in Konohana


1500 G

A Radio

You are living in Konohana


You have a Frying Pan


Nori has 3100 or more FP


Nori has 6200 or more FP and

you have the Work Outfit


Nori has 9300 or more FP and

you have the Casual Outfit


1 Boiled
5000 G
1 Fried
7500 G
2 Wool
10,000 G
2 Wool
30,000 G
2 Good
60,000 G

A Frying Pan
A Seasoning
Work Outfit
Casual Outfit
Boy Player:
Urban Outfit
Girl Player: Hip

61 | H M : T o T T

Bluebell Item Requests

Radio for





You are living in Bluebell


1500 G

A Radio
A Master
Fishing Pole
A Frying Pan


Rutger has 7750 FP or

more and your request
level is 3 or higher


10 Old Ball
10 Old Boot
6000 G

Iron Cook

You are living in Bluebell


1 Hot Milk
5000 G

Iron Cook

You have a Frying Pan


Animal Tools

Ash has 3100 or more FP


Animal Tools
A New Bed
A New Bed

Extra House

Ash has 6200 or more FP

and you have a
Year 2 or later, Eileen has
7750 or more FP, and your
request level is 3 or higher
Year 2 or later, Eileen has
7750 or more FP, your
request level is 3 or higher,
and you are married
Eileen has 15,500 or more
FP, your request level is 5
or higher, and you have
finished all other
Renovation or Tunnel


1 Omelet
7500 G
5 Eggs
5 Milk
1500 G
5 Milk
5 Wool
1500 G

A Seasoning
A Bell


2 Ore Stone
30,000 G

A Double Bed


5 Ore Stone
50,000 G

An Extra
Large Bed


99 Material
99 Lumber
90,000,000 G

Unlocks the
door on the
other town's
farm house

A Skateboard


Oracle has 3100 or more

FP and your request level
is 5 or higher


10 Material
10 Old Ball
20,000 G


Oracle has 3100 or more

FP, your request level is 5
or higher, you are in year 2
or later, and it is winter


10 Elli Leaves
10 Snowballs
50,000 G

A Snowboard

A New

Oracle has 7500 or more

FP, you have the Urban
Outfit (Boy) or Hip Outfit
(Girl), and your request
level is 4 or higher


5 White Alpaca
1 Good Wool
100,000 G

Classy Outfit

A New

Oracle has 7500 or more

FP, you have the Classy
Outfit, and your request
level is 4 or higher


5 Brown
Alpaca Wool
1 Great Wool
100,000 G

Boy Player:
Wild Outfit
Girl Player:
Cute Outfit

62 | H M : T o T T

Into The

Oracle has 9300 or more

FP and your request level
is 4 or higher



Oracle has 15,500 or more

FP, your request level is 5
or higher, and you have
the UFO Cart


1 Stone Tablet
5 White Alpaca
19,771,116 G
1 Mythic Ore
5 Brown
Alpaca Wool
30,000,000 G

UFO Horse

Old Horse

Construction Requests
All construction in the game is handled by Eileen from
Bluebell Town. Even if you live in Konohana Town,
you will be working with Eileen to expand your farm
and other areas. At the beginning of each season, visit
the Bluebell Message board to see her construction
request. What you accomplished in the previous
season will determine what type of request she posts
on the message board:

When you participate in the cooking festivals on the mountaintop, the

friendship between the town mayors will increase. The Harvest Goddess will
show you a heart meter after the festival to document the the progress you've
made. When you reach 3 hearts, 6 hearts, and 10 hearts, Eileen will post a
"Through The Tunnel" request at the beginning of the season. Completing this
request will repair the tunnel between the two towns

If you haven't earned enough heart points with the mayors, then Eileen will
post her default "Renovations" request. This will expand the farm that you are
currently living on.

Eileen can post two item requests that will take the place of a seasonal construction
request. When you are ready for it, Eileen will post requests for "A New Bed" and will
continue to post the bed request until you complete it.

"Through The Tunnel" Requests



Tunnel Repair #1

3 cooking festival hearts

Tunnel Repair #2

6 cooking festival hearts

You've completed Tunnel Repair #1

Tunnel Repair #3

10 cooking festival hearts

You've completed Tunnel Repair #2

10 Material
10 Lumber
10 Material
10 Lumber
10 Material
10 Lumber

63 | H M : T o T T

Lower Tunnel

Tunnel Mine

Eileen has 12,400 or more FP (2 flowers = 10,000 FP)

You are at request level 5 or higher
You've completed Tunnel Repair #3
You've built the Hot Spring
Eileen is out of "Renovation" requests for your current
Eileen has 12,400 or more FP (2 flowers = 10,000 FP)
You've completed Lower Tunnel Path
Eileen is out of "Renovation" requests for your current

500,000 G
10 Material
10 Lumber
1,000,000 G
10 Material
10 Lumber

"Renovations" Requests



Bluebell Construction
House Remodel


Pasture Expansion (#1)


Pasture Expansion (#2)

Complete Pasture Expansion (#1)

Pet Playpen

Complete Pasture Expansion (#1)

Make Field

Complete Pet Playpen

Maker Shed

Complete Pet Playpen

Beverage Maker

Complete Maker Shed

Bee Hut (#1)


Bee Hut (#2)

Complete Bee Hut (#1)

Bee Hut (#3)

Complete Bee Hut (#2)

Bee Hut (#4)

Complete Bee Hut (#3)

1,000,000 G
30 Material
30 Lumber
20,000 G
20 Material
10 Lumber
30,000 G
20 Material
10 Lumber
40,000 G
25 Material
10 Lumber
110,000 G
15 Material
10 Lumber
50,000 G
30 Material
20 Lumber
100,000 G
30 Material
20 Lumber
10,000 G
5 Branches
20,000 G
10 Branches
30,000 G
15 Branches
40,000 G
20 Lumber

64 | H M : T o T T

Bee Hut (#5)

Complete Bee Hut (#4)

Bee Hut (#6)

Complete Bee Hut (#5)

50,000 G
20 Lumber
60,000 G
20 Lumber

Konohana Construction
House Remodel


Make Field (#1)


Make Field (#2)

Complete Make Field (#1)

Make Field (#3)

Complete Make Field (#2)

Make Field (#4)

Complete Make Field (#3)

Make Field (#5)

Complete Make Field (#4)

Waterwheel and Rice Paddy

(Sluice gate)

Complete Make Field (#3)

Make Pickles

Complete Waterwheel and Rice Paddy


Fish Pond

Complete Waterwheel and Rice Paddy


Rice Paddy (#2)

Complete Waterwheel and Rice Paddy


Rice Paddy (#3)

Complete Rice Paddy (#2)

Rice Paddy (#4)

Complete Rice Paddy (#3)

1,000,000 G
30 Material
30 Lumber
10,000 G
2 Material Stone
20,000 G
5 Material Stone
35,000 G
7 Material Stone
50,000 G
10 Material
10 Lumber
70,000 G
20 Material
10 Lumber
50,000 G
20 Material
30 Lumber
100,000 G
20 Material
30 Lumber
80,000 G
20 Material
10 Lumber
90,000 G
15 Material
25 Lumber
100,000 G
15 Material
25 Lumber
110,000 G
15 Material
25 Lumber

65 | H M : T o T T

Other Requests



A Hot Spring

Eileen has 15,500 or more FP (2 flowers = 10,000 FP)

You are at request level 5 or higher
Completed Tunnel Repair #3
Eileen is out of "Renovation" requests for the farm you
are living on

2,000,000 G
50 Material
50 Lumber

A Second

Eileen has 15,500 or more FP

You are at request level 5 or higher
You have completed all other construction requests

90,000,000 G
99 Material
99 Lumber

The second home is the key to the farm house in the other village. You can sleep,
use the rest rooms, and cook in its kitchen after you complete Eileen's last request.

Tool Upgrade Requests

The blacksmith in Konohana town can upgrade your
Watering Can, Sickle, and Hoe if you accept his Tool
Requests from the Konohana message board. The
"Upgrades!" request will appear on the board at the
beginning of the season if Sheng has at least 9300 FP.
Sheng will have 10,000 FP if you see 2 flowers on his
conversation dialog box.
After accepting the "Upgrades!" request, talk to the
blacksmith to learn about his available tool upgrades. You can select which one of
your three tools you'd like to upgrade. Each tool has a total of seven upgrades you
can complete. It will take you at least 5 years, plus 1 season, to do all 21 tool
Each of the upgrades will require you to bring him the previously upgraded tool and
pay a fee. Sheng will return the tool to you shortly afterward, so you won't be without
a tool for any amount of time. As the tools become higher level, Sheng will start
requiring additional items.
The Hammer and Axe are Item Requests and not Tool Requests. These two
tools can not be upgraded at all. The Hammer request, "A Fine Hammer!", will
appear on the Konohana message board around Spring 12 of your first year and
requires you to bring 8 Rocks to Sheng. The "A Fine Axe!" request becomes
available after you have completed the Hammer request, Sheng has 200 or more
friendship points, and it is the beginning of the next season. You will need to
bring him 8 Branches and 8000 G to get the Axe.
The best tool to upgrade first will be your Watering Can. The level 1 Watering Can
only holds 20 water at one time and once you start growing crops in furrows, you'll
find that you run out of water very quickly! Upgrading your Hoe, even just once, will
make it easier to plow furrows if you can't get the button timing correct when using a
level 1 Hoe.
66 | H M : T o T T

Watering Can Upgrades

Request Name





Watering Can
Level 2

Sheng has 9300 FP

Watering Can
Lv 1
5000 G

Can now holds 30


Watering Can
Level 3

Complete Watering Can

Level 2

Watering Can
Lv 2
10,000 G

Can now holds 40


Complete Watering Can

Level 3

Watering Can
Lv 3
15,000 G
10 Material

Can now holds 50


Complete Watering Can

Level 4

Watering Can
Lv 4
20,000 G
20 Scrap Metal

Can now holds 60


Complete Watering Can

Level 5
Sheng has 14,900 FP
You are at Request Level
4 or higher

5 Ore Stone
1 Amethyst

10 Oolong Tea
10 Sencha Tea

Watering Can
Level 6

Complete Watering Can

Limit Break!

Watering Can

Complete Watering Can

Level 6

Watering Can
Level 4

Watering Can
Level 5

Super Watering

Watering Can
Lv 5
50,000 G
1 Mithril
Watering Can
Lv 6
100,000 G
1 Adamantite

Can now holds 80


Can now holds

100 water

Hoe Upgrades


Hoe Level 2

Sheng has 9300 FP

Hoe Level 3

Complete Hoe Level 2

Hoe Level 4

Complete Hoe Level 3

Hoe Level 5

Complete Hoe Level 4

Complete Hoe Level 5

Sheng has 14,900 FP
You are at Request Level 4
or higher

Super Hoe


Hoe Level 1
5000 G
Hoe Level 2
10,000 G
Hoe Level 3
15,000 G
10 Material
Hoe Level 4
20,000 G
20 Scrap Metal
5 Ore Stone
1 Diamond

Till a 1 x 2 furrow of
Till a 1 x 3 furrow of
Till a 1 x 5 furrow of
Till a 1 x 10 furrow of
10 Buckwheat Tea
10 Ginseng Tea (Can)

67 | H M : T o T T

Hoe Level 6

Complete Hoe Limit Break!


Complete Hoe Level 6

Hoe Level 5
50,000 G
1 Mithril
Hoe Level 6
100,000 G
1 Adamantite

Till three 1 x 10 furrow

of soil
Till three 1 x 15 furrow
of soil

Sickle Upgrades


Sickle Level 2

Sheng has 9300 FP

Sickle Level 3

Complete Sickle Level 2

Sickle Level 4

Complete Sickle Level 3

Sickle Level 5

Complete Sickle Level 4

Super Sickle

Complete Sickle Level 5

Sheng has 14,900 FP
You are at Request
Level 4 or higher

Sickle Level 6

Complete Sickle Limit



Complete Sickle Level 6




Sickle Level 1
5000 G
Sickle Level 2
10,000 G
Sickle Level 3
15,000 G
10 Material
Sickle Level 4
20,000 G
20 Scrap Metal

Cut a 1 x 2 area of
Cut a 1 x 3 area of

5 Ore Stone
1 Moonstone

10 Matcha Tea (Can)

10 Puer Tea (Can)

Sickle Level 5
50,000 G
1 Mithril
Sickle Level 6
100,000 G
1 Adamantite

Cut a 1 x 5 area of
Cut a 1 x 10 area of

Cut three 1 x 10 area

of grass
Cut three 1 x 15 area
of grass

Help Requests
Once your message board request level has reached
rank 4, at the beginning of the new season you may
begin to see Help Requests appear on both towns'
message boards. These requests only appear for
one day and expire at 7:00 pm that night. You will also
need to have 15,500 or more Friendship Points
(basically 2.5 flowers) with the person who wants to
hire you for help and be in year 2 or later.
When you accept an orange request for help, talk to the Requester before 7:00 pm.
The person will explain to you what he or she would like you to do. You have until
7:00 pm to complete the assigned farm work. When completed, talk to the Requester
again to receive your reward. If you fail to return to the Requester before 7pm, then
you fail the request and no reward will be handed over.

68 | H M : T o T T

You may receive a bonus reward item if you complete the work in a short amount of
time! It will help to have the required tool equipped and ready to go before starting so
that you finish as quickly as possible.
Help Requests will appear on specific days of a season each year. Some of them
require you to complete a previous request before it will appear; for example, you
may need to help someone with watering their crops before the request to harvest
the same crops will be posted to the message board later that season.
If you accept a Help Request to water someone's crops and it is raining, then you
don't have to do any work at all! Talk to the Requester to receive your reward without
doing any work on their land. Super easy!
All requests for hired help will be Rank B.
Request Post

Dirk - Konohana Message Board


Requested Work

(You can't be married to Dirk)

Spring 3

Water the field by Dirk's house

100 G
2 Vegetable Stir

Spring 16

Harvest the crops in the field by

Dirk's house

150 G
5 Potato Seedss

Summer 4

Water the field by Dirk's house

220 G
2 Onion Soup

Summer 8

Harvest the crops in the field by

Dirk's house

400 G
5 Onion Seedss

Fall 3

Water the field by Dirk's house

100 G
2 Vegetable Curry

Fall 8

Harvest the crops in the field by

Dirk's house

250 G
5 Carrot Seedss

Winter 3

Water the field by Dirk's house

330 G
1 Chop Suey

Winter 26

Harvest the crops in the field by

Dirk's house

260 G
2 Bok Choy

if completed Spr 3

if completed Sum
4 req.

if completed Fall 3

if completed Win 3

1 French Fries
15 minutes or
1 Potato
15 minutes or
1 Pickled
15 minutes or
1 Onion
15 minutes or
1 Pickled
15 minutes or
1 Carrot
15 minutes or
1 Bok Choy
15 minutes or
1 Bok Choy
15 minutes or

Gombe - Konohana Message Board

Spring 1

Water the field by Gombe's house

100 G
4 Asazuke

1 Soybean
8 minutes or

69 | H M : T o T T

Harvest the crops in the field by

Gombe's house

400 G
2 Cabbage

1 Asparagus
15 minutes or

Summer 1

Water the field by Gombe's house

100 G
2 Daikon Salad

1 Flour
8 minutes or

Summer 26

Harvest the crops in the field by

Gombe's house

500 G
5 Tomato Seedss

1 Tomato
25 minutes or

Fall 1

Water the field by Gombe's house

100 G
2 Vegetable Stir

1 Buckwheat
8 minutes or

Fall 24

Harvest the crops in the field by

Gombe's house

250 G
5 Carrot Seedss

1 Spinach
25 minutes or

Mako - Konohana Message Board

880 G
Harvest the fruit from the orchard
1 Coffee Tree
by Mako's house
700 G
Harvest the fruit from the orchard
1 Banana Tree
by Mako's house
670 G
Harvest the fruit from the orchard
1 Grape Tree
by Mako's house
410 G
Harvest the fruit from the orchard
1 Mandarin Tree
by Mako's house
Nori - Konohana Message Board

1 Cherry
10 minutes or
1 Peach
10 minutes or
1 Apple
10 minutes or
1 Mandarin
10 minutes or

Spring 22
if completed Spr 1

if completed Sum
1 req.

if completed Fall 1

Spring 30

Summer 30

Fall 30

Winter 30

Winter 1
Winter 5
if completed Win 1

Water the field by Gombe's house

100 G
2 Tofu Burger

Harvest the crops in the field by

Gombe's house

500 G
5 Daikon Seedss

1 Rice Flour
8 minutes or
1 Buckwheat
35 minutes or

Sheng - Konohana Message Board

Spring 10

Water the field by Sheng's house

110 G
3 Strawberry Jam

Spring 18

Harvest the crops in the field by

Sheng's house

150 G
1 Strawberry

Summer 11

Water the field by Sheng's house

220 G
2 Roasted Corn

Summer 16

Harvest the crops in the field by

Sheng's house

100 G
2 Corn Seeds

if completed Spr
10 req.

if completed Sum
11 req.

1 Strawberry
5 minutes or
1 Ore Stone
15 minutes or
1 Corn
5 minutes or
1 Ore Stone
15 minutes or

70 | H M : T o T T

Fall 11

Water the field by Sheng's house

200 G
8 Baked Yam

Fall 27

Harvest the crops in the field by

Sheng's house

100 G
2 Yam Seeds

Winter 11

Water the field by Sheng's house

150 G
5 Boiled Daikon

Winter 18

Harvest the crops in the field by

Sheng's house

340 G
6 Daikon Seeds

if completed Fall
11 req.

if completed Win
11 req.

Request Post

Spring 12
Spring 20
if completed Spr 12

Summer 13

Summer 20
if completed Sum 13

Ash - Bluebell Message Board

Requested Work

1 Yam
5 minutes or
1 Ore Stone
15 minutes or
1 Daikon
5 minutes or
1 Ore Stone
15 minutes or

Bonus Reward

Brush the animals in the Animal

Shop barn

150 G
2 Good Cheese

Milk the Cows in the Animal

Shop barn

160 G
2 Good Butter

Brush the animals in the Animal

Shop barn

150 G
2 Good Cheese

Milk the Cows in the Animal

Shop barn

160 G
2 Good Butter

1 Carnation
25 minutes or
1 Great Yogurt
25 minutes or
1 Sunflower
25 minutes or
1 Great Herb
25 minutes or

Cheryl - Bluebell Message Board

Winter 15
Winter 20
if completed Win 15

Brush the animals in the Animal

Shop barn

150 G
2 Good Cheese

Milk the Cows in the Animal

Shop barn

160 G
2 Good Butter

1 Gentain Seeds
25 minutes or
1 Great Fruit
25 minutes or

Jessica - Bluebell Message Board

Fall 13

Fall 20
if completed Fall 13

Brush the animals in the Animal

Shop barn

150 G
2 Good Cheese

Milk the Cows in the Animal

Shop barn

160 G
2 Good Butter

1 White Rose
25 minutes or
1 Great Herb
25 minutes or

71 | H M : T o T T

Ore Stone
Ore Stone is a rare, foraged item that you'll need to
collect for the Big Bed message board request(s). The
first A New Bed request from Eileen, which is required
for marriage, requests two Ore Stone and 30,000 G.
The second A New Bed request will appear after you
are married and is needed if you want to have a child.
The second one requires five Ore Stone and 50,000 G.
In total, you'll need to collect 7 Ore Stones in order
to get married and have a child. Once a bed has
been upgraded, it will exist in both farm houses; you don't have to upgrade both beds
if you want to move between towns.
The stones are also used for Sheng's tool upgrade requests. Sheng will ask you to
bring him Ore Stone when you are working on the highest-level tool upgrade
requests. You will need an additional 15 Ore Stone for ultimate-level tools: 5 for
the Watering Can, 5 for the Hoe, and 5 the Sickle.
Finding Ore Stone
There's six ways you can collect Ore Stone: foraging in the mountain, looking
through the completed tunnel, jumping into the rivers, throwing snowballs in Winter,
foraging in the tunnel mine foraging spots, and Raul's Item Needed request.
1. You can find Ore Stone randomly on the ground in any season when
searching the mountain area, but only during rainy or stormy weather:
o Spring: Bluebell Mid or Bluebell High areas during rainy weather.
o Summer: Konohana Mid or Konohana High during rainy days, and
everywhere else on a stormy day.
o Fall: Bluebell Low or Konohana Low on rainy days.
o Winter: Bluebell Low, Bluebell Mid, Konohana Low, and Konohana Mid
during rainy days. If you visit Konohana High-Mountain area, check in
the lower left-corner area. The river has frozen over so you can access
a hidden area where you might find an Ore Stone. That little secret
area can have a stone in any weather.
Besides on the ground, you have a chance of finding an Ore Stone if you
search the mountain crack foraging spot, behind the waterfall in Konohana
Mid-Mountain. There's a chance you will find an Ore Stone regardless of the
current weather system.
2. After you've repaired the tunnel between the two towns and can pass through
from one to the other, you can find Ore Stone as you walk through. Check the
tunnel path in Summer on stormy days or in Winter on rainy or snow stormy
3. If you have leftover stamina at the end of the day, you can jump into the rivers
to try and find random items. You only have a 1% chance of finding an Ore
Stone, but it's better than nothing!

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4. During Winter season you can find snowballs on the ground in the mountain
area. If you throw a snowball onto the ground, it will break and could
potentially drop an Ore Stone. The chances of a stone appearing from a
snowball is completely random.
5. Once you finish Eileen's five tunnel repair requests, you will have access to
the hidden mine in the back of the tunnel. If you take a look at any of the four
foraging spots, there's a chance you'll find an Ore Stone. The weather doesn't
have a factor when finding Ore Stone inside the mine.
6. On Winter 2, Raul has a request that will appear on the Konohana message
board. You need to have at least 12,400 FP with him and be at request level 4
or higher. You have one day to fetch him Fall season flowers: 2 White Roses,
2 Gerbera, and 2 Nadeshiko. In return he will reward you with 10 Ore Stone.
Smashing Ore Stones
The stones can be used for more than just the bed and
tool requests. If you smash an Ore Stone with your
hammer, there's a chance that you'll find a gem ore
metal ore hidden inside. These items can be sold,
gifted, or used for additional message board requests.

45% chance: Scrap Metal

30% chance: Copper

3% chance: Adamantite, Mithril, Orichalcum, or Silver

1% chance: Agate, Amethyst, Emerald, Flourite, Gold, Peridot, Ruby,

Sandrose, Stone Tablet, or Topaz

0.5% chance: Diamond, Jade, Moonstone, Mythic Stone, or Pink Diamond

If you're trying to find a specific gem from your collected Ore Stones, save your
game the night before you go to bed. In the morning, take the Ore Stones out of your
rucksack, throw them around your house, and then smash them using your hammer.
If you don't get the gem or metal ore you're looking for, then reload your save game
to the night before and try again.

73 | H M : T o T T

Your Farm
Moving Towns
At the beginning of The Tale of Two Towns you have
to select a town to live in. Your town choice is not
permanent. You can change your home town once per
season! Each farm has different specialties and can be
expanded by Eilene. You can see the expansion size
of both farms in the bookshelf of your current
The option to move towns is available each season
from the 23rd to the 30th. If you choose to move towns, talk to the mayor of the
town you currently are living in. Rudger or Ina have to be working behind the
counter at the Town Hall in order to give you the option to move. Rudger does not
work at the Bluebell Town Hall on Mondays and Ina does not work at the Konohana
Town Hall on Thursdays. The weather can't be stormy on the day of your move.
You will need to pay 3000 G to move towns. After confirming with the mayor that you
want to move, you will be greeted by the other town's mayor at your new house. You
will then be prompted to go to bed and given the chance to save your game. Once
you save, you can't move back to your old town until the 23rd of the next season. All
board requests you have accepted will be cancelled once the move has been
After you move to the next town, the horse cart, house statues, pets, kitchen utensils,
and farm animals will appear on your new farm. All of your pets will be transported to
your new farmhouse but there will be restrictions on the number of livestock and
poultry animals you can keep, depending on where you are going to live:

Moving FROM Konohana Town TO Bluebell Town: All of your animals will
move with you to the larger, animal-based Bluebell Farm.

Moving FROM Bluebell Town TO Konohana Town: Since the Konohana

farm is much smaller animal-wise, you will only be able to bring 4 livestock
animals and 2 chickens. Rudger will ask you to select which animals you
would like to bring with you on the move. You can't select pregnant animals.
The remaining animals that you leave behind will be transported away
temporarily until you move back to Bluebell Town. You won't see them on
your Bluebell farm. You can not sell your "frozen" animals, harvest the
products from them, breed them, or swap them out with the animals you
selected for your Konohana move. The animals will be returned to your farm
automatically if you move back to Bluebell Town.

If you have a child and are going to move to a town where the farmhouse has
not been expanded to accommodate a child, you will have to pay a 1,500,000
G fee when moving for the necessary house expansion. You can not move if you
have an active pregnancy.
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You cannot move of you have any of your animals at Jessica's for breeding purposes.
You will have to wait until Jessica returns your animals.
Even though you no longer live there, you can still go
back to the other farm to utilize its resources. You can
grow crops on the other farm, use its maker machines,
and harvest honey (Bluebell) or harvest fish
(Konohana). You just have to travel over to the other
You can not enter the interior of your old farmhouse.
The front door of the house will be locked unless you
are living there.

Farm Expansions
When you first start your life in your new town, the
farm you receive is rather small. There is room for
some crops, livestock, chickens, and your horse cart.
Luckily you can increase the size of your farm to help
increase your farming profits.
The carpenter Eileen is the one who can expand your
farm and add new features to it. It doesn't matter if you
start out in Konohana or Bluebell; she constructs
buildings on both farms. To learn about farm remodeling, wait for Eileen's morning
visit around Spring 12 of your first year.
Starting in your first Summer, once per season the "Renovations" option will be
posted on the Bluebell message board. Check the board on the first of the new
season to see her construction note. Once you accept the request, go talk to Eileen
to select the feature you would like to be added to your farm. Eileen will only build on
the farm you are currently living on. You have until the end of the season to collect
the necessary materials and gold you will need to pay her for the construction.
The farm expansion shares the same request as the tunnel expansion! For
example, if you participated in enough cooking festivals to mend the friendship
between the mayors, you might see a request from Eileen to fix the tunnel
between the towns. If you see a tunnel repair request on the 1st of the season,
you will not get a farm construction request that season. Likewise if you get a
farm construction request, then you won't get a tunnel repair request.
The option to remodel your farmhouse is available from the beginning of the game,
but you will not need to spend money on it until after you are married and you want
to have your child. For the other expansions, they will unlock as your farm enlarges
in size.

75 | H M : T o T T

Bluebell Farm Expansions

Posted notes for expansions on the Bluebell farm will allow you to have more
livestock animals, unlock additional crop areas, build bee hives, and even unlock the
maker machines.

Remodel "S" - Upgrade your house to the size necessary to have a child
COST: 30 Material Stone, 30 Lumber, and 1,000,000 G
Pasture Expansion "C" - Increases the maximum livestock you can have to 11
COST: 20 Material Stone, 10 Lumber, and 20,000 G
o Pasture Expansion "C" - Increases the maximum livestock you can
have to 16
COST: 20 Material Stone, 10 Lumber, and 30,000 G
o Pet Playpen "C" - Build a play place for your dog and cat pets to speed
up friendship
COST: 25 Material Stone, 10 Lumber, and 40,000 G
Make Field "C" - Build a field large enough for trees behind your
COST: 15 Material Stone, 10 Lumber, and 110,000 G
Maker Shed "C" - Constructs the building containing the Yarn
Maker and Cheese Maker machines
COST: 30 Material Stone, 20 Lumber, and 50,000 G
Beverage Maker "B" - Make the drink maker machine for
tea and wine inside of the maker shed
COST: 30 Material Stone, 20 Lumber, and 100,000 G
Bee Hut "D" - Make the first bee hive behind the chicken barn
COST: 5 Branches and 10,000 G
o Bee Hut "D" - Make the second bee hive
COST: 10 Branches and 20,000 G
Bee Hut "D" - Make the third bee hive
COST: 15 Branches and 30,000 G
Bee Hut "D" - Make the fourth bee hive
COST: 20 Lumber and 40,000 G
Bee Hut "D" - Make the fifth bee hive
COST: 20 Lumber and 50,000 G
Bee Hut "D" - Make the sixth, and last, bee
COST: 20 Lumber and 60,000 G

76 | H M : T o T T

Konohana Farm Expansions

Expansions for Konohana are mainly about enlarging the size of your crop field. You
can unlock the waterwheel and its maker machines after you've enlarged the crop
field three times.

Remodel "S" - Upgrade your house to the size necessary to have a child
COST: 30 Material Stone, 30 Lumber, and 1,000,000 G
Make Field "C" - Enlarge your crop field
COST: 2 Material Stone and 10,000 G
o Make Field "C" - Enlarge your crop field
COST: 5 Material Stone and 20,000 G
Make Field "C" - Enlarge your crop field
COST: 7 Material Stone and 35,000 G
Make Waterwheel and Rice Paddy "C" - Dig one rice
paddy east of your farm and construct the waterwheel
maker shed, which contains the Seed Maker and Flour
COST: 20 Material Stone, 30 Lumber, and 50,000 G
Make Pickles "B" - Build the fermenting maker
inside of the maker shed
COST: 20 Material Stone, 30 Lumber, and
100,000 G
Fish Pond "C" - Construct the fish stock pond east
of your farm house
COST: 20 Material Stone, 10 Lumber, and 80,000
Make Rice Paddy "B" - Dig a second rice paddy
east of your farm
COST: 15 Material Stone, 25 Lumber, and 90,000
Make Rice Paddy "B" - Dig a third rice
paddy east of your farm
COST: 15 Material Stone, 25 Lumber, and
100,000 G
Make Rice Paddy "B" - Dig the fourth
rice paddy east of your farm
COST: 15 Material Stone, 25 Lumber,
and 110,000 G
Make Field "C" - Enlarge your crop field
COST: 10 Material Stone, 10 Lumber, and 50,000 G
Make Field "C" - Enlarge your crop field
COST: 20 Material Stone, 10 Lumber, and 70,000

77 | H M : T o T T

Bee Huts
You can raise honeybees on your Bluebell Farm if you have Eileen build Bee Huts.
These bee boxes are available when Eileen begins to offer renovations for your farm.
There are six bee huts and you need to build each one at a time.
1. 10,000 G and 5 Branches
2. 20,000 G and 10 Branches
3. 30,000 G and 15 Branches
4. 40,000 G and 20 Lumber
5. 50,000 G and 20 Lumber
6. 60,000 G and 20 Lumber
Seeding the Bee Hut
After you build a bee hut, you need to entice bees to
live there. In the mountain area you'll find Honeycomb
during Spring and Fall seasons. The Honeycomb can
be found on trees or in the mountain foraging spots.
You then need to take a Honeycomb and place it in
your Bee Hut. You only have to seed a Bee Hut with
a Honeycomb once per year. Once the hut has been
seeded then it will produce honey until the end of Fall.
You also can't remove or swap a Honeycomb once it has been placed in the Bee Hut.
The star rank of the Honeycomb you use in the Bee Hut will determine the starting
star rank of the honey it produces. The further you are in the game, the higher the
star rank of the items you pick up in the mountain. Once you reach year 5 you can
find items with a maximum star rank of 4.5 stars, but you will need to wait until year
10 before you can start finding wild Honeycomb with 5 stars.
Another option for Honeycomb is through message board requests from Eileen. She
will post a random request on the Bluebell message board that could reward you
with higher star rank Honeycomb.
Collecting Honey
Visit your Bee Huts every morning and look for the
buzzing bees. Once you see sparkles instead of bees,
you can press A in front of the box to collect the honey.
You'll be able to get honey from each Bee Hut
once a week. As long as the box is seeded, a Bee Hut
will produce from Spring until the end of Fall. Once
Winter arrives, the bees go dormant and you can't
collect honey or add a Honeycomb to the box until the
following Spring.
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The weather will affect your honey collection abilities. You can not collect honey
on a full day rainy or stormy day. You will have to wait until sunny or half day rainy
To increase the star rank of your honey, you can use perfume on your bee boxes.
The star rank of the perfume will determine how many star points (SP) you gain on
your Honeycomb and it doesn't matter the type of perfume you use; Spring Perfume
works the same as Rose Perfume. Every half star on the perfume's star rank will give
the Honeycomb +2 SP (5 star perfume = +20 SP). You can use perfume on the Bee
Huts once per day.
There are different types of honey you can collect from the hives, depending on what
is growing on your Bluebell farm:






There is nothing growing in the crop fields on your

Bluebell farm.



You are growing crops, flowers, or grain in your Bluebell

farm fields during the Spring season.



You are growing crops, flowers, or grain in your Bluebell

farm fields during the Summer season.



You are growing crops, flowers, or grain in your Bluebell

farm fields during the Fall season.





You are growing a fruit tree on your Bluebell farm (not a

Tea Tree). You will need Eileen to complete the Make
Field "C" expansion on your Bluebell farm, which will
open up a field behind your house large enough to plant
one big tree. After that you'll have a 30% chance of
getting Fruit Honey from a Bee Hut.
You need to grow roses on all available crop spaces on
your Bluebell farm. You can buy rose seeds from Cam's
Flowers: Pink Rose (260 G) in Spring, Red Rose (660 G)
in Summer, and White Rose (200 G) in Fall. When
collecting honey, you still only have a 10% chance of
receiving Rose Honey instead of a seasonal honey. If
you're growing a fruit tree for Fruit Honey or any other
seasonal crop on your Bluebell farm, you can't obtain
Rose Honey

1 star to
5 star
310 G |
410 G |
520 G |
620 G |
720 G
360 G |
480 G |
600 G |
720 G |
840 G
360 G |
480 G |
600 G |
720 G |
840 G
360 G |
480 G |
600 G |
720 G |
840 G
380 G |
510 G |
640 G |
760 G |
890 G

480 G |
640 G |
800 G |
960 G |
1120 G

79 | H M : T o T T

Fish Pond
One of the things you can "grow" on your Konohana
farm is fish. Before you can do so, you need to get
your farm expanded. You'll need to have Eileen build
the first three Make Field "C" expansions and the
Make Waterwheel and Rice Paddy "C" expansion.
After the waterwheel and sluice gate has been crafted,
Eileen will give you the option to build the Fish Pond.
You will have to give her 80,000 G, 20 Material Stone,
and 10 Lumber.
The fish pond will be in the area between your farm house and the exit to the rice
paddy / waterwheel area.
The fish pond has two purposes:
1. Increase the star rank of the fish you put into it
2. Increase the quantity of fish that live in the pond
To stock the pond, take one fish that you've caught and place it into the water. You
can use any fish you've caught when bare-handed or equipment fishing except for a
King Fish. The fish will remain in the pond until you have removed it.
Increasing the Star Rank
To increase the number of stars your fish has, feed it Fish Food once per day. You
can buy Fish Food from Raul's Konohana Shop once you have the fish pond built on
your farm. The Fish Food costs 150 G each.
The amount of Star Points each daily feeding earns will depend on the actual
number of fish in your pond; the more fish you have, the slower the star rank

1 Fish = +10 Star Points

2 Fish = +5 Star Points
3 Fish = +3 Star Points
4 or 5 Fish = +2 Star Points
6 or more Fish = +1 Star Point

Remember, each half-star on an item's star rank is worth 30 Star Points (.5 star = 1
to 30 SP, 1 star = 31 to 60, etc.). If you only have one fish in your fish pond, you will
earn a half star every 3 days. You won't always have just one fish in your pond
Increasing the Number of Fish
The fish in your pond will multiply in numbers automatically as you leave them in the
pond. You do not have to feed the fish to make them multiply. Feeding the fish
will only affect their star rank and nothing more.
80 | H M : T o T T

The number of days it takes before a fish breeds will depend on the fish species. The
lower the fish's shipping price, the faster it will breed. The fish pond will hold a
maximum of 10 fish and at that point the fish won't multiply anymore. To remove a
fish from your pond, just walk up to the pond and press A when prompted. You have
to remove each fish one at a time.
Fish Name
Small Sweetfish
Large Fish
Small Char
Large Char
Small Eel
Large Eel
Small Carp
Small Salmon
Special Salmon
Small Shishamo

No. of Days
4 Days
1 Day
6 Days
4 Days
1 Day
7 Days
5 Days
1 Day
7 Days
6 Days
1 Day
7 Days
3 Days
8 Days
2 Days
1 Day

Fish Name
Black Bass
Small Black Bass
Large Black Bass
Small Bluegill
Large Bluegill
Small Trout
Large Trout
Small Killifish
Large Killifish
Masu Salmon
Small Masu Salmon
Large Masu Salmon
Blotch Snakehead

No. of Days
2 Days
1 Day
4 Days
2 Days
1 Day
4 Days
4 Days
1 Day
5 Days
1 Day
1 Day
6 Days
4 Days
1 Day
7 Days
4 Days

Fish Name
Special Shishamo
Small Icefish
Large Icefish
Sea Bass
Small Sea Bass
Large Sea Bass
Small Loach
Large Loach
Small Goby
Large Goby
Small Funa
Large Funa

No. of Days
6 Days
1 Day
1 Day
6 Days
6 Days
5 Days
7 Days
4 Days
1 Day
6 Days
2 Days
1 Day
6 Days
4 Days
1 Day
6 Days

Fish Name
Small Snakehead
Large Snakehead
Small Smelt
Large Smelt
Blue Crab
Small Crab
Small Blue Crab
Ocean Sunfish
Dogfish Shark
Moray Eel

No. of Days
4 Days
6 Days
2 Days
1 Day
5 Days
1 Day
1 Day
1 Day
1 Day
20 Days
20 Days
30 Days
3 Days
14 Days
14 Days
20 Days

81 | H M : T o T T

Horse Cart
When you pick your first town, on the 3rd of Spring you
will be given a horse cart and a pony. The cart will be
placed next to your house and you can open it by
either walking up to it and pressing A or by accessing
the storage box next to the bed inside your house.
You can see the status of your horse cart by going
inside of your house and pressing A at the mini horse
cart on your side table. You will see the name of the
cart, its description, how many pages of items it can hold, and its weight. The grey
can icon directly to the right of the cart's image is how heavy the cart is and the box
icon is its page size. Each "page" can hold up to 12 items in the horse storage cart.
Upgrading the horse cart storage is done individually at Grady or Kana's Animal
shops. For example, the Bamboo Cart starts out with 4 pages and can expand out to
6 pages (max 72 slots). You have to buy the two additional "pages" one at a time.
You'll need to spend 3000 G to upgrade your Bamboo Cart to 5 pages (60 slots) and
then another 5000 G to reach 6 pages (72 slots). If you then swapped out your
Bamboo Cart with the Striped Carriage, you would be back to using the original 48
slots until you also upgrade your Striped Carriage to 6 pages.
From X pages to Y
Cost per page

2 to 3

3 to 4

4 to 5

5 to 6

6 to 7

7 to 8

8 to 9








To attach the horse cart to your horse, hop onto your horse and gallop over to the
horse cart. Then just press the Right Shoulder button on your DS or 3DS. To unhitch the cart, ride over to where the cart is suppose to be and press the Right
Shoulder button again.
The size of your horse will determine how fast it will
run with a cart attached. If you're attaching a 3-can
cart to your little horsie, don't expect it to run very fast!
Make sure you have a horse of the appropriate size if
you want to go traveling with the cart. A cart with one
grey can icon can be pulled by all 3 types of horses
(pony, thoroughbred, and draft) without any problem,
but the pony will start having problems pulling a cart
with 2 grey weight-cans. If you're going to be using a
3-can cart, the pony can only move at walking speed while the thoroughbred will
slow down its pace. The draft horse has no problem pulling all three cart weight
The horse cart will also affect the freshness decay rate of the items you place inside
of it. Your beginning carts won't be very good at conserving your items' freshness,
but starting in year 2 you will get carts that preserve freshness better. In year 3 you
can buy a cart that permanently conserves freshness! In contract, your bag /
rucksack is the worst at preserving freshness.
82 | H M : T o T T

Types of Horse Carts

New horse carts will be rewarded to you from the cooking festival, message board
requests, or purchased at the Animal shops. Grady and Kana sell the same horse





2 to 4




Receive on Spring 3, year 1


4 to 6



5000 G

Available at either Animal shop from the

beginning of the game


6 to 8

Medium Slow


Win any Cooking Festival in year 2 or



4 to 6


5000 G

Available at either Animal shop from the

beginning of the game


6 to 8

Medium Slow


Win any Cooking Festival in year 2 or



7 to 9

Medium Slow


Available at either Animal shop starting

in year 3


Old Cart


5 to 9




Raise Oracle's friendship to 2 Flowers

and have Request Level rank 4 or
higher. The request will appear on the
Bluebell message board. You need 1
Stone Tablet, 5 White Alpaca Wool, and
19,771,116 G (over 19 million G)

7 to 9




Available at either Animal shop starting

in year 3

UFO Cart


6 to 8

Medium Slow


3 to 9






Own the Shrine Cart, the Fancy Cart,

have the tunnel between both towns
reconnected, and then win a cooking
festival starting in year 2 or later
Raise Oracle's friendship to 2 Flowers
and have Request Level rank 4 or
higher. The request will appear on the
Bluebell message board. You need 1
Mythic Ore, 5 Brown Alpaca Wool, and
30,000,000 G (30 million G)

Note: When you complete Oracle's request for the Delivery Cart, the dialog text that
appears when you turn over the items will say that you received the UFO cart (again).
You will get the Delivery Cart though.
83 | H M : T o T T

The Maker Sheds

As you develop your farm land, Eileen will eventually build maker sheds for you.
These buildings will contain special machines you can use to process goods into
new types of items. You will have to expand both farms if you want to utilize each's
maker sheds.
The Bluebell farm's maker shed has the Yarn Maker,
Fermenting Maker, and the Beverage Maker. You can
unlock the Yarn and Fermenting makers by having
Eileen complete a Pasture Expansion, the Pet Playpen,
and then the Maker Shed. After that, you can have her
make the separate Beverage Maker. You need to
complete 3 expansion requests before you can use the
makers on this farm.
The Konohana farm's maker shed has the Seed Maker,
Grain Mill, and Pickling Pot. The Seed Maker and
Grain Mill are unlocked once you have Eileen
complete the Make Field expansion three times and
then have her finish the Make Waterwheel and Rice
Paddy construction request. After that, you can have
her make the Pickling Pot as a separate expansion
request. You need to complete 4 expansion requests
before you can use the makers.
Once you have a maker shed and its machines built, you can use it regardless of
where you live! For example, if you lived on Bluebell long enough to get the
Fermenting Maker built and then move to Konohana, you simply need to travel back
to Bluebell if you want to use it to turn Milk into Cheese, Yogurt, and so on. You don't
have to be living on the farm where the machine resides in order to use it.
Each item has set amount of time that it must take before the processed item can be
removed from the machine. If you place the items in the machine one at a time, then
each item gets its own processed time. If you stack the items together, then they are
processed together as a stack and the time required is added together. For example,
one Mayonnaise takes 30 minutes to process but a stack of three Mayonnaise takes
90 minutes (3 Mayo x 30 min each). There isn't a way to speed up the item process
Bluebell Maker Machines
The Yarn Maker
Item Name

Required Items

Yarn Ball


Suffolk Yarn

Good Wool

Great Yarn Ball

Great Wool

Process Time
11 hours, 30
12 hours, 30
15 hours

Ship Price
1 Star to 5 Stars
780 G | 1040 G | 1300 G | 1560 G
| 1820 G
1260 G | 1680 G | 2100 G | 2530
G | 2940 G
3120 G | 4160 G | 5200 G | 6240
G | 7280 G

84 | H M : T o T T

White Alpaca
Brown Alpaca

White Alpaca
Brown Alpaca

15 hours
22 hours, 30

4800 G | 6400 G | 8000 G | 9600

G | 11,200 G
4800 G | 6400 G | 8000 G | 9600
G | 11,200 G

(Note: White Alpaca Yarn is processed at a much faster rate than Brown Alpaca
Yarn even though they sell for the same price.)
The Fermenting Maker
Item Name

Required Items

Process Time



1 hour, 30

Good Cheese

Jersey Milk

2 hours

Great Cheese

Golden Milk

2 hours, 30

Herb Cheese

Milk + Chamomile

2 hours

Jersey Milk + Chamomile

2 hours, 30

Golden Milk + Chamomile

3 hours


Milk + Mint

6 hours

Good Yogurt

Jersey Milk + Mint

9 hours

Great Yogurt

Golden Milk + Mint

12 hours

Good Fruit
Great Fruit

Milk + Mint + Banana +

Jersey Milk + Mint +
Mandarin + Apple + Grape
Golden Milk + Mint + Grape
+ Peach + Cherry

7 hours, 30
10 hours, 30
13 hours, 30


Milk + Oil

1 hour

Good Butter

Jersey Milk + Oil

2 hours, 30

Great Butter

Golden Milk + Oil

4 hours

Herb Butter

Milk + Chamomile + Oil

2 hours

Good Herb
Great Herb

Jersey Milk + Chamomile +

Golden Milk + Chamomile +

3 hours, 30


Egg + Oil

30 minutes


Black Egg + Oil

1 hour

Good Herb
Great Herb

Fruit Yogurt

5 hours

Ship Price
1 Star to 5 Stars
250 G | 330 G | 420 G |
500 G | 590 G
500 G | 670 G | 840 G |
1010 G | 1170 G
1020 G | 1360 G | 1710
G | 2050 G | 2390 G
240 G | 320 G | 400 G |
480 G | 560 G
460 G | 620 G | 780 G |
930 G | 1090 G
910 G | 1210 G | 1520 G
| 1820 G | 2120 G
240 G | 320 G | 400 G |
480 G | 560 G
460 G | 620 G | 780 G |
930 G | 1090 G
910 G | 1210 G | 1520 G
| 1820 G | 2120 G
1020 G | 1360 G | 1700
G | 2040 G | 2380 G
1050 G | 1400 G | 1760
G | 2110 G | 2460 G
1200 G | 1600 G | 2000
G | 2400 G | 2800 G
280 G | 380 G | 480 G |
570 G | 670 G
500 G | 670 G | 840 G |
1010 G | 1170 G
1020 G | 1360 G | 1710
G | 2050 G | 2390 G
320 G | 430 G | 540 G |
640 G | 750 G
540 G | 720 G | 900 G |
1080 G | 1510 G
930 G | 1240 G | 1560 G
| 1870 G | 2180 G
240 G | 320 G | 400 G |
480 G | 560 G
310 G | 410 G | 520 G |
620 G | 720 G

85 | H M : T o T T

Good Herb
Great Herb

Golden Egg + Oil

1 hour, 30

Egg + Chamomile + Oil

45 minutes

Black Egg + Chamomile +

Golden Egg + Chamomile +

1 hour, 15
1 hour, 45
2 hours, 15



Soybean + Cooked Rice

60 hours


Soybean + Rice Stalk

2 hours, 15

1260 G | 1680 G | 2100

G | 2530 G | 2940 G
250 G | 330 G | 420 G |
500 G | 590 G
340 G | 460 G | 520 G |
690 G | 810 G
1260 G | 1680 G | 2100
G | 2530 G | 2940 G
1050 G | 1410 G | 1760
G | 2110 G | 2460 G
360 G | 480 G | 600 G |
720 G | 840 G
490 G | 650 G | 820 G |
980 G | 1150 G

The Beverage Maker

Processed items made using the Beverage Maker still have a star rank, but their
freshness is preserved forever.
Item Name

Required Items


Ship Price
1 Star to 5 Stars
450 G | 600 G | 750
G | 900 G | 1040 G
600 G | 800 G | 1000
G | 1200 G | 1400 G
760 G | 1010 G |
1270 G | 1520 G |
1780 G
540 G | 720 G | 900
G | 1080 G | 1260 G
510 G | 680 G | 850
G | 1020 G | 1190 G
510 G | 680 G | 850
G | 1020 G | 1190 G
1100 G | 1470 G |
1840 G | 2200 G |
2570 G
5320 G | 7100 G |
8880 G | 10,650 G |
12,430 G
880 G | 1180 G |
1480 G | 1770 G |
2070 G
540 G | 720 G | 900
G | 1080 G | 1260 G

Red Wine


24 hours


Corn + Yogurt

24 hours

Honey Wine

Honey + Red Wine

24 hours

Chestnut Wine

Chestnut + Red Wine

24 hours

Plum Wine

Plum + Red Wine

24 hours

Apricot Wine

Apricot + Red Wine

24 hours

Fruit Wine

Red Wine + Apple + Peach

24 hours

Rose Wine

Red Wine + Pink Rose + Red

Rose + White Rose + Blue

36 hours

Spring Wine

Red Wine + Strawberry

24 hours

Summer Wine

Red Wine + Tomato

24 hours

Fall Wine

Red Wine + Apple

24 hours

670 G | 890 G | 1120

G | 1340 G | 1560 G

Four Seasons Wine

Red Wine + Spring Wine +

Summer Wine + Fall Wine

72 hours

1800 G | 2400 G |
3000 G | 3600 G |
4200 G

86 | H M : T o T T


Wheat + Soybean

Green Tea (Can)

Spring Tea Leaves

Matcha Tea (Can)

Green Tea (Can)

Sencha Tea (Can)

Spring Tea Leaves + Summer

Tea Leaves

Puer Tea (Can)

Summer Tea Leaves

Summer Tea Leaves + Fall

Tea Leaves
Summer Tea Leaves +
Buckwheat Tea Can
Oolong Tea (Can)

24 hours
2 hours, 30
2 hours, 30
2 hours, 30
2 hours, 30
2 hours, 30
2 hours, 30

Ginseng Tea (Can)

Summer Tea Leaves + Fall

Tea Leaves + Carrot

Black Tea (Can)

Fall Tea Leaves

Herb Tea (Can)

Mint + Chamomile +

Rose Tea (Can)

Fall Tea Leaves + Pink Rose

60 hours, 30

Spring Tea (Can)

Black Tea (Can) + Strawberry

30 hours

Summer Tea (Can)

Black Tea (Can) +


30 hours

Fall Tea (Can)

Black Tea (Can) + Apple

30 hours

Gold Tea (Can)

Black Tea (Can) + Mandarin

+ Banana + Cherry

84 hours

Coffee Pack

Coffee Beans

6 hours, 15

Cocoa Pack

Chocolate Pack

6 hours, 30

5 hours
2 hours, 30
7 hours, 30

460 G | 620 G | 780

G | 930 G | 1090 G
130 G | 170 G | 220
G | 260 G | 310 G
140 G | 190 G | 240
G | 290 G | 340 G
260 G | 350 G | 440
G | 530 G | 610 G
150 G | 210 G | 260
G | 310 G | 370 G
260 G | 350 G | 440
G | 530 G | 610 G
380 G | 510 G | 640
G | 770 G | 900 G
610 G | 810 G | 1020
G | 1220 G | 1420 G
130 G | 170 G | 220
G | 260 G | 310 G
100 G | 140 G | 180
G | 210 G | 250 G
870 G | 1160 G |
1460 G | 1750 G |
2040 G
690 G | 920 G | 1160
G | 1390 G | 1620 G
3600 G | 4800 G |
6000 G | 7200 G |
8400 G
460 G | 620 G | 780
G | 930 G | 1090 G
1320 G | 1760 G |
2220 G | 2640 G |
3080 G
270 G | 360 G | 450
G | 540 G | 630 G
1140 G | 1520 G |
1900 G | 2300 G |
2660 G

Konohana Maker Machines

The Grain Mill
Item Name
Bread Crumbs
Rice Flour
Soy Flour
Buckwheat Flour
Shiratama Flour

Required Items Process Time

Rice Stalk
Rice Candy

30 minutes
30 minutes
30 minutes
30 minutes
30 minutes
30 minutes
30 minutes

Ship Price
1 Star to 5 Stars
210 G | 280 G | 360 G | 430 G | 500 G
180 G | 240 G | 300 G | 360 G | 420 G
140 G | 190 G | 240 G | 290 G | 330 G
230 G | 310 G | 390 G | 470 G | 550 G
300 G | 400 G | 500 G | 600 G | 700 G
260 G | 350 G | 440 G | 520 G | 610 G
260 G | 350 G | 440 G | 520 G | 610 G

87 | H M : T o T T

The Seed Maker

Note: It is typically better to ship a renewable crop's seeds instead of the crop itself.
The Seed Maker will return two bags of seeds for every one crop you place into it. A
1-star Cucumber will sell for 210 G but a 1-star Cucumber Seed will sell for 420 G
and you get two bags of Cucumber Seed for each Cucumber you place into the
Seed Maker. Earning more for seeds than crops doesn't work for Tomatoes, singleharvest crops, trees, or flowers.
One 5-star Pineapple sells for 7000 G. Place that same Pineapple in the Seed Maker
and get two bags of 5-star Pineapple Seeds worth 11,200 G each. You'll earn 22,400
G instead of 7000 G if you ship the seeds instead of the crop. Just remember to save
some of the seeds for planting next year!
Item Name

Required Items


Turnip Seeds


2 hours

Potato Seeds


2 hours

Cabbage Seeds


2 hours

Cucumber Seeds


2 hours

Asparagus Seeds


2 hours

Strawberry Seeds


2 hours

Tomato Seeds


2 hours

Corn Seeds


2 hours

Onion Seeds


2 hours

Watermelon Seeds


2 hours

Pineapple Seeds


2 hours

Pumpkin Seeds


2 hours

Radish Seeds


2 hours

Eggplant Seeds


2 hours

Carrot Seeds


2 hours

Yam Seeds


2 hours

Green Pepper Seeds Green Pepper

2 hours

Spinach Seeds

2 hours


Ship Price
1 Star to 5 Stars
140 G | 190 G | 240 G |
280 G | 330 G
200 G | 270 G | 340 G |
400 G | 470 G
360 G | 480 G | 600 G |
720 G | 840 G
420 G | 560 G | 700 G |
840 G | 980 G
280 G | 380 G | 480 G |
570 G | 670 G
1020 G | 1360 G | 1710 G
| 2050 G | 2390 G
120 G | 160 G | 200 G |
240 G | 280 G
580 G | 780 G | 980 G |
1170 G | 1370 G
140 G | 190 G | 240 G |
280 G | 330 G
3600 G | 4800 G | 6000 G
| 7200 G | 8400 G
4800 G | 6400 G | 8000 G
| 9600 G | 11,200 G
260 G | 350 G | 440 G |
530 G | 610 G
300 G | 400 G | 500 G |
600 G | 700 G
390 G | 520 G | 660 G |
790 G | 920 G
180 G | 240 G | 300 G |
360 G | 420 G
1140 G | 1520 G | 1900 G
| 2280 G | 2660 G
240 G | 320 G | 400 G |
480 G | 560 G
340 G | 460 G | 520 G |
690 G | 810 G

88 | H M : T o T T

Daikon Seeds


2 hours

Bok Choy Seeds

Bok Choy

2 hours

Pink Rose Seeds

Pink Rose

2 hours

Marguerite Seeds


2 hours

Carnation Seeds


2 hours

Casablanca Seeds


2 hours

Red Rose Seeds

Red Rose

2 hours

Sunflower Seeds


2 hours

Nadeshiko Seeds


2 hours

Gerbera Seeds


2 hours

White Rose Seeds

White Rose

2 hours

Snowdrop Seeds


2 hours

Gentian Seeds


2 hours

Blue Rose Seeds

Blue Rose

2 hours

Wheat Seeds

Wheat + Fertilizer

3 hours

Rice Seedling

Rice Stalk + Fertilizer

3 hours

Buckwheat Seeds

Buckwheat + Fertilizer

3 hours

Soybean Seeds

Soybean + Fertilizer

3 hours

Coffee Tree Seed

Coffee Beans + Fertilizer

144 hours

Cherry Tree Seed

Cherry + Fertilizer

144 hours

Peach Tree Seed

Peach + Fertilizer

144 hours

Banana Tree Seed

Banana + Fertilizer

144 hours

Grape Tree Seed

Grape + Fertilizer

144 hours

Apple Tree Seed

Apple + Fertilizer

144 hours

Mandarin Tree Seed

Mandarin + Fertilizer

144 hours

Cocoa Tree Seed

Cocoa + Fertilizer

144 hours

130 G | 170 G | 220 G |

260 G | 300 G
440 G | 590 G | 740 G |
880 G | 1030 G
310 G | 410 G | 520 G |
620 G | 720 G
160 G | 220 G | 280 G |
330 G | 390 G
300 G | 400 G | 500 G |
600 G | 700 G
330 G | 440 G | 560 G |
670 G | 780 G
270 G | 360 G | 450 G |
540 G | 630 G
310 G | 410 G | 520 G |
620 G | 720 G
140 G | 190 G | 240 G |
290 G | 340 G
300 G | 400 G | 500 G |
600 G | 700 G
240 G | 320 G | 400 G |
480 G | 560 G
270 G | 360 G | 450 G |
540 G | 630 G
160 G | 220 G | 280 G |
330 G | 390 G
1800 G | 2400 G | 3000 G
| 3600 G | 4200 G
70 G | 90 G | 120 G | 140
G | 160 G
100 G | 140 G | 180 G |
210 G | 250 G
90 G | 120 G | 160 G |
190 G | 220 G
120 G | 160 G | 200 G |
240 G | 280 G
140 G | 190 G | 240 G |
290 G | 340 G
120 G | 160 G | 200 G |
240 G | 280 G
300 G | 400 G | 500 G |
600 G | 700 G
360 G | 480 G | 600 G |
720 G | 840 G
390 G | 520 G | 660 G |
790 G | 920 G
160 G | 220 G | 280 G |
330 G | 390 G
700 G | 940 G | 1180 G |
1410 G | 1650 G
2400 G | 3200 G | 4000 G
| 4800 G | 5600 G

89 | H M : T o T T

Tea Tree Seeds

Spring Tea Leaves +

Summer Tea Leaves
+ Fall Tea Leaves

192 hours

1200 G | 1600 G | 2000 G

| 2400 G | 2800 G

The Pickling Pot

Item Name

Required Items


Pickled Cucumber

Cucumber + Oil

5 hours

Pickled Onion

Onion + Oil

3 hours

Pickled Carrot

Carrot + Oil

5 hours

Pickled Radish

Radish + Oil

5 hours

Mixed Pickles

Pickled Cucumber + Pickled Onion +

Pickled Carrot +
Pickled Radish

94 hours

Cured Turnip

Turnip + Plum

12 hours

Cured Cucumber

Cucumber + Plum

12 hours

Cured Watermelon Watermelon + Plum

12 hours

Cured Eggplant

Eggplant + Plum

12 hours

Cured Daikon

Daikon + Plum

12 hours

Cured Bok Choy

Bok Choy + Plum

12 hours

Cured Veggie Mix

Cured Bok Choy + Cured Cucumber

+ Cured Watermelon + Cured
Eggplant + Cured Daikon

94 hours

Cabbage Kimchi

Bok Choy + Daikon + Cucumber

5 hours

Cucumber Kimchi

Cucumber + Chili Pepper

3 hours

Daikon Kimchi

Daikon + Chili Pepper

5 hours

Ship Price
1 Star to 5 Stars
330 G | 450 G |
560 G | 670 G |
540 G | 720 G |
900 G | 1080 G |
1260 G
570 G | 770 G |
960 G | 1150 G |
1350 G
630 G | 850 G |
1060 G | 1270 G |
1490 G
1440 G | 1920 G |
2400 G | 2880 G |
3360 G
360 G | 490 G |
610 G | 730 G |
860 G
280 G | 380 G |
470 G | 570 G |
660 G
3660 G | 4890 G |
6110 G | 7260 G |
8560 G
330 G | 440 G |
550 G | 660 G |
770 G
360 G | 490 G |
610 G | 730 G |
860 G
300 G | 410 G |
510 G | 610 G |
720 G
3210 G | 4280 G |
5360 G | 6430 G |
7500 G
640 G | 860 G |
1080 G | 1290 G |
1510 G
1120 G | 1500 G |
1880 G | 2250 G |
2630 G
1200 G | 1600 G |
2000 G | 2400 G |
2800 G

90 | H M : T o T T

Bok Choy Kimchi

Bok Choy + Chili Pepper

5 hours

Mixed Kimchi

Cucumber Kimchi + Daikon Kimchi +

Bok Choy Kimchi

94 hours



5 hours

1160 G | 1550 G |
1940 G | 2320 G |
2710 G
2820 G | 3760 G |
4700 G | 5640 G |
6580 G
70 G | 90 G | 120
G | 140 G | 170 G

Fruit Trees and Tea Trees

Growing trees on your farm is fairly easy to do. You
just need to make space for them to grow. Trees don't
even need to be watered!
There are two types of "trees"; ones that produce fruit
and the other that produces tea leaves. Fruit trees will
flower and produce fruit in specific seasons and
there's at least one type of tree producing each
season. Tea trees will produce leaves during Spring,
Summer, and Fall season but not in Winter. Trees will last throughout the year and
can't be destroyed by storms. If you do want to destroy a tree growing on your farm,
hit it with your Axe.
The two types of trees have different space requirements. Fruit trees need a 3x3
square of soil to grow in but tea trees only need 1 square of soil, just like a regular
seasonal crop. Tea trees can be planted together in a row but fruit trees are so large
that they can't be linked together by a furrow.
You can start growing trees in your first Winter season,
when Gombe starts to sell Tea Tree seedlings for
1000 G each. Starting in year 2, you can buy fruit tree
seedlings from him. The cheapest is a Cherry Tree
Seeding (100 G) and the most expensive is the 2000
G Cacao Tree Seedling. Gombe will sell different tree
seedlings depending on the season you're in. You
can't buy the last type of tree until you've reached Fall
of year 3.
To plant a tree, prepare the soil just like you were planting a regular crop. A Tea
Tree Seedling can be planted in one square of soil but the fruit tree seedling needs 9
square of soil. The game will give you a grid outline when you have a fruit tree
seedling equipped and you have the correct amount of space prepared for planting.
If you try to plant when you don't have the right 3x3 square highlighted, then the
game will stop you and return a warning message on your top screen.
Because fruit trees are so large, you initially only have enough room on the
Konohana farm to plant them. You can plant fruit trees on the Bluebell farm but
you need to have Eileen complete the Make Field "C" expansion. The field
expansion will unlock a 5 square by 4 square field behind your house, just large
enough for one fruit tree to be planted on the Bluebell farm.
91 | H M : T o T T

Planting a fruit tree on the Bluebell farm is the only way to get bees to produce Fruit
Honey. You will have a 30% chance of collecting Fruit Honey from your bee hives
when you harvest them. Tea trees do not count towards collecting Fruit Honey.
To harvest a fruit tree, press A when you see fruit on the tree to make the fruit to
drop onto the ground. You can also jump and press A to grab the fruit from the tree.
Tree Types
Note: Profit is listed from 1 Star to 5 Stars

Tea Leaves

Cherry Tree


Peach Tree

Apple Tree

Grape Tree


Coffee Tree

Cacao Tree

Stage Stage Stage Stage
1000 G
Spring | Winter
Year 2 or later
5 days
4 days
(Starting Winter
year 1)
Spring Tea Profit = 120 G | 160 G | 200 G | 240 G | 280 G
Summer Tea Profit = 130 G | 170 G | 220 G | 260 G | 300 G
Fall Tea Profit = 100 G | 140 G | 180 G | 210 G | 250 G
100 G
7 days
Year 2 or later
Cherry Profit = 192 G | 250 G | 320 G | 380 G | 440 G
3000 G
9 days 9 days
Year 2 or later
Banana Profit = 720 G | 960 G | 1200 G | 1440 G | 1680 G
250 G
5 days
Year 2 or later
Peach Profit = 380 G | 510 G | 640 G | 760 G | 890 G
120 G
5 days
Year 2 or later
Apple Profit = 310 G | 410 G | 520 G | 620 G | 720 G
330 G
7 days
Year 2 or later
Grape Profit = 390 G | 520 G | 660 G | 790 G | 902 G
590 G
7 days
Year 2 or later
Mandarin Profit = 480 G | 640 G | 800 G | 960 G | 1120 G
120 G
5 days 5 days 5 days 8 days
Year 3 or later
Coffee Profit = 240 G | 320 G | 400 G | 480 G | 560 G
2000 G
9 days 9 days
Year 3 or later
Cacao Profit = 960 G | 1280 G | 1600 G | 1920 G | 2240 G


Every 4

Every 3

Every 4

Every 3

Every 3

Every 3

Every 3

Every 2

Every 4

92 | H M : T o T T

Trees need to be in their Stage 4 mode for a minimum number of days before they
will bloom at the beginning of the season they produce in.
For example, if you planted a Mandarin Seedling on Summer 21, the tree will reach
Stage 4 on Fall 24. The tree needs to be in Stage 4 for 14 days but there are only 7
days left in Fall before the Winter-producing season starts. This means that you will
not get Mandarins on your tree when Winter begins. Trees will not start producing
mid-season and so you will not be able to get Mandarins until the following Winter.
You would of needed to plant the Mandarin Seedling one week earlier (Summer 14)
to make sure it had 14 days worth of Stage 4 before Winter 1 arrived.
The last day of the year you can plant a fruit tree and get crops when its producing
season begins is:

Cherry Tree: Fall 14

Banana Tree: Winter 08
Peach Tree: Winter 27
Apple Tree: Spring 27
Grape Tree: Spring 14
Mandarin Tree: Summer 14
Coffee Tree: Winter 10
Cacao Tree: Spring 08

Item List
Salad Recipes


Required Ingredients

Turnip Salad



Tomato Salad



Onion Salad



Potato Salad


Potato + Milk

Herb Salad


Mint + Chamomile + Lavender

Caprese Salad


Tomato + Oil

Mimosa Salad


Cabbage + Asparagus +
Cucumber + Boiled Egg

Boiled Spinach





Cucumber + Turnip

Cucumber Namul


Cucumber + Oil

Tofu Salad


Tofu + Cucumber + Onion

1 Star to 5 Star
234 G | 312 G | 390 G |
468 G | 546 G
156 G | 208 G | 260 G |
312 G | 364 G
276 G | 368 G | 460 G |
552 G | 644 G
432 G | 576 G | 720 G |
864 G | 1008 G
72 G | 96 G | 120 G | 144
G | 168 G
210 G | 280 G | 350 G |
420 G | 490 G
1206 G | 1608 G | 2010 G
| 2412 G | 2814 G
360 G | 480 G | 600 G |
720 G | 840 G
288 G | 384 G | 480 G |
576 G | 672 G
222 G | 296 G | 370 G |
444 G | 518 G
492 G | 656 G | 820 G |
984 G | 1148 G

93 | H M : T o T T

Pasta Salad


Spaghetti + Cucumber

Daikon Salad


Daikon + Bok Choy + Onion

Mixed Salad


Cabbage + Cucumber +
Asparagus + Tomato

341 G | 454 G | 568 G |

682 G | 795 G
600 G | 800 G | 1000 G |
1200 G | 1400 G
1080 G | 1440 G | 1800 G
| 2160 G | 2520 G

Soup Recipes


Required Ingredients







Corn Soup


Onion Soup


Onion + Butter

Pumpkin Soup


Pumpkin + ( Potato or Onion or Milk

or Soy Milk )

Soy Milk


Soybeans + Edamame

Miso Soup


Miso + ( Spinach or Potato or Onion

or Tofu or Deep-Fried Tofu )

Herb Soup


Chamomile + Onion

Asparagus Soup


Radish Soup


Egg Soup


Egg + Onion

Soybean Soup


Soy Milk + Soybeans

Shark Fin Soup


Dogfish Shark + Shiitake

Potato + Onion + Butter

Tomato + Cucumber + Onion +
Onion + Tomato + ( Flounder or
Salmon or Oil )
Corn + Butter + ( Milk or Jersey Milk
or Golden Milk )

Asparagus + ( Onion or Milk or Soy

Milk )
Radish + ( Milk or Jersey Milk or
Golden Milk )

Tom Yum Goong Pot

Crab + Tomato + Brown Mushroom

+ Spinach


Rice Flour + Onion + Chili Pepper


1 Star to 5 Star
660 G | 880 G | 1100
G | 1320 G | 1540 G
504 G | 672 G | 840 G |
1008 G | 1176 G
384 G | 512 G | 640 G |
768 G | 896 G
554 G | 739 G | 924 G |
1109 G | 1294 G
468 G | 624 G | 780 G |
936 G | 1092 G
636 G | 848 G | 1060
G | 1272 G | 1484 G
408 G | 544 G | 680 G |
816 G | 952 G
544 G | 720 G | 900 G |
1080 G | 1260 G
276 G | 368 G | 460 G |
552 G | 644 G
564 G | 752 G | 940 G |
1128 G | 1316 G
413 G | 550 G | 688 G |
826 G | 963 G
336 G | 448 G | 560 G |
672 G | 784 G
600 G | 800 G | 1000
G | 1200 G | 1400 G
168 G | 224 G | 280 G |
336 G | 392 G
444 G | 592 G | 740 G |
888 G | 1036 G
888 G | 1184 G | 1480
G | 1776 G | 2072 G

94 | H M : T o T T

Appetizer Recipes


Required Ingredients



Turnip + ( Butter or Good Butter or Great

Butter )

French Fries


Potato + Oil



Potato + Flour + Oil

Hash Browns


Potato + Flour + Oil + ( Herb Cheese or

Herb Butter )

Boiled Potato


Potato + ( Butter or Good Butter or Great

Butter )

Cabbage Rolls


Cabbage + ( Onion or Tomato or Bread

Crumbs )




Corn Cereal


Corn + ( Milk or Jersey Milk or Golden Milk )

Boiled Egg



Fried Egg


Egg + Oil







Bread + Cucumber + Tomato



Bread + Mint + Chamomile + Lavender



Bread + Yogurt + ( Strawberry or Apple or

Pineapple or Banana or Peach or Mandarin
or Cherry or Grape or Blueberry )

Raisen Bread


Bread + Grape

Oil + ( Shiitake or Shimeji or Truffle or Coral

Mushroom or Brown Mushroom or Trumpet
Mushroom )
( Shiitake or Shimeji or Truffle or Coral
Mushroom or Brown Mushroom or Trumpet
Mushroom )

1 Star to 5 Star
420 G | 560 G |
700 G | 840 G |
980 G
342 G | 456 G |
570 G | 684 G |
741 G
408 G | 544 G |
680 G | 816 G |
952 G
552 G | 736 G |
920 G | 1104 G |
1288 G
516 G | 688 G |
860 G | 1032 G |
1204 G
612 G | 816 G |
1020 G | 1224 G
| 1428 G
264 G | 352 G |
440 G | 528 G |
616 G
396 G | 528 G |
660 G | 792 G |
924 G
96 G | 128 G |
160 G | 192 G |
224 G
174 G | 232 G |
290 G | 348 G |
406 G
132 G | 176 G |
220 G | 264 G |
308 G
62 G | 83 G | 104
G | 125 G | 146
378 G | 504 G |
630 G | 756 G |
882 G
174 G | 232 G |
290 G | 348 G |
406 G
336 G | 448 G |
560 G | 672 G |
784 G
372 G | 496 G |
620 G | 744 G |
868 G

95 | H M : T o T T

Jelly Bread


Bread + ( Apple Jam or Strawberry Jam or

Grape Jam or Blueberry Jam )




French Toast


Bread + ( Egg or Black Egg or Golden Egg )

Butter Roll


Bread + ( Butter or Good Butter or Great

Butter )



Potato + Oil + Bread Crumbs



Potato + Oil + Bread Crumbs + ( Milk or

Jersey Milk or Golden Milk )



Potato + Oil + Bread Crumbs + ( Cheese or

Good Cheese or Great Cheese )



Flour + Oil + ( Herb Butter or Good Herb

Butter or Great Herb Butter )



Flour + Pumpkin + Spinach + Potato



Buckwheat Flour + Egg

Fish & Chips


Potato + Flour + Oil + ( Bluegill or Black

Bass or Large Bluegill or Large Black Bass )

Honey Toast


Bread + ( Honey or Spring Honey or

Summer Honey or Fall Honey or Fruit
Honey or Rose Honey )



Bread + Cheese + Boiled Egg



Cooked Rice + Oil + Bread Crumbs +

( Cheese or Good Cheese or Great
Cheese )



Cabbage + Cooked Rice + Onion

Roasted Corn


Corn + ( Butter or Good Butter or Great

Butter )

Miso Eggplant


Eggplant + Miso

160 G | 210 G |
270 G | 320 G |
370 G
120 G | 160 G |
200 G | 240 G |
280 G
198 G | 264 G |
330 G | 396 G |
462 G
300 G | 400 G |
500 G | 600 G |
700 G
396 G | 528 G |
660 G | 792 G |
924 G
498 G | 664 G |
830 G | 996 G |
1162 G
492 G | 656 G |
820 G | 984 G |
1148 G
396 G | 528 G |
660 G | 792 G |
924 G
1020 G | 1360 G
| 1700 G | 2040
G | 2380 G
252 G | 336 G |
420 G | 504 G |
588 G
444 G | 592 G |
740 G | 888 G |
1036 G
276 G | 368 G |
460 G | 552 G |
644 G
348 G | 469 G |
580 G | 696 G |
820 G
384 G | 512 G |
640 G | 768 G |
896 G
780 G | 1040 G |
1300 G | 1560 G
| 1820 G
468 G | 624 G |
780 G | 936 G |
1092 G
408 G | 544 G |
680 G | 816 G |
952 G

96 | H M : T o T T

228 G | 304 G |
380 G | 456 G |
532 G
120 G | 160 G |
200 G | 240 G |
280 G
156 G | 208 G |
260 G | 312 G |
364 G
96 G | 128 G |
160 G | 192 G |
224 G
108 G | 144 G |
180 G | 216 G |
252 G
540 G | 720 G |
900 G | 1080 G |
1260 G
804 G | 1072 G |
1340 G | 1608 G
| 1876 G
804 G | 1072 G |
1340 G | 1608 G
| 1876 G
816 G | 1088 G |
1360 G | 1632 G
| 1904 G
432 G | 576 G |
720 G | 864 G |
1008 G
264 G | 352 G |
440 G | 528 G |
616 G



Eggplant + Oil

Baked Yam



Egg Custard


Egg + ( Shimeji or Truffle or Shiitake or

Coral Mushroom or Brown Mushroom or
Trumpet Mushroom or Bamboo Shoot )



( Tuna or Char or Trout or Masu Salmon or

Flounder or Goby or Large Goby or Carp )

Fish Paste


( Eel or Flounder or Sea Bass or Small Sea

Bass )

Vegetable Stir


Oil + Cabbage

Chop Suey


Oil + Cabbage + Carrot + Shiitake



Onion + Cabbage + Flour

Pot Sticker


Flour + Onion + Cabbage + Shiitake



Flour + Carrot + Shiitake + Shimeji



Flour + Curry Powder



Flour + ( Cheese or Good Cheese or Great

Cheese )

276 G | 368 G |
460 G | 552 G |
644 G



Flour + Oil + Egg + ( Icefish or Smelt or

Goby or Yam or Eggplant or Shiitake or
Pumpkin or Large Goby )

300 G | 400 G |
500 G | 600 G |
700 G

Spring Roll


Rice Flour + Cabbage






Soybeans + Deep-Fried Tofu + Carrot

Fried Tofu


Tofu + Flour

684 G | 912 G |
1140 G | 1368 G
| 1596 G
180 G | 240 G |
300 G | 360 G |
360 G
648 G | 864 G |
1080 G | 1296 G
| 1512 G
312 G | 416 G |
520 G | 624 G |
728 G

97 | H M : T o T T



Tofu + Oil

Dried Tofu



Boiled Tofu


Tofu + Soy Milk

Cold Tofu



Yuba Tofu


Soy Milk

Dashi Egg


Oil + Black Egg









Tofu + Oil + ( Carrot or Potato )

Boiled Daikon






Tuna Yukhoe


Tuna + ( Egg or Black Egg or Golden Egg )



Rice Candy + Chili Pepper

Curry Bread


Bread + Curry Powder

218 G | 291 G |
364 G | 437 G |
510 G
168 G | 224 G |
280 G | 336 G |
392 G
600 G | 800 G |
1000 G | 1200 G
| 1400 G
312 G | 416 G |
520 G | 624 G |
728 G
504 G | 672 G |
840 G | 1008 G |
1176 G
252 G | 336 G |
420 G | 504 G |
588 G
270 G | 360 G |
450 G | 540 G |
630 G
492 G | 656 G |
820 G | 984 G |
1148 G
480 G | 640 G |
800 G | 960 G |
1120 G
204 G | 272 G |
340 G | 408 G |
476 G
210 G | 280 G |
350 G | 420 G |
490 G
972 G | 1296 G |
1620 G | 1944 G
| 2268 G
732 G | 976 G |
1220 G | 1464 G
| 1708 G
276 G | 368 G |
460 G | 552 G |
644 G

98 | H M : T o T T

Main Dish Recipes



Required Ingredients



Oil + Milk + ( Egg or Black Egg or Golden

Egg )

Omelet Rice


Oil + Milk + Cooked Rice + ( Egg or Black

Egg or Golden Egg )



Bread + ( Cheese or Good Cheese or Great

Cheese )



Tomato + Bread + Oil

Pink Fondue


Bread + Cheese + ( Red Wine (Glass) or Red

Wine )



Potato + ( Cheese or Good Cheese or Great

Cheese )



Penne Pasta + Onion + ( Cheese or Good

Cheese or Great Cheese )



Flour + Tomato + ( Cheese or Good Cheese

or Great Cheese )



Flour + Oil + ( Flounder or Masu Salmon or

Sea Bass or Salmon or Trout or Small
Salmon )



Oil + Onion + ( Tuna or Sashimi or Salmon or

Small Salmon )



Cooked Rice + Oil + Tomato + Onion



Cooked Rice + Onion + Flour + Milk



Onion + Potato + Cheese + Butter

Macaroni &


Spaghetti + ( Cheese or Good Cheese or

Great Cheese )

Penne Pasta



Dry Curry


Cooked Rice + Curry Powder

1 Star to 5
300 G | 400 G |
500 G | 600 G |
700 G
384 G | 512 G |
640 G | 768 G |
896 G
252 G | 336 G |
420 G | 504 G |
588 G
264 G | 352 G |
440 G | 528 G |
616 G
444 G | 592 G |
740 G | 888 G |
1036 G
432 G | 576 G |
720 G | 864 G |
1008 G
468 G | 624 G |
780 G | 936 G |
1092 G
348 G | 469 G |
580 G | 696 G |
820 G
264 G | 352 G |
440 G | 528 G |
616 G
420 G | 560 G |
700 G | 840 G |
980 G
492 G | 656 G |
820 G | 984 G |
1148 G
516 G | 688 G |
860 G | 1032 G
| 1204 G
720 G | 960 G |
120 G | 1440 G
| 1680 G
306 G | 408 G |
510 G | 612 G |
714 G
180 G | 240 G |
300 G | 360 G |
360 G
264 G | 352 G |
440 G | 528 G |
616 G

99 | H M : T o T T

516 G | 688 G |
860 G | 1032 G
| 1204 G
552 G | 736 G |
920 G | 1104 G
| 1288 G
768 G | 1024 G
| 1284 G | 1536
G | 1792 G
384 G | 512 G |
640 G | 768 G |
896 G
378 G | 504 G |
630 G | 756 G |
882 G
1200 G | 1600
G | 2000 G |
2400 G | 2800
1656 G | 2208
G | 2760 G |
3312 G | 3864
1632 G | 2176
G | 2720 G |
3264 G | 3808
174 G | 232 G |
290 G | 348 G |
406 G
210 G | 280 G |
350 G | 420 G |
490 G
348 G | 469 G |
580 G | 696 G |
820 G
492 G | 656 G |
820 G | 984 G |
1148 G
426 G | 568 G |
710 G | 852 G |
994 G

Curry Rice


Cooked Rice + Curry Powder + Potato



Cooked Rice + Curry Powder + Spinach

Spicy Curry


Cooked Rice + Curry Powder + Chili Pepper



Cooked Rice + Curry Powder + Seaweed

Milk Curry


Cooked Rice + Curry Powder + ( Milk or

Jersey Milk or Golden Milk )



Curry Rice + Spinach + Tomato + Seaweed +

Jersey Milk

Ultimate Curry


Rainbow Curry + Seaweed Curry + Failed




Rainbow Curry + Milk Curry + Failed Dish



Flour + Oil



Spaghetti + ( Shiitake or Shimeji or Truffle or

Coral Mushroom or Brown Mushroom or
Trumpet Mushroom )



Cooked Rice + Onion



Flour + Potato + ( Milk or Asparagus or Carrot

or Cabbage or Turnip )



Spaghetti + Oil + ( Herb Butter or Good Herb

Butter or Great Herb Butter )



Spaghetti + ( Bouillabaisse or Vichyssoise )

534 G | 712 G |
890 G | 1068 G
| 1246 G



Spaghetti + Tomato + ( Butter or Good Butter

or Great Butter )

426 G | 568 G |
710 G | 852 G |
994 G



Buckwheat Flour + Cheese

318 G | 424 G |
530 G | 636 G |
742 G

100 | H M : T o T T



Eggplant + Potato Salad + Cheese

Tofu Burger


Bread + Tofu Steak + ( Pickled Cucumber or

Pickled Onion or Pickled Carrot or Pickled
Radish or Mixed Pickles )

Egg Rice


Cooked Rice + ( Egg or Black Egg or Golden

Egg )

612 G | 816 G |
1020 G | 1224
G | 1428 G
546 G | 728 G |
910 G | 1092 G
| 1274 G
240 G | 320 G |
400 G | 480 G |
560 G
336 G | 448 G |
560 G | 672 G |
784 G
180 G | 240 G |
300 G | 360 G |
360 G
258 G | 344 G |
430 G | 516 G |
602 G

Egg Rice Bowl Pot

Cooked Rice + Seaweed + ( Egg or Black

Egg or Golden Egg )



Cooked Rice + Sashimi

Sushi Bowl


Cooked Rice + Sashimi + ( Egg or Black Egg

or Fish Paste or Cucumber or Shiitake )

Grilled Fish


Fish Stew


Rice Ball


Cooked Rice + Seaweed

Fried Rice Ball


Rice Ball + Oil

Rice Porridge


Cooked Rice

Fried Rice


Cooked Rice + Oil + ( Egg or Black Egg or

Golden Egg or Shiitake or Carrot )

Mixed Rice


Cooked Rice + Carrot + Deep-Fried Tofu

558 G | 744 G |
930 G | 1116 G
| 1302 G



Cooked Rice + Shiitake + Shimeji

222 G | 296 G |
370 G | 444 G |
518 G

Shimeji Rice


Cooked Rice + Shimeji

168 G | 224 G |
280 G | 336 G |
392 G

Tempura Bowl


Cooked Rice + Tempura

396 G | 528 G |
660 G | 792 G |
924 G

( Sweetfish or Char or Eel or Salmon or

Shishamo or Sea Bass or Loach or Funa or
Trout or Masu Salmon or Large Smelt or
Carp )
( Mackerel or Large Sweetfish or Large Char
or Large Eel or Special Shishamo or Large
Icefish or Small Sea Bass or Large Loach or
Large Funa or Large Trout or Large Masu
Salmon or Carp )

84 G | 112 G |
140 G | 168 G |
196 G
216 G | 288 G |
360 G | 432 G |
504 G
258 G | 344 G |
430 G | 516 G |
602 G
300 G | 400 G |
500 G | 600 G |
700 G
138 G | 184 G |
230 G | 276 G |
322 G
264 G | 352 G |
440 G | 528 G |
616 G

101 | H M : T o T T

Inari Sushi


Cooked Rice + Deep-Fried Tofu



Flour + Cabbage + Oil

Udon Noodles


Flour + Fish Paste

Kitsune Udon


Udon Noodles + Deep-Fried Tofu



Udon Noodles + Tempura

Fried Udon


Udon Noodles + Oil

Cold Soba


Buckwheat Flour

Tempura Soba Pot

Cold Soba Noodles + Tempura

324 G | 432 G |
540 G | 648 G |
756 G
660 G | 880 G |
1100 G | 1320
G | 1540 G
214 G | 285 G |
356 G | 427 G |
498 G
384 G | 512 G |
640 G | 768 G |
896 G
552 G | 736 G |
920 G | 1104 G
| 1288 G
288 G | 384 G |
480 G | 576 G |
672 G
156 G | 208 G |
260 G | 312 G |
364 G
480 G | 640 G |
800 G | 960 G |
1120 G
212 G | 283 G |
354 G | 425 G |
496 G
264 G | 352 G |
440 G | 528 G |
616 G
660 G | 880 G |
1100 G | 1320
G | 1540 G
163 G | 218 G |
272 G | 326 G |
381 G
420 G | 560 G |
700 G | 840 G |
980 G



Cold Soba Noodles + Oil

Tofu Steak


Tofu + Oil + Shimeji

Fried Rice


Rice Flour + Oil + Cabbage

Chestnut Rice


Cooked Rice + Chestnut

Natto Rice


Cooked Rice + Natto

Bamboo Rice


Cooked Rice + Bamboo Shoot

150 G | 200250
G | 300 G | 350

Milk Stew


Carrot + Onion + ( Milk or Jersey Milk or

Golden Milk )

648 G | 864 G |
1080 G | 1296
G | 1512 G

Natto Roll


Cooked Rice + Seaweed + Natto

456 G | 608 G |
760 G | 912 G |
1064 G

Kappa Roll


Cooked Rice + Seaweed + Cucumber

336 G | 448 G |
560 G | 672 G |
784 G

102 | H M : T o T T

Tekka Roll


Cooked Rice + Seaweed + Tuna

840 G | 1120 G
| 1400 G | 1680
G | 1960 G

Oshinko Roll


Cooked Rice + Seaweed + ( Cured Turnip or

Cured Cucumber or Cured Watermelon or
Cured Eggplant or Cured Daikon or Cured
Bok Choy or Cured Veggie Mix )

360 G | 480 G |
600 G | 720 G |
840 G

Soy Milk Stew


Soy Milk + Tofu + ( Spinach or Carrot or

Daikon or Shimeji or Shiitake or Loach )

Kimchi Stew


Bok Choy + Shimeji + ( Cucumber Kimchi or

Daikon Kimchi or Bok Choy Kimchi or Mixed
Kimchi or Cabbage Kimchi )

Crab Pot


Bok Choy + Tofu + Small Blue Crab

Crab Omelet


Small Blue Crab + ( Egg or Black Egg or

Golden Egg )



Daikon + Fish Paste



Cooked Rice + Cucumber Namul + Shiitake

568 G | 757 G |
946 G | 1135 G
| 1324 G
780 G | 1040 G
| 1300 G | 1560
G | 1820 G
270 G | 360 G |
450 G | 540 G |
630 G
121 G | 162 G |
202 G | 242 G |
283 G
264 G | 352 G |
440 G | 528 G |
616 G
372 G | 496 G |
620 G | 744 G |
868 G

Dessert Recipes


Required Ingredients

Yam Dessert


Yam + Butter + ( Egg or Black Egg or Golden

Egg )



Pumpkin + Jersey Milk + ( Egg or Black Egg

or Golden Egg )



Banana + Chocolate Pack

Stewed Apple


Apple + ( Butter or Good Butter or Great

Butter )

Apple Pie


Apple + Flour + Butter + Egg

Pineapple Pie


Pineapple + Flour + Butter + Egg

Strawberry Pie


Strawberry + Flour + Butter + Egg

1 Star to 5 Star
396 G | 528 G |
660 G | 792 G |
924 G
852 G | 1136 G
| 1420 G | 1704
G | 1988 G
1056 G | 1408
G | 1760 G |
2112 G | 2464
396 G | 528 G |
660 G | 792 G |
924 G
504 G | 672 G |
840 G | 1008 G
| 1176 G
1752 G | 2336
G | 2920 G |
3504 G | 4088
612 G | 816 G |
1020 G | 1224
G | 1428 G

103 | H M : T o T T

Sponge Cake


Flour + Egg



Milk + ( Egg or Black Egg or Golden Egg )



Egg + Milk + ( Cheese or Good Cheese or

Great Cheese )



Egg + Milk + Flour + Butter + ( Honey or

Spring Honey or Summer Honey or Fall
Honey or Fruit Honey or Rose Honey )



Flour + Oil + Egg + Milk + Butter



Flour + Egg + Butter



Chocolate Pack + Cookies

Ice Cream


Black Egg



Flour + Butter + Egg + Milk

Honey Cake


Cake + ( Honey or Spring Honey or Summer

Honey or Fall Honey or Fruit Honey or Rose
Honey )



Chocolate Pack + Cake

Party Cake


Flour + Good Butter + Black Egg

Choc. Party


Chocolate Pack + Party Cake



Party Cake + ( Good Cheese or Great

Cheese )



Chocolate Pack + Bread


Sponge Cake + Black Egg + Jersey Milk +

( Strawberry or Apple or Pineapple or Banana
or Peach or Mandarin or Cherry or Grape or
Watermelon )


210 G | 280 G |
350 G | 420 G |
490 G
269 G | 358 G |
448 G | 538 G |
627 G
384 G | 512 G |
640 G | 768 G |
896 G
630 G | 840 G |
1050 G | 1260
G | 1470 G
546 G | 728 G |
910 G | 1092 G
| 1274 G
378 G | 504 G |
630 G | 756 G |
882 G
1020 G | 1360
G | 1700 G |
2040 G | 2380
168 G | 224 G |
280 G | 336 G |
392 G
492 G | 656 G |
820 G | 984 G |
1148 G
768 G | 1024 G
| 1284 G | 1536
G | 1792 G
1193 G | 1590
G | 1988 G |
2386 G | 2783
576 G | 768 G |
960 G | 1152 G
| 1344 G
1080 G | 1440
G | 1800 G |
2160 G | 2520
871 G | 1162 G
| 1452 G | 1742
G | 2033 G
672 G | 896 G |
1120 G | 1344
G | 1568 G
708 G | 944 G |
1180 G | 1416
G | 1652 G

104 | H M : T o T T

564 G | 752 G |
940 G | 1128 G
| 1316 G
318 G | 424 G |
530 G | 636 G |
742 G
600 G | 800 G |
1000 G | 1200
G | 1400 G
720 G | 960 G |
120 G | 1440 G
| 1680 G
726 G | 968 G |
1210 G | 1452
G | 1694 G
456 G | 608 G |
760 G | 912 G |
1064 G
228 G | 304 G |
380 G | 456 G |
532 G
780 G | 1040 G
| 1300 G | 1560
G | 1820 G
1252 G | 1669
G | 2086 G |
2503 G | 2920
816 G | 1088 G
| 1360 G | 1632
G | 1904 G
936 G | 1248 G
| 1560 G | 1872
G | 2184 G
1242 G | 1656
G | 2070 G |
2484 G | 2989
948 G | 1264 G
| 1580 G | 1896
G | 2212 G
1140 G | 1520
G | 1900 G |
2280 G | 2660



Flour + Black Egg + ( Jersey Milk or Golden

Milk )



Flour + Oil + ( Black Egg or Golden Egg )

Mont Blanc


Chestnut + Cake



Flour + Good Butter + Jersey Milk

Choco. Ice


Ice Cream + Chocolate Pack

Strawb. Ice


Ice Cream + Strawberry

Matcha Ice


Ice Cream + Matcha Tea (Can)

Choc. Sponge


Sponge Cake + Chocolate Pack



Donuts + Chocolate Pack



Pudding + Chocolate Pack



Flour + Chocolate Pack + Black Egg +

( Butter or Good Butter or Great Butter )

Fruit Parfait


Corn Cereal + Ice Cream + Strawberry +

Banana + ( Pineapple or Peach or Cherry or
Grape or Mandarin or Watermelon )



Chocolate Pack + Jersey Milk

Strawb. Soft


Chocolate Pack + Jersey Milk + Strawberry

Matcha Soft


Chocolate Pack + Jersey Milk + Matcha Tea


924 G | 1232 G
| 1540 G | 1848
G | 2156 G


Choc. Sponge Cake + Hot Coffee + Cocoa

Pack + ( Cheese or Good Cheese or Great
Cheese )

1500 G | 2000
G | 2500 G |
3000 G | 3500


105 | H M : T o T T

Rice Pudding


Pudding + Cooked Rice



Pudding + ( Honey or Spring Honey or

Summer Honey or Fall Honey or Fruit Honey
or Rose Honey )

Soy Milk


Soy Milk + ( Egg or Black Egg or Golden

Egg )

Egg Tart


Flour + ( Black Egg or Golden Egg )



Strawberry + Rice Candy



Shiratama Flour + Soy Flour



Rice Flour + Bamboo


Shiratama Flour + ( Any two of the following:

Strawberry or Apple or Pineapple or Banana
or Peach or Mandarin or Cherry or Grape or
Watermelon or Plum )


Chestnut Bun


Chestnut + Rice Candy

Green Rice


Summer Tea Leaves + Rice Candy



Buckwheat Flour + Shiratama Flour

Soybean Rice


Soy Flour + Rice Candy

Almond Tofu


Apricot + Tofu

Cherry Pie


Cherry + Flour + Butter + Egg

3 Color


Shiratama Flour + Strawberry + Summer Tea


342 G | 456 G |
570 G | 684 G |
741 G
414 G | 552 G |
690 G | 828 G |
966 G
528 G | 704 G |
880 G | 1056 G
| 1232 G
288 G | 384 G |
480 G | 576 G |
672 G
474 G | 632 G |
790 G | 948 G |
1106 G
336 G | 448 G |
560 G | 672 G |
784 G
234 G | 312 G |
390 G | 468 G |
546 G
354 G | 472 G |
590 G | 708 G |
826 G
198 G | 264 G |
330 G | 396 G |
462 G
228 G | 304 G |
380 G | 456 G |
532 G
312 G | 416 G |
520 G | 624 G |
728 G
354 G | 472 G |
590 G | 708 G |
826 G
192 G | 256 G |
320 G | 384 G |
448 G
384 G | 512 G |
640 G | 768 G |
896 G
510 G | 680 G |
850 G | 1020 G
| 1105 G

106 | H M : T o T T

"Other" Recipes


1 Star to 5 Star
144 G | 192 G
| 240 G | 288
G | 336 G
132 G | 176 G
| 220 G | 264
G | 308 G
204 G | 272 G
| 340 G | 408
G | 476 G
354 G | 472 G
| 590 G | 708
G | 826 G
264 G | 352 G
| 440 G | 528
G | 616 G
46 G | 61 G |
76 G | 91 G |
99 G

Required Ingredients

Cooked Rice






Apple Jam






Grape Jam






Straight Tea


Black Tea (Can)

94 G | 125 G |
156 G | 187 G
| 203 G

Herb Tea


Herb Tea (Can)

76 G | 101 G |
126 G | 151 G
| 164 G

Honey Tea


Black Tea (Can) + ( Honey or Spring Honey or

Summer Honey or Fall Honey or Fruit Honey or
Rose Honey )

264 G | 352 G
| 440 G | 528
G | 616 G

Rose Tea


Rose Tea (Can)

Milk Tea


Black Tea (Can) + ( Milk or Jersey Milk or

Golden Milk )

Royal Milk


Gold Tea + ( Jersey Milk or Golden Milk )

Russian Tea


Straight Tea + ( Apple Jam or Strawberry Jam

or Grape Jam or Blueberry Jam )

Spring Tea


Spring Tea (Can)

Summer Tea


Summer Tea (Can)

624 G | 832 G
| 1040 G |
1248 G | 1352
247 G | 330 G
| 412 G | 494
G | 577 G
1164 G | 1552
G | 1940 G |
2328 G | 2716
108 G | 144 G
| 180 G | 216
G | 252 G
462 G | 616 G
| 770 G | 924
G | 1001 G
2442 G | 3256
G | 4070 G |
4884 G | 5291

107 | H M : T o T T

Fall Tea


Fall Tea (Can)

Gold Tea


Gold Tea (Can)

Hot Coffee


Coffee Pack

Cafe au Lait


Hot Coffee + Milk



Hot Coffee + ( Jersey Milk or Golden Milk )

Hot Milk


( Milk or Jersey Milk or Golden Milk )



Cocoa Pack

Honey Shake


Ice Cream + Jersey Milk + ( Honey or Spring

Honey or Summer Honey or Fall Honey or Fruit
Honey or Rose Honey )

Yogurt Shake


Ice Cream + Jersey Milk + ( Yogurt or Good

Yogurt or Great Yogurt )

Green Tea


Green Tea (Can)

Matcha Tea


Matcha Tea (Can)

Sencha Tea


Sencha Tea (Can)

Puer Tea


Puer Tea (Can)

Oolong Tea


Oolong Tea (Can)



Buckwheat Tea Can

Ginseng Tea


Ginseng Tea (Can)

Peach Juice



312 G | 416 G
| 520 G | 624
G | 728 G
1056 G | 1408
G | 1760 G |
2112 G | 2464
180 G | 240 G
| 300 G | 360
G | 360 G
306 G | 408 G
| 510 G | 612
G | 714 G
467 G | 622 G
| 778 G | 934
G | 1011 G
192 G | 256 G
| 320 G | 384
G | 448 G
756 G | 1008
G | 1260 G |
1512 G | 1638
588 G | 784 G
| 980 G | 1176
G | 1372 G
570 G | 760 G
| 950 G | 1140
G | 1330 G
92 G | 123 G |
154 G | 185 G
| 216 G
102 G | 136 G
| 170 G | 204
G | 221 G
178 G | 237 G
| 296 G | 355
G | 414 G
112 G | 149 G
| 186 G | 223
G | 242 G
178 G | 237 G
| 296 G | 355
G | 414 G
258 G | 344 G
| 430 G | 516
G | 602 G
474 G | 632 G
| 790 G | 948
G | 1106 G
269 G | 358 G
| 448 G | 538
G | 627 G

108 | H M : T o T T

480 G | 640 G
| 800 G | 960
G | 1120 G
210 G | 280 G
| 350 G | 420
G | 490 G
318 G | 424 G
| 530 G | 636
G | 742 G

Banana Juice



Apple Juice






Mixed Juice


Banana + ( Any two of the following: Strawberry

or Apple or Pineapple or Peach or Mandarin or
Cherry or Grape or Fruit Yogurt or Good Fruit
Yogurt or Great Fruit Yogurt )



Mixed Juice + ( Milk or Jersey Milk or Golden

Milk )

Plum Juice



Plum Wine


Plum Wine

Apricot Wine


Apricot Wine



Red Wine + ( Any two of the following:

Strawberry or Apple or Pineapple or Banana or
Peach or Mandarin or Cherry or Grape )

Red Wine


Red Wine




Beer (Glass)



Honey Wine


Honey Wine

Wine Gls


Chestnut Wine

Spring Wine


Spring Wine

Wine (Gls)


Summer Wine

638 G | 851 G
| 1064 G |
1277 G | 1490
840 G | 1120
G | 1400 G |
1680 G | 1960
48 G | 64 G |
80 G | 96 G |
112 G
330 G | 440 G
| 550 G | 660
G | 770 G
330 G | 440 G
| 550 G | 660
G | 770 G
504 G | 672 G
| 840 G | 1008
G | 1176 G
306 G | 408 G
| 510 G | 612
G | 714 G
456 G | 608 G
| 760 G | 912
G | 1064 G
312 G | 416 G
| 520 G | 624
G | 728 G
498 G | 664 G
| 830 G | 996
G | 1162 G
360 G | 480 G
| 600 G | 720
G | 840 G
642 G | 856 G
| 1070 G |
1284 G | 1498
420 G | 560 G
| 700 G | 840
G | 980 G

109 | H M : T o T T

Fall Wine


Fall Wine

4 Seasons
Wine Gls


Four Seasons Wine

Fruit Wine


Fruit Wine

Rose Wine


Rose Wine

492 G | 656 G
| 820 G | 984
G | 1148 G
1920 G | 2560
G | 3200 G |
3840 G | 4480
780 G | 1040
G | 1300 G |
1560 G | 1820
4670 G | 6224
G | 7780 G |
9336 G |
10114 G

Fermenting Maker Machine

Item Name

Required Items



Good Cheese

Jersey Milk

Great Cheese

Golden Milk

Herb Cheese

Milk + Chamomile

Good Herb
Great Herb

Jersey Milk + Chamomile

Golden Milk + Chamomile


Milk + Mint

Good Yogurt

Jersey Milk + Mint

Great Yogurt

Golden Milk + Mint

Fruit Yogurt

Milk + Mint + Banana + Peach

Good Fruit
Great Fruit

Jersey Milk + Mint + Mandarin +

Apple + Grape
Golden Milk + Mint + Grape + Peach
+ Cherry


Milk + Oil

Good Butter

Jersey Milk + Oil

Great Butter

Golden Milk + Oil

Herb Butter

Milk + Chamomile + Oil

Ship Price
1 Star to 5 Stars
250 G | 330 G | 420 G | 500 G |
590 G
500 G | 670 G | 840 G | 1010 G |
1170 G
1020 G | 1360 G | 1710 G | 2050
G | 2390 G
240 G | 320 G | 400 G | 480 G |
560 G
460 G | 620 G | 780 G | 930 G |
1090 G
910 G | 1210 G | 1520 G | 1820
G | 2120 G
240 G | 320 G | 400 G | 480 G |
560 G
460 G | 620 G | 780 G | 930 G |
1090 G
910 G | 1210 G | 1520 G | 1820
G | 2120 G
1020 G | 1360 G | 1700 G | 2040
G | 2380 G
1050 G | 1400 G | 1760 G | 2110
G | 2460 G
1200 G | 1600 G | 2000 G | 2400
G | 2800 G
280 G | 380 G | 480 G | 570 G |
670 G
500 G | 670 G | 840 G | 1010 G |
1170 G
1020 G | 1360 G | 1710 G | 2050
G | 2390 G
320 G | 430 G | 540 G | 640 G |
750 G

110 | H M : T o T T

Good Herb
Great Herb

Jersey Milk + Chamomile + Oil

Golden Milk + Chamomile + Oil
Egg + Oil
Black Egg + Oil
Golden Egg + Oil
Egg + Chamomile + Oil

Good Herb Mayo

Black Egg + Chamomile + Oil

Great Herb Mayo

Golden Egg + Chamomile + Oil

Chocolate Pack



Soybean + Cooked Rice


Soybean + Rice Stalk

540 G | 720 G | 900 G | 1080 G |

1510 G
930 G | 1240 G | 1560 G | 1870
G | 2180 G
240 G | 320 G | 400 G | 480 G |
560 G
310 G | 410 G | 520 G | 620 G |
720 G
1260 G | 1680 G | 2100 G | 2530
G | 2940 G
250 G | 330 G | 420 G | 500 G |
590 G
340 G | 460 G | 520 G | 690 G |
810 G
1260 G | 1680 G | 2100 G | 2530
G | 2940 G
1050 G | 1410 G | 1760 G | 2110
G | 2460 G
360 G | 480 G | 600 G | 720 G |
840 G
490 G | 650 G | 820 G | 980 G |
1150 G

Beverage Maker Machine

Item Name

Required Items

Ship Price
1 Star to 5 Stars
450 G | 600 G | 750 G | 900 G
| 1040 G
600 G | 800 G | 1000 G |
1200 G | 1400 G
760 G | 1010 G | 1270 G |
1520 G | 1780 G
540 G | 720 G | 900 G | 1080
G | 1260 G
510 G | 680 G | 850 G | 1020
G | 1190 G
510 G | 680 G | 850 G | 1020
G | 1190 G
1100 G | 1470 G | 1840 G |
2200 G | 2570 G
5320 G | 7100 G | 8880 G |
10,650 G | 12,430 G
880 G | 1180 G | 1480 G |
1770 G | 2070 G
540 G | 720 G | 900 G | 1080
G | 1260 G

Red Wine



Corn + Yogurt

Honey Wine

Honey + Red Wine

Chestnut Wine

Chestnut + Red Wine

Plum Wine

Plum + Red Wine

Apricot Wine

Apricot + Red Wine

Fruit Wine

Red Wine + Apple + Peach

Rose Wine

Red Wine + Pink Rose + Red Rose +

White Rose + Blue Rose

Spring Wine

Red Wine + Strawberry

Summer Wine

Red Wine + Tomato

Fall Wine

Red Wine + Apple

670 G | 890 G | 1120 G |

1340 G | 1560 G

Four Seasons

Red Wine + Spring Wine + Summer

Wine + Fall Wine

1800 G | 2400 G | 3000 G |

3600 G | 4200 G

111 | H M : T o T T

Green Tea
Matcha Tea
Sencha Tea
Puer Tea (Can)
Oolong Tea
Buckwheat Tea
Ginseng Tea

Wheat + Soybean
Spring Tea Leaves
Green Tea (Can)
Spring Tea Leaves + Summer Tea
Summer Tea Leaves
Summer Tea Leaves + Fall Tea Leaves
Summer Tea Leaves + Buckwheat
Summer Tea Leaves + Fall Tea Leaves
+ Carrot

Black Tea (Can)

Fall Tea Leaves

Herb Tea (Can)

Mint + Chamomile + Lavender

Rose Tea (Can)

Fall Tea Leaves + Pink Rose

Spring Tea
Summer Tea

Black Tea (Can) + Strawberry

Black Tea (Can) + Watermelon

Fall Tea (Can)

Black Tea (Can) + Apple

Gold Tea (Can)

Black Tea (Can) + Mandarin + Banana +


Coffee Pack

Coffee Beans

Cocoa Pack

Chocolate Pack

460 G | 620 G | 780 G | 930 G

| 1090 G
130 G | 170 G | 220 G | 260 G
| 310 G
140 G | 190 G | 240 G | 290 G
| 340 G
260 G | 350 G | 440 G | 530 G
| 610 G
150 G | 210 G | 260 G | 310 G
| 370 G
260 G | 350 G | 440 G | 530 G
| 610 G
380 G | 510 G | 640 G | 770 G
| 900 G
610 G | 810 G | 1020 G |
1220 G | 1420 G
130 G | 170 G | 220 G | 260 G
| 310 G
100 G | 140 G | 180 G | 210 G
| 250 G
870 G | 1160 G | 1460 G |
1750 G | 2040 G
690 G | 920 G | 1160 G |
1390 G | 1620 G
3600 G | 4800 G | 6000 G |
7200 G | 8400 G
460 G | 620 G | 780 G | 930 G
| 1090 G
1320 G | 1760 G | 2220 G |
2640 G | 3080 G
270 G | 360 G | 450 G | 540 G
| 630 G
1140 G | 1520 G | 1900 G |
2300 G | 2660 G

Pickling Pot Maker Machine

Item Name

Required Items


Cucumber + Oil

Pickled Onion

Onion + Oil

Pickled Carrot

Carrot + Oil

Pickled Radish

Radish + Oil

Mixed Pickles

Pickled Cucumber + Pickled Onion + Pickled

Carrot +
Pickled Radish

Cured Turnip

Turnip + Plum

Ship Price
1 Star to 5 Stars
330 G | 450 G | 560 G
| 670 G | 790
540 G | 720 G | 900 G
| 1080 G | 1260 G
570 G | 770 G | 960 G
| 1150 G | 1350 G
630 G | 850 G | 1060
G | 1270 G | 1490 G
1440 G | 1920 G |
2400 G | 2880 G |
3360 G
360 G | 490 G | 610 G
| 730 G | 860 G

112 | H M : T o T T


Cucumber + Plum


Watermelon + Plum


Eggplant + Plum

Cured Daikon

Daikon + Plum

Cured Bok

Bok Choy + Plum

Cured Veggie

Cured Bok Choy + Cured Cucumber + Cured

Watermelon + Cured Eggplant + Cured Daikon


Bok Choy + Daikon + Cucumber


Cucumber + Chili Pepper

Daikon Kimchi

Daikon + Chili Pepper

Bok Choy

Bok Choy + Chili Pepper

Mixed Kimchi

Cucumber Kimchi + Daikon Kimchi + Bok Choy




280 G | 380 G | 470 G

| 570 G | 660 G
3660 G | 4890 G |
6110 G | 7260 G |
8560 G
330 G | 440 G | 550 G
| 660 G | 770 G
360 G | 490 G | 610 G
| 730 G | 860 G
300 G | 410 G | 510 G
| 610 G | 720 G
3210 G | 4280 G |
5360 G | 6430 G |
7500 G
640 G | 860 G | 1080
G | 1290 G | 1510 G
1120 G | 1500 G |
1880 G | 2250 G |
2630 G
1200 G | 1600 G |
2000 G | 2400 G |
2800 G
1160 G | 1550 G |
1940 G | 2320 G |
2710 G
2820 G | 3760 G |
4700 G | 5640 G |
6580 G
70 G | 90 G | 120 G |
140 G | 170 G

Yarn Maker Machine

Ship Price
1 Star to 5 Stars
Yarn Ball
780 G | 1040 G | 1300 G | 1560 G | 1820 G
Suffolk Yarn Ball
Good Wool
1260 G | 1680 G | 2100 G | 2530 G | 2940 G
Great Yarn Ball
Great Wool
3120 G | 4160 G | 5200 G | 6240 G | 7280 G
White Alpaca Yarn White Alpaca Wool 4800 G | 6400 G | 8000 G | 9600 G | 11,200 G
Brown Alpaca Yarn Brown Alpaca Wool 4800 G | 6400 G | 8000 G | 9600 G | 11,200 G
Item Name

Required Items

Grain Mill Maker Machine

Item Name
Bread Crumbs
Rice Flour
Soy Flour
Buckwheat Flour
Shiratama Flour

Required Items
Rice Stalk
Rice Candy

Ship Price
1 Star to 5 Stars
210 G | 280 G | 360 G | 430 G | 500 G
180 G | 240 G | 300 G | 360 G | 420 G
140 G | 190 G | 240 G | 290 G | 330 G
230 G | 310 G | 390 G | 470 G | 550 G
300 G | 400 G | 500 G | 600 G | 700 G
260 G | 350 G | 440 G | 520 G | 610 G
260 G | 350 G | 440 G | 520 G | 610 G

113 | H M : T o T T




There is nothing growing in the crop fields on your Bluebell farm.


You are growing crops, flowers, or grain in your Bluebell farm

fields during the Spring season.


You are growing crops, flowers, or grain in your Bluebell farm

fields during the Summer season.


You are growing crops, flowers, or grain in your Bluebell farm

fields during the Fall season.



You are growing a fruit tree on your Bluebell farm (not a Tea Tree).
You will need Eileen to complete the Make Field "C" expansion on
your Bluebell farm, which will open up a field behind your house
large enough to plant one big tree. After that you'll have a 30%
chance of getting Fruit Honey from a Bee Hut.
You need to grow roses on all available crop spaces on your
Bluebell farm. You can buy rose seeds from Cam's Flowers: Pink
Rose (260 G) in Spring, Red Rose (660 G) in Summer, and White
Rose (200 G) in Fall. When collecting honey, you still only have a
10% chance of receiving Rose Honey instead of a seasonal
honey. If you're growing a fruit tree for Fruit Honey or any other
seasonal crop on your Bluebell farm, you can't obtain Rose Honey

Ship Price
1 star to 5
310 G |
410 G |
520 G |
620 G |
720 G
360 G |
480 G |
600 G |
720 G |
840 G
360 G |
480 G |
600 G |
720 G |
840 G
360 G |
480 G |
600 G |
720 G |
840 G
380 G |
510 G |
640 G |
760 G |
890 G
480 G |
640 G |
800 G |
960 G |
1120 G

Cooking Staples

Enrique or Raul's shop, any season 100 G

Enrique or Raul's shop, Spring or Winter
- 220 G
Enrique or Raul's shop, Summer or Fall
- 800 G

Ship Price
1 star to 5 star
120 G | 160 G | 200 G | 240 G |
280 G
264 G | 350 G | 440 G | 528 G |
616 G
960 G | 1280 G | 1600 G | 1920
G | 2240 G


Enrique or Raul's shop, not Spring - 400


480 G | 640 G | 800 G | 960 G |

1120 G

Rice Candy

Enrique or Raul's shop, Spring or Winter

- 200 G

240 G | 320 G | 400 G | 480 G |

560 G

Item Name
Chili Pepper


114 | H M : T o T T

Sea Urchin

Enrique or Raul's shop, Spring or

Summer - 500 G
Enrique or Raul's shop, Spring or
Summer - 180 G
Enrique or Raul's shop, Fall - 1000 G

600 G | 800 G | 1000 G | 1200 G

| 1400 G
216 G | 288 G | 360 G | 432 G |
504 G
1200 G | 1600 G | 2000 G | 2400
G | 2800 G

Flower Bouquets

Ship Price (1 star to 5

1380 G | 1840 G | 2300
G | 2760 G | 3220 G
1360 G | 1820 G | 2280
G | 2730 G | 3190 G
1360 G | 1820 G | 2280
G | 2730 G | 3190 G
2300 G | 3070 G | 3840
G | 4600 G | 5370 G
2280 G | 3040 G | 3800
G | 4560 G | 5320 G
144 G | 192 G | 240 G |
280 G | 330 G

Any combination of 3 Carnation, Gerbera,
Nadeshiko, Pink Rose, or Red Rose
Any combination of 3 Marguerite, Snowdrop,
or White Rose

Red Bouquet
White Bouquet
Blue Bouquet

Any combination of 3 Gentian or Blue Rose


3 Sunflower
3 Casablanca
Any other combination of 3 flowers

Flower Perfume
Item Name
Herb Perfume

Any combination of 3 Blue Rose, Pink Rose,
Red Rose, or White Rose
Any combination of 3 Chamomile, Lavender,
or Mint
Any combination of 3 Carnation, Casablanca,
or Marguerite
3 Sunflower
Any combination of 3 Gerbera or Nadeshiko
Any combination of 3 Gentain or Snowdrop
Any other combination of 3 flowers

Ship Price (1 star to 5 star)

1880 G | 2510 G | 3140 G |
3760 G | 4390 G
144 G | 192 G | 240 G |
280 G | 330 G
1380 G | 1840 G | 2300 G |
2760 G | 3220 G
2310 G | 3080 G | 3860 G |
4630 G | 5400 G
1390 G | 1900 G | 2320 G |
2780 G | 3240 G
1380 G | 1840 G | 2300 G |
2760 G | 3220 G
144 G | 192 G | 240 G |
280 G | 330 G

Alchemy Potions


Poison Mushroom + Royal Jelly + Elli Leaves + Matcha

Tea + Party Choc. Cake + Cappuccino

Ship Price
1 star to 5 star
12 G | 16 G | 20
G | 24 G | 28 G

Stamina Saver

Supreme Curry + Royal Jelly + Blue Rose + Elli

Leaves + Apricot + Strawberry Jam

12 G | 16 G | 20
G | 24 G | 28 G

Item Name


115 | H M : T o T T


Peach + Dogfish Shark + Fish Food

Night Vision

Strawberry + Carrot + Fluorite

Feline Friend

Old Boot + Cat Bell + Pet Food + Magic Red Flower


Old Ball + Dog Bone + Pet Food + Magic Blue Flower

Alpaca Pal
Wild Animal

White Alpaca Wool + Brown Alpaca Wool + Fodder +

Animal Medicine + Elli Leaves + Casablanca Bouquet
Deep-Fried Tofu + Great Cheese + Corn + Golden Egg
+ Bamboo + Rose Honey
Pho + Royal Milk Tea + Watermelon + Elli Leaves +
Adamantite + Mythic Stone
Spicy Curry + Plum Juice + Mixed Kimchi + Tomato +
Ruby + Mythic Stone
Golden Egg + Elli Leaves + Special Salmon + Special
Shishamo + Mythic Stone + Stone Tablet

12 G | 16 G | 20
G | 24 G | 28 G
12 G | 16 G | 20
G | 24 G | 28 G
12 G | 16 G | 20
G | 24 G | 28 G
12 G | 16 G | 20
G | 24 G | 28 G
12 G | 16 G | 20
G | 24 G | 28 G
12 G | 16 G | 20
G | 24 G | 28 G
10 G (no star
10 G (no star
10 G (no star

Crops, Grains, and Fruit

Item Name


Ship Price
1 star to 5 star
300 G | 400 G | 500 G | 600 G
| 700 G
456 G | 608 G | 760 G | 912 G
| 1064 G
900 G | 1200 G | 1500 G |
1800 G | 2100 G
216 G | 288 G | 360 G | 432 G
| 504 G
696 G | 928 G | 1160 G | 1392
G | 1624 G


Spring season, 4 to 5 days


Spring season, 5 to 7 days


Spring season, 10 to 14 days


Spring season, 8 to 11 days, regrow 2

to 3 days


Spring season, 7 to 10 days


Spring season, 12 to 17 days, regrow

3 to 4 days

540 G | 720 G | 900 G | 1080

G | 1260 G


Summer season, 9 to 13 days, regrow

2 to 3 days

192 G | 256 G | 320 G | 384 G

| 448 G


Summer season, 10 to 15 days,

regrow 2 to 4 days


Summer season, 5 to 7 days


Summer season, 14 to 20 days


Summer season, 12 to 17 days,

regrow 3 to 4 days


Summer season, 10 to 14 days


Summer season, 4 to 5 days


Fall season, 9 to 13 days, regrow 2 to

3 days

432 G | 576 G | 720 G | 864 G

| 1008 G
420 G | 560 G | 700 G | 840 G
| 980 G
3600 G | 4800 G | 6000 G |
7200 G | 8400 G
3000 G | 4000 G | 5000 G |
6000 G | 7000 G
840 G | 1120 G | 1400 G |
1680 G | 1960 G
516 G | 688 G | 860 G | 1032
G | 1204 G
264 G | 352 G | 440 G | 528 G
| 616 G

116 | H M : T o T T

Green Pepper

Fall season, 5 to 7 days

Fall season, 4 to 6 days, regrow 1 to 2
Fall season, 9 to 13 days, regrow 2 to
3 days


Fall season, 4 to 5 days


Winter season, 4 to 5 days

Bok Choy

Winter season, 9 to 13 days, regrow 2

to 3 days

Pink Rose

Spring season, 7 to 10 days


Spring season, 5 to 7 days


Spring season, 7 to 10 days


Spring season, 10 to 14 days

Red Rose

Summer season, 8 to 10 days


Summer season, 10 to 14 days


Fall season, 5 to 7 days


Fall season, 7 to 10 days

White Rose

Fall season, 9 to 13 days


Winter season, 7 to 10 days


Winter season, 5 to 7 days

Blue Rose

Winter season, 14 to 20 days


Any season, 28 days

Rice Stalk

Spring to Fall, 62 days


Any season, 35 days


Any season, 44 days

Coffee Beans

Spring season, regrow 3 days


Spring season, regrow 3 days


Summer season, regrow 3 days


Summer season, regrow 4 days

456 G | 608 G | 760 G | 912 G

| 1064 G
192 G | 256 G | 320 G | 384 G
| 448 G
240 G | 320 G | 400 G | 480 G
| 560 G
540 G | 720 G | 900 G | 1080
G | 1260 G
300 G | 400 G | 500 G | 600 G
| 700 G
240 G | 320 G | 400 G | 480 G
| 560 G
768 G | 1024 G | 1280 G |
1536 G | 1792 G
504 G | 672 G | 840 G | 1008
G | 1176 G
780 G | 1040 G | 1300 G |
1560 G | 1820 G
996 G | 1328 G | 1660 G |
1992 G | 2324 G
792 G | 1056 G | 1320 G |
1584 G | 1848 G
1008 G | 1344 G | 1680 G |
2016 G | 2352 G
516 G | 688 G | 860 G | 1032
G | 1204 G
780 G | 1040 G | 1300 G |
1560 G | 1820 G
960 G | 1280 G | 1600 G |
1920 G | 2240 G
756 G | 1008 G | 1260 G |
1512 G | 1764 G
504 G | 672 G | 840 G | 1008
G | 1176 G
4200 G | 5600 G | 7000 G |
8400 G | 9800 G
180 G | 240 G | 300 G | 360 G
| 420 G
216 G | 288 G | 360 G | 432 G
| 504 G
240 G | 320 G | 400 G | 480 G
| 560 G
276 G | 368 G | 460 G | 552 G
| 644 G
240 G | 320 G | 400 G | 480 G
| 560 G
192 G | 250 G | 320 G | 380 G
| 440 G
380 G | 510 G | 640 G | 760 G
| 890 G
720 G | 960 G | 1200 G | 1440
G | 1680 G

117 | H M : T o T T


Fall season, regrow 3 days


Fall season, regrow 3 days


Winter season, regrow 3 days


Fall season, regrow 4 days

Spring Tea
Summer Tea
Fall Tea Leaaves

Spring season, regrow 4 days

Summer season, regrow 4 days
Fall season, regrow 4 days

390 G | 520 G | 660 G | 790 G

| 902 G
310 G | 410 G | 520 G | 620 G
| 720 G
480 G | 640 G | 800 G | 960 G
| 1120 G
960 G | 1280 G | 1600 G |
1920 G | 2240 G
120 G | 160 G | 200 G | 240 G
| 280 G
130 G | 170 G | 220 G | 260 G
| 300 G
100 G | 140 G | 180 G | 210 G
| 250 G

Animal Products
Item Name

Produced from adult Cows

Jersey Milk
Golden Milk

Produced from adult Jersey

Produced from Cow Festival
Produced from adult Chicken

Silkie Egg
Golden Egg
Good Wool
Great Wool
White Alpaca
Brown Alpaca

Produced from adult Silkie

Produced from Chicken Festival
Produced from adult Sheep
Produced from adult Suffolk
Produced from Sheep Festival
Produced from white Alpaca
Produced from brown Alpaca

Ship Price
1 star to 5 star
240 G | 320 G | 400 G | 480 G | 560
480 G | 640 G | 800 G | 960 G |
1120 G
960 G | 1280 G | 1600 G | 1920 G |
2240 G
144 G | 192 G | 240 G | 288 G | 336
240 G | 320 G | 400 G | 480 G | 560
1200 G | 1600 G | 2000 G | 2400 G
| 2800 G
600 G | 800 G | 1000 G | 1200 G |
1400 G
960 G | 1280 G | 1200 G | 1920 G |
2240 G
2400 G | 3200 G | 4000 G | 4800 G
| 5600 G
3600 G | 4800 G | 6000 G | 7200 G
| 8000 G
3600 G | 4800 G | 6000 G | 7200 G
| 8000 G

Foraged (Wild) Items

Item Name
Material Stone

Winter season
Any season
Any season
Break Rock with Hammer
Any season

Ship Price
1 star to 5 star
5 G (no star rank)
6 G | 8 G | 10 G | 12 G | 14 G
12 G | 16 G | 20 G | 24 G | 28 G
6 G | 8 G | 10 G | 12 G | 14 G

118 | H M : T o T T

Moondrop Flower
Magic Blue Flower

Chop Branch with Axe

Spring, Summer, or Fall season
Spring, Summer, or Fall season

Magic Red Flower

Summer or Fall season


Spring or Summer season

Elli Leaves

Winter season


Fall season


Spring, Summer, or Winter



Fall season


Summer season


Summer season

Bamboo Shoot

Spring season


Summer or Fall season


Spring or Summer season


Fall season

Coral Mushroom

Summer or Fall season

Brown Mushroom

Spring or Summer season

Poison Mushroom

Spring, Summer, or Fall season

Spring, Summer, or Fall season
Spring or Summer season
Fall or Winter season


Spring or Fall season

12 G | 16 G | 20 G | 24 G | 28 G
36 G | 48 G | 60 G | 72 G | 84 G
36 G | 48 G | 60 G | 72 G | 84 G
72 G | 96 G | 120 G | 144 G | 168
120 G | 140 G | 200 G | 240 G |
280 G
300 G | 400 G | 500 G | 600 G |
700 G
90 G | 120 G | 150 G | 180 G | 210
60 G | 80 G | 100 G | 120 G | 140
60 G | 80 G | 100 G | 120 G | 140
60 G | 80 G | 100 G | 120 G | 140
60 G | 80 G | 100 G | 120 G | 140
60 G | 80 G | 100 G | 120 G | 140
90 G | 120 G | 150 G | 180 G | 210
120 G | 140 G | 200 G | 240 G |
280 G
120 G | 140 G | 200 G | 240 G |
280 G
120 G | 140 G | 200 G | 240 G |
280 G
120 G | 140 G | 200 G | 240 G |
280 G
30 G | 40 G | 50 G | 60 G | 70 G
36 G | 48 G | 60 G | 72 G | 84 G
36 G | 48 G | 60 G | 72 G | 84 G
36 G | 48 G | 60 G | 72 G | 84 G
90 G | 120 G | 150 G | 180 G | 210

Jewels and Ore

Item Name
Scrap Metal

Mountain foraging spots and Inside the
Mountain waterfall foraging spot, Inside the
tunnel, and Mine: Spots 1 and 3


Inside the tunnel and Mine: Spots 1 and 3


Inside the tunnel and Mine: Spots 1 and 3


Mine: Spots 1 and 3

Ship Price
1 Star to 5 Stars
12 G | 16 G | 20 G | 24 G | 26
600 G | 800 G | 1000 G | 1200
G | 1400 G
5400 G | 7200 G | 9000 G |
10,800 G | 12,600 G
6000 G | 8000 G | 10,000 G |
12,000 G | 14,000 G
3840 G | 5120 G | 6400 G |
7680 G | 8960 G

119 | H M : T o T T


Mine: Spots 1 and 3

Mythic Ore

Mine: Spots 2 and 4


Mine: Spots 1 and 3

Stone Tablet

Mine: Spots 1 and 3

Ore Stone

Mine: All 4 spots


Mine: Spots 2 and 4


Mine: Spots 2 and 4


Mine: Spots 2 and 4


Mine: Spots 2 and 4


Mine: Spots 2 and 4


Mine: Spots 2 and 4


Mine: Spots 2 and 4


Mine: Spots 2 and 4


Mine: Spots 2 and 4

Moon Stone

Mine: Spots 2 and 4


Mine: Spots 2 and 4

Ore Stone

3840 G | 5120 G | 6400 G |

7680 G | 8960 G
3840 G | 5120 G | 6400 G |
7680 G | 8960 G
600 G | 800 G | 1000 G | 1200
G | 1400 G
4440 G | 5920 G | 7400 G |
8880 G | 10,360 G
4440 G | 5920 G | 7400 G |
8880 G | 10,360 G
4440 G | 5920 G | 7400 G |
8880 G | 10,360 G
4440 G | 5920 G | 7400 G |
8880 G | 10,360 G
4440 G | 5920 G | 7400 G |
8880 G | 10,360 G
4440 G | 5920 G | 7400 G |
8880 G | 10,360 G
4440 G | 5920 G | 7400 G |
8880 G | 10,360 G
4440 G | 5920 G | 7400 G |
8880 G | 10,360 G
4800 G | 6400 G | 8000 G |
9600 G | 11,200 G
5400 G | 7200 G | 9000 G |
10,800 G | 12,600 G
6000 G | 8000 G | 10,000 G |
12,000 G | 14,000 G
18,000 G | 24,000 G | 30,000
G | 36,000 G | 42,000 G
1 G (no star rank)

Mine: Spots 2 and 4

Any season

Item Name
Brown Cicada
Kaempfer Cicada
Spring Cicada
Princess Cicada
Grass Cicada
Opal Cicada
Screeching Cicada
Chattering Cicada
Singing Cicada
Sitting Cicada
Evening Cicada
Bear Cicada
Rhinoceros Beetle

Bluebell Low, Summer season
Bluebell Mid or Konohana Mid, Summer season
Bluebell High, Summer season
Konohana High, Summer season
Bluebell High, Summer season
Bluebell Mid or Konohana High, Summer season
Bluebell Mid, Summer season
Bluebell Low, Summer season
Bluebell Low, Summer season
Bluebell Mid or Konohana Mid, Summer season
Konohana High, Summer season
Bluebell High, Summer season
Bluebell Low or Konohana Mid, Summer season

Ship Price
(no star
20 G
20 G
40 G
100 G
30 G
30 G
100 G
250 G
40 G
50 G
120 G
400 G
40 G

120 | H M : T o T T

Pincer Beetle
Big Pincer Beetle
Atlas Beetle
Elephant Beetle
Stag Beetle
Anubis Beetle
Hercules Beetle
White Beetle
White Morn Beetle
White Hill Beetle
White Giant Beetle
Red Dragonfly
Risi Dragonfly
Sunrise Dragonfly
Amber Dragonfly
Crimson Dragonfly
Blue Dragonfly
Common Skimmer
Azure Dragonfly
Cobalt Dragonfly
Ancient Dragonfly
Yellow Damselfly
Golden Dragonfly
Pacific Dragonfly
Aegis Dragonfly
Emperor Dragonfly
Japanese Firefly
Black Firefly
Candle Firefly
Lantern Firefly
Pacific Firefly
Cabbage Firefly
Yellow Firefly
Mustache Firefly
Princess Firefly
Spotted Firefly
Summer Firefly
Emperor Firefly
Tree Frog

White-lipped Frog

Red-eyed Tree Frog

Bluebell Mid, Summer season

Bluebell High, Summer season
Bluebell Low, Summer season
Bluebell Mid or Konohana High, Summer season
Bluebell Low or Konohana Mid, Summer season
Bluebell High, Summer season
Bluebell Mid, Summer season
Bluebell High, Summer season
Bluebell Low, Summer season
Konohana High, Summer season
Konohana Mid, Summer season
Bluebell Low or Konohana Low, Fall season
Bluebell Mid, Winter season
Bluebell Mid or Konohana Mid, Fall season
Bluebell High, Fall season
Konohana High, Fall season
Konohana Mid, Fall season
Konohana Mid, Fall season
Bluebell Low, Fall season
Bluebell Mid or Konohana High, Fall season
Bluebell High or Konohana Low, Fall season
Bluebell Low, Fall season
Bluebell High or Konohana Mid, Fall season
Bluebell Mid or Konohana Low, Fall season
Bluebell Low or Konohana Mid, Fall season
Konohana Mid, Winter season
Konohana High, Fall season
Konohana Mid, Fall season
Bluebell Low or Konohana Mid, Summer season
Bluebell High, Summer season
Konohana High, Summer season
Bluebell Low, Summer season
Bluebell Mid or Konohana High, Summer season
Bluebell Low or Konohana Mid, Summer season
Konohana Low, Summer season
Konohana Low, Summer season
Bluebell High or Konohana Low, Summer season
Bluebell Mid or Konohana Mid, Summer season
Konohana High, Summer season
Konohana High, Summer season
Bluebell Low or Konohana Low, Spring season
Bluebell Mid or Konohana Mid, Summer season
Bluebell Mid, Konohana Low, or Konohana High,
Spring season
Konohana Low or Konohana High, Summer season
Bluebell Low, Fall season
Bluebell Low or Konohana Mid, Spring season
Bluebell Low, Summer season
Bluebell Low or Konohana Low, Fall season

40 G
60 G
100 G
50 G
50 G
70 G
200 G
60 G
60 G
180 G
600 G
20 G
20 G
20 G
40 G
40 G
40 G
40 G
60 G
100 G
800 G
60 G
100 G
200 G
400 G
2000 G
20 G
20 G
30 G
100 G
30 G
30 G
40 G
300 G
40 G
40 G
80 G
1200 G
20 G

30 G

30 G

121 | H M : T o T T

White's Tree Frog

Spotted Pond Frog
Small White
Scarce Large Blue
Nymph Butterfly
White Swallowtail
White Morpho
Pale Cloud Yellow
Comma Butterfly
Ringed Butterfly
Oki Butterfly
Purple Emperor
Miyama Swallowtail
Purple Brush-Foot
Velvet Brush-Foot
Helena Morpho

Piggyback Locust

Konohana Low, Summer season

Konohana Mid, Fall season

20 G

Bluebell Mid, Summer season

Konohana Mid, Fall season
Bluebell Low or Konohana Mid, Spring season
Bluebell Mid or Konohana Low, Spring season
Konohana Mid, Fall season
Bluebell High, Spring season
Konohana High, Summer season
Bluebell Mid, Fall season
Konohana High, Spring season
Bluebell High, Summer season
Bluebell Low, Spring season
Bluell Mid or Konohana Mid, Spring season
Konohana Mid, Summer season
Bluebell Low or Konohana High, Spring season
Bluebell Mid, Fall season
Konohana Low, Spring season
Bluebell High, Summer season
Konohana Mid, Fall season
Bluebell High, Spring season
Konohana High, Summer season
Bluebell Mid, Spring or Fall season
Bluebell High or Konohana Low, Spring season
Konohana Low, Summer season
Bluebell Low or Konohana Mid, Spring season
Konohana High, Spring season
Bluebell High, Summer season
Bluebell Mid, Spring season
Konohana High, Summer season
Bluebell High, Fall season
Konohana High, Spring season
Bluebell Low or Konohana Mid, Spring season
Bluebell High, Summer season
Konohana High, Fall season
Bluebell Mid or Konohana Low, Winter season
Bluebell Mid or Konohana Low, Spring season
Konohana High, Summer season
Bluebell Low or Konohana Mid, Fall season
Konohana Mid, Winter season

100 G
20 G
20 G
30 G
40 G
100 G
30 G
30 G
40 G
50 G
200 G
40 G
50 G
60 G
100 G
400 G
20 G

20 G


Bluebell High, Spring season

Bluebell Low or Konohana Mid, Summer season
Bluebell Mid or Konohana Low, Fall season

20 G

Kutsuwa Katydid

Konohana High, Spring season

Bluebell Mid or Konohana Low, Summer season
Bluebell High, Fall season
Bluebell Low, Winter season

40 G

Migratory Locust

Konohana High, Summer season

100 G

122 | H M : T o T T


Spotted Locust

Dirt Grasshopper

Hira Grasshopper
Emma Field Cricket
Spiked Locust

Eastern Locust

Cornered Cricket
Ant Hill Cricket

Bluebell Mid or Konohana High, Spring season

Konohana Low, Summer season
Bluebell High, Fall season
Bluebell Low or Konohana Mid, Winter season
Bluebell Low or Konohana Mid, Spring season
Bluebell High, Summer season
Bluebell Mid, Konohana Low, or Konohana High, Fall
Konohana Low, Spring season
Bluebell Mid or Konohana High, Summer season
Bluebell Low or Konohana Mid, Fall season
Bluebell High, Spring season
Bluebell Low or Konohana Mid, Summer season
Bluebell Mid or Konohana Low, Winter season
Bluebell High, Fall season
Bluebell High or Konohana Low, Spring season
Bluebell Low, Summer season
Konohana High, Fall season
Bluebell Low, Spring season
Bluebell High or Konohana Low, Summer season
Bluebell Mid or Konohana Mid, Fall season
Bluebell Mid, Winter season
Konohana High, Spring season
Bluebell Mid or Konohana Mid, Summer season
Bluebell Low, Fall season
Konohana Low, Winter season
Bluebell High, Fall season

30 G

30 G

30 G

35 G
200 G
40 G

40 G

60 G
600 G


Small Coin
Fish Bones
Old Boot
Old Ball
Fish Fossil
Letter in a

Bare-hand fishing
Any season
Any season
Bare-hand fishing
Konohana Mid or Konohana High

Ship Price
1 Star to 5 Star
100 G (no star rank)
20 G (no star rank)
20 G (no star rank)
20 G (no star rank)
4000 G (no star rank)

Bluebell High or Konohana Mid

2000 G (no star rank)

Bluebell Low or Konohana Low

200 G (no star rank)


Konohana High, Spring to Fall season

Small Sweetfish

Konohana Low, Spring or Summer season

Large Sweetfish

Konohana High, Fall or Winter season

Item Name

Small Char


Konohana Mid, Spring, Summer, or Fall

Bluebell Low or Konohana Low, Spring

240 G | 320 G | 400 G |

480 G | 560 G
30 G | 40 G | 50 G | 60 G |
70 G
380 G | 510 G | 640 G |
760 G | 890 G
250 G | 330 G | 420 G |
500 G | 580 G
30 G | 40 G | 50 G | 60 G |
70 G

123 | H M : T o T T

Large Char

Konohana Mid, Spring season

420 G | 560 G | 640 G |

760 G | 890 G


Bluebell High or Konohana Mid, Spring or

Summer season

310 G | 410 G | 520 G |

620 G | 720 G

Small Eel
Large Eel
Small Carp
Small Salmon
Special Salmon
Small Icefish
Large Icefish
Sea Bass
Small Sea Bass
Large Sea Bass
Small Loach
Large Loach
Small Goby
Large Goby
Small Funa

Bluebell Low or Konohana Low, Summer

Konohana Mid or Konohana High, Summer

30 G | 40 G | 50 G | 60 G |
70 G
390 G | 520 G | 660 G |
790 G | 920 G
360 G | 480 G | 600 G |
Konohana Mid, Any season
720 G | 840 G
30 G | 40 G | 50 G | 60 G |
Konohana Low, Summer or Fall season
70 G
Bluebell High or Konohana Mid, Summer or 390 G | 520 G | 660 G |
Fall season
790 G | 920 G
180 G | 240 G | 300 G |
Konohana High, Spring season
360 G | 420 G
450 G | 600 G | 760 G |
Konohana High, Fall season
910 G | 1060 G
140 G | 190 G | 240 G |
All Locations, Any season
280 G | 330 G
30 G | 40 G | 50 G | 60 G |
Bluebell Low, Spring or Summer season
70 G
340 G | 460 G | 580 G |
Konohana Mid, Fall or Winter season
690 G | 810 G
Konohana High, Spring, Summer, or Fall
80 G | 110 G | 140 G | 160
G | 190 G
Bluebell Low, Summer season
30 G | 40 G | 50 G | 60 G |
Konohana Low, Fall season
70 G
360 G | 480 G | 600 G |
Konohana Mid, Spring season
720 G | 840 G
Konohana Mid or Konohana High, Spring,
370 G | 490 G | 620 G |
Summer, or Fall season
740 G | 860 G
300 G | 400 G | 500 G |
Konohana Mid, Spring season
600 G | 700 G
Konohana Mid or Konohana High, Summer 400 G | 540 G | 680 G |
810 G | 950 G
Bluebell High or Konohana Mid, Spring or
260 G | 350 G | 440 G |
Summer season
520 G | 610 G
Bluebell Low or Konohana Low, Summer or 30 G | 40 G | 50 G | 60 G |
Fall season
70 G
Bluebell High or Konohana Mid, Summer
360 G | 480 G | 600 G |
720 G | 840 G
Bluebell Low or Konohana Low, Any
120 G | 160 G | 200 G |
240 G | 280 G
30 G | 40 G | 50 G | 60 G |
Bluebell Low, Spring season
70 G
360 G | 480 G | 600 G |
Konohana Mid, Winter season
720 G | 840 G
Konohana High, Spring, Summer, or Fall
240 G | 320 G | 400 G |
480 G | 560 G
Bluebell Low, Summer or Fall season
30 G | 40 G | 50 G | 60 G |
Konohana Low, Spring or Summer season 70 G

124 | H M : T o T T

Large Funa

Konohana High, Spring season

Black Bass

All Locations, Any season

Small Black
Large Black

Bluebell Low or Konohana Low, Summer



All Locations, Any season

Small Bluegill

Bluebell Low or Konohana Low, Summer


Large Bluegill

Bluebell High, Winter season

Small Trout
Large Trout
Small Killifish
Large Killifish
Masu Salmon
Small Masu
Large Masu
Small Smelt

Bluebell High, Winter season

Bluebell High or Konohan High, Spring,

Summer, or Fall season
Bluebell Low, Summer season
Konohana Low, Spring season
Bluebell High or Konohana High, Fall or
Winter season
Bluebell Low or Konohana Low, Spring,
Summer, or Fall season
Bluebell Low or Konohana Low, Spring,
Summer, or Fall season
Bluebell High, Fall season
Konohana Mid, Spring, Summer, or Fall
Bluebell Low or Konohana Low, Spring
Konohana Mid, Fall season
Konohana High, Spring, Summer, or Fall
Bluebell High or Konohana Mid, Summer
Konohana Mid, Summer season
Bluebell High, Konohana Mid, or Konohana
High, Winter season
Bluebell Low or Konohana Low, Spring

Large Smelt

Konohana High, Winter season

Blue Crab

Bluebell Low, Summer season

Small Crab
Small Blue Crab

Bluebell Low, Summer season

Konohana Low, Spring, Summer, or Fall
Bluebell Low, Summer or Fall season
Konohana Low, Spring season
Konohana Low, Summer season

360 G | 480 G | 600 G |

720 G | 840 G
120 G | 160 G | 200 G |
240 G | 280 G
30 G | 40 G | 50 G | 60 G |
70 G
240 G | 320 G | 400 G |
480 G | 560 G
100 G | 140 G | 180 G |
210 G | 250 G
30 G | 40 G | 50 G | 60 G |
70 G
240 G | 320 G | 400 G |
480 G | 560 G
240 G | 320 G | 400 G |
480 G | 560 G
30 G | 40 G | 50 G | 60 G |
70 G
310 G | 410 G | 520 G |
620 G | 720 G
20 G | 30 G | 40 G | 40 G |
50 G
30 G | 40 G | 50 G | 60 G |
70 G
360 G | 480 G | 600 G |
720 G | 840 G
260 G | 350 G | 440 G |
520 G | 610 G
30 G | 40 G | 50 G | 60 G |
70 G
390 G | 520 G | 660 G |
790 G | 920 G
250 G | 330 G | 420 G |
500 G | 580 G
210 G | 280 G | 360 G |
430 G | 500 G
360 G | 480 G | 600 G |
720 G | 840 G
140 G | 190 G | 240 G |
280 G | 330 G
30 G | 40 G | 50 G | 60 G |
70 G
300 G | 400 G | 500 G |
600 G | 700 G
30 G | 40 G | 60 G | 60 G |
70 G
20 G | 30 G | 40 G | 40 G |
50 G
30 G | 40 G | 50 G | 60 G |
70 G
30 G | 40 G | 50 G | 60 G |
70 G

125 | H M : T o T T


Bluebell High or Konohana Mid, Summer



Konohana High, Summer season

Ocean Sunfish

Bluebell High, Summer season

Dogfish Shark

Konohana Mid, Summer season

Moray Eel

Konohana Mid, Winter season


Bluebell High, Winter season


Konohana Mid, Winter season

1200 G | 1600 G | 2000 G |

2400 G | 2600 G
1200 G | 1600 G | 2000 G |
2400 G | 2600 G
1800 G | 2400 G | 3000 G |
3600 G | 4200 G
180 G | 240 G | 300 G |
360 G | 420 G
840 G | 1120 G | 1400 G |
1680 G | 1960 G
840 G | 1120 G | 1400 G |
1680 G | 1960 G
1200 G | 1600 G | 2000 G |
2400 G | 2600 G

Miscellaneous Items
Ship Price
(no star rank)
Kitchen failed recipe
Quest reward from the Oracle
50,000 G
Raul or Enrique shops - 2500 G 2500 G
Raul or Enrique shops - 2500 G 2500 G
Cheryl's shop - 500 G
500 G
Jessica's shop - 60 G
60 G
Cheryl's shop - 80 G
80 G
Cheryl's shop - 500 G
500 G
Cheryl's shop - 700 G
700 G
Cheryl's shop - 700 G
700 G
Cheryl's shop - 700 G
700 G
Raul or Enrique's shops - 150 G 150 G
Raul or Enrique's shops - 150 G 150 G
Raul or Enrique's shops - 150 G 150 G
Raul's shop - 150 G
150 G
Gombe's shop - 1000 G
1000 G

Item Name


Failed Dish
Magic Water
Dog Bone
Cat Bell
Animal Medicine
Chicken Feed
Vegetable Treat
Grain Treat
Nutra Treat
Pet Food
Owl Food
Horse Treat
Fish Food

Item Name

Required Items

Ship Price
1 Star to 5 Stars
140 G | 190 G | 240 G | 280 G |
330 G
200 G | 270 G | 340 G | 400 G |
470 G
360 G | 480 G | 600 G | 720 G |
840 G

Turnip Seeds


Potato Seeds


Cabbage Seeds


Cucumber Seeds


420 G | 560 G | 700 G | 840 G |

980 G

Asparagus Seeds


280 G | 380 G | 480 G | 570 G |

670 G

126 | H M : T o T T

Strawberry Seeds


Tomato Seeds


Corn Seeds


Onion Seeds




Pineapple Seeds


Pumpkin Seeds


Radish Seeds


Eggplant Seeds


Carrot Seeds


Yam Seeds


Green Pepper

Green Pepper

Spinach Seeds


Daikon Seeds


Bok Choy Seeds

Bok Choy

Pink Rose Seeds

Pink Rose

Marguerite Seeds


Carnation Seeds




Red Rose Seeds

Red Rose

Sunflower Seeds


Nadeshiko Seeds


Gerbera Seeds


White Rose

White Rose

Snowdrop Seeds


Gentian Seeds


1020 G | 1360 G | 1710 G | 2050

G | 2390 G
120 G | 160 G | 200 G | 240 G |
280 G
580 G | 780 G | 980 G | 1170 G |
1370 G
140 G | 190 G | 240 G | 280 G |
330 G
3600 G | 4800 G | 6000 G | 7200
G | 8400 G
4800 G | 6400 G | 8000 G | 9600
G | 11,200 G
260 G | 350 G | 440 G | 530 G |
610 G
300 G | 400 G | 500 G | 600 G |
700 G
390 G | 520 G | 660 G | 790 G |
920 G
180 G | 240 G | 300 G | 360 G |
420 G
1140 G | 1520 G | 1900 G | 2280
G | 2660 G
240 G | 320 G | 400 G | 480 G |
560 G
340 G | 460 G | 520 G | 690 G |
810 G
130 G | 170 G | 220 G | 260 G |
300 G
440 G | 590 G | 740 G | 880 G |
1030 G
310 G | 410 G | 520 G | 620 G |
720 G
160 G | 220 G | 280 G | 330 G |
390 G
300 G | 400 G | 500 G | 600 G |
700 G
330 G | 440 G | 560 G | 670 G |
780 G
270 G | 360 G | 450 G | 540 G |
630 G
310 G | 410 G | 520 G | 620 G |
720 G
140 G | 190 G | 240 G | 290 G |
340 G
300 G | 400 G | 500 G | 600 G |
700 G
240 G | 320 G | 400 G | 480 G |
560 G
270 G | 360 G | 450 G | 540 G |
630 G
160 G | 220 G | 280 G | 330 G |
390 G

127 | H M : T o T T

Blue Rose Seeds

Blue Rose

Wheat Seeds

Wheat + Fertilizer

Rice Seedling

Rice Stalk + Fertilizer

Buckwheat Seeds

Buckwheat + Fertilizer

Soybean Seeds

Soybean + Fertilizer

Coffee Tree Seed

Coffee Beans + Fertilizer

Cherry Tree Seed

Cherry + Fertilizer

Peach Tree Seed

Peach + Fertilizer

Banana Tree

Banana + Fertilizer

Grape Tree Seed

Grape + Fertilizer

Apple Tree Seed

Apple + Fertilizer

Mandarin Tree

Mandarin + Fertilizer

Cocoa Tree Seed

Cocoa + Fertilizer

Tea Tree Seeds

Spring Tea Leaves + Summer

Tea Leaves
+ Fall Tea Leaves

1800 G | 2400 G | 3000 G | 3600

G | 4200 G
70 G | 90 G | 120 G | 140 G | 160
100 G | 140 G | 180 G | 210 G |
250 G
90 G | 120 G | 160 G | 190 G | 220
120 G | 160 G | 200 G | 240 G |
280 G
140 G | 190 G | 240 G | 290 G |
340 G
120 G | 160 G | 200 G | 240 G |
280 G
300 G | 400 G | 500 G | 600 G |
700 G
360 G | 480 G | 600 G | 720 G |
840 G
390 G | 520 G | 660 G | 790 G |
920 G
160 G | 220 G | 280 G | 330 G |
390 G
700 G | 940 G | 1180 G | 1410 G |
1650 G
2400 G | 3200 G | 4000 G | 4800
G | 5600 G
1200 G | 1600 G | 2000 G | 2400
G | 2800 G

128 | H M : T o T T

Crops & Animals

The Crop Fields
Before you can plant crops, you will need to clear the
wild grass from your field areas. You'll need to clear
the grass whether you're living in Bluebell or
Konohana. To find where your field spaces are, walk
around the grassy area until the grass appears tall.
Then, take out the Sickle and use it to cut the grass.
Once the grass has been removed, you can till the soil
with your Hoe. You can create holes or trenches to
plant your crops in. If you till up the soil and then don't plant anything, the soil will
return to normal after 7 days. If another week goes by and you still do nothing, then
the tall grass will reclaim the field space and you'll have to cut it down again if you
want to use it.
The amount of field space you have will depend on the farm you decide to live on.
The Bluebell farm doesn't have much room for crops and the Konohana farm has a
lot of space for crops. Even if you're specifically living on one farm, you can use the
field space on the other farm. You just have to travel to the other farm in order to
tend the remote crops if necessary.
For example, if you are living in Bluebell you can plant the Konohana field spaces
with Buckwheat, which is a crop that doesn't require watering. Then you can
continue to live on your Bluebell farm and simply have to visit the Konohana farm 35
days later to harvest all of the Konohana-grown Buckwheat.
The amount of field space available will change as you complete Eileen's
renovations and make your farm larger.

129 | H M : T o T T

Bluebell Farm Field Spaces

When you first start out in Bluebell, you have a small amount of crop space. There's
a small area by your farmhouse and then some areas along the path that leads to
After you have Eileen built a Bee Hut, some more spaces open up by the huts. Even
if you have all 6 huts built, the amount of crop space next to the huts won't be
increased or decreased.
The spaces below the pasture area will become available after Eileen completed the
third pasture expansion, which allows you to house 16 livestock animals in your barn.
Once you ask Eileen to build the Maker Shed, the space behind your house
becomes available. This is the only space large enough to plant a tree on the
Bluebell farm. Having a tree growing on the Bluebell farm is necessary if you want
your Bee Huts to produce Fruit Honey.

130 | H M : T o T T

Konohana Farm Field Spaces

The amount of space you have for crops in Konohana is massive when compared to
Bluebell. The beginning crop spaces are much larger. There's even a few little spots
for crops just below the animal pasture area. Eileen's renovations will concentrate on
expanding your field space. She has five field renovations:

Make Field "C" #1 will add 46 field squares to the left of the beginning spaces

Make Field "C" #2 will add 58 field squares to the north of the beginning area
and field expansion #1

Make Field "C" #3 will add 51 field squares north of field expansion #2

Make Field "C" #4 will add 30 field squares in the far north of the farm as well
as an additional watering can fill-up trough

Make Field "C" #5 will add 78 field squares behind your house

You can also add some field space east of your house by having Eileen built the
sluice gate and waterwheel.

131 | H M : T o T T

Growing Crops
Raising crops in your fields is a large aspect of any Harvest Moon game. In this
version, the location of your farm will determine how much space you have available
for growing crops. The farm in Bluebell Town has very small crop fields while the
farm in Konohana Town has a few smaller fields and one really large field.
You can use either towns' fields regardless of where you are living. For
example, if you are living in Bluebell Town you can grow crops in the larger
Konohana Town field. The only downside is that you have to travel all the way to
Konohana Town to water and harvest your crops.
Buying Seeds
Crop seeds can be purchased at Gombe's Crop Store.
His shop is open at 10:00 am, Wednesday through
Sunday, excluding festival and bad weather days.
Gombe's inventory will change seasonally as well as
daily. He only sells the seeds that can be planted in
the current season you are in. As the years progress,
Gombe will sell new seeds. The last seeds are
available starting in year 3.
Besides the seeds that Gombe sells, you can buy flower seeds from Cam's flower
shop in Bluebell Town. Cam is open starting at 10:00 am on Sunday, Tuesday,
Wednesday, and Saturday, excluding festivals and bad weather days. Cam's
inventory also changes each day his shop is open, and the last type of seed he sells
is available starting in year 3.
Whether you use crop or flower seeds, each bag of seed contains 1 seed. If you
want to grow 6 Turnips, then you will need to buy 6 bags of Turnip Seeds.
Later in the game you can get the Seed Maker built on your Konohana farm. This will
allow you to turn crops, flowers, fruit, and grains into seeds.
Uncovering The Soil
The first thing you'll need to do is clear the wild grass from your fields in order to
uncover the soil. This can be done by cutting the grass with the Sickle. The cut grass
does not become Fodder for animals.

If you live in Bluebell Town, you will receive a Sickle, Hoe, Watering Can,
and 1 Fertilizer from Rutger on Spring 10. If you go through his farming
tutorial you will also receive 1 Turnip Seed to use during the tutorial.

If you live in Konohana Town, you will receive a Sickle, Hoe, Watering Can,
and 1 Fertilizer from Ina on Spring 2. If you go through her farming tutorial
you will also receive 3 Turnip Seeds to use during the tutorial.

132 | H M : T o T T

Once you get the Sickle, look for the tall grass on your
farm. If the grass you stand on doesn't come up to
your waist, then it can't be cut down to make a field.
Equip the Sickle and use it on the tall grass to cut it
down and exposing the soil underneath.
As you're cutting away the grass, you may find moles
that pop up out of the soil. If you switch tools and use
your Hammer or Hoe to hit it, you have a 1% chance
of getting a Carrot, Potato, or Onion.
If you leave the mole alone, it will eventually dig back down into the ground. You
can't befriend the mole like you can with other wild animals.
Digging Holes and Trenches
There are two ways you can plant your seeds; individually in their own spots, or
linked together into rows.
Single-spots are your typical Harvest Moon planting style. Hit the soil with your hoe,
move to the next spot, use your hoe again, and so on. This technique doesn't require
anything special and you don't need to be taught to do it by one of the mayors.
The other way is to tie your soil together using furrows
or rows. You will learn about making furrows from the
mayor of the town you are living in. Until you see the
tutorial, you can not link your soil together into
furrows. Bluebell farmers will learn about furrows from
Rutger on Spring 16 and Konohana farmers will learn
about the technique from Ina on Spring 05.
To make a row in your soil, press A to swing your
hoe and then press A again plus the direction you want to till in once your hoe
hits the soil. Your farmer will move on its own to the next spot and swing again.
Then you just repeat the button presses until you're finished.
It becomes easier to make rows after you upgrade your hoe. Raise Sheng's
friendship to 2 White Flowers and then watch the message board in Konohana Town.
After accepting his normal tool upgrade request and selecting the Hoe, you just have
to pay the blacksmith 5000 G to upgrade the hoe to level 2. You can then hold down
the A button to make longer rows and you don't have to worry about quickly pressing
A + direction to connect the soil together.
If you don't do anything with the tilled soil, it will return to being untilled after seven
days. Another seven days later and the tall grass will reclaim the land. You will have
to cut and till the soil again if you want to use it.

133 | H M : T o T T

Watering Your Crops

Your crops need to be watered once per day. Simply
fill up your Watering Can at your water trough and then
use it on your planted seeds. For single-planted crops
you have to water each one at a time, but if you have
your crops in rows then one use of the can will water
all of the crops. Very convenient!
The crop's soil will dry out after 12 hours, allowing you
to water the crop a second time. Watering your crops
twice per day will speed up the time required for the crop to mature. Because
this version of Harvest Moon has mid-day weather changes, the changes will affect
the crop growth:

All day sunny = You can water once and then a second time 12 hours later

All day rainy = Can't water your crops and rain counts for one-water that day

Sunny -> Rainy at 1:00 pm = Only get one-water that day, even if you watered
before the rain started

Rainy -> Sunny at 1:00 pm = If you wait until 6:00 pm then the soil will dry and
you can water a second time that day

Snowy weather does not count for watering your soil. When growing crops in Winter,
you will still need to manually water your crops.
Using Fertilize to Increase Star Rank
In order to win the Konohana crop festivals you will need to increase the star rank of
the crops you grow. Higher star ranks also increases the amount of profit you earn
when you ship the crops.
Each half star on a star rank is worth 30 Star Points. The 5th star will appear when
you reach 271 SP (with a maximum of 300 SP). To increase a crop's star rank, you
need to place Fertilizer next to the crop in your field. Each day the Fertilizer will give
your crop 1 SP. Fertilizer can be bought from Gombe's Seed Shop in Konohana
Town for 1000 G each. He will randomly sell it all year long so keep an eye out for it.
To use the Fertilizer, hoe the ground next to your crop and then plant the Fertilizer as
though you were planting crops. The Fertilizer will stay there, giving your crop 1 SP
every day, until it is used up. Any crop touching the 3x3 square around the placed
Fertilizer will gain a point each day. You do not need to water a Fertilizer stick.
Re-harvestable crops will still increase in star rank if you keep Fertilizer next to it!

134 | H M : T o T T

One way to fertilize your crops is with a single

planting surrounded by Fertilizer sticks. Each day the
crop will gain 8 SP. When there is only one crop to
fertilize, the stick will last quite a long time.
The faster way to increase your star rank is to
bombard your crop with a lot of Fertilizer by placing
the sticks in a furrow. This allows you to earn as many
points as sticks that you have placed in the rows,
expanding the number of points to more than 8 SP per
day. You will need to have the money to buy a lot of
Fertilizer, but the results are accelerated compared to
the block-of-8 method.
Once your crop has reached 5-stars you may want to
convert it back to seeds so you don't have to go
through the whole process over again. You will need
to get the first Rice Paddy constructed on the Konohana Farm in order to unlock the
Seed Maker. The first Rice Paddy request will become available after you have
expanded the Konohana crop field tree times and then complete the "Rice Paddy
and Waterwheel" construction request.
The Seed Maker will take a crop and turn it into two bags of seeds, preserving the
crop's star points. Seeds can be stored in your horse cart and do not lose freshness
or star rank.
You can't pick up Fertilizer once it has been planted. You have to wait until it is used
up or you can smash it with your hammer. If there isn't a crop to fertilize next to the
stick, the Fertilizer won't be used and will sit there until you destory or use it up.
Besides the basic Fertlizer sticks for sale at Gombe's, you can have the Oracle craft
special fertilizer. Visit her house on Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, or Saturday
between 4:00 pm and 9:00 pm to find her standing in front of her alchemy pot. If you
bring her the right ingredients and 1000 G, she will give you special fertilizer.

Water Fertilizer: Automatically waters your crops each day for one-water
Recipe: Watermelon + Adamantite + Mythic Stone + Elli Leaves + Pho +
Royal Milk Tea

Speed Fertilizer: Counts towards the second-watering each day

Recipe: Tomato + Ruby + Mythic Stone + Mixed Kimchi + Plum Juice + Spicy

Bounty Fertilizer: Bonus harvest multiplier

Recipe: Elli Leaves + Special Salmon + Special Shishamo + Gold Egg +
Mythic Stone + Stone Tablet

The Bounty Fertilizer will give you the harvestable crop multiplied by how many
sticks you use. If you are growing a Turnip you usually only get one crop when you
pick it, but if you put a Bounty Fertilizer next to it, then you will get two Turnips when
you harvest. A second Bounty Fertilizer will get you three Turnips, and so on.
135 | H M : T o T T

Spring Seasonal Crops

Note: If you receive crop seeds as a prize for participating in the cooking fesivals or
as a reward from a message board request, then Gombe will start to sell that seed in
his shop. This allows you to unlock seeds before Gombe is scheduled to add them to
his store inventory.
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3
Gombe's Shop 120 G
Water once per day

3 days

2 days

Water twice per day

2 days

2 days


Total: 5 days 0.5 stars: 250 G

2.5 stars: 450 G
Total: 4 days 5 stars: 700 G

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3
Gombe's Shop 170 G
Water once per day
4 days
3 days
Total: 7 days 0.5 stars: 380 G
2.5 stars: 680 G
Water twice per day
3 days
2 days
Total: 5 days 5 stars: 1060 G

Gombe's Shop 300 G Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4
Year 2 or later
Water once per day
4 days
6 days
4 days
Total: 14 days 0.5 stars: 750 G
2.5 stars: 1350 G
Water twice per day
3 days
4 days
3 days
Total: 10 days 5 stars: 2100 G

Gombe's Shop 350 G Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4
Year 2 or later
Water once per day
4 days
4 days
3 days
Total: 11 days 0.5 stars: 180 G
2.5 stars: 320 G
Water twice per day
3 days
3 days
2 days
Total: 8 days
5 stars: 500 G
Multi-harvestable crop: Returns to Stage 3 when picked

Gombe's Shop 240 G Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4
Year 3 or later
Water once per day
4 days
3 days
3 days
Total: 10 days 0.5 stars: 580 G
2.5 stars: 1040 G
Water twice per day
3 days
2 days
2 days
Total: 7 days
5 stars: 1620 G

136 | H M : T o T T

Gombe's Shop 850 G Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4
Year 3 or later
Water once per day
4 days
9 days
4 days
Total: 17 days 0.5 stars: 450 G
2.5 stars: 810 G
Water twice per day
3 days
6 days
3 days
Total: 12 days 5 stars: 1260 G
Multi-harvestable crop: Returns to Stage 3 when picked

Cam's Shop 250 G

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4

Water once per day

4 days

3 days

3 days

Water twice per day 3 days

2 days

2 days


Total: 10 days 0.5 stars: 650 G

2.5 stars: 1170 G
Total: 7 days
5 stars: 1820 G

Cam's Shop 140 G
Water once per day

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4

3 days

2 days

2 days

Water twice per day 2 days

2 days

1 days


Total: 7 days 0.5 stars: 420 G

2.5 stars: 750 G
Total: 5 days 5 stars: 1170 G

Pink Rose
Cam's Shop 260 G
Year 2 or later

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4

Water once per day

4 days

3 days

3 days

Water twice per day 3 days

2 days

2 days


Total: 10 days 0.5 stars: 640 G

2.5 stars: 1150 G
Total: 7 days
5 stars: 1790 G

Cam's Shop 280 G
Year 3 or later
Water once per
Water twice per





3 days

4 days

4 days

3 days

2 days

3 days

3 days

2 days



0.5 stars: 830 G
14 days
2.5 stars: 1490 G
5 stars: 2320 G
10 days

137 | H M : T o T T

Summer Seasonal Crops

Note: If you receive crop seeds as a prize for participating in the cooking fesivals or
as a reward from a message board request, then Gombe will start to sell that seed in
his shop. This allows you to unlock seeds before Gombe is scheduled to add them to
his store inventory.
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3
Gombe's Shop 250 G
Water once per day

3 days

2 days

Water twice per day

2 days

2 days




Total: 5 days 0.5 stars: 430 G

2.5 stars: 770 G
Total: 4 days 5 stars: 1200G

Gombe's Shop 490 G



Water once per day
3 days
4 days
4 days
4 days
0.5 stars: 360 G
15 days
2.5 stars: 648 G
5 stars: 1008 G
Water twice per day
2 days
3 days
3 days
2 days
10 days
Multi-harvestable crop: Returns to Stage 4 when picked

Gombe's Shop 120 G Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3
Year 2 or later
Water once per day
3 days
4 days
Total: 7 days 0.5 stars: 350 G
2.5 stars: 630 G
Water twice per day
2 days
3 days
Total: 5 days 5 stars: 980 G

Gombe's Shop 220 G Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4
Year 2 or later
Water once per day

4 days

6 days

4 days

Water twice per day

3 days

4 days

3 days


Total: 14 days 0.5 stars: 700 G

2.5 stars: 1260 G
Total: 10 days 5 stars: 1960 G

138 | H M : T o T T

Gombe's Shop 100 G
Year 2 or later







0.5 stars: 160 G
13 days
2.5 stars: 280 G
5 stars: 440 G
Water twice per day
3 days
2 days 2 days 2 days
9 days
Multi-harvestable crop: Returns to Stage 4 when picked
Water once per day

4 days

3 days

3 days

3 days



Gombe's Shop 4000 G
Year 3 or later



Stage 5


0.5 stars: 2500 G
17 days
2.5 stars: 4500 G
5 stars: 7000 G
Water twice per day
3 days 3 days 3 days 3 days
12 days
Multi-harvestable crop: Returns to Stage 4 when picked
Water once per day

4 days

5 days

4 days

4 days

Gombe's Shop 3000 G
Year 3 or later





Water once per day

4 days

6 days

5 days

5 days

Water twice per day

3 days

4 days

3 days

4 days



0.5 stars: 3000 G
20 days
2.5 stars: 5400 G
5 stars: 8400 G
14 days

Multi-harvestable crop: Returns to Stage 4 when picked

Red Rose
Cam's Shop 230 G

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4

Water once per day

4 days

3 days

3 days

Water twice per day 3 days

2 days

2 days


Total: 10 days 0.5 stars: 660 G

2.5 stars: 1180 G
Total: 8 days
5 stars: 1840 G

Cam's Shop 260 G
Year 2 or later
Water once per
Water twice per





3 days

4 days

4 days

3 days

2 days

3 days

3 days

2 days



0.5 stars: 840 G
14 days
2.5 stars: 1510 G
5 stars: 2530 G
10 days

139 | H M : T o T T

Fall Seasonal Crops

Note: If you receive crop seeds as a prize for participating in the cooking fesivals or
as a reward from a message board request, then Gombe will start to sell that seed in
his shop. This allows you to unlock seeds before Gombe is scheduled to add them to
his store inventory.
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3
Gombe's Shop 150 G
Water once per day

4 days

3 days

Water twice per day

3 days

2 days


Total: 7 days 0.5 stars: 380 G

2.5 stars: 680 G
Total: 5 days 5 stars: 1060 G

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4
Gombe's Shop 330 G
Water once per day
4 days
6 days
3 days
Total: 13 days 0.5 stars: 220 G
2.5 stars: 390 G
Water twice per day
3 days
4 days
2 days
Total: 9 days
5 stars: 610 G
Multi-harvestable crop: Returns to Stage 3 when picked

Gombe's Shop 290 G Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3
Year 2 or later
Water once per day

3 days

2 days

Water twice per day

2 days

2 days


Total: 5 days 0.5 stars: 450 G

2.5 stars: 810 G
Total: 4 days 5 stars: 1260 G

Gombe's Shop 950 G Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4
Year 2 or later


Total: 6 days 0.5 stars: 160 G

2.5 stars: 280 G
Water twice per day
2 days
1 days
1 days
Total: 4 days 5 stars: 440 G
Multi-harvestable crop: Returns to Stage 3 when picked
Water once per day

2 days

2 days

2 days

140 | H M : T o T T

Green Pepper
Gombe's Shop 200 G
Year 3 or later







0.5 stars: 200 G
13 days
2.5 stars: 360 G
5 stars: 560 G
Water twice per day
3 days
2 days
2 days
2 days
9 days
Multi-harvestable crop: Returns to Stage 4 when picked
Water once per day

4 days

3 days

3 days

3 days

Cam's Shop 250 G
Water once per day

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4

4 days

3 days

3 days

Water twice per day 3 days

2 days

2 days


Total: 10 days 0.5 stars: 650 G

2.5 stars: 1170 G
Total: 7 days
5 stars: 1820 G

Cam's Shop 120 G

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4

Water once per day

3 days

2 days

2 days

Water twice per day 2 days

2 days

1 day


Total: 7 days 0.5 stars: 430 G

2.5 stars: 770 G
Total: 5 days 5 stars: 1200 G

White Rose
Cam's Shop 200 G
Year 2 or later
Water once per day

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4

4 days

5 days

4 days

Water twice per day 3 days

3 days

3 day


Total: 13 days 0.5 stars: 800 G

2.5 stars: 1440 G
Total: 9 days
5 stars: 2240 G

Winter Seasonal Crops

Note: If you receive crop seeds as a prize for participating in the cooking fesivals or
as a reward from a message board request, then Gombe will start to sell that seed in
his shop. This allows you to unlock seeds before Gombe is scheduled to add them to
his store inventory.
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3
Gombe's Shop 110 G
Water once per day
3 days
2 days
Total: 5 days 0.5 stars: 250 G
2.5 stars: 450 G
Water twice per day
2 days
2 days
Total: 4 days 5 stars: 700 G

141 | H M : T o T T

Bok Choy
Gombe's Shop 370 G Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4
Year 2 or later
Water once per day
4 days
6 days
3 days
Total: 13 days 0.5 stars: 200 G
2.5 stars: 360 G
Water twice per day
3 days
4 days
2 days
Total: 9 days
5 stars: 560 G
Multi-harvestable crop: Returns to Stage 3 when picked

Cam's Shop 140 G
Water once per day

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4

3 days

2 days

2 days

Water twice per day 2 days

2 days

1 days


Total: 7 days 0.5 stars: 420 G

2.5 stars: 750 G
Total: 5 days 5 stars: 1170 G

Cam's Shop 230 G
Water once per day

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4

4 days

3 days

3 days

Water twice per day 3 days

2 days

2 days


Total: 10 days 0.5 stars: 630 G

2.5 stars: 1130 G
Total: 7 days
5 stars: 1760 G

Blue Rose
Cam's Shop 1500 G
Year 2 or later
Water once per day

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4

4 days

Water twice per day 3 days

11 days

5 days

7 days

4 days


Total: 20 days 0.5 stars: 3500 G

2.5 stars: 6300 G
Total: 14 days 5 stars: 9800 G

Grains and Rice

Growing grains and rice is fairly easy to do, but you will have to wait until the seeds
unlock at Gombe's Seed Shop in Konohana Town. They can be grown in furrows just
like regular crops and can be fertilized in the same way. Unlike normal crops, grains
and rice are harvested using your Sickle and not picked up by-hand.
Another nice feature of grains is that you do not have to water the crops. The
crops take several weeks to grow, so you simply need to plant and then walk away.
Grains are good to grow if you live on the Bluebell Farm and you want to utilize the
crop space on the Konohana Farm; just plant the grain seeds in Konohana and
check back on them every week or so.

142 | H M : T o T T

Buckwheat, Soybeans, and Wheat

The first type of grain you can purchase is Soybeans,
starting in Summer of your first year if Gombe stocks
the seeds in his shop inventory. The grains are
planted just like a normal crop; either individually or in
furrows. Fertilizing is the same way as well.
When these crops mature and you harvest them using
your sickle, you can turn the crops into flour by using
the Flour Mill in the Waterwheel shed. Processing your
own flour is the only way you can obtain Soy Flour and Buckwheat Flour. Regular
wheat-based Flour can be purchased from Enrique's shop in Bluebell Town.
Note: Shiratama Flour is not made by processing a grain crop. You create it by
putting Rice Candy in the Flour Mill. You can buy Rice Candy from either general
store during Spring and Winter.
Wheat, Buckwheat, and Soybeans can be grown all year long, including Winter.
Gombe's Shop 60 G
Spring (yr 2+) and
Winter (yr 1+)





Stage 5


Growth Time

8 days

7 days

7 days

6 days

28 days

0.5 stars: 150 G

2.5 stars: 270 G
5 stars: 420 G



Gombe's Shop 80 G
Fall and Winter
Growth Time

8 days

7 days

7 days

7 days



6 days

0.5 stars: 200 G

2.5 stars: 360 G
35 days
5 stars: 560 G


Gombe's Shop 100 G
Summer and Fall







Growth Time

8 days

11 days 9 days

8 days

8 days

0.5 stars: 230 G

2.5 stars: 410 G
44 days
5 stars: 640 G


143 | H M : T o T T

Rice can only be grown on the Konohana Farm. You
need to activate the Field "C" farm expansion three
times before you can access the Make Waterwheel and
Rice Paddy "C" expansion. Eileen will request that you
bring her 30 Material Stone, 30 Lumber, and 50,000 G.
In exchange, she'll build the waterwheel and sluice gate
on your Konohana Farm.
To plant the rice, you will need to flood the rice paddy.
You can only flood the rice field during Spring
season. Press A at the sluice gate to add water to the
paddy(s). You will only have to flood the field once per
year. Eileen can built three more Rice Paddies for a total
of four floodable fields. Each Rice Paddy is a 4x4 square
(16 squares of flooded soil).
After the field is flooded with water you can plant Rice Seedlings. Check Gombe's
shop inventory for the seedlings starting in Spring of year 2. He will sell the Rice
Seedlings for 90 G each. Gombe also sells them in Winter so you can prepare for
the upcoming Spring planting.
Planting the Rice Seedlings is just like planting crops on tilled soil. The rice can also
be fertilized by placing a Fertilizer Stick in one of the 16 available field squares. The
stick will fertilize the entire paddy until it runs dry.
Rice takes 62 days to fully mature.
Gombe's Shop 90 G
Spring and Winter

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5


Growth Time

20 days

14 days

14 days

14 days

Total: 62

0.5 stars: 180 G

2.5 stars: 320 G
5 stars: 500 G

If you have Eileen complete a farm expansion request and afterward you notice that
your planted rice paddies are no longer flooded, your rice will still continue to grow
as intended.

Chickens are a fairly easy animal to take care of. The
birds will lay eggs every day and don't need to be
brushed or cleaned.

If you start your game in Bluebell, then Jessica

will give you a free chicken. Your Bluebell farm
has a full-size chicken barn that can hold up to
10 birds. The two northern feed bins on the
ground will feed 6 birds (3 birds each) and the
two bottom feed bins will feed 4 birds (2 birds each).
144 | H M : T o T T

If you live in Konohana, then you'll need to walk over to her shop in Bluebell
town to buy them. Your barn can only hold 2 birds and cannot expand to hold
any more.

Jessica will sell chickens in her shop. A baby Chicken is 800 G and an adult Chicken
is 1500 G. Starting in year 2, you can buy a Silkie chick for 2500 G and after that, an
adult Silkie will cost 6000 G. You'll need to buy the chick before Jessica will sell the
adult version.
You can also breed your chickens by paying Jessica 700 G and loaning her your bird
for two weeks. The baby chick she returns to you, along with its parent, will have half
as many hearts as its mother chicken. Chicks take 8 days to grow into an adult
chicken, as long as it is fed every day. A Chicken has a maximum life span of 6
years and a Silkie Chicken has a life span of 5 years.
You can obtain Gold Eggs from a chicken after it wins the Bluebell Animal Festival
on Spring 26. On odd-numbered years the Chicken festival will take place. If your
normal Chicken wins, then it will have a 30% chance of laying a Gold Egg each day,
but if your Silkie Chicken is the festival winner then you have a 55% chance of
getting a Gold Egg from it. Winning the festival more than once with the same bird
won't increase its random chance of laying a Gold Egg.
Every day you can pick up the eggs off of the birds' nests inside your barn. Leaving
the eggs on the nests will not hatch into baby chickens. The eggs can be sold as-is
or converted into mayonnaise by using the Maker Shed on the Bluebell farm.
Cooking them into Spa Boiled Eggs earns you less profit than shipping the normal
Item Name
Herb Mayonnaise
Silkie Egg
Good Mayonnaise
Good Herb Mayo
Golden Egg
Great Mayonnaise
Great Herb Mayo

Ship Price
1 Star to 5 Star
144 G | 192 G | 240 G | 288 G | 336 G
240 G | 320 G | 400 G | 480 G | 560 G
250 G | 330 G | 420 G | 500 G | 590 G
240 G | 320 G | 400 G | 480 G | 560 G
310 G | 410 G | 520 G | 620 G | 720 G
340 G | 460 G | 520 G | 690 G | 810 G
1200 G | 1600 G | 2000 G | 2400 G | 2800 G
1260 G | 1680 G | 2100 G | 2530 G | 2940 G
1260 G | 1680 G | 2100 G | 2530 G | 2940 G

Cows are a basic Harvest Moon animal that you can
raise on your farm. If you live in Bluebell Town,
Jessica will give you a free adult cow at the beginning
of the game. If you live in Konohana Town, then you
have to travel over to Jessica's shop in Bluebell and
buy a baby cow for 1500 G before she will sell adultsized cows. Adult cows will cost you 3000 G.

145 | H M : T o T T

Once you reach year 2 in the game, Jessica will being to sell the upgraded
Jersey Cows. A baby Jersey will cost you 5500 G and an adult will cost 13,500 G.
Jerseys randomly appear in her inventory, so you just need to keep going back to
check her shop to see if they're for sale.
If you want to produce your own cows, have Jessica take your cow for two weeks by
hiring her at the Animal Shop. The baby cow that she returns to you will take 20 days
to mature into an adult cow. A regular Cow has a life expectancy of 7 years but a
Jersey will only live for a maximum of 6 years.
Both types of cows can be milked every day. Cows produce Milk and Jersey Cows
produce Jersey Milk. You can ship the milk raw or you can process it into upgraded
goods using the fermenting maker machine on the Bluebell farm. Regular Milk can
be processed into Cheese, Butter, and Yogurt. The Jersey cow's milk will turn into
"good"-titled items, such as Good Yogurt, Good Cheese, and so on. If you want
"great" goods from the maker machine you'll need to put Golden Milk into the maker
machines to get Great Cheese, Great Yogurt, and Great Butter. Golden Milk is
produced from a cow that has won the Bluebell Cow Festival on Spring 26. If your
normal Cow wins, it has a 20% chance of producing Golden Milk. A winning Jersey
Cow will have a 50% chance of producing Golden Milk. Winning the festival with the
same cow multiple times won't increase its Golden Milk random chances.
Ship Price
1 Star to 5 Star
240 G | 320 G | 400 G | 480 G | 560 G
250 G | 330 G | 420 G | 500 G | 590 G
240 G | 320 G | 400 G | 480 G | 560 G
280 G | 380 G | 480 G | 570 G | 670 G
Jersey Milk
480 G | 640 G | 800 G | 960 G | 1120 G
Good Cheese 500 G | 670 G | 840 G | 1010 G | 1170 G
Good Yogurt 460 G | 620 G | 780 G | 930 G | 1090 G
Good Butter
500 G | 670 G | 840 G | 1010 G | 1170 G
Golden Milk
960 G | 1280 G | 1600 G | 1920 G | 2240 G
Great Cheese 1020 G | 1360 G | 1710 G | 2050 G | 2390 G
Great Yogurt 910 G | 1210 G | 1520 G | 1820 G | 2120 G
Great Butter
1020 G | 1360 G | 1710 G | 2050 G | 2390 G
Item Name

The fuzzy sheep can be raised on your farm. The first
time you buy a sheep, Jessica will give you the
Clippers so you can sheer its wool. Sheep wool can
be clipped every four days.
Where you choose to start your game will determine
how quickly you can buy sheep:

If you start in Bluebell Town, you will receive a

cow and a chicken at the beginning of the game. After that, you can buy the
lamb from Jessica's shop when it appears randomly in her store inventory.
146 | H M : T o T T

If you start in Konohana Town, you won't get any free animals. You'll need to
walk over to Bluebell Town and buy a cow and chicken for your farm. After
that, you can buy the lamb from Jessica's shop.

A lamb will cost 3000 G. Once you buy a lamb, you can buy an adult sheep from her
for 7000 G. Jessica can breed adult sheep for 2500 G each. It will take two weeks for
the pregnancy. Jessica will then return the adult sheep to you barn along with the
new baby. The new lamb will have half the friendship that the parent had when you
handed it over to Jessica. It will take 20 days for a lamb to grow into an adult if it
is fed every day.
Starting in year 2, you can buy Suffolk Sheep. Just like with regular sheep, you
can buy the lamb first for 4500 G and then the adult Suffolk Sheep for 10,000 G.
Suffolk Sheep will produce Good Wool when you clip their fur.
A regular sheep has a maximum life span of 7 years and a Suffolk Sheep has a
maximum life span of 6 years.
Great Wool is produced randomly from a Sheep or Suffolk Sheep that has won the
Fall 26 Animal Festival in Bluebell Town. If a Sheep wins the festival, then it has a
20% chance of producing Great Wool. If a Suffolk Sheep wins the festival, then it has
a 50% chance of producing Great Wool. There's no need to enter the same animal
for a repeat festival win - it won't increase its chance to produce the upgraded wool.
You can convert wool into yarn by using the Yarn Maker machine you can have
Eileen construct on the Bluebell Farm.
Ship Price
1 Star to 5 Star
600 G | 800 G | 1000 G | 1200 G | 1400 G
Yarn Ball
780 G | 1040 G | 1300 G | 1560 G | 1820 G
Good Wool
960 G | 1280 G | 1200 G | 1920 G | 2240 G
Suffolk Yarn Ball 1260 G | 1680 G | 2100 G | 2530 G | 2940 G
Great Wool
2400 G | 3200 G | 4000 G | 4800 G | 5600 G
Great Yarn Ball
3120 G | 4160 G | 5200 G | 6240 G | 7280 G
Item Name

The Alpaca
Alpacas are animals that you can collect Alpaca Wool
from. There are two colors of alpacas, brown and
white, but the money you earn for shipping the wool is
the same. The colors are just a matter of player
The alpacas will be for sale starting in Fall of year 2.
Visit Jessica's shop in Bluebell to check her random
inventory. Each adult alpaca will cost you 18,000 G.
Alpacas do not have a baby-form and Jessica will not breed alpacas for you.
Alpacas have a maximum life span of 6 years.

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To clip the alpaca's wool, use the same Clippers you use for sheering sheep. Alpaca
wool will grow back every 6 days and the more hearts your alpaca has, the higher
star rank the wool will be. You can feed the alpaca treats to increase its products
produced daily but you won't need to use regular Treats. Only the Grain Treat,
Vegetable Treat, and Nutra Treat will increase its productivity levels.
When you first purchase an alpaca, it will be shy and will run away from you. This is
normal. As you raise your friendship with the alpaca, the animal will stop fleeing. At a
high level of friendship, the alpaca will happily bounce around your farm.
You can convert alpaca wool into yarn by using the Bluebell farm yarn maker
machine. White Alpaca Yarn takes 15 hours to produce once you place the White
Alpaca Wool into the yarn maker, but for some reason Brown Alpaca Yarn takes
over 22 hours to convert into Brown Alpaca Wool. Both yarns ship for the same
amount of money.
Ship Price
1 Star to 5 Star
Brown Alpaca Wool 3600 G | 4800 G | 6000 G | 7200 G | 8000 G
Brown Alpaca Yarn 4800 G | 6400 G | 8000 G | 9600 G | 11,200 G
White Alpaca Wool 3600 G | 4800 G | 6000 G | 7200 G | 8000 G
White Alpaca Yarn
4800 G | 6400 G | 8000 G | 9600 G | 11,200 G
Item Name

Alpacas go on sale the same season as the first alpaca-based Animal Festival in
Bluebell Town. The chances that you'll win the Animal Festival on Fall 26 are fairly
slim, but it will help your chance to place in the festival if you feed your alpaca treats.
Alpacas will earn +2 friendship if you use Vegetable Treats and Grain Treats, and +1
friendship if you use Treats or Nutra Treats. You can only participate in the Animal
Festival if you live in Bluebell Town.

Cats and Dogs

Besides the animals that produce items for you to sell, you can buy pets for your
farm. These animals will live inside your farm house and help you manage your other
animals by herding them in and out of their barns. Before you can buy cats and dogs,
you need to own an animal on your farm that they can manage:

Cats will herd Chickens and Silkie Chickens

Small Dogs will herd Sheep, Suffolk Sheep, Brown Alpacas, and White

Big Dogs will herd Cows and Jersey Cows

For example, if you don't own any chickens, Grady and Kana won't have any cats for
sale. Each pet will cost you 5000 G. After you buy your first pet, Raul and Diego will
start to sell Pet Food randomly in their shop for 150 G each.

148 | H M : T o T T

The available colors of pets will be randomly set each day. The first two colors are
available starting from the beginning of the game and the second color of pets
become available once you reach year 2:

You cannot sell a pet once you buy it! You have a limit of 2 cats, 2 small dogs,
and 2 large dogs. A pet will never get sick or die of natural causes, so make sure
you are satisfied with your pet colors before you buy the second one. The color
styles have no affect on the pet's abilities; it is simply a player's graphical preference.
Pet Friendship
Your six pets each have a friendship heart meter. You
can see this meter if you go into your barn and check
the Animal Stats book in the lower left-corner. Each
heart marker represents 100 points of friendship (1000
max FP). Increasing your friendship with your pets will
help with winning the Bluebell dog and cat festivals as
well as determine how many animals the pet will herd
in and out of the barn each morning.
The easiest thing to do for FP increases is to make sure there is food in the pet food
trough each morning. Pets will earn +2 FP if they eat Pet Food every day. If they
don't eat all day, then they get -2 FP. You can buy Pet Food for 150 G each from
Diego or Raul's shops when it randomly appears in their shop inventories.

+1 FP: Throw the Dog Bone or Cat Bell and have the pet retrieve it, or use the
Stethoscope on your pet. You can do this once per day with each pet.
+2 FP: Picking up your pet each day.
+10 FP: Earn 3rd place in the cat or dog festival with your entered pet.
+15 FP: Each day, put the pet in the Pet Playpen you can build on the
Bluebell Farm.
+20 FP: Earn 2nd place in the cat or dog festival with your entered pet.
+30 FP: Earn 1st place in the cat or dog festival with your entered pet.

If you hit one of your pets with a tool, you will lose 15 FP. Be careful when using your
tools around your pets! Also, if you ignore your pets and do nothing to increase their
friendship for three days in a row, you will lose 20 FP with each pet.
Herding Cows, Sheep, Alpaca, and Chickens
Friendship points also affect the number of animals
each pet can herd in and out of the barn. When you
first buy a pet, it will have 0 FP. Once it has a little bit
of friendship with you (28 FP), it will start to herd its
animal type from the barn on sunny or snowy days;
snow is OK in Tale of Two Towns. The pet will take
the animal back inside if it begins to rain half way
through the day.
149 | H M : T o T T

The pets will start herding the animals outside at 7:00 am if it is sunny or snowy.
They will bring the animals back into the barns at 1:00 pm if it begins to rain, or the
pets will bring the animals outside if it stops raining. The pets will herd the animals
back inside by 5:00 pm.
A pet will only herd the appropriate number of animals that its friendship points allow.
If you manually brought an animal outside because the dog or cat can't herd the
animal yet, don't expect the pets to bring them back inside for you. You'll need to do
that on your own.
The maximum number of animals each pet can herd is five. If you happen to own 11
cows and two big dogs, then one of your cows will remain inside the barn while the
other 10 are herded outside.
0 Animals

1 Animal

0 to 27 FP

28 to 279 FP

2 Animals
280 to 459

3 Animals
460 to 639

4 Animals
640 to 819

5 Animals
820 to 1000

The Horse and Owl

There are two animals you can own that don't have a festival associated with them.
The horse and owl are utility-animals that you can use to speed up your movement
between the two towns if you don't have the tunnel completed yet.
The Horse
When you start your life on your new farm, you will have a horse with you. Your
beginning horse is a small pony and lives inside your barn. You can ride the horse to
the other town and if you happen to leave it somewhere when you go to bed at night,
it will return to the barn when you awake in the morning.
If you ever become bored with your pony, you can rent a new horse from either
Grady's or Kana's animal shops. Renting a new horse will replace your existing
pony; you can't have more than one horse.
There are three types of horses. The pony is the smallest size, the thoroughbred is
the medium size, and the shetland is the largest size.

Pony Rental Fee: 5000 G

Unlocks: At the beginning of the game

Thoroughbred Rental Fee: 10,000 G

Unlocks: Complete the first Tunnel repair

Shetland Rental Fee: 20,000 G

Unlocks: Complete three Tunnel repairs and rent a Thoroughbred

150 | H M : T o T T

If you are using the horse as basic transportation, then you'll discover that the
running speed of all the horse types is the same. The main point to the different
types of horses is in regards to their horse cart pulling strength. The heavier the cart,
the larger the horse you'll need to pull it at a reasonable speed. You can have a
small horse pull a large cart, but you won't get anywhere fast!
Since the horse is a rental and can be replaced at any
time you see fit, it does not have a friendship heart
meter. You can feed it Horse Treats if you want and
you'll see it give you a heart emotion-bubble in return,
but it can never get sick, stressed, or hungry. The
Horse Treat can be purchased when it randomly
appears in Raul's or Diego's general store inventory
for 150 G each. To feed the horse, just toss the Horse
Treat on the ground close to where the horse is
standing. It'll walk over and eat the treat off of the floor.
Technically you don't even have to feed the horse. Horse Treats are much more
useful as an inexpensive gift for raising Kana's friendship.
The Owl
This bird is an extra pet you can get to live in your farm house. You can buy the owl
from Grady's or Kana's animal shops once you complete the first Tunnel repair. The
owl costs 10,000 G, only comes in one color (white), and can't be sold once you
purchase it.
The main purpose of the owl is to transport you from
the mountaintop platform to one of the two towns. To
use the owl, simply walk up to the top of the mountain
and press A at the wooden platform. Then you just
pick which town you would like to fly to. The owl will
not take you from the town to the mountaintop and can
not be called on all-day rainy or stormy days.
When you buy the owl, Grady or Kana will mention
that you can "train" it. While you can feed it Owl Treats to raise its friendship, you
don't have to "train" the owl to fly you from the mountaintop to a town. The owl can
fly you the same day that you bought it. No training required!
If you do raise the owl's friendship, it can fly over to you when you're inside the farm
house and then sits on your head. Owl Treats randomly appear for sale in Raul's or
Diego's general store inventories for 150 G each.

151 | H M : T o T T

Products Produced Daily

When you harvest products for your cows, sheep,
alpaca, and chickens, you will only receive one
product. Cows and Jersey Cows will give you milk
every day, Chickens and Silkie Chickens will lay eggs
every day (as long as they are inside the chicken barn
at 6:00 am), Sheep and Suffolk Sheep will produce
wool every four days, and Alpacas will produce wool
every six days.
If you check on your Animal Stats from the book inside the barn, you'll notice that
there will be an entry for "products produced daily". This will have "1" listed next to it,
indicating that the animal can produce one item at each harvest. You can increase
this number by feeding the animal the treats you can buy from Cheryl at Jessica's
Livestock shop in Bluebell Town.
There are four types of treat crackers you can buy: Treat, Vegetable Treat, Grain
Treat, and Nutra Treat. The treats will appear randomly in Cheryl's inventory. A
regular Treat will cost 500 G but the other three are 700 G a piece. Nutra Treats
won't appear until you've reached year 2. This means that you can't completely
increase a productivity level until then, but you can still give the other treats in
preparation for Nutra Treats.
When you feed an animal a combination of different
treats, its production value increases. You can only
feed one treat to an animal per day, so it will take
awhile (at least 31 days) before your animal will start
producing more than one item at each harvest. The
maximum level of productivity you can increase to
is 5. You can continue to give treats once an animal
reaches level 5, but it will just affect its friendship.
The only way to tell if an animal's productivity value increases is by checking the
animal status ledger in the barn. The game doesn't display a notice or play a chime
when you've given enough treats to an animal. You'll just have to go to the book and
manually check it.
Any offspring born from an animal with an increase in productivity will not
carry over that trait from its parent. The baby animal will start out at "0" and then
change to "1" once it becomes old enough to produce goods.
Each level will cost you...
Silkie Chicken
Each level will cost you...
Each level will cost you...
Jersey Cow
Each level will cost you...


Grain Vegetable Nutra








152 | H M : T o T T

Each level will cost you...
Suffolk Sheep
Each level will cost you...
Alpaca (brown or white)
From level 1 to level 2...
Alpaca (brown or white)
From level 2 on, each level will cost you...








Typically, each animal requires the same number of treats per-level increase. The
Alpaca is an exception though. Initially, an Alpaca requires 45 treats to go from
productivity level 1 to level 2. Once it reaches level 2, it only requires a total of 25
treats to reach level 3 and each level after that.
The game does not document the number of treats that you've give to each animal,
so keep it written down on a piece of paper. The other thing you can do is just
concentrate on giving treats to one animal and then just buy enough treats
necessary to increase a level. For example, if you want to increase a Chicken's
productivity to level 2, only buy two Treats, four Grain Treats, 15 Vegetable Treats,
and 10 Nutra Treats. Once you've given that Chicken all of the treats that you've
bought, you'll know that it will at productivity level 2.

Animal Friendship
Just like with the villagers, your animals have a
friendship towards you. You can see your animal
friendship levels by going inside one of the barns and
selecting the book in the lower-left corner. This book
will tell you the number of hearts each animal has
(maximum of 10), its age, health, and pregnancy
status. The animal stats ledger does not display your
friendship levels with the wild animals that live in the
mountain areas.
The only animal that doesn't have friendship is the horse. Because you can rent a
new horse from Kana or Grady at any time, friendship with the horse is impossible to
The maximum amount of friendship you can have with each animal is 10 hearts or
1000 FP. Each heart listed under the animal's name inside the animal book
represents 99 points: zero hearts is between 0 and 99 FP, 1 heart is 100 to 199, 2
hearts is 200 to 299, and so on. The more friendship you have with your livestock
and chickens, the higher the star rank of their produced goods will be. With your
dogs and cats, a higher friendship means they can herd more animals in and out of
the barns.

153 | H M : T o T T

The friendship points with your animals will increase or decrease depending on your
interactions with them. Ideally, you do not want to decrease your friendship points
with the animals! Every day, make sure to take care of your animals to increase their
friendship. Sheep seem to increase their friendship the fastest and chickens are the
hardest to increase FP with.
Actions that increase friendship points will work once per day. The only exception is
when the animals are outside on sunny or snowy days, where the weather will
increase their FP for every 2 hours they are outside.

Talk to the animal
Collect an animal
Brush an animal
Use the Bell
Feed a Treat or
Nutra Treat
Feed a Grain or
Vegetable Treat
Hire Jessica for
animal pregnancy
Animal is on
Bluebell Farm
Outside pasture
Every 2 hours
Win an animal
Second place in
an animal festival
Third place is an
animal festival
Ignore for 2 days
Hit with a tool
Rainy outside
pasture time
Every 2 hours
Stormy outside
pasture time
Every 2 hours
No food all day

Positive Friendship Points

+1 FP for all types of animals
+1 FP
+1 FP
+1 FP +4 FP +2 FP
+2 FP
Can't brush
+2 FP +4 FP +3 FP
+2 FP
Can't bell chickens
+1 FP for cows, sheep, and alpaca
+1 FP for all types of animals
+2 FP for all types of animals

+20 FP for each type of animal

+3 FP for all types of animals
+2 FP

+1 FP


+3 FP

+2 FP

+1 FP

+2 FP

+30 FP for all types of animals

+20 FP for all types of animals
+10 FP for all types of animals
Negative Friendship Points
-3 FP
-5 FP
-5 FP
-3 FP
-5 FP
-5 FP
-10 FP
-10 FP -10 FP -20 FP
-5 FP

-5 FP

(No affect)

-5 FP

-10 FP

-5 FP
-20 FP


-10 FP

-5 FP

-5 FP

-5 FP


-20 FP

-10 FP

-10 FP

-10 FP


-5 FP

-3 FP

-5 FP

-5 FP

154 | H M : T o T T

Leave outside
Animal death due
to sickness
(Affects all living

-10 FP

-20 FP


-40 FP

-10 FP

-20 FP

-10 FP

-20 FP

-30 FP


-30 FP

-20 FP

-30 FP

-20 FP

155 | H M : T o T T

Catching Fish
Besides growing crops and raising animals, you can make money by catching fish in
the mountain area. There are two ways you can go fishing; one is by bare hand
fishing and the other is by using a fishing pole. You will make more money when
using fishing equipment than by just using your hands.
When you catch a fish, you will be told its species and size. The star rank of the fish
determines its shipping price, not the fish's size.
Hand Fishing
Catching fish using your bare hands is super easy to
do. You can use this method to catch fish to sell right
at the beginning of the game.
There are two areas on the mountain where you can
bare hand fish; the Konohana low-mountain area and
the Bluebell low-mountain area. The watery sections
of these areas are shallow enough for you to walk
through. Keep an eye out for small fish shadows
swimming through the water. When you see one, walk up to it and press the A
button! If you're fast enough, you'll catch the fish. If it swims away, you can chase
after it, pressing A over and over, until you catch it or it escapes and disappears.
You can catch other things besides fish. Sometimes you will catch a Coin, Fish
Bones, Old Ball, or Old Boot. The Coin is used as gifts or message board requests,
and the Old Ball / Old Boot are necessary if you want to eventually receive the
Master (fishing) Rod. Keep 10 of each "old" item in your horse storage cart until
Rutger posts the request for the fishing pole. Fish Bones are simply garbage.
The star rank of the fish you catch using your hands will increase the more years you
spend in the game. In year 1 you can catch fish up to two stars and this increases by
one star every year; year 2 is max three stars, year 3 is up to four stars, and once
you reach year 4, you can catch fish with up to five stars.
Shallow water fish will refresh every hour. If you can't find any more fish to catch,
leave the area until the next top of the hour (:00). The fish will repopulate when you
go back to the area.
Bare Hand fishing is not possible in Winter when the shallow waters freeze.

156 | H M : T o T T

List of Hand Caught Fish

Fish Name






Konohana Spring and Summer

6am to 8pm

10 cm

Small Char



6am to 8pm

15 cm

Small Eel



6pm to midnight

15 cm

Small Carp

Konohana Summer and Fall

6am to 8pm

15 cm



6am to 8pm

5 cm

6am to midnight

15 cm

6am to 8pm

7 cm

Small Icefish

Spring and Summer

Bluebell (Summer)
Konohana (Fall)
Bluebell (Summer)
Konohana (Fall)

Small Loach


Summer and Fall

6am to 8pm

15 cm




6am to midnight

15 cm

Small Goby



6am to 8pm

8 cm

Small Funa

Bluebell (Summer and Fall)

Konohana (Spring and Summer)

6am to 8pm

15 cm

Small Black



6am to midnight

12 cm

Small Bluegill



6am to midnight

10 cm

Small Trout

Bluebell (Summer)
Konohana (Spring)

6am to 8pm

15 cm



Spring to Fall

6am to 4am

4 cm

Small Killifish


Spring to Fall

6am to 4am

2 cm

Small Masu



6am to 8pm

15 cm


Bluebell (Spring)
Konohana (Fall)

6am to midnight

15 cm

Small Smelt



6am to 8pm

8 cm

Blue Crab



6pm to 4am

8 cm

6pm to 4am

10 cm

6pm to 4am

7 cm

6pm to 4am

15 cm

Small Crab
Small Blue

Bluebell (Summer)
Konohana (Spring to Fall)
Bluebell (Summer and Fall)
Konohana (Spring)
Konohana Summer

Ship Price
1 Star to 5 Stars
30 G | 40 G | 50 G |
60 G | 70 G
30 G | 40 G | 50 G |
60 G | 70 G
30 G | 40 G | 50 G |
60 G | 70 G
30 G | 40 G | 50 G |
60 G | 70 G
30 G | 40 G | 50 G |
60 G | 70 G
80 G | 110 G | 140
G | 160 G | 190 G
30 G | 40 G | 50 G |
60 G | 70 G
30 G | 40 G | 50 G |
60 G | 70 G
120 G | 160 G |
200 G | 240 G |
280 G
30 G | 40 G | 50 G |
60 G | 70 G
30 G | 40 G | 50 G |
60 G | 70 G
30 G | 40 G | 50 G |
60 G | 70 G
30 G | 40 G | 50 G |
60 G | 70 G
30 G | 40 G | 50 G |
60 G | 70 G
20 G | 30 G | 40 G |
40 G | 50 G
30 G | 40 G | 50 G |
60 G | 70 G
30 G | 40 G | 50 G |
60 G | 70 G
140 G | 190 G |
240 G | 280 G |
330 G
30 G | 40 G | 50 G |
60 G | 70 G
30 G | 40 G | 60 G |
60 G | 70 G
20 G | 30 G | 40 G |
40 G | 50 G
30 G | 40 G | 50 G |
60 G | 70 G
30 G | 40 G | 50 G |
60 G | 70 G

157 | H M : T o T T



King Fish
Bluebell (6am to
(Stormy weather)
Konohana (6am
to 8pm)
Other Items

Letter in a


(Stormy weather)


Bluebell (Fall - Rainy)

Konohana (Spring - Rainy)
Bluebell (Fall - Rainy)
Konohana (Spring - Rainy)

30 cm

6am to midnight


6am to midnight


6am to midnight


(Can't be shipped)

240 G | 320 G |
400 G | 440 G |
480 G
Collect all 6 to
make a wish
Collect all 6 to
make a wish

Rod Fishing
You can't go fishing with a fishing rod until you receive
one! On Summer 1, you will receive a Fishing Rod
from your town's mayor. Until then, you can only do
bare-hand fishing.
To use the Fishing Rod, equip it as a tool and then go
to one of the four docks you'll find in the mountain
area. Press A when prompted on the dock to cast your
rod. When you see an exclamation point appear
above your head, press A over and over until you reel in the fish. You can't just hold
down the A button to catch the fish; you have to repeat your button presses until the
fish emerges from the water.
You can catch different fish depending on which of the two fishing poles you're using.
To get the Master Rod, you need to have 7750 FP with Rutger (2 flowers = 10,000
FP) and have a Request Level of 3 or higher; you can find your current Request
Level inside your Info menu. Rutger will request 6000 G, 10 Old Balls, and 10 Old
In the Winter season the river waters will freeze. You simply need to use your
Hammer on the ice cracks at the spot you want to fish at in order to open a hole in
the ice.
Unlike bare-hand fishing, the deeper water fish are not time specific. You can catch
the same fish regardless of what time of day it is. Some fish are weather-specific
There are four fishing pole locations you can cast from; one in Bluebell highmountain, one in Konohana high-mountain, and two in Konohana mid-mountain. The
two spots in Konohana mid-mountain are not the same spot and you can find
different fish in each one.

158 | H M : T o T T

List of Rod Caught Fish

Kono-Mid-S = Konohana mid-mountain, lower stream
Kono-Mid-W = Konohana mid-mountain, waterfall
Fish Name


Spring to
Fall and
Spring to








Large Char





Spring or






All Year




and Fall


Small Salmon









All Locations

All Year






Large Icefish




Sea Bass


Spring to


Small Sea




Large Eel

Fall and
Spring to




Ship Price
1 Star to 5 Stars
240 G | 320 G | 400 G | 480 G
| 560 G
380 G | 510 G | 640 G | 760 G
| 890 G
250 G | 330 G | 420 G | 500 G
| 580 G
420 G | 560 G | 640 G | 760 G
| 890 G
310 G | 410 G | 520 G | 620 G
| 720 G
390 G | 520 G | 660 G | 790 G
| 920 G
360 G | 480 G | 600 G | 720 G
| 840 G
390 G | 520 G | 660 G | 790 G
| 920 G
180 G | 240 G | 300 G | 360 G
| 420 G
450 G | 600 G | 760 G | 910 G
| 1060 G
140 G | 190 G | 240 G | 280 G
| 330 G
340 G | 460 G | 580 G | 690 G
| 810 G
80 G | 110 G | 140 G | 160 G |
190 G
360 G | 480 G | 600 G | 720 G
| 840 G
370 G | 490 G | 620 G | 740 G
| 860 G


300 G | 400 G | 500 G | 600 G

| 700 G

159 | H M : T o T T

Large Sea
Large Loach



400 G | 540 G | 680 G | 810 G

| 950 G
260 G | 350 G | 440 G | 520 G
| 610 G
360 G | 480 G | 600 G | 720 G
| 840 G
120 G | 160 G | 200 G | 240 G
| 280 G
360 G | 480 G | 600 G | 720 G
| 840 G
240 G | 320 G | 400 G | 480 G
| 560 G
360 G | 480 G | 600 G | 720 G
| 840 G
120 G | 160 G | 200 G | 240 G
| 280 G
240 G | 320 G | 400 G | 480 G
| 560 G
100 G | 140 G | 180 G | 210 G
| 250 G
240 G | 320 G | 400 G | 480 G
| 560 G
240 G | 320 G | 400 G | 480 G
| 560 G
310 G | 410 G | 520 G | 620 G
| 720 G
360 G | 480 G | 600 G | 720 G
| 840 G
260 G | 350 G | 440 G | 520 G
| 610 G
390 G | 520 G | 660 G | 790 G
| 920 G
250 G | 330 G | 420 G | 500 G
| 580 G
210 G | 280 G | 360 G | 430 G
| 500 G
360 G | 480 G | 600 G | 720 G
| 840 G



140 G | 190 G | 240 G | 280 G

| 330 G



300 G | 400 G | 500 G | 600 G

| 700 G



1200 G | 1600 G | 2000 G |

2400 G | 2600 G



1200 G | 1600 G | 2000 G |

2400 G | 2600 G



1800 G | 2400 G | 3000 G |

3600 G | 4200 G



Spring and





All Locations

All Year


Large Goby






Spring to


Large Funa




Black Bass

All Locations

All Year


Large Black





All Locations

All Year


Large Bluegill





Spring to
Fall and

Large Killifish




Masu Salmon


Spring to






Spring to







Large Trout

Large Masu


Large Smelt











6 cm

160 | H M : T o T T



Moray Eel









180 G | 240 G | 300 G | 360 G

| 420 G



840 G | 1120 G | 1400 G |

1680 G | 1960 G



840 G | 1120 G | 1400 G |

1680 G | 1960 G



1200 G | 1600 G | 2000 G |

2400 G | 2600 G

King Fish








Dragon Carp




Giant Catfish




Fish Fossil



Other Items
Master (KonoHigh)
Fishing (KonoMid-S)










Can't sell. Must have caught a

Giant Salamandar, Dragon
Carp, and Giant Catfish first.
Can't sell. Enter the Kono-High
area after midnight.
Can't sell. The weather must
be sunny.
Can't sell. The weather must
be rainy.

4000 G. The weather must be

2000 G. The weather must be
Can't sell. The weather must
be rainy.
Can't sell. The weather must
be snowy.

Catching Mountain Critters

All throughout the mountain area you'll find critters you
can catch. These bugs and frogs can be shipped for
profit, given to villagers as gifts, or used to complete
message board requests. You'll find a variety of
critters all year long during sunny or rainy/snowy
weather. Critters will go into hiding during summer and
winter storms.
There are three ranks for critters. The higher the rank,
the harder it is to catch the insect. Frogs are the only critters that are all the same
level of difficulty. The critters will be three different colors as they roam around the
mountain area and when you catch them, the cage colors will be green (low), silver
(medium), or gold (high). Critters do not have star rank or freshness rating. You can
store them in your horse cart and they'll never rot or lose their profit rank.

161 | H M : T o T T

Critters will change on the hour mark as you run through the mountain. For example,
if you catch all of the bugs in an area and then leave, walk back into the area at the
top of the hour to find more of them.
There are seven types of critters:
You will find cicadas on tree trunks. To catch these bugs, put your character in
WALK mode (press the left-shoulder button on your console), walk up close to the
tree, jump towards it (press B), and then press A to catch it before it flies away.
Critter Name
Brown Cicada

Season Weather Location and Time

Summer Sunny
Bluebell Low: 6am to 6pm
Bluebell Mid: 6am to 6pm
Kaempfer Cicada
Summer Sunny
Konohana Mid: 6am to 6pm
Spring Cicada
Summer Sunny
Bluebell High: 6am to 6pm
Princess Cicada
Summer Sunny
Konohana High: 6am to 6pm
Grass Cicada
Summer Sunny
Bluebell High: 6am to 6pm
Konohana Mid and High: 6am to 6pm
Opal Cicada
Konohana Mid: 7am to 6pm
Screeching Cicada Summer Sunny
Bluebell Mid: 6am to 6pm
Chattering Cicada Summer Sunny
Bluebell Low: 6am to 6pm
Singing Cicada
Summer Sunny
Bluebell Low: 7am to 6pm
Sitting Cicada
Summer Sunny
Bluebell Mid: 6am to 6pm
Konohana High: 6am to 6pm
Evening Cicada
Konohana High: 6am to 5pm
Bluebell High: 6am to 6pm
Bear Cicada
Bluebell High: 7am to 6pm

20 G
20 G
40 G
100 G
30 G
30 G
100 G
250 G
40 G
50 G
120 G
400 G

You will find beetles on tree trunks on Summer nights. To catch these bugs, put your
character in WALK mode (press the left-shoulder button on your console), walk up
close to the tree, jump towards it (press B), and then press A to catch it before it flies
away. If you are trying to marry Dirk then stock up on these bugs during the season
to give as gifts throughout the rest of the year.
Critter Name


Rhinoceros Beetle


Year 2 or later

Pincer Beetle
Big Pincer Beetle
Atlas Beetle

Summer Sunny
Summer Sunny
Summer Sunny

Elephant Beetle

Summer Sunny

Stag Beetle


Year 2 or later

Location and Time

Bluebell Low: 6pm to 5am
Konohana Mid: 6pm to 5am

40 G

Konohana Mid: 7pm to 5am

Bluebell Mid: 6pm to 5am
Bluebell High: 6pm to 5am
Bluebell Low: 7pm to 5am
Bluebell Mid: 6pm to 5am
Konohana High: 6pm to 5am
Bluebell Low: 6pm to 5am
Konohana Mid: 6pm to 4am

40 G
60 G
100 G
50 G

50 G

Konohana Mid: 7pm to 5am

162 | H M : T o T T

Anubis Beetle
Hercules Beetle

Summer Sunny
Summer Sunny
White Beetle
White Morn Beetle Summer Sunny / Rainy
White Hill Beetle
Summer Sunny
White Giant Beetle Summer Sunny

Bluebell High: 6pm to 5am

Bluebell Mid: 6pm to 5am
Bluebell High: 6pm to 5am
Bluebell High: 6pm to 4am
Bluebell Low: 6pm to 5am
Konohana High: 6pm to 5am
Konohana Mid: 6pm to 5am

70 G
200 G
60 G
60 G
180 G
600 G

These bugs are fast moving and will require you to jump a lot and press the A button
over and over until you get lucky enough to catch one. The golden dragonflies are
very difficult to catch!
Critter Name



Red Dragonfly



Risi Dragonfly



Sunrise Dragonfly



Amber Dragonfly


Sunny / Rainy

Blue Dragonfly
Common Skimmer

Year 2 or

Azure Dragonfly


Cobalt Dragonfly


Ancient Dragonfly

Year 2 or

Yellow Damselfly



Sunny / Rainy
Sunny / Rainy

Pacific Dragonfly
Aegis Dragonfly

Konohana High: 6am to


20 G

20 G
20 G
40 G
100 G
40 G
40 G


Bluebell Low: 6am to 5pm

800 G





Bluebell High: 6am to 6pm

Konohana Mid: 6am to 6pm
Konohana Mid: 6am to 6pm
Bluebell Mid: 6am to 6pm
Konohana Low: 6am to
Bluebell Mid: 6am to 6pm
Bluebell Low: 6am to 5pm



Konohana Mid: 6am to 6pm


Sunny / Rainy

Konohana High: 6am to




Konohana Mid: 6am to 6pm

Bluebell Low: 6am to 5pm
Bluebell Mid: 6am to 6pm
Konohana High: 6am to
Bluebell High: 6am to 6pm
Konohana Low: 6am to
Bluebell High: 6am to 6pm


Golden Dragonfly

Location and Time

Bluebell Low: 6am to 5pm
Konohana Low: 6am to
Konohana Low: 6am to
Bluebell Mid: 6am to 6pm
Bluebell Mid: 6am to 6pm
Konohana Mid: 6am to 6pm
Bluebell High: 6am to 6pm
Konohana High: 6am to


60 G

100 G

60 G

100 G

200 G
400 G

163 | H M : T o T T




Konohana Mid: 6am to 6pm


Fireflies can only be found on summer evenings. They are stationary and can be
caught by pressing A when their light is at their brightest. When the fireflies are dark,
you can't catch them.
Critter Name
Black Firefly
Candle Firefly
Pacific Firefly




Sunny / Rainy



Location and Time

Bluebell Low: 6pm to 12am (If rainy,
Year 2 or later)
Konohana Mid: 6pm to 12am
Bluebell High: 6pm to 12am
Konohana High: 6pm to 12am



Bluebell Low: 6pm to 12am

100 G

Year 2 or


Konohana Low: 6pm to 12am


Sunny / Rainy


Sunny / Rainy



Konohana High: 6pm to 12am

80 G

Year 2 or


Konohana High: 6pm to 12am



Yellow Firefly



20 G
30 G





20 G

Bluebell Mid: 6pm to 5am

Konohana High: 6pm to 12am
Konohana High: 6pm to 12am
Bluebell Low: 6pm to 12am
Konohana Mid: 6pm to 12am
Bluebell Low: 6am to 12am
Konohana Low: 6am to 8am
Konohana Low: 6pm to 12am
Konohana Low: 6pm to 12am





Bluebell High: 6pm to 12am

Konohana Low: 6pm to 12am
Bluebell Mid: 6pm to 5am
Konohana Mid: 6pm to 12am

30 G

30 G

40 G

300 G
40 G
40 G

164 | H M : T o T T

These critters only appear if it is raining, but not during a summer hurricane. They
are slow moving and easy to catch.
Critter Name





Year 2 or later


Location and Time

Bluebell Low: 6am to 5am
Konohana Low: 6am to 5am
Bluebell Mid: 6am to 5am
Konohana Mid: 6am to 5am
Bluebell Mid: 6am to 5am
Konohana Low: 6am to 5am
Konohana High: 6am to 12am
Konohana Low: 6am to 5am
Bluebell Low: 6am to 5am
Bluebell Low: 6am to 5am
Konohana Mid: 6am to 5am
Bluebell Low: 6am to 5am
Konohana High: 6am to 5am
Bluebell Low: 6am to 5am
Konohana Low: 6am to 5am
Konohana Low: 6am to 5am
Konohana Mid: 6am to 5am


Bluebell Mid: 6am to 12am


Konohana Mid: 6am to 12am



Tree Frog








White-lipped Frog

Red-eyed Tree Frog Summer

White's Tree Frog

Spotted Pond Frog


20 G

30 G

30 G

20 G
100 G

These are flying creatures you will have to catch by jumping (press B) and then
catch by pressing A. Butterflies will not stay once you notice them. The high-rank
blue ones will quickly fly away if you don't catch them fast enough.
Critter Name


Small White


Scarce Large


White Morpho

Year 2 or

Sunny /
Sunny /

Location and Time

Bluebell Low: 6am to 5pm
Konohana Mid: 6am to 5pm
Bluebell Mid: 6am to 5pm
Konohana Low: 6am to 5pm
Konohana Mid: 6am to 5pm

20 G
20 G

Bluebell High: 6am to 5pm

Konohana High: 6am to 5pm
Bluebell Mid: 6am to 5pm
Konohana High: 6am to 5pm
Bluebell High: 6am to 12am


Bluebell Low: 6am to 5pm


Sunny /

Bluebell Mid: 6am to 12am

Konohana Mid: 6am to 5pm


Sunny /



30 G

40 G
100 G

30 G
Konohana Mid: 6am to 5pm

165 | H M : T o T T

Pale Cloud



Oki Butterfly

Year 2 or
Year 2 or

Purple Emperor

Purple BrushFoot
Velvet BrushFoot
Helena Morpho

Sunny /
Sunny /

Konohana Low: 6am to 5pm

Bluebell High: 6am to 5pm
Konohana Mid: 6am to 5pm
Bluebell High: 6am to 5pm
Konohana High: 6am to 5pm



40 G

50 G

Bluebell Mid: 6am to 5am

200 G


Bluebell Mid: 6am to 5pm

Bluebell High: 6am to 5pm
Konohana Low: 6am to 5pm
Konohana Low: 6am to 5pm

Sunny /

40 G

Konohana Low: 6am to 5pm

Bluebell Low: 6am to 5pm
Konohana Mid: 6am to 5pm
Konohana Mid: 6am to 5pm
Konohana High: 6am to 5pm



30 G

Bluebell Mid: 6am to 5pm




Bluebell Low: 6am to 5pm

Konohana High: 6am to 5pm
Konohana High: 6am to 5pm


Sunny /
Sunny /
Sunny /

Bluebell High: 6am to 5pm

Bluebell Mid: 6am to 5pm
Konohana High: 6am to 5pm

50 G

60 G

100 G

Bluebell High: 6am to 5pm

Konohana High: 6am to 5pm (If
sunny, Year 2 or later)

400 G

This group includes grasshoppers, locusts, and crickets. You won't see them on the
ground until after you run by where they were hiding. If you keep running and the
bug goes off-screen, then typically it will be gone when you turn around to collect it.
Critter Name


Longheaded Locust



Sunny / Rainy





Location and Time

Bluebell Low: 6am to 5am
Konohana Mid: 6am to 5am
Konohana Mid: 6am to 5am
Bluebell High: 6am to 5am
Konohana High: 6am to


20 G

Bluebell Mid: 6am to 5am

Konohana Low: 6am to

166 | H M : T o T T

Piggyback Locust


Kutsuwa Katydid

Migratory Locust







Sunny / Rainy



Bluebell Mid: 6am to 5pm

Konohana Low: 6am to
Konohana Low: 6am to
Konohana High: 6am to
Bluebell Low: 6am to 12am
Konohana Mid: 6am to 5am
Konohana Mid: 6am to 5am
Bluebell High: 6am to 5am
Bluebell Low: 6am to 12am
Konohana Mid: 6am to 5am
Bluebell Low: 6am to 5am
Bluebell Mid: 6am to 5am
Konohana Low: 6am to
Konohana High: 6am to
Bluebell Mid: 6am to 5am
Konohana Low: 6am to
Bluebell High: 6am to 5am
Bluebell Low: 6am to 5pm




Sunny / Rainy





Year 2 or







Sunny / Rainy



Bluebell Low: 6am to 12am

Konohana Mid: 6am to 5am


Bluebell Low: 6am to 5pm

Konohana Mid: 6am to 5am

Sunny / Rainy

Bluebell Low: 6am to 5am

Bluebell High: 6am to 5am


Bluebell Mid: 6am to 5am

Konohana Low: 6am to
Konohana High: 6am to


Bluebell Mid: 6am to 5am

Konohana High: 6am to

Spotted Locust

Konohana High: 6am to

Bluebell Mid: 6am to 5am
Konohana High: 6am to
Konohana Low: 6am to
Bluebell High: 6am to 5am

20 G

20 G

40 G

100 G

30 G

30 G

167 | H M : T o T T

Dirt Grasshopper











Hina Grasshopper

Emma Field Cricket

Spiked Locust



Year 2 or



Sunny / Rainy




Sunny / Rainy


Sunny / Rainy



Eastern Locust




Sunny / Rainy

Cornered Cricket

Ant Hill Cricket





Year 2 or


Konohana Low: 6am to

Bluebell Mid: 6am to 5am
Konohana High: 6am to
Bluebell Low: 6am to 5am
Konohana Mid: 6am to 5am
Bluebell Low: 6am to 5am
Bluebell High: 6am to 5am
Bluebell Low: 6am to 12am
Konohana Mid: 6am to 5am
Bluebell Mid: 6am to 5am
Konohana Low: 6am to
Bluebell High: 6am to 12am
Bluebell High: 6am to 12am
Konohana Low: 6am to
Bluebell Low: 6am to 12am
Bluebell Low: 6am to 5am
Konohana High: 6am to
Bluebell Low: 6am to 12am
Bluebell High: 6am to 5am
Konohana Low: 6am to
Bluebell Mid: 6am to 5am
Konohana Mid: 6am to
Konohana Mid: 6am to
Bluebell Mid: 6am to 5am
Konohana High: 6am to
Bluebell Mid: 6am to 12am
Konohana Mid: 6am to
Bluebell Mid: 6am to 5am
Konohana Mid: 6am to
Bluebell Low: 6am to 5am
Bluebell Low: 6am to 5pm
Konohana Low: 6am to
Bluebell High: 6am to 12am

30 G

35 G

200 G

40 G

40 G

60 G

600 G

168 | H M : T o T T

The Tunnel Mine

Between Bluebell Town and Konohana Town is a
tunnel that connects the villages together. At the
beginning of the game you'll find that the Goddess
intentionally collapsed the tunnel to stop the villagers
from contacting each other. As you play through the
game you will repair the tunnel and the villages'
Once the tunnel is repaired, you can run through it
and randomly find Scrap Metal, Copper, Silver, or even Ore Stone on the ground
each day. These random ground items are not what the Harvest Goddess means
when she refers to being able to gain access to a mine.
If you continue to expand the tunnel you'll discover that there's a hidden mine halfway through it! To access the mine you'll need to do the following:
1. Complete the tunnel between the two towns by participating in the seasonal
cooking festivals. As you gain 3 hearts of friendship with the mayors, Eileen
will post a "Through the Tunnel" request on the Bluebell message board on
the first day of the new season. You'll need to complete this request three
times before the path between the towns has been repaired.
2. Expand your farm to 100% in size. You'll need to complete all of Eileen's farm
construction requests and then stay on the farm. If you move to the other farm
and it's not at 100%, then you will simply get another farm renovation request
instead of moving towards unlocking the mine.
3. Make sure your Request Level is at 5 or higher.
4. Because your farm is at 100%, Eileen's last renovation request will be the "A
Hot Spring" request. The spa will cost 2,000,000 G, 50 Material Stone, and 50
5. Now that she's out of construction work (don't move farms!), Eileen will
prompt you for the fourth "Through the Tunnel" request. Bring her 10 Lumber,
10 Material Stone, and 500,000 G. This will unlock a southern path through
the tunnel, but you won't find any gems there; just another opportunity to find
Scrap Metal, Copper, Silver, and Ore Stone.
6. Finally, you will get the mine request. It will cost 1,000,000 G, 10 Material
Stone, and 10 Lumber.
Access to the mine will be from staircases on the northern wall of the tunnel. Each
day you can find ores and gems from the four foraging spots inside the mine. Just
like looking for wild items in the mountain, walk up to one of the four spots and press
A until you see the "There's nothing here." message. Then move onto the next one.
You do not need to use your Hammer.

169 | H M : T o T T

The path through the mine is very dark. If you want more visible light, you can have
Oracle make the Night Vision alchemy potion. You will need to bring her a
Strawberry, a Carrot, and Fluorite. After you eat the potion, you can see better in the
mine tunnel but it's not completely clear. Your vision will be expanded for the rest of
the day.
Along the path of the mine you will come across
geysers. If you walk across the geyser while it is
erupting, you will be pushed out of the mine and land
at the bottom of the waterfall in the Konohana midmountain area! The geysers erupt about every 15
minutes in-game so be careful when walking up to
one. It is more efficient to wait for the eruption and
then run over the geyser than to have to run all the
way back to the mine from the mountain area.

170 | H M : T o T T

Just like with the mountain items, the star rank of the foraged ores and gems will be
determined by the year you are in. In year three you can get ores and gems from 2.5
to 3 stars, year four is 3 to 3.5 stars, and between year five and year nine you'll find 4
to 4.5 star rank items. You can't find 5 star rank items until year ten.
The ores and gems in the four mine foraging spots are not seasonal. You'll find the
same items all year long.
List of Mine Items

Scrap Metal

Mining Spots
Spot 1 through 4
All 4 spots
Spots 1 and 3


Spots 1 and 3


Spots 1 and 3

Mythic Ore
Stone Tablet
Ore Stone

Spots 1 and 3
Spots 1 and 3
Spots 2 and 4
Spots 1 and 3
Spots 1 and 3
All 4 spots
Spots 2 and 4
Spots 2 and 4
Spots 2 and 4
Spots 2 and 4
Spots 2 and 4
Spots 2 and 4
Spots 2 and 4
Spots 2 and 4
Spots 2 and 4

Moon Stone

Spots 2 and 4


Spots 2 and 4

Pink Diamond

Spots 2 and 4

Item Name

Red Wonderful

Spots 2 and 4 (Fall)

All 4 spots (Spring,
Summer, Winter)
Spots 2 and 4 (Fall)
All 4 spots (Spring,
Summer, Winter)

Ship Price
1 Star to 5 Stars
12 G | 16 G | 20 G | 24 G | 26 G
600 G | 800 G | 1000 G | 1200 G | 1400 G
5400 G | 7200 G | 9000 G | 10,800 G |
12,600 G
6000 G | 8000 G | 10,000 G | 12,000 G |
14,000 G
3840 G | 5120 G | 6400 G | 7680 G | 8960 G
3840 G | 5120 G | 6400 G | 7680 G | 8960 G
3840 G | 5120 G | 6400 G | 7680 G | 8960 G
600 G | 800 G | 1000 G | 1200 G | 1400 G
4440 G | 5920 G | 7400 G | 8880 G | 10,360 G
4440 G | 5920 G | 7400 G | 8880 G | 10,360 G
4440 G | 5920 G | 7400 G | 8880 G | 10,360 G
4440 G | 5920 G | 7400 G | 8880 G | 10,360 G
4440 G | 5920 G | 7400 G | 8880 G | 10,360 G
4440 G | 5920 G | 7400 G | 8880 G | 10,360 G
4440 G | 5920 G | 7400 G | 8880 G | 10,360 G
4440 G | 5920 G | 7400 G | 8880 G | 10,360 G
4800 G | 6400 G | 8000 G | 9600 G | 11,200 G
5400 G | 7200 G | 9000 G | 10,800 G |
12,600 G
6000 G | 8000 G | 10,000 G | 12,000 G |
14,000 G
18,000 G | 24,000 G | 30,000 G | 36,000 G |
42,000 G
(Can't sell)

(Can't sell)

The Red and Orange Wonderful Stones can appear in the mine foraging spots if you
haven't already found them in their normal locations.

171 | H M : T o T T

Cooking Basics
In your house you'll find a kitchen in the upper-right corner. You can use this kitchen
to create cooked recipes. At the beginning of the game you can use the kitchen, but
you can only craft recipes that don't require a cooking utensil.
Around Spring 8 of your first year, Howard (if you live in Bluebell) or Yun (if you live
in Konohana) will visit your house in the morning and give you a cooking Pot. Now
you can cook dishes that require the use of the Pot as its utensil of choice. The other
two cooking utensils, the Frying Pan and Seasoning Set, will appear as red-papered
item requests on your town's message board at the beginning of the season. You'll
see the Frying Pan around Summer 1 of your first year and the Seasoning Set on
Fall 1 if you complete the Frying Pan request before it expires.
To make a cooked recipe, walk up to your kitchen and press A. You will be given two
cooking options:
Cook From Recipe
If you know the recipe you want to cook, select the
first option to cook the saved recipe. When you select
the recipe from your cookbook, the ingredients on the
top screen will be on either a red or a green

A red background means you have to use this

specific ingredient in the recipe.
A green background means that this ingredient
can be swapped out with another likeingredient.

For example, if you are making Corn Cereal then you

must use a Frying Pan and Corn, as these two
ingredients are on a red colored background. The last
ingredient, Milk, is on a green colored background.
This means that the Milk can be replaced with another
milk product, such as Jersey Milk or Golden Milk, and the recipe can still successfully
be created.
If you aren't sure what the icon in the ingredient list represents, press the X button on
your DS or 3DS to swap the top screen to the bottom screen. When the list of recipe
ingredients is on the touch screen of the console you can tap on each one to learn its
To continue cooking with your selected recipe, press the A button to reach the preselected ingredient screen. If you want to change your ingredients, such as selecting
one with a higher Star Rank or freshness rating, you can do so from this screen.
When you've confirmed the ingredients you want to use, select the MAKE button at
the bottom of the page.

172 | H M : T o T T

Cook Without Recipe

You can learn recipes by combining ingredients together and hope they result in a
recordable recipe. When you explore the villagers' houses you can find recipe hints
to try in your own kitchen. The other options are to randomly experiment with mixing
ingredients or to use an online list of recipes. You can also naturally learn recipes by
becoming inspired.
When you try to cook using your own imagination,
your rucksack will be open on the left side of the
screen and your selected ingredients will be on the
lower-right green Ingredients box. If you want to swap
between your rucksack and horse cart storage, press
the X button. You don't need to have all of the
ingredients you want to use in your rucksack;
selecting from your horse cart is okay too.
A cooked recipe is made of up to six ingredients. To add an ingredient, simply press
the A button when the item you want is highlighted on the left-side storage area.
When you're ready to combine the items, press the MAKE button at the bottom of the
Don't forget to add a cooking utensil if your recipe requires one! It is
common for players to add the necessary ingredients to the Ingredients box but
then forget to add in the necessary cookware utensil. Even if you have all the
right ingredients, omitting the required utensil will result in a Failed Dish.
Generally, you will want to first add the cookware utensil, then the base recipe
ingredients, and then finally any additional ingredients that the recipe supports. For
example, to make Turnip Salad, which doesn't require a cooking utensil, you can
combine a Turnip and add in a Tomato as an additional ingredient. If you reverse the
order (Tomato and then the Turnip) you'll end up making Tomato Salad instead.
Becoming Inspired to Learn New Recipes
As you are using your kitchen, sometimes you will
automatically figure out a new cooking recipe after
you create a dish. If you use the kitchen 10 times to
make the same category of recipe, then you will be
inspired and learn a new recipe from the same typecategory. You don't have to cook the pre-inspired dish
10 times in a row (it is 10 times total) and the
inspiration comes from using the kitchen and not
based on the quantity: if you make a Turnip Salad, put
it in your rucksack, and then make another Turnip Salad, that will count as 2 times. If
you make a Turnip Salad and select two for the number of dishes you want to make,
that will only count as 1 time.

173 | H M : T o T T

If you already know the recipe, then you'll learn the next recipe in the list. For
example, if you cook 10 Turnip Salads (each one at a time) then you'll automatically
learn the recipe for Tomato Salad. If you already knew the recipe for Tomato Salad,
then you'll be inspired to learn Herb Salad instead. When you create a total of 10
Turnip Salads, Tomato Salads, or Herb Salads, then you will be inspired and learn
the recipe for Caprese Salad, and so on.

Appetizer Category: Sauteed Turnips Boiled Potato Hash Browns

French Fries Croquette Cream Croquette Cheese Croquette
Focaccia Quiche Cabbage Roll Boiled Daikon Shredded Daikon
Steamed Mushrooms Roasted Eggplant Miso Eggplant Vegetable
Stir Fry Chop Suey Spring Roll Steamed Dumpling Potstickers
Simmered Potato Boiled Pumpkin

Appetizer and Dessert Category: Roasted Mushroom Roasted Corn

Corn Cereal Popcorn Baked Yam Yam Dessert Stewed Apple
Apple Pie Strawberry Pie Cherry Pie Pineapple Pie Egg Tart
Chocolate Banana Mont Blanc Fruit Parfait

Bread and Dessert Category: Sandwich Butter Roll French Toast

Toast Raisen Bread Jelly Bread Honey Toast Canape Herb
Sandwich Sponge Cake Fruit Sandwich Potato Pancake Pancake
Cake Honey Cake Chocolate Cake Cheesecake Party Cake
Choc. Party Cake Party Cheesecake Trifle

Bread and Noodle Category: Bread Cheese Dumpling Curry Dumpling

Cold Soba Noodles Udon Noodles Galette Yakisoba
Okonomiyaki Fried Udon Fried Rice Noodles Chinese Dumpling
Tempura Soba Tempura Udon Kitsune Udon

Candy Category: Soybean Rice Candy Chestnut Bun Tteokbokki

Almond Tofu Green Rice Candy Soba Dumpling Bamboo Dumpling
3 Color Dumplings Sweet Dumplings Fruit Shiratama Strawberry
Rice Candy

Dessert and Chocolate Category: Cookies Chocolate Cookies Scone

Donuts Chocolate Donuts Chocolate Fondue Fondant Chocolate
Churros Choc. Sponge Cake Tiramisu Chocolate Pudding

Egg Category: Boiled Egg Fried Egg Egg Soup Omelet Omelet
Rice Crab Omelet Dashi Egg Egg Custard Pudding Soy Milk
Pudding Pumpkin Pudding Honey Pudding

Failed Dish Category: Failed Dish Ultimate Curry Supreme Curry

Fish Category: Sashimi Grilled Fish Marinated Fish Fish Paste

Meuniere Fish Stew Fish and Chips Tempura Bouillabaisse
Tom Yum Goong Crab Stew Tuna Yukhoe Shark Fin Soup

174 | H M : T o T T

Jam Category: Strawberry Jam Grape Jam Apple Jam Apple Juice
Banana Juice Peach Juice Plum Juice Mandarin Juice
Blueberry Jam Russian Tea Mixed Juice Mixed Smoothie

Milk Category: Hot Milk Hot Chocolate Cafe au Lait Cappuccino

Ice Cream Soft Chocolates Choc. Ice Cream Strawb. Soft Choc.
Strawb. Ice Cream Matcha Ice Cream Yogurt Shake Honey Shake
Milk Tea Honey Tea Royal Milk Tea

Pasta Category: Spaghetti Penne Pasta Mushroom Pasta Pasta

Salad Raclette Cheese Fondue Herb Spaghetti Tomato Fondue
Pizza Pink Fondue Macaroni & Cheese Lasagna Gratin
Moussaka Pizzoccheri Spaghetti Soup

Rice Category: Cooked Rice Rice Porridge Egg Rice Fried Rice
Shimeji Rice Mushroom Rice Chestnut Rice Bamboo Rice Egg
Rice Bowl Natto Rice Paella Rice Ball Fried Rice Ball Sushi
Risotto Doria Arancini Dolma Mixed Rice Kappa Roll Sushi
Bowl Inari Sushi Natto Roll Oshinko Roll Farmer's Breakfast
Tempura Bowl Tekka Roll

Salad Category: Turnip Salad Tomato Salad Herb Salad Caprese

Salad Cucumber Namul Boiled Spinach Onion Salad Potato Salad
Asazuke Mimosa Salad Daikon Salad Mixed Salad

Soup and Curry Category: Radish Soup Asparagus Soup Onion Soup
Herb Soup Vichyssoise Gazpacho Corn Soup Pumpkin Soup
Stew Curry Rice Curry Bread Dry Curry Vegetable Curry
Spicy Curry Seaweed Curry Milk Curry Rainbow Curry

Soybean Category: Tofu Cold Tofu Dried Tofu Soy Milk Yuba
Tofu Deep-Fried Tofu Soybean Soup Ganmodoki Fried Tofu
Tofu Salad Boiled Tofu Okara Tofu Steak Tofu Burger Miso
Soup Oden Pho Bibimbap Kimchi Stew Soy Milk Stew Milk
Stew Rice Pudding

Note: Before you can learn Ultimate Curry from 10 Failed Dishes, your Cooking
Level needs to be at level 9 or higher.

The List of Cooking Recipes

There are a two ways you can discover cooking
recipes in Tale of Two Towns; either by cooking it or
by being inspired after you successfully cook a recipe.
You can find recipe instructions by reading the
bookshelves in the villagers' houses. Then you just
have to cook it to see if you get inspired to learn a new

175 | H M : T o T T

You don't need to know the recipe in order to cook it. If you have the right ingredients
and cooking utensil, then craft it using your kitchen to have it documented into your
recipe list. There are six categories of cooking recipes and a total of 273 cooking
Cooking Recipes: Salad
A total of 14 recipes using basic crops and oil. Most dish do not require a cooking
utensil. You'll start out knowing the recipe for Turnip Salad.
Note: "Max Sta." is the amount of stamina you can recover if you eat the food that
was cooked using as many additional ingredients as possible.

Turnip Salad

Tomato Salad

Onion Salad

Potato Salad

Herb Salad

Caprese Salad

Mimosa Salad






Additional Ingredients

1 Star to
5 Star
234 G |
312 G |
390 G |
468 G |
546 G



Cabbage / Asparagus /
Cucumber / Onion / Radish /
Tomato / Carrot


Turnip / Cabbage /
Asparagus / Cucumber /
Onion / Radish / Carrot

156 G |
208 G |
260 G |
312 G |
364 G


Turnip / Asparagus /
Cucumber / Tomato / Carrot

276 G |
368 G |
460 G |
552 G |
644 G






Potato + Milk

Yam / Walnut

432 G |
576 G |
720 G |
864 G |
1008 G


Mint +
Chamomile +

Herb Cheese / Good Herb

Cheese / Great Herb Cheese
/ Herb Mayonnaise / Good
Herb Mayo / Great Herb

72 G | 96
G | 120 G
| 144 G |
168 G


Cheese / Good Cheese /

Great Cheese

210 G |
280 G |
350 G |
420 G |
490 G


Bread Crumbs

1206 G |
1608 G |
2010 G |
2412 G |
2814 G



Tomato + Oil


Cabbage +
Asparagus +
Cucumber +
Boiled Egg

176 | H M : T o T T

Boiled Spinach



Turnip / Eggplant / Bok Choy



Cucumber +

Asparagus / Bok Choy

Cucumber Namul


Cucumber + Oil


Tofu Salad


Tofu +
Cucumber +


Pasta Salad


Spaghetti +

Turnip / Cabbage /
Asparagus / Onion / Tomato
/ Carrot / Penne Pasta / Herb

Daikon Salad


Daikon + Bok
Choy + Onion

Spinach / Eggplant

Mixed Salad


Cabbage +
Cucumber +
Asparagus +

Turnip / Carrot / Daikon

360 G |
480 G |
600 G |
720 G |
840 G
288 G |
384 G |
480 G |
576 G |
672 G
222 G |
296 G |
370 G |
444 G |
518 G
492 G |
656 G |
820 G |
984 G |
1148 G
341 G |
454 G |
568 G |
682 G |
795 G
600 G |
800 G |
1000 G |
1200 G |
1400 G
1080 G |
1440 G |
1800 G |
2160 G |
2520 G








Cooking Recipes: Soup

16 recipes using the Pot, which you'll receive on Spring 8 from either Howard
(Bluebell) or Yun (Konohana). You will already know how to make Radish Soup.



Additional Ingredients



Potato + Onion
+ Butter

Milk / Jersey Milk / Golden

Milk / Asparagus



Tomato +
Cucumber +
Onion + Bread

Red Wine (Glass)

1 Star to
5 Star
660 G |
880 G |
1100 G |
1320 G |
1540 G
504 G |
672 G |
840 G |
1008 G |
1176 G

177 | H M : T o T T




384 G |
512 G |
640 G |
768 G |
896 G
554 G |
739 G |
924 G |
1109 G |
1294 G
468 G |
624 G |
780 G |
936 G |
1092 G
636 G |
848 G |
1060 G |
1272 G |
1484 G
408 G |
544 G |
680 G |
816 G |
952 G
544 G |
720 G |
900 G |
1080 G |
1260 G


Onion + Tomato
+ ( Flounder /
Salmon / Oil )

Flounder / Salmon / Oil

Corn Soup


Corn + Butter +
( Milk / Jersey
Milk / Golden
Milk )

Milk / Jersey Milk / Golden


Onion Soup


Onion + Butter


Pumpkin Soup


Pumpkin +
( Potato / Onion
/ Milk / Soy
Milk )

Potato / Onion / Milk / Soy


Soy Milk


Soybeans +



Miso +
( Spinach /
Potato / Onion /
Tofu / DeepFried Tofu )

Spinach / Potato / Onion /

Tofu / Deep-Fried Tofu


Chamomile +

Herb Cheese / Good Herb

Cheese / Great Herb
Cheese / Mint / Lavender

276 G |
368 G |
460 G |
552 G |
644 G



Asparagus +
( Onion / Milk /
Soy Milk )

Onion / Milk / Soy Milk

564 G |
752 G |
940 G |
1128 G |
1316 G


Milk / Jersey Milk / Golden


413 G |
550 G |
688 G |
826 G |
963 G


Black Egg / Golden Egg

336 G |
448 G |
560 G |
672 G |
784 G



Miso Soup

Herb Soup

Asparagus Soup

Radish Soup

Egg Soup



Radish + ( Milk /
Jersey Milk /
Golden Milk )

Egg + Onion

178 | H M : T o T T







Soybean Soup


Soy Milk +


Shark Fin Soup


Dogfish Shark +

Egg / Black Egg / Golden


Tom Yum Goong Pot

Crab + Tomato
+ Brown
Mushroom +



Rice Flour +
Onion + Chili



600 G |
800 G |
1000 G |
1200 G |
1400 G
168 G |
224 G |
280 G |
336 G |
392 G
444 G |
592 G |
740 G |
888 G |
1036 G
888 G |
1184 G |
1480 G |
1776 G |
2072 G

Cooking Recipes: Appetizer

Many of these 64 recipes used processed items like Butter. You'll start out with 5
recipes: Sauteed Turnips, Roasted Mushroom, Sandwich, Sashimi, and Tofu.




Sauted Turnips


Turnip + ( Butter /
Good Butter /
Great Butter )

Butter / Good Butter /

Great Butter

French Fries


Potato + Oil




Potato + Flour +


Hash Browns


Potato + Flour +
Oil + ( Herb
Cheese / Herb
Butter )

Herb Cheese / Herb


Boiled Potato


Potato + ( Butter /
Good Butter /
Great Butter )

Butter / Good Butter /

Great Butter

1 Star to
5 Star
420 G |
560 G |
700 G |
840 G |
980 G
342 G |
456 G |
570 G |
684 G |
741 G
408 G |
544 G |
680 G |
816 G |
952 G
552 G |
736 G |
920 G |
1104 G |
1288 G
516 G |
688 G |
860 G |
1032 G |
1204 G






179 | H M : T o T T





Cabbage Rolls


Cabbage +
( Onion / Tomato
/ Bread Crumbs )





Corn Cereal


Corn + ( Milk /
Jersey Milk /
Golden Milk )

Milk / Jersey Milk /

Golden Milk

Boiled Egg




Fried Egg


Egg + Oil






Oil + ( Shiitake /
Shimeji / Truffle /
Coral Mushroom /
Brown Mushroom
/ Trumpet
Mushroom )
( Shiitake /
Shimeji / Truffle /
Coral Mushroom /
Brown Mushroom
/ Trumpet
Mushroom )

Onion / Tomato /
Bread Crumbs






Shiitake / Shimeji /
Truffle / Coral
Mushroom / Brown
Mushroom / Trumpet

132 G |
176 G |
220 G |
264 G |
308 G


Shiitake / Shimeji /
Truffle / Coral
Mushroom / Brown
Mushroom / Trumpet

62 G |
83 G |
104 G |
125 G |
146 G


Boiled Egg /
Mayonnaise / Good
Mayonnaise / Great



Bread +
Cucumber +

Herb Sandwich


Bread + Mint +
Chamomile +

Herb Mayonnaise /
Good Herb Mayo /
Great Herb Mayo


Bread + Yogurt +
( Strawberry /
Apple / Pineapple
/ Banana / Peach
/ Mandarin /
Cherry / Grape /
Blueberry )

Strawberry / Apple /
Pineapple / Banana /
Peach / Mandarin /
Cherry / Grape /

Fruit Sandwich

612 G |
816 G |
1020 G |
1224 G |
1428 G
264 G |
352 G |
440 G |
528 G |
616 G
396 G |
528 G |
660 G |
792 G |
924 G
96 G |
128 G |
160 G |
192 G |
224 G
174 G |
232 G |
290 G |
348 G |
406 G

378 G |
504 G |
630 G |
756 G |
882 G
174 G |
232 G |
290 G |
348 G |
406 G
336 G |
448 G |
560 G |
672 G |
784 G




180 | H M : T o T T

Raisen Bread


Bread + Grape


Jelly Bread


Bread + ( Apple
Jam / Strawberry
Jam / Grape Jam
/ Blueberry Jam )

Apple Jam /
Strawberry Jam /
Grape Jam /
Blueberry Jam





French Toast


Bread + ( Egg /
Black Egg /
Golden Egg )

Egg / Black Egg /

Golden Egg

Butter Roll


Bread + ( Butter /
Good Butter /
Great Butter )

Butter / Good Butter /

Great Butter






372 G |
496 G |
620 G |
744 G |
868 G
160 G |
210 G |
270 G |
320 G |
370 G
120 G |
160 G |
200 G |
240 G |
280 G
198 G |
264 G |
330 G |
396 G |
462 G
300 G |
400 G |
500 G |
600 G |
700 G






Egg / Black Egg /

Golden Egg

396 G |
528 G |
660 G |
792 G |
924 G




Potato + Oil +
Bread Crumbs


Potato + Oil +
Bread Crumbs +
( Milk / Jersey
Milk / Golden
Milk )

Milk / Jersey Milk /

Golden Milk

498 G |
664 G |
830 G |
996 G |
1162 G


Potato + Oil +
Bread Crumbs +
( Cheese / Good
Cheese / Great
Cheese )

Cheese / Good
Cheese / Great

492 G |
656 G |
820 G |
984 G |
1148 G



Flour + Oil +
( Herb Butter /
Good Herb Butter
/ Great Herb
Butter )

Herb Butter / Good

Herb Butter / Great
Herb Butter

396 G |
528 G |
660 G |
792 G |
924 G



Flour + Pumpkin
+ Spinach +


1020 G |
1360 G |
1700 G |
2040 G |
2380 G


181 | H M : T o T T


Fish & Chips

Honey Toast




Buckwheat Flour
+ Egg
Potato + Flour +
Oil + ( Bluegill /
Black Bass /
Large Bluegill /
Large Black
Bass )
Bread + ( Honey /
Spring Honey /
Summer Honey /
Fall Honey / Fruit
Honey / Rose
Honey )

Cheese / Good
Cheese / Great

252 G |
336 G |
420 G |
504 G |
588 G


Bluegill / Black Bass /

Large Bluegill / Large
Black Bass

444 G |
592 G |
740 G |
888 G |
1036 G


276 G |
Honey / Spring Honey
368 G |
/ Summer Honey /
460 G |
Fall Honey / Fruit
552 G |
Honey / Rose Honey
644 G


Tomato / Cucumber

348 G |
469 G |
580 G |
696 G |
820 G


Cheese / Good
Cheese / Great

384 G |
512 G |
640 G |
768 G |
896 G



Bread + Cheese
+ Boiled Egg


Cooked Rice +
Oil + Bread
Crumbs +
( Cheese / Good
Cheese / Great
Cheese )



Cabbage +
Cooked Rice +


Roasted Corn


Corn + ( Butter /
Good Butter /
Great Butter )

Butter / Good Butter /

Great Butter

Miso Eggplant


Eggplant + Miso




Eggplant + Oil




Baked Yam



Butter / Good Butter /

Great Butter

780 G |
1040 G |
1300 G |
1560 G |
1820 G
468 G |
624 G |
780 G |
936 G |
1092 G
408 G |
544 G |
680 G |
816 G |
952 G
228 G |
304 G |
380 G |
456 G |
532 G
120 G |
160 G |
200 G |
240 G |
280 G






182 | H M : T o T T

Egg Custard




Egg + ( Shimeji /
Truffle / Shiitake /
Coral Mushroom /
Brown Mushroom
/ Trumpet
Mushroom /
Bamboo Shoot )
( Tuna / Char /
Trout / Masu
Salmon /
Flounder / Goby /
Large Goby /
Carp )

Shimeji / Truffle /
Shiitake / Coral
Mushroom / Brown
Mushroom / Trumpet
Mushroom / Bamboo

156 G |
208 G |
260 G |
312 G |
364 G


Tuna / Char / Trout /

Masu Salmon / Any
two of the following: /
Goby / Large Goby /

96 G |
128 G |
160 G |
192 G |
224 G


108 G |
144 G |
180 G |
216 G |
252 G
540 G |
Green Pepper / Onion
720 G |
/ Shimeji / Carrot /
900 G |
Eggplant / Spinach /
1080 G |
Bamboo Shoot
1260 G
804 G |
1072 G |
Shimeji / Onion /
1340 G |
Bamboo Shoot
1608 G |
1876 G
804 G |
1072 G |
Egg / Black Egg /
1340 G |
Golden Egg
1608 G |
1876 G
816 G |
1088 G |
1360 G |
1632 G |
1904 G
432 G |
576 G |
Onion / Cabbage
720 G |
864 G |
1008 G
264 G |
352 G |
440 G |
528 G |
616 G

Fish Paste


( Eel / Flounder /
Sea Bass / Small
Sea Bass )

Vegetable Stir


Oil + Cabbage

Chop Suey


Oil + Cabbage +
Carrot + Shiitake



Onion + Cabbage
+ Flour

Pot Sticker


Flour + Onion +
Cabbage +



Flour + Carrot +
Shiitake + Shimeji

Curry Dumpling


Flour + Curry


Flour + ( Cheese / Cheese / Good

Good Cheese /
Cheese / Great
Great Cheese )


Eel / Flounder / Sea

Bass / Small Sea

276 G |
368 G |
460 G |
552 G |
644 G









183 | H M : T o T T



Flour + Oil + Egg

+ ( Icefish / Smelt
/ Goby / Yam /
Eggplant /
Shiitake /
Pumpkin / Large
Goby )

Icefish / Smelt / Goby

/ Yam / Eggplant /
Shiitake / Pumpkin /
Large Goby

Spring Roll


Rice Flour +

Shiitake / Shimeji /







Soybeans +
Deep-Fried Tofu
+ Carrot


Fried Tofu


Tofu + Flour


Deep-Fried Tofu


Tofu + Oil


Dried Tofu




Boiled Tofu


Tofu + Soy Milk


Cold Tofu

Yuba Tofu




Soy Milk

300 G |
400 G |
500 G |
600 G |
700 G
684 G |
912 G |
1140 G |
1368 G |
1596 G
180 G |
240 G |
300 G |
360 G |
360 G
648 G |
864 G |
1080 G |
1296 G |
1512 G
312 G |
416 G |
520 G |
624 G |
728 G
218 G |
291 G |
364 G |
437 G |
510 G
168 G |
224 G |
280 G |
336 G |
392 G
600 G |
800 G |
1000 G |
1200 G |
1400 G







312 G |
416 G |
520 G |
624 G |
728 G


504 G |
672 G |
840 G |
1008 G |
1176 G

184 | H M : T o T T

Dashi Egg


Oil + Black Egg






Boiled Pumpkin






Tofu + Oil +
( Carrot / Potato )

Carrot / Potato

Boiled Daikon








Tuna Yukhoe


Tuna + ( Egg /
Black Egg /
Golden Egg )

Egg / Black Egg /

Golden Egg



Rice Candy +
Chili Pepper

Carrot / Onion

Curry Bread


Bread + Curry


252 G |
336 G |
420 G |
504 G |
588 G
270 G |
360 G |
450 G |
540 G |
630 G
492 G |
656 G |
820 G |
984 G |
1148 G
480 G |
640 G |
800 G |
960 G |
1120 G
204 G |
272 G |
340 G |
408 G |
476 G
210 G |
280 G |
350 G |
420 G |
490 G
972 G |
1296 G |
1620 G |
1944 G |
2268 G
732 G |
976 G |
1220 G |
1464 G |
1708 G
276 G |
368 G |
460 G |
552 G |
644 G









185 | H M : T o T T

Cooking Recipes: Main Dish

This is the largest category with 73 different recipes and you will only start out
knowing the recipe for Marinated Fish.







Oil + Milk + ( Egg

/ Black Egg /
Golden Egg )

Egg / Black Egg /

Golden Egg

Omelet Rice


Oil + Milk +
Cooked Rice +
( Egg / Black Egg
/ Golden Egg )

Egg / Black Egg /

Golden Egg

Cheese Fondue


Bread + ( Cheese
/ Good Cheese /
Great Cheese )

Cheese / Good
Cheese / Great

Tomato Fondue


Tomato + Bread
+ Oil


Pink Fondue


Bread + Cheese
+ ( Red Wine
(Glass) / Red
Wine )

Red Wine (Glass) /

Red Wine



Potato +
( Cheese / Good
Cheese / Great
Cheese )

Cheese / Good
Cheese / Great



Penne Pasta +
Onion + ( Cheese
/ Good Cheese /
Great Cheese )

Cheese / Good
Cheese / Great



Flour + Tomato +
( Cheese / Good
Cheese / Great
Cheese )

Cheese / Good
Cheese / Great


Flour + Oil +
( Flounder / Masu
Salmon / Sea
Bass / Salmon /
Trout / Small

Flounder / Masu
Salmon / Sea Bass /
Salmon / Trout / Small


1 Star
to 5
300 G |
400 G |
500 G |
600 G |
700 G
384 G |
512 G |
640 G |
768 G |
896 G
252 G |
336 G |
420 G |
504 G |
588 G
264 G |
352 G |
440 G |
528 G |
616 G
444 G |
592 G |
740 G |
888 G |
1036 G
432 G |
576 G |
720 G |
864 G |
1008 G
468 G |
624 G |
780 G |
936 G |
1092 G
348 G |
469 G |
580 G |
696 G |
820 G
264 G |
352 G |
440 G |
528 G |
616 G











186 | H M : T o T T

Salmon )

Marinated Fish


Oil + Onion +
( Tuna / Sashimi /
Salmon / Small
Salmon )

420 G |
560 G |
700 G |
840 G |
980 G

Tuna / Sashimi /
Salmon / Small



Cooked Rice +
Oil + Tomato +

Shimeji / Carrot



Cooked Rice +
Onion + Flour +

Butter / Good Butter /

Great Butter



Onion + Potato +
Cheese + Butter

Herb Butter / Egg

Macaroni &


Spaghetti +
( Cheese / Good
Cheese / Great
Cheese )

Cheese / Good
Cheese / Great

Penne Pasta



Oil / Tomato

Dry Curry


Cooked Rice +
Curry Powder



Cooked Rice +
Curry Powder +


Cooked Rice +
Curry Powder +

Curry Rice

Vegetable Curry

492 G |
656 G |
820 G |
984 G |
1148 G
516 G |
688 G |
860 G |
1032 G |
1204 G
720 G |
960 G |
120 G |
1440 G |
1680 G
306 G |
408 G |
510 G |
612 G |
714 G
180 G |
240 G |
300 G |
360 G |
360 G
264 G |
352 G |
440 G |
528 G |
616 G








Yogurt / Good Yogurt

/ Great Yogurt

516 G |
688 G |
860 G |
1032 G |
1204 G


Green Pepper /
Asparagus /

552 G |
736 G |
920 G |
1104 G |
1288 G


187 | H M : T o T T

Spicy Curry

Seaweed Curry


Cooked Rice +
Curry Powder +
Chili Pepper


Cooked Rice +
Curry Powder +
Cooked Rice +
Curry Powder +
( Milk / Jersey
Milk / Golden
Milk )
Curry Rice +
Spinach +
Tomato +
Seaweed +
Jersey Milk

Tomato / Radish /

Sea Urchin / Eggplant

/ Truffle

Milk / Jersey Milk /

Golden Milk

Milk Curry


Rainbow Curry


Ultimate Curry


Rainbow Curry +
Seaweed Curry +
Failed Dish

Good Fruit Yogurt /

Great Fruit Yogurt

Supreme Curry


Rainbow Curry +
Milk Curry +
Failed Dish

Great Fruit Yogurt



Flour + Oil



Spaghetti +
( Shiitake /
Shimeji / Truffle /
Coral Mushroom /
Brown Mushroom
/ Trumpet
Mushroom )

Shiitake / Shimeji /
Truffle / Coral
Mushroom / Brown
Mushroom / Trumpet






Cooked Rice +

Tomato / Carrot


Flour + Potato +
( Milk / Asparagus
/ Carrot /
Cabbage /
Turnip )

Milk / Asparagus /
Carrot / Cabbage /

768 G |
1024 G |
1284 G |
1536 G |
1792 G
384 G |
512 G |
640 G |
768 G |
896 G
378 G |
504 G |
630 G |
756 G |
882 G
1200 G |
1600 G |
2000 G |
2400 G |
2800 G
1656 G |
2208 G |
2760 G |
3312 G |
3864 G
1632 G |
2176 G |
2720 G |
3264 G |
3808 G
174 G |
232 G |
290 G |
348 G |
406 G
210 G |
280 G |
350 G |
420 G |
490 G
348 G |
469 G |
580 G |
696 G |
820 G
492 G |
656 G |
820 G |
984 G |
1148 G










188 | H M : T o T T

Herb Spaghetti


Spaghetti + Oil +
( Herb Butter /
Good Herb Butter
/ Great Herb
Butter )

Herb Butter / Good

Herb Butter / Great
Herb Butter

Spaghetti Soup


Spaghetti +
( Bouillabaisse /
Vichyssoise )

Bouillabaisse /



Spaghetti +
Tomato + ( Butter
/ Good Butter /
Great Butter )

Butter / Good Butter /

Great Butter



Buckwheat Flour
+ Cheese

Cabbage / Potato



Eggplant + Potato
Salad + Cheese

Butter / Good Butter /

Great Butter


Bread + Tofu
Steak + ( Pickled
Cucumber /
Pickled Onion /
Pickled Carrot /
Pickled Radish /
Mixed Pickles )

Pickled Cucumber /
Pickled Onion /
Pickled Carrot /
Pickled Radish /
Mixed Pickles


Cooked Rice +
( Egg / Black Egg
/ Golden Egg )

Egg / Black Egg /

Golden Egg

Egg Rice Bowl


Cooked Rice +
Seaweed + ( Egg
/ Black Egg /
Golden Egg )

Egg / Black Egg /

Golden Egg



Cooked Rice +

Sea Urchin / Special



Cooked Rice +
Sashimi + ( Egg /
Black Egg / Fish
Paste / Cucumber
/ Shiitake )

Egg / Black Egg / Fish

Paste / Cucumber /

Tofu Burger

Egg Rice

Sushi Bowl

426 G |
568 G |
710 G |
852 G |
994 G
534 G |
712 G |
890 G |
1068 G |
1246 G
426 G |
568 G |
710 G |
852 G |
994 G
318 G |
424 G |
530 G |
636 G |
742 G
612 G |
816 G |
1020 G |
1224 G |
1428 G
546 G |
728 G |
910 G |
1092 G |
1274 G
240 G |
320 G |
400 G |
480 G |
560 G
336 G |
448 G |
560 G |
672 G |
784 G
180 G |
240 G |
300 G |
360 G |
360 G
258 G |
344 G |
430 G |
516 G |
602 G











189 | H M : T o T T

Grilled Fish

Fish Stew

Rice Ball

Fried Rice Ball

Rice Porridge

Fried Rice

Mixed Rice

Mushroom Rice


( Sweetfish / Char
/ Eel / Salmon /
Shishamo / Sea
Bass / Loach /
Funa / Trout /
Masu Salmon /
Large Smelt /
Carp )

Sweetfish / Char / Eel

/ Salmon / Shishamo /
Sea Bass / Loach /
Funa / Trout / Masu
Salmon / Large Smelt
/ Carp

84 G |
112 G |
140 G |
168 G |
196 G



( Mackerel /
Large Sweetfish /
Large Char /
Large Eel /
Special Shishamo
/ Large Icefish /
Small Sea Bass /
Large Loach /
Large Funa /
Large Trout /
Large Masu
Salmon / Carp )

Mackerel / Large
Sweetfish / Large
Char / Large Eel /
Special Shishamo /
Large Icefish / Small
Sea Bass / Large
Loach / Large Funa /
Large Trout / Large
Masu Salmon / Carp

216 G |
288 G |
360 G |
432 G |
504 G


Cooked Rice +

Mushroom Rice /
Shimeji Rice /

258 G |
344 G |
430 G |
516 G |
602 G



300 G |
400 G |
500 G |
600 G |
700 G



138 G |
184 G |
230 G |
276 G |
322 G



Rice Ball + Oil


Cooked Rice


Cooked Rice +
Oil + ( Egg / Black Egg / Black Egg /
Egg / Golden Egg Golden Egg / Shiitake
/ Shiitake /
/ Carrot
Carrot )

264 G |
352 G |
440 G |
528 G |
616 G



Cooked Rice +
Carrot + DeepFried Tofu

Shiitake / Shimeji /
Bamboo Shoot

558 G |
744 G |
930 G |
1116 G |
1302 G


Cooked Rice +
Shiitake + Shimeji

Deep-Fried Tofu /
Trumpet Mushroom /
Coral Mushroom /
Brown Mushroom

222 G |
296 G |
370 G |
444 G |
518 G



190 | H M : T o T T

Shimeji Rice


Cooked Rice +

Deep-Fried Tofu /
Bamboo Shoot /

Tempura Bowl


Cooked Rice +


Inari Sushi


Cooked Rice +
Deep-Fried Tofu




Flour + Cabbage
+ Oil

Egg / Udon Noodles /

Mayonnaise / Good
Mayonnaise / Great

Udon Noodles


Flour + Fish


Kitsune Udon


Udon Noodles +
Deep-Fried Tofu

Fish Paste

Tempura Udon


Udon Noodles +

Fish Paste

Fried Udon


Udon Noodles +

Cabbage / Fish Paste

/ Green Pepper

Cold Soba


Buckwheat Flour


Tempura Soba


Cold Soba
Noodles +

Fish Paste

168 G |
224 G |
280 G |
336 G |
392 G
396 G |
528 G |
660 G |
792 G |
924 G
324 G |
432 G |
540 G |
648 G |
756 G
660 G |
880 G |
1100 G |
1320 G |
1540 G
214 G |
285 G |
356 G |
427 G |
498 G
384 G |
512 G |
640 G |
768 G |
896 G
552 G |
736 G |
920 G |
1104 G |
1288 G
288 G |
384 G |
480 G |
576 G |
672 G
156 G |
208 G |
260 G |
312 G |
364 G
480 G |
640 G |
800 G |
960 G |
1120 G










191 | H M : T o T T



Cold Soba
Noodles + Oil


Tofu Steak


Tofu + Oil +


Fried Rice


Rice Flour + Oil +


Shiitake / Carrot /
Shimeji / Green
Pepper / Onion

Chestnut Rice


Cooked Rice +


Natto Rice


Cooked Rice +


Bamboo Rice


Cooked Rice +
Bamboo Shoot



Carrot + Onion +
( Milk / Jersey
Milk / Golden
Milk )

Milk Stew

Natto Roll

Kappa Roll

Tekka Roll




Cooked Rice +
Seaweed + Natto

Cooked Rice +
Seaweed +

Cooked Rice +
Seaweed + Tuna

212 G |
283 G |
354 G |
425 G |
496 G
264 G |
352 G |
440 G |
528 G |
616 G
660 G |
880 G |
1100 G |
1320 G |
1540 G
163 G |
218 G |
272 G |
326 G |
381 G
420 G |
560 G |
700 G |
840 G |
980 G
150 G |
G | 300
G | 350





Milk / Jersey Milk /

Golden Milk

648 G |
864 G |
1080 G |
1296 G |
1512 G



456 G |
608 G |
760 G |
912 G |
1064 G



336 G |
448 G |
560 G |
672 G |
784 G



840 G |
1120 G |
1400 G |
1680 G |
1960 G


192 | H M : T o T T

Oshinko Roll

Soy Milk Stew

Kimchi Stew




Cooked Rice +
Seaweed +
( Cured Turnip /
Cured Cucumber
/ Cured
Watermelon /
Cured Eggplant /
Cured Daikon /
Cured Bok Choy /
Cured Veggie
Mix )
Soy Milk + Tofu +
( Spinach / Carrot
/ Daikon / Shimeji
/ Shiitake /
Loach )
Bok Choy +
Shimeji +
( Cucumber
Kimchi / Daikon
Kimchi / Bok
Choy Kimchi /
Mixed Kimchi /
Cabbage Kimchi )

Cured Turnip / Cured

Cucumber / Cured
Watermelon / Cured
Eggplant / Cured
Daikon / Cured Bok
Choy / Cured Veggie

360 G |
480 G |
600 G |
720 G |
840 G


Spinach / Carrot /
Daikon / Shimeji /
Shiitake / Loach

568 G |
757 G |
946 G |
1135 G |
1324 G


Cucumber Kimchi /
Daikon Kimchi / Bok
Choy Kimchi / Mixed
Kimchi / Cabbage

780 G |
1040 G |
1300 G |
1560 G |
1820 G


Crab Pot


Bok Choy + Tofu

+ Small Blue

Crab Omelet


Small Blue Crab

+ ( Egg / Black
Egg / Golden
Egg )

Egg / Black Egg /

Golden Egg



Daikon + Fish

Boiled Egg



Cooked Rice +
Cucumber Namul
+ Shiitake



270 G |
360 G |
450 G |
540 G |
630 G
121 G |
162 G |
202 G |
242 G |
283 G
264 G |
352 G |
440 G |
528 G |
616 G
372 G |
496 G |
620 G |
744 G |
868 G





193 | H M : T o T T

Cooking Recipes: Dessert

Many of these recipe require a Chocolate Pack, which is produced from Cocoa
Trees and then processed at the Bluebell farm. You'll start with the recipes for
Cookies and Soybean Rice Candy. There is a total of 54 dessert recipes.



Additional Ingredients


Yam + Butter +
( Egg / Black Egg
/ Golden Egg )

Egg / Black Egg /

Golden Egg



Pumpkin + Jersey
Milk + ( Egg /
Black Egg /
Golden Egg )

Egg / Black Egg /

Golden Egg



Banana +
Chocolate Pack


Stewed Apple


Apple + ( Butter /
Good Butter /
Great Butter )

Butter / Good Butter /

Great Butter

Apple Pie


Apple + Flour +
Butter + Egg

Good Butter / Black


Pineapple Pie


Pineapple + Flour
+ Butter + Egg

Good Butter / Black


Strawberry Pie


Strawberry +
Flour + Butter +

Good Butter / Black


Sponge Cake


Flour + Egg

Black Egg / Golden




Milk + ( Egg /
Black Egg /
Golden Egg )

Egg / Black Egg /

Golden Egg

Yam Dessert

1 Star to
5 Star
396 G |
528 G |
660 G |
792 G |
924 G
852 G |
1136 G |
1420 G |
1704 G |
1988 G
1056 G |
1408 G |
1760 G |
2112 G |
2464 G
396 G |
528 G |
660 G |
792 G |
924 G
504 G |
672 G |
840 G |
1008 G |
1176 G
1752 G |
2336 G |
2920 G |
3504 G |
4088 G
612 G |
816 G |
1020 G |
1224 G |
1428 G
210 G |
280 G |
350 G |
420 G |
490 G
269 G |
358 G |
448 G |
538 G |
627 G











194 | H M : T o T T



384 G |
512 G |
640 G |
768 G |
896 G


Egg + Milk +
( Cheese / Good
Cheese / Great
Cheese )

Cheese / Good
Cheese / Great


Egg + Milk +
Flour + Butter +
( Honey / Spring
Honey / Summer
Honey / Fall
Honey / Fruit
Honey / Rose
Honey )

630 G |
Honey / Spring Honey
840 G |
/ Summer Honey / Fall
1050 G |
Honey / Fruit Honey /
1260 G |
Rose Honey
1470 G
546 G |
728 G |
910 G |
1092 G |
1274 G
378 G |
504 G |
630 G |
756 G |
882 G
1020 G |
1360 G |
1700 G |
2040 G |
2380 G
168 G |
224 G |
280 G |
336 G |
392 G
492 G |
656 G |
820 G |
984 G |
1148 G



Flour + Oil + Egg

+ Milk + Butter




Flour + Egg +




Chocolate Pack +


Ice Cream


Black Egg

Butter / Good Butter



Flour + Butter +
Egg + Milk



Cake + ( Honey /
Spring Honey /
Summer Honey /
Fall Honey / Fruit
Honey / Rose
Honey )

768 G |
Honey / Spring Honey
1024 G |
/ Summer Honey / Fall
1284 G |
Honey / Fruit Honey /
1536 G |
Rose Honey
1792 G

Honey Cake

Chocolate Cake


Chocolate Pack +


Party Cake


Flour + Good
Butter + Black

Golden Egg /
Strawberry / Walnut

1193 G |
1590 G |
1988 G |
2386 G |
2783 G
576 G |
768 G |
960 G |
1152 G |
1344 G











195 | H M : T o T T

Choc. Party


Chocolate Pack +
Party Cake




Party Cake +
( Good Cheese /
Great Cheese )

Good Cheese / Great



Chocolate Pack +

Strawberry / Apple /
Pineapple / Banana /
Peach / Mandarin /
Cherry / Grape


Sponge Cake +
Black Egg +
Jersey Milk +
( Strawberry /
Apple / Pineapple
/ Banana / Peach
/ Mandarin /
Cherry / Grape /
Watermelon )

Strawberry / Apple /
Pineapple / Banana /
Peach / Mandarin /
Cherry / Grape /


Flour + Black Egg

+ ( Jersey Milk /
Golden Milk )

Jersey Milk / Golden




Flour + Oil +
( Black Egg /
Golden Egg )

Black Egg / Golden


Mont Blanc


Chestnut + Cake




Flour + Good
Butter + Jersey

Fruit Yogurt / Good

Fruit Yogurt / Great
Fruit Yogurt

Choco. Ice


Ice Cream +
Chocolate Pack


Strawb. Ice


Ice Cream +





1080 G |
1440 G |
1800 G |
2160 G |
2520 G
871 G |
1162 G |
1452 G |
1742 G |
2033 G
672 G |
896 G |
1120 G |
1344 G |
1568 G

708 G |
944 G |
1180 G |
1416 G |
1652 G

564 G |
752 G |
940 G |
1128 G |
1316 G
318 G |
424 G |
530 G |
636 G |
742 G
600 G |
800 G |
1000 G |
1200 G |
1400 G
720 G |
960 G |
120 G |
1440 G |
1680 G
726 G |
968 G |
1210 G |
1452 G |
1694 G
456 G |
608 G |
760 G |
912 G |
1064 G











196 | H M : T o T T

Matcha Ice


Ice Cream +
Matcha Tea

Choc. Sponge


Sponge Cake +
Chocolate Pack




Donuts +
Chocolate Pack




Pudding +
Chocolate Pack



Fruit Parfait

Soft Chocolates

Strawb. Soft

Matcha Soft




Flour + Chocolate
Pack + Black Egg
+ ( Butter / Good
Butter / Great
Butter )
Corn Cereal + Ice
Cream +
Strawberry +
Banana +
( Pineapple /
Peach / Cherry /
Grape / Mandarin
/ Watermelon )


Butter / Good Butter /

Great Butter

Pineapple / Peach /
Cherry / Grape /
Mandarin /


Chocolate Pack +
Jersey Milk



Chocolate Pack +
Jersey Milk +



Chocolate Pack +
Jersey Milk +
Matcha Tea



Choc. Sponge
Cake + Hot
Coffee + Cocoa
Pack + ( Cheese /
Good Cheese /
Great Cheese )

Cheese / Good
Cheese / Great

228 G |
304 G |
380 G |
456 G |
532 G
780 G |
1040 G |
1300 G |
1560 G |
1820 G
1252 G |
1669 G |
2086 G |
2503 G |
2920 G
816 G |
1088 G |
1360 G |
1632 G |
1904 G
936 G |
1248 G |
1560 G |
1872 G |
2184 G
1242 G |
1656 G |
2070 G |
2484 G |
2989 G
948 G |
1264 G |
1580 G |
1896 G |
2212 G
1140 G |
1520 G |
1900 G |
2280 G |
2660 G
924 G |
1232 G |
1540 G |
1848 G |
2156 G
1500 G |
2000 G |
2500 G |
3000 G |
3500 G











197 | H M : T o T T

342 G |
456 G |
570 G |
684 G |
741 G




Pudding +
Cooked Rice



Pudding +
( Honey / Spring
Honey / Summer
Honey / Fall
Honey / Fruit
Honey / Rose
Honey )

414 G |
Honey / Spring Honey
552 G |
/ Summer Honey / Fall
690 G |
Honey / Fruit Honey /
828 G |
Rose Honey
966 G

Soy Milk


Soy Milk + ( Egg /

Black Egg /
Golden Egg )

Egg / Black Egg /

Golden Egg

Egg Tart


Flour + ( Black
Egg / Golden
Egg )

Black Egg / Golden




Strawberry + Rice

Soy Flour



Shiratama Flour +
Soy Flour

Walnut / Apricot

Rice Pudding

Honey Pudding


Fruit Shiratama

Chestnut Bun

528 G |
704 G |
880 G |
1056 G |
1232 G
288 G |
384 G |
480 G |
576 G |
672 G
474 G |
632 G |
790 G |
948 G |
1106 G
336 G |
448 G |
560 G |
672 G |
784 G






Rice Flour +

Apricot / Plum

234 G |
312 G |
390 G |
468 G |
546 G


Shiratama Flour +
( Any two of the
Strawberry /
Apple / Pineapple
/ Banana / Peach
/ Mandarin /
Cherry / Grape /
Watermelon /
Apricot )

Strawberry / Apple /
Pineapple / Banana /
Peach / Mandarin /
Cherry / Grape /
Watermelon / Apricot

354 G |
472 G |
590 G |
708 G |
826 G


Walnut / Apricot /

198 G |
264 G |
330 G |
396 G |
462 G



Chestnut + Rice


198 | H M : T o T T

Green Rice


Summer Tea
Leaves + Rice



Buckwheat Flour
+ Shiratama Flour

Apricot / Chestnut

Soybean Rice


Soy Flour + Rice


Matcha Tea (Can)

Almond Tofu


Apricot + Tofu

Milk / Jersey Milk /

Golden Milk

Cherry Pie


Cherry + Flour +
Butter + Egg

Good Butter / Black



Shiratama Flour +
Strawberry +
Summer Tea

Soy Flour / Apricot /


3 Color

Soy Flour / Apricot /

Plum / Chestnut

228 G |
304 G |
380 G |
456 G |
532 G
312 G |
416 G |
520 G |
624 G |
728 G
354 G |
472 G |
590 G |
708 G |
826 G
192 G |
256 G |
320 G |
384 G |
448 G
384 G |
512 G |
640 G |
768 G |
896 G
510 G |
680 G |
850 G |
1020 G |
1105 G







Cooking Recipes: Other

These dishes don't fit in the other five categories. Mostly about drinks and tea, there
are 52 total recipes. You'll start out with the basic Cooked Rice, Bread, Strawberry
Jam, Hot Coffee, and Hot Milk.


Cooked Rice









1 Star
to 5



144 G |
192 G |
240 G |
288 G |
336 G

Butter / Walnut

132 G |
176 G |
220 G |
264 G |
308 G


199 | H M : T o T T

204 G |
272 G |
340 G |
408 G |
476 G
354 G |
472 G |
590 G |
708 G |
826 G
264 G |
352 G |
440 G |
528 G |
616 G
46 G |
61 G |
76 G |
91 G |
99 G
94 G |
125 G |
156 G |
187 G |
203 G
76 G |
101 G |
126 G |
151 G |
164 G

Apple Jam




Strawberry Jam




Grape Jam




Blueberry Jam




Straight Tea


Black Tea (Can)


Herb Tea


Herb Tea (Can)



Black Tea (Can)

+ ( Honey /
Spring Honey /
Summer Honey /
Fall Honey / Fruit
Honey / Rose
Honey )

264 G |
Honey / Spring Honey
352 G |
/ Summer Honey / Fall
440 G |
Honey / Fruit Honey /
528 G |
Rose Honey
616 G

Honey Tea

Rose Tea

Milk Tea

Royal Milk Tea


Rose Tea (Can)


Black Tea (Can)

+ ( Milk / Jersey
Milk / Golden
Milk )


Gold Tea +
( Jersey Milk /
Golden Milk )







624 G |
832 G |
1040 G |
1248 G |
1352 G


Milk / Jersey Milk /

Golden Milk

247 G |
330 G |
412 G |
494 G |
577 G


Jersey Milk / Golden


1164 G |
1552 G |
1940 G |
2328 G |
2716 G


200 | H M : T o T T

Russian Tea


Straight Tea +
( Apple Jam /
Strawberry Jam /
Grape Jam /
Blueberry Jam )

Spring Tea


Spring Tea (Can)


Summer Tea


Summer Tea


Fall Tea


Fall Tea (Can)


Gold Tea


Gold Tea (Can)


Hot Coffee

Cafe au Lait


Hot Milk

Hot Chocolate


Coffee Pack


Hot Coffee + Milk


Hot Coffee +
( Jersey Milk /
Golden Milk )


( Milk / Jersey
Milk / Golden
Milk )


Cocoa Pack

Apple Jam /
Strawberry Jam /
Grape Jam /
Blueberry Jam

108 G |
144 G |
180 G |
216 G |
252 G
462 G |
616 G |
770 G |
924 G |
1001 G
2442 G |
3256 G |
4070 G |
4884 G |
5291 G
312 G |
416 G |
520 G |
624 G |
728 G
1056 G |
1408 G |
1760 G |
2112 G |
2464 G







180 G |
240 G |
300 G |
360 G |
360 G



306 G |
408 G |
510 G |
612 G |
714 G


Jersey Milk / Golden


467 G |
622 G |
778 G |
934 G |
1011 G


Milk / Jersey Milk /

Golden Milk

192 G |
256 G |
320 G |
384 G |
448 G


Milk / Jersey Milk /

Golden Milk

756 G |
1008 G |
1260 G |
1512 G |
1638 G


201 | H M : T o T T

Honey Shake


Ice Cream +
Jersey Milk +
( Honey / Spring
Honey / Summer
Honey / Fall
Honey / Fruit
Honey / Rose
Honey )
Ice Cream +
Jersey Milk +
( Yogurt / Good
Yogurt / Great
Yogurt )

588 G |
Honey / Spring Honey
784 G |
/ Summer Honey / Fall
980 G |
Honey / Fruit Honey /
1176 G |
Rose Honey
1372 G

Yogurt / Good Yogurt

/ Great Yogurt

Yogurt Shake


Green Tea


Green Tea (Can)


Matcha Tea


Matcha Tea


Sencha Tea


Sencha Tea


Puer Tea


Puer Tea (Can)


Oolong Tea


Oolong Tea (Can)


Buckwheat Tea


Buckwheat Tea


Ginseng Tea


Ginseng Tea


Peach Juice




570 G |
760 G |
950 G |
1140 G |
1330 G
92 G |
123 G |
154 G |
185 G |
216 G
102 G |
136 G |
170 G |
204 G |
221 G
178 G |
237 G |
296 G |
355 G |
414 G
112 G |
149 G |
186 G |
223 G |
242 G
178 G |
237 G |
296 G |
355 G |
414 G
258 G |
344 G |
430 G |
516 G |
602 G
474 G |
632 G |
790 G |
948 G |
1106 G
269 G |
358 G |
448 G |
538 G |
627 G











202 | H M : T o T T

480 G |
640 G |
800 G |
960 G |
1120 G
210 G |
280 G |
350 G |
420 G |
490 G
318 G |
424 G |
530 G |
636 G |
742 G

Banana Juice




Apple Juice




Mandarin Juice





Banana + ( Any
two of the
Strawberry /
Apple / Pineapple
/ Peach /
Mandarin / Cherry
/ Grape / Fruit
Yogurt / Good
Fruit Yogurt /
Great Fruit
Yogurt )

Strawberry / Apple /
Pineapple / Peach /
Mandarin / Cherry /
Grape / Fruit Yogurt /
Good Fruit Yogurt /
Great Fruit Yogurt

Mixed Smoothie


Mixed Juice +
( Milk / Jersey
Milk / Golden
Milk )

Milk / Jersey Milk /

Golden Milk

Plum Juice




Plum Wine


Plum Wine


Apricot Wine


Apricot Wine


Mixed Juice

638 G |
851 G |
1064 G |
1277 G |
1490 G

840 G |
1120 G |
1400 G |
1680 G |
1960 G
48 G |
64 G |
80 G |
96 G |
112 G
330 G |
440 G |
550 G |
660 G |
770 G
330 G |
440 G |
550 G |
660 G |
770 G








203 | H M : T o T T



Red Wine + ( Any

two of the
Strawberry /
Apple / Pineapple
/ Banana / Peach
/ Mandarin /
Cherry / Grape )

Strawberry / Apple /
Pineapple / Banana /
Peach / Mandarin /
Cherry / Grape

Red Wine


Red Wine


Chicha (Glass)




Beer (Glass)




Honey Wine


Honey Wine


Chestnut Wine


Chestnut Wine


Spring Wine


Spring Wine


Summer Wine


Summer Wine


Fall Wine


Fall Wine


4 Seasons Wine


Four Seasons


504 G |
672 G |
840 G |
1008 G |
1176 G
306 G |
408 G |
510 G |
612 G |
714 G
456 G |
608 G |
760 G |
912 G |
1064 G
312 G |
416 G |
520 G |
624 G |
728 G
498 G |
664 G |
830 G |
996 G |
1162 G
360 G |
480 G |
600 G |
720 G |
840 G
642 G |
856 G |
1070 G |
1284 G |
1498 G
420 G |
560 G |
700 G |
840 G |
980 G
492 G |
656 G |
820 G |
984 G |
1148 G
1920 G |
2560 G |
3200 G |
3840 G |
4480 G











204 | H M : T o T T

Fruit Wine


Fruit Wine


Rose Wine


Rose Wine


780 G |
1040 G |
1300 G |
1560 G |
1820 G
4670 G |
6224 G |
7780 G |
9336 G |
10114 G



Foraging for Wild Items

In the mountain area that resides between the towns
you'll find a lot of wild items on the ground. You can
pick up these items, for free, and ship them for money,
give them as gifts, or collect them for message board
requests. Each day you'll find new items on the
ground and in the foraging spots. The items will
change depending on the season you are in and the
The wild items will have a star rank but not all of them have a freshness rating. Items
like rocks, snowballs, and branches will never rot but flowers, herbs, mushrooms,
and the like do have a freshness to them. The star rank that the wild item has will
depend on the current season that you are in; the farther you are in years, the higher
the star rank of the wild items you can find. In year one you can find wild items with a
maximum of 1.5 stars, year two items have a maximum of 2 stars, year three are 3
stars, and year four is 3.5 stars. Starting in year five you will be limited to finding wild
items that have a max star rank of 4.5 and 5 star items won't be available until you
have reached year ten in your game.














Blue side (all areas)


Blue side (all areas)



Ship price
1 star to 5
6 G | 8 G | 10
G | 12 G | 14
6 G | 8 G | 10
G | 12 G | 14
36 G | 48 G |
60 G | 72 G |
84 G
36 G | 48 G |
60 G | 72 G |
84 G

205 | H M : T o T T





Blue Mid (any)

Blue High (any)
Kono Low (sunny)
Kono Mid (sunny)

Magic Blue

Blue Mid (any)

Blue High (any)

Blue Low (sunny)

Blue High (sunny)
Kono Mid (any)
Kono High (any)
Blue Low (sunny)
Blue High (sunny)
Kono Mid (any)
Kono High (any)

Magic Red



Elli Leaves


36 G | 48 G |
60 G | 72 G |
84 G


Blue Low (any)


36 G | 48 G |
60 G | 72 G |
84 G

Blue Low (any)


36 G | 48 G |
60 G | 72 G |
84 G

Kono Mid (any)

Kono High (any)

Kono Low (any)

Kono High (sunny)


Kono Low (any)

Kono Mid (any)
Kono High (sunny)

Kono Low (sunny)

Kono Mid (sunny)
Kono High (sunny)










Blue Low (any)

Blue Mid (sunny)
Blue High (any)


Blue Low (sunny)

Blue Mid (sunny)
Blue High (sunny)

Kono Low (sunny)

Kono Mid (sunny)
Kono High (sunny)
Blue Low (sunny)
Blue Mid (any)
Blue High (any)


















Kono Low (any)

Kono Mid (any)
Kono High (rainy)

Kono Low (rainy)

Kono Mid (any)
Kono High (any)


Blue Low (stormy)

Blue Mid (any)
Blue High (any)

Blue Low (any)

Blue Mid (stormy)
Blue High (any)

Blue Low (any)

Blue Mid (any)
Blue High (sunny)
Blue Low (any)
Blue Mid (any)
Blue High (sunny)
Kono Low (any)
Kono Mid (sunny)
Kono Mid (sunny)



72 G | 96 G |
120 G | 144
G | 168 G
120 G | 140
G | 200 G |
240 G | 280
300 G | 400
G | 500 G |
600 G | 700
60 G | 80 G |
100 G | 120
G | 140 G
60 G | 80 G |
100 G | 120
G | 140 G
60 G | 80 G |
100 G | 120
G | 140 G
60 G | 80 G |
100 G | 120
G | 140 G
60 G | 80 G |
100 G | 120
G | 140 G


90 G | 120 G
| 150 G | 180
G | 210 G


120 G | 140
G | 200 G |
240 G | 280


120 G | 140
G | 200 G |
240 G | 280

206 | H M : T o T T









Kono Low (stormy)

Kono Mid (any)
Kono High (any)
Blue Low (any)
Blue Mid (stormy)
Blue High (any)
Kono Low (stormy)
Kono Mid (any)
Kono High (any)



Blue Low (stormy)

Blue Mid (any)
Blue High (any)
Kono Low (any)
Kono Mid (any)
Kono High (stormy)
Blue Low (sunny)
Blue Mid (any)
Blue High (any)
Kono Low (any)
Kono Mid (any)
Kono High (sunny)

Blue Low (any)

Blue Mid (stormy)
Blue High (any)
Kono Low (stormy)
Kono Mid (any)
Kono High (any)




Kono Low (any)

Kono Mid (stormy)
Kono High (any)
Blue Low (any)
Blue Mid (any)
Blue High (stormy)
Kono Low (any)
Kono Mid (stormy)
Kono High (any)
Blue Low (any)
Blue Mid (any)
Blue High (stormy)
Kono Low (any)
Kono Mid (stormy)
Kono High (any)
Blue Low (any)
Blue Mid (any)
Blue High (stormy)
Kono Low (any)
Kono Mid (stormy)
Kono High (any)
Blue Low (any)
Blue Mid (any)
Blue High (sunny)
Kono Low (any)
Kono Mid (sunny)
Kono High (any)

Scrap Metal

Kono Mid (any) - waterfall foraging spot only


Kono Mid (rainy) - waterfall foraging spot only


90 G | 120 G
| 150 G | 180
G | 210 G


120 G | 140
G | 200 G |
240 G | 280


120 G | 140
G | 200 G |
240 G | 280

Blue Low (any)

Blue Mid (any)
Blue High (any)
Kono Low (any)
Kono Mid (any)
Kono High (any)

30 G | 40 G |
50 G | 60 G |
70 G


90 G | 120 G
| 150 G | 180
G | 210 G


5 G (no star
12 G | 16 G |
20 G | 24 G |
26 G
600 G | 800
G | 1000 G |
1200 G |
1400 G

Information on how to find Ore Stone can be found on the Ore Stone page.
Foraging Spots
Many of the items you'll find can picked up off of the
ground in any of the mountain areas, but there are
eight special foraging spots where you can find up to
five items per day. Just walk up to these spots and
press A to see what you can find. There are three
stump spots, two log spots, one bamboo thicket, and 2
rocky cliff spots. In these eight spots you'll always
have a chance of finding Rock, Weed, or Branches.
You'll find the standard seasonal items in the foraging spots, but you can also find
the Red and Orange Wonderful Stones hidden in these foraging spots:
207 | H M : T o T T

Spring: Check the waterfall crack foraging spot in Konohana Mid-Mountain

on a rainy day. The bamboo thicket in Konohana Low-Mountain might have a
red or orange stone during any weather.

Summer: The mountain crack foraging spot in Bluebell Low-Mountain on

rainy day, or the tree stump foraging spot in Bluebell Mid-Mountain on sunny

Fall: On rainy days you might find a red or orange stone in the tree stump
near the bare-hand fishing area in Konohana Low-Mountain.

The red and orange stones can't be found during Winter season. Once you find one,
you won't be able to find another of the same color until you've found all six stones.
After you make your wonderful stone wish, the six stones will scatter across the
mountain so you can find them again.
Jumping into the Rivers
You can also find items by jumping into the mountain
rivers or the mine geysers. All of the water areas will
have a chance of finding the same types of items, but
you'll lose 20 stamina points if you jump into the water.
If you jump into the water after 9:00 pm, then you'll
lose 50 stamina!

90% chance: Find nothing (sorry!)

9% chance: Branch, Fish Bones, Mint, Poison Mushroom, Shimeji, Small Coin,
Stone, Walnut, or Weed

1% chance: Amethyst or Ore Stone

Flower Bouquets and Perfume

Cam's Flowers is in Bluebell Town next to Howard's
Cafe. His outdoor shop is open from 10:00 am to 5:00
pm on Sundays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and
Saturdays. Cam sells flower seeds you can grow on
your farm. He also sells fully grown flowers and his
specialties at creating flower bouquets and perfume.
Cam will charge you 200 G for each bouquet or
perfume bottle that he crafts from your ingredients.
The bouquets and perfume can be shipped or given as gifts. Sometimes you will see
message board requests from Rutger for specific bouquets. These two items also
have specific purposes:

Flower Bouquets can be placed in the Flower "Vase" (which is actually a

basket) inside of your house. Putting flowers in your vase doesn't do anything;
it is simply for decoration. Bouquets in the vase will eventually wilt.

208 | H M : T o T T

Perfume is used to increase the star rank of honey produced by the Bee
Hives on the Bluebell farm. Normally, the star rank of the produced honey will
be the same as the star rank of the Honeycomb used to "seed" the hive.
Putting perfume on the hive each day will add to the overall star rank of the
resulting honey. Each half-star on the perfume's star rank will add 2 star
points to the honey with a max of +20 SP for 5-star perfume. The effect of the
SP bonus will last until the bees go dormant in Winter. The type of perfume
you use doesn't matter.

To make a bouquet or perfume, talk to Cam at his shop and select the proper option.
You can then choose to make a bouquet or perfume using three flowers that you
have in your rucksack. You can't keep the flowers in your horse cart and remotely
make bouquet and perfume out of them.
You can use three of the same flower or three different flowers, but you must use
three flowers. The type of flower you use will determine what the resulting bouquet or
perfume is. The flowers you collect from the mountain area can also be included, but
you will either receive the Colorful Bouquet or Citrus Perfume if you include them in
your three-flower combination.
Flower Bouquet
Red Bouquet
White Bouquet
Blue Bouquet

Any combination of 3 Carnation, Gerbera,
Nadeshiko, Pink Rose, or Red Rose
Any combination of 3 Marguerite, Snowdrop,
or White Rose
Any combination of 3 Gentian or Blue Rose
3 Sunflower
3 Casablanca
Any other combination of 3 flowers

Ship Price (1 star to 5

1380 G | 1840 G | 2300 G
| 2760 G | 3220 G
1360 G | 1820 G | 2280 G
| 2730 G | 3190 G
1360 G | 1820 G | 2280 G
| 2730 G | 3190 G
2300 G | 3070 G | 3840 G
| 4600 G | 5370 G
2280 G | 3040 G | 3800 G
| 4560 G | 5320 G
144 G | 192 G | 240 G |
280 G | 330 G

Herb Perfume

Any combination of 3 Blue Rose, Pink Rose,
Red Rose, or White Rose
Any combination of 3 Chamomile, Lavender,
or Mint
Any combination of 3 Carnation, Casablanca,
or Marguerite
3 Sunflower
Any combination of 3 Gerbera or Nadeshiko
Any combination of 3 Gentain or Snowdrop

Ship Price (1 star to 5

1880 G | 2510 G | 3140 G
| 3760 G | 4390 G
144 G | 192 G | 240 G |
280 G | 330 G
1380 G | 1840 G | 2300 G
| 2760 G | 3220 G
2310 G | 3080 G | 3860 G
| 4630 G | 5400 G
1390 G | 1900 G | 2320 G
| 2780 G | 3240 G
1380 G | 1840 G | 2300 G
| 2760 G | 3220 G

209 | H M : T o T T


Any other combination of 3 flowers

144 G | 192 G | 240 G |

280 G | 330 G

The Alchemy Pot

The Oracle has an alchemy pot inside her house that
she uses for research. Besides her own work, she can
craft special potions for you if you bring her the right
ingredients. To ask the Oracle to help you out, visit
her house on Monday, Wednesday, or Friday between
4:00 pm and 10:00 pm. Just like the other shops, she
will be closed on full-day rainy or stormy days.
If you haven't unlocked the Oracle yet, you can do so
once you've reached your second year in the game. Walk up the mountain from
Bluebell low-mountain to Bluebell mid-mountain between 8:00 pm and 2:00 am to
trigger her unlock event.
During her shop opening hours, you'll find her standing next to her alchemy pot.
Simply walk up to her to see her list of alchemy recipes. You can only request one
potion per visit and she will charge you a 1000 G fee. The ingredients she needs
must be in your rucksack.

Water Fertilizer

Speed Fertilizer

Bounty Fertilizer

Stamina Booster

Stamina Saver

Necessary Ingredients
Crop Fertilizer
Pho + Royal Milk Tea +
Watermelon + Elli Leaves +
Adamantite + Mythic Stone
Spicy Curry + Plum Juice + Mixed
Kimchi + Tomato + Ruby + Mythic
Golden Egg + Elli Leaves +
Special Salmon + Special
Shishamo + Mythic Stone + Stone
Consumable Drinks
Poison Mushroom + Royal Jelly +
Elli Leaves + Matcha Tea + Party
Choc. Cake + Cappuccino
Supreme Curry + Royal Jelly +
Blue Rose + Elli Leaves + Apricot
+ Strawberry Jam


Waters your crops automatically

Speeds up the growth rate of
your crops
Increases your crop harvest by
1 per Bounty Fertilizer used

Restore your stamina by 50%

Reduces the amount of stamina
used by half-rate; lasts all day

Angler's Dream

Peach + Dogfish Shark + Fish


Catch fish with one button

press; lasts all day long

Night Vision

Strawberry + Carrot + Fluorite

Help you see further in the dark

mine; lasts all day long

Animal Potions
Feline Friend

Old Boot + Cat Bell + Pet Food +

Magic Red Flower

Increases friendship by +10 with

your cat(s) and they will follow
you around for 1 hour

210 | H M : T o T T

Canine Companion

Alpaca Pal

Wild Animal Friend

Old Ball + Dog Bone + Pet Food +

Magic Blue Flower
White Alpaca Wool + Brown
Alpaca Wool + Fodder + Animal
Medicine + Elli Leaves +
Casablanca Bouquet
Deep-Fried Tofu + Great Cheese
+ Corn + Golden Egg + Bamboo +
Rose Honey

Increases friendship by +10 with

your dog(s) and they will follow
you around for 1 hour
Increase friendship by +10 with
your alpaca(s) and they will
follow you around for 1 hour
Increases friendship by +5 with
all of the wild animals and they
will follow you around for 1 hour

If you have an active request with her, you'll do not need to complete it (or let it
expire) before you can ask her to make a potion. Her shop is separate from her
message board requests.

211 | H M : T o T T

Spring Festivals
Villagers who celebrate their birthdays in this season are: Georgia (04), Mako (06),
Harvest Goddess (08), Rudger (16), Ash (20), Cheryl (24), and Nori (27)
Flower Viewing Festival
Konohana Town
Spring 09 - 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Meet with Ina at the entrance of the Konohana Town
Hall. You will need to give Ina a cooked dish before
you can participate in the festival. It doesn't matter if
you cooked the dish in your kitchen or if you bought it
from a shop.
Everyone will gather to watch the cherry blossoms
and have a nice meal. You will earn +500 FP with
each of the participating villagers: Ayame, Gombe,
Hiro, Ina, Kana, Mako, Nori, Rahi, Reina, Ying, and Yun. One group of villagers will
be under the main tree while the other group will be near the rest spot. You'll watch a
conversation with both villagers and then the festival is finished.
Spring Harmony Day
Bluebell Town
Spring 14 - All day
Depending on your gender, this event will play out differently.
If you are playing as a girl:
You will receive visitors at your farmhouse door. Walk
into your house and the person will follow behind you.
Ash will appear if you walk into your house between
6:00 am and 12:00 pm, Cam will be between 12:00
pm and 4:00 pm, and Mikhail from 4:00 pm 10:00 pm.
You will receive +1000 FP with each boy who visits
your house.
Only the boys from Bluebell will give you a gift. Mikhail also needs to be living in
Bluebell to get a gift from him. If he is living in Konohana Town, he won't visit you in
Bluebell Town on Spring 14.
The gift you give will depend on the flower color of the bachelor:

1 flower (white): Chocolate Pudding

2 flowers (purple): Chocolate Banana

212 | H M : T o T T

3 flowers (blue): Chocolate Cookies

4 flowers (green): Chocolate Cake

5 flowers (yellow): Chocolate Donuts

6 or 7 flower (pink or red): Choc. Party Cake

If you are married, then your spouse will give you a gift. If your husband is at the Red
flower stage, you'll get a Choc. Party Cake, Pink flower stage earns you Chocolate
Cake, but anything lower than a Pink color will earn you nothing.
If you are playing as a boy:
This is the day you will give chocolate treats to the bachelorettes who live in Bluebell
Town. You will earn +1000 FP if you give a chocolate dessert to Alisa, Georgia,
Laney, and the Oracle.
Acceptable gifts include Chocolate Cookies, Chocolate Cake, Chocolate Pudding,
and even Chocolate Donuts. Any dessert recipe with the word "chocolate" (choc.,
choco., etc.) can be given as a harmony day gift.
Children's Day
Konohana Town
Spring 15 - 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm
On this day you will gather with the other villagers to
celebrate the day set aside for the kids. To participate
in the festival, you must bring a dessert recipe to the
Konohana Town Hall after noon and give it to Ina. You
can give her a dish you've made using your kitchen or
a dish that you've bought from a shop.
Everyone will gather to drink tea, but the kids will have
desserts instead! You will earn +500 FP with Hiro, Ina,
Kana, Nori, Reina, and Yun. For Ying and Rahi, you'll earn +1000 FP.
You will also earn +1000 FP with your child if it is old enough to be out of the bed.
Spring Crop Festival
Konohana Town
Spring 25 - 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Each spring season there will be a specific crop required for
the festival. You can see the type of crop you need to grow
on the calendar inside your house. Bring the crop to the
Konohana Town Hall and give it to Ina during the festival
times. If you don't grow the necessary crop, you can't
participate in the festival. Your crop freshness rating has to
be at Fairly Fresh or Super Fresh!.

1, 6, etc.
2, 7, etc.
3, 8, etc.
4, 9, etc.
5, 10, etc.


213 | H M : T o T T

The participants are Ayame, Gombe, Hiro, Ina, Kana, Mako, Nori, Rahi, Reina, Shen,
Ying, and Yun.
The chances of winning are based on the freshness and star rank of your crop. To
guarantee max freshness, do not pick the crop from your field until the day of the
festival. You can increase your crop's star rank in preparation for the festival by using
fertilizer on it. If you want 5-star crops though, you will need to use the Seed Maker
machine to turn your upgraded crop back into seed and then fertilize/grow it again
until it reaches 5 stars.

First Place: win an Peridot and +1000 FP with each festival participant

Second Place: +500 FP with each of the participants

Third Place: +500 FP with each of the participants

Animal Festival
Bluebell Town
Spring 26 - 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm
If you are on an odd number year (1, 3, 5, etc.) then this will be a Chicken Festival. If
you are on an even number year (2, 4, 6, etc.) then
this day will be the Cow Festival.
You don't have to take your animal to the Town Hall
after noon. Just go there and talk to Rutger in order to
select the animal you wish to enter. The animal you
select can't be a baby, pregnant (in the case of cows),
or sick. The festival participants are Ash, Cam, Cheryl,
Georgia, Grady, Irene, Jessica, Laney, Rutger, and
The number of hearts your entered animal has will determine your chances of
winning first place. If you enter an animal with 10 hearts, you're guaranteed to be the
grand prize winner. At 6 hearts you have an 80% chance of being the champion, 5
hearts is 50%, 4 hearts is 20%, and it continues down from there. You can not win
1st place if you enter an animal with 0 hearts, but you do have a 20% chance of
taking 2nd place.

First Place: win Great Fruit Yogurt (Chicken Festival) or "Spring Tea (Can)"
(Cow Festival), +1000 FP with each festival participant, and +30 FP with the

Second Place: +500 FP with each of the participants and +20 FP with the
animal you entered

Third Place: +500 FP with each of the participants and +10 FP with the
animal you entered

214 | H M : T o T T

Summer Festivals
Villagers who celebrate their birthdays in this season are: Ina (05), Grady (07), Dirk
(12), Kana (13), Jessica (17), Raul / Diego / Enrique (21), and Laney (23).
Bug Catching Festival
Konohana Town
Summer 3 - 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Meet Ina at the entrance to the Konohana Town Hall
between the festival time to start the contest. The
festival participants are Ina, Gombe, Kana, Mako,
Nori, Rahi, Reina, and Sheng. You will earn +500 with
each participant just by being in the festival.
You will be given 1 hour to catch as many bugs as
you can. The type and quality of the bug won't matter;
just get them as fast as you can! You will start in the
Konohana mid-mountain area and can travel up and down the Konohana-side of the
mountain. Since this festival is in summer, you'll find cicadas on tree trunks and
grasshoppers along the path.

First Place: Catch 8 or more bugs, win Pickled Radish and +1000 FP with
each of the participants

Second Place: Catch 7 bugs, earn +500 FP with each of the participants

Third Place: Catch 6 bugs, earn +500 FP with each of the participants

No Place: Catch 5 or fewer bugs, earn +500 FP with each of the participants

Bare-Handed Fishing Contest

Bluebell Town
Summer 6 - 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Go to the Bluebell Town Hall between the festival
times to enter the contest. You don't need to use your
fishing pole; instead you'll go to Bluebell LowMountain and catch as many small fish as you
possibly can by using your hands. You'll get +500 FP
for participating in the festival with each of the
following attendees: Ash, Cam, Cheryl, Georgia,
Grady, Howard, Jessica, Laney, and Rutger.
In this contest you need to catch as many little fish as you can within 1 hour. All you
have to do is walk around the stream and press A to pick up the fish. You don't have
to press B to pocket them (you'll do this automatically) and the fish will repopulate
without having to leave the area. Once the hour is up, you'll meet back up at the
Mountain Summit to see who won.
215 | H M : T o T T

First Place: Catch 12 or more fish, win Honey Wine and +1000 FP with each
of the participants

Second Place: Catch between 6 and 11 fish, earn +500 FP with each of the

Third Place: Catch 5 or less fish, earn +500 FP with each of the participants

Summer Flower Day

Bluebell Town
Summer 10 - All day event
On this day you'll be giving flowers to the villagers of
Bluebell Town. For each villager you give a flower to,
you'll earn +1000 FP! It doesn't matter if the person is
a marriage candidate or what your character's gender
is. You will need to talk to each person once that day
before the person will accept your flower.
You can give any type of flower except for the Mint,
Chamomile, and Lavender, as they are herbs and not
flowers. It also doesn't matter what flower you give, whether it is something basic or
you go as far as making flower bouquets; you'll only earn +1000 FP no matter what
you give.
Angling Contest
Konohana Town
Summer 15 - 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Meet Ina at the entrace to the Konohana Town Hall.
Before you can enter the festival, she will want you to
equip a fishing pole. You can use the standard
Fishing Rod or your Master Rod, but once you pick
your fishing pole you won't be able to change it during
the contest. The participants are Hiro, Ina, Gombe,
Kana, Mako, Nori, Rahi, and Sheng. You will earn
+500 FP for participating.
You will have 2 hours to catch the largest fish you possibly can. In general, you'll do
better if you are using the Master Rod instead of the Fishing Rod. When using a
normal Fishing Rod, you can catch a lot of small fish but with the Master Rod you
can catch larger fish. When you do reel in a fish, you can't see its species; just its
To win the festival you need to catch a fish that is 100 cm or larger. If you don't place
in the festival, you will see that the "victory" fish is actually quite a bit larger; when
you catch something large enough to place, the festival seems to increase its
placement requirements!

216 | H M : T o T T

First Place: Catch a fish 100 cm or larger, win Herb Perfume and +1000 FP
with each of the participants

Second Place: Catch a fish between 70 and 99 cm, win +500 FP with each of
the participants

Third Place: Catch a fish between 50 and 69 cm, win +500 FP with each of
the participants

Star Gazing Festival

Bluebell Town
Summer 18 - 8:00 pm to 12:00 am
You do not have to ask anyone to attend this festival
with you. Simply go to the Bluebell Town Hall between
8:00 pm and midnight and talk to Rutger to start the
festival. The villagers of Bluebell will all gather at the
mountain summit to watch the stars. You will earn
+500 FP with all of the villagers.
If you are married, your spouse will automatically
attend the festival with you.
Once the festival is over, you will return to your farmhouse and immediately go to
Summer Crop Festival
Konohana Town
Summer 25 - 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Each summer season there will be a specific crop required
for the festival. You can see the type of crop you need to
grow on the calendar inside your house. Bring the crop to
the Konohana Town Hall and give it to Ina during the
festival times. If you don't grow the necessary crop, you
can't participate in the festival. Your crop freshness rating
has to be at Fairly Fresh or Super Fresh!.

1, 6, etc.
2, 7, etc.
3, 8, etc.
4, 9, etc.
5, 10, etc.


The participants are Ayame, Gombe, Hiro, Ina, Kana, Mako, Nori, Rahi, Reina, Shen,
Ying, and Yun.
The chances of winning are based on the freshness and star rank of your crop. To
guarantee max freshness, do not pick the crop from your field until the day of the
festival. You can increase your crop's star rank in preparation for the festival by using
fertilizer on it. If you want 5-star crops though, you will need to use the Seed Maker
machine to turn your upgraded crop back into seed and then fertilize/grow it again
until it reaches 5 stars.

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First Place: win an Agete and +1000 FP with each festival participant

Second Place: +500 FP with each of the participants

Third Place: +500 FP with each of the participants

Animal Festival
Bluebell Town
Summer 26 - 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm
If you are on an odd number year (1, 3, 5, etc.) then this will be a Dog Festival. If you
are on an even number year (2, 4, 6, etc.) then this
day will be the Cat Festival.
You don't have to take your animal to the Town Hall
after noon. Just go there and talk to Rutger in order to
select the animal you wish to enter. The festival
participants are Ash, Cam, Cheryl, Georgia, Grady,
Irene, Jessica, Laney, Rutger, and Rose.
The number of hearts your entered animal has will determine your chances of
winning first place. If you enter an animal with 10 hearts, you're guaranteed to be the
grand prize winner. At 6 hearts you have an 80% chance of bring the champion, 5
hearts is 50%, 4 hearts is 20%, and it continues down from there. You can not win
1st place if you enter an animal with 0 hearts, but you do have a 20% chance of
taking 2nd place.

First Place: win Great Herb Mayo (Dog) or Ocean Perfume (Cat), +1000 FP
with each festival participant, and +30 FP with the animal

Second Place: +500 FP with each of the participants and +20 FP with the
animal you entered

Third Place: +500 FP with each of the participants and +10 FP with the
animal you entered

Fall Festivals
Villagers who celebrate their birthdays in this season are: Cam (01), Nathan (04),
Sheng (08), Mikhail (12), Rahi (16), Rose (23), Howard (27), and Ayame (30)
Music Festival
Bluebell Town or Konohana Town
Fall 10 - 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm
This festival will occur every year in both towns, but only the town you are living in
will celebrate it. It will be a normal day in the other town.

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Go to the Town Hall in the town you live in at 12:00

pm to start the festival. You and the other residents
will be treated to a violin concert by Mikhail and a
pianist sub-villager, Elena. You'll earn +500 FP with all
of the villagers who attend this festival.
The music composition that Mikhail and Elena play
are from past Harvest Moon games. There are 9
different songs that he can play, spanning Harvest
Moon DS, A Wonderful Life, and other Harvest Moon games.
Moon Viewing Festival
Konohana Town
Fall 15 - 8:00 pm to 12:00 am
Talk to Ina at the Town Hall starting at 8:00 at night to
start the festival. The villagers in attendance are
Ayame, Gombe, Hiro, Kana, Nori, Reina, Sheng, Yun,
and Mako (only if you are not married). You'll earn
+500 FP with each of the villagers.
After the festival is over you'll go to bed.
Fall Flower Day
Konohana Town
Fall 18 - All day event
On this day you'll be giving flowers to the villagers of
Konohana Town. For each villager you give a flower to,
you'll earn +1000 FP! It doesn't matter if the person is
a marriage candidate or what your character's gender
is. You will need to talk to each person once that day
before the person will accept your flower.
You can give any type of flower except for the Mint,
Chamomile, and Lavender, as they are herbs and not
flowers. It also doesn't matter what flower you give, whether it is something basic or
you go as far as making flower bouquets; you'll only earn +1000 FP no matter what
you give.

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Fall Crop Festival

Konohana Town
Fall 25 - 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Each fall season there will be a specific crop required for
the festival. You can see the type of crop you need to
grow on the calendar inside your house. Bring the crop to
the Konohana Town Hall and give it to Ina during the
festival times. If you don't grow the necessary crop, you
can't participate in the festival. Your crop freshness rating
has to be at Fairly Fresh or Super Fresh!.

1, 6, etc.
2, 7, etc.
3, 8, etc.
4, 9, etc.
5, 10, etc.

Green Pepper

The participants are Ayame, Gombe, Hiro, Ina, Kana, Mako, Nori, Rahi, Reina, Shen,
Ying, and Yun.
The chances of winning are based on the freshness and star rank of your crop. To
guarantee max freshness, do not pick the crop from your field until the day of the
festival. You can increase your crop's star rank in preparation for the festival by using
fertilizer on it. If you want 5-star crops though, you will need to use the Seed Maker
machine to turn your upgraded crop back into seed and then fertilize/grow it again
until it reaches 5 stars.

First Place: win an Flourite and +1000 FP with each festival participant

Second Place: +500 FP with each of the participants

Third Place: +500 FP with each of the participants

Animal Festival
Bluebell Town
Fall 26 - 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm
If you are on an odd number year (1, 3, 5, etc.) then
this will be a Sheep Festival. If you are on an even
number year (2, 4, 6, etc.) then this day will be the
Alpaca Festival.
You don't have to take your animal to the Town Hall
after noon. Just go there and talk to Rutger in order to
select the animal you wish to enter. The festival
participants are Ash, Cam, Cheryl, Georgia, Grady,
Irene, Jessica, Laney, Rutger, and Rose. Your sheep or alpaca must not be sick or
The number of hearts your entered animal has will determine your chances of
winning first place. If you enter an animal with 10 hearts, you're guaranteed to be the
grand prize winner. At 6 hearts you have an 80% chance of bring the champion, 5
hearts is 50%, 4 hearts is 20%, and it continues down from there. You can not win
1st place if you enter an animal with 0 hearts, but you do have a 20% chance of
taking 2nd place.
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Alpacas can be bought starting on Fall 1 of your second year, which is the same
season as the first alpaca judging festival. You will need to watch Jessica's shop for
the alpaca to be available for sale and then pump its hearts up quickly by feeding it a
Vegetable Treat, Nutra Treat, or Fish Treat every day until the festival day. A
standard Treat will not help to increase an alpaca's hearts. You can buy the treats at
Cheryl's counter at the animal shop.

First Place: win Rose Perfume (Sheep) or Great Ball Yarn (Alpaca), +1000
FP with each festival participant, and +30 FP with the animal

Second Place: +500 FP with each of the participants and +20 FP with the
animal you entered

Third Place: +500 FP with each of the participants and +10 FP with the
animal you entered

Pumpkin Festival
Bluebell Town
Fall 31 - 8:00 am to 10:00 pm
This is the day that you give treats to the kids who
appear at your front door. Unfortunately there is only
one child who lives in Bluebell Town. If you enter your
farmhouse between 8:00 am and 12:00 pm, Cheryl
will stop by and ask for a treat.
The treat must be from the dessert cooking category,
such as Pudding, Cake, Cookies, etc. The dish must
be "Fairly Fresh" or higher. Desserts you buy from
Howard's cafe are perfectly fine. You will earn +1000 FP with Cheryl if you give her a
treat. If you don't, you will lose 500 FP.
If you have a full-grown child, then he or she will also participate in the Pumpkin
Festival. Enter your house between 6:00 pm and 10:00 pm to give your child a
dessert treat and earn +1000 FP.

Winter Festivals
Villagers who celebrate their birthdays in this season are: Hiro (05), Eilene (09), Yun
(12), Alisa (17), Ying (19), Gombe (22), Reina (27), and the Oracle (30)
Snow Festival
Konohana Town
Winter 10 - 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm
On this day the villagers gather to view a snow sculpture. Depending on who is in
charge of the construction, you will see three different ones; Sheng builds a panda
(year 1), Mako builds a Turnip (year 2), and Kana builds a winged horse (of course)
in year 3. After that it will rotate back to Sheng's sculpture.
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For participating in the festival you'll earn +500 FP

with each villager except for Raul and the snow statue
makers who aren't there. For example, in year 1 you
won't get +500 FP with Mako and Kana because
Sheng is in charge of the snow statue.
Since the festival is for celebrating snow, the weather
needs to be snowy on this day. If you are wearing the
Wild Outfit (boy) or Cute Outfit (girl) that force sunny
weather when you go to bed on the 9th, the festival
might not be available.
Winter Harmony Day
Bluebell Town
Winter 14 - All day
Depending on your gender, this event will play out differently.
If you are playing as a girl:
This is the day you will give chocolate treats to the
bachelors who live in Bluebell Town. You will earn
+1000 FP if you give a chocolate dessert to Ash, Cam,
and Mikhail if he is living in Bluebell Town. If Mikhail is
living in Konohana Town, he does not participate in
the Bluebell festival.
Acceptable gifts include Chocolate Cookies,
Chocolate Cake, Chocolate Pudding, and even
Chocolate Donuts. Any dessert recipe with the word "chocolate" (choc., choco., etc.)
can be given as a harmony day gift.
In your first year (and every 8th year afterward), the festival occurs on a Monday.
Cam isn't in town on Mondays so you will not be able to give him a gift.
If you are playing as a boy:
You will receive visitors at your farmhouse door. Walk into your house and the
person will follow behind you. Laney will appear if you walk into your house between
6:00 am and 12:00 pm, Georgia will be between 12:00 pm and 4:00 pm, and Alisa (if
she is unlocked) from 4:00 pm to 10:00 pm. You will receive +1000 FP with each girl
who visits your house.
The gift you give will depend on the flower level of the bachelorette:

1 flower (white): Chocolate Pudding

2 flowers (purple): Chocolate Banana

3 flowers (blue): Chocolate Cookies

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4 flowers (green): Chocolate Cake

5 flowers (yellow): Chocolate Donuts

6 or 7 flower (pink or red): Choc. Party Cake

Starry Night Festival

Bluebell Town
Winter 23 and 24 - 8:00 pm to 12:00 pm
This festival is in two parts. On the 23rd, talk to Ash or Cam if you are playing as a
girl, or Georgia or Laney if you are playing as a boy. The girl or boy must have 3
Flowers (blue) or more. If you meet the friendship requirement, the person will ask
you to accompany him or her to a starry night dinner party.
Mikhail does not participate in Starry Night, even if he is living in Bluebell Town at
the time the festival occurs. Cam cannot participate in Starry Night if the 23rd falls on
a Monday, since he is unavailable the entire day.
On the 24th between 8:00 pm and midnight, go to the
assigned dining location to start the festival:

Ash or Georgia: Meet at the Bluebell Town Hall.

The other dinner participants are Cheryl,
Jessica, Grady, Rose, and Rudger.

Cam or Laney: Meet at Howard's cafe. The

other dinner participants are Eilene and

You will receive +1000 FP with the girl or boy who invited you to the festival, and
+500 FP with the other dinner party members. After the party, you will be return to
your house and prompted to save before going to bed.
If You Are Married
Instead of going out to dinner, you and your spouse will stay home. Your spouse
must have 5 Flowers (yellow) or higher. Enter your house after 8:00 pm to get a
dinner party with your spouse (and child if he/she exists). You will earn +1000 FP
with your family.

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New Years Eve

Bluebell Town or Konohana Town
Winter 31 - 8:00 pm to 12:00 am
Starting at 8:00 at night, go to the Town Hall to start a
countdown to close out the old year and start the next
one. Some of the town adults will gather together to
have a meal together. You will earn +500 FP with the
villagers who attend:
Bluebell villagers: Ash, Cam, Georgia, Grady,
Howard, Laney, Rose, and Rutger.
Konohana villagers: Ayame, Gombe, Hiro, Ina,
Kana, Nori, Reina, and Yun.
After the new year celebration is over, you'll head to bed.

The Cooking Festival

The cooking contest between the two towns takes
place four times per season. The participants will
gather at the mountaintop and have their dishes
judged by the gourmet, Pierre. The town that wins the
festival will gloat about their victory and then the
festival ends until the next time it takes place. Your
goal is to participate in the cooking festival enough
times that it repairs the friendship between the two
Inside of your house you'll find your seasonal calendar, listing the dates that the
cooking festivals take place. The calendar also tells you the category of dish that the
festival will be judging. On the day of the festival, bring your cooked dish to the
mountaintop between noon and 4:00 pm, then hand it to the mayor of your town. You
can't enter the contest for the other town's team!
Make sure your dish is "Super Fresh!" rating. You can enter a "Fairly Fresh" dish, but
you have less of a chance of winning. You also don't want to enter a dish from a
different category into the current festival's category.
Optionally, you can choose to cheer for your town instead of entering a dish that
you've cooked.
The Town Teams
Each town team is made up of three participants; either yourself and two others, or a
team of three villagers. The villagers that make up your team are random, but not all
villagers participate in the contest:

Bluebell Participants: Ash, Cam, Cheryl, Diego, Enrique, Georgia, Howard,

Jessica, and Laney

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Konohana Participants: Ayame, Hiro, Kana, Nori, Raul, Reina, Sheng, Ying,
and Yun

Winning the Festival

The chances of winning the festival is based on your
entered dish and the other villagers' dishes.
Winning is a team effort! The dish you enter needs to
have a high value of stamina recovery. Adjusting the
stamina recovery can be done by adding additional
ingredients when cooking the dish you want to enter
into the festival. The star rank of the ingredients and
your personal cooking level will determine the stamina
recovery rate of the resulting dish.
The dishes that your teammates enter will be randomly selected based on the
festival's cooking category. You don't have any control over what dishes they enter,
but the higher the friendship you have with that villager, the better the chance
of a high stamina recovery entry. It is important to work on raising your friendship
with the cooking contest participants in your village. For example, if you live in
Bluebell and you ignore Diego and Enrique (0 or low friendship), then they'll most
likely enter Failed Dishes (0 STA) as their contest entry when they're on your
cooking festival team.
Pierre will judge each town's dish and then give his feedback. You'll have a general
idea how well your team did by listening to his opinions:
1. Excellent: "This is amazing!", "Simply wonderful!", "What fantastic flavor!", and
"It's as if it was made by the Harvest Goddess herself!"
2. Good: "Delicious!", "Pretty good!", "Quite tasty!", and "Hmm... This isn't bad..."
3. Okay: "Hmm...", "Not bad, but not great...", "This is all right...", and "This is
okay, I suppose..."
4. Bad: "Um, what a unique flavor...", "Ugh...", "*cough*...", and "Can I have
some water?"
After he gives his opinions, Pierre will declare one of the towns as the winner.
Results and Prizes
Once the contest is over you'll meet up with the mayor of your town. Depending on
the results you may be rewarded with a prize:
If you entered a dish and lost or you simply cheered for your town (win or lose):

Spring cooking festivals: If it is the first festival on Spring 7 then you will get
Onion Seeds. The prize for any spring festival after the first one will be
Cabbage Seeds or Cucumber Seeds

Summer cooking festival: Onion Seeds or Tomato Seeds

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Fall cooking festival: Spinach Seeds or Yam Seeds

Winter cooking festival: Bok Choy Seeds

If you entered a dish and won:

Bluebell Town: If you have 3 hearts of town friendship or less, the prize is
Great Butter. If you have 4 hearts or more, the prize is Adamantite. If you are
in year 2, then your festival prize will be the Fancy Cart or the Shrine Cart.

Konohana Town: If you have 3 hearts of town friendship or less, the prize is
Wine and the prize is Mithril if you have 4 hearts or more. If you are in year 2,
then your festival prize will be the Fancy Cart or the Shrine Cart.

If the tunnel between the town is complete and if you have the Fancy Cart and
Shrine Cart, then the prize will be the Sled Cart. After that the prize is a
Diamond regardless of the town you are living in.

After you receive (or don't receive) a prize, the

Harvest Goddess will appear and show you how well
you are doing with mending the towns' friendship.
Each heart on the friendship meter is 1000 points;
heart one is 0 to 1000, heart two is 1001 to 2000, etc.
The goal of the game is to fill all the hearts on the
town friendship meter, which will occur at 10,000
The number of points you earn will vary depending on the outcome of the festival:

You entered a dish and won: +800 points

You entered a dish and lost: +400 points

You cheered for your town and won: +200 points

You cheered for your town and lost: +100 points

Ideally, you will want to enter the festival each time instead of cheering from the side.
Even if your town loses when you participate in the festival, you will earn more town
friendship than if you had simply watched the festival take place.

Random Events
As you raise your friendship with the villagers, you can see small cut scenes if you
happen to go to the right location at the right time of day. Sometimes you are a part
of the event, and sometimes the event is between other villagers. Most of the events
can only be viewed once, but a few of them are repeatable. You can see more than
one random event per day.
The random events are mainly for character backstory and aren't a required part of
the game.
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Bluebell Events
Bluebell's Monument - Rutger

Walk to Bluebell Town from the Church area

Not a Monday
Sunny weather
4:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Rutger is at 15,000 FP or more (2 flowers =
20,000 FP)
You are living in Konohana

You'll find Rudger standing at the giant statue in the middle of Bluebell. He hears that
you've been doing well and is glad that there's new people and animals around. The
mayor then asks if you know what the statue is for.
Rutger explains that the statue is a representation of their village, since livestock is
the focus of their town. That is why their symbol is an animal. He also tells you that it
is good to understand the differences between each town.
He's glad he had a chance to chat with you and then walks away.
Carpentry Business - Eileen, Nori, and Reina

Walk from Bluebell Church area to Bluebell Town

Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday
Sunny weather
4:00 pm to 7:30 pm
The tunnel between the towns is connected
You are not married to Nori or Reina
Eileen is at 6 flowers or more
Nori and Reina are at 5 flowers or more

Nori and Reina have come to Bluebell Town because they heard a rumor that there
is an extraordinary carpenter living in town. Eileen offers them the chance to carry
some lumber like she does, but both girls decline. Eileen is glad to know that they
are interested in her work anyway, and lets them watch her create some lumber.
The Konohana girls are impressed with Eileen's speed and strength. Eileen is glad to
hear their complements, even though Sheng has never made one towards her.
Reina is jealous of the carpenter's strength! The girls thank Eileen for allowing them
to watch her work.

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Casual Conversation - Ash and Reina

Walk from Bluebell Low-Mountain to the Bluebell

Church area
Saturday or Sunday
Sunny or Snowy weather
2:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Year 3 or later
The tunnel between the towns is completed
You are not married to Ash or Reina
Ash and Reina are at 5 flowers or more

Reina is investigating the plants in Bluebell by the tunnel entrance. She is amazed
by the different types of plants in the area. Reina is envious of the plants because
they have so many "friends" (i.e., the other plants).
Ash comes over to visit with her for a bit. She explains that she is on a plant
expedition for her research. Reina needs to study the plants' life cycle, scent, and so
on. She shows him that there are even rare trees growing in Bluebell. Ash tells her
that this particular tree only grows in Bluebell and is the symbol of their town. He lets
her know that there is even a flower shop by the cafe in town. Next time she is in the
area, Reina plans to check it out.
Church Cleaning - Alisa and Nathan

Bluebell Town Church

Tuesday, Thursday, or Friday
Fall of year 2 or later
Sunny or Snowy weather
12:30 pm to 4:00 pm
Alisa and Nathan have 35,000 FP or more (4
flowers = 30,000 FP)

Alisa is inside the church doing some cleaning. Nathan is impressed with her hard
work with keeping the building tidy. Alisa just loves to clean! Nathan asks if she'd
clean the statue of the Harvest Goddess for him.
It doesn't take her very long to clean the goddess' statue. Nathan is sure that the
goddess would be pleased with her hard work. The statue is pretty thanks to Alisa,
and the love she has for the Harvest Goddess shows in her work.

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Dangerous Cake - Cheryl, Georgia, Jessica, and Laney

Howard's Cafe
Saturday or Sunday
Sunny weather
1:15 pm to 4:00 pm
Jessica and Cheryl are at 4 flowers or more
Laney and Georgia are at 5 flowers or more
You are not married to Laney or Georgia

Georgia has come to visit Laney for snacks and some chit-chat. After the girls have
finished their treats, Laney is surprised that she ate the whole thing. She is
concerned because she's gained a little bit of weight recently. Georgia has as well!
The girls figure they probably shouldn't be eating so much cake and candy, but it
tastes so good!
Cheryl and Jessica come into the cafe for a visit and notice the girls at the table.
Laney invites the two girls to join them at their table for some cake.
The girls start to talk so Jessica explains to them why it is important to watch what
they eat. They've all had so much fun that Jessica didn't realize how late in the day it
was getting. Jessica and Cheryl leave the cafe, but not before Cheryl comments on
how delicious the chocolate cake was. After they leave, Laney and Georgia are now
in the mood for more cake! They convince each other to resist the cake temptation,
Evening Conversation - Diego and Enrique

Walk into Diego's General Store from the back entrance

Monday through Friday
Sunny, Snowy, or Rainy weather
12:00 am (midnight) to 5:00 am
No friendship levels required

Diego is talking about his work and asks his little

brother Enrique how his day went. The two brothers
then notice that you're standing behind them. It is rude
to listen in on other people's conversations! How did
you even get into the shop? Enrique then remembers he forgot to lock the door and
then gets scolded by his brother. Diego suggests you head out but instructs you to
go out the front door and not the back door.
You can see this event multiple times. If you see this event 100 or more times, along
with Raul's It's Always Too Late event, the conversation dialog will change.

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Family Circle - Ash, Cheryl, and Jessica

Walk into Jessica's Animal Shop

Any day
Sunny or Snowy weather
9:30 pm to 11:00 pm
Jessica, Ash, and Cheryl have 4 flowers or more
You are not married to Ash

Jessica has prepared dinner for her kids and calls

them to the table. She's made a lot of stew and even
made Cheryl's favorite dessert. Ash asks his mom why she's in such a good mood.
Jessica had visited the cafe earlier in the day and Howard had told her that she was
more beautiful than she usually is. It made her very happy. Ash thinks that Howard
was just trying to be polite, but Jessica pretends not to hear him.
The Best Brother - Ash and Cheryl

Walk from Bluebell Low-Mountain to Bluebell

Church area
Monday or Thursday
Rainy weather
2:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Not Winter season
Cheryl is at 5 flowers or more
Ash is at 45,000 FP or higher (40,000 FP = 5
You have seen Family Circle

Cheryl has been chasing a baby chicken in the rain and is now bothered that she's
soaking wet. While they are walking back to the animal shop they run into Ash, who
has been searching for his little sister. He has caught up with her in order to give her
an umbrella. Ash is the best brother ever! Together they head back to the animal
Fatherhood Troubles - Grady, Howard, and Rutger

Walk into Howard's Cafe

Tuesday, Wednesday, or Friday
Sunny, Rainy, or Snowy weather
12:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Grady, Howard, and Rutger are at 35,000 FP or
higher (4 flowers = 30,000 FP)
Laney is not married

Howard seems to be distracted with worry, which

concerns Grady. Howard explains that Laney has been cold towards him lately
because the other day he asked her if she had a boyfriend. Laney told him it wasn't

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any of his business! Grady tells him that Georgia is the same way; he laments that it
must be because girls are difficult to deal with at that age...
The men are grumbling when Rutger comes in to visit. Howard ask the mayor for
advice about his daughter. Rutger tells them that it isn't to worry about, but don't
pressure her and she'll eventually come around. The mayor then changes the
subject and orders some food, which Howard leaves to fetch for him.
After Howard leaves, Grady comments on how tough it is when you realize that your
kids don't need you as much anymore. At some point they need to be treated as
adults. It is a part of growing up.
Grady's Pets - Grady

Grady's Animal shop

Friday, Saturday, or Sunday
Sunny, Snowy, or Rainy weather
7:30 pm to 10:00 pm
Grady is at 4 flowers or more

Grady is taking care of his cat but it plays a little too

rough. After the cat walks off sulking, Grady notices that you've entered the shop. He
explains that he was trying to wash her, but the cat won't obey. Now his dog starts
acting up. Grady tells the dog that he can't give him any treats because he spends all
day lying around. The dog tries to walk by him but Grady is persistant. Eventually the
dog gives up and walks off.
Grady recommends that you train your pets well, because an unruly farm animal can
make your life rough!
Horse Fanatics - Georgia and Kana

Walk from Bluebell Church area to Bluebell Town

Friday or Saturday
Sunny, Rainy, or Snowy weather
12:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Year 3 or later
The tunnel between the towns is connected
You are not married to Kana or Georgia
You have not seen Georgia's Blue Flower event
Kana and Georgia are at 5 flowers or more

Georgia is in the pasture tending to her horse when Kana comes by for a visit. He
notices that Dakota and her appear to still be good friends. Georgia tells him that
Dakota loves it when she gets brushed.
Kana is glad that he has a chance to talk to her, since they use to spend a lot of time
fighting. He realized the other day that the fact the two of them have a love of horses
is an important thing to him. Georgia admits that she thinks the same way. With both
of their horses getting older, the two of them have to take even better care of their
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Now that the tunnel has been fixed, Kana suggests that she come visit him in
Konohana. Likewise, Georgia tells him to come visit her in Bluebell.
It's Always Too Late - Raul
Walk into Diego's General Store from the back
Sunny, Snowy, or Rainy weather
12:00 am (midnight) to 5:00 am
No friendship levels required
Raul wanted to talk to his bothers but it seems they've
already gone to bed for the night. He is a little annoyed that they've fell alseep
without locking the door! Raul then notices that you're standing behind him. He
wants to talk to his brothers, so Raul is going to wake them up. He reminds you that
it is late and you shouldn't enter other people's houses without knocking. You turn to
leave, but Raul reminds you to go out the front door and not the back door.
This event is repeatable every Sunday night.
The Oracle's Decision - The Oracle

The Oracle's house

Monday, Wednesday, or Friday
Sunny, Rainy, or Snowy weather
6:00 pm to 10:00 pm
The Oracle is at 25,000 FP or higher (3 flowers =
20,000 FP)

The Oracle is busy tossing items into her alchemy pot. She is so preoccupied with
her next experiment that she doesn't notice that you've entered her house. When
she does finally notice, she is so startled that she falls off the barrels she uses to
reach the top of her alchemy pot!
Oracle scolds you for bothering her. How many times has she told you not to talk to
her while she's working?! Now she has another failed experiment on her hands.
Oracle thinks for a moment and decides that this failure is all your fault. What a great
idea! Her decision is final, so you're just going to have to accept it.
Oracle's True Name - The Oracle
The Oracle's house
Sunny or Snowy weather
10:15 pm to 12:00 am (midnight)
The Oracle is at 55,000 FP (7 flowers = 50,000 FP)
You are married but not married to the Oracle
You have seen The Oracle's Decision

232 | H M : T o T T

The Oracle is glad to see you've come by for a visit. You've visited her so many
times that you've made her very happy! Oracle realizes that she has never told you
what her name is. She will then tell you her true name, which was given to her long,
long ago. The Oracle never tells anyone her name, but she feels she can trust you.
Until you started visiting her house, she hadn't had any visitors in many years. You're
welcome to come and be her laboratory guinea pig any time you'd like!
The Oracle's true name is Ulyssa.
Rutger's Magic Trick - Cheryl, Jessica, and Rutger

Walk from the Church area to Bluebell Town

Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, or Sunday
Sunny weather
11:30 am to 3:00 pm
Rutger is at full-bloom flower
Jessica and Cheryl are at 4 flowers

You are checking the Bluebell message board when

you're greeted by Jessica and Cheryl. Jessica
suggests that you take a break from work every so often, just like she and Cheryl do.
Rutger joins the three of you. He's happy to see the village being so lively now a
days. Rutger wants to show you a trick and asks you to volunteer to assist him.
Rutger asks if you see anything on his head. You can choose "Nothing's there." or
"Let me look again." If you pick "Let me look again" you'll just see Rutger tip his hat
over and over again. The correct answer is "Nothing's there."
Rutger asks you to pay attention and after some grunting, out pops a chick from his
hat! Everyone is amazed at his magic trick. Cheryl asks him how he did it, but he
says that he will only tell her some day if she's extra good.
If you want to see the trick a second time, you can select "Again!". If you're done with
the random event, choose "That was enough." You can see the trick two more times
(with a Silkie chick and a chicken) before Rutger will call it quits. He's glad that
people still find his trick amusing.
The Flower Order - Cam and Laney
Walk from Bluebell Low Mountain to Church area
Tuesday or Wednesday
Year 2 or later
Not raining or stormy (snow is OK)
6:30 pm to 9:00 pm
Cam and Laney both have 4 flowers or more
Laney is spending some time to herself when Cam finds her. Laney had requested a
particular flower and Cam finally found it for her, so he has added it to his shop
inventory. Unfortunately, Laney had already bought the flower she wanted! Since no
one else wants it, she can come by his shop and pick it up.

233 | H M : T o T T

Cam turns to leave, but then stops. He tells Laney that it is late and Howard might be
worried. She tells him that she's okay so he heads back to his shop. After he leaves,
Laney blushes.
The Mysterious Pond - Harvest Goddess and Nathan

Walk from Bluebell-high mountain area or

Konohana-high mountain area to the mountaintop
Thursday or Friday
Sunny or Snowy weather
9:00 pm to 12:00 am
Nathan is at 5 flowers or more
The Harvest Goddess is at 45,000 FP or more (5
flowers = 40,000 FP)

Nathan is up on the mountaintop by the strange pond, offering his thanks to the
Harvest Goddess. He explains that he comes to the pond every week to show his
gratitude. Long ago when he was a treasure hunter, he became very sick. The
goddess appeared to him and made him well again, which resulted in him wanting to
teach others about the Harvest Goddess.
He likes to leave her an offerings and when he places it by the pond, a great light
flashes and disappears. Nathan takes it to be an acceptance of his Turnip offering
and then heads back to town.
After he leaves, the Harvest Goddess appears to see what Nathan has left her. A
turnip? Well, it's well enough she thinks, although she would of rather had something
tastier. She suggests that you bring her something really good next time you visit.
Youthful Nostalgia - Rose and Rutger

Bluebell Town Hall, second floor

Tuesday, Wednesday, or Friday
Sunny, Snowy, or Rainy
11:00 pm to 1:00 am
Rose and Rutger are at 6 flowers or more

Rose complements Rutger on his hard work today,

and he returns the complement back to her. Rutger
mentions that they are getting old and seeing all of the youngsters in town makes
him think of his younger days. Rose is surprised that her husband wants to talk
about the "good old days", but Rutger insists. Rose was the prettiest girl in town and
he was head over heels in love with her. He gave her flowers, love letters, and
eventually won her over. Rose smiles at his flattery and reminds him that it is late in
the evening. Rutger hopes that they can reminisce about the past together for many
more years to come.

234 | H M : T o T T

Konohana Events
Doctor Training - Nori and Hiro

Konohana Clinic
Wednesday, Thursday, or Saturday
Year 2 or later
Sunny, Snowy, or Rainy weather
11:00 am to 4:30 pm
Hiro and Nori are at 4 flowers or more
You are not married to Hiro or Nori

Nori has come to the clinic to get a minor injury tended to. Hiro takes a look and
agrees that it is pretty small. He offers to treat it himself and takes her to the back
Hiro fixes Nori's injury pretty quickly. She tells him that he's become more skilled as
a doctor, which makes him embarrassed. He's glad to hear it though! Nori tells him
that the next time she gets hurt, she'll come to him to get fixed up. Hiro would rather
that she not get hurt at all; he asks that she be a little more cautious.
She blushes and leaves the clinic.
Dr. Ayame's Complement - Ayame and Hiro

Konohana Clinic
Tuesday, Wednesday, or Saturday
Sunny, Rainy, or Snowy weather
1:00 pm to 4:30 pm
Ayame and Hiro have 5 flowers each
You are not married to Hiro

Ayame greets you as you enter the clinic and asks if you would brew her some tea.
She sent Hiro out to do some shopping but he'll be back soon. Ayame complements
you on your clothing outfit and fashion sense.
Hiro returns from his shopping and asks what the two of you are talking about.
Ayame explains that you were discussing clothing and your stylish outfits. In fact,
Ayame suggests that Hiro take some hints from the way you dress. Studying
medicine isn't the only thing that makes someone a good doctor!
Hiro doesn't think so; fashion and medicine are completely unrelated! He asks that
the doctor please stop treating him like a child. Dr. Ayame teases Hiro by acting
innocent and calling him "Hiro-kins".

235 | H M : T o T T

Giant Panda?! - Ying and Sheng

Exit the Konohana Town Hall

Sunday, Monday, or Friday
Sunny weather
9:30 am to 1:45 pm
Sheng and Ying have 35,000 FP or more (4
flowers = 30,000 FP)

Ying spots Sheng coming out of the restaurant and quietly sneaks behind him,
following him and hiding when he turns around. Eventually Sheng is quick enough to
turn around when she wasn't hiding, and she bravely asks him if he is a panda.
Sheng admits that he loves pandas, but he isn't one.
Ying tells him that she has a panda (her doll). Sheng tells her that the stuffed animal
is really cute. Her mom and dad bought it for her. Sheng asks her if she would like to
go see a real panda; the bigger ones are really cute! Ying would like to see the
panda, so Sheng will take her once he's done working.
Another Giant Panda?! - Ying, Sheng, and Yun

Walk from Konohana Mid-Mountain to Konohana

Sunny or Snowy weather
12:30 pm to 4:45 pm
Yun is at 4 flowers or more
Ying and Sheng are at 45,000 FP (5 flowers =
40,000 FP)
the Panda wild animal has 701 FP or more (musicnote friendship)
You have seen Giant Panda?!

Yun is showing her granddaughter the bamboo thicket by Konohana Town, but when
Yun goes on and on about the greatness of bamboo, Ying wanders off and finds a
pair of pandas!
Unfortunately, the smaller of the pandas is actually Sheng; he introduces her to the
real panda. It is so cute! Ying thinks it is even cuter than her toy panda. The panda
responds favorably towards Ying, and Sheng thinks the panda likes her more than it
likes him.
Yun then calls for Ying to head home with her. Before she leaves, Ying tells the
panda that she'll come visit it sometime.

236 | H M : T o T T

Let's Play With the Kids - Ayame, Mako, Rahi, and Ying

Walk from the Konohana tunnel entrance area to

Konohana Town
Tuesday or Wednesday
Sunny weather
12:30 pm to 4:00 pm
Mako is at 25,000 FP or more (3 flowers = 20,000
Rahi and Ying are at 3 flowers or more
Ayame is at 15,000 FP or more (2 flowers = 10,000

Rahi and Ying are having fun outside when Ayame walks by. The doctor asks what
they're going to play today but Rahi says they're just outside talking because the
weather is so nice outside.
Mako stops by when he notices Ayame hanging out with the kids. Ayame invites him
to join in. Mako says he's great playing with kids and asks them what game they're
going to be playing. Rahi becomes a little intimidated by the large orchard owner and
runs off. Mako interprets this as Rahi wants to play "tag", and starts to chase after
the little boy. The two of them run all around town.
Ying was hoping to just have a nice, quiet chat.
Natural Music - Mikhail and Sheng

Walk from Konohana Low-Mountain to Konohana

Monday, Tuesday, or Thursday
Sunny weather
12:30 pm to 4:00 pm
Not Summer season
Sheng is at 4 flowers or higher
Mikhail has 45,000 FP or more (40,000 FP = 5
Mikhail is living in your current town's Town Hall

Sheng is walking across the bridge when he hears Mikhail playing his violin by the
waterfall. Mikhail is troubled though; his playing doesn't sound right to him and the
birds aren't singing along. Sheng tells him that the music sounds good to him but
Mikhail disagrees. His sound has been off lately. Maybe he needs to get his violin
Sheng suggests that perhaps the problem is with the violin's strings and he might be
able to fix it. Mikhail hands over his special violin to Sheng, who says that he can
probably get the violin to sound even better than it does now! The two head back to
Sheng's shop.

237 | H M : T o T T

While waiting for Sheng to finish the repair, Mikhail notices all of the well maintained
tools hanging on the shop walls. These tools are more important to Sheng than life
itself. The blacksmith complements the workmanship of Mikhail's violin, which is
equally important to Mikhail.
Now that the repair has been completed, Sheng has Mikhail try out his violin. It
sounds great! Mikhail is glad to know that Sheng can fix his violin if he ever needs it.
Reina Talks to Plants - Kana, Mako, and Reina

Inside Mako's house

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday
Sunny or Snowy weather
9:45 pm to midnight
Kana and Mako have 15,000 FP or higher (2
flowers = 10,000 FP)
Reina has 4 flowers or more
Reina is not married

Reina is inside the house talking to her plants. She doesn't notice that Mako and
Kana are standing right behind her, listening to her gossip to her plants. Mako finally
interrupts Reina and asks if she was talking to somebody.
She explains that it is all in the name of research and scolds her uncle for making fun
of her. Reina storms off upstairs, leaving a bewildered Mako and Kana downstairs.
Mako thinks they may have entered the house at the wrong time; poor Kana was just
hoping to find some good horse feed and ended up in the middle of this! Kana tells
Mako that he'll just come back later.
The City Doctor - Hiro and Ying

Walk from Konohana Tunnel Entrance area to

Konohana Town
Sunny or Snowy weather
5:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Hiro and Ying have 45,000 FP or more (5 flowers
= 40,000 FP)
You are not married to Hiro

Hiro is brooding by the Konohana tree. He made another mistake today and feels
really bad about it. Ying walks by but hides behind the tree when she notices Hiro
talking to himself. Hiro wishes that he could be as good a doctor as his father is.
Ying finally reveals herself and tells Hiro that she thinks he can become a great
doctor. She explains that once she went to see a doctor in the city. The doctor was
very kind and looked just like Hiro. Just as she was about to mention something else,
Yun calls for her to come home and eat dinner.
After Yun leaves with Ying, Hiro wonders if his father was Ying's doctor in the city.
He can't give up being a doctor! He has to treat Ying just as well as his father did.
238 | H M : T o T T

The Playdate - Rahi and Ying

Walk from Konohana Tunnel Entrance area (where

Dirk's house is) to Konohana Town
Monday or Thursday
Sunny weather
9:00 am to 11:30 am
Rahi and Ying have 6 flowers or more

Rahi is walking by the tea house when he notices Ying standing on the back patio.
She's just outside, enjoying the nice weather. Rahi tells her that he has some free
time today and wants to do something fun with her. He seems a little nervous and
reminds her it is just because he has some free time.
Ying knows that he is busy. He doesn't need to go out of his way to spend time with
her and she's perfectly fine by herself. Rahi's plan to spend time with Ying seems to
have backfired on him! Ying heads back inside to her room, leaving Rahi annoyed
that another chance to talk with Ying has escaped him.
Town Hall Tour - Ina and Rahi

Konohana Town Hall

Monday or Friday
Sunny, Rainy, or Snowy weather
10:00 pm to midnight
Ina and Rahi have 3 flowers or more

Ina is going to teach Rahi how their town hall functions. She explains that at the town
hall they check in guests, help people move, and answer questions about the village.
The number one job of a mayor is to answer inquiries and look after the village.
She also explains the guest rooms to him, and reminds him to make sure that a
guest is shown to the correct room. Rahi figures it can't be too hard because there's
only two guest rooms!
Ina also explains the library to him. The town hall used to loan out book but now
there aren't as many people living in the village, which means not a lot of people
come by to visit the library. They have such a great collection of books, too.
Last, Ina talks about the town meeting room. They already use it for events, so she
doesn't feel the need to completely explain it to Rahi.
Even though Ina is strict with her son, she reminds him that he doesn't have to be so
strict towards the villagers. Rahi is excited and understands what she's trying to say.

239 | H M : T o T T

Yun's Husband - Gombe and Yun

Yun's Tea House

Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday
Sunny or Snowy weather
5:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Gombe and Yun have 6 flowers or more

Gombe has come to visit Yun at her tea house. He

recently remembered something that happened a long
time ago and wants to talk to Yun about it. She's
willing to take a break to chat with the old man.
The two of them start reminiscing about the old times when you walk in for a visit.
Gombe explains that Yun's husband was a very close friend of his. Yun gets a little
embarrassed, but Gombe goes on and talks about how worried he was about her
after Yun's husband passed away. He's glad that she was able to recover from his
death. Yun says it was because of the kindness from everyone in the village and
she's so grateful to everyone. Gombe says it is just because everybody wants the
people the love to be happy!
Love? Gombe gets embarrassed and says he better leave to get back to work. After
he leaves, Yun confides in you that Gombe reminds her of her late husband. She
hopes that you too can find a special person someday.
Family Events
Baby Bath Time

Walk into your farmhouse

Any day
Rainy weather
8:00 pm to 12:00 am
Not Winter season
Your husband/wife is at a pink flower level or
Your child has 42,000 FP or more
(5 flowers = 40,000 FP)

You enter your farmhouse and are greeted by your family. Your spouse has
prepared a bath for you and suggests that you take your child with you. Your child
was about to get a bath anyway.
The two of you head to the bath and get squeaky clean.

240 | H M : T o T T

Family Outing

Walk into your farm house

Any day
6:00 am to 12:00 pm
Sunny weather
Not Winter season
Your child is full grown
Your spouse and child have 6 flowers or more

Walk into your farm house before noon and your child will want you to go play with
him or her. You can chose to go to the mountain or the river.

If you chose to go to the mountain, your child will chase after a wild fox.
Eventually the fox will get annoyed and chase your child around instead!

If you chose to go to the river, your child will observe the fish swimming in the

After the event has finished, you will earn +3000 FP with your family members and
you'll return back to your farm house.
Racing Home

If you're living in Bluebell, walk from Bluebell Town

to the Church area
If you're living in Konohana, walk from Konohana
Town to the Tunnel area
6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Any day
Sunny weather
Your child is full grown
Your child has 6 flowers or more

As you walk into the area you'll meet up with your child. He or she will suggest that
you race home and the first one home will be the winner. Right before you start
running you'll have two options:

Run as fast as you can. - You take off running and are the first one to arrive
home. After waiting for a bit, your exhausted child finally shows up. You ran
too fast and now your child is very tired and disappointed that it couldn't keep
up with you. Your child never wants to race with you again! You will lose 1000
FP with your child.

Go easy. - You take your time and so you'll child will beat you home. Your
child will be very proud of itself and you'll earn +3000 FP with him or her.

241 | H M : T o T T

Flower Events
One of the things you can do in Harvest Moon is get
married and part of the requirements for marriage is to
see flower events; unless you're trying to marry Dirk or
Alisa, who don't have any flower events.
Flower events can be trigged once you reach the
approprate friendship level or you are higher than the
required friendship level:

Purple flower event: Friendship is at a purple flower color (10,000 FP) or

Blue flower event: Friendship is at a blue flower color (20,000 FP) or higher
and you've seen the purple flower event.
Green flower event: Friendship is at a green flower color (30,000 FP) or
higher and you've seen the blue flower event.
Yellow flower event: Friendship is at a yellow flower color (40,000 FP) or
higher and you've seen the green flower event.

Mikhail and the Oracle don't have colored flowers on their conversation dialog boxes,
but they still have visible friendship point levels. For example, instead of two purple
flowers, you will have two white flowers.
Triggering Events
The flower events trigger at the point where you ask the person out on a date and
you select the correct date location. Instead of viewing the standard date
conversation scene, the flower event will trigger. You need to ask for the date on
the day and time that the flower event is available for viewing and select the
correct date location.
For example, one of the opportunities to ask for a date with Hiro is on Fridays
between 11:00 am and 8:00 pm, where he will give you a random choice of three
locations. If you want to see his purple flower event, Hiro needs to have purple
flowers (or a higher color) and you have to ask him for a date between 11:00 am and
2:00 pm. If you ask him after 2pm, then you will just trigger a normal date scene and
not possibly the flower event.
When you ask Hiro during the correct time frame, he will ask you to pick one of three
locations to go on your date. His purple flower event occurs at Yun's Tea House so if
that is one of your random three locations, then select that spot and you'll trigger the
flower event. If you don't get prompted to go to Yun's Tea House, then you can't see
the flower event and you'll just have a normal date scene. You will have to try again
the next available Friday to see his purple flower event.
if you really want to see his flower event, then you can reload your last save game
and ask him for a date again during the correct time. The three random date
locations are generated at the point when you are prompted to select a date location,
so reloading your saved game could get you three new locations.

242 | H M : T o T T

The Flower Events




The Oracle







A villager's birthday is an important day. You won't
actually celebrate it by having a party with the person
though. Instead, you can give the person a gift and
he/she will thank you for remembering his/her birthday.
On a person's birthday, the friendship points you
would normally earn from giving a gift will be worth
five times more! A gift that is only worth 300 FP on a
regular day will be worth 1500 FP. A person's favorite
item, typically 800 FP, will earn you 4000 FP when given on the person's birthday.
That is almost half a flower of friendship! Birthdays are the best way to get a large
boost of friendship with someone.
Your Child
(Baby stage)
(boy or girl)
Your Child
(Full grown)
(boy or girl)


+4000 FP Gift
- Cooking: Pot + Egg + Milk
- Howard's Cafe, Winter, 220 G


Ice Cream
- Cooking: Spice Rack + Black Egg (Silkie Chicken)
- Howard's Cafe, Summer, 140 G

Spring 04

Fried Rice
- Cooking: Frying Pan + Oil (Shop)+ Cooked Rice (Pot +
Rice) + an egg, Carrot, or Shiitake
- Yun's Tea House, Summer, 220 G

Spring 06

Chop Suey
- Cooking: Frying Pan + Oil (Shop) + Cabbage (Spring
crop) + Shiitake (Wild item) + Carrot (Fall crop)
- Cannot be bought at a shop

Harvest Goddess Spring 08

- Spring season crop. Seeds sold by Gombe in year 3
- Reward from Request Level 10 Harvest Goddess
message board requests



243 | H M : T o T T




Spring 16

- Cooking: Pot + Carrot (Fall crop) + Soybeans (Grain
crop) + Deep-Fried Tofu (Frying Pan + Tofu + Oil)
- Cannot be bought at a shop

Spring 20

- Cooking: Frying Pan + Onion (Summer crop) + Flour
(Shop) + Milk (Cow) + Cooked Rice (Pot + Rice)
- Cannot be bought at a shop
- You can get Onion out-of-season from Rahi's Rank C or
Rank B requests

Spring 24

- Cooking: Pot + Black Egg (Silkie chicken) + Jersey Milk
(Jersey cow) + Sponge Cake (Frying Pan + Flour + Egg)
+ a fruit (Strawberry, Banana, Apple, etc.)
- Cannot be bought at a shop
- You can get Sponge Cake from Laney's message board
requests, any rank
Mixed Rice
- Cooking: Pot + Carrot (Fall Crop) + Cooked Rice (Pot +
Rice) + Deep-Fried Tofu (Frying Pan + Tofu + Oil)
- Yun's Tea House, Fall, 460 G
Puer Tea
- Cooking: Pot + Puer Tea Can (Bluebell farm drink maker
- Yun's Tea House, Fall, 90 G
Tomato Fondue
- Cooking: Pot + Bread (Pot + Flour) + Tomato (Summer
crop) + Oil (Shop)
- Cannot be bought at a shop
- You can get Bread from Nathan's message board
requests, any rank
Cream Croquette
- Cooking: Frying Pan + Oil (Shop) + Bread Crumbs (Put
bread in the Konohana flour mill machine) + Potato
(Spring crop) + any type of milk
- Howard's Cafe, Winter, 410 G
Spicy Curry
- Cooking: Pot + Cooked Rice (Pot + Rice) + Curry
Powder (Shop) + Chili Pepper (Shop)
- Cannot be bought at a shop


Spring 27


Summer 05


Summer 07


Summer 12


Summer 13


Cheese Dumpling
- Cooking: Pot + Flour + Cheese or Good Cheese or
Summer 17
Great Cheese
- Cannot be bought in a shop


Daikon Salad
- Cooking: Bok Choy (Winter crop) + Daikon (Winter crop)
Summer 21
+ Onion (Summer crop)
- Cannot be bought in a shop

244 | H M : T o T T


Choc. Ice Cream

- Cooking: Spice Rack + Ice Cream (Spice Rack + Black
Summer 21 Egg) + Chocolate Pack (Put cocoa in the Bluebell
fermenting machine)
- Howard's Cafe, Summer, 600 G


- Cooking: Frying Pan + Bread Crumbs (Put bread in the
Summer 21 Konohana flour mill machine) + Potato (Spring crop) +
Onion (Summer crop)
- Howard's Cafe, Fall, 330 G


Cherry Pie
- Cooking: Flour (Shop) + Egg (Chicken) + Butter (Put
Summer 23 milk in the Bluebell fermenting machine) + Cherry
(Summer crop)
- Cannot be bought at a shop



Fall 01

Tom Yum Goong

- Cooking: Pot + Tomato (Summer crop) + Spinach (Fall
crop) + Brown Mushroom (Wild item) + Crab (bare-hand
- Cannot be bought at a shop

Fall 04

French Bread
- Cooking: Pot + Bread (Pot + Flour) + any type of egg
- Cannot be bought at a shop
- You can get Bread from Nathan's message board
requests, any rank


Fall 08


Fall 12




- Mining only, tunnel expansion #5
- 1% chance from smashing an Ore Stone
Boiled Tofu
- Cooking: Pot + Tofu (Soybeans + Pot) + Soy Milk
(Soybeans + Edamame + Pot)
- Cannot be bought at a shop

Fall 16

Mixed Smoothie
- Cooking: Spice Rack + Mixed Juice (Spice Rack +
Banana + 2 other fruit) + any type of milk
- Yun's Tea House, Winter, 700 G
- You can get Mixed Juice from Yun's Tea House in
Spring for 530 G

Fall 23

Miso Eggplant
- Cooking: Pot + Eggplant (Fall crop) + Miso (Put
soybeans and cooked rice in the Bluebell fermenting
- Yun's Tea House, Fall, 340 G

Fall 27

Royal Milk Tea

- Cooking: Gold Tea Can (Put black tea can, mandarin,
banana, and cherry in the Bluebell drink machine) + any
type of milk
- Cannot be bought at a shop

245 | H M : T o T T





Fall 30

- Cooking: Frying Pan + Flour (Shop) + Potato (Spring
crop) + Pumpkin (Summer crop) + Spinach (Fall crop)
- Cannot be bought at any shop

Winter 05

- Cooking: Frying Pan + Onion (Summer crop) + Penne
Pasta (Pan + Spaghetti) + Cheese or Good Cheese or
Great Cheese (Put milk into the Bluebell fermenting
- Howard's Cafe, Winter, 390 G

Winter 09

Flower Perfume
- Can only be crafted by Cam using Marguerite,
Casablanca, or Carnation

Winter 12

Mixed Rice
- Cooking: Pot + Carrot (Fall Crop) + Cooked Rice (Pot +
Rice) + Deep-Fried Tofu (Frying Pan + Tofu + Oil)
- Yun's Tea House, Fall, 460 G


Winter 17


Winter 19


Winter 22


Winter 27

The Oracle

Winter 30

Ice Cream
- Cooking: Spice Rack + Black Egg (Silkie Chicken)
- Howard's Cafe, Summer, 140 G
- Cooking: Frying Pan + Milk (Cow) + Egg (Chicken) +
Butter (Put milk into the Bluebell fermenting machine) +
any type of honey
- Cannot be bought at a shop
- You can get Butter from Cheryl's Rank B or Rank A
message board requests
Sushi Bowl
- Cooking: Pot + Sashimi (Tuna or Char or Trout or Masu
Salmon or Flounder or Goby or Large Goby or Carp) +
Cooked Rice (Pot + Rice) + Egg or Black Egg or Fish
Paste or Cucumber or Shiitake
- Yun's Tea House, Spring, 210 G
Tofu Salad
- Cooking: Tofu (Soybeans + Pot) + Cucumber (Spring
crop) + Onion (Summer crop)
- Yun's Tea House, Winter, 410 G
Alpaca Wool, any color
- Alpaca's are unlocked starting Fall of year 2

246 | H M : T o T T

Harvest Goddess
The lovely and powerful Harvest Goddess lives in the pond on
top of the mountain that separates the two towns. Long ago, the
bickering between the towns annoyed her enough that she
forced the tunnel between them to collapse, resulting in the
situation you find yourself in when you first start the game.
You can meet the Harvest Goddess by throwing a gift into her
pond. She'll also pop up from time to time to congratulate you as
you raise your farm degree levels. You are the only one who
can see her though. HG cannot be married in this version of
Harvest Moon and she doesn't have any helper Harvest Sprites.
You can't use the pond until Spring 21, which means that you also can't give her a
gift on her first birthday (Spring 8) because the Goddess isn't there yet.
The Harvest Goddess can also grant you special wishes if you collect the six
Wonderful Stones.
Birthday: Spring 8
Family: None
Favorite Wild Animals: None
Disliked Wild Animals: None
Friendship Tips: There are more items that the goddess doesn't like than item she
does like! Harvest Goddess prefers items that you've produced yourself, such as
crops or animal products. Since she also likes the wild flowers that grow in the
mountain, it is easier to give her the free flowers and sell your farm-raised items
She does like perfume, but it is more beneficial to ship the perfume for money than
give it to the Harvest Goddess as a gift.
Giving Gifts
Favorite Gift
+800 FP

Liked Gifts
+300 FP

Grow during Spring season
Normal Items: Asparagus, Black Egg, Blue Bouquet, Blue Rose, Bok
Choy, Cabbage, Carnation, Carrot, Casablanca, Casablanca Bouquet,
Chamomile, Citrus Perfume, Corn, Cucumber, Daikon, Egg, Flower
Perfume, Gentian, Gerbera, Golden Egg, Golden Milk, Green Pepper,
Herb Perfume, Jersey Milk, Lavender, Magic Blue Flower, Magic Red
Flower, Mandrin, Marguerite, Milk, Mint, Moondrop Flower, Nadeshiko,
Ocean Perfume, Onion, Pineapple, Pink Rose, Potato, Pumpkin, Pumpkin
Perfume, Radish, Red Bouquet, Red Rose, Rose Perfume, Snow
Perfume, Snowdrop, Spinach, Sunflower, Sunflower Bouquet, Tomato,
Turnip, Watermelon, White Bouquet, White Rose, Yam

247 | H M : T o T T

Insects: (None)
Fish: (None)

Standard Gifts
+50 FP

Cooked Recipes: (dessert) Strawberry Candy

Normal Items: Apple, Banana, Blueberry, Brown Alpaca Wool, Brown
Alpaca Yarn, Brown Mushroom, Cherry, Cheese, Chestnut, Coral
Mushroom, Fruit Yogurt, Good Cheese, Good Herb Cheese, Good Herb
Mayo, Good Mayonnaise, Good Wool, Good Yogurt, Grape, Great
Cheese, Great Fruit Yogurt, Great Herb Cheese, Great Herb Mayo, Great
Wool, Great Yarn Ball, Great Yogurt, Herb Cheese, Herb Mayonnaise,
Mayonnaise, Peach, Sea Urchin, Shiitake, Shimeji, Suffolk Yarn Ball,
Trumpet Mushroom, Walnut, White Alpaca Wool, White Alpaca Yarn,
Wool, Yarn Ball, Yogurt
Insects: (None)
Fish: (None)
Cooked Recipes: (None)

Disliked Gifts
-300 FP
Horror Gift:
-1000 FP

All other items not listed

Old Boot
Caught when fishing

Daily Schedule
Sunday through Saturday; any weather:

6:00 am to 5:59 am - Goddess Pond, Mountain Top

Pierre comes from a long line of trained cooking judges. He can tell
when a dish has been carefully crafted and when a dish has just
been made out of randomly combined ingredients. Pierre's goal is
to taste as many different types of foods as possible.
The purple-clad chef in this version of Harvest Moon can't be
married. The only time you'll have any interaction with Pierre is
during the cooking festivals. Pierre will have white friendship flowers
on his conversation dialog box but you can't give him any gifts or
increase your friendship with him.
Watching Pierre during the festival will give you a general idea if your team is going
to win the contest. While he is tasting each town's three entries, you will see a
emotion bubble appear above his head; a scribble (for bad dishes), some dots (... for
okay dishes), a music note (for good dishes), or a heart (for very tasty dishes). If the
other town's team gets more hearts or music notes than your team, it is a pretty safe
guess that you're not going to be the festival winner.

248 | H M : T o T T

Bluebell Villagers
There are 10 villagers who live in Bluebell Town. Raising your friendship with the
villagers will increase the probability of viewing some random events. In this town
you can buy animals and flower seeds, as well as expand your farm and the tunnel
by completing message board requests posted by Eileen.











Marriage Candidates from Bluebell






The Oracle

Bachelor Mikhail will live at the Town Hall in whichever town you are living in when
he arrives each Fall season, and will stay there until he leaves in Summer.

249 | H M : T o T T

Along with her mom and big brother, Cheryl works at the animal
shop in Bluebell Town. She doesn't sell the animals, but she sells
the items to help you with animals. Her little shop sells the treats,
animal medicine, fodder, and chicken feed.
Ash looks after his little sister and in turn, Cheryl admires him
greatly. She can be a little jealous if he gives attention to other
people. One day she hopes to marry a boy who is just like her big
Birthday: Spring 24
Family: Ash (big brother), Jessica (mother)
Favorite Wild Animals: None
Disliked Wild Animals: None
Friendship Tips: Cheryl likes all butterflies, which you can find during the Spring,
Summer, and Fall seasons in the mountain area. She also likes certain desserts but
not all desserts. The easiest is Pudding (Milk + Egg + Pot). There's also quite a few
of the desserts that go on-sale at Howard's Cafe.
Giving Gifts

Favorite Gift
+800 FP

Cooked Recipe (Dessert): Black Egg + Jersey Milk + Sponge Cake + a
fruit + Pot
Normal Items: Agate, Cocoa Pack, Colorful Bouquet, Diamond, Flourite,
Jade, Letter in a Bottle, Moon Stone, Peridot, Pink Diamond, Ruby,
Sandrose, Topaz
Insects: all Butterflies
Fish: (None)

Liked Gifts
+300 FP

Standard Gifts
+50 FP

Cooked Recipes: (soup) Miso Soup, (dessert) Yam Dessert, Pumpkin

Pudding, Chocolate Banana, Stewed Apple, Apple Pie, Pineapple Pie,
Strawberry Pie, Sponge Cake, Pudding, Cheesecake, Pancake, Donuts,
Cookies, Chocolate Cookies, Ice Cream, Cake, Honey Cake, Chocolate
Cake, Party Cake, Choc. Party Cake, Party Cheesecake, Chocolate
Fondue, Baumkuchen, Churros, Mont Blanc, Scone, Choc. Ice Cream,
Strawb. Ice Cream, Matcha Ice Cream, Choc. Sponge Cake, Chocolate
Donuts, Chocolate Pudding, Fondant Chocolate, Fruit Parfait, Soft
Chocolates, Strawb. Soft Choc., Matcha Soft Choc., Tiramisu, Rice
Pudding, Honey Pudding, Soy Milk Pudding, Egg Tart, Cherry Pie, (misc)
Hot Chocolate, Peach Juice, Banana Juice, Apple Juice, Mandarin Juice,
Mixed Juice, Mixed Smoothie, Plum Juice
All other items not listed

250 | H M : T o T T

Normal Items: Animal Medicine, Asparagus, Black Tea (Can), Bok Choy,
Branch, Buckwheat Tea Can, Cabbage, Carrot, Chicken Feed, Coffee
Pack, Corn, Cucumber, Daikon, Eggplant, Fall Tea (Can), Fish Bones,
Fish Food, Fish Treat, Fodder, Ginseng Tea (Can), Gold Tea (Can), Grain
Treat, Green Pepper, Green Tea (Can), Herb Tea (Can), Horse Treat,
Lumber, Matcha Tea (Can), Material Stone, Nutra Treat, Old Ball, Old
Boot, Onion, Oolong Tea (Can), Owl Food, Pet Food, Poison Mushroom,
Potato, Puer Tea (Can), Pumpkin, Radish, Rose Tea (Can), Scrap Metal,
Sencha Tea (Can), Snowball, Spinach, Spring Tea (Can), Summer Tea
(Can), Stone, Strawberry, Tomato, Treat, Turnip, Vegetable Treat, Weed,
Insects: all Frogs
Disliked Gifts
-300 FP

Horror Gift:
-1000 FP

Fish: (None)
Cooked Recipes: Failed Dish, (salad) Tomato Salad, Onion Salad,
Potato Salad, Herb Salad, Caprese Salad, Mimosa Salad, Asazuke,
Cucumber Namul, Tofu Salad, Pasta Salad, Daikon Salad, Mixed Salad,
(soup) Onion Soup, Pumpkin Soup, Herb Soup, Asparagus Soup, Radish
Soup, (horderve) French Fries, Potato Pancake, Hash Browns, Boiled
Potato, Cabbage Rolls, Popcorn, Corn Cereal, Steamed Dumpling,
Dolma, Roasted Corn, Miso Eggplant, Roasted Eggplant, Baked Yam,
Vegetable Stir Fry, Chop Suey, Pot Sticker, Spring Roll, Simmered
Potato, Boiled Pumpkin, Ganmodoki, Boiled Daikon, Shredded Daikon,
(main) Vegetable Curry, Moussaka, (misc) Straight Tea, Herb Tea, Honey
Tea, Rose Tea, Milk Tea, Royal Milk Tea, Russian Tea, Spring Tea,
Summer Tea, Fall Tea, Gold Tea, Hot Coffee, Caf au Lait, Cappuccino,
Green Tea, Matcha Tea, Sencha Tea, Puer Tea, Oolong Tea, Buckwheat
Tea, Ginseng Tea
Turnip Salad
Cooked Recipe (Salad): Turnip

Daily Schedule
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday; Sunny, Snowy, or half-day
6:00 am to 7:30 am - Jessica's Livestock
7:30 am to 8:00 am - (inside the barn behind the shop)
8:00 am to 5:30 pm - Jessica's Livestock
5:30 pm to 7:00 pm - Bluebell Town
7:00 pm to 7:30 pm - (inside the barn behind the shop)
7:30 pm to midnight - Jessica's Livestock
Wednesday, before the tunnel is completed; Sunny, Snowy, or half-day Rainy:

6:00 am to 7:30 am - Jessica's Livestock

7:30 am to 8:00 am - (inside the barn behind the shop)
8:00 am to 10:30 am - Jessica's Livestock
10:30 am to 5:30 pm - Bluebell entrance (outside of the Church)
5:30 pm to 6:30 pm - Bluebell Town
6:30 pm to 7:00 pm - (inside the barn behind the shop)
7:00 pm to midnight - Jessica's Livestock
251 | H M : T o T T

Wednesday, after the tunnel is completed; Sunny, Snowy, or half-day Rainy:

6:00 am to 11:00 am - Jessica's Livestock

11:00 am to 1:00 pm - (traveling through the tunnel to Konohana Town)
1:00 pm to 4:30 pm - Konohana Town (by Yun's Tea House)
4:30 pm to 6:30 pm - (traveling through the tunnel to Bluebell Town)
6:30 pm to midnight - Jessica's Livestock

Sunday through Saturday; full-day Rainy or Stormy:

6:00 am to midnight - Jessica's Livestock

One of the three 'ucha triplets, Diego manages his general store
in Bluebell Town. He minds the store while his brother Enrique
keeps inventory in stock. On Saturdays he closes up shop and
walks over to Konohana Town to visit with his third brother Raul.
Birthday: Summer 21
Family: Raul (brother), Enrique (brother)
Favorite Wild Animals: All wild animals
Disliked Wild Animals: None
Friendship Tips: Diego likes Pet Food, which you can buy from
him for 150 G each. If you want to go even cheaper, Cheryl sells Chicken Feed for
80 G each. You won't find Fish Food for sale until after you have the Fish Pond built
on the Konohana Farm.
He also likes all of the dragonfly species. You can catch dragonflies in Fall and even
Winter. You can give him all types of large fish that you catch with either your normal
Fishing Pole or the Master Pole.
There are a lot of easy salad recipes he likes. His favorite item, Daikon Salad, can't
be purchased from any store. You'll need to grow the two winter crops and then
combine them with a Summer season Onion.
Giving Gifts
Favorite Gift
+800 FP

Liked Gifts
+300 FP

Daikon Salad
Cooked Recipe (Salad): Bok Choy + Daikon + Onion
Normal Items: Animal Medicine, Blue Bouquet, Buckwheat Tea Can,
Chicken Feed, Cured Bok Choy, Cured Cucumber, Cured Daikon, Cured
Eggplant, Cured Turnip, Cured Veggie Mix, Cured Watermelon, Fish
Food, Fish Treat, Ginseng Tea (Can), Green Tea (Can), Horse Treat,
Matcha Tea (Can), Moondrop Flower, Oolong Tea (Can), Owl Food, Pet
Food, Puer Tea (Can), Sencha Tea (Can), Treat, Umeboshi, Vegetable
Critters: All dragonflies
Fish: All "Large" size fish except for Large Icefish and Large Killifish

252 | H M : T o T T

Cooked Recipes: (salad) Turnip Salad, Tomato Salad, Onion Salad,

Potato Salad, Herb Salad, Caprese Salad, Mimosa Salad, Boiled
Spinach, Asazuke, Cucumber Namul, Tofu Salad, Mixed Salad,
(appetizer) Miso Eggplant, Roasted Eggplant, Sashimi, Fish Paste,
Vegetable Stir Fry, Chop Suey, Tofu, Okara, Dried Tofu, Boiled Tofu, Cold
Tofu, Yuba Tofu, Dashi Egg, Ganmodoki, Boiled Tofu, Shredded Daikon,
Tuna Yukhoe, (main dish) Sushi, Sushi Bowl, Grilled Fish, Fish Stew,
Rice Ball, Fried Rice Ball, Rice Porridge, Udon Noodles, Natto Roll,
Kappa Roll, Oshinko Roll, (other) Green Tea, Matcha Tea, Sencha Tea,
Puer Tea, Oolong Tea, Buckwheat Tea, Ginseng Tea
Standard Gifts
+50 FP

All other items not listed

Normal Items: Adamantite, Agate, Amethyst, Bok Choy Kimchi, Branch,
Cabbage Kimchi, Copper, Cucumber Kimchi, Cured Kimchi, Daikon
Kimchi, Diamond, Emerald, Fish Bones, Flourite, Fodder, Gold, Jade,
Lumber, Material Stone, Mixed Kimchi, Mythic Stone, Mithril, Moon Stone,
Old Ball, Old Boot, Ore Stone, Orichalcum, Peridot, Pink Diamond, Poison
Mushroom, Ruby, Sandrose, Scrap Metal, Silver, Snowball, Stone, Stone
Tablet, Topaz, Weed

Disliked Gifts
-300 FP

Critters: All cicadas, All beetles, All frogs, All fireflies, All butterflies, All
Fish: (None)
Cooked Recipes: Failed Dish, (appetizer) Curry Bread, Curry Dumpling,
(main dish) Dry Curry, Curry Rice, Vegetable Curry, Spicy Curry,
Seaweed Curry, Milk Curry, Rainbow Curry, Ultimate Curry, Supreme
Curry, Kimchi Stew, Bibimbap

Horror Gift:
-1000 FP

Chili Pepper

Sunday through Friday; Sunny, Snowy, or half-day Rainy:

6:00 am to midnight - Diego's General Store

Saturday; Sunny, Snowy, or half-day Rainy:

6:00 am to 8:00 am - Diego's General Store

8:00 am to 9:00 am - (walking through Bluebell Town)
9:00 am to 10:30 am - Bluebell low-mountain
10:30 am to 1:30 pm - (walking up the mountain)
1:30 pm to 3:00 pm - Konohana low-mountain
3:00 pm to 4:30 pm - (walking through Konohana)
4:30 pm to midnight - Raul's Shop

Saturday; Stormy or full-day Rainy:

6:00 am to midnight - Diego's General Store

253 | H M : T o T T

All farm and tunnel construction projects are done by Eileen, the
carpenter who lives in Bluebell Town. She likes to look for materials
in the mountain areas in the morning, but she spends most of her
time in town or inside her house. She will place a construction
request on the Bluebell message board once per season; the request
will be either for a farm expansion or it will be for materials to rebuild
the tunnel between the two towns.
As cute as she is, Eileen is not a marriage candidate.
Birthday: Winter 09
Family: None
Favorite Wild Animals: All animals
Disliked Wild Animals: None
Friendship Tips: Eileen is easy to befriend. She likes the Stones and Branches you
can find on the ground in the mountain area. These items are plentiful year round,
and she's the only villager who likes them, so you simply have to go foraging for free
stuff to give her.
If you have money to burn, you can buy perfume from Cam's Flower shop to give to
Giving Gifts
Favorite Gift
+800 FP

Flower Perfume
Normal Items: Apricot Wine, Beer, Branch, Chestnut Wine, Chicha,
Citrus Perfume, Colorful Bouquet, Fall Wine, Four Seasons Wine, Fruit
Wine, Herb Perfume, Honey Wine, Lumber, Magic Red Flower, Material
Stone, Ocean Perfume, Plum Wine, Pumpkin Perfume, Red Wine, Rose
Perfume, Rose Wine, Sangria, Snow Perfume, Spring Wine, Stone,
Summer Wine
Critters: Lantern Firefly, Mustache Firefly, Emperor Firefly, White
Morpho, Oki Butterfly, Helena Morpho

Liked Gifts
+300 FP

Fish: Sweetfish, Small Sweetfish, Large Sweetfish, Salmon, Small

Salmon, Special Salmon, Botched Snakehead, Small Snakehead, Large
Snakehead, Moray Eel
Cooked Recipes: (main dish) Egg Rice Bowl, Tempura Bowl, Udon
Noodles, Kitsune Udon, Tempura Udon, Fried Udon, Cold Soba Noodles,
Tempura Soba, Yakisoba, (other) Plum Wine (Glass), Apricot Wine (Gls),
Sangria, Red Wine (Glass), Chicha (Glass), Beer (Glass), Honey Wine
(Glass), Chestnut Wine Gls, Spring Wine (Gls), Summer Wine (Gls), Fall
Wine (Glass), 4 Seasons Wine Gls, Fruit Wine (Glass), Rose Wine

Standard Gifts
+50 FP

All other items not listed

254 | H M : T o T T

Normal Items: Animal Medicine, Buckwheat Tea (Can), Chicken Feed,

Fish Bones, Fish Food, Fish Treat, Fodder, Ginseng Tea (Can), Grain
Treat, Horse Treat, Matcha Tea (Can), Nutra Treat, Old Ball, Old Boot,
Oolong Tea (Can), Owl Food, Poison Mushroom, Puer Tea (Can), Scrap
Metal, Sencha Tea (Can), Snowball, Treat, Vegetable Treat, Weed
Disliked Gifts
-300 FP

Critters: All cicadas, All beetles, All frogs, All dragonflies, All
Fish: (None)

Horror Gift:
-1000 FP

Cooked Recipes: Failed Dish, (other) Matcha Tea, Sencha Tea, Puer
Tea, Oolong Tea, Buckwheat Tea, Ginseng Tea
Green Tea
Cooked Recipe (Other): Green Tea (Can) + Pot

Sunday or Tuesday; Sunny, Snowy, or half-day Rainy:

6:00 am to 6:30 am - Eileen's Carpentry

6:30 am to 7:30 am - (walking to Bluebell low-mountain area)
7:30 am to 9:30 am - Bluebell low-mountain area
9:30 am to 10:00 am - (walking through Bluebell mid-mountain area)
10:00 am to 12:00 pm - Bluebell high-mountain area
12:00 pm to 2:00 pm - (walking back to Bluebell)
2:00 pm to 4:00 pm - Bluebell Town Hall
4:00 pm to 8:00 pm - Standing outside her shop in Bluebell
8:00 pm to midnight - Eileen's Carpentry

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, or Saturday; Sunny, Snowy or half-day


6:00 am to 12:00 pm - Eileen's Carpentry

12:00 pm to 5:00 pm - Standing outside her shop in Bluebell
5:00 pm to midnight - Eileen's Carpentry

Sunday through Saturday; Stormy or full-day Rainy;

6:00 am to midnight - Eileen's Carpentry

The youngest (and self-claimed "cutest") of the triplets, Enrique's
job is to keep his brother's shop inventory in stock. He doesn't
actually sell anything at the shop but he takes care of their
chickens in their pasture area. You'll usually find him either in
their back room or in the pasture. Enrique will post message
board requests that reward you with oddities like Oil or Curry
Powder and on occasion, a Chili Pepper.

255 | H M : T o T T

Birthday: Summer 21
Family: Raul (brother), Diego (brother)
Favorite Wild Animals: Weasel
Disliked Wild Animals: Everything else but the weasel
Friendship Tips: Enrique likes crops, but it is simpler to give him the wild grown
items you can find on the Mountain such as Blueberries, Chestnuts, and mushrooms.
You can find the items he likes year round. Even if you decide to ship your foraged
items, you can give him any "Small" size fish.
His favorite item, Choco. Ice Cream, can be purchased from Howard's shop in the
Summer for 600 G a piece. If you choose to make it, you need to be growing Cocoa
Trees on your farm plus have the maker on the Bluebell Farm to turn your Cocoa
into Chocolate Pack.
Giving Gifts
Favorite Gift
+800 FP

Liked Gifts
+300 FP

Choco. Ice Cream

Cooked Recipe (Dessert): Ice Cream + Chocolate Pack + Spice Rack
Normal Items: Apple, Apricot, Asparagus, Banana, Black Tea (Can),
Bamboo Shoot, Blueberry, Bok Choy, Breadcrumbs, Brown Mushroom,
Buckwheat, Buckwheat Flour, Cabbage, Carrot, Cherry, Chestnut, Chili
Pepper, Coffee Beans, Cocoa, Coral Mushroom, Corn, Cucumber, Curry
Powder, Daikon, Edamame, Eggplant, Fall Tea (Can), Fish Fossil, Flour,
Gold Tea (Can), Grape, Green Pepper, Herb Tea (Can), Honey Tea
(Can), Magic Blue Flower, Mandarin, Oil, Onion, Peach, Pineapple, Plum,
Potato, Pumpkin, Radish, Rice, Rice Candy, Rice Flour, Rice Stalk, Rose
Tea (Can), Sea Urchin, Seaweed, Shiitake, Shimeji, Shiratama Flour,
Spinach, Soybean, Soy Flour, Spring Tea (Can), Strawberry, Summer
Tea (Can), Tomato, Turnip, Truffle, Trumpet Mushroom, Walnut,
Watermelon, Wheat, White Bouquet, Yam
Critters: All frogs
Fish: Crab, All "Small" fish
Cooked Recipes: (Dessert) All desserts except for Choco. Ice Cream,
(Other) Herb Tea, Honey Tea, Rose Tea, Milk Tea, Royal Milk Tea,
Russian Tea, Spring Tea, Summer Tea, Fall Tea, Gold Tea

Standard Gifts
+50 FP

Disliked Gifts
-300 FP

All other items not listed

Normal Items: Adamantite, Agate, Amethyst, Animal Medicine,
Buckwheat Tea (Can), Chicken Feed, Copper, Diamond, Emerald, Fish
Bones, Fish Food, Fish Treat, Flourite, Fodder, Ginseng Tea (Can), Gold,
Grain Treat, Green Tea (Can), Horse Treat, Jade, Lumber, Matcha Tea
(Can), Material Stone, Mithril, Moon Stone, Mythic Stone, Nutra Treat, Old
Ball, Old Boot, Oolong Tea (Can), Ore Stone, Orichalcum, Owl Food,
Peridot, Pet Food, Pink Diamond, Poison Mushroom, Puer Tea (Can),
Ruby, Sandrose, Scrap Metal, Sencha Tea (Can), Silver, Snowball,
Stone, Stone Tablet, Topaz, Treat, Vegetable Treat, Umeboshi, Weed

256 | H M : T o T T

Critters: All insects

Fish: (None)

Horror Gift:
-1000 FP

Cooked Recipes: Failed Dish, (Appetizer) French Fries, Croquette,

Cream Croquette, Cheese Croquette, Focaccia, Tempura, Spring Roll,
Deep-Fried Tofu, (Main Dish) Tempura Bowl, Tempura Udon, Tempura
Soba, (Other) Green Tea, Matcha Tea, Sencha Tea, Puer Tea, Oolong
Tea, Buckwheat Tea, Ginseng Tea
Fried Tofu
Cooked Recipe (Appetizer): Tofu + Flour + Pot

Daily Schedule
Sunday through Friday; Sunny, Snowy, or half-day Rainy:

6:00 am to 8:00 am - Diego's General Store

8:00 am to 5:00 pm - (in the pasture of the store)
5:00 pm to midnight - Diego's General Store

Saturday; Sunny, Snowy, or half-day Rainy:

6:00 am to 8:00 am - Diego's General Store

8:00 am to 9:00 am - (walking through Bluebell Town)
9:00 am to 10:30 am - Bluebell low-mountain
10:30 am to 1:30 pm - (walking up the mountain)
1:30 pm to 3:00 pm - Konohana low-mountain
3:00 pm to 4:30 pm - (walking through Konohana)
4:30 pm to midnight - Raul's Shop

Saturday; Stormy or full-day Rainy;

6:00 am to midnight - Diego's General Store

The owner of the pet and horse shop in Bluebell, Grady spends
a lot of time in his shop. He relies on the help of his daughter to
make sure everything runs smoothly. Grady has a positive
attitude and there really isn't much that can make him sad.
Apparently nobody has told Grady that it looks like he has piles
of horse poop printed on his sweater...
Birthday: Summer 07
Family: Georgia (daughter)
Favorite Wild Animals: None
Disliked Wild Animals: None
Friendship Tips: Grady likes a lot of fish, but not all fish! Only specific fish will earn
you positive friendship points. The rest of them will earn you negative friendship
points. There isn't an easy way to remember which fish Grady likes and which ones
he doesn't like.
257 | H M : T o T T

He also likes Tomato and Tomato-based cooked recipes. If you're in Summer, grow
Tomatoes on your farm and give them to him as a gift. Gombe sells Tomato Seeds
starting in year 2, but if you lose a Summer season cooking festival, the mayor will
give you Tomato Seeds as a pity prize, which then forces Gombe to start selling
them in year 1 if you need to plant more Tomatoes.
Giving Gifts
Favorite Gift
+800 FP

Tomato Fondue
Cooked Recipe (Main Dish): Bread + Tomato + Oil + Pot
Normal Items: Apricot Wine, Beer, Chestnut Wine, Chicha, Fall Wine,
Four Seasons Wine, Fruit Wine, Honey Wine, Magic Blue Flower, Plum
Wine, Red Wine, Rose Wine, Sangria, Spring Wine, Summer Wine,
Sunflower Bouquet, Tomato
Critters: (None)

Liked Gifts
+300 FP

Fish: Sweetfish, Small Sweetfish, Large Sweetfish, Char, Small Char,

Large Char, Eel, Small Eel, Large Eel, Salmon, Small Salmon, Special
Salmon, Shishamo, Small Shishamo, Special Shishamo, Sea Bass, Small
Sea Bass, Large Sea Bass, Loach, Small Loach, Large Loach, Trout,
Small Trout, Large Trout, Smelt, Small Smelt, Large Smelt, Bonito, Tuna,
Mackerel, Flounder
Cooked Recipes: (salad) Tomato Salad, Caprese Salad, (soup)
Bouillabaisse, Vichyssoise, Gazpacho, Corn Soup, Tom Yum Goong,
(appetizer) Sandwich, (main dish) Risotto, Pizza, Rainbow Curry,
Lasagna, (other) Plum Wine (Glass), Apricot Wine (Gls), Sangria, Red
Wine (Glass), Chicha (Glass), Beer (Glass), Honey Wine (Glass),
Chestnut Wine Gls, Spring Wine (Gls), Fall Wine (Glass), 4 Seasons Wine
Gls, Fruit Wine (Glass), Rose Wine (Glass)

Standard Gifts
+50 FP

All other items not listed

Normal Items: Animal Medicine, Branch, Chicken Feed, Fish Bones, Fish
Food, Fish Fossil, Fish Treat, Fodder, Grain Treat, Horse Treat,
Legendary Treasure, Letter in a Bottle, Material Stone, Nutra Treat, Old
Ball, Old Boot, Owl Food, Pet Food, Poison Mushroom, Scrap Metal,
Snowball, Stone, Treat, Vegetable Treat, Weed
Critters: (None)

Disliked Gifts
-300 FP

Horror Gift:
-1000 FP

Fish: Carp, Small Carp, Icefish, Small Icefish, Large Icefish, Goby, Small
Goby, Large Goby, Funa, Small Funa, Large Funa, Black Bass, Small
Black Bass, Large Black Bass, Bluegill, Small Bluegill, Large Bluegill,
Killifish, Small Killifish, Large Killifish, Masu Salmon, Small Masu Salmon,
Large Masu Salmon, Blotch Snakehead, Small Snakehead, Large
Snakehead, Blue Crab, Crab, Small Crab, Small Blue Crab, Dogfish
Shark, Moray Eel, Ocean Sunfish
Cooked Recipes: Failed Dish, (appetizer) Miso Eggplant, (main dish)
Moussaka, (other) Peach Juice, Banana Juice, Apple Juice, Mandarin
Juice, Mixed Juice, Mixed Smoothie, Plum Juice
Roasted Eggplant
Cooked Recipe (Appetizer): Eggplant + Oil + Frying Pan

258 | H M : T o T T

Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, or Saturday; Sunny, Snowy, or half-day

6:00 am to 5:00 pm - Grady's Animals

5:00 pm to 7:00 pm - (in the barn behind the shop)
7:00 pm to midnight - Grady's Animals

Monday or Thursday; Sunny, Snowy, or half-day Rainy:

6:00 am to 8:30 am - Grady's Animals

8:30 am to 12:00 pm - Bluebell Town Hall
12:00 pm to 5:00 pm - Bluebell Town
5:00 pm to 6:30 pm - (in the barn behind the shop)
6:30 pm to midnight - Grady's Animals

He's Howard, the eclectic Bluebell cafe owner. He looks like a
fierce wrestler who could crush your pathetic little farmer body
and throw you all the way to Konohana, but he is really a sweet
teddy bear. Howard will help you out by giving you a cooking
Pot if you start out in Bluebell Farm, and will also post the
requests for the Frying Pan and Spice Rack on the Bluebell
message board.
The pink room upstairs in the cafe is Howard's, not Laney's,
and you can find his secret diary there.
Birthday: Fall 27
Family: Laney (daughter)
Favorite Wild Animals: None
Disliked Wild Animals: None
Friendship Tips: Howard likes flowers and perfume. You can grow them on your
farm or buy the flowers and perfume directly from Can's Flowers. He also likes
Chamomile, Lavender, and Magic Red Flower, which you can find for free in the
mountain foraging spots. Magic Red Flower is a little rarer than the others.
His favorite item, Royal Milk Tea, is not buyable from any shop. To make it, you need
to have the Drink Maker machine on your Bluebell farm so you can process tea into
a can of Gold Tea. Gold Tea (Can) requires Straight Tea (Can), Cherry, Banana, and
a Mandarin in order to make it.

259 | H M : T o T T

Giving Gifts
Favorite Gift
+800 FP

Royal Milk Tea

Cooked Recipe (Other): Gold Tea (Can) + Jersey Milk or Golden Milk
Normal Items: Blue Bouquet, Carnation, Casablanca, Casablanca
Bouquet, Chamomile, Citrus Perfume, Colorful Bouquet, Flower Perfume,
Gerbera, Herb Perfume, Herb Tea (Can), Lavender, Letter in a Bottle,
Magic Red Flower, Marguerite, Nadeshiko, Ocean Perfume, Pink Rose,
Pumpkin Perfume, Red Bouquet, Red Rose, Rose Perfume, Rose Tea
(Can), Snow Perfume, Snowdrop, Sunflower, Sunflower Bouquet, White
Bouquet, White Rose
Critters: (None)

Liked Gifts
+300 FP

Fish: Bonito, Tuna, Moray Eel, Ocean Sunfish

Cooked Recipes: (salad) Onion Salad, Asazuke, (soup) Onion Soup,
Pumpkin Soup, (appetizer) Potato Pancakes, Boiled Potato, Cabbage
Rolls, Popcorn, Focaccia, Quiche, Arancini, Vegetable Stir Fry, Okara,
(main dish) Risotto, Ultimate Curry, Herb Spaghetti, Lasagna, Fish Stew,
(dessert) Pineapple Pie, Party Cheesecake, Choc. Ice Cream, (other)
Herb Tea, Milk Tea, Russian Tea, Honey Tea, Rose Tea, Peach Juice,
Banana Juice, Apple Juice, Mandarin Juice, Mixed Juice, Mixed
Smoothie, Plum Juice

Standard Gifts
+50 FP

All other items not listed

Normal Items: Animal Medicine, Branch, Buckwheat Tea Can, Chicken
Feed, Fish Bones, Fish Food, Fish Fossil, Fish Treat, Fodder, Ginseng
Tea (Can), Grain Treat, Green Tea (Can), Horse Treat, Legendary
Treasure, Lumber, Matcha Tea (Can), Material Stone, Nutra Treat, Old
Ball, Old Boot, Oolong Tea (Can), Owl Food, Pet Food, Poison
Mushroom, Puer Tea (Can), Scrap Metal, Sencha Tea (Can), Snowball,
Stone, Treat, Vegetable Treat, Weed

Disliked Gifts
-300 FP

Critters: All cicadas (except Evening Cicada), All butterflies, All

Fish: (None)
Cooked Recipes: Failed Dish, (appetizer) Miso Eggplant, Roasted
Eggplant, Egg Custard, Sashimi, Fish Paste, Tofu, Fried Tofu, Deep-Fried
Tofu, Dried Tofu, Cold Tofu, Dashi Egg, Simmered Potato, Boiled
Pumpkin, Ganmodoki, Boiled Daikon, Shredded Daikon, (other) Green
Tea, Sencha Tea, Matcha Tea, Puer Tea, Oolong Tea, Buckwheat Tea,
Ginseng Tea

Horror Gift:
-1000 FP

Evening Cicada

260 | H M : T o T T

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, or Saturday; Sunny, Snowy, or halfday Rainy:

6:00 am to 6:30 am - Howard's Cafe

6:30 am to 9:00 am - (outside of the cafe)
9:00 am to midnight - Howard's Cafe

Thursday; Sunny, Snowy, or half-day Rainy:

6:00 am to 9:00 am - Howard's Cafe

9:00 am to 1:30 pm - (outside in Bluebell town)
1:30 pm to 5:00 pm - Bluebell Town Hall
5:00 pm to midnight - Howard's Cafe

You will meet Jessica automatically on your second day of the
game if you start out in Bluebell Town. She will stop by your house
to deliver a free cow and chicken. If you star out in Konohana Town,
you'll need to walk all the way over to Bluebell to buy your animals
from her.
Ash and Cheryl are Jessica's kids and they help her out with the
shop. Cheryl manages the inventory of animal-related products
while Ash takes care of the shop's livestock and chickens.
Birthday: Summer 17
Family: Ash (son), Cheryl (daughter)
Favorite Wild Animals: None
Disliked Wild Animals: None
Friendship Tips: If you want to marry Ash then you need to befriend his mom up to
at least 4 flowers (30,000 FP). She likes a lot of processed items made out of "gold"
quality animal products, which are only produced from animals that have won their
respected Animal Festivals. The easiest animal gifts would be the Black Egg or
Jersey Milk, but you can't get a Silkie Chicken or Jersey Cow until year 2. In the
meantime, you can cook normal Milk with your Pot in order to get Hot Milk to give to
Another option is from fishing. You can find Trout in Spring, Summer, and Fall if you
go fishing using a regular Fishing Pole in the Bluebell mid-mountain area. Eel and
Salmon require you to have the Master Fishing Pole though.

261 | H M : T o T T

Giving Gifts
Favorite Gift
+800 FP

Liked Gifts
+300 FP

Cheese Dumpling
Cooked Recipe (Appetizer): Flour + Cheese or Good Cheese or Great
Cheese + Pot
Normal Items: Black Egg, Brown Alpaca Wool, Brown Alpaca Yarn,
Citrus Perfume, Fall Honey, Fruit Honey, Fruit Yogurt, Golden Egg, Good
Fruit Yogurt, Golden Milk, Great Butter, Great Cheese, Great Herb Butter,
Great Herb Cheese, Great Herb Mayo, Great Mayonnaise, Great Wool,
Great Yarn Ball, Great Yogurt, Honey Wine, Jersey Milk, Magic Red
Flower, Miso, Natto, Rose Honey, Royal Jelly, Spring Honey, Suffolk Yarn
Ball, Sunflower Bouquet, Summer Honey, White Alpaca Wool, White
Alpaca Yarn, Yarn Ball
Critters: (None)
Fish: Eel, Small Eel, Large Eel, Salmon, Small Salmon, Special Salmon,
Trout, Small Trout, Large Trout, Smelt, Small Smelt, Large Smelt
Cooked Recipes: (salad) Herb Salad, Caprese Salad, (appetizer)
Cheese Croquette, Galette, Canape, (main dish) Cheese Fondue, Tomato
Fondue, Pink Fondue, Raclette, Gratin, Pizza, Farmer's Breakfast,
Macaroni & Cheese, Pizzoccheri, Moussaka, (dessert) Cheesecake,
Honey Cake, Party Cheesecake, (other) Milk Tea, Royal Milk Tea, Cafe
au Lait, Cappuccino, Hot Milk, Hot Chocolate, Honey Shake, Yogurt
Shake, Honey Wine (Glass)

Standard Gifts
+50 FP

All other items not listed

Normal Items: Animal Medicine, Branch, Buckwheat Tea Can, Chicken
Feed, Fish Bones, Fish Food, Fish Treat, Fodder, Ginseng Tea (Can),
Grain Treat, Green Tea (Can), Horse Treat, Lumber, Matcha Tea (Can),
Material Stone, Nutra Treat, Old Ball, Old Boot, Oolong Tea (Can), Owl
Food, Pet Food, Poison Mushroom, Puer Tea (Can), Scrap Metal, Sencha
Tea (Can), Snowball, Stone, Treat, Vegetable Treat, Weed

Disliked Gifts
-300 FP

Critters: All insects and frogs

Fish: (None)

Horror Gift:
-1000 FP

Cooked Recipes: Failed Dish, (salad) Tofu Salad, (appetizer) Sashimi,

Roasted Eggplant, Tofu, Okara, Fried Tofu, Dried Tofu, Boiled Tofu, Cold
Tofu, Yuba Tofu, Boiled Daikon, Shredded Daikon, (main dish) Tofu
Burger, (other) Green Tea, Matcha Tea, Sencha Tea, Puer Tea, Oolong
Tea, Buckwheat Tea, Ginseng Tea
Rice Porridge
Cooked Recipe (Main): Cooked Rice + Pot

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday: Sunny, Snowy, or half-day

6:00 am to midnight - Jessica's Animals shop

262 | H M : T o T T

Wednesday; Sunny, Snowy, or half-day Rainy:

6:00 am to 10:00 am - Jessica's Animals shop

10:30 am to 11:00 am - (walking to the Town Hall)
11:00 am to 2:30 pm - Bluebell Town Hall
2:30 pm to 3:00 pm - (walking back to the shop)
3:00 pm to midnight - Jessica's Animals shop

Sunday through Saturday; Stormy or full-day Rainy:

6:00 am to midnight - Jessica's Animals shop

Nathan moves to the empty church building in Bluebell Town on
Winter 3 of your first year in the game after he hears that the
Harvest Goddess lives in the mountain. He is a jolly fellow who
(apparently) use to be a treasure hunter by trade, but changed
to the priesthood of the Goddess after witnessing a miracle.
Nathan spends most of his time in the church but will venture
out to the mountaintop on Sundays.
If you want to unlock Alisa you will need to raise Nathan's
friendship to 2 Flowers (10,000 FP). You don't need any extra
friendship with Nathan if you plan on marrying her.
Birthday: Fall 4
Family: None
Favorite Wild Animals: Everything but the Mouse
Disliked Wild Animals: Mouse
Friendship Tips: Nathan likes just about every cooked dish with a very few
exceptions. The easiest would be Boiled Egg (egg + pot) or Hot Milk (milk + pot).
Even his special item, French Toast, is easy to make as long as you can get Flour
for Bread from Diego's General Store for 150 G a piece; Raul does not sell Flour at
his shop.
Giving Gifts
Favorite Gift
+800 FP

Liked Gifts
+300 FP

French Toast
Cooked Recipe (Appetizer): Bread + Egg or Black Egg or Golden Egg +

Normal Items: Breadcrumbs, Buckwheat, Edamame, Elli Leaves, Fall

Honey, Fruit Honey, Honey, Moondrop Flower, Rice Candy, Rose Honey,
Royal Jelly, Spring Honey, Summer Honey
Critters: (None)
Fish: (None)

263 | H M : T o T T

Cooked Recipes: (Salad) all salad recipes, (Soup) all soup recipes,
(Appetizer) all appetizer recipes EXCEPT FOR Roasted Mushroom,
Steamed Mushrooms, Fish Paste, and Dashi Egg, (Main Dish) all main
dish recipes EXCEPT FOR Mushroom Pasta, Paella, Rice Ball, Natto
Rice, and Natto Roll, (Dessert) all dessert recipes, (Other) Bread, Hot
Milk, Hot Chocolate, Peach Juice, Banana Juice, Apple Juice, Mandarin
Juice, Mixed Juice, Mixed Smoothie, Plum Juice
Standard Gifts
+50 FP

All other items not listed

Normal Items: Adamantite, Agate, Amethyst, Animal Medicine, Branch,
Chicken Feed, Copper, Diamond, Emerald, Fish Bones, Fish Food, Fish
Fossil, Fish Treat, Flourite, Fodder, Gold, Grain Treat, Horse Treat, Jade,
Legendary Treasure, Lumber, Material Stone, Mithril, Moon Stone, Mythic
Stone, Nutra Treat, Old Ball, Old Boot, Ore Stone, Orichalcum, Owl Food,
Peridot, Pet Food, Poison Mushroom, Ruby, Sandrose, Scrap Metal,
Silver, Snowball, Stone, Stone Tablet, Topaz, Treat, Vegetable Treat,

Disliked Gifts
-300 FP

Critters: (None)
Fish: all "Small" fish (EXCEPT FOR Small Icefish, Small Sea Bass, Small
Loach, Small Trout, and Small Smelt), all "Large" fish (EXCEPT FOR
Large Sea Bass, Large Loach, Large Trout, and Large Smelt), Carp,
Icefish, Goby, Funa, Black Bass, Bluegill, Killifish, Masu Salmon, Blotch
Snakehead, Crab, Ocean Sunfish, Moray Eel
Cooked Recipes: Failed Dish

Horror Gift:
-1000 FP

Pink Diamond

Daily Schedule
Monday through Saturday; Sunny, Snowy, or half-day Rainy:

6:00 am to midnight - Church

Sunday; Sunny, Snowy, or half-day Rainy:

6:00 am to 8:30 am - Church

8:30 am to 11:00 am - (walking up the mountain)
11:00 am to 2:30 pm - Mountaintop
2:30 pm to 5:00 pm - (walking down the mountain)
5:00 pm to midnight - Church

264 | H M : T o T T

Rose lives with her husband Rutger at the Bluebell Town Hall. She
always appears to be happy and cheerful when you talk to her. Rose
doesn't really have a quarrel with anybody! Rose will put requests on
the Bluebell bulliten board that may send you to Konohana Town.
Rose never ventures over to the other town though.
Birthday: Fall 23
Family: Rutger (husband)
Favorite Wild Animals: None
Disliked Wild Animals: None
Friendship Tips: Rose like all types of flowers and msot of the small fish you can
collect while bare-handed fishing. Cooked Rice is also easy to make; simply buy
Rice from Raul in Konohana Town and use your cooking Pot.
Rose's favorite item, Miso Eggplant, is not easy to make. You need to get the maker
built on your Blubell Town farm and then combine Soybeans and Cooked Rice to
make Miso. Then you have to grow Eggplant in Fall season. If you're lucky, Yun sells
Miso Eggplant at her Konohana Town tea house during the Fall for 340 G each.
Giving Gifts
Favorite Gift
+800 FP

Miso Eggplant
Cooked Recipe (Horderve): Eggplant + Miso + Pot
Normal Items: Bamboo, Black Tea (Can), Blue Bouquet, Blue Rose,
Carnation, Casablanca, Casablanca Bouquet, Colorful Bouquet, Elli
Leaves, Fall Tea (Can), Gentian, Gerbera, Gold Tea (Can), Herb Tea
(Can), Letter in a Bottle, Magic Blue Flower, Magic Red Flower,
Marguerite, Mint, Moondrop Flower, Nadeshiko, Pink Rose, Red Rose,
Red Bouquet, Rose Tea (Can), Snowdrop, Spring Tea, Summer Tea
(Can), Sunflower, Sunflower Bouquet, White Bouquet, White Rose
Insects: (None)

Liked Gifts
+300 FP

Fish: Dogfish Shark, Small Black Bass, Small Bluebill, Small Carp, Small
Char, Small Eel, Small Funa, Small Goby, Small Icefish, Small Killifish,
Small Loach, Small Masu Salmon, Small Sea Bass, Small Shishamo,
Small Smelt, Small Snakehead, Small Sweetfish, Small Trout
Cooked Recipes: (hordurve) Roasted Eggplant, Sashimi, Vegetable Stir
Fry, Okara, Fried Tofu, Deep-Fried Tofu, Dried Tofu, Boiled Tofu, Cold
Tofu, Yuba Tofu, Shredded Daikon, Tuna Yukhoe, (main) Marinated Fish,
Farmer's Breakfast, Sushi Bowl, Grilled Fish, Fish Stew, Fried Rice Ball,
Mixed Rice, Oden, (misc) Cooked Rice, Bread, Straight Tea, Herb Tea,
Honey Tea, Rose Tea, Milk Tea, Royal Milk Tea, Russian Tea, Spring
Tea, Summer Tea, Fall Tea, Gold Tea

Standard Gifts
+50 FP

All other items not listed

265 | H M : T o T T

Normal Items: Animal Medicine, Apricot Wine, Branch, Chestnut Wine,

Chicken Feed, Fish Bones, Fish Food, Fish Treat, Fodder, Fruit Wine,
Grain Treat, Honey Wine, Horse Treat, Lumber, Material Stone, Nutra
Treat, Old Ball, Old Boot, Owl Food, Pet Food, Plum Wine, Poison
Mushroom, Scrap Metal, Snowball, Stone, Treat, Vegetable Treat, Weed
Insects: All insects
Fish: (None)
Disliked Gifts
-300 FP

Horror Gift:
-1000 FP

Cooked Recipes: Failed Dish, (hordurve) French Fries, Potato Pancake,

Croquette, Cream Croquette, Cheese Croquette, (main) Omelet Rice,
Cheese Fondue, Tomato Fondue, Pink Fondue, Raclette, Gratin, Pizza,
Meuniere, Risotto, Doria, Macaroni & Cheese, Penne Pasta, Dry Curry,
Curry Rice, Vegetable Curry, Seaweed Curry, Milk Curry, Rainbow Curry,
Ultimate Curry, Supreme Curry, Spaghetti, Mushroom Pasta, Paella,
Stew, Herb Spaghetti, Spaghetti Soup, Lasagna, (misc) Hot Chocolate,
Honey Shake, Peach Juice, Banana Juice, Apple Juice, Mandarin Juice,
Mixed Juice, Mixed Smoothie, Plum Juice, Plum Wine (Glass), Apricot
Wine (Gls), Honey Wine (Glass)
Spicy Curry
Cooked Recipe (Main): Cooked Rice + Chili Pepper + Curry Powder + Pot

Daily Schedule
Sunday, Tuesday through Saturday; Sunny, Snowy, or half-day Rainy:

6:00 am to 5:00 pm - Bluebell Town Hall

5:00 pm to 7:00 pm - Bluebell Town
7:00 pm to midnight - Bluebell Town Hall

Monday; Sunny, Snowy, or half-day Rainy:

6:00 am to 12:30 pm - Bluebell Town Hall

12:30 pm to 1:00 pm - (walking to Bluebell entrance area)
1:00 pm to 5:30 pm - Bluebell Entrance
5:30 pm to 8:00 pm - Bluebell Town
8:00 pm to midnight - Bluebell Town Hall

Sunday through Saturday; Stormy or full-day Rainy:

6:00 am to midnight - Bluebell Town Hall

266 | H M : T o T T

The mayor of Bluebell Town, Rutger manages the day-to-day
operations of the town. He lives in the upstairs area of the Bluebell
Town Hall along with his wife, Rose. He is generally a cheerful
fellow until he has to interact with Ina at the cooking festival. He
becomes much happier when his town wins!
Birthday: Spring 16
Family: Rose (wife)
Favorite Wild Animals: None
Disliked Wild Animals: None
Friendship Tips: Rutger is fond of insects and most large-size fish. The only one of
the "large" fish that he won't go crazy for is the Large Killifish; any other fish with the
word "large" in it will earn you 300 FP. Insects are always plentiful in the mountain
Two easy cooking recipes he likes are Bread and Cooked Rice. You can simply by
Rice and Flour from the triplets' shops, and then combine each in a pot to get
Cooked Rice and Bread. Rice costs 180 G each and Flour is 150 G each.
Giving Gifts
Favorite Gift
+800 FP

Cooking Recipe (hordurve): Carrot + Soybeans + Deep-Fried Tofu + Pot
Normal Items: Buckwheat Tea Can, Casablanca Bouquet, Fish Fossil,
Ginseng Tea (Can), Green Tea (Can), Legendary Treasure, Matcha Tea
(Can), Moondrop Flower, Oolong Tea (Can), Puer Tea (Can), Sencha Tea
Insects: Ancient Dragonfly, Ant Hill Cricket, Atlas Beetle, Bear Cicada,
Brown Cicada, Chattering Cicada, Crimson Dragonfly, Emma Field
Cricket, Emperor Dragonfly, Emperor Firefly, Helena Morpho, Hercules
Beetle, Kaempfer Cicada, Lanturn Firefly, Migratory Locust, Moustache
Firefly, Oki Butterfly, Princess Cicada, Spotted Pond Frog, Spring Cicada,
White Giant Beetle, White Morpho

Liked Gifts
+300 FP

Fish: Bonito, Dogfish Shark, Flounder, Large Black Bass, Large Bluegill,
Large Char, Large Eel, Large Funa, Large Goby, Large Icefish, Large
Loach, Large Masu Salmon, Large Sea Bass, Large Smelt, Large
Snakehead, Large Sweetfish, Large Trout, Tuna, Mackerel, Moray Eel,
Ocean Sunfish, Small Blue Crab
Cooked Recipes: (hordurve) Miso Eggplant, Roasted Eggplant, Sashimi,
Fish Paste, Fried Tofu, Deep-Fried Tofu, Dashi Egg, Simmered Potato,
Boiled Pumpkin, Ganmodoki, Boiled Daikon, Tuna Yukhoe, (main)
Marinated Fish, Farmer's Breakfast, Sushi, Grilled Fish, Fish Stew, Rice
Porridge, Fried Rice, Mixed Rice, Mushroom Rice, Shimeji Rice, Tempura
Bowl, Inari Sushi, Fried Udon, Cold Soba Noodles, Tempura Soba,
Chestnut Rice, Natto Rice, Bamboo Shoot Rice, Milk Stew, Tekka Roll,
Oshinko Roll, (misc) Cooked Rice, Bread, Green Tea, Macha Tea,
Sencha Tea, Puer Tea, Oolong Tea, Buckwheat Tea, Ginseng Tea

267 | H M : T o T T

Standard Gifts
+50 FP

All other items not listed

Normal Items: Animal Medicine, Apricot Wine, Branch, Chicken Feed,
Chestnut Wine, Cocoa, Fish Bones, Fish Food, Fish Treat, Fodder, Fruit
Wine, Grain Treat, Honey Wine, Horse Treat, Lumber, Material Stone,
Nutra Treat, Old Ball, Old Boot, Owl Food, Pet Food, Plum Wine, Poison
Mushroom, Scrap Metal, Snowball, Stone, Treat, Vegetable Treat, Weed
Insects: (None)
Fish: (None)

Disliked Gifts
-300 FP

Horror Gift:
-1000 FP

Cooked Recipes: Failed Dish, (hordurve) French Fries, Potato Pancake,

Croquette, Cream Croquette, Cheese Croquette, (main) Omelet, Omelet
Rice, Cheese Fondue, Tomato Fondue, Pink Fondue, Raclette, Gratin,
Pizza, Meuniere, Risotto, Doria, Macaroni & Cheese, Penne Pasta, Dry
Curry, Curry Rice, Vegetable Curry, Spicy Curry, Seaweed Curry, Milk
Curry, Rainbow Curry, Ultimate Curry, Supreme Curry, Spaghetti,
Mushroom Pasta, Stew, Herb Spaghetti, Spaghetti Soup, Lasagna,
Pizzoccheri, (misc) Honey Tea, Honey Shake, Mixed Juice, Mixed
Smoothie, Peach Juice, Banana Juice, Apple Juice, Mandarin Juice, Plum
Juice, Plum Wine (Glass), Apricot Wine (Gls), Honey Wine (Glass),
Chestnut Wine Gls,
Cooked Recipe (main): Cooked Rice + Onion + Frying Pan

Daily Schedule
Sunday, Tuesday through Saturday; Sunny, Snowy, or half-day Rainy:

6:00 am to 5:00 pm - Bluebell Town Hall

5:00 pm to 6:30 pm - (walking through Bluebell Town)
6:30 pm to 9:30 pm - Bluebell Entrance (by the shipping bin)
9:30 pm to 10:00 pm - (walking through Bluebell Town)
10:00 pm to midnight - Bluebell Town Hall

Monday, before the tunnel is completed; Sunny, Snowy, or half-day Rainy:

6:00 am to 12:30 pm - Bluebell Town Hall

1:00 pm to 5:30 pm - Blubell Town Entrance
6:00 pm to midnight - Bluebell Town Hall

Monday, after the tunnel is completed; Sunny, Snowy, or half-day Rainy:

6:00 am to 10:30 am - Bluebell Town Hall

10:30 am to 1:30 pm - (walking through the tunnel to Konohana)
1:30 pm to 4:00 pm - Konohana Town Hall
4:00 pm to 7:00 pm - (walking through the tunnel to Bluebell
7:00 pm to midnight - Bluebell Town Hall

Sunday through Saturday; Stormy or full-day Rainy:

6:00 am to midnight - Bluebell Town Hall

268 | H M : T o T T

This bachelor takes care of the cows, chickens, and sheep that are
for sale at his family's Animal Shop in Bluebell Town. Ash doesn't
work directly behind the counter, so you will find him either tending
to the animals out back or wandering around the town.
Ash is your regular normal-type personality. He is typically happy
and likes to help out his little sister and mother.
Birthday: Spring 20
Family: Cheryl (little sister), Jessica (mother)
Favorite Outfit: Work Outfit
Favorite Wild Animals: None
Disliked Wild Animals: None
Friendship Tips: The easiest gifts to give Ash would be the specific insects that he
likes. The bugs are typically going to be the ones in the gold-boxes after you catch
them. You can catch these insects in Spring, Summer, and Fall, starting in year 1.
He also likes the animal products produced by Silkie Chickens, Jersey Cows, and
Suffolk Sheep. These animals can be purchased from Jessica's Livestock shop
starting Spring, year 2. He also likes items processed from these animals, but you
won't get the maker necessary to create them until you have done a lot of upgrades
on your Bluebell farm. These types of items are easy, but it will be a while in your
game before you can make them.
Ash's favorite gift, Doria, is not sold at Howard's Cafe or Yun's Tea House. You have
to make it yourself. There are some easy cooked recipes he likes, such as Potato
Salad (potato + milk + pot), Radish Soup (radish + milk + pot), Baked Yam (yam +
frying pan), Hot Milk (milk + pot), and Omelet (egg + milk + oil + frying pan)
Giving Gifts
Favorite Gift
+800 FP

Liked Gifts
+300 FP

Cooked Recipe (Main): Onion + Flour + Milk + Cooked Rice + Frying Pan
(Note: If you give him Doria, he will talk about Gratin due to an item
miscoding in the game. His favorite is Doria.)
Normal Items: Black Egg, Brown Alpaca Wool, Brown Alpaca Yarn,
Cocoa, Gold Tea (Can), Gold Egg, Gold Milk, Good Wool, Great Butter,
Great Cheese, Great Fruit Yogurt, Great Herb Butter, Great Herb Cheese,
Great Herb Mayo, Great Mayonnaise, Great Wool, Great Yarn Ball, Great
Yogurt, Jersey Milk, Legendary Treasure, Magic Red Flower, Red
Bouquet, Suffolk Yarn Ball, White Alpaca Wool, White Alpaca Yarn, Yarn
Insects: Ancient Dragonfly, Ant Hill Cricket, Atlas Beetle, Chattering
Cicada, Crimson Dragonfly, Emma Field Cricket, Emperor Dragonfly,
Emperor Firefly, Helena Morpho, Hercules Beetle, Lanturn Firefly,
Migratory Locust, Oki Butterfly, Princess Cicada, Spotted Pond Frog,
White Giant Beetle, White Morpho
Fish: (None)

269 | H M : T o T T

Cooked Recipes: (salad) Potato Salad, (soup) Corn Soup, Radish Soup,
(hordurve) Cream Croquette, Baked Yam, (main) Omelet, Omelet Rice,
Gratin, Milk Curry, Macaroni & Cheese, Stew, Milk Stew, (dessert) Yam
Dessert, Ice Cream, Baumkuchen, Scone, Soft Chocolates, Strawb. Soft
Choc., Matcha Soft Choc., Almond Tofu, (misc) Hot Milk, Milk Tea, Royal
Milk Tea, Caf au Lait, Cappuccino, Honey Shake, Yogurt Shake, Mixed
Standard Gifts
+50 FP

All other items not listed

Normal Items: Animal Medicine, Brown Mushroom, Chicken Feed, Coral
Mushroom, Fish Bones, Fish Food, Fish Treat, Fodder, Grain Treat,
Horse Treat, Nutra Treat, Old Ball, Old Boot, Owl Food, Pet Food, Poison
Mushroom, Scrap Metal, Shiitake, Shimeji, Shiratama Flour, Snowball,
Treat, Truffle, Trumpet Mushroom, Vegetable Treat, Weed
Insects: (None)

Disliked Gifts
-300 FP

Horror Gift:
-1000 FP

Fish: Large Black Bass, Large Bluegill, Large Char, Large Eel, Large
Loach, Large Masu Salmon, Large Seabass, Large Snakehead, Large
Sweetfish, Large Trout
Cooked Recipes: Failed Dish, (soup) Shark Fin Soup, Tom Yum Goong,
(hordurve) Steamed Mushroom, Egg Custard, Pot Sticker, Chop Suey,
Chinese Dumpling, Spring Roll, Bibimbap, (main) Mushroom Pasta,
Mushroom Rice, Shimeji Rice, Tofu Steak, Kimchi Stew (dessert) Fruit
Roasted Mushroom
Cooked Recipe (Hordurve): Oil + a mushroom + Frying Pan

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday; Sunny, Snowy, or half-day

6:00 am to 7:30 am - Jessica's Livestock

7:30 am to 9:00 am - (in the barn behind the animal shop)
9:00 am to 6:30 pm - Bluebell Town
6:30 pm to 9:00 pm - (in the barn behind the animal shop)
9:00 pm to midnight - Jessica's Livestockp

Wednesday, before tunnel completion; Sunny, Snowy, or half-day Rainy:

6:00 am to 7:30 am - Jessica's Livestock

7:30 am to 9:00 am - (in the barn behind the animal shop)
9:00 am to 10:00 am - Jessica's Livestock
10:00 am to 11:00 am - (walking to Howard's Cafe)
11:00 am to 1:00 pm - Howard's Cafe
1:00 pm to 5:30 pm - Bluebell Town
5:30 pm to 8:00 pm - (in the barn behind the animal shop
8:00 pm to midnight - Jessica's Livestock

270 | H M : T o T T

Wednesday, after tunnel completion; Sunny, Snowy, or half-day Rainy:

6:00 am to 7:30 am - Jessica's Livestock

7:30 am to 8:00 am - (in the barn behind the animal shop)
8:00 am to 10:30 am - (walking through the tunnel to Konohana Town)
10:30 am to 12:00 pm - Konohana Town Entrance (by Kana's Animals)
12:00 pm to 5:30 pm - Konohana Town (by the Konohana Clinic)
5:30 pm to 7:30 pm - (walking through the tunnel to Bluebell Town)
7:30 pm to 8:00 pm - Bluebell Town Entrance
8:00 pm to 9:00 pm - (in the barn behind the animal shop)
9:00 pm to midnight - Jessica's Livestock

Wednesday; Stormy or full-day Rainy:

6:00 am to midnight - Jessica's Livestock

Ash's Flower Events

Date Information

Date Times: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Saturdays (11:00 am to 4:00 pm)

Date Locations: Good = Grady's Shop, Town Square, Howard's Caf, Okay
= By the Tunnel, Bad = By the River.

Purple Flower Event

Time: Wednesday, 11:00 am to 4:00 pm
Weather: Sunny or Snowy
Date Location: Town Square
Friendships: Ash at a Purple Flower or higher, Cheryl
at 1 flower (1000 FP) or higher
Ash is asking how your farm work is going, and
wonders if you're getting overwhelmed. It isn't hard for
you at all! If it gets too tough don't forget you can ask,
even if he can only help a little bit.
Cheryl spots the two of you standing by the statue and comes over. She tells Ash
that he promised to play with her today. Did he forget? Ash apologizes to his littler
sister but right now he's talking with you. He asks if it would be all right to play with
her later.
Cheryl becomes angry. She wants to play NOW!

Option 1: Play with me instead! (-3000 FP)

Cheryl doesn't like that idea at all. He's suppose to play with her today! The
two of you tug him back and forth until Ash has had enough of it. He has
already made an obligation to his little sister and so he is going to go with her.
The two of them leave together.

271 | H M : T o T T

Option 2: You can play with her. (+3000 FP)

Ash is glad that you're okay with him leaving to go play with his little sister.
He'll have to take a raincheck but hopes to talk more with you next time.

Blue Flower Event

Time: Wednesday or Saturday, 11:00 am to 4:00 pm
Weather: Sunny or Snowy
Date Location: Grady's Shop
Friendships: Ash at a Blue Flower or higher, Cheryl
at 1 flower (2000 FP) or higher
The two of you are watching the horses. Ash tells you
that recently they had a new lamb arrive on their farm,
although it seems to escape as soon as you take your
eyes off of it. It is just a baby though, so Ash guesses that it misses its parents.
Snow doesn't seem to get along with the other animals yet.
Just then the two of you notice a sheep wandering by. It has escaped again!

Option 1: Push her back to her pen. (-3000 FP)

You try to push the lamb back but it runs towards Ash, who notices Snow is
now totally stressed. After some coaxing from you, the sheep does head back
to the barn.
Ash asks what you said to her to make it change its mind. He's never seen a
lamb persuaded like that before, although watching you first trying to force the
sheep back to the barn wasn't something he wanted to see. Ash thanks you
for helping return the sheep to the barn.

Option 2: Try and talk to her. (+3000 FP)

You walk over and talk to Snow. Eventually the sheep happily walks back to
the barn. Ash is impressed and has never seen a sheep persuaded like that
before. You really are an interesting person! Ash thanks you for helping return
the sheep to the barn.

Green Flower Event

Time: Tuesday or Saturday, 11:00 am to 4:00 pm
Weather: Sunny or Snowy
Date Location: Howard's Cafe
Friendship: Ash at a Green Flower or higher, Cheryl
at 1 flower (5000 FP) or higher
The two of you are talking by Howard's place. Ash
asks if you remember that lamb you helped him out
with the other day. Since you talked to it, the lamb
hasn't tried to leave anymore. He invites you to visit the barn where the lamb is.
272 | H M : T o T T

Inside the barn, Snow seems to be very attached to you. A cow walks up to you, Ash,
and the lamb but she is scared of it!

Option 1: Protect Snow. (-3000 FP)

You scare the cow away and it runs out of the barn. The lamb loves the
assistance you gave it, but Ash isn't as thrilled about it. He wants the sheep to
learn how to make friends; for a moment, he thought it might happen. He
thinks you might of been a little overprotective. Sometimes, helping out all
time isn't the right thing to do.
Ash apologizes for his little lecture, but thanks you for coming to visit the

Option 2: Watch what happens. (+3000 FP)

The cow continues to be friendly, and eventually Snow realizes that the cow
isn't going to hurt it. The two animals walk out towards the pasture together.
Ash is glad to see that the lamb has made a friend. He thought you might step
in and try to help her, but there wasn't anything to worry about. Ash wants to
thank you again for helping his lamb, and now it has a friend! If it wasn't for
you, the sheep would still be unhappy. You're great motivation for him to
become a better rancher.
Oh, look at the time! It seems like time flies when Ash is with you.
(You will return back to your farmhouse after the event is finished)

Yellow Flower Event

Time: Wednesday, 11:00 am to 4:00 pm
Weather: Sunny, not Winter season
Date Location: Town Square
Friendship: Ash at a Yellow Flower or higher, Cheryl
at 2 flowers (15,000 FP) or higher
You and Ash are chatting by the plaza statue when
Cheryl walks up. She seems to be upset over
something. Cheryl is quiet for a moment but then
demands to know if Ash likes you! She gets so upset that she calls him a "bad
brother" and runs off. Ash apologizes for his sister's outburst and decides to chase
after her.

Option 1: I'll come with you. (+4000 FP)

The two of you give chase, but you lose her. Ash suggests you start looking in
the mountain while he checks things out around here.
You find her in the mountain area. Cheryl is a little disappointed to see that it
was you that found her and not her big brother. She really doesn't like you!
273 | H M : T o T T

Cheryl pushes you just as Ash shows up to catch you as you fall down.
He is glad that you're not hurt and demands to know why his sister is pushing
people away from her. Cheryl has been lonely because Ash has been
spending time with you and not her. She does realize that what she did to you
was awful and is really sorry.
Ash also apologizes to his sister, and asks if she would like to hang out with
the two of you some time. Cheryl is glad to have been invited and returns
home happy. Ash thanks you for helping him out with his little sister.
(You will return back to your farmhouse after the event is finished)

Option 2: I'll wait here. (-5000 FP)

Ash understands. He'll go search for her and be back later.
Ash does find his sister and the two of them walk back together. He thanks
you for waiting for him and declares he's solved the problem with Cheryl; she
was upset because he has been spending more time with you than with her.
She has been missing her big brother and so he plans to spend more time
with her in the future.

Marriage Requirements
Before you can propose marriage, you need to see Ash's 4 flower events, have him
at a Red Flower color, be in year 2 or later, own the husband bed in your house, and
have Cheryl and Jessica at 4 Flower (30,000 FP) each.
Ash does have a reverse proposal. If you want him to propose marriage, you need
to have him at 65,000 FP and activate a date with him at Howard's Cafe, at the Town
Square, or at Grady's Shop.
Cam lives at Howard's cafe in Bluebell Town. He has a knack for
flowers and has a small flower shop outside the cafe. If you talk to him
while he's working he might seem annoyed that you've bothered him,
but he will accommodate any order you request. Cam's shop is open
Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Saturday from 10:00 am to 4:00
At his shop, Cam sells flower seeds you can grow on your farm, fullgrown flowers, and arrangement services. He can make perfume or
bouquets from the flowers you bring him for a 200 G fee. You can then
sell the crafted items or give them as gifts. Sometimes you may find
board requests that want you to fetch certain types of flower bouquets.
Once per week on Saturday or Sunday, talk to Cam between 10am and 12pm to
learn about flowers. His friendship needs to be at 35,000 (technically 4 and a half
flowers) before he'll give you a flower horoscope. You will earn +100 FP for
triggering a flower reading.
274 | H M : T o T T

Cam has a cold personality towards new people and doesn't seem like he is
interested in anyone other than himself. He also has a fondness for cats, but he's not
allowed to keep one while he's living at Howard's cafe.
Birthday: Fall 1
Family: None
Favorite Outfit: Casual Outfit
Favorite Animals: Cat
Disliked Animals: None
Friendship Tips: Cam is very easy to befriend because he likes all types of flowers.
You can grow flowers from the seeds he sells at his shop, buy them directly from him,
or find them wild on the mountain. Cam also likes the herbs you forage off of the
mountain areas with the exception of Chamomile.
Giving Gifts
Favorite Gift
+800 FP

Liked Gifts
+300 FP

Tom Yum Goong

Cooked Recipe (soup): Tomato + Spinach + Brown Mushroom + Crab +
Normal Items: Blue Bouquet, Blue Rose, Carnation, Casablanca, Citrus
Perfume, Colorful Bouquet, Fall Tea Leaves, Flower Perfume, Gentian,
Gerbera, Herb Perfume, Lavender, Letter in a Bottle, Magic Blue Flower,
Magic Red Flower, Marguerite, Mint, Moondrop Flower, Nadeshiko,
Ocean Perfume, Pink Rose, Pumpkin Perfume, Red Bouquet, Red Rose,
Rose Perfume, Rose Wine, Snowdrop, Snow Perfume, Spring Tea
Leaves, Summer Tea Leaves, Sunflower, Sunflower Bouquet, Truffle,
White Bouquet, White Rose
Insects: Emperor Firefly, Lantern Firefly
Fish: (None)
Cooked Recipes: (salad) Herb Salad, (soup) Bouillabaisse, Shark Fin
Soup, (main) Ceese Fondue, Tomato Fondue, Pink Fondue, Meuniere,
Risotto, Doria, Ultimate Curry, Supreme Curry, Rainbow Curry, Paella,
Spaghetti Soup, Lasagna, Pizzoccheri, Moussaka, Sushi, (misc) Straight
Tea, Herb Tea, Rose Tea, Milk Tea, Royal Milk Tea, Russian Tea, Spring
Tea, Summer Tea, Fall Tea, Gold Tea

Standard Gifts
+50 FP

Disliked Gifts
-300 FP

All other items not listed

Normal Items: Animal Medicine, Apricot Wine, Branch, Chicken Feed,
Chocolate Pack, Cocoa Pack, Fall Honey, Fish Bones, Fish Food, Fish
Treat, Fodder, Fruit Honey, Fruit Wine, Grain Treat, Honey, Honey Wine,
Horse Treat, Lumber, Material Stone, Nutra Treat, Old Ball, Old Boot, Owl
Food, Pet Food, Plum Wine, Poison Mushroom, Rose Honey, Royal Jelly,
Scrap Metal, Snowball, Spring Honey, Stone, Summer Honey, Treat,
Vegetable Treat, Weed
Insects: Brown Cicada, Chattering Cicada, Evening Cicada, Grass
Cicada, Kaempfer Cicada, Opal Cicada, Princess Cicada, Screeching
Cicada, Singing Cicada, Sitting Cicada, Spring Cicada, Aegis Dragonfly,
Amber Dragonfly, Ancient Dragonfly, Azure Dragonfly, Blue Dragonfly,

275 | H M : T o T T

Colbalt Dragonfly, Common Skimmer, Crimson Dragonfly, Emperor

Dragonfly, Golden Dragonfly, Pacific Dragonfly, Red Dragonfly, Risi
Dragonfly, Sunrise Dragonfly, Yellow Damselfly, Ant Hill Cricket, Cornered
Cricket, Cricket, Dirt Grasshopper, Eastern Locust, Emma Field Cricket,
Hira Grasshopper, Kobane Grasshopper, Kutsuwa Katydid, Longheaded
Locust, Migratory Locust, Piggyback Locust, Spiked Locust, Spotted
Fish: (None)

Horror Gift:
-1000 FP

Cooked Recipes: Failed Dish, (soup) Corn Soup, Pumpkin Soup,

(hordurve) French Fries, Sandwich, Fruit Sandwich, Honey Toast,
(dessert) All desserts, (misc) Grape Jam, Apple Jam, Strawberry Jam,
Blueberry Jam, Hot Chocolate, Honey Tea, Honey Shake, Peach Juice,
Banana Juice, Apple Juice, Mandarin Juice, Mixed Juice, Mixed
Smoothie, Plum Juice, Plum Wine (Glass), Apricot Wine (Gls), Honey
Wine (Gls)
Choc. Party Cake
Cooked Recipe (dessert): Chocolate Pack + Party Cake + Seasoning Set

Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday; Sunny, Snowy, or half-day Rainy:

6:00 am to 8:00 am - Howard's cafe

8:00 am to 5:30 pm - Flower Shop
5:30 pm to midnight - Howard's cafe

Monday; any weather

6:00 am to midnight - Unavailable (not in town)

Thursday or Friday; Sunny, Snowy, or half-day Rainy:

6:00 am to 10:00 am - Howard's cafe

10:00 am to 12:00 pm - (walking to Bluebell Low-Mountain)
12:00 pm to 8:00 pm - Bluebell Low-Mountain area
8:00 pm to 10:00 pm - (walking back to Howard's cafe)
10:00 pm to midnight - Howard's cafe

Sunday, Tuesday through Saturday; Stormy or full-day Rainy:

6:00 am to midnight - Howard's cafe

Cam's Flower Events

Date Information

Date Times: Tuesdays (6:00 pm to 10:00 pm), Thursdays or Fridays (11:00

am to 4:00 pm)
Date Locations: Good = The Flowerbed, Outside of Town, By the River,
Okay = By the Church, Bad = Town Square
276 | H M : T o T T

Purple Flower Event

Time: Tuesday, 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm
Weather: Sunny or Snowy
Date Location: The Flowerbed
Friendships: Cam at a Purple Flower color or higher
Cam notices that you seem to like flowers. These
particular flowers are cared for by Rose. They really
are well maintained; in fact, all of the flowers in town
are well take care of.
He recently had to leave for a while. He saw a lot of flowers with different colors and
fragrances, but the flowers in Bluebell Town are the best anywhere. What do you
think about the flowers?

Option 1: They're so beautiful... (+2000 FP)

All of the villagers that he's met are also kind, just like the flowers. Cam
realizes that it is pretty late, but he enjoyed talking with you.

Option 2: They look delicious... (-3000 FP)

... you want to eat the flowers? Cam hopes that you don't plan on eating these
particular flowers, as they are not edible! He becomes annoyed and walks

Blue Flower Event

Time:Thursday or Friday, 11:00 am to 4:00 pm
Weather: Sunny or Snowy
Date Location: Outside of Town
Friendship: Cam at a Blue Flower color or higher
Cam seems to be lost in thought. He explains that a
friend of his in the city is going to get married and
Cam is planning on sending a bouquet of flowers. The
bride likes pink and white so he plans on using pink
and white flowers, but he can't decide what to use as
an accent flower.

Option 1: How about Pink Roses? (-2000 FP)

He was asking about an accent color. Using the same color as the main color
would hide the accent flower. Cam didn't really enjoy your chat today and he
has to leave.

277 | H M : T o T T

Option 2: Gerbera would be great! (+3000 FP)

Cam had been considering using that flower, but since you think it'll work then
it must be the right choice! He thanks you for your great advice and leaves to
go work on the bouquet.

Green Flower Event

Time: Friday, 11:00 am to 4:00 pm
Weather: Sunny or Snowy
Date Location: The Flowerbed
Friendship: Cam at a Green Flower or higher, Rutger
at 1 Flower (5000 FP) or higher
Cam tells you that lately that he hasn't been doing
very well at his shop. He believes the reason is
because he isn't very good with serving customers.
Cam knows he has to do something to fix this issue, but he doesn't know what to do.
You offer to help him at his shop. Maybe Cam can learn a few things by watching
At the shop, you ring a bell to entice customers but no one seems to be coming.
Cam tries by shouting out a greeting, but it sounds forced and awkward. He is a little

Option 1: Leave it to me! (-1000 FP)

You get back to work and eventually take care of all of the items for sale. Cam
is impressed that you've worked hard and sold everything. He didn't really get
the chance to study customer service though because he can't do it like you
do. Cam thanks you for the help you've given him today.

Option 2: You can do it! (+3000 FP)

Cam agrees; he feels that the that the two of you can do it. You go back to
ringing your bell and eventually Rutger comes to the shop to investigate all
the racket you are making. Cam struggles to greet his "customer" but Rutger
believes Cam has changed. Even as a child, Cam was never very good with
expressing himself, but recently Rutger notices that he's been more animated.
Maybe it's because of you?
Well if Rutger has noticed, it must be true. Rutger decides to buy flowers for
Rose and then leaves to return home. Eventually the two of you sell all of the
items. Cam thanks you for helping him with his customers. He believes he is
getting better at it. He invites you to spend time with him at the cafe before
you go home.

278 | H M : T o T T

Yellow Flower Event

Time: Thursday or Friday, 11:00 am to 4:00 pm
Weather: Sunny or Snowy
Date Location: By the river
Friendship: Cam at a Yellow Flower or higher, Ash at
Purple Flower or higher, Georgia at 2 White Flowers
(10,000 FP) or higher
The two of you are chatting by the stream when you
spot a cat that is stuck on the island the stream wraps
around. You run over and help the cat to safer (and less wet) ground. Cam notices
that the cat has a collar and guesses that it is lost. He suggests that the two of you
search for the cat's owner.
You find Ash and explain the situation. Unfortunately he doesn't know where the
cat's owner is.
Next, the two of you ask Georgia about the cat. The cat is familiar... she believes the
cat belongs to one of their customers. If you can't find the cat's owner, she and her
dad can take care of it for a while.
The two of you continue to search for the cat's owner but you're not having any luck.
Cam is worried and isn't sure what to do if you can't find its owner.

Option 1: Let's put it back... (-4000 FP)

Cam does not like the idea of returning the cat back to where the two of you
found it. He didn't realize you were that kind of a person! Cam will continue to
search for the cat's owner on his own. Cam and the cat leave you behind on
top of the mountain.

Option 2: We can't give up now! (+3000 FP)

Your encouragement cheers Cam up. Suddenly you hear a voice calling out.
It's the cat's owner! The lady is ecstatic to find her lost cat. She was worried
when she noticed the cat had run off to chase a bug and has been searching
ever since. The lady thanks the two of you for helping her cat, Nico. She
wanted to reward you when she has more time, but Cam is just glad that he
was able to find the cat's owner and no reward is necessary. As they turn to
go, the cat seems to thank Cam for helping her.
Cam thanks you and feels pleased with the outcome of this situation.
You'll return to your farmhouse when the event is over.

Additional Marriage Requirements

You need to have 4 flowers (30,000 FP) with Howard and Laney before you can
marry Cam. He does not have a reverse proposal so you must be the one to initiate
the marriage proposal.
279 | H M : T o T T

Alisa is a priestess who spends her time at the church in Bluebell
Town. You can unlock her by raising Nathan's friendship to 2 White
Flowers, be in Fall of year 2 or later, and then walking to the Mountain
Summit between 10:00 pm and 3:00 am on a sunny or snowy day.
Nathan appears in your game starting on Winter 3 of your first year.
After Alisa is unlocked, she will live at the Bluebell Town Hall. If during
the Mountain Summit event you choose to leave (back out) instead of
continuing up the mountain to unlock Alisa, then you have another
chance at unlocking her the following season and every season
afterward if you continue to avoid her. You will still need to walk up to
the summit at the appropriate time and have Nathan's friendship at the required level.
Alisa is a marriage candidate but she is a little different. She doesn't have any
colored flower events like the other candidates. Instead, she has a lot of extra
requirements that you need to complete before you can give her the Blue Feather.
Her flowers are white-colored like a normal villager but she is a marriage
Because she is a priestess, Alisa will not have a child after you marry her.
Birthday: Winter 17
Family: None
Favorite Outfit: Classy Outfit
Favorite Wild Animals: Mouse, Weasel, Fox, Sparrow
Disliked Wild Animals: Duck, Rabbit, Monkey, Tanuki
Friendship Tips: Alisa likes the wild Bluberries, Chestnuts, Apricot, and Plums you
can find on the mountain areas. You can even find Elli Leaves in Winter to give to
her. Yams are also a good item since they are typically plentiful when you're growing
them, but you have to be in year 2 or later before Gombe will sell the seeds during
Salad dishes are also easy gifts if you have Turnips (Turnip Salad), Tomatoes
(Tomato Salad), or the wild herbs to make into Herb Salad. She also likes Bread,
which just requires Flour and a cooking Pot. If you have a cow and the Pot, you
could even cook up some Hot Milk for her. Alisa has such a wide variety of cooked
dishes that she likes that you're bound to find something at Howard's Cafe or Yun's
Tea House.
Giving Gifts
Favorite Gift
+800 FP

Liked Gifts
+300 FP

Ice Cream
Cooked Recipe (Dessert): Black Egg + Seasoning Set
Normal Items: Apple, Apricot, Banana, Blueberry, Buckwheat, Cherry,
Chestnut, Colorful Bouquet, Edamame, Elli Leaves, Fall Honey, Fruit
Honey, Grape, Honey, Magic Blue Flower, Mandarin, Peach, Pineapple,
Plum, Rice Candy, Rose Honey, Royal Jelly, Sea Urchin, Spring Honey,
Strawberry, Summer Honey, Sunflower Bouquet, Yam
Insects: (None)

280 | H M : T o T T

Fish: (None)
Cooked Recipes: (salad) All salads except Caprese Salad, (soup) Onion
Soup, Pumpkin Soup, Soy Milk, Miso Soup, Herb Soup, Asparagus Soup,
Radish Soup, Egg Soup, (horderve) French Fries, Popcorn, Corn Cereal,
Boiled Egg, Fried Egg, Sandwich, Herb Sandwich, Fruit Sandwich, Raisen
Bread, Jelly Bread, Toast, French Toast, Butter Roll, Croquette, Cream
Croquette, Roasted Corn, Miso Eggplant, Roasted Eggplant, Baked Yam,
Egg Custard, Sashimi, Fish Paste, Vegetable Stir Fry, Chop Suey,
Steamed Dumpling, Pot Sticker, Chinese Dumpling, Curry Dumpling,
Tempura, Tofu, Okara, Fried Tofu, Deep-Fried Tofu, Dried Tofu, Boiled
Tofu, Cold Tofu, Yuba Tofu, Dashi Egg, Simmered Potato, Boiled
Pumpkin, (main) Omelet, Omelet Rice, Cheese Fondue, Gratin, Pizza,
Meuniere, Marinated Fish, Risotto, Doria, Stew, Spaghetti Soup, Egg
Rice, Egg Rice Bowl, Sushi, Sushi Bowl, Grilled Fish, Fish Stew, Fried
Rice ball, Rice Porridge, Fried Rice, Mixed Rice, Mushroom Rice, Shimeji
Rice, Tempura Bowl, Inari Sushi, Okonomiyaki, Udon Noodles, Kitsune
Udon, Tempura Udon, Fried Udon, Cold Soba Noodles, Tempura Soba,
Yakisoba, Chestnut Rice, Bamboo Shoot Rice, Milk Stew, Soy Milk Stew,
(dessert) Yam Dessert, Pumpkin Pudding, Stewed Apple, Apple Pie,
Pineapple Pie, Strawberry Pie, Sponge Cake, Pudding, Cheesecake,
Pancake, Donuts, Cookies, Chocolate Cookies, Cake, Honey Cake,
Chocolate Cake, Party Cake, Choc. Party Cake, Party Cheesecake,
Chocolate Fondue, Trifle, Baumkuchen, Churros, Mont Blanc, Choc. Ice
Cream, Strawb. Ice Cream, Matcha Ice Cream, Choc. Sponge Cake,
Chocolate Donuts, Chocolate Pudding, Fondant Chocolate, Fruit Parfait,
Soft Chocolates, Strawb. Soft Choc., Matcha Soft Choc., Tiramisu, Rice
Pudding, Honey Pudding, Soy Milk Pudding, Egg Tart, Strawberry Candy,
Sweet Dumplings, Bamboo Dumplings, Fruit Shiratama, Chestnut Bun,
Green Rice Candy, Soba Dumplings, Soybean Rice Candy, Almond Tofu,
Cherry Pie, 3 Color Dumplings, (misc) Bread, Hot Milk, Hot Chocolate,
Peach Juice, Banana Juice, Apple Juice, Mandarin Juice, Mixed Juice,
Mixed Smoothie, Plum Juice
Standard Gifts
+50 FP

All other items not listed

Normal Items: Adamantite, Agate, Animal Medicine, Amethyst, Branch,
Chicken Feed, Chili Pepper, Copper, Curry Powder, Diamond, Emerald,
Fish Bones, Fish Food, Fish Fossil, Fish Treat, Flourite, Fodder, Gold,
Grain Treat, Horse Treat, Jade, Legendary Treasure, Lumber, Material
Stone, Mithril, Moon Stone, Mythic Ore, Nutra Treat, Old Ball, Old Boot,
Ore Stone, Orichalcum, Owl Food, Peridot, Pet Food, Pink Diamond,
Poison Mushroom, Ruby, Sandrose, Scrap Metal, Silver, Snowball, Stone,
Stone Tablet, Topaz, Treat, Vegetable Treat, Weed

Disliked Gifts
-300 FP

Insects: All insects and frogs

Fish: All "large" fish (except for Large Goby, Large Icefish, Large Killifish,
and Large Smelt), Bonito, Dogfish Shark, Moray Eel, Ocean Sunfish,
Cooked Recipes: Failed Dish, (horderve) Fish and Chips, Honey Toast,
Curry Bread, (main) Paella, Dry Curry, Curry Rice, Vegetable Curry, Spicy
Curry, Seaweed Curry, Milk Curry, Rainbow Curry, Supreme Curry

281 | H M : T o T T

Horror Gift:
-1000 FP

Ultimate Curry
Cooked Recipe (Main): Seaweed Curry + Rainbow Curry + Failed Dish +

Sunday, Tuesday through Saturday; Sunny, Snowy, or half-day Rainy:

6:00 am to 6:30 am - Bluebell Town Hall

6:30 am to 9:00 am - Bluebell Town (walking to the church)
9:00 am to 6:00 pm - Church
6:00 pm to 7:30 pm - (walking back to the town hall)
7:30 pm to midnight - Bluebell Town Hall

Monday; Sunny, Snowy, or half-day Rainy:

6:00 am to 6:30 am - Bluebell Town Hall

6:30 am to 9:30 am - (walking to the mountain summit)
9:30 am to 6:30 pm - Mountain Summit
6:30 pm to 9:30 pm - (walking back to the town hall)
9:30 pm to midnight - Bluebell Town Hall

Sunday through Saturday; Stormy or full-day Rainy:

6:00 am to midnight - Bluebell Town Hall

Alisas Flower Events

Date Information

Date Times: Monday, Wednesday, or Friday (8:00 pm to 11:00 pm)

Date Locations: Good = Goddess Pond, Church, Flower Beds, Okay =
Stream, Bad = Waterfall

Alisa doesn't have any flower events you need before you can marry her. You do
need to have the basic requirements of a full-bloom flower (60,000 FP or more), be
in year 2 or later, and have a large bed in your house. You also have a list of other
requirements you need to complete:

Go on 100 or more date events

Give at least 150 gifts with at least 1 gift being her special item, Ice Cream
Complete the tunnel between Bluebell Town and Konohana Town
Collect the 6 Wonderful Stones, return them to the Goddess, and wish to
marry Alisa.

The wishes that appear when you return to the stones to the Goddess Pond are
random. Alisa needs to have at least 55,000 FP before the wish to marry her
appears in the list of selectable wishes the Goddess gives to you. If you don't see it
appear, reload your save game so you don't lose your Wonderful Stones and then try
again. Since you can't see exactly when you have 55,000 FP, you might want to wait
until Alisa is at full-bloom (60,000 FP) to make sure that the wish is an option.

282 | H M : T o T T

Georgia lives with her father, Grady, at the animal shop in Bluebell
Town. She has a fondness for animals and helps to take care of the
horses at their shop. Georgia has an unusual way of talking
compared to the other Bluebell villagers and she is a little selfconscious of it.
Birthday: Spring 04
Family: Grady (father)
Favorite Outfit: Work Outfit
Favorite Wild Animals: All wild animals
Disliked Wild Animals: None
Friendship Tips: Georgia isn't too terribly difficult to befriend. She likes a lot of milkbased items. If you have a cow and a cooking pot, you can make Hot Milk for her.
Once you get a Jersey Cow, you can start giving her Jersey Milk.
Her special dish, Fried Rice, can be made or you can buy it from Yun's Tea House
during Summer season. It costs 220 G a piece though. If it isn't summer, and you're
feeling wealthy, you can make or buy perfume from Cam's Flower shop.
Georgia likes a variety of free insects you can pick up in the Mountain area.
Giving Gifts
Favorite Gift
+800 FP

Fried Rice
Cooked Recipe (Main): Oil + Cooked Rice + an egg, Carrot, or Shiitake +
Frying Pan
Normal Items: Citrus Perfume, Colorful Bouquet, Flower Perfume,
Golden Milk, Herb Perfume, Jersey Milk, Letter in a Bottle, Magic Blue
Flower, Ocean Perfume, Pumpkin Perfume, Rose Perfume, Snow
Perfume, Sunflower Bouquet

Liked Gifts
+300 FP

Insects: Chattering Cicada, Princess Cicada, Bear Cicada, Atlas Beetle,

Hercules Beetle, White Giant Beetle, Crimson Dragonfly, Ancient
Dragonfly, Emperor Dragonfly, Lantern Firefly, Mustache Firefly, Emperor
Firefly, Spotted Pond Frog, White Morpho, Oki Butterfly, Helena Morpho,
Migratory Locust, Emma Field Cricket, Ant Hill Cricket
Fish: (None)
Cooked Recipes: (soup) Vichyssoise, Gazpacho, Bouillabaisse, Corn
Soup, (horderve) Arancini, (main) Omelet, Omelet Rice, Gratin, Pizza,
Meuniere, Risotto, Doria, Milk Curry, Rainbow Curry, Ultimate Curry,
Supreme Curry, Mushroom Pasta, Paella, Stew, Herb Pasta, Spaghetti
Soup, Lasagna, Sushi Bowl, (misc) Cafe au Lait, Cappuccino, Hot Milk,
Hot Chocolate, Milk Tea, Royal Milk Tea, Honey Shake

Standard Gifts
+50 FP

All other items not listed

283 | H M : T o T T

Normal Items: Adamantite, Agate, Amethyst, Animal Medicine, Black Tea

(Can), Buckwheat Tea Can, Branch, Chicken Feed, Copper, Diamond,
Emerald, Fish Bones, Fish Food, Fish Treat, Flourite, Fodder, Ginseng
Tea (Can), Gold, Grain Treat, Green Tea (Can), Horse Treat, Jade,
Lumber, Matcha Tea (Can), Material Stone, Mithril, Moon Stone, Mythic
Ore, Nutra Treat, Old Ball, Old Boot, Oolong Tea (Can), Ore Stone,
Orichalcum, Owl Food, Peridot, Pink Diamond, Poison Mushroom, Puer
Tea (Can), Ruby, Sandrose, Scrap Metal, Sencha Tea (Can), Silver,
Snowball, Stone, Stone Tablet, Topaz, Treat, Vegetable Treat, Weed
Insects: (None)
Disliked Gifts
-300 FP

Horror Gift:
-1000 FP

Fish: All "Large" size fish (except for Large Goby, Large Icefish, Large
Killifish, and Large Smelt), Bonito, Moray Eel, Ocean Sunfish, Small Blue
Crab, Tuna
Cooked Recipes: Failed Dish, (salad) Boiled Spinach, Cucumber Namul,
Tofu Salad, Daikon Salad, (soup) Miso Soup, (horderve) Miso Eggplant,
Egg Custard, Sashimi, Fish Paste, Vegetable Stir Fry, Tofu, Okara, Fried
Tofu, Dried Tofu, Boiled Tofu, Cold Tofu, Yuba Tofu, Dashi Egg,
Simmered Potato, Boiled Pumpkin, Ganmodoki, Boiled Daikon, Shredded
Daikon, (main) Egg Rice, Grilled Fish, Fish Stew, Rice Porridge, Natto
Rice, Natto Roll, (misc) Green Tea, Matcha Tea, Sencha Tea, Puer Tea,
Oolong Tea, Buckwheat Tea, Ginseng Tea
Roasted Eggplant
Cooked Recipe (Horderve): Oil + Eggplant + Frying Pan

Sunday through Saturday; Sunny, Snowy, or half-day Rainy:

6:00 am to 7:00 am - Grady's Animals

7:00 am to 8:00 am - (walking to the horse barn)
8:00 am to 10:00 am - (inside Grady's barn)
10:00 am to 5:00 pm - (in the horse pasture)
5:00 pm to 7:00 pm - (in the horse barn)
7:00 pm to midnight - Grady's Animals

On Thursdays when the shop is closed, she chats with Laney by the flowers
Sunday through Saturday: Stormy or full-day Rainy:

6:00 am to midnight - Grady's Animals

Georgia's Flower Events

Date Information

Date Times: Sunday, Monday, Wednesday (11:00 am to 4:00 pm)

Date Locations: Good = Grady's Shop, Howard's Cafe, Outside of Town,
Okay = Mountaintop, Bad = Waterfall

284 | H M : T o T T

Purple Flower Event

Time: Sunday, Monday, or Wednesday, 11:00 am to
4:00 pm
Weather: Sunny or Snowy
Date Location: Outside of Town
Friendships: Georgia at a Purple Flower or higher
Georgia is asking about your farm work. She wants to
know if it is hard to look after your crops and your

Option 1: It's a lot of work. (+3000 FP)

Even though your work is difficult, she never hears you complain about it. She
takes care of their animals but she doesn't mind. She wants to know if you like
horses, and wants to show you her favorite horse next time. Georgia's glad
she was able to talk with you and hopes to chat again some other time.

Option 2: It's a breeze! (-2000 FP)

Georgia is a little annoyed that you think farming is so simple. You must not
be very serious about it if you think it is easy! At home she just takes care of
their animals every day and it is a lot of work to keep them happy and healthy.
Plants needs just as much attention. If you were doing it right, you wouldn't
say that it was a breeze. She apologizes for her outburst and then decides to
head home.

Blue Flower Event

Time: Sunday, Monday, or Wednesday, 11:00 am to
4:00 pm
Weather: Sunny or Snowy
Date Location: Grady's Shop
Friendships: Georgia at a Blue Flower or higher
Georgia shows you their best horse, Dakota. The
horse was born when Georgia was 5 years old and
they've been riding together ever since. Georgia starts
to become annoyed as she talks about Kana from
Konohana; that boy is nothing compared to them!
She apologizes for her outburst but there is a horse ranch on the other side of the
mountain. They have a rivalry with Kana, the boy who runs the Konohana ranch. The
other day he even claimed that his horse is cuter than Dakota! Dakota is clearly is
the better horse!

285 | H M : T o T T

Option 1: Who cares? (-2000 FP)

What did you say? She doesn't think you were listening to her and now
Dakota is annoyed with you. The horse starts to bother you until Georgia calls
it back. She scolds her horse and then apologizes to you for Dakota's
behavior. She then leaves to return it to the barn.

Option 2: She really is cute (+3000 FP)

Dakota loves your response and it even makes Georgia happy. It seems you
really have a way with animals. You really are a great farmer! Georgia
enjoyed her time with you today and invites you to come by to talk with them

Green Flower Event

Time: Sunday, 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Weather: Sunny or Snowy
Date Location: Howard's Cafe
Friendships: Georgia at a Green Flower or higher
Georgia is a little nervous, but she finally gets the
nerve to ask you if you find her to be strange because
of the way she talks...

Option 1: Yeah, it's really weird (-2000 FP)

It seems you've confirmed what she was thinking. They haven't always lived
in town. When she was little they moved here after living on a ranch far to the
west, which is where she picked up her accent. She was hoping you would
find it unique.

Option 2: I think it's cute (+3000 FP)

Georgia hopes that you aren't saying so, but your comment does cause her to
blush. They haven't always lived in town. When she was little they moved
here after living on a ranch far to the west, which is where she picked up her
accent. Georgia was wondering what your thoughts were on her accent, but
she never dreamed that you would think that it was cute. She's glad that you
don't have any problems understanding her.

Yellow Flower Event

Time: Sunday, 11:00 am to 4:00 pm
Weather: Sunny or Snowy
Date Location: Grady's Shop
Friendships: Georgia at a Yellow Flower or higher,
Grady at 15,000 FP (2 flowers = 10,000 FP) or more
Recently she has been getting into cooking. Georgia
use to bake with Laney so she is pretty confident with
286 | H M : T o T T

dessert making, but she is not very good with cooking anything else. She's been
inspired to try again though. Georgia gets an idea and wants to know if you'll go on a
picnic with her. She'll make some tasty rice balls. She wants you to go ahead and
head to the mountaintop. She'll meet you there after she's finished preparing the
At the mountaintop, Georgia has made a special rice ball for you. After you eat it,
she asks how you liked it.

Option 1: Really good! (+3000 FP)

She's relieved to hear that you liked it. She eats one as well, only to discover
that it is much too sweet! Georgia is disappointed that she ended up adding
sugar to it. It was sweet of you to lie and tell her that it tasted good! She
apologizes for making something so bad; she thought she could at least make
rice balls. You try to boost her confidence, and Georgia thinks you're really
kind. From today on she's going to study cooking and she is suddenly
interrupted right after she asks if she can cook you a special meal.
Grady has been looking for his daughter. Georgia becomes cross for her
father's interruption and runs off, leaving behind a confused Grady.

Option 2: It tastes weird... (-3000 FP)

That isn't a very gentlemanly thing to say. Georgia worked really hard on
making it. She is so ashamed that she runs away.

Marriage Requirements
You need to complete the basic marriage requirements of a full bloom pink flower
(60,000 FP), the big bed in your house, see her four heart events, and be in year 2
or later. You also need to have Grady at 4 White Flowers (30,000 FP) or more.
Laney helps her dad out at his cafe in Bluebell Town. She likes to
make sweets and other confections for the guests of the restaurant.
Laney is always in a good mood and will say "hello" if you take the
time to talk to her.
Birthday: Summer 23
Family: Howard (father)
Favorite Outfit: Urban Outfit
Favorite Wild Animals: Cat
Disliked Wild Animals: None
Friendship Tips: You can pick up free Mint, Chamomile, Blue Magic Flower, Red
Magic Flower, and Moondrop Flower in the mountain area. She also likes the flowers
you can grow from seeds bought from Cam's Flower shop. If you don't feel like
growing them yourself, Cam usually has full grown flowers you can buy.

287 | H M : T o T T

Laney's favorite item, Cherry Pie, can't be bought from any store. You will need to
grow Cherry Trees on your Konohana farm (there isn't enough room on Bluebell).
You can buy the Cherry Tree seeds from Gombe starting in year 2. You will also
need to get the animal produce maker on the Bluebell farm so you can turn Milk into
Butter. On occasion you can get Butter from message board requests posted by
There are a lot of different dessert recipes she likes if you want something else other
than flowers. You can buy many of them at Howard's Cafe in various seasons.
Giving Gifts
Favorite Gift
+800 FP

Cherry Pie
Cooked Recipe (Dessert): Egg + Butter + Flour + Cherry
Normal Items: Blue Bouquet, Blue Rose, Carnation, Casablanca,
Casablanca Bouquet, Chamomile, Colorful Bouquet, Fall Honey, Fruit
Honey, Gentian, Gerbera, Honey, Magic Blue Flower, Magic Red Flower,
Marguerite, Mint, Moondrop Flower, Nadeshiko, Pink Rose, Red Bouquet,
Red Rose, Rose Honey, Royal Jelly, Snowdrop, Spring Honey, Summer
Honey, Sunflower, Sunflower Bouquet, White Bouquet, White Rose
Critters: (None)
Fish: (None)

Liked Gifts
+300 FP

Standard Gifts
+50 FP

Disliked Gifts
-300 FP

Cooked Recipes: (dessert) Yam Dessert, Pumpkin Pudding, Chocolate

Banana, Stewed Apple, Apple Pie, Pineapple Pie, Strawberry Pie,
Cheesecake, Sponge Cake, Pudding, Pancake, Donuts, Cookies,
Chocolate Cookies, Ice Cream, Cake, Honey Cake, Chocolate Cake,
Party Cake, Choc. Party Cake, Party Cheesecake, Chocolate Fondue,
Trifle, Baumkuchen, Churros, Mont Blanc, Scone, Choc. Ice Cream,
Strawb. Ice Cream, Matcha Ice Cream, Choc. Sponge Cake, Chocolate
Donuts, Chocolate Pudding, Fondant Chocolate, Fruit Parfait, Soft
Chocolates, Strawb. Soft Choc., Matcha Soft Choc., Tiramisu, Rice
Pudding, Honey Pudding, Soy Milk Pudding, Egg Tart, (other) Straight
Tea, Herb Tea, Honey Tea, Rose Tea, Milk Tea, Royal Milk Tea, Russian
Tea, Spring Tea, Summer Tea, Fall Tea, Gold Tea, Honey Shake,
All other items not listed

Normal Items: Animal Medicine, Apricot Wine, Beer, Branch, Chicha,

Chestnut Wine, Chicken Feed, Fall Wine, Fish Bones, Fish Food, Fish
Treat, Fodder, Four Seasons Wine, Fruit Wine, Grain Treat, Honey Wine,
Horse Treat, Lumber, Material Stone, Nutra Treat, Old Ball, Old Boot, Owl
Food, Pet Food, Plum Wine, Poison Mushroom, Red Wine, Rose Wine,
Scrap Metal, Snowball, Spring Wine, Stone, Summer Wine, Treat,
Vegetable Treat, Weed,
Critters: All insects and frogs
Fish: (None)

288 | H M : T o T T

Cooked Recipes: Failed Dish, (soup) Bouillabaisse, Gazpacho, Tom

Yum Goong, (appetizer) Steamed Mushrooms, Simmered Potato, Boiled
Pumpkin, Ganmodoki, Boiled Daikon, Shredded Daikon, (main dish)
Farmer's Breakfast, (other) Plum Wine (Glass), Apricot Wine (Gls),
Sangria, Red Wine (Glass), Chicha (Glass), Beer (Glass), Honey Wine
(Glass) Chestnut Wine Gls, Spring Wine (Gls), Summer Wine (Gls), Fall
Wine (Glass), 4 Seasons Wine Gls, Rose Wine (Glass)
Horror Gift:
-1000 FP

Migratory Locust

Monday or Thursday; Sunny, Snowy, or half-day Rainy:

6:00 am to 9:30 am - Howard's Cafe

9:30 to 6:00 pm - Bluebell Town areas
6:00 pm to midnight - Howard's Cafe

Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, or Saturday; Sunny, Snowy, or half-day


6:00 am to 9:30 am - Howard's Cafe

9:30 am to 6:00 pm - (in and out of the cafe)
6:00 pm to midnight - Howard's Cafe

Laney's Flower Events

Date Information

Date Times: Monday and Thursday (11:00 am to 4:00 pm), Wednesday (6:00
pm to 10:00 pm)
Date Locations: Good = Town Square, The Flowerbed, By the Church, Okay
= The Spring, Bad = By the Tunnel

Purple Flower Event

Time: Monday or Thursday, 11:00 am to 4:00 pm
Weather: Sunny or Snowy
Date Location: Town Square
Friendships: Laney at a Purple Flower or higher
Laney asks if you are familiar with the story about the
statue in the town square. Many years ago, the statue
was designed by the mayor at the time. The mayor
was scary, even though his statue turned out really
cute. Laney thinks it is weird that such a strict mayor made such a cute statue! She
figures that his love for the town is what may have caused him to be so strict.
Everyone in the town loves this statue.

289 | H M : T o T T

Laney then asks if you like living in Bluebell.

Option 1: Yea! I like it a lot! (+3000 FP)

She's glad that you like their village and she can't imagine living anywhere
else. The more you learn about Bluebell Town, the more you'll grow to love it.

Option 2: Not really... (-2000 FP)

That's too bad and she is disappointed. Laney gives you the excuse that she's
tired and wants to head home.

Blue Flower Event

Time: Thursday, 11:00 am to 4:00 pm
Weather: Sunny or Snowy
Date Location: By the Church
Friendships: Laney at a Blue Flower or higher
Laney made a Cheesecake based off of her own
recipe and gives you a slice. She is thinking about
selling it at the cafe. She'd like you to try it and give
her your opinion.

Option 1: Thanks, I will! (+3000 FP)

The cheesecake was delicious! Laney is glad that you liked it. She likes to
bake, but she really enjoys watching people eat what she's made. She can't
explain why it makes her heart feel so warm inside. She had a lot of fun with
you today and hopes to chat again later.

Option 2: I'm not hungry. Sorry. (-2000 FP)

Laney figures you can't eat it if you're not hungry and takes the cheesecake
back. She'll go and give it to someone else to try.

Green Flower Event

Time: Wednesday, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Weather: Sunny or Snowy
Date Location: The Spring
Friendships: Laney at a Green Flower or higher
Laney is worried about something. She wants to know
if you were sad to leave the village you used to live in
before you came to live in your chosen village.

Option 1: Yeah. Terribly sad. (-2000 FP)

It must be hard for you and she would probably feel the same if she ever had
to move. She wants to say something else, but tells you not to worry about it.
290 | H M : T o T T

Option 2: At first, but not now. (+3000 FP)

She is surprised that you don't miss it. You have good memories of both
villages and have grown to love your new village just as much as your old
village. Laney feels better now. She wants to share baked good with people
who come from all over and that might require her to move to the big city to
open her own cafe. She loves this village though, and wasn't sure what to do.
Laney is glad; knowing your experience gives her the confidence to feel she
might be able to make it in the city after all.

Yellow Flower Event

Time: Monday, 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Weather: Sunny or Snowy
Date Location: By the Church
Friendships: Laney at a Yellow Flower or higher,
Georgia at a Purple Flower or higher, Howard at
25,000 FP (3 flowers = 20,000 FP) or more
Georgia found you and Laney next to the Church and
tells her that Howard has been looking for her. Laney
is suppose to be working at the cafe right now, not taking a walk! Laney had
forgotten about it. You offer to help her work at the cafe.
At the cafe, Howard apologizes for asking Laney to help him out on her day off. He
then notices that you are with his daughter and wants to know if you were spending
time together! Laney explains that you are volunteering to help. After some thought,
Howard agrees to your offer.
Once you've finished, Howard thanks you for your help. Laney hopes that they didn't
tire you out too much.

Option 1: I'm too tired to move. (-3000 FP)

Laney figured that farm work would be more tiring than cafe work. Laney tells
you that you were a big help to them today.

Option 2: I'm fine. This was fun (+3000 FP)

Laney is glad to know she can always count on you. You are probably use to
working hard because of your farm work. Howard then butts in and suggests
that you forget about your farm and work at the cafe as Laney's husband!
Laney scolds her dad and apologizes. You were a big help today. She
promises that the next time the two of you hang out, you'll do something more

Marriage Requirements
Before you can propose marriage, you need to see Laney's 4 flower events, have
her at a full bloom Red Flower color, be in year 2 or later, own the double bed in your
house, and have Howard and Cam at 4 Flowers (30,000 FP) each. After you marry
her, Laney never leaves your farm house.
291 | H M : T o T T

The Oracle
The Oracle is a strange lady who lives on the Bluebell MidMountain area. Her shrine is on the northern side of the hill
and is locked until you reach year 2 in your game. Walk
from the Bluebell Low-Mountain to Bluebell Mid-Mountain
area after 8:00 pm starting in year 2 to unlock her.
She spends most of her time by herself researching her
alchemy potions. If you visit her on Monday, Wednesday, or
Friday between 4:00 pm and 9:00 pm, she will offer to make
you a potion. You need to bring her the appropriate
ingredients for her alchemy pot and pay her 1000 G for her
expertise. She can make you special crop fertilizer, stamina drinks, and animal treats.
"Oracle" is not her true name. As you raise your friendship with her and trigger some
random events, eventually she will tell you what her true name is.
Birthday: Winter 30
Family: None
Favorite Outfit: Urban Outfit
Favorite Wild Animals: All wild animals
Disliked Wild Animals: None
Friendship Tips: The Oracle likes alpaca wool but you need to be in Fall of year 2
before you can buy the animals from Jessica. While you wait until fall, you can give
her Spotted Pong Frog that you can find starting in Spring of year 2 on rainy days in
the Bluebell Mid-Mountain area.
You can also give her dishes bought from Howard and Yun's shops. Yun sells Shark
Fin Soup during Spring for 140 G (year 2 or later). You can get Sponge Cake from
Howard's for 170 G during Spring season and sometimes receive it as a reward from
Laney's message board requests.
On easy dish to make is Steamed Mushrooms. You simply need to cook a
mushroom in a Frying Pan. You can't use Poison Mushrooms to cook Steamed
Mushrooms, but any other type will work. If you can't find any mushrooms on the
mountain, the dish is for sale at Howard's Cafe during Fall season for 50 G each.
Giving Gifts
Favorite Gift
+800 FP

Alpaca Wool (White or Brown)

Normal Items: Brown Alpaca Yarn, Casablanca Bouquet, Diamond,
Great Wool, Mythic Stone, Pink Diamond, White Alpaca Yarn

Liked Gifts
+300 FP

Insects: Spotted Pond Frog

Fish: Bonito, Ocean Sunfish, Moray Eel, Tuna

292 | H M : T o T T

Cooked Recipes: (soup) Bouillabaisse, Shark Fin Soup, (horderve)

Steamed Mushrooms, Quiche, Chop Suey, (main) Rainbow Curry,
Ultimate Curry, Supreme Curry, Paella, Lasagna, Sushi Bowl, Mixed Rice,
(dessert) Pineapple Pie, Sponge Cake, Pancake, Donuts, Baumkuchen,
Almond Tofu, (misc) Royal Milk Tea, Russian Tea
Standard Gifts
+50 FP

All other items not listed

Normal Items: Animal Medicine, Branch, Chicken Feed, Fish Bone, Fish
Food, Fish Treat, Fodder, Grain Treat, Horse Treat, Lumber, Material
Stone, Nutra Treat, Old Ball, Old Boot, Owl Food, Pet Food, Poison
Mushroom, Scrap Metal, Snowball, Stone, Treat, Vegetable Treat, Weed
Insects: All beetles, All butterflies, All cicadas, All Dragonflies, All fireflies,
All locust/grasshoppers/crickets
Fish: (None)

Disliked Gifts
-300 FP

Horror Gift:
-1000 FP

Cooked Recipes: Failed Dish, (salad) Turnip Salad, Tomato Salad,

Onion Salad, Potato Salad, Herb Salad, Caprese Salad, Boiled Spinach,
Asazuke, Cucumber Namul, Tofu Salad, Pasta Salad, Daikon Salad,
Mixed Salad, (soup) Miso Soup, Herb Soup, Asparagus Soup, Radish
Soup, Egg Soup, (horderve) Sauted Turnips, Popcorn, Corn Cereal,
Boiled Egg, Roasted Mushroom, Roasted Corn, Miso Eggplant, Baked
Yam, Egg Custard, Sashimi, Vegetable Stir Fry, Tofu, Okara, Fried Tofu,
Deep-Fried Tofu, Boiled Tofu, Cold Tofu, Yuba Tofu, Dashi Egg,
Simmered Potato, Boiled Pumpkin, Ganmodoki, Boiled Daikon, Shredded
Daikon, Tuna Yukhoe, (main) Egg Rice, Grilled Fish, Fish Stew, Rice Ball,
Fried Rice Ball, Rice Porridge, Cold Soba Noodles, (dessert) Baked
Apple, Pudding, (misc) Bread, Peach Tea, Banana Juice, Apple Juice,
Mandarin Juice, Plum Juice, Mixed Juice, Mixed Smoothie
Dried Tofu
Cooked Recipe (Horderve): Tofu + Pot

Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday: Sunny, Snowy, or half-day Rainy:

6:00 am to 5:00 pm - Oracle's house

5:00 pm to 10:00 pm - Bluebell Mid-Mountain (outside the door of her house)
10:00 pm to midnight - Oracle's house

Monday, Wednesday, Friday; Sunny, Snowy, or half-day Rainy:

6:00 am to midnight - Oracle's house

Sunday through Saturday; Stormy or full-day Rainy;

6:00 am to midnight - Oracle's house

293 | H M : T o T T

The Oracle's Flower Events

Date Information

Date Times: Tuesday, Thursday, or Saturday (11:00 am to 4:00 pm)

Date Locations: Good = Oracle's House, Outside of Town, The Mountain,
Okay = The Spring, Bad = Waterfall

Purple Flower Event

The Oracle doesn't have a 10,000 FP flower event.
Blue Flower Event
Time: Tuesday, Thursday, or Saturday, 11:00 am to
4:00 pm
Weather: Sunny, Snowy, or Rainy
Date Location: Oracle's House
Friendships: Oracle is at 3 White Flowers (20,000
FP) or more
The Oracle is working with her alchemy pot but
something does not seem to be going well. Yesterday
she put in an alchemy experiment into her pot to stew overnight but it doesn't seem
to be successful. In theory it should of worked. She doesn't understand why.

Option 1: Maybe you measured wrong? (+3000 FP)

She is a mighty alchemist who has studied alchemy since before you were
born! She would not have made such a novice mistake as miscalculating her
measurements! But since you've mentioned it, she will double check her
measurements again. The Oracle goes over to her work bench and also
checks her alchemy pot, only to discover she did indeed make a mistake! The
Oracle is surprised that you were able to determine that she measured wrong.
She must have underestimated you! You are now going to be her assistant
instead of her test subject.

Option 2: Beats me. (-3000 FP)

She doesn't believe it is a problem with her ingredients and doesn't know what
could of gone wrong. Oracle was hoping you'd be of some help because of
your sharp eyesight but you aren't any help.

294 | H M : T o T T

Green Flower Event

Time: Tuesday or Saturday, 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Weather: Sunny, Snowy, or Rainy
Date Location: Oracle's House
Friendships: Oracle is at 4 White Flowers (30,000
FP) or more
The Oracle has made a new potion for you and would
like you to drink it right away. There's nothing to worry
about! She feels that you are a big help to her and it
is her way of thanking you. She wants you to drink it all!

Option 1: Down the hatch! (+3000 FP)

You take the medicine and drink it. She asks if you fee the pep throughout
your body; you feel great! The Oracle is very happy. Being thanked so much
makes her blush a little bit. It's been a long time since someone thanked her.
It feels good to be able to help someone.

Option 2: I'd rather not. (-4000 FP)

Why won't you drink the potion she's made for you? She doesn't understand
why you won't accept the nice thing she's made for you. The Oracle becomes
annoyed and orders you to leave.

Yellow Flower Event

Time: Tuesday or Saturday, 11:00 am to 4:00 pm
Weather: Sunny or Snowy
Date Location: Outside of Town
Friendships: Oracle is at 5 White Flowers (40,000
FP) or more, Laney at 7000 FP (2 flowers = 10,000
FP) or more
The two of you are talking in the park when the Oracle
mentions that she's getting thirsty. You decide to go to
the cafe together but she is hesitant; she doesn't know any of the townsfolk. She is a
little afraid of suddenly showing up. You drag her off to the cafe anyway.
The Oracle is still a little nervous while the two of you have tea at the cafe. Laney
notices that you have a person with you that she has never seen before. She politely
introduces herself to your pink-haired friend but Oracle is shy and manages just to
reply with a basic greeting. Laney thinks your friend is cute and heads back to the
The alchemist is a little bothered that Laney seems to believe she is younger than
her. But it is good; she is glad that you've taken her to this nice place. It has been a
long time since she's been to another person's house. Because of her alchemy
research work, she doesn't get many chances to meet other people. She was so
worried about coming to the cafe without any warning.
295 | H M : T o T T

The Oracle asks if you could take her to other places like this. She would like to get
out a little more.

Option 1: Sure! (+3000 FP)

She is incredibly happy and appreciates you. If she had never met you, she
would still be working all by herself. The Oracle had forgotten about the nice
things that are in the outside world. Since she now has you to talk to, she
realizes how much she was missing out on. The Oracle blushes and thanks

Option 2: I don't know... (-5000 FP)

What a cheap person you are! She is really angry with you and leaves to go

Marriage Requirements
Before you can propose marriage, you need to see Oracle's 4 flower events, have
her at a full bloom Red Flower color, be in year 2 or later, and own the double bed in
your house. You don't have any other villagers you have to befriend.
Since Oracle is secluded from everyone else, no one will attend the wedding. The
Harvest Goddess will reside over the ceremony on the mountaintop.
On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays she will go to her alchemy shop in the
mountain. On any other day she'll stay home in the farmhouse.

296 | H M : T o T T

Konohana Villagers
There are nine normal villagers who live in Konohana Town. Raising your friendship
with the villagers will increase the probability of viewing some random events.
Increasing your friendship with Sheng will help unlock message board requests for
upgrading your Hoe, Watering Can, and Sickle.










Marriage Candidates From Konohana






Bachelor Mikhail will live at the Town Hall in whichever town you are living in when
he arrives each Fall season, and will stay there until he leaves in Summer.

297 | H M : T o T T

The only doctor in the area lives in Konohana Town. Ayame's clinic
is open to all of the residents, although you won't see any patients
using it. Apparently everyone is very healthy!
Ayame is currently training Hiro, her assistant, to be a great doctor.
Hiro typically manages the front desk of the clinic while Ayame waits
in the back in case anyone needs her. She has a very calm
personality and it is said that receiving an injection from her doesn't
hurt at all.
Birthday: Fall 30
Family: None
Favorite Wild Animals: None
Disliked Wild Animals: None
Friendship Tips: Even though she's a doctor, Ayame has a sweet spot for desserts.
The desserts she likes aren't always super easy to make; the easiest are Egg Tart
(Flour + Black Egg + Frying Pan) and Chestnut Bun (Chestnut + Rice Candy + Pot).
Curry Rice is going to be an easy dish to make for her. You can buy Rice (180G) at
Raul's shop and Curry Powder (220 G) from either brother's shop and then combine
them using a Pot.
Some of the other dishes can be bought at Howard's Cafe and Yun's Tea House.
Howard has Penne Pasta (Spring) for only 150 G, Honey Toast (Summer) for 230 G,
Meuniere (Fall) for 220 G, and Galette (Winter) for 210 G. Yun has Sencha Tea
(Spring) for 140 G and Green Tea (Spring) for 70 G. She also has Oolong Tea (Fall)
for 140 G. You will find additional dishes at their shops throughout the year, but they
aren't as inexpensive.
Some of the normal items, such as the Alpaca Pal, Canine Companion, and Nights
Dream, are made by the Oracle using her magic alchemy cauldron. These items
often require hard-to-get ingredients to make and may not be worth wasting them as
a gift to Ayame.
Giving Gifts
Favorite Gift
+800 FP

Liked Gifts
+300 FP

Cooked Recipe (Appetizer): Flour + Potato + Pumpkin + Spinach + Frying
Normal Items: Alpaca Pal, Angler's Dream, Buckwheat Tea Can, Canine
Companion, Colorful Bouquet, Feline Friend, Green Tea (Can), Magic
Red Flower, Magic Water, Nights Dream, Oolong Tea (Can), Sencha Tea
(Can), Stamina Booster, Stamina Saver, Wild Animal Friend, White
Critters: (None)
Fish: (None)

298 | H M : T o T T

Cooked Recipes: (soup) Vichyssoise, Gazpacho, Bouillabaisse, Corn

Soup, Soybean Soup, Shark Fin Soup, Tom Yum Goong, Pho, (appetizer)
Potato Pancakes, Hash Browns, Croquette, Cream Croquette, Cheese
Croquette, Focaccia, Galette, Fish and Chips, Honey Toast, Arancini,
Dolma, Chop Suey, Steamed Dumpling, Pot Sticker, Chinese Dumpling,
Tempura, Spring Roll, (main dish) Omelet Rice, Tomato Fondue, Pink
Fondue Gratin, Pizza, Meuniere, Marinated Fish, Risotto, Doria, Farmer's
Breakfast, Macaroni & Cheese, Penne Pasta, Dry Curry, Curry Rice,
Vegetable Curry, Spicy Curry, Seaweed Curry, Milk Curry, Rainbow
Curry, Ultimate Curry, Supreme Curry, Spaghetti, Mushroom Pasta,
Paella, Stew, Herb Spaghetti, Spaghetti Soup, Lasagna, Pizzoccheri,
Moussaka, Egg Rice Bowl, Sushi, Sushi Bowl, Fried Rice, Mixed Rice,
Mushroom Rice, Shimeji Rice, Tempura Bowl, Inari Sushi, Okonomiyaki,
Kitsune Udon, Tempura Udon, Tempura Soba, Tofu Steak, Fried Rice
Noodles, Milk Stew, Natto Roll, Kappa Roll, Tekka Roll, Oshinko Roll, Soy
Milk Stew, Kimchi Stew, Crab Stew, Crab Omelet, Oden, Bibimbap,
(desserts) Pumpkin Pudding, Apple Pie, Pineapple Pie, Strawberry Pie,
Pancake, Donuts, Cake, Honey Cake, Chocolate Cake, Party Cake,
Choc. Party Cake, Party Cheesecake, Trifle, Baumkuchen, Mont Blanc,
Choc. Ice Cream, Strawb. Ice Cream, Matcha Ice Cream, Choc. Sponge
Cake, Chocolate Donuts, Chocolate Pudding, Fondant Chocolate, Fruit
Parfait, Soft Chocolates, Strawb. Soft Choc., Matcha Soft Choc.,
Tiramisu, Rice Pudding, Honey Pudding, Soy Milk Pudding, Egg Tart,
Strawberry Candy, Sweet Dumplings, Bamboo Dumpling, Soba
Dumplings, Soybean Rice Candy, Fruit Shiratama, Chestnut Bun, Green
Rice Dumpling, Almond Tofu, Cherry Pie, 3 Color Dumplings, (misc)
Green Tea, Sencha Tea, Oolong Tea, Buckwheat Tea
Standard Gifts
+50 FP

All other items not listed

Normal Items: Animal Medicine, Apricot Wine, Beer, Branch, Chestnut
Wine, Chicha, Chicken Feed, Fall Wine, Fish Bones, Fish Food, Fish
Fossil, Fodder, Four Seasons Wine, Fruit Wine, Grain Treat, Honey Wine,
Horse Treat, Legendary Treasure, Letter in a Bottle, Lumber, Material
Stone, Nutra Treat, Old Ball, Old Boot, Owl Food, Pet Food, Plum Wine,
Poison Mushroom, Red Wine, Rose Wine, Sangria, Scrap Metal,
Snowball, Spring Wine, Summer Wine, Stone, Treat, Vegetable Treat,
Critters: All Insects

Disliked Gifts
-300 FP

Fish: Black Bass, Bluegill, Bonito, Carp, Dogfish Shark, Funa, Icefish,
Killifish, Large Black Bass, Large Bluegill, Large Funa, Large Icefish,
Large Killifish, Large Snakehaad, Moray Eel, Ocean Sunfish, Small Black
Bass, Small Bluegill, Small Carp, Small Funa, Small Icefish, Small Killifish,
Small Snakehead, Snakehead, Tuna
Cooked Recipes: Failed Dish, (salad) Turnip Salad, Tomato Salad,
Onion Salad, Potato Salad, Herb Salad, Caprese Salad, Mimosa Salad,
Boiled Spinach, Asazuke, Cucumber Namul, Pasta Salad, Daikon Salad,
Mixed Salad, (soup) Miso Soup, Herb Soup, Asparagus Soup, Radish
Soup, Egg Soup, (appetizer) Sauteed Turnips, Popcorn, Boiled Egg,
Roasted Mushroom, Roasted Corn, Miso Eggplant, Roasted Eggplant,
Baked Yam, Egg Custard, Sashimi, Vegetable Stir Fry, Tofu, Okara, Fried
Tofu, Deep-Fried Tofu, Dried Tofu, Boiled Tofu, Cold Tofu, Yuba Tofu,

299 | H M : T o T T

Horror Gift:
-1000 FP

Dashi Egg, Simmered Potato, Boiled Pumpkin, Ganmodoki, Boiled

Daikon, Shredded Daikon, Tuna Yukhoe, (main dish) Egg Rice, Grilled
Fish, Fish Stew, Rice Ball, Fried Rice Ball, Rice Porridge, Cold Soba
Noodles, (dessert) Stewed Apple, (other) Cooked Rice, Bread, Red Wine
(Glass), Chicha (Glass), Beer (Glass), Honey Wine (Glass), Chestnut
Wine Gls, Spring Wine (Gls), Summer Wine (Gls), Fall Wine (Glass), 4
Seasons Wine Gls, Fruit Wine (Glass), Rose Wine (Glass)
Corn Cereal
Cooked Recipe (Appetizer): Corn + (Milk or Jersey Milk or Golden Milk) +

Daily Schedule
Sunday through Thursday, and Saturday; Sunny, Snowy, or half-day Rainy:

6:00 am to midnight - Konohana Clinic

Friday; Sunny, Snowy, or half-day Rainy:

6:00 am to 12:00 pm - Konohana Clinic

12:00 pm to 1:00 pm - Konohana Town
1:00 pm to 6:00 pm - Yun's Tea House
6:30 pm to midnight - Konohana Clinic

Friday; full-day Rainy or Stormy:

6:00 am to midnight - Konohana Clinic

Gombe manages the seed shop in Konohana Town. He is the
grandfather of the marriage bachelorette, Nori. Gombe has a very
child-like attitude, or he's just old and senile, and gets incredibly
happy at festivals.
He knows a lot about growing crops and grains. Gombe's Seeds is
open from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. His shop is closed on Mondays and
Birthday: Winter 22
Family: Nori (granddaughter)
Favorite Wild Animals: None
Disliked Wild Animals: None
Friendship Tips: Gombe is easy to befriend. Just give him a bug you catch in the
mountain area or give him a crop that you've grown on your farm.
Giving Gifts
Favorite Gift
+800 FP

Sushi Bowl
Cooked Recipe (main): Sashimi + Cooked Rice + (Egg or Black Egg or
Fish Paste or Cucumber or Shiitake) + Pot

300 | H M : T o T T

Normal Items: Apricot Wine, Asparagus, Bok Choy, Cabbage, Carrot,

Chestnut Wine, Cocoa, Cocoa Pack, Corn, Cucumber, Daikon, Eggplant,
Fruit Wine, Green Pepper, Honey Wine, Magic Water, Moondrop Flower,
Onion, Plum Wine, Pineapple, Potato, Pumpkin, Radish, Spinach,
Stamina Booster, Stamian Saver, Strawberry, Tomato, Turnip,
Watermelon, Yam
Insects: All insects
Liked Gifts
+300 FP

Fish: (None)
Cooked Recipes: (soup) Vichyssoise, Boulliabaisse, Gazpacho, Corn
Soup, Onion Soup, Pumpkin Soup, (hordurve) Croquette, Cream
Croquette, Cheese Croquette, Chinese Dumpling, Curry Dumpling,
Cheese Dumpling, (main) Omelet, Omelet Rice, Gratin, Pizza, Macaroni &
Cheese, Dry Curry, Curry Rice, Vegetable Curry, Spicy Curry, Seaweed
Curry, Milk Curry, Rainbow Curry, Ultimate Curry, Supreme Curry, Tofu
Burger, Fried Rice, (misc) Honey Tea, Honey Shake, Yogurt Shake,
Peach Juice, Banana Juice, Apple Juice, Mandarin Juice, Mixed Juice,
Mixed Smoothie, Plum Juice, Honey Wine (Glass), Chestnut Wine Gls

Standard Gifts
+50 FP

All other items not listed

Normal Items: Animal Medicine, Branch, Chicken Feed, Fish Bones, Fish
Food, Fish Fossil, Fish Treat, Grain Treat, Horse Treat, Legendary
Treasure, Letter in a Bottle, Lumber, Material Stone, Nutra Treat, Old Ball,
Old Boot, Owl Food, Pet Food, Poison Mushroom, Scrap Metal, Snowball,
Stone, Treat, Vegetable Treat, Weed
Insects: (None)

Disliked Gifts
-300 FP

Horror Gift:
-1000 FP

Fish: Carp, Bluegill, Bonito, Dogfish Shark, Flounder, Funa, Icefish,

Killifish, Large Black Bass, Large Bluegill, Large Funa, Large Icefish,
Large Killifish, Large Snakehead, Mackerel, Moray Eel, Ocean Sunfish,
Small Black Bass, Small Bluegill, Small Carp, Small Funa, Small Icefish,
Small Killifish, Small Snakehead, Smelt, Snakehead, Tuna
Cooked Recipes: Failed Dish, (salad) Boiled Spinach, Cucumber Namul,
Tofu Salad, Daikon Salad, (hordurve) Miso Eggplant, Roasted Eggplant,
Egg Custard, Tofu, Okara, Fried Tofu, Deep-Fried Tofu, Dried Tofu,
Boiled Tofu, Cold Tofu, Yuba Tofu, Dashi Egg, Simmered Potato, Boiled
Pumpkin, Ganmodoki, Boiled Daikon, Shredded Daikon, (main) Egg Rice,
Grilled Fish, Rice Porridge, (misc) Greet Tea, Macha Tea, Sencha Tea,
Puer Tea, Oolong Tea, Buckwheat Tea, Ginseng Tea
Black Bass
Any Season - Fishing Rod

301 | H M : T o T T

Daily Schedule
Sunday, Wednesday through Saturday; Sunny, Snowy, or half-day Rainy:

6:00 am to 6:30 am - Gombe's Seeds

6:30 am to 9:30 am - Konohana Town (outside his shop)
9:30 am to 5:00 pm - Gombe's Seeds
5:00 pm to 7:30 pm - Konohana Town (outside his shop)
7:30 pm to midnight - Gombe's Seeds

Monday or Tuesday; Sunny, Snowy, or half-day Rainy:

6:00 am to 6:30 am - Gombe's Seeds

6:30 am to 9:30 am - Konohana Town
9:30 am to 1:00 pm - Konohana Town Hall
1:30 pm to 5:00 pm - Yun's Tea House
6:00 pm to midnight - Gombe's Seeds

Sunday through Saturday; all-day Rainy or Stormy:

6:00 am to midnight - Gombe's Seeds

The mayor of Konohana Town, Ina gives the early impression of an
intimidating, powerful woman but she is truely a kind-hearted lady
who cares greatly for her town. Generations of her family have
tended to the stability of Konohana, and her son Rahi will probably
follow in her footsteps.
Ina spends most of her time in the town hall. When she is not there,
you can find her on patrol around the town.
Birthday: Summer 5
Family: Rahi (son)
Favorite Wild Animals: Fox
Disliked Wild Animals: Mouse, Monkey, Raccoon, Weasel
Friendship Tips: Ina's favorite gift, Puer Tea, can easy be purchased for 90 G each
at Yun's Tea House during Fall season. To actually make Puer Tea, you need to
grow Tea Trees and harvest the leaves in Summer, then use the Drink Maker to
create Puer Tea (Can) from the Summer Tea Leaves. This requires you to have the
tea plants, which are for sale from Gombe starting in year 2, plus the Drink Maker in
Bluebell Town. It is simply easier to buy Puer Tea cheaply during Fall when you see
it at Yun's Tea House.

302 | H M : T o T T

Giving Gifts
Favorite Gift
+800 FP

Liked Gifts
+300 FP

Puer Tea
Cooked Recipe (Miscellaneous): Puer Tea Can + Pot
Normal Items: Bok Choy Kimchi, Buckwheat Tea Can, Cabbage Kimchi,
Casablanca Bouquet, Cucumber Kimchi, Daikon Kimchi, Ginseng Tea
(Can), Green Tea (Can), Macha Tea (Can), Magic Red Flower, Mixed
Kimchi, Oolong Tea (Can), Puer Tea (Can), Sencha Tea (Can)
Insects: Atlas Beetle, Anubis Beetle, Big Pincer Beetle, Elephant Beetle,
Hercules Beetle, Pincer Beetle, Rhinoceros Beetle, Stag Beetle, White
Giant Beetle, White Hill Beetle, White Morn Beetle
Fish: all "Large" fish (except Large Killifish), Bonito, Dogfin Shark,
Flounder, Mackerel, Moray Eel, Ocean Sunfish, Small Blue Crab, Tuna
Cooked Recipes: (Horderve) Tteokbokki, (Main) Canap, Curry
Dumpling, Dry Curry, Curry Rice, Vegetable Curry, Spicy Curry, Seaweed
Curry, Milk Curry, Rainbow Curry, Ulimate Curry, Finest Curry, Kimchi
Stew, Bibimbap, (Misc) Green Tea, Macha Tea, Sencha Tea, Puer Tea,
Oolong Tea, Buckwheat Tea, Ginseng Tea

Standard Gifts
+50 FP

Disliked Gifts
-300 FP

All other items not listed

Normal Items: Animal Medicine, Branch, Chicken Feed, Chocolate Pack,
Fall Honey, Fish Bones, Fish Food, Fish Fossil, Fodder, Fruit Honey,
Grain Treat, Honey, Horse Treat, Legendary Treasure, Letter in a Bottle,
Lumber, Material Stone, Miso, Natto, Nutra Treat, Old Ball, Old Boot, Owl
Food, Pet Food, Rose Honey, Royal Jelly, Scrap Metal, Snowball, Spring
Honey, Stone, Summer Honey, Treat, Vegetable Treat, Weed,
Insects: (None)
Fish: (None)

Horror Gift:
-1000 FP

Cooked Recipes: Failed Dish, All Desserts, (Misc) Honey Tea

Cooked Recipe (Dessert): Egg + Flour + Butter + Milk + Frying Pan

Daily Schedule
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday; Sunny, Snowy, or halfday Rainy:

6:00 am to 5:00 pm - Konohana Town Hall

5:00 pm to 7:00 pm - Walking through Konohana
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm - Konohana Entrance
9:00 pm to 10:00 pm - Walking through Konohana
10:00 pm to midnight - Konohana Town Hall

Sunday through Saturday; full-day Rainy or Stormy:

6:00 am to midnight - Konohana Town Hall

303 | H M : T o T T

Thursdays, before tunnel completion; Sunny, Snowy, or half-day Rainy:

6:00 am to 10:00 am - Konohana Town Hall

10:00 am to 10:30 am - Walking through Konohana
10:30 am to 1:30 pm - Yun's Tea House
2:00 pm to 3:00 pm - Konohana Clinic
3:30 pm to 5:00 pm - Konohana Entrance
5:30 pm to midnight - Konohana Town Hall

Thursdays, after tunnel completion; Sunny, Snowy, or half-day Rainy:

6:00 am to 10:00 am - Konohana Town Hall

1:00 pm to 4:00 pm - Bluebell Town Plaza
7:00 pm to midnight - Konohana Town Hall

Mako runs an orchard in the south of Konohana Town. He knows
a lot about growing trees, but he doesn't actually sell any tree
seedlings. All trees are sold by Gombe at his seed shop. Mako
does post some message board requests where you are
rewarded with tree seeds.
Birthday: Spring 6
Family: Reina (neice)
Favorite Wild Animals: None
Disliked Wild Animals: All wild animals
Friendship Tips: If you're growing trees on your farm, you can give the fruit to Mako
to boost friendship with him. Unfortunately, trees take a long time to grow and slow
to produce. On the other hand, he likes a lot of different Soup or Salad recipes that
use ingredients that are easier to obtain. There are also the Summer season fireflies
and Fall season dragonflies you can catch to give to him.
Giving Gifts
Favorite Gift
+800 FP

Chop Suey
Cooked Recipe (hordurve): Oil + Cabbage + Shiitake + Carrot + Frying

Normal Items: Apple, Banana, Blue Bouquet, Cherry, Ginseng Tea

(Can), Grape, Magic Blue Flower, Mandarin, Oolong Tea (Can), Peach,
Puer Tea (Can), Pineapple, Sencha Tea (Can), Sunflower Bouquet,
Liked Gifts
+300 FP

Insects: Ancient Dragonfly, Crimson Dragonfly, Emperor Dragonfly,

Emperor Firefly, Lantern Firefly, Mustache Firefly
Fish: Char, Crab, Large Char, Large Sea Bass, Sea Bass, Small Char,
Small Crab, Small Sea Bass

304 | H M : T o T T

Cooked Recipes: (salad) Onion Salad, Potato Salad, Herb Salad,

Caprese Salad, Mimosa Salad, Boiled Spinach, Asazuke, Cucumber
Namul, Daikon Salad, (soup) Gazpacho, Bouillabaisse, Corn Soup, Onion
Soup, Pumpkin Soup, Asparagus Soup, Radish Soup, Soybean Soup,
(hordurve) Sauted Turnips, French Fries, Potato Pancakes, Hash
Browns, Cabbage Roll, Fruit Sandwich, Boiled Potato, Roasted Corn,
Miso Eggplant, Roasted Eggplant, Baked Yam, Vegetable Stir Fry,
Simmered Potato, Boiled Pumpkin, Ganmodoki, Boiled Daikon, Shredded
Daikon, (main) Vegetable Curry, (dessert) Yam Dessert, Chocolate
Banana, Stewed Apple, Apple Pie, Pineapple Pie, Strawberry Pie, Strawb
Ice Cream, (misc) Sencha Tea, Puer Tea, Oolong Tea, Ginseng Tea
Standard Gifts
+50 FP

Disliked Gifts
-300 FP

All other items not listed

Normal Items: Animal Medicine, Apricot Wine, Beer, Branch, Butter,
Cheese, Chestnut Wine, Chicha, Chicken Feed, Egg, Fall Wine, Fish
Bones, Fish Food, Fish Treat, Four Seasons Wine, Fruit Wine, Fruit
Yogurt, Golden Milk, Good Butter, Good Cheese, Good Fruit Yogurt,
Good Herb Butter, Good Herb Mayo, Good Herb Cheese, Good
Mayonnaise, Good Yogurt, Grain Treat, Great Butter, Great Cheese,
Great Fruit Yogurt, Great Herb Butter, Great Herb Mayo, Great Herb
Cheese, Great Mayonnaise, Great Yogurt, Herb Butter, Herb Cheese,
Herb Mayonnaise, Honey Wine, Horse Treat, Jersey Milk, Lumber,
Material Stone, Mayonnaise, Nutra Treat, Old Ball, Old Boot, Owl Food,
Pet Food, Plum Wine, Poison Mushroom, Red Wine, Rose Wine, Sangria,
Scrap Metal, Snowball, Spring Wine, Stone, Summer Wine, Treat, Weed,
Vegetable Treat, Yogurt
Insects: (None)
Fish: (None)

Horror Gift:
-1000 FP

Cooked Recipes: Failed Dish, (hordurve) Cheese Dumpling, (main)

Omelet, Omelet Rice, Cheese Fondue, Meuniere, Macaroni & Cheese,
Milk Curry, Cheese Croquette, (dessert) Pudding, Cheesecake, Pancake,
Donuts, Cake, Party Cheesecake, Trifle, Scone, Pumpkin Pudding, (misc)
Milk Tea, Royal Milk Tea, Caf au Lait, Cappuccino, Hot Milk, Red Wine
(Glass), Chicha (Glass), Beer (Glass), Honey Wine (Glass), Chestnut
Wine Gls, Spring Wine (Gls), Summer Wine (Gls), Fall Wine (Glass), 4
Seasons Wine Gls, Fruit Wine (Glass), Rose Wine (Glass)
Produced from Cows

Daily Schedule
Monday through Thursday, Sunday; Sunny, Snowy, or half-day Rainy:

6:00 am to 8:00 am - Mako's house

8:00 am to 6:30 pm - Konohana Town (in the orchard)
6:30 pm to 9:00 pm - Konohana Town Hall
9:30 pm to midnight - Mako's house

305 | H M : T o T T

Friday or Saturday; Sunny, Snowy, or half-day Rainy:

6:00 am to 10:00 am - Mako's house

10:30 am to 2:00 pm - Yun's Tea House
2:00 pm to 4:00 pm - Walking to Konohana Mid-Mountain
4:00 pm to 10:00 pm - Konohana Mid-Mountain (southern area)
10:00 pm to midnight - Walking back to Mako's house

Sunday through Saturday; full-day Rainy or Stormy:

6:00 am to midnight - Mako's House

The son of Ina, the mayor of Konohana Town, Rahi is a serious child. He
doesn't get into a lot of trouble or michief, and acts as well as any future
mayor might behave. Rahi likes to play with Ying, the other little girl in
Konohana Town. He worries about his friend's health like any little
mayor-in-training might do in the future.
Birthday: Fall 16
Family: Ina (mom)
Favorite Wild Animals: None
Disliked Wild Animals: None
Friendship Tips: Rahi's favorite is Mixed Smoothie. If you don't have a Banana to
make the Mixed Juice needed to make a smoothie, you can buy Mixed Juice from
Yun's Tea House during the Spring season for 530 G. Then simply combine the juice
with milk to make a Mixed Smoothie. You can also buy Mixed Smoothie directly from
Yun during the Winter season; a Mixed Smoothie costs 700 G each.
Giving Gifts
Favorite Gift
+800 FP

Mixed Smoothie
Cooked Recipe (Miscellaneous): Mixed Juice + (Milk or Jersey Milk or
Golden Milk) + Spice Rack
Normal Items: Adamantite, Agate, Amethyst, Bok Choy Kimchi, Cabbage
Kimchi, Copper, Cucumber Kimchi, Cured Daikon, Diamond, Emerald,
Flourite, Gold, Jade, Magic Blue Flower, Mithril, Mixed Kimchi, Moon
Stone, Mythic Stone, Ore Stone, Orichalcum, Peridot, Pink Diamond, Red
Bouquet, Ruby, Sandrose, Silver, Stone Tablet, Topaz

Liked Gifts
+300 FP

Insects: Ancient Dragonfly, Ant Hill Cricket, Atlas Beetle, Bear Cicada,
Chattering Cicada, Crimson Dragonfly, Emma Field Cricket, Emperor
Dragonfly, Emperor Firefly, Helena Morpho, Hercules Beetle, Lantern
Firefly, Migratory Locust, Mustache Firefly, Oki Butterfly, Princess Cicada,
Spotted Pond Frog, White Giant Beetle, White Morpho
Fish: all "Large" fish (except Large Goby, Large Icefish, and Large
Killifish), Bonito, Dogfish Shark, Ocean Sunfish, Moray Eel, Tuna

306 | H M : T o T T

Cooked Recipes: (horderve) Tteokbokki, (main) Canap, Curry

Dumpling, Dry curry, Curry Rice, Vegetable Curry, Spicy Curry, Seaweed
Curry, Milk Curry, Rainbow Curry, Ultimate Curry, Finest Curry, Kimchi
Stew, Bibimbap, (misc) Peach Juice, Banana Juice, Apple Juice,
Mandarine Juice, Mixed Juice, Plum Juice
Standard Gifts
+50 FP

Disliked Gifts
-300 FP

All other items not listed

Normal Items: Animal Medicine, Butter, Branch, Buckwheat Tea Can,
Cheese, Chicken Feed, Fish Bones, Fish Food, Fish Fossil, Fodder, Fruit
Yogurt, Ginseng Tea (Can), Good Butter, Good Cheese, Good Fruit
Yogurt, Good Herb Cheese, Good Herb Mayo, Good Mayonnaise, Good
Yogurt, Grain Treat, Great Butter, Great Cheese, Great Fruit Yogurt,
Great Herb Butter, Great Herb Cheese, Great Herb Mayo, Great
Mayonnaise, Great Yogurt, Green Tea (Can), Herb Butter, Herb Cheese,
Herb Mayonnaise, Horse Treat, Legendary Treasure, Letter in a Bottle,
Lumber, Matcha Tea (Can), Material Stone, Mayonnaise, Natto, Nutra
Treat, Old Ball, Old Boot, Oolong Tea (Can), Owl Food, Pet Food, Poison
Mushroom, Puer Tea (Can), Scrap Metal, Sencha Tea (Can), Snowball,
Stone, Treat, Vegetable Treat, Weed, Yogurt
Insects: (None)
Fish: all "Small" fish except Small Blue Crab

Horror Gift:
-1000 FP

Cooked Recipes: Failed Dish, (horderve) Roasted Eggplant, Miso

Eggplant, Okara, Deep-Fried Tofu, Dried Tofu, Boiled Tofu, Yuba Tofu,
Cold Tofu, Dashi Egg, Simmered Potato, Boiled Pumpkin, Ganmodoki,
Boiled Daikon, Shredded Daikon, (main) Egg Custard, Egg Rice, Grilled
Fish, Fish Stew, Rice Porridge, (misc) Green Tea, Macha Tea, Sencha
Tea, Puer Tea, Oolong Tea, Buckwheat Tea, Ginseng Tea
Fried Tofu
Cooked Recipe (Hordurve): Tofu + Flour + Pot

Daily Schedule
Sunday, Monday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday; Sunny, Snowy, or half-day Rainy

6:00 am to 8:30 am - Town Hall

8:30 am to 12:00 pm - Konohana Town
12:00 pm to 5:00 pm - Konohana Entrance
5:30 pm to midnight - Town Hall

Tuesday or Wednesday; Sunny, Snowy, or half-day Rainy

6:00 am to 12:30 pm - Town Hall

12:30 pm to 5:00 pm - Konohana Town
5:00 pm to midnight - Town Hall

Sunday through Saturday; full-day Rainy or Stormy:

6:00 am to midnight - Town Hall

307 | H M : T o T T

Raul runs the general goods shop in Konohana Town. His other
twin brothers, Enrique and Diego, do the same thing in Bluebell
Town. The poncho-wearing brothers will typically have the same
items for sale in their shops, but Raul sells Rice whereas Enrique
sells Flour.
On Sundays, you'll find Raul traveling across the mountain to visit
his brothers in Bluebell Town. Even after the tunnel between the
two towns has been completed Raul (and his brothers) still take
the long hike over the mountain to visit one another.
Birthday: Summer 21
Family: Enrique (brother) and Diego (brother)
Favorite Wild Animals: None
Disliked Wild Animals: All animals
Friendship Tips: Raul likes all types of fireflies. You can find the bugs in summer
season at night time. If you have the Drink Maker machine in Bluebell Town, you can
make him alchoholic drinks but it will take you awhile to get the maker machine built
on your farm. The ores and gems that he likes can be found after Eileen has built the
access to the mine inside the tunnel.
Giving Gifts
Favorite Gift
+800 FP

Cooked Recipe (hordurve): Potato + Oil + Breadcrumbs + Frying Pan
Normal Items: Adamantite, Agate, Amethyst, Beer, Bok Choy Kimchi,
Cabbage Kimchi, Chestnut Wine, Chicha, Chili Pepper, Coin, Copper,
Cucumber Kimchi, Daikon Kimchi, Diamond, Emerald, Fall Wine, Fish
Fossil, Flourite, Four Seasons Wine, Fruit Wine, Gold, Gold Egg, Honey
Wine, Jade, Legendary Treasure, Magic Red Flower, Mithril, Mixed
Kimchi, Moon Stone, Mythic Stone, Orichalcum, Peridot, Pink Diamond,
Plum Wine, Red Bouquet, Red Wine, Ruby, Rose Wine, Sandrose,
Sangria, Silver, Spring Wine, Stone Tablet, Summer Wine, Topaz
Insects: All fireflies

Liked Gifts
+300 FP

Fish: (None)
Cooked Recipes: (hordurve) French Fries, Curry Bread, Cream
Croquette, Cheese Croquette, Focaccia, Arancini, Curry Dumpling,
Tempura, Spring Roll, Fried Tofu, Deep-Fried Tofu, Tteokbokki, (main)
Dry Curry, Curry Rice, Vegetable Curry, Spicy Curry, Seaweed Curry, Milk
Curry, Rainbow Curry, Ultimate Curry, Supreme Curry, Tempura Rice,
Tempura Noodles, Tempura Soba, Kimchi Stew, Bibimbap, (misc) Red
Wine (Glass), Chicha (Glass), Beer (Glass), Honey Wine (Glass),
Chestnut Wine Gls, Spring Wine (Gls), Summer Wine (Gls), Fall Wine
(Glass), 4 Seasons Wine Gls, Fruit Wine (Glass), Rose Wine (Glass)

Standard Gifts
+50 FP

All other items not listed

308 | H M : T o T T

Normal Items: Animal Medicine, Black Tea (Can), Branch, Chicken Feed,
Cocoa, Cocoa Pack, Fall Tea (Can), Fish Bones, Fish Food, Fish Treat,
Fodder, Gold Tea (Can), Grain Treat, Herb Tea (Can), Letter in a Bottle,
Lumber, Material Stone, Nutra Treat, Horse Treat, Old Ball, Old Boot, Ore
Stone, Owl Food, Pet Food, Poison Mushroom, Rose Tea (Can),
Snowball, Spring Tea (Can), Stone, Summer Tea (Can), Treat, Vegetable
Treat, Weed
Disliked Gifts
-300 FP

Insects: All dragonflies, All frogs, All butterflies, All beetles, All cicadas,
All grasshoppers / locusts / crickets

Horror Gift:
-1000 FP

Cooked Recipes: Failed Dish, (dessert) All desserts, (misc) Herb Tea,
Honey Tea, Rose Tea, Milk Tea, Royal Milk Tea, Russian Tea, Spring
Tea, Summer Tea, Fall Tea, Gold Tea, Honey Shake, Yogurt Shake,
Peach Juice, Banana Juice, Apple Juice, Mandarin Juice, Mixed Juice,
Mixed Smoothie, Plum Juice
Scrap Metal
Can be found in the tunnel or on mountain foraging spots

Daily Schedule
Monday through Saturday; Sunny, Snowy, or half-day Rainy:

6:00 am to midnight - Raul's Shop

Sunday; Sunny, Snowy, or half-day Rainy:

6:00 am to 7:30 am - Raul's Shop

7:30 am to 6:00 pm - Walking to Bluebell Town
6:00 pm to midnight - Enrique's Shop

Sunday; Stormy or full-day Rainy:

6:00 am to midnight - Raul's Shop

As the town blacksmith, Sheng will upgrade your watering can, hoe, or
sickle once per season. Keep an eye on the message board in
Konohana Town to see his requests. After you have upgraded the
same tool five times, Sheng will put a "Power Up" challenge request on
the message board. He can't upgrade that specific tool again until you
finish the difficult request.
Sheng is also a panda fanatic, and knows a lot about the wild animal.
He even dresses like a Panda!
Birthday: Fall 8
Family: None
Favorite Wild Animals: None
Disliked Wild Animals: None
309 | H M : T o T T

Friendship Tips: Is he a crazy old man who thinks he is a panda? The easiest thing
to get for Sheng is Bamboo, which grows wild during the Spring and Summer
seasons. Even in its off-season, you can get Bamboo by completing requests placed
by Ying on the Konohana message board. Sheng also likes tea, which you can
typically buy cheaply at Yun's Tea House.
The jewels that he likes are not easy to get until after you have had Eileen build the
entrance to the tunnel mine. She will only give you this option once you have
completed the tunnel between the two towns and you have constructed either the
Bluebell farm or Konohana farm up to 100% size. It will be a long time in-game
before you can get jewels for Sheng.
Giving Gifts
Favorite Gift
+800 FP

Found in the tunnel mine
Normal Items: Adamantite, Amethyst, Bamboo, Buckwheat Tea Can,
Colorful Bouquet, Copper, Diamond, Flourite, Gold, Emerald, Ginseng
Tea (Can), Green Tea (Can), Jade, Magic Red Flower, Matcha Tea
(Can), Mithril, Moon Stone, Mythic Stone, Oolong Tea (Can), Ore Stone,
Orichalcum, Peridot, Pink Diamond, Puer Tea (Can), Ruby, Sandrose,
Sencha Tea (Can), Silver, Stone Tablet, Topaz
Insects: (None)

Liked Gifts
+300 FP

Fish: Blue Crab, Bonito, Char, Eel, Flounder, Large Char, Large Eel,
Large Loach, Large Sea Bass, Large Smelt, Large Sweetfish, Large
Trout, Loach, Mackerel, Salmon, Sea Bass, Shishamo, Small Char, Small
Eel, Small Loach, Small Salmon, Small Sea Bass, Small Shishamo, Small
Smelt, Small Sweetfish, Small Trout, Smelt, Special Salmon, Special
Shishamo, Sweetfish, Tuna, Trout
Cooked Recipes: Green Tea, Macha Tea, Sencha Tea, Puer Tea,
Oolong Tea, Buckwheat Tea, Ginseng Tea

Standard Gifts
+50 FP

All other items not listed

Normal Items: Animal Medicine, Blue Rose, Branch, Carnation,
Casablanca, Chamomile, Chicken Feed, Fish Bones, Fish Food, Fish
Fossil, Fodder, Gentian, Gerbera, Grain Treat, Horse Treat, Lavender,
Legendary Treasure, Letter in a Bottle, Lumber, Marguerite, Material
Stone, Mint, Nadeshiko, Nutra Treat, Old Ball, Old Boot, Owl Food, Pet
Food, Pink Rose, Poison Mushroom, Red Rose, Scrap Metal, Snowball,
Snowdrop, Stone, Sunflower, Treat, Vegetable Treat, Weed, White Rose

Disliked Gifts
-300 FP

Insects: All insects

Fish: Black Bass, Bluegill, Carp, Dogfish Shark, Funa, Goby, Icefish,
Killifish, Large Black Bass, Large Bluegill, Large Funa, Large Goby, Large
Icefish, Large Killifish, Large Masu Salmon, Large Snakehead, Masu
Salmon, Moray Eel, Ocean Sunfish, Small Black Bass, Small Blue Crab,
Small Bluegill, Small Carp, Small Crab, Small Funa, Small Goby, Small
Icefish, Small Killifish, Small Masu Salmon, Small Snakehead, Snakehead
Cooked Recipes: Failed Dish

310 | H M : T o T T

Horror Gift:
-1000 FP

Brown Cicada
Summer season - Bluebell Low Mountain

Daily Schedule
Sunday through Tuesday, Thursday through Saturday; any weather:

6:00 am to midnight - Blacksmith Shop

Wednesday, before tunnel completion; Sunny, Snowy, or half-day Rainy:

6:00 am to 12:00 pm - Blacksmith Shop

12:00 pm to 5:00 pm - Outside the Blacksmith Shop
5:00 pm to midnight - Blacksmith Shop

Wednesday, after tunnel completion; Sunny, Snowy, or half-day Rainy:

6:00 am to 9:00 am - Blacksmith Shop

9:00 am to 11:00 am - (walking from shop through the tunnel)
11:00 am to 12:00 pm - Bluebell Entrance
12:00 pm to 4:30 pm - Bluebell Town
4:30 pm to 7:00 pm - (walking from Bluebell through the tunnel)
7:00 pm to midnight - Blacksmith Shop

Wednesday; full-day Rainy or Stormy:

6:00 am to midnight - Blacksmith Shop

Ying lives with her grandmother Yun in the back room of the tea house
in Konohana Town. Ying's health is fairly weak, so her parents sent her
to live in the little town with Grandma Yun. Ying is somewhat lonely,
but she does have her stuffed panda toy and visits from Rahi to break
up the dullness of country living. She misses her parents greatly.
Birthday: Winter 19
Family: Yun (grandmother)
Favorite Wild Animals: None
Disliked Wild Animals: None
Friendship Tips: Ying is fond of cooked desserts, but not all desserts. Herb Soup is
rather easy to make; just combine Chamomile and an Onion into a pot. Caprese
Salad is an easy summertime gift, since you just haave to combine a Tomato with Oil.
You can buy some of the items from Howard's Cafe and Yun's Tea House.
There are a few hard-to-catch bugs that she likes but if it isn't a butterfly or firefly,
don't give it to her. She doesn't like any other types of insects.

311 | H M : T o T T

Giving Gifts
Favorite Gift
+800 FP

Cooked Recipe (dessert): Milk + Egg + Flour + Butter + (any type of
Honey) + Frying Pan
Normal Items: Buckwheat Tea Can, Ginseng Tea (Can), Herb Tea (Can),
Letter in a Bottle, Magic Red Flower, Rose Tea (Can), Sunflower Bouquet
Insects: Emperor Firefly, Helena Morpho, Lantern Firefly, Mustache
Firefly, Oki Butterfly, White Morpho

Liked Gifts
+300 FP

Standard Gifts
+50 FP

Fish: (None)
Cooked Recipes: (salad) Caprese Salad, Asazuke, Cucumber Namul,
Tofu Salad, Daikon Salad, (soup) Corn Soup, Onion Soup, Pumpkin
Soup, Soy Milk, Miso Soup, Herb Soup, Asparagus Soup, Radish Soup,
(hordurve) Honey Toast, Miso Eggplant, Baked Yam, Sashimi, Fish
Paste, Vegetable Stir Fry, Spring Roll, Okara, Boiled Tofu, Cold Tofu,
Yuba Tofu, Dashi Egg, Shredded Daikon, Boiled Daikon, (main) Egg Rice
Bowl, Sushi, Sushi Bowl, Udon Noodles, Kappa Roll, Tekka Roll, Oshinko
Roll, (dessert) Yam Dessert, Chocolate Banana, Stewed Apple, Apple
Pie, Pineapple Pie, Strawberry Pie, Cheesecake, Sponge Cake, Pudding,
Cookies, Ice Cream, Cake, Party Cake, Honey Cake, Party Cheesecake,
Trifle, Baumkuchen, Mont Blanc, Scone, Strawb. Ice Cream, Matcha Ice
Cream, Fruit Parfait, Honey Pudding, Soy Milk Pudding, Egg Tart,
Strawberry Candy, Sweet Dumpling, Bamboo Dumpling, Fruit Shiratama,
Chestnut Bun, Green Rice Candy, Soba Dumplings, Soybean Rice
Candy, Almond Tofu, Cherry Pie, 3 Color Dumplings, (misc) Herb Tea,
Rose Tea, Buckwheat Tea, Ginseng Tea
All other items not listed
Normal Items: Animal Medicine, Branch, Cabbage Kimchi, Chicken
Feed, Cucumber Kimchi, Cured Bok Choy, Daikon Kimchi, Fish Bones,
Fish Food, Fish Treat, Fodder, Grain Treat, Horse Treat, Lumber, Material
Stone, Mixed Kimchi, Nutra Treat, Old Ball, Old Boot, Owl Food, Pet
Food, Poison Mushroom, Scrap Metal, Snowball, Stone, Treat, Vegetable
Treat, Weed
Insects: All dragonflies, All frogs, All beetles, All cicadas, All
grasshoppers / crickets / locust

Disliked Gifts
-300 FP

Fish: Bonito, Dogfish Shark, Moray Eel, Large Black Bass, Large Bluegill,
Large Char, Large Eel, Large Funa, Large Loach, Large Masu Salmon,
Large Sea Bass, Large Snakehead, Large Sweetfish, Large Trout, Ocean
Sunfish, Tuna
Cooked Recipes: Failed Dish, (hordurve) Fried Potato, Potato Pancakes,
Hash Browns, Boiled Potato, Fried Egg, Croquette, Cream Croquette,
Cheese Croquette, Focaccia, Fish and Chips, Pot Sticker, Tempura,
Curry Dumpling, Deep-Fried Tofu, Ganmodoki, (main) Omelet, Omelet
Rice, Gratin, Pizza, Meuniere Marinated Fish, Risotto, Curry Rice,
Vegetable Curry, Spicy Curry, Seaweed Curry, Milk Curry, Rainbow
Curry, Ultimate Curry, Supreme Curry, Spaghetti, Herb Spaghetti, Mixed
Rice, Inari Sushi, Kitsune Udon, Tempura Udon, Tempura Soba,
Yakisoba, Kimchi Stew, Bibimbap, (dessert) Donuts, Churros

312 | H M : T o T T

Horror Gift:
-1000 FP

Tempura Bowl
Cooked Recipe (main): Cooked Rice + Tempura + Pot

Daily Schedule
Sunday, Monday, or Friday; Sunny, Snowy, or half-day Rainy:

6:00 am to 2:00 pm - Yun's Tea House

2:00 pm to 5:00 pm - Konohana Town (outside the tea house)
5:00 pm to midnight - Yun's Tea House

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Saturday; Sunny, Snowy, or half-day Rainy:

6:00 am to 12:00 pm - Yun's Tea House

12:00 pm to 5:00 pm - Konohana Town
5:00 pm to midnight - Yun's Tea House

Sunday through Saturday; Stormy or full-day Rainy;

6:00 am to midnight - Yun's Tea House

Yun runs the tea house in Konohana Town. She creates the dishes to
be served at her restaurant as well as take care of her granddaughter,
Ying, who has come to live with her. Yun doesn't leave her shop very
often, but she gets to take a break on Tuesdays.
Birthday: Winter 12
Family: Ying (granddaughter)
Favorite Wild Animals: None
Disliked Wild Animals: None
Friendship Tips: Yun likes Oolong, Puer, and Sencha Teas. Luckly, she will sell
these in her tea house; Sencha Tea during Spring and the other two during Fall
season. Many of the other dishes she likes can also be purchased from her shop but
there isn't anything in Howard's cafe that she likes. Yun does sell Mixed Rice in Fall,
but it costs 460 G a piece!
If you find yourself with a lot of Goby from fishing, turn it into Sashimi and give it to
Yun to raise friendship with her.

313 | H M : T o T T

Giving Gifts
Favorite Gift
+800 FP

Mixed Rice
Cooked Recipe (main): Carrot + Cooked Rice + Deep-Fried Tofu + Pot
Normal Items: Moondrop Flower, Oolong Tea (Can), Puer Tea (Can),
Sencha Tea (Can), White Bouquet
Insects: (None)
Fish: (None)

Liked Gifts
+300 FP

Standard Gifts
+50 FP

Cooked Recipes: (salad) Boiled Spinach, Azasuke, Cucumber Namul,

Daikon Salad, (soup) Soy Milk, Miso Soup, (horderve) Miso Eggplant,
Roasted Eggplant, Baked Yam, Egg Custard, Sashimi, Fish Paste,
Vegetable Stir Fry, Chop Suey, Steamed Dumpling, Pot Sticker, Chinese
Dumpling, Curry Dumpling, Cheese Dumpling, Tempura, Spring Roll,
Tofu, Okara, Fried Tofu, Deep-Fried Tofu, Dried Tofu, Boiled Tofu, Cold
Tofu, Yuba Tofu, Dashi Egg, Simmered Potato, Boiled Pumpkin,
Ganmodoki, Boiled Daikon, Shredded Daikon, Tuna Yukhoe, Tteokbokki,
(main) Egg Rice Bowl, Sushi, Sushi Bowl, Grilled Fish, Fish Stew,
Mushroom Rice, Shimeji Rice, Tempura Bowl, Inari Sushi, Okonomiyaki,
Udon Noodles, Kitsune Udon, Tempura Udon, Fried Udon, Chestnut Rice,
Natto Rice, Bamboo Shoot Rice, Natto Rice, Kappa Roll, Tekka Roll,
Oshinko Roll, Soy Milk Stew, Oden, (dessert) Strawberry Candy, Sweet
Dumplings, Bamboo Dumpling, Fruit Shiratama, Chestnut Bun, Green
Rice Candy, Soba Dumplings, Soybean Rice Candy, Almond Tofu, 3
Color Dumplings, (misc) Sencha Tea, Puer Tea, Oolong Tea
All other items not listed
Normal Items: Animal Medicine, Apricot Wine, Branch, Chestnut Wine,
Chicken Feed, Cocoa Pack, Fish Bones, Fish Food, Fish Treat, Fodder,
Fruit Wine, Grain Treat, Honey Wine, Horse Treat, Lumber, Material
Stone, Nutra Treat, Old Ball, Old Boot, Owl Food, Pet Food, Plum Wine,
Poison Mushroom, Scrap Metal, Snowball, Stone, Treat, Vegetable Treat,

Disliked Gifts
-300 FP

Insects: All frogs, All crickets / grasshoppers / locusts

Fish: (None)

Horror Gift:
-1000 FP

Cooked Recipes: Failed Dish, (misc) Honey Tea, Hot Milk, Honey Shake,
Peach Juice, Banana Juice, Apple Juice, Mandarin Juice, Mixed
Smoothie, Plum Juice, Plum Wine (Glass), Apricot Wine (Gls), Honey
Wine (Glass), Chestnut Wine Gls
Mixed Juice
Cooked Recipe (misc): Banana + Seasoning Set + Any two of the
following ingredients: Apple, Cherry, Grape, Mandrin, Peach, Pineapple,
Strawberry, Fruit Yogurt, Good Fruit Yogurt, or Great Fruit Yogurt

314 | H M : T o T T

Daily Schedule
Sunday, Monday, Wednesday through Saturday; Sunny, Snowy, or half-day Rainy:

6:00 am to midnight - Yun's Tea House

Tuesday; Sunny, Snowy, or half-day Rainy:

6:00 am to 10:00 am - Yun's Tea House

10:00 am to 1:30 pm - Konohana Town (outside her restaurant)
1:30 pm to 4:00 pm - Konohana Town Hall
4:30 to 6:00 pm - Konohana Entrance
6:30 pm to midnight - Yun's Tea House

Tuesday; Stormy or full-day Rainy:

6:00 am to midnight - Yun's Tea House

Dirk is the mail carrier of the mountain. He travels from town to town
each day and so he can be hard to track down if you don't know his
schedule. He delivers the mail every day except for Sundays and fullday rainy or stormy days.
When you first start the game you won't find Dirk living in Konohana
Town. To unlock him, be in Summer of your first year (or later) and
then walk from the Konohana low-mountain area to the Konohana
entrance area between 9:00 am and 8:00 pm on a sunny, snowy, or
half-day rainy day. You must walk from area to area to unlock him. If
you are riding your horse, the unlocking event won't occur. Also you
do not need to be living in Konohana Town to see the event.
Dirk's friendship flowers are white, not colored! He is a special bachelor and so
he does not have the colored flowers that the other marriage candidates have. You
can still easily tell his friendship with you by counting the white flowers on the
conversation dialog box.
Dirk is not as mischievous as he was in Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar. He still has
his cheery personality and his letter carrier duties keeps him out of trouble.
Birthday: Summer 12
Family: Ivan (brother - not in game)
Favorite Outfit: Classy Outfit
Favorite Animals: All
Disliked Animals: None
Friendship Tips: One of the simplest things you can do is catch the silver and gold
box beetles that you can find on trees during the Summer season. Bugs don't rot so
you can stock up on the free bugs and give them to Dirk in the other seasons.

315 | H M : T o T T

Dirk also likes tea drinks, which you can find for sale at Yun's Tea House in
Konohana Town. Green Tea is 70 G each in Spring, Matcha Tea is 80 G in Summer,
and Puer Tea is 90 G each in Fall. Yun doesn't sell an inexpensive tea during Winter,
but you can buy Ginseng Tea from her for 390 G each.
Curry dishes are also well liked by the postman. You can buy the Rice from Raul's
for 180 G each, Curry Powder for 220 G each (from either brother), and then
combine them into Curry Rice with your cooking Pot.
Giving Gifts
Favorite Gift
+800 FP

Cream Croquette
Cooked Recipe (horderve): Oil + Bread Crumbs + Potato + (Milk or Jersey
Milk or Gold Milk) + Frying Pan
Normal Items: Buckwheat Tea Can, Fall Tea Leaves, Fish Fossil,
Ginseng Tea (Can), Green Tea (Can), Oolong Tea (Can), Legendary
Treasure, Letter in a Bottle, Matcha Tea (Can), Magic Red Flower, Puer
Tea (Can), Red Bouquet, Red Rose, Sencha Tea (Can), Spring Tea
Leaves, Summer Tea Leaves, Sunflower, Sunflower Bouquet
Insects: Anubis Beetle, Atlas Beetle, Big Pincer Beetle, Elephant Beetle,
Pincer Beetle, Hercules Beetle, Rhinoceros Beetle, Stag Beetle, White
Beetle, White Giant Beetle, White Hill Beetle, White Morn Beetle

Liked Gifts
+300 FP

Fish: (None)
Cooked Recipes: (horderve) Arancini, Boiled Tofu, (main) Omelet Rice,
Cheese Fondue, Tomato Fondue, Pink Fondue, Gratin, Pizza, Risotto,
Doria, Farmer's Breakfast, Dry Curry, Curry Rice, Vegetable Curry, Spicy
Curry, Seaweed Curry, Milk Curry, Rainbow Curry, Ultimate Curry,
Supreme Curry, Paella, Egg Rice Bowl, Sushi Bowl, Fried Rice, Mixed
Rice, Mushroom Rice, Shimeji Rice, Tempura Bowl, Okonomiyaki, Fried
Udon, Tempura Soba, Yakisoba, Milk Stew, Oden, (dessert) Party Cake,
Choc. Party Cake, Party Cheesecake, (misc) Green Tea, Matcha Tea,
Sencha Tea, Puer Tea, Oolong Tea, Buckwheat Tea, Ginseng Tea

Standard Gifts
+50 FP

Disliked Gifts
-300 FP

All other items not listed

Normal Items: Animal Medicine, Apricot Wine, Bok Choy Kimchi, Branch,
Brown Alpaca Yarn, Cabbage Kimchi, Chestnut Wine, Chicken Feed,
Cucumber Kimchi, Daikon Kimchi, Fish Bone, Fish Food, Fish Treat,
Fodder, Fruit Wine, Grain Treat, Great Yarn Ball, Honey Wine, Horse
Treat, Lumber, Material Stone, Mixed Kimchi, Mixed Pickles, Nutra Treat,
Old Ball, Old Boot, Owl Food, Pet Food, Pickled Cucumber, Pickled
Carrot, Pickled Onion, Pickled Radish, Plum Wine, Poison Mushroom,
Scrap Metal, Snowball, Stone, Suffolk Yarn Ball, Treat, Vegetable Treat,
Weed, White Alpaca Yarn, Yarn Ball
Insects: (None)
Fish: All fish

316 | H M : T o T T

Horror Gift:
-1000 FP

Cooked Recipes: Failed Dish, (salad) Turnip Salad, Tomato Salad,

Onion Salad, Herb Salad, Caprese Salad, Mimosa Salad, Boiled Spinach,
Asazuke, Tofu Salad, Pasta Salad, Daikon Salad, Mixed Salad, (soup)
Soy Milk, (horderve) Popcorn, Corn Cereal, Boiled Egg, Fried Egg,
Roasted Mushroom, Sandwich, Herb Sandwich, Fruit Sandwich, Raisen
Bread, Jelly Bread, Curry Bread, Toast, French Toast, Honey Toast,
Canap, Miso Eggplant, Roasted Eggplant, Fish Paste, Okara, DeepFried Tofu, Cold Tofu, Yuba Tofu, Ganmodoki, (main) Spaghetti,
Spaghetti Soup, Lasagna, Inari Sushi, Rice Porridge, Kitsune Udon, Soy
Milk Stew, Kimchi Stew, (dessert) Scone, Honey Pudding, (misc) Plum
Wine (Glass), Apricot Wine (Gls), Sangria, Honey Wine (Glass), Chestnut
Wine Gls
Simmered Potato
Cooked Recipe (horderve): Potato + Pot

Monday through Saturday (before tunnel completion); Sunny, Snowy, or half-day

6:00 am to 6:30 am - Dirk's house

7:00 am to 11:00 am - (walking from building to building in Konohana Town)
11:00 am to 1:00 pm - (Kana's shop, then towards the mountain)
1:00 pm to 3:00 pm - (walking across the mountain)
3:00 pm to 4:30 pm - Bluebell entrance area
4:30 pm to 7:30 pm - (walking from building to building in Bluebell Town)
7:30 pm to midnight - (walking back to Konohana Town)

Monday through Saturday (after tunnel completion); Sunny, Snowy, or half-day


6:00 am to 6:30 am - Dirk's house

7:00 am to 11:00 am - (walking from building to building in Konohana Town)
11:00 am to 1:00 pm - (Kana's shop, then by the field by his house)
1:00 pm to 2:30 pm - (walking through the tunnel to Bluebell Town)
2:30 pm to 3:30 pm - Bluebell entrance area
3:30 pm to 7:30 pm - (walking from building to building in Bluebell Town)
7:30 pm to 9:30 pm - (walking through the tunnel to Konohana Town)
9:30 pm to midnight - Dirk's house

Sunday; Sunny, Snowy, or half-day Rainy:

6:00 am to 12:00 pm - Dirk's house

12:00 pm to 4:00 pm - Konohana entrance area (by his field, by Kana's shop,
4:00 pm to 5:00 pm - (walking to Yun's Tea House)
5:00 pm to 6:00 pm - Yun's Tea House
6:00 pm to 7:00 pm - (walking home)
7:00 pm to midnight - Dirk's house

Sunday through Saturday; Stormy or full-day Rainy:

6:00 am to midnight - Dirk's house
317 | H M : T o T T

Dirks Flower Events

Date Information

Date Times: Thursdays and Saturdays (6:00 pm to 10:00 pm), or Sundays

(11:00 am to 4:00 pm)
Date Locations: Good = Dirk's House, Yun's Tea House, Bridge, Neutral =
Waterfall, Bad = Mountain

Marriage Requirements
Dirk doesn't have any flower events that you'll need to
trigger if you want to marry him. Instead, he has a lot
of extra marriage requirements you must complete.
You will need to finish the basic marriage
requirements of a house upgrade and be in year 2 or
later. Because Dirk is a special bachelor he has the
normal white friendship flowers, and you need to have
them at the full-bloom friendship flower level (60,000
FP or more). You will also need to:

complete the tunnel between the towns

go on at least 50 dates with him
give at least 80 gifts
give his favorite gift, Cream Croquette, at least once

The game does not keep track of your dates with the bachelors, so you will need to
manually count the number of dates the two of you go on. Once you've completed all
of the requirements, you can give Dirk the blue feather to propose marriage. Dirk
does not have a reverse proposal.
Even after marriage he will continue to deliver the towns' mail. He will be home all
day on Sundays and stormy or full-day rainy days. On his work days he'll be home
until 6:30 am and then be out and about making deliveries until 8:00 pm.
Hiro is Ayame's apprentice at the clinic in Konohana Town. As a doctorin-training, he cares for everyone who lives in the area and hopes to
some day be as great of a doctor as his dad. Hiro puts a lot of care into
the health of his patients and won't hesitate to give advice if he feels it
is necessary.
He is always easy to find because he never leaves Konohana Town.
Birthday: Winter 05
Family: Dad (not in the game), Mom (not in the game)
Favorite Outfit: Hip Outfit
Favorite Wild Animals: None
Disliked Wild Animals: None
Friendship Tips: His favorite dish, Gratin, can be purchased at Howard's Cafe
during winter for 390 G each. It can take awhile to make in your own kitchen, as it
318 | H M : T o T T

requires Cheese. You need to upgrade the Bluebell Farm until you get the Maker
Shed built. Sometimes you can get cheese from Ash and Cheryl's help requests on
the Bluebell board.
Fried Egg is also a simple dish (Egg + Oil + Frying Pan) but it is also easy to simply
buy dessert dishes from Howard's or tea drinks from Yun's Restaurant. If you go
bare-handed fishing you can pick up the small crabs that he likes. The pickling jar is
a maker built on the Konohana farm late in the game, so that one will take awhile as
Giving Gifts
Favorite Gift
+800 FP

Cooked Recipe (main): Onion + Penne Pasta + (Cheese or Good Cheese
or Great Cheese) + Frying Pan
Normal Items: Blue Bouquet, Buckwheat Tea Can, Fish Fossil, Ginseng
Tea (Can), Green Tea (Can), Letter in a Bottle, Magic Water, Matcha Tea
(Can), Mixed Pickles, Moondrop Flower, Oolong Tea (Can), Pickled
Carrot, Pickled Cucumber, Pickled Onion, Pickled Radish, Puer Tea
(Can), Sencha Tea (Can), Stamina Booster, Stamina Saver
Insects: (None)
Fish: Blue Crab, Large Killifish, Small Blue Crab, Smelt

Liked Gifts
+300 FP

Standard Gifts
+50 FP

Cooked Recipes: (soup) Vichyssoise, Corn Soup, Pumpkin Soup,

(horderve) French Fries, Fried Egg, Croquette, Cream Croquette, Cheese
Croquette, Honey Toast, (main) Omelet Rice, Spaghetti Soup, Sushi
Bowl, Fried Rice, (dessert) Cheesecake, Pancake, Ice Cream, Cake,
Honey Cake, Chocolate Cake, Party Cake, Choc. Party Cake, Party
Cheesecake, Chocolate Fondue, Choc. Ice Cream, Strawb. Ice Cream,
Matcha Ice Cream, Fruit Parfait, Strawberry Candy, Sweet Dumplings,
Bamboo Dumpling, Fruit Shiratama, Chestnut Bun, Green Rice Candy,
Soba Dumplings, Soybean Rice Candy, Almond Tofu, 3 Color Dumplings,
(misc) Green Tea, Matcha Tea, Sencha Tea, Puer Tea, Oolong Tea,
Buckwheat Tea, Ginseng Tea
All other items not listed
Normal Items: Animal Medicine, Bok Choy Kimchi, Branch, Cabbage
Kimchi, Chicken Feed, Cucumber Kimchi, Daikon Kimchi, Fish Bone, Fish
Food, Fish Treat, Fodder, Grain Treat, Horse Treat, Lumber, Material
Stone, Mixed Kimchi, Nutra Treat, Old Ball, Old Boot, Owl Food, Pet
Food, Poison Mushroom, Red Bouquet, Red Wine, Rose Wine, Scrap
Metal, Snowball, Stone, Treat, Tomato, Vegetable Treat, Weed

Disliked Gifts
-300 FP

Insects: All frogs, All fireflies, All dragonflies

Fish: (None)
Cooked Recipes: Failed Dish, (salad) Tomato Salad, Caprese Salad,
(soup) Gazpacho, Bouillabaisse, Tom Yum Goong, (main) Tomato
Fondue, Risotto, Pizza, Spicy Curry, Lasagna, Kimchi Stew, (misc)
Sangria, Red Wine (Glass)

319 | H M : T o T T

Horror Gift:
-1000 FP

Cooked Recipe (main): Shiitake Mushroom + Cooked Rice + Cucumber
Namul + Frying Pan

Sunday through Thursday, Saturday; Sunny, Snowy, or half-day Rainy:

6:00 am to 9:30 am - Konohana Clinic (upstairs)

9:30 am to 7:30 pm - Konohana Clinic (downstairs)
7:30 pm to midnight - Konohana Clinic (upstairs)

Friday; Sunny, Snowy, or half-day Rainy:

6:00 am to 12:30 pm - Konohana Clinic

12:30 pm to 7:30 pm - Konohana Town area (at the stream by Gombe's shop)
7:30 pm to midnight - Konohana Clinic

Sunday through Saturday; Stormy or full-day Rainy:

6:00 am to midnight - Konohana Clinic

Hiro's Flower Events

Date Information

Date Times: Sunday or Monday (8:00 pm to 10:00 pm), Friday (11:00 am to

8:00 pm)
Date Locations: Good = Hiro's room, Yun's Tea House, Grove, Okay = By
the Tree, Bad = Mountaintop

Purple Flower Event

Time:Friday, 11:00 am to 2:00 pm
Weather: Sunny or Snowy
Date Location: Yun's Tea House
Friendships: Hiro at a Purple Flower color or higher
Hiro tells you that he often comes to Yun's place to
learn her secret recipes. On his days off, he will cook
special meals for Dr. Ayame. Hiro says that he is a
pretty good cook!

Option 1: Cooking is fun (+3000 FP)

He is glad to hear that you think the same way. Hiro invites you to have a
meal with him some day. He'll use all of his skills to make you a feast. Hiro
didn't realize how fast time went by.

320 | H M : T o T T

Option 2: Cooking is boring (-2000 FP)

Hiro doesn't agree with your opinion and finds it to be a shame that you don't
like the art of cooking. He shrugs it off though, and leaves to take care of
other things he needs to do.

Blue Flower Event

Time:Friday, 11:00 am to 2:00 pm
Weather: Sunny or Snowy
Date Location: By the Tree
Friendships: Hiro at a Blue Flower color or higher
The two of you are talking underneath the tree when
Hiro abruptly stops. He was suppose to return a
borrowed book to the Town Hall today and had totally
forgotten about it! You volunteer to go with him to
return the book.
At the Town Hall, Hiro returns the book to Ina and then catches up to you. He
noticed that you were browsing through the books and asks if you've found a book to

Option 1: Borrow medical book. (-3000 FP)

Hiro is sad that you'd check out a book on becoming your own doctor instead
of relying on him and Dr. Ayame for help. He admits that being able to care for
one's health is important but hopes that you will have more faith in them.

Option 2: Borrow cookbook. (+3000 FP)

Hiro has checked out that book too. The detailed photos and recipe
instructions are very easy to follow! All this talk about food has made him
hungry. Hiro thanks you for your company and heads back to the clinic.

Green Flower Event

Time:Sunday or Monday, 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm
Weather: Sunny, Snowy, or Rainy
Date Location: Hiro's room
Friendships: Hiro at a Green Flower color or higher
Hiro shows you the medical books he has to read
because he is the doctor's apprentice. There is a lot of
information he doesn't know and has to study. At first,
he couldn't understand the books, but he learned how
to read them when he studied medicine in the city a long time ago.
When he was younger, he doodled in his dad's medical books, which made his
father angry. In fact, most of the books on the shelf belong to his dad. His dad
became a doctor to help his mom, who has been sickly since she was young. Hiro
321 | H M : T o T T

thinks it is a little romantic. He has respected his dad since childhood and plans to be
as great doctor like his dad, but he hasn't been able to do it. The other day he made
a mistake with his work, and now he doubts if he can do it.

Option 1: Everyone makes mistakes. (-3000 FP)

Well that is true, but a doctor has a person's life in his hands. Small mistakes
can be the difference between life and death. Mistakes are not acceptable. He
apologizes for talking to you for so long.

Option 2: Hard work will pay off. (+3000 FP)

You're right. His father has said the same thing, and had made a lot of
mistakes when he was an apprentice doctor. If he keeps trying, he can
overcome the mistakes. He doesn't have time to feel depressed! Hiro is
determined to study and make more of an effort. He thanks you for helping
him and hopes that he can return the favor sometime.

(Note: You will return back to your farmhouse when the event is over)
Yellow Flower Event
Time:Friday, 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Weather: Sunny or Snowy
Date Location: Grove
Friendship: Hiro at a Yellow Flower color or higher,
Ayame at 25,000 FP (3 flowers = 20,000 FP) or higher
At the rest spot, Hiro notices that something seems to
be bothering you. You weren't responding when he
was talking to you and so he became worried. Even
your face looks pale. He hopes that your farm work isn't making you fatigued, but he
requests that you let him know if you health becomes bad. Even if you think you're
okay, it could be unhealthy. Hiro wants you to go home but take your time doing so.
He starts to leave but stops right as you pass out! Hiro takes you to the clinic.
Dr. Ayame concludes that you were just tired and will be okay after some rest. She
has to check on other patients, but instructs Hiro to look after you. After the doctor
leaves you wake up and hop out of bed. Hiro tells you to stop and that you need to
rest. He fears you are working too hard and you need to rest. You are definitely not

Option 1: Sorry to make you worry. (+3000 FP)

He was worried. You've always have been there to support him, so he wants
to be useful to you. He is just an apprentice, but if there is anything that he
can do for you please call on him. Hiro will do all in his power to aid you. He
blushes and tries to tell you something, but ends up just saying that you're
really good friends. Hiro turns away,annoyed with himself.

322 | H M : T o T T

Option 2: No need to get upset! (-4000 FP)

Don't you know why he's angry? Hiro apologizes for his outburst. He wants
you to be a little more careful about your health. If you can't trust him, then he
will ask Dr. Ayame to take care of you instead. Hiro sadly leaves the room.
Ayame then returns and asks why you thought he was angry at you, as it is
not possible for Hiro to get angry. He was just very worried about you. Doctor
Ayame wants you to depend on him more than just because he's a doctor. If
you need anything, she asks that you give her a call.

Additional Marriage Requirements

You need to have at least 35,000 FP with Dr. Ayame (5 flowers = 40,000 FP) before
you can marry Hiro. You also need the basic requirements of a Red Flower color, be
in year 2 or later, see all 4 of his flower events, and own the husband bed in your
Hiro does have a reverse proposal where he can ask you to marry him. To activate
the reverse proposal he must be at 65,000 FP (max friendship; red flower plus more
FP) and have completed the standard requirements, including Ayame's minimum
friendship level. Trigger a date with him at any of his Good date locations and if you
have completed the requirements, he will ask you to marry him.
Kana is the horse rancher of Konohana Town. He has a fondness
for the animals and likes anyone who enjoys raising horses. In fact,
some might say that he is obsessed with horses. Kana runs the pet
shop in Konohana where he can rent a horse to you. He also sells
dog pets and cat pets.
Birthday: Summer 13
Family: Dad (but he is not in the game)
Favorite Outfit: Cute Outfit
Favorite Wild Animals: All animals
Disliked Wild Animals: None
Friendship Tips: Kana is easy to befriend if you buy Horse Treats from Raul or
Enrique's shops. You can sometimes get Horse Treats from message board
requests. The treats don't lose freshness and are inexpensive at 150 G each. He
also likes any "large" type of fish except for the Large Smelt.
His favorite item, Spicy Curry, is created from items purchased at the shops. The
only thing you need to do is make the Cooked Rice from the Rice you can buy from
Raul. The most expensive piece is the Chili Pepper, which sells for 800 G a piece.
Spicy Curry is not sold at Howard's Cafe or Yun's Tea House, so you must make it

323 | H M : T o T T

Giving Gifts
Favorite Gift
+800 FP

Spicy Curry
Cooked Recipe (main): Chili Pepper + Curry Powder + Cooked Rice + Pot
Normal Items: Apricot Wine, Beer, Cabbage Kimchi, Chestnut Wine,
Chicha, Cucumber Kimchi, Cured Bok Choy, Daikon Kimchi, Fall Wine,
Four Seasons Wine, Fruit Wine, Honey Wine, Horse Treat, Legendary
Treasure, Magic Red Flower, Mixed Kimchi, Plum Wine, Red Wine, Rose
Wine, Spring Wine, Summer Wine, Sunflower Bouquet
Insects: Atlas Beetle, Hercules Beetle, White Giant Beetle, Migratory
Locust, Emma Field Cricket, Ant Hill Cricket

Liked Gifts
+300 FP

Fish: Blue Crab, Bonito, Large Black Bass, Large Bluegill, Large Char,
Large Eel, Large Funa, Large Goby, Large Icefish, Large Killifish, Large
Loach, Large Masu Salmon, Large Sea Bass, Large Snakehead, Large
Sweetfish, Large Trout, Moray Eel, Ocean Sunfish, Small Blue Crab,
Smelt, Tuna
Cooked Recipes: (soup) Pho, (horderve) Canap, Curry Dumpling, Pot
Sticker, Tteokbokki, (main) Dry Curry, Curry Rice, Vegetable Curry,
Seaweed Curry, Rainbow Curry, Ultimate Curry, Supreme Curry, Kimchi
Stew, Bibimbap, (misc) Sangria, Red Wine (Glass), Chicha (Glass), Beer
(Glass), Honey Wine (Glass), Chestnut Wine Gls, Spring Wine (Gls),
Summer Wine (Gls), Fall Wine (Glass), 4 Seasons Wine Gls, Fruit Wine
(Glass), Rose Wine (Glass)

Standard Gifts
+50 FP

All other items not listed

Normal Items: Animal Medicine, Chicken Feed, Cocoa Pack, Fall Honey,
Fish Bones, Fish Food, Fish Treat, Fodder, Fruit Honey, Grain Treat,
Honey, Nutra Treat, Old Ball, Old Boot, Poison Mushroom, Rose Honey,
Royal Jelly, Scrap Metal, Snowball, Spring Honey, Summer Honey, Treat,
Vegetable Treat, Weed,

Disliked Gifts
-300 FP

Horror Gift:
-1000 FP

Insects: (None)
Fish: (None)
Cooked Recipes: Failed Dish, (horderve) Honey Toast, (dessert) All
desserts, (misc) Apple Jam, Strawberry Jam, Grape Jam, Blueberry Jam,
Honey Tea, Hot Chocolate, Honey Shake, Peach Juice, Banana Juice,
Apple Juice, Mandarin Juice, Mixed Juice, Mixed Smoothie, Plum Juice,
Plum Wine (Glass), Apricot Wine (Gls)
Mont Blanc
Cooked Recipe (dessert): Chestnut + Cake + Seasoning Set

324 | H M : T o T T

Sunday through Thursday; Sunny, Snowy, or half-day Rainy:

6:00 am to 7:30 am - Kana's Animals

7:30 am to 8:30 am - (inside the animal shop barn)
8:30 am to 9:30 am - (in the animal shop pasture area)
9:30 am to 5:30 pm - Kana's Animals
5:30 pm to 6:30 pm - (inside the animal shop barn)
6:30 pm to 7:30 pm - (in the animal shop pasture area)
7:30 pm to midnight - Kana's Animals

Friday or Saturday, before the tunnel is completed; Sunny, Snowy, or half-day Rainy:

6:00 am to 7:30 am - Kana's Animals

7:30 am to 8:30 am - (inside the animal shop barn)
8:30 am to 12:00 pm - (in the animal shop pasture area)
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm - (walking to Yun's Tea House)
1:00 pm to 3:00 pm - Yun's Tea House
3:00 pm to 4:00 pm - (walking back to Kana's Animals)
4:00 pm to 5:30 pm - (in the animal shop pasture area)
5:30 pm to 6:00 pm - (in the animal shop pasture area)
6:00 pm to midnight - Kana's Shop

Friday or Saturday, after the tunnel is completed; Sunny, Snowy, or half-day Rainy:

6:00 am to 7:30 am - Kana's Animals

7:30 am to 10:00 am - (inside the animal shop barn)
10:00 am to 12:00 pm - (walking through the tunnel to Bluebell Town)
12:00 pm to 3:00 pm - Bluebell Town (by Grady's Animals)
3:00 pm to 5:00 pm - (walking through the tunnel to Konohana Town)
5:00 pm to 6:30 pm - (inside the animal shop barn)
6:30 pm to 7:30 pm - (in the animal shop pasture area)
7:30 pm to midnight - Kana's Animals

Sunday through Saturday; Stormy or full-day Rainy:

6:00 am to midnight - Kana's Animals

Kana's Flower Events

Date Information

Date Times: Tuesdays (6:00 pm to 10:00 pm), Fridays or Saturdays (11:00

am to 4:00 pm)
Date Locations: Good = On The Bridge, Kana's Place, By the Tree, Okay =
Grove, Bad = Bench

325 | H M : T o T T

Purple Flower Event

Time: Friday or Saturday, 11:00 am to 4:00 pm
Weather: Sunny or Snowy
Date Location: On the bridge
Friendships: Kana at a Purple Flower color or higher
At the bridge, Kana asks if you have a horse. He
admires the horse's eyes, the legs, and even a
horse's muzzle. Each horse has a different color, body,
and even face. He never gets tired of it! Kana asks if
you like horses.

Option 1: You bet I do! (+3000 FP)

Kana is glad that you like horses, and invites you to take a look at his best
one, Hayate. Kana declares that he's never seen such a beautiful horse
before. You would really enjoy meeting his horse! Kana thanks you and then
returns to his house.

Option 2: I'm not really into them. (-3000 FP)

Really? Kana asks why then do you have a horse; he guesses you just use it
as a convenient way to get around. He tells you that you don't appreciate your
horse. It isn't just some thing you can ride around on! It's a living animal with
Kana suggests that you check out his horses, especially his favorite one,
Hayate. You quietly sneak away while Kana continues to ramble on about his

Blue Flower Event

Time: Friday or Saturday, 11:00 am to 4:00 pm
Weather: Sunny, Snowy, or Rainy
Date Location: Kana's Place
Friendships: Kana at a Blue Flower color or higher
Kana introduces you to his favorite horse, Hayate. He
and Hayate have grown up together, but they didn't
get along at first. He hand fed her every day until they
became friends. Now that she's older though,
Hayate's legs cause her problems. Kana is gentle with her now.

Option 1: She's like family... (+3000 FP)

Kana says he's known her longer than anyone else. Hayate is an
irreplaceable member of Kana's family. Hayate appears to agree with her
"brother". Kana is glad he was able to introduce you to Hayate and invites you
to come by on occasion to meet with them.

326 | H M : T o T T

Option 2: Let's race! (-4000 FP)

Apparently you weren't listening to Kana's story. Even if you were kidding, it
isn't a good thing to talk about. Kana is mad and suggests you go home.

Green Flower Event

Time: Friday or Saturday, 11:00 am to 4:00 pm
Weather: Sunny, Snowy, or Rainy
Date Location: Kana's Place
Friendships: Kana at a Green Flower color or higher
You notice the large horse statue in Kana's shop. He
tells you that his father made the wooden horse. When
he was a kid, Kana's dad would get angry at him if he
was caught playing on the statue. His father loves
horses and has searched the world looking for a good one. In fact, it has been years
since Kana has had any contact with him. Kana assumes that he's fine, but he does
worry a little bit about him.

Option 1: ....... (-4000 FP)

Your silence makes Kana even more worried. You're making him worried and
depressed, and asks that you leave.

Option 2: I'm sure he's doing fine!

He is probably fine and will come home once he's found the best horse in the
world. Kana admits he shouldn't be so worried. Your smile and supportive
words seem to have cheered him up as well as cause him to blush a little bit.
Kana then changes the subject and invites you go meet with Hayate before
you head home.

Yellow Flower Event

Time: Friday or Saturday, 11:00 am to 1:00 pm
Weather: Sunny or Snowy
Date Location: By the tree
Friendship: Kana at a Yellow Flower color or higher,
Dirk at 3 White Flowers (20,000 FP) or more
The two of you are talking when Dirk walks up to Kana
with a letter. Dirk hands over the letter and leaves.
Kana opens the letter and discovers it is from his dad!
His dad explains that he finally found the best horse in the entire world, but because
he wants to raise the horse in the best environment possible, he can't return home
yet. He plans on raising the horse at Kana's mother's old village. In fact, he wants
Kana to move back with him!

327 | H M : T o T T

Kana wonders if he should move. It is rather sudden and he does have work to do

Option 1: Follow your heart. (+3000 FP)

Kana has decided that he is going to stay in this town. His dad may be
disappointed, but he loves this village and wants to live here. There's actually
a person in town that he doesn't want to leave behind. He gets a little
embarrassed and asks you never mind what he said. He thanks you for your
advice and then invites you to go back to his place together to hang out with
Hayate. Kana wants to spend more time together with you, too!

Option 2: You should go. (-4000 FP)

Kana feels like you don't care if he moves away to the other town. He's
already decided; he is going to stay in Konohana Town. His dad may be
disappointed, but he loves this village and wants to live here. It looks like he
wanted to say something else, but he doesn't want to worry you. Kana then
leaves to return to his shop.

Additional Marriage Requirements

Because Kana doesn't have any family in town, you don't need to raise your
friendship with anyone other than what is required with Dirk in order to see the yellow
flower event.
Kana does have a reverse proposal. If you want him to propose marriage, you need
to have him at 65,000 FP and activate a date with him at Kana's Place, By The Tree,
or On The Bridge.
Nori is a kind, gentle girl who helps her grandfather Gombe with
his seed shop in Konohana Town. She likes to help people when
she sees them in trouble. Nori is also a good seamstress and her
sewing needle skills are in demand from many villagers. In fact,
she can even sew you new clothing outfits to wear if you raise
your friendship with her and watch the message request board in
Birthday: Spring 27
Family: Gombe (grandfather)
Favorite Outfit: Wild Outfit
Favorite Wild Animals: None
Disliked Wild Animals: None
Friendship Tips: Nori is another tea drink fan, so keep an eye out on Yun's Tea
House for cheap tea drinks. If you have a chicken, you can make her Fried Egg with
an Egg, Oil, and a Frying Pan. If you're growing Potatoes in Spring, a Potato plus a
Pot will get you Simmered Potato.

328 | H M : T o T T

In the Summer, try to stock up on the three types of fireflies that she likes. Insects
don't decay so you can keep them in your rucksack or horse cart until you want to
give them to her as a gift.
Giving Gifts
Favorite Gift
+800 FP

Mixed Rice
Cooked Recipe (Main): Carrot + Cooked Rice + Deep-Fried Tofu + Pot
Normal Items: Black Tea (Can), Buckwheat Tea Can, Colorful Bouquet,
Ginseng Tea (Can), Green Tea (Can), Matcha Tea (Can), Moondrop
Flower, Oolong Tea (Can), Puer Tea (Can), Sencha Tea (Can), White
Insects: Lantern Firefly, Mustache Firefly, Emperor Firefly
Fish: (None)

Liked Gifts
+300 FP

Standard Gifts
+50 FP

Cooked Recipes: (salad) Boiled Spinach, Asazuke, Tofu Salad, (soup)

Miso Soup, (horderve) Fried Egg, Croquette, Cream Croquette, Cheese
Croquette, Focaccia, Quiche, Galette, Miso Eggplant, Baked Yam, Egg
Custard, Sashimi, Fish Paste, Vegetable Stir Fry, Chop Suey, Steamed
Dumpling, Pot Sticker, Okara, Fried Tofu, Deep-Fried Tofu, Dried Tofu,
Boiled Tofu, Yuba Tofu, Dashi Egg, Simmered Potato, Boiled Pumpkin,
Ganmodoki, (main) Omelet, Omelet Rice, Farmer's Breakfast, Sushi,
Sushi Bowl, Fish Stew, Fried Rice, Mushroom Rice, Shimeji Rice,
Tempura Bowl, Inari Sushi, Okonomiyaki, Kitsune Udon, Tempura Udon,
Tempura Soba, Chestnut Rice, Natto Rice, Bamboo Shoot Rice, Oden,
(dessert) Strawberry Candy, Sweet Dumplings, Bamboo Dumpling, Fruit
Shiratama, Chestnut Bun, Green Rice Candy, Soba Dumplings, Soybean
Rice Candy, Almond Tofu, 3 Color Dumplings, (misc) Matcha Tea,
Sencha Tea, Puer Tea, Oolong Tea, Buckwheat Tea, Ginseng Tea
All other items not listed
Normal Items: Animal Medicine, Branch, Chicken Feed, Chocolate Pack,
Fish Bone, Fish Food, Fish Treat, Fodder, Grain Treat, Horse Treat,
Lumber, Material Stone, Nutra Treat, Old Ball, Old Boot, Owl Food, Pet
Food, Poison Mushroom, Scrap Metal, Snowball, Stone, Treat, Vegetable
Treat, Weed

Disliked Gifts
-300 FP

Insects: Red Dragonfly, Risi Dragonfly, Sunrise Dragonfly, Amber

Dragonfly, Crimson Dragonfly, Blue Dragonfly, Common Skimmer, Azure
Dragonfly, Cobalt Dragonfly, Ancient Dragonfly, Yellow Damselfly, Golden
Dragonfly, Pacific Dragonfly, Aegis Dragonfly, Emperor Dragonfly, Tree
Frog, White-lipped Frog, Red-eyed Tree Frog, White's Tree Frog, Spotted
Pond Frog
Fish: Icefish, Small Icefish, Large Icefish, Bluegill, Small Bluegill, Large
Bluegill, Black Bass, Small Black Bass, Large Black Bass, Snakehead,
Small Snakehead, Large Snakehead
Cooked Recipes: Failed Dish, (soup) Shark Fin Soup, Tom Yum Goong,
(main) Marinated Fish, Risotto, Doria, Rainbow Curry, Ultimate Curry,
Fried Rice Noodles, (misc) Hot Coffee, Peach Juice, Banana Juice, Apple
Juice, Mandarin Juice, Mixed Juice, Mixed Smoothie, Plum Juice

329 | H M : T o T T

Horror Gift:
-1000 FP

Supreme Curry
Cooked Recipe (Main): Rainbow Curry + Milk Curry + Failed Dish + Pot

Sunday through Saturday; Sunny, Snowy, or half-day Rainy:

6:00 am to 10:00 am - Gombe's Seeds

10:00 am to 4:00 pm - Konohana Town
4:00 pm to midnight - Gombe's Seeds

Sunday through Saturday; Stormy or full-day Rainy:

6:00 am to midnight - Gombe's Seeds

Nori's Flower Events

Date Information

Date Times: Monday, Wednesday, Friday (11:00 am to 4:00 pm)

Date Locations: Good = On the Bridge, By the River, By the Tree, Okay =
Grove, Bad = The Spring

Purple Flower Event

Time: Friday, 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Weather: Sunny or Snowy
Date Location: By the Tree
Friendships: Nori at a Purple Flower or higher, Hiro
at 1 flower (1000 FP) or higher, Ying at 1 flower (1000
FP) or higher
The two of you are relaxing under the tree when Hiro comes over. He thanks Nori for
the handkerchief she gave him the other day, but he regrets to inform her that it got
stained and he couldn't wash it out. He will buy a new one for her. Nori tells him that
it is okay, as the handkerchief was old anyway. Hiro is relieved that she is okay with
it and leaves.
After Hiro is gone, Ying walks by. She seems to be upset because her stuffed panda
has a "boo-boo". Nori leaves you and checks up on the little girl. It looks like the
panda's leg got ripped, so Nori patches it up for her. Ying is happy again and thanks
Nori for her help.
Nori apologizes for the interruptions.

Option 1: You're so kind to others! (+3000 FP)

When Nori notices a problem, she does what she can to help. She would like
to believe that anyone would do the same thing. Nori hopes that you would
help someone in need, too. Nori notices the time and remembers that today
she is suppose to complete an errand for Mako. She apologizes for the
distractions and wishes you to return home safely.
330 | H M : T o T T

Option 2: Way to ignore me! (-3000 FP)

She apologizes again but she couldn't ignore Ying's sad face. She's glad that
she was able to help Ying. She sadly decides to head back home.

Blue Flower Event

Time: Monday, Wednesday, or Friday, 2:00 pm to
4:00 pm
Weather: Sunny or Snowy
Date Location: On the Bridge
Friendships: Nori at a Blue Flower or higher
The two of you are chit-chatting when she notices that
you have a tear in your work shirt. A quick patch and
now you're all fixed back up. Nori says she often
walks around with her sewing kit. She explains her sewing kit and necklace are
keepsakes from her grandmother, who died when Nori was young. Grandmother
was very good at household chores and taught Nori everything that she knows.
Nori becomes sad as she remembers her grandmother's death.

Option 1: You really loved her... (+3000 FP)

She is not alone though because she has her grandfather. He would remind
her that grandmother would want them to live happily together. She hopes
that some day she can do something to help him just as much as he helped
her. Nori suddenly apologizes; the conversation topic isn't very pleasant, but
you don't mind. She is glad that she was able to talk to you.

Option 2: That must've been tough. (+1000 FP)

Yes, it was tough but she was just a child. It was very difficult for her
grandfather. Gombe started taking care of her after her grandmother died and
didn't have time to be sad over his wife's death. Nori suddenly apologizes; the
conversation topic isn't very pleasant, but you don't mind. She thanks you and
then heads back home.

(Note: Both answers in this event give you positive friendship points.)
Green Flower Event
Time: Monday, Wednesday, or Friday, 11:00 am to
4:00 pm
Weather: Sunny or Snowy
Date Location: By the River
Friendships: Nori at a Green Flower or higher
Nori likes this area because of the sound of the water
and the greenery. She sometimes comes here when
she's worried or troubled. She looks like she is always
331 | H M : T o T T

calm, but that isn't the case. Nobody is calm all of the time. When others are relying
on her, she becomes nervous about letting them down. Nori is afraid of difficult
requests and panics when she receives one, which causes her to get through it as
fast as she can.
When Nori was younger she was restless. Coming to the river wasn't a place to calm
down at, it was a place to play and be wild! Nori use to catch fish by diving after them
in the water! Are you surprised?

Option 1: You're not who I thought. (-4000 FP)

Nori is sorry, but do you always think she is so responsible? The image you
have of Nori is annoying her. She then apologizes for her harsh words and
bids you goodbye.

Option 2: A new side to you. Neat! (+3000 FP)

When you say it that way, Nori gets a little embarrassed. Nori asks if you
could tell her a little bit more about yourself. You know a lot about her but she
doesn't know much about you. Nori invites you to go to Yun's Tea House with
You will be at Yun's once the event is over.

Yellow Flower Event

Time: Monday or Wednesday, not Winter season,
11:00 am to 4:00 pm
Weather: Sunny
Date Location: On the Bridge
Friendships: Nori at a Yellow Flower or higher, Kana
at 2 Flowers (10,000 FP) or more
The two of you are chatting when you hear some
noise. Before you know it, a large dog is running
towards the bridge! You quickly move between Nori
and the dog, who eventually collides with you and sends you flying into the river.
Nori is glad that you are okay. Kana and his dog are sorry. It turns out the dog was
running away because it didn't want Kana to give it a bath. Kana takes his dog back
and they head off to take a bath.
After they leave, Nori feels bad. You didn't have to protect her like that.

Option 1: But you're special to me (+3000 FP)

Nori blushes and thanks you, but notices that you are injured. She didn't want
you to get hurt and was worried when you fell into the river. She fixes a
bandage on you and suggests that you go check in at Dr. Ayame's clinic.
Nori says you're a very sweet guy and someone who she can depend on.
332 | H M : T o T T

Option 2: I'd do it for any girl! (-4000 FP)

You're so nice to everybody, but Nori was hoping that she was special. She is
very grateful for saving her although she is disappointed. Nori gives you the
excuse that she isn't feeling well and heads home.

Marriage Requirements
Before you can propose marriage, you need to see Nori's 4 flower events, have her
at a full bloom Red Flower color, be in year 2 or later, own the double bed in your
house, and have Gombe at 4 Flower (30,000 FP) each.
After you marry her, Nori never leaves your farmhouse.
Reina study plants in the mountain area. As a botanist, she spends
her time in the Konohana mid-mountain area looking at plants and
flowers. She lives with her uncle Mako in the far southern area of
town. Their house is full of strange looking plants that don't grow
locally in the area.
Birthday: Winter 27
Family: Mako (uncle)
Favorite Outfit: Casual Outfit
Favorite Wild Animals: Cat, Raccoon
Disliked Wild Animals: Duck, Bird
Friendship Tips: There's no shortage of free gifts you can collect from the mountain
area and give to Reina. Mushrooms, flowers, and other edibles are all good gifts for
her. You can even make flower bouquets at Cam's Flowers in Bluebell Town, but
why spend the money on them when there's a wide variety of free items?!
Reina's favorite item requires you to grow Soybeans, which you can buy from
Gombe's Seeds in Summer and Fall seasons. You can buy Tofu Salad from Yun's
Tea House during Winter season but it costs 410 G each.
Giving Gifts
Favorite Gift
+800 FP

Liked Gifts
+300 FP

Tofu Salad
Cooked Recipe (Salad): Cucumber + Onion + Tofu
Normal Items: Bamboo, Bamboo Shoot, Blue Bouquet, Blue Rose,
Brown Mushroom, Carnation, Casablanca, Casablanca Bouquet,
Chamomile, Colorful Bouquet, Coral Mushroom, Elli Leaves, Gerbera,
Grape, Lavender, Magic Blue Flower, Magic Red Flower, Marguerite,
Moondrop Flower, Nadeshiko, Peach, Pink Rose, Red Bouquet, Red
Rose, Shiitake, Shimeji, Snowdrop, Sunflower, Sunflower Bouquet,
Trumpet Mushroom, White Bouquet, White Rose
Critters: (None)
Fish: (None)

333 | H M : T o T T

Cooked Recipes: (salad) Onion Salad, Potato Salad, Herb Salad,

Mimosa Salad, Boiled Spinach, Asazuke, Daikon Salad, (soup)
Vichyssoise, Gazpacho, Corn Soup, Onion Soup, Soy Milk, Miso Soup,
Pumpkin Soup, Herb Soup, Asparagus Soup, Radish Soup, Shark Fin
Soup, (appetizer) Sauteed Turnips, Hash Browns, Cabbage Rolls, Miso
Eggplant, Vegetable Stir Fry, Chop Suey, Boiled Daikon, Shredded
Daikon, (main dish) Vegetable Curry, Moussaka, (other) Herb Tea, Rose
Standard Gifts
+50 FP

All other items not listed

Normal Items: Adamantite, Agate, Amethyst, Animal Medicine, Branch,
Chicken Feed, Copper, Diamond, Emerald, Fish Bones, Fish Food, Fish
Treat, Flourite, Fodder, Gold, Grain Treat, Horse Treat, Jade, Lumber,
Material Stone, Mithril, Moon Stone, Mythic Stone, Nutra Treat, Old Ball,
Old Boot, Ore Stone, Orichalcum, Owl Food, Peridot, Pet Food, Pink
Diamond, Poison Mushroom, Ruby, Sandrose, Scrap Metal, Silver,
Snowball, Stone, Stone Tablet, Topaz, Treat, Vegetable Treat

Disliked Gifts
-300 FP

Critters: All frogs

Fish: All fish
Cooked Recipes: Failed Dish, (soup) Bouillabaisse, Tom Yum Goong,
(appetizer) Sashimi, Fish Paste, Tuna Yukhoe, (main dish) Meuniere,
Marinated Fish, Milk Curry, Sushi, Grilled Fish, Fish Stew, Rice Porridge,
Tekka Roll, Crab Stew

Horror Gift:
-1000 FP


Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Saturday; Sunny, Snowy, or half-day Rainy:

6:00 am to 12:30 pm - Mako's house

12:30 pm to 1:30 pm - (walking to the Konohana Town Hall)
1:30 pm to 6:00 pm - Konohana Town Hall
6:00 pm to 7:00 pm - (walking to Mako's house)
7:00 pm to midnight - Mako's house

Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday (before tunnel completion); Sunny, Snowy, or halfday Rainy:

6:00 am to 6:30 am - Mako's house

6:30 am to 8:00 am - (walking through Konohana Town to the mountain)
8:00 am to 10:00 am -(walking to Konohana mid-mountain)
10:00 am to 2:30 pm - Konohana mid-mountain (by the zip line)
2:30 pm to 4:30 pm - (walking to Mako's house)
4:30 pm to midnight - Mako's house

334 | H M : T o T T

Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday (after tunnel completion); Sunny, Snowy, or halfday Rainy:

6:00 am to 6:30 am - Mako's house

6:30 am to 2:00 pm - (walking towards Bluebell mid-mountain)
o ...about 8:30 am - Konohana low-mountain
o ...about 9:30 am - Konohana mid- and high-mountain
o ...about 10:30 am - Mountaintop
o ...about 12:30 pm - Bluebell high-mountain
2:00 pm to 3:30 pm - Bluebell mid-mountain
3:30 pm to 8:00 pm - (walking back to Mako's house)

Sunday through Saturday; Stormy, or full-day Rainy:

6:00 am to midnight - Mako's house

Reina's Flower Events

Date Information

Date Times: Saturday, Sunday, or Monday (11:00 am to 4:00 pm)

Date Locations: Goozd = Yun's Tea House, The Spring, By the Tree, Okay =
Grove, Bad = The Mountain

Purple Flower Event

Time: Saturday, Sunday, or Monday, 11:00 am to
4:00 pm
Weather: Sunny or Snowy
Date Location: The Spring
Friendships: Reina at a Purple Flower color or higher
At the pond, Reina mentions that the plant by the
pond use to be just a bud until recently. She wonders
what could of caused the plant's growth and then
starts investigating. She becomes so focused on checking out the plant that she
loses track of time!
Reina apologizes; when she starts studying plants, she loses track of everything else.

Option 1: Not a problem (+3000 FP)

She's glad that you are okay with it. Reina's glad that you kept her company
today, as she did find make an interesting discovery.

Option 2: Not my idea of fun (-3000 FP)

She guesses that she must not be any fun! If you found it boring, it would of
been good for you to leave earlier. Reina becomes annoyed with you and
heads home.

335 | H M : T o T T

Blue Flower Event

Time: Saturday or Sunday, 11:00 am to 4:00 pm
Weather: Sunny or Snowy
Date Location: The Spring
Friendships: Reina at a Blue Flower or higher
Reina is checking the plants around the pond again.
Remember how you came here the other day to
research the plant? Reina has been coming back to
check on things but the plants have not looked well.
Reina wants to return home with the plant, since that is where her equipment is.
Perhaps then she can understand the reason.
Back in her laboratory, Reina discovers that her plant's roots are diseased. If she
puts it in better soil, the plant will immediately get better. You notice that she has a
lot of unusual books, and she explains that they are necessary for her plant research.

Option 1: Plants are fascinating! (+3000 FP)

There are a variety of traits and adaptations, which makes it very interesting.
She never ceases to be fascinated by plants. If she keeps searching, she's
sure to find a new species of plant. Maybe then she can publish it in a major
journel, but then she begins to wonder who to name her future discovery after.
Maybe one day the two of you can go looking at plants together.

Option 2: Plants are so soothing! (+1000 FP)

It is true that a lot of people find plants to be soothing, but some plants eat
bugs in order to feed themselves. There are even poisonous ones! Reina
warns you to be careful. Reina has more work to do so she bids you farewell.

(Note: Both answers in this event give you positive friendship points.)
Green Flower Event
Time: Monday or Saturday, 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Weather: Sunny or Snowy
Date Location: Grove
Friendships: Reina at a Green Flower or higher
The two of you are talking when Reina reminds you of
the plant. It is doing much better! She invites you to go
to her place to check on it, so the two of you head
over to her laboratory.
Reina greets the plant and starts to give it encouraging words. Reina explains that
when plants are talked to, they will grow better.

336 | H M : T o T T

Option 1: That's fantastic (+3000 FP)

She's glad to know that you don't think talking to plants is strange. Most
people laugh at her when they learn that she does it. You must be a little
weird if you don't think it is weird to talk to plants! She doesn't mean it in a bad
way though. She invites you to get closer to check on the plant, which looks
much happier since she brought it home. Plants need love and attention to do
their best, just like people and animals. Reina says you can stop by and check
up on the plant later.

Option 2: How weird! (-3000 FP)

Reina is sad, but she claims that she is used to being laughed at. Talking to
plants is supported by valid research while you have no basis! Reina requests
that you go home.

Yellow Flower Event

Time: Sunday, Monday, or Saturday, 2:00 pm to
4:00 pm
Weather: Sunny or Snowy
Date Location: By the Tree
Friendships: Reina at a Yellow Flower or higher
Reina is lost in thought because she has a question
she'd like to ask you. The two of you have gone out
to meet a lot of times, so does that mean you enjoy
spending time with her? Reina ponders for a bit and reminds you that she loves
plants and the world around her fades away when she's working on her research.
Some might think that makes her hard to get along with. There's nothing she can do
about it, whether they like who she is or not. She's okay with being alone but
sometimes she's like people to like her.
Reina asks what you think of her as a person.

Option 1: You're very serious. (-2000 FP)

She is a little sad that's how you think of her, but she's glad that you were able
to give your opinion. Reina heads back home.

Option 2: You're really cute. (+3000 FP)

Reina was not expecting that! She suddenly remembers that she has
something else to do and runs off in a panic. Unfortunately she runs right into
the tree! Reina blames you for saying something so weird, calls you a
"dummy", and quickly escapes to go home.

337 | H M : T o T T

Marriage Requirements
Before you can propose marriage, you need to see Reina's 4 flower events, have her
at a full bloom Red Flower color, be in year 2 or later, own the double bed in your
house, and have Mako at 4 Flower (30,000 FP).
After you're married, Reina will leave the farmhouse on Saturdays, Sundays,
Mondays, and Tuesdays to go explore the plants in the mountain area. On
Wednedays, Thursdays, and Fridays she stays home all day.
Mikhail is a traveling violinist who lives at the town hall. He won't
appear until Fall 6 of your first year and then he leaves for cooler
weather during the Summer season, returning in the Fall. Mikhail
will live in the town you currently are living in when he appears
in Fall. For example, if you were living in Konohana Town at the
start of Fall, Mikhail will live in the Konohana Town Hall. If you then
move to Bluebell, he will stay in Konohana. Once he leaves in
Summer and if you're still living in Bluebell, he will move back during
Fall and live at the Bluebell Town Hall.
He is a very polite individual but he is also very private.
Birthday: Fall 12
Family: None
Favorite Outfit: Classy Outfit
Favorite Wild Animals: All Animals
Disliked Wild Animals: None
Friendship Tips: Mikhail likes a few gold-box insects and his "normal" gifts are
challenging to get. You may find it easier to make Herb Salad (Mint + Chamomile +
Lavender) but you can't get Lavender until Fall and Winter seasons.
To get tofu, you need to first grow Soybeans. Gombe sells the seeds in Summer and
Fall for 100 G each. The crop takes at most 44 days to grow and you don't have to
water the crop to make it grow; just plant and harvest after the Soybeans are mature.
The simplest recipe to make is Cold Tofu, which just requires Tofu (Soybeans + Pot)
and no other cooking utensil.
It may be easier to simply buy the dishes to give him as gifts. Some items are very
inexpensive at Yun's Tea House in Konohana Town; Sencha Tea for 140 G (Spring),
Sashimi for 80 G (Summer), Puer Tea for 90 G (Fall), and Oolong Tea for 140 G
(Fall). His special gift, Boiled Tofu, cannot be purchased from any shop.

338 | H M : T o T T

Giving Gifts
Favorite Gift
+800 FP

Boiled Tofu
Cooked Recipe (horderve): Tofu + Soy Milk + Pot
Normal Items: Casablanca Bouquet, Letter in a Bottle, Stone Tablet
Insects: Ant Hill Cricket, Emma Field Cricket, Emperor Firefly, Helena
Morpho, Lantern Firefly, Migratory Locust, Mustache Firefly, Oki Butterfly,
White Morpho

Liked Gifts
+300 FP

Fish: (None)
Cooked Recipes: (salad) Herb Salad, Tofu Salad, Daikon Salad,
(horderve) Miso Eggplant, Sashimi, Okara, Fried Tofu, Deep-Fried Tofu,
Dried Tofu, Cold Tofu, Yuba Tofu, Dashi Egg, (misc) Sencha Tea, Puer
Tea, Oolong Tea, Buckwheat Tea, Ginseng Tea

Standard Gifts
+50 FP

All other items not listed

Normal Items: Animal Medicine, Apricot Wine, Beer, Branch, Chestnut
Wine, Chicha, Chicken Feed, Citrus Perfume, Fall Wine, Fish Bones, Fish
Food, Fish Fossil, Fish Treat, Flower Perfume, Fodder, Four Seasons
Wine, Fruit Wine, Grain Treat, Herb Perfume, Honey Wine, Horse Treat,
Legendary Treasure, Lumber, Material Stone, Nutra Treat, Ocean
Perfume, Old Ball, Old Boot, Owl Food, Pet Food, Plum Wine, Poison
Mushroom, Pumpkin Perfume, Red Wine, Rose Wine, Scrap Metal,
Snowball, Snow Perfume, Spring Wine, Stone, Summer Wine, Treat,
Truffle, Vegetable Treat, Weed
Insects: (None)
Fish: (None)

Disliked Gifts
-300 FP

Cooked Recipes: Failed Dish, (soup) Vichyssoise, Gazpacho,

Bouillabaisse, Corn Soup, Soybean Soup, Shark Fin Soup, Tom Yum
Goong, Pho, (horderve) Potato Pancakes, Hash Browns, Croquette,
Cream Croquette, Cheese Croquette, Focaccia, Quiche, Galette, Fish and
Chips, Honey Toast, Arancini, Dolma, Steamed Dumpling, Pot Sticker,
Curry Dumpling, Cheese Dumpling, Tempura, Spring Roll, Tteokbokki,
(main) Omelet, Omelet Rice, Tomato Fondue, Pink Fondue, Gratin, Pizza,
Meuniere, Marinated Fish, Risotto, Doria, Macaroni & Cheese, Dry Curry,
Curry Rice, Vegetable Curry, Spicy Curry, Seaweed Curry, Milk Curry,
Rainbow Curry, Ultimate Curry, Supreme Curry, Spaghetti, Mushroom
Pasta, Paella, Stew, Herb Spaghetti, Spaghetti Soup, Lasagna,
Pizzoccheri, Moussaka, Tofu Burger, Egg Rice Bowl, Sushi, Sushi Bowl,
Fried Rice, Mixed Rice, Mushroom Rice, Shimeji Rice, Tempura Bowl,
Inari Sushi, Okonomiyaki, Kitsune Udon, Tempura Udon, Tempura Soba,
Tofu Steak, Fried Rice Noodles, Milk Stew, Natto Roll, Kappa Roll, Tekka
Roll, Oshinko Roll, Soy Milk Stew, Kimchi Stew, Crab Stew, Crab Omelet,
Oden, Bibimbap, (dessert) Pumpkin Pudding, Apple Pie, Pineapple Pie,
Strawberry Pie, Donuts, Cake, Honey Cake, Chocolate Cake, Party Cake,
Choco. Party Cake, Party Cheesecake, Trifle, Baumkuchen, Mont Blanc,
Choc. Ice Cream, Strawb. Ice Cream, Matcha Ice Cream, Choc. Sponge
Cake, Chocolate Pudding, Chocolate Donuts, Fondant Chocolate, Fruit
Parfait, Soft Chocolates, Strawb. Soft Choc., Matcha Soft Choc.,

339 | H M : T o T T

Horror Gift:
-1000 FP

Tiramisu, Rice Pudding, Honey Pudding, Soy Milk Pudding, Egg Tart,
Strawberry Candy, Sweet Dumplings, Bamboo Dumpling, Fruit Shiratama,
Chestnut Bun, Green Rice Candy, Soba Dumpling, Soybean Rice Candy,
Cherry Pie, 3 Color Dumplings, (misc) Herb Tea, Honey Tea, Rose Tea,
Milk Tea, Royal Milk Tea, Spring Tea, Summer Tea, Fall Tea, Gold Tea,
Honey Shake, Yogurt Shake, Plum Wine (Glass), Apricot Wine (Gls),
Sangria, Red Wine (Glass), Chicha (Glass), Beer (Glass), Honey Wine
(Glass), Chestnut Wine Gls, Spring Wine (Gls), Summer Wine (Gls), Fall
Wine (Glass), 4 Seasons Wine Gls, Fruit Wine (Glass), Rose Wine
Penne Pasta
Cooked Recipe (main): Spaghetti + Frying Pan

Sunday through Saturday; Sunny, Snowy, or half-day Rainy:

6:00 am to 9:30 am - Town Hall

9:30 am to 1:30 pm - (walking to the mountain summit)
1:30 pm to 4:30 pm - Mountain Summit
4:30 pm to 7:30 pm - (walking back to the town hall)
7:30 pm to midnight - Town Hall

Sunday through Saturday; Stormy or full-day Rainy:

6:00 am to midnight - Town Hall

Mikhails Flower Events

Date Information

Date Times: Wednesday or Sunday (10:00 am to 6:00 pm)

Date Locations: Good = By the river, Town Hall, The Spring, Neutral =
Howard's Cafe, Bad = Yun's Tea House

Purple Flower Event

Time: Sunday or Wednesday, 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Weather: Sunny or Snowy
Date Location: The Spring
Friendships: Mikhail at 2 White Flowers or higher
Mikhail comments on how clean the air is that
surrounds the pond. There sounds of the bugs and
birds are like nature's symphony. This would be a
good place to play the violin.

Option 1: Would you please play? (+3000 FP)

How could he refuse a request from someone as lovely as you? Mikhail will
take out his violin and play a tune.After it is over, Mikhail is happy. The
vibrations of the music in the air feel nice. He hopes you enjoyed his music.
(The melody that he plays is the Wedding theme from Back To Nature)
340 | H M : T o T T

Option 2: You don't have to play. (-3000) FP

Mikhail assumes you don't want to hear the sound of his playing. He hopes
that some day you'll understand his music.

Blue Flower Event

Time: Sunday or Wednesday, 10:00 am to 1:00 pm
Weather: Sunny or Snowy
Date Location: By the river
Friendships: Mikhail at 3 White Flowers or higher
The violinist says he hasn't been getting enough sleep
lately. He hasn't been able to complete his latest song
to the best of his satisfaction, which has caused him
to stay up late every night.

Option 1: Could I help in some way? (+3000 FP)

Mikhail thanks you and is glad to know that you would do something generous
like that. He's looking for a specific sound that can inspire him; any type of
sound will do. You think for a moment and get an idea.
You lead him to the bell at the church, which Mikhail says he's never heard
before. How do you make the sound? You walk up to the bell and give it a
good kick! Mikhail wasn't expecting you to do something so surprising, but
then the bell chimes out. The harmony floats through the air, inspiring Mikhail.
He thinks he will be able to finish writing his song now. You've been very
helpful! Mikhail heads back to complete his music composition.

Option 2: Maybe you lack talent...? (-3000 FP)

Mikhail doesn't understand why you would say something rude like that. The
sound of your voice pierces his ears and disturbs his harmony. Mikhail
excuses himself so he can go home.

Green Flower Event

Time: Sunday or Wednesday, 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Weather: Sunny, Snowy, or Rainy
Date Location: Town Hall
Friendships: Mikhail at 4 White Flowers or higher
Mikhail was playing a song for you when he suddenly
stopped. One of the strings on his violin needs to be
changed! He explains that his violin has 4 strings that
make sound when he uses his fingers and bow. If a
string snaps, his bow will make a bad sound when it's used. He's going to need to
put in a new string but he's been so busy, he had forgotten it needed to be restrung!

341 | H M : T o T T

He tells you not to worry though, as he has had to do it before. Violins are musical
instruments that have long lives. It's written that the same violin can last 100 years or
more if it is well taken care of. His own violin was given to him by his teacher. It has
been used for over 90 years.

Option 1: It's a hand-me-down? (-3000 FP)

Mikhail scolds you for your lack of manners. He lost his parents when he was
a child and his teacher was the one who raised him. The violin is an important
momento and you are making fun of the memory of his teacher. Mikhail asks
you to leave.

Option 2: It's a heirloom! (+3000 FP)

He agrees; it is a very important violin. He lost his parents when he was a
child and his teacher was the one who raised him. He taught Mikhail the
importance of music and how to play the violin. He loved the music his
teacher played and Mikhail has never met someone who could play like his
teacher did. This violin is an important memento.
Mikhail realizes it is a little strange, since he hasn't talked about his past in a
long time. Perhaps he is just responding to your gentle voice. Mikhail offers to
walk you back to your house before it gets late in the day.
(You will return to your farmhouse after the event is finished)

(The melody that he plays at the beginning is the Fall theme from Harvest Moon DS)
Yellow Flower Event
Time: Wednesday or Sunday, 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Weather: Sunny or Snowy
Date Location: The Spring
Friendships: Mikhail at 5 White Flowers or higher
Mikhail is back to commenting about the mysterious
atmosphere surrounding the pond. He wonders if
there is something sacred living here. The other day,
the girls at the Town Hall told him a legend about the
church's bell. In the past, the bell was used to celebrate wedding ceremonies but
now it is old and isn't used anymore. Yet even though the bell was abandoned, it is
said that couples having their wedding at the top of the mountain can still hear the
bell! The sound of the bell is the blessing from the Harvest Goddess, bringing
happiness to the couple forever.
Mikhail thinks the girls at the Town Hall must have a vivid imagination. He asks if you
like the story.

342 | H M : T o T T

Option 1: It's wonderful! (+3000 FP)

Well, you're the type of girl he thought you were. He wonders if there's
another person you would want to have a wedding together with. He's glad to
hear that there isn't. Mikhail begins to talk about your potential companion but
then abruptly stops and blushes; this isn't the right time for it yet. He tells you
not to worry about it, and offers to walk you back to your house.
(You will return to your farmhouse after the event is finished)

Option 2: Fairytales mean nothing. (-3000 FP)

It probably isn't possible, but you don't need to be so practical-minded. You'll
end up missng out on some of life that way. Music and feelings are the same
way; not everything has to be visible to the eye. Haven't you ever believed in
a day dream or a legend? Mikhail then leaves.

Marriage Requirements
Before you can propose marriage, you need to see Mikhail's 4 flower events, have
him at a full bloom flower level, be in year 2 or later, and own the big bed in your
house. Since Mikhail doesn't have any family living in either town, you don't have
anyone else you need to befriend before you can propose.

343 | H M : T o T T

Family life
Getting Married
If you choose to marry in The Tale of Two Towns, you have 12 marriage candidates
to select from. There are 6 girls if you are playing as the boy hero and 6 boys if you
are playing as a girl. You can not marry someone of your own gender. Marriage
cannot be undone once you propose to your spouse; there is no divorce in Harvest
Moon games. If you don't like your spouse anymore, then you will have to start a
new game.





The Oracle







Spouses in the game don't work on your farm, cook a daily meal, or bring in any
income. Once you are married you can celebrate your birthday by going into your
house after 8:00 pm to get a dinner party. You can't celebrate your birthday until after
you're married. You will also celebrate your wedding anniversary the same way.
Marriage Requirements
The first thing you need to do is introduce yourself
to your future spouse! Some of the marriage Year 2 or later
candidates are available from the beginning of the 60,000 FP (full flowers)
game, but some others aren't available until later in Big Bed
All Flower events (if required)
the game.
Once you've talked to a person at least once, you
can begin to give them gifts to increase friendship with that person. Each flower
marker on the person's conversation box indicates the current friendship level you
have with that person; 1 flower is below 10,000 FP, 2 flowers is between 10,000 FP
and 20,000 FP, and so on. You need to be at 60,000 FP before you can marry him
or her.

Each person had different gift preferences and you can only give 1 gift per day.
The best gift you can give will earn you +800 Friendship Points. If the gift is
something the person likes you'll earn +300 FP. If the person is indifferent towards
your gift then you'll only earn +50 FP. Give the best gift you possibly can per day in
order to quickly raise friendship with the person.
The Big Bed needs to be in your house so that your spouse has somewhere to
sleep. You do not need to remodel your house in order to get married. Once
you reach year 2 in the game, check the message board in the town you are living in
for the Bed Build request from Eileen. She will post it once you are at Request Level
3 and Eileen has over 7750 FP. To complete the quest, bring her 2 Ore Stones and
30,000 G to get a larger bed for your house.
344 | H M : T o T T


Dates and Flower Events

You can also raise friendship with a marriage
candidate by going out on a date with the person.
Once you reach at least 5000 FP with a marriage
candidate, you can talk to him or her to ask about
going on a date.
On certain days of the week, talk to the person twice
to be prompted to go on a date. Each person has
three times per week that you can ask about dating. If
you ask at the right time, you will be given three locations to choose out of five
possible choices. Each person has two places they like, one place that they are okay
going to, and one that they really are not fond of. If you select a good spot, you'll
earn +100 FP. If you pick the bad spot, you will lose 100 FP. After you are married,
you can go on dates with your spouse and your farmhouse becomes a sixth place for
a date location.
You can only go on one date per day per person and dates can't trigger on festival
days, stormy days, or if you haven't talked to the person for at least 7 days. You can
continue to go on dates with the marriage candidates once you are married, but you
will start to earn jealousy points with your spouse if you do.
Flower Events
Most of the marriage candidates have flower events
that you must trigger before you can marry him or her;
Alisa and Dirk do not have any flower events so
the events are not required for their marriage. These
are the same as "heart events" from past Harvest
Moon games. The flower events can be viewed
when you are at the required color for the event or
higher. To trigger a flower event, you will need to go
on a date with the person at the right time for the
event to occur. Instead of the standard date scene,
you'll see the flower event instead.
Flower events are available at purple (10,000 FP), blue (20,000 FP), green (30,000
FP), and yellow (40,000 FP) flower colors.
Each flower event can only be viewed once. During the event you'll be prompted to
respond to the person. A positive response can earn you between 2000 and 3000
bonus FP, but a negative choice will cost you between 2000 and 3000 FP.
Some of the flower events have extra requirements, such as friendship with other
villagers or a specific type of weather.

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Jealousy Points
Once you reach the green flower event with a marriage
candidate, the other candidates will start to accumulate
jealousy points if they have more than 5000 FP. Each time
you trigger a green or yellow flower event, you'll earn more
jealousy points with the other marriage candidates.
Some candidates will earn jealousy points faster than others.
The Oracle will actually earn +2 JP if you trigger a blue
flower event with another girl! Also once you propose
marriage to someone, or you experience a reverse proposal,
all of the remaining candidates will automatically earn +5 JP.




After you are married, you will still rack up jealousy points
with the old marriage candidates. If you go on a date with
your wife or husband, you will get +1 jealousy point with the people you didn't marry.
If you decide to go on a date with one of the old candidates, you'll earn +3 JP with
your spouse!

Once you reach 10 JP with a person, he or she will stop giving you a friendly
greeting. The person will also stop accepting your gifts, posting message board
requests, or ask you about going on a date. If you get prompted to apologize to the
person, then it might be a good idea to do so!
Accumulating JP points might be worrisome, but the fact that they reset so easily
means you may never have a problem with the jealousy point system. Going on a
date with someone will reset that person's JP back to zero. Even simply taking first
place in some of the festivals will reset the JP to zero if the candidate attended the
festival. Basically it is good to know that the jealousy point system exists, but it
is such a minor issue that you might never even notice it.
Proposal and Wedding
After you have completed the basic marriage requirements, you can propose
marriage. The Blue Feather will appear in both Raul and Enrique's shops once you
have reached 50,000 FP (pink flower) and you are in year 2 or later. The feather can
be bought from either shop, but you can only buy it once; if you somehow lose it,
then it is gone. The Blue Feather will cost 10,000 G. You can only propose marriage
on Sunny or Snowy days.
You do not need to go on a date to propose marriage. Simply give the Blue Feather
to your potential spouse as a gift, and then watch the cut scene that follows. Your
wedding will take place a week later. If the wedding was scheduled to occur on a
festival day or villager's birthday, then the ceremony will be pushed to the first
normal day afterward. The wedding date does not appear on your calendar.
The wedding will take place on the mountain summit. Nathan and the villagers of
your town will be there to witness your wedding ceremony. There are no special
wedding clothes; you will be wearing whatever outfit you chose to wear before you
went to bed that night. If you marry the Oracle, then the Harvest Goddess is the one
who presides over the ceremony and there are no other attendees. After the
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ceremony is over, the game credits will appear and then you'll return back to your
You can still trigger date scenes with other people even if you're engaged to be
Reverse Proposals
If you are playing as a girl, you can have the boys propose to you instead! You do
not need to own the Blue Feather to trigger a reverse proposal. Only Ash, Hiro, and
Kana have reverse proposals.
To activate a reverse proposal the boy must be at
65,000 FP, which is the maximum number of
friendship points possible. When the boy has a full
bloom red flower you'll be at 60,000 FP, so you need
to continue to give the person gifts until you are
comfortable that he has reached the required
friendship point value.
The next step is to trigger a date scene and select a preferred location. After the
normal date conversation, the boy will want to tell you something important. You'll
then be transported to the Harvest Goddess' Pond where you will receive the Blue
Feather from the boy. He will then explain how he feels about you and ask for your
hand in marriage. If you accept his proposal then you will married a week later, but if
you reject the marriage proposal then you lose 15,000 FP with him!
Married Life
After the wedding and the game credit, you will return
to your farm house. Your spouse will ask what
nickname you would like him/her to call you. You can
put in your normal name or pick something cute. Once
you've selected your nickname you can't change it!
Now that you're married, you can celebrate birthdays
and your wedding anniversary (which now appears on
your calendar). Go into your house after 8:00 pm to
have a dinner with your spouse when the day is your birthday, your spouse's
birthday, your child's birthday, or your wedding anniversary. You will earn +1000 FP
with your family members for triggering the special meal event.
If you want to have a child, you will need to wait 31 days after the wedding, have the
second bed upgrade, and have your house reformed. The house upgrade will cost
you 30 Material Stone, 30 Lumber, and 1,000,000 G.

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Another thing that can happen is your spouse can

become unhappy if you ignore him or her for 31 days
and your spouse's friendship level is at 2 Flowers or
less. When you wake up in the morning, your spouse
will complain that he/she is not feeling well. You're
always busy working! If you tell your spouse that
today you'll stay close, you will earn +3000 FP with
your spouse. If you respond by telling him/her that
you're leaving for work anyway, then you'll get -3000

Having A Baby
You can have one child in The Tale of Two Towns. The child can be a boy or a girl,
and will grow from an in-bed baby stage to a toddler stage and then into a full grown
child. The child will then stop growing forever.
Before you can have a child you will need to completed a few requirements:

You'll need to be married before the "A New Bed" request appears at the
beginning of the season on the Bluebell message board. Your request level
must be at 3 or higher. Completing this request from Eileen will cost you 5 Ore
Stone and 50,000 G. Your reward will be the Extra Large Bed.

You also will need to upgrade your house before you are allowed to have a
child. You will need to accept Eileen's seasonal "Renovations?" request on
the Bluebell message board, and then activate the Remodel "S" expansion.
The house renovation is available from the beginning of the game and will
cost you 30 Material Stone, 30 Lumber, and 1,000,000 G.

Eileen will post her request (tunnel, farm upgrade, or bed) on the first day of the new
season. If you get married at the beginning of the season, then you'll have to wait
until the beginning of the next season for the bed request to appear. The bed request
won't appear mid-season. Once you have obtained the Extra Large Bed, it will be in
both farm houses.
Information on how to find Ore Stone can be found on the Ore Stone page.

Pregnancy and Birth

Keep your husband or wife at a full bloom flower level
and 31 days after you get the Extra Large Bed and
you have the upgraded house size, the pregnancy
event will occur. You will wake in the morning and
fetch Dr. Ayame to the farm house, where you'll learn
about the upcoming birth.

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The pregnancy will last 62 days (two seasons). If you're playing as the girl character,
your stamina level won't be negatively effected and you still won't receive any help
with your farm work.
On the morning of your child's birth, Dr. Ayame will visit your house. After a short cut
scene your child will be born and appear in your bed. The baby will be dressed in
blue clothes regardless of its gender. Hiro will announce whether your baby is a girl
or a boy.
The gender of your child is set two days before its
birth. If you are wanting a specific gender, you'll need
to not save your game the night before its birth and
have your last save point the day before that.
For example, if your child is to be born on the 3rd of
the season, save your game on the night of the 1st
but not on the night of the 2nd. When it is born on the
3rd if it isn't what you would like, then reload your
save game back to the 1st and play until the 3rd again. If you saved your game on
the night before its birth, then no amount of save-game reloading will change its
Your spouse will then pick a name for your child. You can accept or reject the initial
name for your child; it won't affect your friendship level in any way. If you don't like
the first name, you will be given a list of names to choose from with the last being
"Hm, nothing sticks out". Picking that option will allow you to type in a custom 6character name for your baby.
Growing Up
The baby will stay in bed for 1 year and 12 days (136
days). During that time you can't pick it up or even talk
to it. You can't even give it gifts!
On its first birthday the baby will still be in your bed.
You can celebrate its birthday, and every yearly
birthday thereafter, by entering your farmhouse after
8:00 pm. After the party you'll go directly to bed and
earn +1000 FP each with your spouse and child.
After 136 days have gone by, you will awake in the morning to the sound of your
child talking and walking. You can now give it gifts and talk to it every day.
When it is in this "toddler" stage, your child won't leave the farm house. You will see
it appear at certain festivals such as the Konohana Cherry Blossom Festival and
Children's Festival or the Bluebell Pumpkin Festival.

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The next growth will occur 1 year after the child

starts to walk but you need to enter your house after
9:00 pm on a non-festival day to see the growth event.
If you go to bed before 9pm on a regular basis then
you'll never see your kid grow up!
You will discover that your child has baked a cake for
you because of all your hard work. After you eat the
cake you'll earn +3000 FP each with your wife and
child. At this point your child is now full grown.
The child's schedule will change a little bit once it is full grown. Instead of staying
inside the farm house all day, it will walk out into the farm area between 12:00 pm
and 6:00 pm on non-rainy days. After 6pm, it will go back inside the house. You
won't see the child walk around town or in the mountain area.

Your Child

If you want to have a child, you need to get married and then complete some
additional requirements. You will need to upgrade your house size by completing
Eileen's Renovations request. The house upgrade is available from the beginning of
the game and will cost you 1 million G, 30 Material Stone, and 30 Lumber.
You will also need to complete Eileen's second A New Bed request, which will only
appear after you're married. Your house does not need to be upgraded for the extra
large bed request to appear, but the pregnancy event won't trigger until you have
completed both upgrade requirements.
Once your child has been born you will have to wait over a year before you can give
it gifts. It will stay in the bed until it is old enough to walk. The gifts that the "toddler"
likes are different than the gifts the full grown child likes, but both genders of child
will like the same gifts; it won't matter if it is a girl or a boy.
Schedule-wise, the child does not venture outside of your farm. When it is a toddler,
it will stay inside your house all day long. Once it grows to its child stage and it is not
rainy, it will stay inside the house until 12:00 pm, when it will venture out onto your
farmland. The child will stay outside until it returns to inside the farm house at 6:00
pm. If it is a rainy or stormy, then the kid will stay inside all day long.

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Friendship Tips: Your child will be born with a fairly high amount of friendship! Even
when it it stays in bed all day, you won't notice a drop of friendship. Once it is a
toddler and you can give it gifts, Pudding is incredibly easy to make (pot + Egg +
Milk) and it is the toddler's most favorite item. By the time the child is full grown,
you'll most likely be at full bloom flower level.
Giving Gifts (Toddler)
Favorite Gift
+800 FP

Cooked Recipe (dessert): Milk + Egg + Pot
Normal Items: Apple, Apricot, Banana, Blueberry, Brown Alpaca Wool,
Brown Alpaca Yarn, Cherry, Chocolate Pack, Cocoa Pack, Fall Honey,
Fruit Honey, Fruit Yogurt, Golden Milk, Good Wool, Good Fruit Yogurt,
Good Yogurt, Grape, Great Wool, Great Fruit Yogurt, Great Yarn Ball,
Great Yogurt, Honey, Jersey Milk, Mandarin, Milk, Moondrop Flower,
Peach, Pineapple, Plum, Rose Honey, Royal Jelly, Spring Honey,
Strawberry, Suffolk Yarn Ball, Summer Honey, Sunflower Bouquet,
Watermelon, White Alpaca Wool, White Alpaca Yarn, Wool, Yarn Ball,
Insects: (None)

Liked Gifts
+300 FP

Fish: (None)
Cooked Recipes: (soup) Vichyssoise, Gazpacho, Corn Soup, Onion
Soup, Pumpkin Soup, Soy Milk, Herb Soup, Asparagus Soup, Radish
Soup, Egg Soup, Soybean Soup, (horderve) Fruit Sandwich, Raisen
Bread, Jelly Bread, Butter Roll, Honey Toast, Baked Yam, Egg Custard,
Fish Paste, Tofu, Dried Tofu, Boiled Tofu, Cold Tofu, (main) Doria, Gratin,
Risotto, Milk Curry, Spaghetti, Mushroom Pasta, Stew, Egg Rice, Egg
Rice Bowl, Sushi Bowl, Rice Ball, Fried Rice Ball, Rice Porridge, Mixed
Rice, Inari Sushi, Udon Noodles, Kitsune Udon, Cold Soba Noodles,
Chestnut Rice, Milk Stew, Crab Omelet, (dessert) All Dessert recipes
except for Pudding, (other) Cooked Rice, Bread, Caf au Lait, Hot Milk,
Hot Chocolate, Honey Shake, Yogurt Shake, Peach Juice, Banana Juice,
Apple Juice, Mandarin Juice, Mixed Juice, Mixed Smoothie, Plum Juice

Standard Gifts
+50 FP

Disliked Gifts
-300 FP

All other items not listed except for Wine and other alcoholic beverages
Normal Items: Adamantite, Agate, Amethyst, Animal Medicine, Bok Choy
Kimchi, Branch, Cabbage Kimchi, Chestnut, Chicken Feed, Citrus
Perfume, Copper, Cucumber Kimchi, Cured Bok Choy, Cured Cucumber,
Cured Daikon, Cured Eggplant, Cured Turnip, Cured Veggie Mix, Cured
Watermelon, Daikon Kimchi, Diamond, Emerald, Fish Bones, Fish Food,
Fish Fossil, Flourite, Flower Perfume, Fodder, Gold, Grain Treat, Herb
Perfume, Honeycomb, Horse Treat, Jade, Legendary Treasure, Lumber,
Material Stone, Mithril, Mixed Kimchi, Mixed Pickles, Moon Stone, Mythic
Stone, Nutra Treat, Ocean Perfume, Old Ball, Old Boot, Ore Stone,
Orichalcum, Owl Food, Peridot, Pet Food, Pickled Carrot, Pickled
Cucumber, Pickled Onion, Pickled Radish, Pink Diamond, Poison
Mushroom, Pumpkin Perfume, Rock, Rose Perfume, Ruby, Sandrose,
Scrap Metal, Silver, Snowball, Snow Perfume, Stone Tablet, Topaz,
Treat, Umeboshi, Vegetable Treat, Walnut, Weed

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Insects: All insects

Fish: All fish

Horror Gift:
-1000 FP

Cooked Recipes: Failed Dish, (horderve) Roasted Mushroom, Steamed

Mushrooms, Curry Bread, Canap, Dolma, Roasted Eggplant, Miso
Eggplant, Sashimi, Vegetable Stir Fry, Chop Suey, Deep-Fried Tofu,
Yuba Tofu, Boiled Daikon, Shredded Daikon, (main) Meuniere, Marinated
Fish, Dry Curry, Curry Rice, Vegetable Curry, Spicy Curry, Seaweed
Curry, Rainbow Curry, Ultimate Curry, Supreme Curry, Moussaka, Sushi,
Grilled Fish, Fish Stew, Mushroom Rice, Shimeji Rice, Tempura Bowl,
Okonomiyaki, Kimchi Stew, Bibimbap
Hot Coffee
Cooked Recipe (other): Coffee Pack + Pot

Giving Gifts (Child)

Favorite Gift
+800 FP

Liked Gifts
+300 FP

Ice Cream
Cooked Recipe (dessert): Black Egg + Seasoning Set
Normal Items: Adamantite, Agate, Amethyst, Apple, Apricot, Banana,
Black Tea (Can), Blueberry, Brown Alpaca Wool, Brown Alpaca Yarn,
Butter, Cheese, Cherry, Chocolate Pack, Cocoa Pack, Copper, Colorful
Bouquet, Diamond, Emerald, Fall Honey, Fall Tea (Can), Fish Fossil,
Flourite, Fruit Honey, Fruit Yogurt, Gold, Gold Tea (Can), Golden Milk,
Good Butter, Good Cheese, Good Fruit Yogurt, Good Herb Butter, Good
Herb Cheese, Good Herb Mayo, Good Mayonnaise, Good Wool, Good
Yogurt, Grape, Great Butter, Great Cheese, Great Fruit Yogurt, Great
Herb Butter, Great Herb Cheese, Great Herb Mayo, Great Mayonnaise,
Great Wool, Great Yarn Ball, Great Yogurt, Herb Butter, Herb Cheese,
Herb Mayonnaise, Herb Tea (Can), Honey, Jade, Jersey Milk, Legendary
Treasure, Letter in a Bottle, Mandarin, Mayonnaise, Milk, Mithril, Moon
Stone, Moondrop Flower, Mythic Stone, Ore Stone, Orichalcum, Peach,
Peridot, Pineapple, Pink Diamond, Plum, Rose Honey, Rose Tea (Can),
Royal Jelly, Ruby, Sandrose, Silver, Small Coin, Spring Honey, Spring
Tea (Can), Sunflower Bouquet, Stone Tablet, Strawberry, Suffolk Yarn
Ball, Summer Honey, Summer Tea (Can), Topaz, Watermelon, White
Alpaca Wool, White Alpaca Yarn, Wool, Yarn Ball, Yogurt
Insects: All beetles, All butterflies
Fish: (None)
Cooked Recipes: (soup) Vichyssoise, Gazpacho, Corn Soup, Onion
Soup, Pumpkin Soup, Soy Milk, Herb Soup, Asparagus Soup, Radish
Soup, Egg Soup, Soybean Soup, (horderve) French Fries, Potato
Pancakes, Hash Browns, Boiled Potato, Popcorn, Corn Cereal, Boiled
Egg, Sandwich, Herb Sandwich, Fruit Sandwich, Raisen Bread, Jelly
Bread, Curry Bread, French Toast, Butter Roll, Croquette, Cream
Croquette, Cheese Croquette, Focaccia, Quiche, Galette, Fish and Chips,
Honey Toast, Arancini, Roasted Corn, Baked Yam, Egg Custard, Fish
Paste, Steamed Dumpling, Pot Sticker, Chinese Dumpling, Curry
Dumpling, Cheese Dumpling, Tempura, Spring Roll, Tofu, Dried Tofu,
Boiled Tofu, Cold Tofu, Dashi Egg, Boiled Pumpkin, Ganmodoki, (main)
Omelet, Omelet Rice, Cheese Fondue, Tomato Fondue, Pink Fondue,
Raclette, Gratin, Risotto, Doria, Dry Curry, Curry Rice, Vegetable Curry,

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Seaweed Curry, Milk Curry, Rainbow Curry, Ultimate Curry, Supreme

Curry, Spaghetti, Mushroom Pasta, Stew, Egg Rice, Egg Rice Bowl,
Sushi Bowl, Rice Ball, Fried Rice Ball, Rice Porridge, Mixed Rice, Inari
Sushi, Okonomiyaki, Udon Noodles, Kitsune Udon, Tempura Udon, Fried
Udon, Cold Soba Noodles, Tempura Soba, Yakisoba, Chestnut Rice, Milk
Stew, Crab Stew, Crab Omelet, Oden, (dessert) All Dessert recipes
except for Ice Cream, (other) Cooked Rice, Bread, Apple Jam, Strawberry
Jam, Grape Jam, Blueberry Jam, Straight Tea, Herb Tea, Honey Tea,
Rose Tea, Russian Tea, Royal Milk Tea, Spring Tea, Summer Tea, Fall
Tea, Gold Tea, Caf au Lait, Hot Milk, Hot Chocolate, Honey Shake,
Yogurt Shake, Peach Juice, Banana Juice, Apple Juice, Mandarin Juice,
Mixed Juice, Mixed Smoothie, Plum Juice
Standard Gifts
+50 FP

Disliked Gifts
-300 FP

All other items not listed except for Wine and other alcoholic beverages
Normal Items: Animal Medicine, Bok Choy Kimchi, Branch, Cabbage
Kimchi, Chestnut, Chicken Feed, Citrus Perfume, Cucumber Kimchi,
Cured Bok Choy, Cured Cucumber, Cured Daikon, Cured Eggplant,
Cured Turnip, Cured Watermelon, Cured Veggie Mix, Daikon Kimchi, Fish
Food, Fish Treat, Flower Perfume, Fodder, Grain Treat, Herb Perfume,
Honeycomb, Horse Treat, Lumber, Material Stone, Mixed Kimchi, Mixed
Pickles, Nutra Treat, Ocean Perfume, Owl Food, Pet Food, Pickled
Carrot, Pickled Cucumber, Pickled Onion, Pickled Radish, Poison
Mushroom, Pumpkin Perfume, Rock, Rose Perfume, Scrap Metal,
Snowball, Snow Perfume, Treat, Umeboshi, Vegetable Treat, Walnut,
Insects: All dragonflies, All frogs
Fish: All fish

Horror Gift:
-1000 FP

Cooked Recipes: Failed Dish, (horderve) Sashimi, Roasted Mushroom,

Steamed Mushrooms, Dolma, Roasted Eggplant, Deep-Fried Tofu, Yuba
Tofu, Boiled Daikon, Shredded Daikon, (main) Meuniere, Marinated Fish,
Spicy Curry, Moussaka, Grilled Fish, Fish Stew, Kimchi Stew, Bibimbap
Miso Eggplant
Cooked Recipe (horderve): Eggplant + Miso + Pot

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This book was created by STF based on
Thanks for reading and happy harvest ^^

For online cookbook, just follow this link

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