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Table of Contents:

Section 1

1 Osteology of the Head and Neck

Bones of the skull 3 Skull joints
3 Anatomical positiion 3 Exterior
of the skull 4 Norma verticalis 4
Norma occipitalis 5 Norma
frontalis 6 Attachments 8
Structures passing through
foramina 8
Norma lateralis 9
Structures passing through
foramina 11 Emissary veins
12 Norma basalis 12 Anterior
part 12 Middle part 13
Posterior part 15 Structures
passing through
foramina 17-19
Interior of skull 19
Diploic veins 19
Cranial vault 19
Base of skull 20
Anterior cranial fossa 20

Middle cranial fossa 22

Connections of parasympathetic
ganglia 23
Posterior cranial fossa 23
Attachments on interior of skull 25
Structures passing through
foramina 25
The orbit 26
Foramina in relation to orbit 27
Foetal skull 28
Mesodermal derivatives of pharyngeal
arches 29
Derivatives of endodermal pouches 29
Derivatives of ectodermal clefts 30 The
mandible 31
Foramina and relations to nerves
and vessels 33
Ossification 33 Clinical
anatomy 34 The maxilla
34 Features 35 Maxillary
sinus 37
Ossification 38
The hyoid bone 38
Clinical anatomy 39
Cervical vertebrae 40
Typical 40 First 41 Second 42 Seventh 43

Ossification 43 Ossification
of cranial bones 43

2 Scalp, Temple and Face 45

Some features on the living face 45
Scalp and superficial temporal region 46
Dissection 46
Clinical anatomy 48
The face 49
Dissection 50
Facial muscles 50
Motor nerve supply of the face 53
Clinical anatomy 54
Sensory nerve supply of the face 54
Clinical anatomy 54
Dissection 55
Facial artery 56 Eyelids or
palpebrae 59 Dissection
60 Clinical anatomy 62
Lacrimal apparatus 62
Dissection 62

3 Side of the Neck 65

Landmarks on the side of the neck 65
Deep cervical fascia 66
Investing layer 66

Pretracheal layer 67
Prevertebral layer 67
Carotid sheath 68
Buccopharyngeal fascia 68
Pharyngobasilar fascia 68
Clinical anatomy 68
Posterior triangle 69
Dissection 69
Contents 72
Sternocleidomastoid muscle 73
Clinical anatomy 74

4 The Back of the Neck 77

Introduction 77 Dissection
77 Muscles of the back 78
Suboccipital triangle 79
Suboccipital muscles 82
Clinical anatomy 83

5 Contents of the Vertebral Canal 85

Contents 85
Dissection 85
Spinal dura mater 85
Arachnoid mater 86
Pia mater 86 Vertebral
system of veins 87

Clinical anatomy 88

6 The Cranial Cavity 89

Cranial cavity 89
Dissection 89
Cerebral dura mater 90
Clinical anatomy 93
Cavernous sinuses 93
Clinical anatomy 95
Hypophysis cerebri 98
Dissection 98 Clinical
anatomy 100
Trigeminal ganglion 100
Dissection 700
Middle meningeal artery 101
Clinical anatomy 102
Cranial nerves 102
Dissection 102
Petrosal nerves 103

7 Contents of the Orbit 105

Introduction 105
Dissection 105
Contents of the orbit 105
Extraocular muscles 107
Dissection 107

Clinical anatomy 110

Ophthalmic artery 110
Optic nerve 112
Clinical anatomy 112
Oculomotor nerve 112
Clinical anatomy 113
Ciliary ganglion 114
Trochlear nerve 115
Clinical anatomy 115
Abducent nerve 115
Clinical anatomy 117

8 Anterior Triangle of the Neck 119

Surface landmarks 119
Structures in the anterior median
region 120
Dissection 120
Clinical anatomy 122
Infrahyoid muscles 122
Anterior triangle of neck 123
Dissection 124
Submental triangle 724
Digastric triangle 724
Carotid triangle 726
Dissection 726
Common carotid artery 726

External carotid artery 727

Muscular triangle 730
Dissection 737

9 The Parotid Region 733

Parotid gland 733
Dissection 733 Surface
marking 734 External
features 735 Clinical
anatomy 738 Facial nerve
unctional components 738
Course and relations 739
Branches and distribution 739
Clinical anatomy 747

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