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lanetary Karakatwas

1-2. I now detail below Atmakarka etc. obtainable from among the 7 planets viz.
the Sun to Saturn. Some say that Rahu will become a Karka when there is a state
of similarity in terms of longitude between (two) planets. Yet some say that the
8 planets including Rahu will have to be considered irrespective of such a stat
Among the planets from the Sun etc. whichever has traversed maximum number of de
grees in a particular sign is called Atmakarka. If the degrees are identical, th
en the one with more minutes of arc and if the minutes are also identical then t
he one with higher seconds of arc will have to be considered. In that case, thes
e three are called Amathyakarka, Madhyakarka, and Upakheta. In the case of Rahu,
deduct his longitude in that particular sign from 30. The Karakas will have to
be decided as above and as per further rules given below. Out of these Karakas,
Atmakaraka is the most important and has a prime say on the native just as the k
ing is the most famous among the men of his country and is the head of all affai
rs and is entitled to arrest and release men.
O Brahmin, just as the minister cannot go against the king, the other
iz. Putrakaraka, Amatyakaraka etc. cannot predominate over Atmakaraka
airs of the native. If the Atmakarka is adverse, other karakas cannot
benefic effects (fully). Similarly if Atmakaraka if favorable, other
nnot predominate with their malefic influences.

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The planet next to Atmakaraka in terms of longitude is called Amatyakaraka.
Similarly follow one another in terms of longitude are Bhratru karaka, Matru kar
aka, Pitru karaka, Putrakaraka, Gnati karaka, and Streekaraka. These are chara k
arakas or inconstant significators. Some consider Martukaraka and Putrakaraka as
If two planets have the same longitude, both become the same karaka in which cas
e there will be a deficit of one karaka. In that circumstance, consider constant
significator in the context of benefic/malefic influence for the concerned rela
I Narrate below the constant significators as related to the planets. The strong
er among the Sun and Venus indicates the father while the stronger among the Moo
n and Mars indicates the mother. Mars denotes sister, brother-in-law, younger br
other, and mother. Mercury rules maternal relative while Jupiter indicates pater
nal grandfather. Husband and sons are respectively denoted by Venus and Saturn.
From Ketu note wife, father, mother, parents-in-law and maternal grandfather. Th
ese are constant significators.
These constant significances are derivable from the Bhavas counted from the said
constant significators. The 9th from the Sun denotes father, the 4th from the M
oon mother, the 3rd from Mars brothers, the 6th from Mercury maternal uncle, the
5th from Jupiter sons, the 7th from Venus wife, and the 8th from Saturn death.
The learned should consider all these and declare related effects accordingly.
O Brahmin, I make below a passing reference to Yogakarakas (or mutual co-workers
). Planets become Yogakarakas if they are in mutual angles identical with own si
gns, exaltation, or friendly sign. In the 10th house, a planet will be significa
ntly so. Planets simply (i.e. not being in friendly & C) in the ascendant, a the
4th and 7th do not become such Yogakarakas. Even if they be place in other hous

es but with such dignities as mentioned shall become yogakarakas. With such plan
ets, even a person of mean birth will become a king an be affluent. One born of
royal scion then will surely become a king. Thus the effects be declared conside
ring the number of such planets and the order the native belongs to.
I now narrate the siginificance of the houses. The first house denotes the soul
(and self), the 2nd house wife, the 11th preborn, the 3rd younger brother/sister
s, the 5th progeny, and the 7th house wife. It is also said that a planet in the
5th becomes a karaka for wife. The significators of the house in order are: the
Sun, Jupiter, Mars, the Moon, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury, J
upiter, and Saturn.
35-37. O excellent of the Brahmins, after knowing the merits of the 1st house et
c. the good and bad effects be declared. 11th, 3rd, 8th, 6th, 2nd, and 12th are
malefic bhavas. Association with these houses will inflict evils. Angles and tri
nes are auspicious bhavas, the association with which turns even evils into ausp

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