Keys in Dreams and Visions - Sharing Discovery and Prayer (Christian)

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What do keys in visions and dreams mean - a Christian perspective.

I spend a portion of my time in prayer. I tend to write out my prayers, so I can go back and check
what prayers have been answered. Some of my prayers breakthrough in ways that result in my
receiving a key, keys most of the time on keyrings. For some time, I struggled with what to do
with the the key(s).
I noticed quite a few Christian authors have keys on the top of their books. I have cracked open
some of these books and it seem the authors kkapproach is to give or share with the reader the
keys to..
I got to thinking about what keys are used for in the natural. I have car keys in my purse. On my
keyring is a set of house (door) keys. Inside my house, I have keys to various pieces of furniture,
a safe, bathroom and bedroom doors, and even cars. Have you thought about what items you
have in your home that needs a key?
There are different kinds of keys such as hotel key cards, badge readers, thumbprints, face
scanners, eye scanners, answer keys software keys, credit card pin numbers (keys), combination
(keys) and microchips embedded in keycards, badge readers, credit cards etc..
Among these are keys such as the key to ones heart, mind, soul, etc...
In the bible Jesus talks about keys... "I will give you (Peter) the keys of Heaven ..."Matthew 1619; and "I have the keys of death and Hades" Revelation 18-1. Jesus infers that there are keys to
Heavens that he gives them to those whom he chooses. Jesus infers that Heaven is locked and
secured. Jesus says he has the keys of death and Hades, inferring there is something to unlock
regarding death and something to unlock concerning Hades that he himself unlocked when he
rose from the dead. Jesus can unlock us, who believe him, from death and from Hades. More
information is available on this topic from Dr. Peter Ruckmans sermon What happens when we
I wrote a prayer that gives Jesus the keys, but there was something missing. I prayed to God for
an answer and waited.
I had a dream that I was waiting in a Dr.'s office ( Jesus, the Great Physician), when a man in a
dark suit opened the door, came straight to me and took from me an empty keyring. He hurried
away, shutting the door behind him. I stood up in the dream I immediately woke up - the
keyring has to be included in the prayer. I began to come to the conclusion that in my prayer, I
needed to add language to protect the transfer of the key(s) and keyring(s) when I sent them to
Jesus so they could not be stolen. I began working on custodial wording of the keys, keyrings. I
was still stuck and the prayer seemed to still be missing something.
Some months passed and still I was missing something and the prayer not yet finished. I had a
dream one night standing in front of a house with a closed, locked door. I had in my right hand a
set of keys on a keyring. Jesus walked up to me, faced me, and I gave him the keys (on the
keyring). Jesus took them and started for the door at the house. He unlocked the door with the

key, opened the door, and there was a darkness in the house, I followed Jesus in and Jesus
overcame the darkness in that house.
No one can enter a strong mans house and plunder his goods, unless he first binds the strong
man, then indeed he may plunder his house. Mark 3:27.
If the door is locked and secured, then the only way to enter the house to bind the strong man is
with a key. The prayer was closer in being completed, but something was still missing.
I sometimes watch Perry Stone, I admit it and I think God gives Perry some insight. Perry did a
series about breaking the Apocalypse Code (spoiler alert- it still isnt broken), I bought the disc
set, started listening, and noticed (more than usual) teaching about the anti-christ. I started
having thoughts of Christ that were not good looks like Jesus, acts like Jesus, but something
off, while I was listening to the series. I starting developing an understanding that people have
different images of Jesus and worship the image of Jesus.but do they know Jesus? Are people
praying to the image of who they think Jesus is - is there an imposter to Jesus that tries to get the
Jesuss, son of God, worship? Are there false Christs in spirit, and if so, how do I know I am
praying to the right Jesus, the son of God? What about God? Are we calling out to the right God
- the Father of our savior Jesus? What about the Holy Spirit? Is he blue shaped as described by
Colton Burpo in the book, Heaven is for Real. Do we tag him in our prayers like a blue period
in a prayer?
I started changing all of my prayers to Father God Jehovah, and the Lord Jesus Christ, son of
Father God Jehovah. The Holy Spirit confounded me. After some time of struggling with who
the H/holy Spirit is/was, I went to the Hebrew writing, and I found out that H/holy Spirit or
H/holy Ghost was a translation of the various uses of Ruach. According to, Ruach
means breath, wind, spirit, and is spelled as . The symbols on the word symbols, right to left,
meant head of , joining , cross . So, Ruach is the piece that joins Father God Jehovah to his
son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Ruach is the third person of the Trinity and is that which goes forth
from Father God Jehovah and connects him, the Father, to his son.
Stuck at the Ruach. I tried praying using Ruach as what we called, the Holy Spirit the prayer
wound to a stop.
I realized that , translated as Ruach not only connects the Father to the Son, but we, his
children, are connected to the Father and the Son through .
I rewrote the prayer several times and today, October 29th, 2015 I finally landed on this version.
" In the name of Jesus Christ, son of Father God Jehovah, I take authority over these keys, the
keyrings these keys have ever been on, and the locks these keys fit. In the name of the Lord Jesus
Christ, son of Father God Jehovah, I bind that which I have authority over with means that only
Father God Jehovah and his son, the Lord Jesus Christ can only unbind. That which is bound, is
contained into containments provided by Father God Jehovah. These containments are closed,
locked, and secured with means only Father God Jehovah and his son, the Lord Jesus Christ, can
unlock and open. That which is bound and that which is contained I give to the custody of Father

God Jehovah, his son, the Lord Jesus Christ, through the Breath of Father God Jehovah. In the
name of the Lord Jesus Christ, son of Father God Jehovah, I give that which I have authority
over to Father God Jehovah and his son, the Lord Jesus Christ, through the Breath of Father God

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