3.09. Council Not To Interfere in Town Manager Appointments and Removals

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Jimmy Stathatos
Place1 - Brian Rountree
Town Council
Fwd: Aging Post Oaks
Sunday, July 19, 2015 8:02:00 PM

I'm very disappointed that you continueto communicate directly with
employees without me being aware of it. After the first few times, I
respectfully requested that you work through me. I'm even fine if you
copy me as long as you're not directing employees. On two separate
occasions today (this email and another one to Ken Parr) you contacted
staff without my knowledge. You asked them questions and provided
direction. This puts me, the Town employees and the Town Council in a
very awkward position. The Town Charter explicitly covers this issue:

3.09. Council Not to Interfere in Town Manager Appointments

and Removals.
Neither the Town Council nor any of its members shall direct or request the
appointment or removal of any person from office by the Town Manager or by
any of his subordinates. However, the Council may consult and advise with the
Town Manager, make inquiry regarding the appointments or removals, and
may express their opinion in regard thereto. In regard to administrative and
executive duties under the Town Manager, the Council and its members shall
deal solely through the Town Manager, either publicly or privately. Willful
violation of the foregoing provisions of this Charter by any member of the
Council shall constitute misconduct and shall authorize the Council by a vote
of the majority of its membership to expel such offending member of the
Council if found guilty after public hearing, and thereby create a vacancy in the
place held by such member.
(Amend. of 5-15-2004)

I struggled with whether to contact you about it again and whether to

make sure the Council is aware. However, nothing I have done to this
point to fix it has been successful. My hope is that it just stops. Please
work through me and not other Town employees (besides the Town
I'm happy to discuss this if you'd like.


Begin forwarded message:

From: Matthew Woods <matthew.woods@flowermound.com>
Date: July 19, 2015 at 5:49:13 PM CDT
To: Debra Wallace <debra.wallace@flower-mound.com>,
James Hoefert <james.hoefert@flower-mound.com>
Cc: Jimmy Stathatos <jimmy.stathatos@flower-mound.com>
Subject: Fwd: Aging Post Oaks
Please see the email below.
Are you able to provide some basic info? Please check with
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: Place1 - Brian Rountree <PLACE1@flowermound.com>
Date: July 19, 2015 at 11:24:43 AM EDT
To: Matthew Woods <matthew.woods@flowermound.com>
Subject: Aging Post Oaks
Hi Matt,

I have a couple questions for you. I had asked a couple

weeks ago for a cross cut from one of the post oaks
destroyed at the corner of Morriss/ 3040. Has that been
retrieved yet?

Secondly, the subject of the new classification of Heritage

Oak is coming up on Monday nights agenda. I want to
confirm our previous discussion in which I believe you
stated that with the current aging methods, a post oak of
greater than 27 caliper width would be accepted as older
than 150 years? If not, what would the correct caliper width

be for 150 years?

I have been going by the method stated by the US Forestry

Service, measuring circumference about man height from
ground, dividing by 3.14, then multiplying by growth factor
of 6.

Please confirm.

Thank You,

Brian Rountree, Place 1


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