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Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad
has the pleasure of announcing

The International Conference

to be held on Saturday, 31th October 2015,
at the Faculty of Philosophy, Novi Sad, Dr Zorana india 2.

Abstracts for 20-minute presentations on one of the following general topics are invited:
Phonetics, Phonology
Morphology, Syntax
Semantics, Pragmatics
Discourse Analysis
Contrastive Linguistics
Contact Linguistics
Corpus Linguistics

Abstract submission guidelines:

Language Teaching
Language Acquisition
Translation Studies
Cultural Studies
Communication Studies
Literary History
Literary Theory
Literary Criticism

Working languages of the Conference are English, German, French, Russian, Spanish, Italian, all
official languages of ex-Yugoslavia, as well as languages that are taught at the Faculty of
Philosophy: Serbian, Hungarian, Slovakian, Romanian, Ruthenian (as first languages).
Abstracts should include the following elements:
(1) the name and surname of the author(s),
(2) the affiliation of the author(s),
(3) the e-mail address(es) of the author(s),
(4) within 15 words: the title of the presentation, and
(5) within 200-250 words: a clear description of the aims, methodology and expected results of
the project to be reported in the presentation.
Abstracts should be sent electronically, as e-mail attachments in Microsoft Word for Windows
.doc or .docx formats, to the Conferences e-mail address:, with the
word apstrakt as the subject.
Abstracts will be evaluated according to the originality of the theme, approach and scholarly
contribution of the proposal.
Deadline for the submission of abstracts: 1 September 2015.
Deadline for the notification of acceptance: 15 September 2015.
Other important information:
Registration fee: 70 euros (EUR), payable in Serbian dinars (RSD).
From 1th September 2015 2015, up-to-date information will be available on the Facultys
After the Conference, a refereed selection of papers will be published by the Faculty of
Philosophy as a book of proceedings.
Scientific committee
Ivana ivanevi Sekeru, Phd,Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy,University of Novi Sad, Serbia
Davide Astori, PhD, Universit di Parma, Italia
Vittorio dell'Aquila, PhD, University of Vaasa (Vaasan yliopisto), Finland
Florentina Fredet, PhD, Universit Paris III - Sorbonne Nouvelle, France
Vladislava Gordi Petkovi, PhD, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
Yvonne Vrhovac, PhD, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Jagoda Grani, PhD, University of Split, Croatia
Sneana Guduri, PhD, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
Georgiana Lungu Badea, PhD, Universitatea de Vest, Timioara, Romania

Jean-Paul Meyer, PhD, Universit de Strasbourg, France

Predrag Mutavdi, PhD, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Octavia Nedelcu, PhD, Universitatea din Bucureti, Romania
Tatjana Paunovi, PhD, University of Ni, Serbia
Tvrtko Pri, PhD, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
Mihai Radan, PhD, Universitatea de Vest, Timioara, Romania
Georgeta Raa, PhD, USAMVB din Timioara, Romania
Nadeda Silaki, PhD, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Veran Stanojevi, PhD, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Marija Stefanovi, PhD, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
edomir Stojmenovi, PhD, University "Sveti Kiril i Metodij", Skoplje, Macedonia
Igor Laki, PhD, University of Montenegro, Podgorica, Montenegro
Slavica Perovi, PhD, University of Montenegro, Podgorica, Montenegro
Vesna Hadi Pogaj, PhD, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Alma Sokolija, PhD, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Hercegovina
Organising committee
Sneana Guduri, PhD, President of the Organising committee
Aleksandar Kavgi, PhD
Dragana Drobnjak, PhD
Sabina Halupka Reetar, PhD
Biljana Radi Bojani, PhD
Sonja Filipovi Kovaevi, PhD
Laura Spariosu, PhD
Ksenija ulovi, PhD
Ljubica Vlahovi, PhD
Nataa Radusin Bardi, PhD
Ana Halas, PhD
Ruica Seder, MA
Vanja Mani Mati, MA
Nataa Popovi, MA
Sanja Marii, MA


La Facult de Philosophie - Universit de Novi Sad
a le plaisir de vous annoncer la Confrence Internationale :
qui aura lieu le samedi 31 octobre 2015 la Facult de Philosophie,
Novi Sad, 2 rue Dr Zorana inia

Les auteurs sont invits soumettre une proposition de communication (rsum) pour une
prsentation de 20 mn sur les thmatiques suivantes:
Phontique , phonologie
Morphologie, syntaxe
Smantique, pragmatique
Analyse du discours
Linguistique contrastive
Linguistique de contact
Corpus linguistique

Instructions de soumission des propositions:

Didactique des langues

Acquisition du langage
Traduction, traductologie
Etudes culturelles
Histoire littraire
Thorie littraire
Critique littraire

Les langues de travail de la confrence sont les langues trangres tudies la Facult de
Philosophie: anglais, allemand, franais, russe, italien, espagnol, et les autres langues parles en
ex-Yougoslavie : serbe, hongrois, slovaque, roumain, ruthne (langues premires/maternelles).
Les rsums doivent contenir les lments suivants:
(1) nom et prnom de l'/des auteur(s)
(2) affiliation du/des auteur(s)
(3) adresse(s) courriel(s) du/des auteur(s)
(4) titre de la communication n'excdant pas 15 mots
(5) en 200-250 mots: spcifier les buts attendus, les mthodes, les rsultats viss du projet, le
sujet de la prsentation.
Nous vous prions d'envoyer les rsums sous forme lectronique, comme document joint sous
format: Microsoft Word pour Windows .doc ou .docx, ladresse courriel de la confrence:, en indiquant comme objet le mot rsum.
Les rsums seront slectionns et valus selon loriginalit du sujet, lapproche et la
contribution scientifique.
Date limite de soumission des propositions/rsums : le 1er septembre 2015
Date limite de notification dacceptation des communications : le 15 septembre 2015.
Autres informations importantes:
Frais dinscription : 70 , payables en dinars serbes (RSD)
Les informations mises jour seront disponibles, partir du 1 er septembre 2015, sur le site de la
facult :
Aprs la confrence, les textes slectionns seront publis par la Facult de Philosophie dans un
recueil dactes.
Comit scientifique
Ivana ivanevi Sekeru, Phd,Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy,University of Novi Sad, Serbia
Davide Astori, PhD, Universit di Parma, Italia
Vittorio dell'Aquila, PhD, University of Vaasa (Vaasan yliopisto), Finland
Florentina Fredet, PhD, Universit Paris III - Sorbonne Nouvelle, France
Vladislava Gordi Petkovi, PhD, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
Yvonne Vrhovac, PhD, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Jagoda Grani, PhD, University of Split, Croatia

Sneana Guduri, PhD, University of Novi Sad, Serbia

Georgiana Lungu Badea, PhD, Universitatea de Vest, Timioara, Romania
Jean-Paul Meyer, PhD, Universit de Strasbourg, France
Predrag Mutavdi, PhD, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Octavia Nedelcu, PhD, Universitatea din Bucureti, Romania
Tatjana Paunovi, PhD, University of Ni, Serbia
Tvrtko Pri, PhD, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
Mihai Radan, PhD, Universitatea de Vest, Timioara, Romania
Georgeta Raa, PhD, USAMVB din Timioara, Romania
Nadeda Silaki, PhD, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Veran Stanojevi, PhD, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Marija Stefanovi, PhD, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
edomir Stojmenovi, PhD, University "Sveti Kiril i Metodij", Skoplje, Macedonia
Igor Laki, PhD, University of Montenegro, Podgorica, Montenegro
Slavica Perovi, PhD, University of Montenegro, Podgorica, Montenegro
Vesna Hadi Pogaj, PhD, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Alma Sokolija, PhD, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herc
Comit dorganisation
dr Sneana Guduri, prsidente du Comit dorganisation
dr Aleksandar Kavgi
dr Dragana Drobnjak
dr Sabina Halupka Reetar
dr Biljana Radi Bojani
dr Sonja Filipovi Kovaevi
dr Laura Spariosu
dr Ksenija ulovi
dr Ljubica Vlahovi
dr Nataa Radusin Bardi
dr Ana Halas
mr Ruica Seder
mr Vanja Mani Mati
mr Nataa Popovi
MA Sanja Marii

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