Herd Page - The Herald-Dispatch, March 4, 2007

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8D The Herald-Dispatch — Huntington, WV, Sunday, March 4, 2007 Questions? Call the newsroom at 526-2798 www.herald-dispatch.com

Marshall Day
7 p.m. to 9 p.m., Emerald
Glade Roleplaying Group, words
still with
Center Campus Field
7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., Prince-
ton Review — MCAT, CH 244

Noon to 2:30 p.m., Women
of Color Celebration, MSC
us today
4 p.m. to 5 p.m., African
Drum & Dance, SM
Ninth grade HHS
student wins second
Wednesday place in King
Noon to 1 p.m., Dr. Niles Awards Competition
Cancer Colloquium, BBSC 102
3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., MU The Herald-Dispatch
College Republicans Weekly Sophia Berhie, a ninth-
Meeting, MSC 2W37 grader at Huntington High
School, received second
Thursday place in the high school
category in the Dr. Mar-
7 p.m. to 9 p.m., Volunteer
tin Luther King Jr. Annual
Income Tax Assistance, MSC
Awards Competition.
2W10, MSC 2W8
T he project was a n
7 p.m. to 9 p.m., M.U. Aikido
essay, “Creating a Beloved
Club, HC 2003
Community,” which was
7 p.m. to 9 p.m., Marshall
inspired by Shelly Vincent
Whitewater Club Kayak Ses-
and Sheila Leach.
sion, HC Pool
Here are excerpts from the
Friday “The aftermath of nonvio-
1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m., Beta lence is the creation of the
Alpha Psi Weekly Meeting, beloved community, while
MSC 2W16 the aftermath of violence is
2 p.m. to 2:50 p.m., LEAP tragic bitterness.” When Dr.
Intensive English Program, HH King f irst
spoke these “Since Dr.
Submitted photo words, he King’s pur-
Props used in the filming of “We Are Marshall” are on display during Marshall Day at the Capitol. Other displays promoted was speak- pose was
Marshall University colleges and/or programs. ing of the
to create
this beloved
Marshall shows off progress at its day at the Capitol
tion and
communi- community
cation of all with racial
people that
The Herald-Dispatch would lead
equality, it is
HUNTINGTON — Marshall University to the cre- our purpose,
administrators, faculty, staff, students and ation of the as a genera-
alumni got to show off the university’s “beloved tion, to cre-
progress at the State Capitol in Charleston communi- ate overall
on Tuesday during Marshall University Day ty” that he
at the Capitol. envisioned. equality.”
Get Herd! Booth displays promoting Marshall Univer- However, Sophia
Items can be e-mailed to sity colleges and/or programs were displayed over time Berhie
news@herald-dispatch.com. in the Upper Rotunda of the State Capitol the mean- ninth grade
Please type “Herd News” in and MU representatives greeted visitors and i n g h a s Huntington High
the subject line. Or, fax items interacted with legislators throughout the s to o d it s
to (304) 526-2857. Items can day. ground,
be mailed to Herd On Cam- A resolution honoring Marshall as it cel- while the
pus, The Herald-Dispatch, ebrates milestones and accomplishments, circum-
P.O. Box 2017, Huntington, such as the 20th anniversary of its faculty stances have changed. Racial
WV 25720. Please include senate; the 80th anniversary of its W. Page equality has evolved since
a contact name and phone Pitt School of Journalism and Mass Com- the time of Dr. King, but his
number. munications; the success of the “We Are words are still with us.
Questions? Call Marshall Marshall” movie; and the receipt of its Rick Haye/Marshall University Since Dr. King’s purpose
beat reporter Justin McElroy at first-ever royalty check for a patented prod- Kimberly Hudson from the Marshall Alumni Association serves popcorn to was to create this beloved
(304) 526-2772. uct, was read in the House and the Senate. Capitol workers and visitors during Marshall University Day at the Capitol. community with racial equal-
ity, it is our purpose, as a
generation, to create overall
equality. It is our purpose
HERD NEWS IN BRIEF “I hope after the discus-
sion with Mr. Campbell that
includes terms as president
of the Huntington Chamber
in 1990. He still works at his
office in Huntington and tours
students will create a working
marketing agency to research,
to see that all students —
minorities and underprivi-
Golfing great to speak our students will be more of Commerce, the Hunting- the world as a speaker and develop, implement, and evalu- leged — know that they have
to Marshall community motivated to seek their own ton YMCA and the Marshall champion of golf. ate a campaign. Students will the opportunity and option
path toward outstanding University Foundation, Inc. Anyone interested in attend- receive a $2,500 budget and to take honors classes and go
From Marshall University
Communications accomplishments,” Hensley He also was chairman of the ing “A Chat with Bill Camp- build relationships with local to college.
said. “I have always admired Marshall University Advisory bell” may call Hensley at (304) businesses though sponsor- It is our purpose to see
HUNTINGTON — Hunting- Mr. Campbell not only for his Board and a member of the 696-6423. ships to bring their campaign that all of our generation
ton resident William C. Camp- accomplishments, but for the Cammack Children’s Center plans to life. knows what is out in the
bell, an insurance executive for dignity and humility he has board of directors. Campbell The Chevrolet Market- world, and all the different
nearly 60 years, a member of the displayed throughout his life. I also is a past president of the Marshall students to vie ing Internship Program is paths that they can choose
World Golf Hall of Fame and the believe he will be a true inspi- Central Ohio Valley Industrial for Chevrolet internship designed to bridge the gap from. It is our purpose to
only person ever to have headed ration to our students, faculty Council and past regional vice between industry and educa- continue on in Dr. King’s
both governing bodies of the and anyone else who attends.” president of the Ohio Valley HUNTINGTON — This tion, providing students with legacy, a nd f i n ish what
game of golf, will speak at Mar- Campbell, who was born Improvement Association. spring, Marshall University hands-on experience to feel he sta rted : creating the
shall University next week. on May 5, 1923, in Huntington, He served in combat in World and Chevrolet are partner- more confident when entering beloved community.
“A Chat with Bill Camp- enjoyed a long career as an War II with the 100th Infantry ing up to target college age the work force. The program One year before Dr. King
bell” will take place at 2 p.m. amateur golfer. He won the Division, rising in rank to Cap- students with a semester-long is coordinated by EdVenture spoke the words above he
Wednesday, March 7, in the West Virginia Amateur 15 times; tain. Campbell was awarded internship. Through Chevro- Partners, an education-mar- said, “The method of nonvio-
Alumni Lounge on the second competed in 37 U.S. Amateurs, the Bronze Star for Valor and let’s marketing internship pro- keting agency that designs lence seeks not to humiliate
floor of the Memorial Student 15 U.S. Opens and 18 Masters; three Battle Stars. He began his gram, students will have and industry-education partner- and not to defeat the oppres-
Center on Marshall’s Hunting- won the West Virginia Open college career in 1941 at Princ- opportunity to practice and ships at campuses around the sor, but it seeks to win his
ton campus. Members of the three times, won the U.S. Senior eton University, took a 31⁄2 -year execute real world marketing United States. Watch for more friendship and his under-
Marshall University commu- Amateur championship twice break to serve in the military, techniques to promote aware- information about the Chev- standing.” It continuation
nity are invited to attend. and won the U.S. Amateur once. then returned to Princeton and ness and Chevrolet vehicles. rolet Marketing Internship of the building of Dr. King’s
Steve Hensley, Marshall’s He served as president of graduated in 1947. Campbell has Students will participate in Program at Marshall Univer- beloved community, we must
dean of student affairs, said he the U.S. Golf Association from been with John Hancock Life the program through Advertis- sity throughout the spring work with those who stand
believes those who attend will 1982 through 1984, and was Companies since, and is a life ing/Promotion Management, 2007 semester. against us. We must work
benefit from hearing Camp- captain of the Royal & Ancient member of the Million Dollar at Marshall University, one of Those in need of more infor- towards finding a common
bell discuss his experience in Golf Club of St. Andrews in Round Table. seven schools in the southeast mation regarding the program ground, and reaching the
leadership and the challenges 1987 and 1988. Campbell was inducted into region participating in the may contact Stephanie Circle epitome of cooperation and
young people face today. Campbell’s civic leadership the World Golf Hall of Fame program. During the semester, at (304) 696-1811. friendship.

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