Roshni Issue 86. November 2015

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lawful resources towards the attainment

of the desired goal while relying entirely
on Allaah-SWT for the results. A mere
reliance on one's resources leads to
corrupt practices and illegal ways. The
main cause behind thefts and bribe is this
reliance on money.
The fourth qualification of the
believers is that they establish Salat
themselves with devotion observing all
the etiquettes and instruct others to do
so. The fifth one is that they spend from
what Allaah-SWT has given them, in
compliance with His-SWT Commands.
This includes wealth, knowledge and
spiritual strength, as well as power and
authority, because all these are the
blessings of Allaah-SWT . And they dare
not defy Him-SWT . Those who possess
the above attributes are indeed the
The very first audience of the Quran
are the Companions-RAU who are also
the exemplary believers. Thus for all
times to come till Yaum al Qiyamah, their
conduct is like a mirror for every believer
to look into and determine his own level of
faith. And no one can qualify as a believer
by mere proclamation of Islam, while his
conduct contradicts his claim. Once
Imam Hassan Basri-RUA was asked
whether he considered himself to be a
believer. He said that as far as believing
in Allah-SWT , the Prophets-AS the
Angels, the Revelations and the Akhirah
was concerned, he certainly was a
believer. But if he was to be evaluated in
the light of the Ayat of AI-Anfal he was not
too sure, as only Allaah-SWT knew the

best and His-SWT decision will be

announced on the Day of Judgement,
when the true believers will be rewarded
with honour, forgiveness and provisions.
Grades of Honour
According to Behr-e-Muheet the
qualities of the believers can be classified
in three categories. The first type are the
qualities of the Qalb, such as faith, Taqwa
and Tawakkul etc. The second category
is of physiological qualities comprising
Salat, Fasting, Hajj etc. and the third is
financial, which includes spending in the
Cause of Allaah-SWT . The rewards
corresponding to these categories are
also of three types. The virtues of heart
earn higher spi rit ual st ations,
physiological virtues lead to salvation,
and financial worship brings more and
better provisions. The perfection of these
qualities leads to total surrender to the
Will and Purpose of Allaah-SWT and its
rewards can be seen in the Battle of Badr.
What awaits such believers in the
Hereafter may well be imagined.
The Execution of Command and its
Alla h-SWT s Co mma nds a re
absolutely true and must be obeyed
regardless of how such acts of obedience
may outwardly appear. To fight the
Makkans at Badr without manpower,
weapons and logistics during the
scorching summer and the month of
fasting was apparently suicidal. It was at
this time that the Holy Prophet-SW was
informed about the trade caravan of the
Makkans, headed by Abu Sufyan,

returning from Syria richly laden. This

caravan was a joint venture of the infidels
to raise funds in order to fight the
Muslims. So important was this venture
that the caravan was escorted by seventy
mounted and armed men of which forty
were the chieftains of Quraish. AllaahSWT Commanded the Holy Prophet-SW
to go forth and foil the evil plans of
Quraish and its accomplices. Thus the
Holy Prophet-SW announced the
departure for the mission assigned by the
Almighty. Many did not have any means
of travelling, while some had other
reasons for not being able to go.
Nevertheless the Army of Islam,
comprising three hundred and thirteen
noble souls, seventy camels, two horses
and six armours and approximately eight
swords set out, in execution of AllahSWT's Command. When they arrived
near Badr informers were sent to get an
update on the enemy caravan. They
found that the situation had radically
changed. The caravan, getting a wind of
the approaching Muslims, had changed
its course and had got away safely by
moving along the coastline, while an
army of one thousand warriors from
Makkah were heading towards Madinah
on receiving a request for help from the

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ROSHNI Issue No.86


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November 2015

And recall when Allaah-SWT was
promising you-SW one of the two parties
that it should be yours-SW and you-SW
wished that the one not armed should be
yours-SW; while Allaah-SWT sought to
justify the truth by His-SWT Words and to
cut off the root of the infidels.
Liyuhiqqa alhaqqa wayubtila albatila
walaw kariha almujrimoon(a)
In order that He-SWT might justify the
truth and falsify the false, though the
guilty ones were averse to it.
Ith tastagheethoona rabbakum
fa(i)stajaba lakum annee mumiddukum
bialfin mina almalaikati murdifeen(a)
And recall when you-SW implored yourSW Rabb-SWT and He-SWT answered
you-SW: surely I-SWT am about to
succour you-SW with a thousand of
angels rank in rank.
Wama jaAAalahu Allahu illa bushra
w a l it a t m a i n n a b ih i q u l o o b u k u m
wamaa(l)nnasru illa min AAindi Allahi
inna Allaha AAazeezun hakeem(un)
And Allaah-SWT did not make this
promise save as glad tidings and that
your minds might be assured; and victory
comes only from Allaah-SWT . Verily
Allaah-SWT is Mighty, Wise.
The booty was a Divine Favour for
Muslims. So far it was forbidden to the
preceding nations. The verdict of the
Holy Prophet-SW had to be obtained

about its disposal who issued four

ordinances: (1) Anyone killing an
opponent would take his belongings,
which would not form part of the booty (2)
The contingent going on an expedition
would distribute the seized booty
amongst themselves leaving one fifth for
the Bait al Mal (Govt. Treasury) (3) From
the share deposited at the Bait al Mal,
awards for courage under fire and
exceptional performances would be
given to the deserving (4) The share of
the servants corps was taken from the
total recoveries. The general rule laid
down for the distribution of the booty was
to give one fifth into the Bait al Mal and
the rest to go to the troops. It must be
added here that these rules had been laid
down at Badr, so the assumption that
some troops had abandoned their post at
Uhad to collect booty for themselves is


The Real Wealth

Th e R e c i t a t i o n o f t he Q ur a n
Strengthens Faith

The booty will be at the disposal of

Allah-SWT's Messenger-SW, which heSW will dispense under His-SWT
Guidance. However, the believers must
concentrate on achieving Taqwa and
must continuously strive to gain more
spiritual elevation. The spiritual states
indeed are the real wealth worth aspiring
for, as against temporal affluence.
The be liev e rs mu s t m ain tain
harmony amongst themselves through
self-denial because the temporal wealth
is always a source of conflict. Therefore,
booty is not the motive behind Jihad; it is
only a bonus, a reward. The real purpose
is the obedience to Allah-SWT expressed
through the obedience to His-SWT
Prophet-SW who alone is given the
knowledge of what Allaah-SWT likes or

Therefore, the Holy Prophet-SW

must be obeyed with devotion and
sincerity, which indeed is the obedience
to Allaah-SWT and a source of attaining
Taqwa and spiritual states. Taqwa and
obedience are each others seeds as well
as fruits. Faith demands obedience
which is also the measure by which the
level of faith is determined.
The Definition of a Believer
A believer is defined here as a person
whose heart is overawed at the very
mention of Allah-SWT's Name. This awe
does not mean fear of anything harmful. It
rather denotes that heartfelt experience
of the glory and grandeur of the
Magnificent Being-SWT , which is a
superior spiritual state. Thus the
recitation of the Quran, the Word of AllahSWT, raises the level of a believer's faith.

Although a regular recitation of the

text of the Quran generates inner light
and helps to believe firmly in the
Hereafter and act piously but if the
meanings and the interpretation are also
understood, the aforesaid state is
attained with excellence and speed. This
then creates a natural aversion to
Tawakkul (Trust in Allah-SWT )
Thirdly the believers put in their best
effort to achieve an objective by
employing all available resources.
However, they neither rely on their
resources nor effort but only on AllaahSWT . The term Tawakkul does not
denote a state whereby a person sits idle,
but it means to direct one's energy and

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ROSHNI Issue No.86

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November 2015

of events. The Muslims seized booty

after the victory at Badr and the question
arose how should it be handled, because
for all preceding nations booty was
prohibited. They would pile it up in the
field and a fire from the heavens would
consume it as a sign of Divine Approval. If
at times the booty was left intact, no one
would touch it considering it to be
inauspicious. It is amongst the blessings
of the holy Prophet-SW that booty was
made lawful. Anfal is the plural of Nafl
which means bonus and that is why Salat
or charity which is not obligatory is called
Nafl. The booty seized in Jihad is also
called Anfal because it is not the motive
behind the struggle. The motive is to
uphold the truth and the booty is only
bonus for the participants and revenue
for the State.

Total Number of Ruku / Sections 10

This booty is of two categories: Faiy

and Anfal. The former consists of what
the enemy leaves behind when he
surrenders voluntarily without fight, while
the latter is won after fighting a battle.
Since the Battle of Badr was the very first
clash between the Muslims and the
infidels and it was also the first to be
determined who gets what. The
Commentators explain that when the
infidels deserted the battlefield at Badar,
the Companions-RAU were regrouped
into three contingents. One followed the
fleeing; the second collected the booty
while the third gathered around the Holy
Prophet-SW for protection against an
unexpected attack and also to act as an
operational reserve for any emergency.
All the three forces were important in their
own way, so the matter of division of the
booty amongst them was placed before
the Holy Prophet-SW.

Innama almuminoona allatheena itha

thukira Allahu wajilat quloobuhum
waith atuliyat AAalay him aya tu hu
zadathum eemanan waAAala rabbihim

Total Number of Ayat / Parts 75

Surah / Chapter number 8

These are they who are the true

believers. For them are degrees with
their Rabb-SWT and forgiveness and a
provision honourable.

Ruku / Section 1 contains Ayat / Parts 10


Siparah/ Volume 9 & 10

Kama akhrajaka rabbuka min baytika

bi(a)lhaqqi wainna fareeqan mina
almumineena lakarihoon(a)

Yasaloonaka AAani alanfali quli alanfalu

lillahi wa(al)rrasooli fa(i)ttaqoo Allaha
waaslihoo thata baynikum waateeAAoo
A l la h a w a r a s o o l a h u i n k u n t u m
They ask you-SW concerning the
booty; say you-SW: the booty is AllahSWT's and the Messenger-SW's. So fear
Allah-SWT, and set right the matter
among you, and obey Allaah-SWT and
His-SWT Messenger-SW if you are

The believers are only those whose

hearts quake with awe when Allaah-SWT
is mentioned, and when His-SWT
Revelations are rehearsed to them, it
increases their faith and they put trust in
their Rabb-SWT .
Allatheena yuqeemoona a(l)ssalata
wamimma razaqnahum yunfiqoon(a)
Who establish prayer and who spend of
what We-SWT have provided them.

As your-SW Rabb-SWT had caused youSW to go forth from your houses for a
right cause, while a party of the faithful
were reluctant.
Yujadiloonaka fee alhaqqi baAAdama
tab ayyana kaann ama yusaq oona
ilaalmawti wahum yanthuroon(a)
Disputing with you respecting the
right cause after it had become manifest,
as though they were led forth to death
while they looked on.
Waith ya AAiduk umu Allahu ihda
a(l)ttaifatayni annaha lakum
watawaddoona anna ghayra thati
a(l)shshawkati takoonu lakum
wayureedu Allahu an yuhiqqa alhaqqa
b ik a l im a t ih i wa y a q ta AAa d a b i ra



Olaika humu almuminoona haqqan
lahum darajatun AAinda rabbihim
wamaghfiratun warizqun kareem(un)

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ROSHNI Issue No.86


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November 2015

Asrar At-Tanxil

The English Tafseer of Quran

By: Ameer Muhammad Akram Awan

Translation and Tafseer Surah Name: Al-A'raf Meaning: The Heights, Reveleaed at Makkah
Continued from last month

his worldly life is neither an idle

sport nor fun. Even the ProphetsAS and the Messengers-AS will
account for their responsibilities, and will
be asked whether or not they had
conveyed the Divine Message. They will
be questioned despite their innocence
and the fact that they exerted all their
energies to achieve the mission for which
raised. The Holy Prophet-SW highlighted
this in his-SW Farewell Address in Arafat,
when he-SW inquired from the audience
as to how did he-SW fare with his-SW
mission? All of them replied: "You-SW
have indeed fully lived upto the task of
con veying the Div ine Me ssage .
Thereupon the Holy Prophet-SW raised
his-SW finger towards the heavens and
said thrice: Allaah-SWT ! Be my
If this is the state of the Prophets-AS
"with regard to accountability, how come
those unto whom they had been sent
hope for evading questioning. Still most
of them did not even bother to listen to the
Prophets-AS The questioning will be
thorough, down to the minutest details of
actions, which even the doers would
have forgotten. Declares Allaah-SWT :
"I-SWT will make them remember
everything as I-SWT am always
watching, and nothing escapes My-SWT

the abode will be Hell, proportionate to

the gravity of the sins, and this indeed will
be a great loss. If one had acquired
wealth, power or fame by employing
unfair means, he shall face the torment of
Hell. The basic cause for this loss is the
denial of Allah-SWT's Signs. Disbelief is
such a crime that no piety can ever
coexist with it and it drives the
disobedient to Hell. On the contrary, the
believers are forgiven, as faith does
i n v o k e H i s - S W T M e r c y. T h e
Commentators have discussed the
weight of different deeds, and their
relative value on the Scales. In case of a
believer, there is every hope of ultimate
salvation, even if he has to suffer in Hell
for a while for any sin. But disbelief leads
to everlasting doom.
Life on Moon and Other Planets
Allah-SWT has created the earth as
human abode and has placed all the
material resources of life therein. This
clearly shows that all resources of human
life are only available on earth. If one
aspires to settle on the moon or any other
planet, he will have to take all the
resources of life from here, not only the
food but also the atmosphere, the

climate, the oxygen etc. How difficult and

unnatural would it be to live there! If only
the billions of dollars squandered away
senselessly on excursions to the moon
and in the space are spent on the earth
for the betterment of mankind! In spite of
the innumerable blessings there are very
few people who show gratitude to AllaahSWT by obeying Him-SWT .
New Surah
Surah Name: Al-Anfaal Meaning: The
Revealed at Madinah
This is a Madni Surah. It is the sequel
to Surah Al-A'raf, which highlighted the
aftermath of infidelity and polytheism vis-vis faith and piety. Al-Anfal reveals the
practical demonstration of these
consequences. It portrays the way their
pride and hostility of the infidels was
reduced to ashes in the encounter with
piety and faithfulness of the
Companions-RAU, of the Holy ProphetSW at Badr. Outwardly it was a struggle
by a few hundred men, but in terms of its
results the battle of Badr proved to be a
turning point in the history of mankind. It
altered the pace and changed the course

Today it is generally believed that the

one in power, or the affluent wins the day.
Whether one is afraid of the responsibility
the power brings, or becomes arrogant
once he acquires it will be known on the
Day of Judgement, when everything
including beliefs and practices will be
weighed on the most accurate Scales.
Therefore, do not assume any action as
intangible or weightless, and therefore,
not liable. Allaah-SWT is all Powerful to
personify every sin or give weight to
states without any physical appearance
or form. Thus the acts of obedience shall
be placed on one side of the Scales and
the deeds of disobedience on the other. If
the weight of the former is more, the
person will be emancipated. Otherwise

ROSHNI Issue No.86


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November 2015

First: (F1) Unmarried Sons and
Daughters of U.S. Citizens: 23,400 plus
any numbers not required for fourth
Second: Spouses and Children, and
Unmarried Sons and Daughters of

Permanent Residents: 77% of the overall

second preference limitation, of which
75% are exempt from the per-country
B. (F2B) Unmarried Sons and Daughters
(21 years of age or older) of Permanent
Residents: 23% of the overall second
preference limitation.
Third: (F3) Married Sons and Daughters

not required by first three preferences.

On the chart below, the listing of a date
for any class indicates that the class is
oversubscribed (see paragraph 1); "C"
means current, i.e., numbers are available
for all qualified applicants; and "U" means
unavailable, i.e., no numbers are
available. (NOTE: Numbers are available
only for applicants whose priority date is
earlier than the cut-off date listed below)n

of U.S. Citizens:
23,400, plus any
numbers not required by first and second
Fourth: (F4) Brothers and Sisters of Adult
U.S. Citizens: 65,000, plus any numbers

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plus any unused first preference numbers
A. (F2A) Spouses and Children of


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ROSHNI Issue No.86


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ashington - USCIS offers

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unforeseen circumstances, such as
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These measures may be available
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United States, even if the request is filed
after the authorized period of admission
has expired.
Expedited adjudication of requests for
off-campus employment authorization for
F-1 students experiencing severe
economic hardship.
Expedited adjudication of
employment authorization applications,
where appropriaten

November 2015

The student wrote 5 and

Teacher: What are you waiting
student: I don't know which side to
write the other 5!


The doctor to the patient: You
are very sick
The patient to the doctor: 'Can I
get a second opinion?
The doctor again: 'Yes, you are
very ugly too

Headmaster: I've had complaints
about you, Johnny, from all your
teachers. What have you been
Johnny: Nothing, sir.
Headmaster: Exactly.


A: Why are you crying?
B: The elephant is dead.
A: Was he your pet?
B: No, but I'm the one who must
dig his grave.

PUPIL: "Would you punish me for
something I didn`t do?"
TEACHER:" Of course not."
PUPIL: "Good, because I haven`t
done my homework."


A teacher asked a student to

write 55.
Student asked: How? Teacher:
Write 5 and beside it another 5!

ROSHNI Issue No.86

Little Johnny: Teacher, can I go to

the bathroom?
Teacher: Little Johnny, MAY I go to
the bathroom?
Little Johnny: But I asked first!

Son: Dad, what is an
Dad: An idiot is a
person who
tries to explain
his i deas in
such a strange
and long
way that
an othe r
person who is listening to
him can't understand him. Do you
understand me?
Son: No.


Bank Teller: How do you like the

English Student: I like it very
Father: What did you do
today to help your
Son: I dried the dishes
Daughter: And I helped
pick up the pieces.

Patient: Will it make me better?

Doctor: No, I but I'll be able to see if
your neck leaks.


A: When I stand on my head the
blood rushes to my head, but
when I stand on my feet the blood
doesn't rush to my feet. Why is
B: It's because your feet aren't

Teacher: Tell me a sentence that
starts with an "I".
Student: I is the....
Teacher: Stop! Never put 'is' after
an "I".Always put 'am' after an "I".
Student: OK. I am the ninth letter
of the alphabet.


Wife: I saw in
my dream That
you were bying
a diamond ring
for me!
Husbend: I saw your dad
paying the bill...

If vegetarians eat vegetables,
what do humanitarians eat?

Patient: Doctor, I think that I've
been bitten by a vampire.
Doctor: Drink this glass of water.


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November 2015

l Billion Dollar Brows (BDBrows)

Universal Brow Pencil ($18)
l BDBrows brow powder in Taupe
and Raven ($18)

ome of us are blessed with

naturally beautiful eyebrows
and some are blessed with the
skills to recreate that beautiful natural
brow. While they might not be the first
thing you think of when applying
makeup, eyebrows are one of the
most important parts of your face.
Many makeup artists,including
myself, will agree that eyebrows not
only frame your face but also help you
look groomed and sleek.
A crucial part of this process is
starting off with a properly shaped and
clean brow. If you have trouble doing it
yourself, go to an expert! And one that
you trust. I'm sure we all have those
eyebrow ladies we will never, ever
see again. Threading is my first
preference. If I can't make it out then
the tweezer is my bestie. Once your
face is washed clean, apply
moisturizer while avoiding the
eyebrows. The residue and oils from
the moisturizer can wipe away all your
hard work in an instant. Next, it is best
to brush out your eyebrows in an
upwards motion using an eyebrow
brush- something that imitates a
mascara wand.
For a fresher, natural look, there's
no need for a powder or pencil.
Instead, you can use a brow tint to add
some definition and set it in place.
These can also be used to touch up
the unwanted greys!

b row p owd er, simp ly u se an

eyeshadow that is a cool brown and
not one with a red undertone (unless
you're a red-head). When using a
pencil, use gentle strokes (a plucking
upwards motion) in areas of sparse
hair to fill in gaps. Then use the
mascara wand-like brush to brush the
hair. This will help smudge any rigid
lines and blend it out.
I like to use both pencil and
shadow. I use the pencil to outline my
brow (usually near my arch) where I
want to fill in the shadow. Then I take a
mix of Billion dollar brow powders
intaupe and brown to fill where I'm
lacking hair, leaving the front till the
very end. Without adding on any extra
shadow, I brush the front in an upwards
motion. This helps to give it a more
naturally defined finish. Finally, I set
them in place with a brow gel to help
keep them in place.

The whole process seems tedious at

first, but you can be a brow expert in no
time! Be patient and don't get
frustrated. It only takes one bad move
to go from natural to graphic-which
only looks good in fashion magazines.

l Do not shave your eyebrows! Using
a razor will not remove the hair from
the pore and can leave you with
ingrown hair.
l Give your eyebrow more definition
by applying a highlighter/ concealer
over and under the brow bone and
smudging it out.
l Do not pencil in the front of your
eyebrow. It is always safer to use a
shadow, using less of what is on the
rest of your brown
Anam Afaq

Some of my favorites:

Follow me on Facebook and Instagram!


l Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow

Wiz in Medium Brown ($21)

For bookings and inquiries, please contact

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Bridal Make up Henna artist


Some of my favorites:
l Bobbi Brown Natural
Brow Shaper & Hair
Touch Up ($24)
l Billion Dollar Brows
Hint of tint ($18)
For a more defined brow, you will
need an angled eyebrow brush and a
shadow or pencil, or both. It is
important to use one shade lighter
than your brow hair. If you don't own a

ROSHNI Issue No.86

For bookings and inquiries, please contact at

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November 2015

by Harsha Bhogle

think I am missing Virender

Sehwag. To be fair, this is a
wonderful bunch of young
players and they are carrying the
baton delivered to them by an
extraordinary group. I find Ajinkya
Rahane most pleasing to the eye,
Rohit Sharmas 264 was an
audacious innings that stretched
our imagination, the fielding is better
than it has been and there are fast
bowlers out there who dont aspire
to be medium-pacers. And I will tell
people when I am old that
I saw Virat Kohli bat.
Cricket is still great fun
but I am missing Sehwag.
Sehwag had me sitting
on the edge of my seat.
Always. It was like
watching a thriller except
that when you watched it
the next time, you still
didnt know what was
coming next. He was jawdropping, he was hairwrenching. You rolled your
eyes and you threw your
head back. You looked at
the scoreboard and it
always showed you a
different number. He could
be exhilarating, he could
be frustrating. He took you
on a joyride and he
laughed while you held on
to your seat in fright.
I always thought
Sehwag played cricket the way it was
originally meant to be played. The
numbers happened. 8586 runs in Test
cricket @ 49.34 with 23 centuries.
Those were brilliant numbers but we
dont need them to explain Sehwag.
Or to fight his case in an argument. In
crickets most native form, the bowler
bowls to get a batsman out and the
batsman plays to hit the ball. You got
the feeling Sehwag didnt worry

ROSHNI Issue No.86

beyond that. Only if he couldnt hit the

ball, he blocked it. You hardly ever
analysed Sehwags innings, you just
enjoyed them.
But he wasnt a blind basher.
Talking to him about cricket, and sadly
those moments were too rare, you
always came away thinking you had
spoken to someon e w ith an
uncluttered, confident mind. The
batsman is always scared, he once
said, but the bowler must be too. He
must also think, if I bowl a bad ball

where will Sehwag hit me! The

thinking behind that is clear and it has
the simplicity that is disarming. If the
bowler knows the batsman isnt going
to hit him, he isnt afraid of bowling a
bad ball.
Sehwag was the most feared man
in an India-Pakistan match. He played
with a smile, with a song on his lips but
also with a calm mind, letting fear
brew within the opposition. In 9 Test
matches, he made 1276 runs

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@91.14. It would have been

interesting to have measured his
pulse, especially in relation to
everyone elses!
He told us, too, that it was okay to
hit in the air, to hit over the top and in
doing so, he recalibrated risk for all of
us. We were always told, from club
cricketers to Test players, that hitting
in the air was inviting another mode of
dismissal. For years we accepted that
as the gospel, like good boys we
didnt challenge it.
But Sehwag happily hit over the
top, he played into the gap over the
fielders head where everyone
confined themselves to seeking the
gap between fielders. Yes, it was still
risky but with new bats, it was
nowhere near as threatening as
everyone believed it was.
And so he has left
behind a treasure of
g ood cheer. Which
among those was his
best? 201* out of only
329 against Sri Lanka
when everyone else was
playing on a minefield
and he was on the
highway? 319 against
South Africa from only
304 balls while chasing
540? 309 at Multan? 254
at Lahore? That
ridiculous 293 from 254
balls in Mumbai when he
ended day 2 at 284 not
out while still in the field
at the start of play? Or
was it that 83 from 68
balls with India chasing
387 to win a Test? Would
anyone in the world hit
eleven 4s and four 6s
against a target that had
only so rarely been
achieved in cricket history? Sehwag
often talks about facing the ball, not
the bowler or the situation.
I dont know how much I am going
to see of him. I absolutely enjoyed
seeing him play for the Kings XI in the
IPL but what of India? Maybe the eyes
arent seeing the ball the same way,
maybe the feet are heavier, maybe
the bat isnt as charged with freedom.
Maybe there isnt the same fear in the
mind of the bowler running inn
November 2015

The "Richest" Miser of The World

Vallabhai Patel, it was trisected and

merged with the states of Telangana,
Karnataka and Maharashtra.
Generous and enlightened, Nizam
gifted expensive presents and Queen
Elizabeth is the recipient of a "Nizam
of Hyderabad Necklace". No wonder
he lays claims to titles like "His
Exalted Highness" and "The Faithful
By M.A. Waheed
Ally of the British Empire". Hyderabad
ven the TIME magazine
is also known for spinning tales,
My childhood days were spent by
published the Nizam on its
multiplication and exaggeration of
the Hyderabad Airport runway
cover in 1937 as the richest
facts, figures and filters. His downfall
dreaming of flying some day, some
man in the world. Growing up in
where with some onebut then I
is attributed to the curse on him for his
Hyderabad, I remember memorizing
just watched VIP's roar past in their
lust for a woman on a visit to a
and reading his name in General
Gulbarga saint's shrine.
limousines after landing at the airport.
Knowledge text books as the richest
And whenever Pandit Nehru visited
On the plus side of Nizam's
man in the world. As recently as 1944,
Hyderabad, the Nizam would go to
administration (1911-1948) are the
the Nizam was reputed to have an
receive him. In his churidaar and
laudable projects on construction,
annual income of 20 million dollars,
sherwani and rumi topi chewing paan
education, transportation, sanitation,
an 800-million dollar collection of
the erstwhile ruler who at one time
restoration, medication. He is the
jewelry, and a 100-million-dollar
threatened to form a mini-Pakistan in
architect of banking that resulted in
fortune in gold bars. Yet he was
the center of India appeared more like
today's State Bank of Hyderabad.
known to wear clothes and shoes that
a numb lamb rather than a fierce tiger.
Many Hyderabadis fondly remember
were battered, banged and bruised by
Most of the elders talked very fondly
his rule as an eloquent testimony to a
wear and tear. Was it miserly or a
of the Nizam. His currency the only
just monarch and even distance him
philosophy or a publicly posted farce.
from the Razakaar movement. The
In an era when there were Jinnahs of
Hyderabad House he built in
the world wearing matching
Delhi is still used for
suits from London's Savile
diplomatic sessions by the
Row or the Nehru's laundry
Government of India. The
from Switzerland, the Nizam
current Chief Minister of
was in his unwashed pyjamas
Telangana very rightly
at the Faluknama Palace (now
credits the Nizam for the
a premium Taj Hotel brand
overall development of infrawhere Bajrangi Bhaijaan said
structure of Hyderabad.
byes to his adopted sister in a
Nizam integrated the Siddis
lavish wedding). Simplicity
from Africa and Hadhrami's
you might suggest..but
from Yemen into the multithe man was the head of a
cultural mosaic of
State equal to today's UK or
Hyderabad that can be a
France. And don't ignore the
modern treatise in
paper weight on his table.50
assimilation. In a land of
Nizam Of Hyderabad With His Golden Sword Made Of 3 kgs
million pounds diamond at
"nakko" and "hau" the
Pure Gold with the Maharajas At Falaknuma Palace in 1915
that time. Hailing from Asaf
r e f i n e m e n t a n d
Jahi dynasty boasting of four
one allowed in independent India
sophistication of the Urdu language
wives and hosting a harem of more
known as "Osmaniya Sikka" was
can be seen in the revolutionary
than 750 concubines, the Pasha left
revered by all and colloquially
Maqdoom or Josh or Fani Badayuni
an indelible mark in the history of
referred as "barkat ka paisa." The
or the Hyderabadi born firebrand
Hyderabad. A great proponent of the
communal carnage that resulted just
actress Shabana. He even
Urdu language he built on the legacy
before the surrender of Hyderabad
encouraged the famous
of Daagh Dehlvi who lived and died in
(also coincided with my birth) is
photographer Raja Deen Dayal to
attributed to his General, Qasim Rizvi
sophisticated levels of perfection with
While there are many stories from
and the Arya Samaj elements.
a black and white lens.
rags to riches but this unusual twist in
Nizam's name was Osman Ali Khan
Whenever and wherever the
the Nizam khandaan is riches to rags.
Bahadur and according to many
history of Hyderabad is penned,
His grandchildren areinvolved in the
sources was secular and peaceNizam-ul-Mulk as was his title will
complicated litigation quagmire for
loving. My Abba used to say that
inheritance between India and
adorn the pages in letters of gold.
Nizam always mentioned that Hindus
Pakistan even today. Blame it on
and Muslims were like his two eyes.
M.A. Waheed is a freelance journalist based in
those power-brokers who claimed
Upstate NY, and can be reached at
Eventually, when the kingdom was
that the sun never sets in their empire.
broken up by the iron hand of Sardar

ROSHNI Issue No.86

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November 2015

By Mohiuddin Aazim

n Karachi's political life, a vacuum

e x i s t s r i gh t no w. T h e
establishment is trying to fill in this
vacuum by fielding political leaders of
its choice, a blend of right-wing JI and
PTI of Imran Khan.
MQM is struggling. It's struggling
for its political survival. Regardless of
"the onslaught on the party" by the
establishment, as MQM leaders call
it, the party has not lost all its strength
here. MQM workers are, by and large,
loyal to the party though many of them
have nothing to do these days, except
for surfing on the net to find out what
Altaf Bhai has said of late, or to read
the postings of the media wing of the
party in response to the press
releases issued by the rangers.
(Rangers' media cell is doing a superb
job by the way, from their own
standards and has successfully won
strong support in electronic and print
A few hundreds of workers have
disappeared. It's not clear how many
of them have been picked up by law
enforcement agencies and how many
have fled to foreign lands.
Karachiites, meanwhile, are
waiting. The silent majority of them
has been watching the ongoing
political gamming from the sidelines.
A n d , s o m e l e a d i n g p o l i t i ca l
commentators say that when it comes
to municipal or local bodies' elections,
MQM's silent support would surge
once again.
But, for more insightful bunch of
observers, the MQM has lost its
erstwhile glory once and for all. For
them, success in upcoming municipal
elections matter much less in the
ongoing tussle between the MQM and
the establishment. Even if the party
does a good job in these elections,
how it would regain the kind of control

ROSHNI Issue No.86


it used to exercise over the city of

24m, they wonder. They don't mince
words in pointing out that MQM's
influence over Karachi had always
been more like that of a pressure
group and, quite violent and
threatening at times, and less
political, in its essence.
This argument becomes valid for
two reasons: first, the MQM's network
of hard-core workers has nearly
shattered and secondly, the party's
unchallenged influence over print and
electronic media now remains next to
Expand this analysis' canvas, and
you can see finer details of Pakistan's
emerging political landscape: the new
role of JI and other religious-cum
political parties, future of PTI, PPP's
popularity decline, PML (N)'s
uncertainties after its rocky ride to
power etc.
JI is the blue-eyed boy of the
establishment these days. Authentic
official sources say that about a year
ago, when the establishment had
decided to reenergize JI, that decision
was partly made to clear the way for
streamlining of radical religious forces
into politics. And, there was a method
this "madness". Had the
establishment not gone extra miles to
facilitate JI make a successful
presence show in Karachi, the
vacuum that was bound to emerge
after practical dislodging of MQM,
could have been filled by the rogue
elements in the garb of the religious
PTI, observers say, continues to
toe the line given by the
establishment to win as much support
in Karachi as possible so that when it
comes to municipal elections, MQM
could not make a successful comeback. PPP's decline both politically as
well as in terms of governance in

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Sindh province is organic in its nature.

Asif Zardari's lust for authoritarian
show in running party's affairs
coupled with the party's near-failure in
administering Sindh province have
paved the way for others (read PTI, JI
and company) to double their efforts
for launching a vote winning
campaign in the interior of Sindh,
where support for PPP remained
unshaken. But for PML (N), it's not
the country's politics that would
decide its future. It's the party's ability
to keep a balance between its
willingness to accede power to the
establishment and its ability to save
lift the country's economy. Concerns
and uncertainties abound.
for facilitating a downward journey of
inflation and boosting foreign
exchange reserves to $20bn, PML (N)
government can't boast of any
immediate economic gains.
On rebalancing civil-military
relationship PML (N) seems to have
become motionless. Political parties
are feeling more and more alienated
from exercising their say in the state
affairs, allowing greater interference,
though sometimes quite called for, of
our beloved armed forcesn


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November 2015

Pakhtunkhwa (KP) and the
Federally Administered Tribal
Areas were most seriously affected
as a powerful earthquake rocked
Pakistan and the region on Monday
causing at least 291 deaths and
injuries to over 1,600 people.
The National Disaster
Management Authority (NDMA) says
at least 1,620 are injured across
Rescuers on Tuesday rushed to

deliver relief aid to victims of the

quake, which killed at least 291
people in the Pak-Afghan region over
a wide swathe of mountainous terrain.
Thousands of houses were
damaged across the country as a
result of the quake. The tremors were
also felt in India, the Middle East, the
Central Asian States and the entire
The death toll could rise as reports
of losses kept trickling in from remote
areas, mostly from the mountainous

Malakand Division where the

earthquake was the most severe.
There were conflicting reports
about the intensity of the earthquake.
The local Meteorological Centre said
it measured 8.1 on the open-ended
Richter scale, making it the most
powerful earthquake in Pakistan's
history. However, the Seismological
Centre in the US calculated that the
earthquake measured 7.7 on the
Richter scalen

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ROSHNI Issue No.86

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November 2015

ALBANY, NY - Syria has the largest

humanitarian crisis since World War
II. The death toll in Syria according
300,000 people. More than double
the death toll than Bosnia, Burma
and the past four decades of the
Palestine conflict combined. This
was said by the speakers in the
workshop at Muslim Community
Center on Sunday October 25,
2015 here in Capital District of New
The workshop was organized by Syrian
American Council and attended by
representatives of Albany Director of

ROSHNI Issue No.86

US Committee for Refugee and

Immigrants, Government Relations
Director, Syrian American Council,
Washington DC, Public Relations
Director, Syrian American Council,
Operations, Syrian American Council,
Washington DC. Muhammad Amin
Uddin was the co-organizer of the
Speaker said Human Rights Watch
confirmed, in past 6 months alone 3
dozen chemical weapon attacks have
been carried out by the Assad regime.
14,000 barrel bombs dropped on
Syrian people by the regime, out of
which 1,000 were just last month.
"This is not a civil war like the media

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portrays. This is not a sectarian war.

This is basically a war that the Assad
regime along with many other
factions that started this war against
people who wanted freedom and
democracy." said Suzanne Meriden
of the Syrian American Council.
"We must discuss helping them
stay in Syria by giving them a safe
place to live. Every Syrian wants to
go home." said Omer Hossino.
On this occasion Dr. Tipu Nazeer,
President of ICCD said according to
the United Nation estimates, by the
end of 2015 the number of refugees
outside of Syria will exceed 4 millionn

November 2015


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Mohiuddin Aazim
Amna Shams
Anam Afaq

Syrian refugee crisis - What can you do?
291 killed, over 1500 injured
as horrific quake jolts Pakistan
Uneasy Calm
By Mohiuddin Aazim
The "Richest" Miser of The World
Nizam of Hyderabad
By M.A. Waheed
Missing Virender Sehwag
by Harsha Bhogle
My Eyebrow Routine
By Anam Afaq
Funny Jokes
Visa Bulletin for November 2015
Asrar At-Tanzil : The English Tafseer of Quran
By: Ameer Muhammad Akram Awan

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ROSHNI Issue No.86

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November 2015



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