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Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 00 (2010) 0000~0000

submitted manuscript under review

Fatigue life
Nguyen Van Chuong, Ul Rizwan Hassan
1 School of Mechanical Engineering, Chung-Ang University, Heukseok-ro 84, Dongjak-gu, Seoul, South Korea, 156-756

(Manuscript Received 000 0, 2009; Revised 000 0, 2009; Accepted 000 0, 2009)

In this we will examine about fatigue life and how to determind fatigue life by using different methods. Fatigue behaviour of
magnesium castings has been investigated with (Mg-Nd-Zn-Zr) alloys and other magnesium alloys. Multi-scale fatigue (MSF) life
models have been adapted to estimate fatigue lives of the magnesium castings studied. Fatigue failure of magnesimu alloys with few
casting defects is dominated by crack initiation within a grain close to the free surface. Magnesium alloy castings are increasingly used in
cyclically-loaded structural application for light weighting and better performance. [12]
Keywords: Machining; Microhardness, Residual stress,

1. Introduction
Fatigue is the weakenging of a material caused by
repeatedly applied loads. Fatigue occurs when a material is
subjectd to repeat loading and unloading [1]. The fatigue
behavior of engineering materials is substantially different
depending on whether or not the material contains a preexisting crack [2]. We therefore discuss fatigue in two
categories. Fatigue failures occur when metal is subjected to a
repetitive or fluctuating stress and will fail at a stress much
lower than its tensile strength. Fatigue failures occur without
any plastic deformation (no warning). [3] Fatigue surface
appears as a smooth region, showing beach mark or origin of
fatigue crack.

stress concentration, corrosion, temperrature, overload,

metalurgical, residual stress, combined stress.

2. The fatigue process [3]

Crack nucleation, fatigue cracks are normally initiated at a
free surface. Slip lines are formed during the first few
thousand cycles of stress. Back and forth fine slip movements
of fatigue could build up notches or ridges at the surface.

Fig. 2. Model for fatigue initiation.

Fig. 1. Fatigue types

Factor causing fatigue failure are : A maximum tensile

This paper was recommended for publication in revised form by Associate Editor 000 000
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KSME & Springer 2010

stress of sufficiently high value, a large amount of aviation or

fluctuation in the applied stress, a sufficiently large number of
cycles of the applied stress and some additonal factor like

Small crack growth in an elastic-plastic stress field (stage I

crack growth) the fatigue crack tends to propagate initially
along slip planes planes (extrusion and intrusion of
persistent slip bands) and later take the direction
normal to the maximum tensile stress (stage II).
The crack propagation rate in stage I is
generally very low on the order of nm/cycles.
Crack growth on planes of high tensile stress:
growth of well-defined crack in direction normal
to maximum tensile stress (stage II crack
propagation) the fracture surface of stage II
crack propagation frequently shows a pattern of

G. Bell et al. / Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 23 (2009) 1261~1269


ripples or fatigue.

Fig. 5. The fatigue strength or endurance limit

Fig. 3. Fatigue striations

And the final step is final fracture.

3. Fatigue life [1]

ASTM defines fatigue life, Nf, as the number of stress
cycles of a specified character hat a specimen sustains
before failure of a specified nature occurs. Engineers have
used any of three methods to determine the fatigue life of a
material: the stress-life method, the strain-life method, and the
linear-elastic fracture mechanics method.
3.1 The stress-life method [6], [7]

To determine the strength of materials under the action of

fatigue loads, specimens are subjected to repeated or varying
forces of specified magnitudes while the cycles or stress
reversals are counted to destruction. The ordinate of the S-N
diagram is called the fatigue strength. The fatigue strength
(Sf) and the endurance limit (Se) for some materials can be
found (refer to text appendices) or can be estimated from the
following relations: The fatigue strength or endurance limit
are typically determined from the standard material tests (e.g.
rotating beam test).

Fig. 4. S-N diagram

However, they must be appropriately modified to account

for the physical and environmental differences.
Between the test specimen and the actual part being
Sf (or Se) = ksurfaceksizekloadktemperaturekreliabilitySf (or Se)
Sf (or Se) Corrected strength S f (or Se) Strength
determined from standardized test in fatigue testing, the
applied stress, a, is typically described by the stress
amplitude of the loading cycle and is defined as:
a = ( max - min )/2 = /2
The stress amplitude is generally plotted against the number
of cycles to failure on a linear-log scale. S-N plots Tests
performed on unnoticed specimens Constant amplitude Cycles
to failure (Nf) monitored for each stress amplitude level (S)
Plotted linear-log Basquin eq: a = f(Nf )b Endurance
limit: 107 cycles (no failures).
3.2 The strain-life method [8]

The method takes into account the actual stress-strain

response of the material due to cyclic loading. Plastic strain,
and the mechanism that leads to crack initiation, is accurately
modeled. This method can model the effect of the residual
mean stresses resulting from the sequence effect in load
histories and the manufacturing residual stresses. This allows
for more accurate damage accumulation under variable
amplitude cyclic loading. The -N method can be more easily
extrapolated to situations involving complicated geometries.
This method can be used in high temperature applications
where fatigue-creep interaction is critical. In situations where
it is important, this method can incorporate transient material
behavior. This method can be used for both low cycle (high
strains) and high cycle fatigue (low strains) There is only one
essential empirical element in the method, i.e. the correction
for the mean stress effect.

Fig. 6. Strain-Life Curve

G. Bell et al. / Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 23 (2009) 1261~1269



Fig. 7. The Strain-life and the Cyclic Stress-Strain Curve Obtained

from Smooth Cylindrical Specimens Tested Under Strain Control.

4. Conclusions
Machining process can be defined as process of removing
material in form of the chips. By removing the chips form the
workpiece, the residual stress are occurred. The residual play a
key role, because residual stress and micro hardness are
relevant to failure.
It is well known that tensile residual stress can be negative
af-fect for fatigue life. So to improve fatigue resistance we try
to have compressive residual stress and avoid tensile residual
stress. The residual tress depth, sign, magnitude, and surface
finish are dependent upon cutting velocity, feed rate, depth of
cut, cutting tool geometry, and work piece material property.
The residual stresses may be determined analytically,
compu-tationally with finite element analysis, and
experimentally. The magnitude and distribution of residual
stresses are most com-monly obtained using experimental

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