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31 Plants That Repel Mosquitoes

When spring arrives so do those annoying mosquitoes. Instead of

going the chemical route, here is a collection of mosquito repelling
plants to make mosquito control more natural.
Basil Ocimum americanum has essential oils that can be
extracted and used as a spray to repel mosquitoes. It has also
been an effective repellent when grown nearby.
Bee Balm Monarda is a beautiful flowering plant that attracts
hummingbirds and, of course, bees. It is also very effective used

as a mosquito repellent, when allowing the fragrant oils to be

released when the leaves are crushed.

Cadaga Tree Eucalyptus torelliana can repel mosquitoes

simply by being planted in an area where mosquitoes are not
wanted. The scent from the tree acts as a barrier to repel
Catmint Nepeta faassenii is very effective at keeping
mosquitoes away. It is even better than commercial bug sprays at
keeping the pests away. Simply, cut off the flowers and boil them
to make a spray. Read more
Catnip Nepeta cataria is an effective mosquito repellent. One
of its main active ingredients, nepetalactone, was found to be 10X
stronger than even DEET in a recent study. It is a good non-toxic
alternative to traditional chemical sprays. More

Cedars Thuja species Many repellent products contain cedar

oil as one of its active ingredients to repel mosquitoes as well as
other insect pests. More

Citronella Grass Cymbopogon nardus is a plant which, when

crushed, releases an oil. This oil can be placed directly on the
skin to act as a mosquito repellent, or mixed with other oils and
liquids to make repellants. More
Clove Syzygium aromaticum a natural mosquito repellent
plant you can use as a planting around the yard or use the oil
from the clove to repel mosquitoes quickly. Recipe
Floss Flower Ageratum Coumarin, which is secreted by
ageratum, is found extensively in the manufacture mosquito

repellents. Mosquitoes find the odor offensive. Growing well in

partial or full sun with requiring rich soil. More
Garlic Allium sativum is a natural way to repel mosquitoes.
One way to use it is to cut up garlic and sprinkle it around your
outdoor living areas. A yard spray can also be made. Garlic can
even be mixed with natural aromatic oils in order to create a
mosquito repelling body spray.More
Lavender Lavandula angustifolia Even though lavender is a
smell often enjoyed by humans, lavender repels mosquitoes
because mosquitoes dislike the scent lavender gives off. It can be
planted in gardens or made into oil and applied to the skin or
mixed with other oils to keep mosquitoes away. More
Lemon Balm Melissa officinalis Lemon balm is a herb in the
mint family that has a variety of uses like in flavoring in herbal
teas. Make a quick mosquito repellent, by crushing a handful of
leaves and rubbing on your exposed skin. Grow them in the
garden for easy access when you need them. More
Lemon Grass Cymbopogon citrates containing citronella, a
natural oil that repels mosquitoes. Lemon grass is used in
Southeast Asia to flavor things such as chicken. In India, it is used
as an anti-inflammatory medicine. Lemongrass has a wonderful
aroma so that it is often used in perfumes and other
toiletries. More

Lemon Scented Geranium Pelargonium crispum can be

added to your landscape to allow you access to a natural
mosquito repellent. When the leaves are crushed, they emit a
strong lemony smell. The crushed leaves can be spread around
your living area to keep mosquitoes at bay.More

Lemon Thyme Thymus vulgaris repels mosquitoes naturally.

Mosquitoes tend to hate their citrus smell. Crush a few parts of
this plant and rub on the body to keep these harmful bugs away.
Make sure that your skin can tolerate the oil before applying to
larger areas of the body. More
Lemon Verbena Aloysia triphylla can be planted in your
garden, doorways, and windows in order to repel mosquitoes. It
has an aromatic, fresh lemon scent. The plants oils can also be
applied to the body to ward off bugs.More
Mexican Marigold Tagetes lucida the scent of marigolds is
offensive to most people and mosquitoes. You can grow it in your

yard or cut the flowers off and keep them around the house to
keep mosquitoes from visiting. More
Eucalyptus Natural oil from the eucalyptus tree repels insects
such as mosquitoes, sandflies, ticks, midges, stable flies and
more. Formulas are made to be gentle to the skin. More
Nodding Onion Allium cernuum Juices can be extracted from
allium cernuum via grinding or blending. This juice is highly
proficient in repelling mosquitoes and can be directly applied on to
the skin. The allium cernuum is not an irritant and is not known for
any sort of reaction.Details

Mint Mentha usually grown in gardens to flavor tea. However,

mint also repels mosquitoes and you can make your own
repellent with mint! All species of mint, both wild and cultivated,
contain aromatic properties repulsive to insects. More

Pineapple weed Matricaria matricarioides the aroma of

pineapple. The weed can be dried or used fresh to prepare an
interesting tea. Matricaria matricariodes buds can be used to add
an interesting twist to salads. More
Pitcher Plant Nepenthes alata it is actually a carnivorous plant
that is similar to a Venus Fly Trap. Except this little beauty
gobbles up mosquitoes. Simply, plant this in your yard and watch
it work. More
Wormwood Artemisia strong but natural way to ward away
mosquitoes. Crush up wormwood leaves and distribute around
your outdoor living ways in order to effectively keep these nasty
insects away.More
Rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis can be planted in your
garden in order to control mosquito infestation. It can also be
mixed into various formulas and lotions to act as a mosquito
repellent for the body. Recipe
Snowbrush Ceonothus velutinus is a plant that can be used in
your landscape in order to keep mosquitoes away but considered
a weed in most areas. More
Sweet Fern Comptonia peregrina is a natural herb that has
many uses. To fight mosquitoes away you can place some
Sweetfern into a fire to keep the little bugs away from the fire and

the surrounding area. Also can be used as an essential oil

spray. More
Tansy Tanacetum vulgare used for a variety of health
problems, as it helps increase blood and saliva flow. Tansy can be
used as a bug repellent around your home. More

Tea Tree Melaleuca We have long used Tea Tree oil on our
animals, as well as ourselves. The scent is too strong for any
bugs to get near, and it also does wonders on irritations to bugs or
the environment. It is great and natural! But toxic, so be
careful. More

Vanilla Leaf Achlys triphylla used by native tribes as an insect

repellant. First crush and apply by rubbing mosquito-repellent
plants like vanilla leaf on your skin. More
Wild Bergamot Mondarda fistulosa can be used to repel
mosquitoes but it must first be diluted with water because the
plant itself can irritate the skin. Also you should test the plant on
your skin in small amounts first to test for allergic
reactions. More
Stone root Collinsonia canadensis a tall plant that is similar to
mint, in fact it is in the same family. It is easy to grow and can be
made into a mosquito repellent when crushed and boiled. More

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