Communication: Khodabocus Aihjaaz Ahmad

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Effective of communication

Importance of communication in commerce

Elements of effective communication


Verbal/oral (adv-dis)
Written (adv-dis)


Ordinary mail (adv-dis)

Registered mail (adv-dis) 3

Express mail (adv-dis)

Post boxes 4
Francked mail

Air mail

Parcel services

Means of payment

Saving account

Agency services


Telephone (adv-dis) 6

Fax (adv-dis)

Mobile phone (adv-dis)

Internet (adv-dis)

E-mail (adv-dis)

Teleconferencing (adv-dis)

Videoconferencing (adv-dis) 10

Factors affecting choice of communication

Communication is the process of conveying information from a sender to a receiver
with the use of a medium and it is the transmission of information by written messages or
by world of mouth.

Effective Communication

In which the communicated information is understood the same way by both sender
and receiver.

Importance of Communication in commerce

1. Need for exchange of document in trade

2. Minimizes confusion and misunderstanding between buyer and seller
3. Ensures better business control
4. Business can get reliable and cheap information about their market
5. Frequent travelers need to develop a contact with their offices
6. International trading is not possible without efficient communication system.
7. Modern banking is also dependant on communication system

Elements of Effective Communication

i. Sender/Transmitter.
Is the person starting off the process by sending the message.

ii. Recipient/Receiver.
Is the person who receives the message.

iii. Mode of Communication.

Is the method use to send a message

iv. Feedback.
Is the reply from the receiver which shows whether the message has arrived and
been understood


 Face to face
 Through a mediator/translator
 Telephone
 Mobile phone
 Seminar/Conference


 Information can be given out quickly.

 Efficient way of communicating with large
 Facial expression can be sent
 Immediate feedback and two way-communication


 Message can be disorted

 No proof or record


Written communication entails transmission of message in handwritten, typed or

printed. The language use must be clear, concise and grammatically correct. The
message must be brief, precise and business-like.

 Postal mail
 Fax
 Internet
 Newspaper/magazine


 Records can be made

 Sometimes it is fast and cheap in case of SMS and internet
 Lesser chances of message being disorted


 It is costly and time consuming

 Useful only for literate people
 It is formal and lacks of personal touch

The post office provides a network of communication services that are essential for
trade and commerce. Post office is a medium of communication.

Ordinary Mail

 To send and receive letter

 Each letter cost on the basis of weight and distance


 Cheap
 Record of info can be kept
 Wide coverage


 Slow
 Misplacement of letter can occur
 Only be use by literate people

Registered Mail

 Suitable for sending and receive sensitive information or expensive materials

 Extra fees is paid to ensure delivery and with compensate for loss


 Still cheap
 Wide coverage
 Track record of delivery letter
 Compensation in case of loss in mail


 Bit expensive than ordinary mail

 Slow
 Useful only for literate people

Express Mail
 Used to send documents in urgency.
 Express mail services can be available on the request of both sender and receiver


 Speedy


 Extra money is to be paid

Post Boxes

 This services is available on request by paying charges

 Suitable for those who want to receive frequent mail and do not want to show their
identity or address
 Upon request, post office will assign a certain pos with a certain number
 Post boxes are located in office premises
 A key is given to the person to whom post box is assigned
 All letter by post office and a representive of the business will collect personally

Francked Mail/prepaid mail

 This services is available on request.

 This is suitable for those who have to send a lot of letter on regular basis.
 On request customer will get a franking machine
 Function of franking machine is to print stamp
 Franking machine is equipped with a meter which counts on the stamp used
 Save time and money if outgoing mail is frequent

Air Mail
 Used when document/letters are to e sent aboard (generally)
 It is speedy for longer distances.
 Sender has to pay extra cost
 Sender has specify by writing AIR MAIL on envelope

Parcel Service

 For sending receiving cargo small size or weight

 Cargo is packed in wooden/car board box with name of receiver on it
 Cargo accepted by the post office and they issue an acknowledge consignment note
 Consignment note carries the amount, name of receiver and cargo details
 Cargo number can be used to track cargo.
 Cash is paid on the basis of distances and weight of cargo.

Means of Payment

i. Money order: for large amount.

ii. Postal order: for smaller amount.
iii. National giro: for payment in someone’s account.

Saving account

Can operate and maintain at certain branches of post office.


Post office act as insurer to cover certain risks.

Agency service

Post officers as agent accept and make payments on behalf of others.


Telecommunication is used for sending and receiving information electronically and

is a process of transmitting a message from some remote or controlled location.


The telephone is a telecommunications device that transmits and receives sound

most commonly the human voice. It is one of the most common household appliances in
the developed world and has long been considered indispensable to business, industry and


 Cheep
 Easily available
 Wide coverage
 Speedy


 Facial expressions cannot be seen

 Only two person
 No record

Mobile phone
A mobile phone is an electronic device use for mobile telecommunication (mobile
telephone, text messaging and data transmission) over a cellular network of specialized
base stations known as cell sites


 Can be carried anywhere

 Becoming popular
 Internet
 Enable travelers to keep in touch with his efficient


 Still expensive
 Informational can be disorted in case of weaker signals
 Not so wide coverage
 Battery needs to be charged

A fax is a machine that sent document over a phone line.

Used for written communication.

Sender will feed document on his fax machine and the receiver will get the copy of
the document on his fax machine.


 Confirmation of communication
 Fast
 Extract copy is received
 Record can be kept


 Expensive, charges are based on time and distances

 Suitable only for one person
 Fax quality is not good
 Limited life of fax copy
 Need special equipment on both ends

A network that links computer networks all over the world by satellite and
telephone, connecting users with services networks such as e-mail and the world wide web.


 Cheap source of information

 Has increased international trade
 E-commerce is carried on the internet
 Research can be done easily on internet


 Personal information
 Spamming
 Virus
 Hacking


A network of computers, especially one using world wide web conversations

accessible only authorized users such as those within a company.


It is used to send message over the internet and is also method of exchanging digital
message. One must have an e-mail address to use this facility. we can attach pictures to the


 Quick
 Cheap


 Need computer and internet

 Sender and receiver both required e-mail address
 Virus
 Hacking
 For computer literate people only

Teleconference is the line exchange and mass articulation among several persons by
telephone or phone conferencing


 A group of people can have conversation at the same time that is directly
 Save time and money on meeting


 It required special equipment

 Facial expression cannot be seen

Video Conferencing

A videoconference or video conference (also known as a video teleconference) is a

set of interactive telecommunication technology which allow two or more locations to
interact via two-way video and audio transmissions simultaneously. It has also been called
'visual collaboration' and is a type of groupware

Videoconferencing differs from a videophone calls in that its designed to serve a conference
rather than individuals

Factors affecting choice of communications

1. Costs

2. Speed

3. Accuracy of information

4. Availability

5. Nature of information

6. Secrecy of information

7. distance

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