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During the heroic tier, you might have been a member of an organization. Maybe you had a
mentor or patron who was a more senior member of the organization and provided you with
missions, advice, and other assistance. You were definitely at the bottom of the hierarchy though
and were taking orders rather than giving them.
Now that you have advanced to the paragon tier, you have taken a leadership role within the
organization. You can now give orders to lower ranking members in order to expand your
influence in the world.
When you take a leadership role within an organization, you gain an influence rating. This rating
represents the amount of resources and number of underlings at your disposal. If you are the
founder of an organization, this could be the entirety of its resources, but it could also represent a
small portion of a much larger group. The highest influence rating you can achieve is your
character level, but it is also possible to have a much lower rating.
Affiliation Skills
When your underlings take actions on your behalf, they generally use three special skills that
represent their actions in an abstract manner. These skills are: espionage, negotiation, and
violence. When making an affiliation skill check, roll 1d20 and add 1/2 influence plus any skill
modifiers possessed by your affiliation.
Espionage: Espionage checks are used for information retrieval, stealth operations, black mail,
scouting, sabotage, and infiltration.
Negotiation: Negotiation checks are used for diplomatic missions, politics, legal proceedings,
trade, and influence the general population.
Violence: Violence checks are used for fighting battles and other direct applications of force.
Affiliation Actions
When directing affiliations, you are able to give them general orders each month. These affiliation
actions are often targeted at another organization. When choosing DCs for the checks involved,
use your influence rating in place of your level when consulting the DC by level table.
Infiltrate: You send your followers to infiltrate the ranks of another organization. Make an opposed
espionage check against the target affiliation. If you succeed, your spy has managed to infiltrate
the target and you get a +2 bonus on all future espionage checks against that affiliation (unless
the spy is removed, see inquisition). If you fail, then decrease your influence by 1.
Inquisition: Worried about enemy agents infiltrating your organization, you order your followers to
purge their ranks of any suspected spies or traitors. Make a hard espionage check and decrease
your influence by 1 point. If the check is successful, you remove the effects of any infiltration.
Lobby: Your organizations representatives meet with (and potentially bribe) influential members
of the local government. Make a hard negotiation check. If you succeed, you gain a +2 bonus to
all affiliation skills in the following month. Additionally, if you succeed by 5 or more, your character
gets a +2 bonus to diplomacy skill rolls with members of the government for the following month.
On the other hand, if you fail, decrease your influence by 1.
Recruit: Your underlings work to raise funds and recruit new members. Make a hard negotiation

check. If you succeed, increase your influence rating by 1.

Research: Your organization devotes itself to research. Choose a focus for the research and
make a moderate negotiation check. If you succeed, you gain knowledge about the researchs
focus at least as detailed as what would be gained from a hard knowledge skill check.
Shadow War: Your followers secretly works to disrupt the activities of another organization. Make
an opposed espionage check against the target organization. If you are successful, the target
takes a -2 penalty on all affiliation skills in the following 1d4 months. In addition, if you succeed by
5 or more, the target loses 1 point of influence. If you fail the espionage check, your affiliation
instead takes a -2 penalty on all affiliation skills in the following month.
Trade: Your organization focuses on trading with another group. Make an opposed negotiation
check against the target organization. If you are successful, increase your influence by 1. If you
fail the check, the other affiliation instead increases its influence rating by 1.
War: Your followers arm themselves and march to battle against a rival group. Make an opposed
violence check against the target organization. The loser of the opposed check decreases its
influence rating by 1d4, and the winner decreases its influence rating by 1.
Legacy of Mulyrkun Affiliations
These are the affiliations that my players have joined. Im planning to start using these rules when
we pick back up after the holidays, and will be sure to post again about how they work out.
Kaldeshani Freedom Fighters
Dedicated to pushing the Talaran Empire out of the occupied city of Talsh, the freedom fighters
are a ragtag group of former soldiers and bandits. While they have a few spies in occupied towns
and Talsh itself, most of their power is in their ability to fight. The freedom fighters get +5 on
violence checks and +2 on espionage checks.
Tattered Cloak Society
Founded by Rasper Nebelnines, the partys rogue, the society is nominally focused on promoting
the interests and expeditions of halflings in the wider world. Thanks to Raspers expertise, the
society has attracted several thieves and thugs. The society gets +5 on espionage checks and +2
on negotiate checks.
Order of the Arcane Flame
The order is a guild of elementalists based in the Kaldeshani city of Nells. It publicly presents
itself as a scholarly organization, but in truth has a series of agents committed to espionage. The
order gets +5 on negotiate checks and +2 on espionage checks.

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