Peds 1

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1- Regular physical activity in children increases bone and muscle strength and helps

decrease body fat (What does physical activity do to the body?)

2- The goal of Healthy People 2010 is to reduce childhood obesity number to 5% (What
goal do we want childhood obesity to be at 2020?)
3- Children in the US spend an average of 6 hours and 32 minutes per day with various
media, including television, computers, video games, and electronic games. (How
much time does do children in the US spend on various media?)
4- Dietary guidelines of Americans recommends that children get at least 60 minutes of
physical activity per day
5- Environmental tobacco smoke is commonly referred to as secondhand smoke;
parents should not be smoking in the house
6- Substance abuse is associated with many social problems. Domestic violence,
sexually transmitted infections (STIs), teen pregnancy, school failure, motor vehicle
accidents (MVAs), increased health care costs, decreased worker productivity and
increased homelessness
7- There has been an increase in children ages 12 and 13 who are experimenting with
drugs (What is the age group with the greatest increase in drug use?)
8- Approximately one half of all new HIV cases in the US occur among people younger
than 25 years of age
9- Public health nurses led a movement to have teenage suicide hotlines in every city
10- Infant car seats; birth to 20 pounds: rear facing safety seats secured in the rear seat
11- Children who follow the recommended immunization schedule are protected against
10 vaccine-preventable childhood diseases by age 2
12- Added as new immunization Pneumococcal (PVC) vaccine released in 2001
13- Use water in the bedtime bottle instead of juice or milk (How can you prevent dental
caries from bottle use?)
14- Initiate fluoride supplementation at 6 months of age if the water in the infants
residential area is not fluoridated
15- Medicines are drugs, store them with childproof caps, and keep them out of reach
and in a locked cabinet
16- In children younger than 1 year of age (infant) the leading cause of fatal injury is
asphyxiation by aspiration of foreign materials into the respiratory tract
17- Burns are the third leading cause of accidental death in children 1-4 years of age

There are NO A answers

Anticipatory guidance (psychological preparation, based on
developmental stage, of a person for an event to be stressful) can be
prepared for child or parents (family) Anticipatory guidance is education
of parents to prepare them for normal growth and development of their
children. It is also psychological preparation of a person for an event
expected to be stressful, as in preparation of a child for surgery by
explaining what will happen and what it will feel like answers to two
questions on test
The focus of health promotion is to assist individuals to realize their full
Major role in nursing is promoting wellness and disease prevention
No more than 30% of our calories should come from fat
Do not give children under 2 anything but whole milk (at 2 they can go to
2% milk) need the fat in whole milk for brain development (brain needs
fat and glucose)
1/3 of all cancers are directly related to smoking
Tetanus and diphtheria are bacteria
After first year you can give toothpaste
By 6 months infant should double their weight and triple their weight by
one year
Put sunscreen on babies NOT before 6 months
Do not give honey to infants under one year
Introduce baby foods NOT before 6 months begins with rice cereal and
introduce one new food per week to monitor for allergic reactions. Start
with cereal then veggies and fruits and finally meats
Poison prevention act of 1970 requires childproof packaging of
Chelation is the removal of lead from a childs blood; 1978-79 is last year
lead was put in paint
Poison control number 1-800-222-1222
Infant tub temp no higher than 100 degrees; toddler (1-3 years) no
higher than 120 degrees

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