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Case study:
Nazi ideology:
Hated treaty of Versailles (harsh and unfair)
economic problem is insufficient land to sustain needs of growing population.
Superiority of German (Aryan) race, Against Jews and slaves and Hatred of

Foreign Policy
Hitlers aims: Revise treaty of Versailles, unite all German speaking people in one
country (make a greater Germany) living space lebensraum and to be
He thought he should rule all Europe because otherwise it would fall apart as a

Wanted the Sudetenland because it had:

Coal and copper mines

Power stations

Good framing land

The Skoda arms works, the biggest in Europe

Protection, bohemian Alps and chain of fortresses.

People there spoke German

Wanted Polish Corridor because:


divided the country in two

German speaking people

The Rhineland:

wanted to rearm; control over it again.


Hitler was Austrian (NB)

8 million German speaking people

was banned by treaty of Versailles (revise treaty)

to help make Germany strong

Domestic policies
Volksgemeinschaft (peoples community)
- Aimed to create a German society built on the Nazi ideas of race and struggle,
uniting traditional German values with a new ideology. Based on peasantry but
not really because of contradiction in Hitlers goals.
- The ideal German image was that of the classic peasant working on the soil in
the rural community, exemplified in the Nazi concept of "Blood and Soil" = based
on economic revival + national salvation
- The traditional gender roles were also important
- To be part of this society youd have to be or Aryan origin (considered them to
be purest volk which represented traditional values lost in urban society) anyone
who fell outside the Aryan race was classed as under-human or sub-human

Economic Policy

Social policy (all about controlling them to think in a certain way)

-Social Darwinism
-control of the media
-indoctrination + education- Every pupil had to stay in school until he or she was
14 years old, then it -was optional. There were separate schools for girls and
boys. The number of Physical Education ----- -lessons doubled, but Religious
Education was abolished.
-Womens rights encouraged
Every citizen was required to have a radio
Activities of the Hitler Youth Movement
Military skills
Map reading (preparing to be future members of the armed forces)
Nothing academic


anti-Semitism is prejudice against, hatred of, or discrimination against Jews as an

ethnic, religious, or racial group. A person who holds such positions is called an
anti-Semite. His regime confined it anti-Semitic policies to depriving Jews of their
civil rights

Leadership- Fhrerprinzip

this was German word for "leader principle set the fundamental basis of political
authority in the governmental structures of the Third Reich because Hitler
basically had little faith in the parliamentary democracy, and Marxism to be
disfigured by a ruthless programme of social reform.
According to his so-called Leader Principle, ultimate authority rested with him
and extended downward. At each level, the superior was to give the orders, the
subordinates to follow them to the letter. In practice the command relationships
were more subtle and complex, especially at the lower levels, but Hitler did have
the final say on any subject in which he took a direct interest, including the
details of military operations, that is, the actual direction of armies in the field.

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