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Submitted to: Sir M.

Submitted by: Ifrah Anum
Class: BBA 4(b)
Enrollment No: 01-111132-080
Assignment no: 03
Computerised decision making

Case Incident 1 Computerized Decision Making

Q-1 what are the specific advantages of using computerized decision
making? How can computer be better decision makers than humans
Computerized decision making are Faster and efficient in processing of
information, Automatic generation of accounting documents like
invoices, cheques and statement of account. With the larger reductions in
the cost of hardware and software and availability of user-friendly
accounting software package, it is relatively cheaper like maintaining a
manual accounting system. More timely information can be produced.
No more manual processing of the data- all automatically been posted to
the various ledgers/accounts and Many types of useful reports can be
generated for management to make decisions.
Limitations in memory are the crucial aspect of human cognition that
impinges on decision making. People were severely limited in terms of
the amount of information they could process at any particular moment
in time. Given that limited capacity processing is seen as a primary
constraint some have argued that computers should be used to support
decision making, since they can provide the extra computational power
needed to retain all the information about every available alternative and
to undertake the complex calculations that underpin the rational model. ,
computers can acquire and hold more information about a particular
decision domain than. In addition, computers recall precisely what they
store in terms of both the data themselves and their format so are not
subject to the human memory.
Q-2 what are the weakness of using computer as decision tools? Are
computer likely to have any specific problem in making decision
that people wouldnt have?

The cost of computer and associated equipments is falling steadily. Still

this equipments are and continue to be much more costly as compared
to manual processing equipments. Also technological complexity of this
equipment makes it more difficult to learn and maintain these
equipments as compared to equipments of manual information
processing. Use of computers require additional infrastructure, such as
power supply and software back up. This increases the chances of
problems due to failure of infrastructure. For example, a computer will
not work where there is no electric power supply. Even a laptop with a
battery will work without power supply only for a limited period.
Failures of computer system can be more serious and difficult to correct.
For example, one scratch on a hard disk can make the complete data on
the disk inaccessible. In comparison, manual system faults have
comparatively limited impact. One page torn from a cabinet full of
documents has no impact on other documents. A computer generally
reduces the errors of processing. However if there is an error in input
data, it can result in major blunders in the processing which the
computer system is unable to detect. In manual systems the chances of
such blunders passing undetected and corrected is much less.
Q-3 Do you think computer decision making system can effectively
take ethical issue into account? What is the role of human decision
makers in creating Ethical choice?
Ethical decision making is very important part of business environment
because often a situation may come along. Computer ethics deals with
the issues that relate to the moral implications of the way decisions are
being made in regarding to the computer domain. It also refers to
the morality of the computer professionals, and their usage to computers
Human decision makers in creating Ethical decision making deals with
preferences, utilities, costs, benefits, goals, and objectives. One must
take all of these into account in order to define the problem and
determined the desired end result. Basically, it is "the process of
identifying a problem, generating alternatives, and choosing among

them so that the alternatives selected maximized the most important

ethical values while also achieving the intended goal
"Q-4 Are there advantages to completely disconnecting from the
wired world when possible? What can you do to try to retain your
ability to focus and process information deeply?
Ans- In many ways, Computers, smart phones and other digital devices
perform countless wonderful tasks for us, and have enormous potential
to enrich our lives in the decades to come. we are now not able to
completely disconnected from this wired world. but if we do so it will
give our soul rest and make us relax.
We can retain our ability to focus and process information deeply by
following ways:
1. Do creative work first.
Typically, we do mindless work first and build up to the toughest tasks.
That drains our energy and lowers our focus. In order to focus
effectively, reverse the order. Check off the tasks that require creativity
or concentration first thing in the morning, and then move on to easier
work, like deleting emails or scheduling meetings, later in the day.
2. Allocate time deliberately.
Most people focus best in the morning or late at night. Decide where and
when you focus best, then allocate your toughest tasks for those
3. Train mind like a muscle.
Practice concentration by turning off all distractions and committing
your attention to a single task. Start small, maybe five minutes per day,
and work up to larger chunks of time.

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