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Q1- What do you understand by computer. What are its characteristics and
Ans. The word Computer comes from the word Compute which means to calculate so a
computer can be thought to be a calculating devices.
A computer is a machine that is able to take information (input) do some work on or make changes
to information also known as processing,to make new information (output).Computer are useful
for many different jobs were automatic tasks are useful. A person (called as user) can control
computer by telling it to do things .Some other ways of controlling a computer are with a
Keyboard,Mouse,Buttons,Touchscreen, by voice commands or hand gestures.Modern computers
are electronic machines.A computer is only useful if its has bothhardware and
software.Hardware is physical parts of the computer is made up of Ex- keyboard, mouse,
buttons, and circuits inside it.The software uses the hardware ,when the user gives it instructions
and changing it to useful output.
Computer performs any calculations,any work within fractions of seconds but computer do not
really think. They only follow the instructions in their software programs and programs are using
programming language like C++,Java,Python. A program called compiler translates user
instructions into binary code (machine code) and machine understands it and vice-versa.

1. Speed :- The computer is able to process the data and give the output in fractions of seconds
such that required information is given to user on time enabling the user to take right decisions on
right time
2. Accuracy:- Inspite of its high speed of processing,the computers accuracy is consistently high
enough which avoids any error.
3. Reliable:- The output generated by the computer is very reliable,but it is reliable only when the
data, which is passing as input to the compiler and the program are correct.
4. Storage Capacity:- The computer has provisions to store large volume of data in the small
devices, which have capacity to store huge
amounts of data and help the retrieval of data an easy task.
5. Automation:-Once the instructions are fed into the computer it works automatically without any
human intervention until the completion of execution of programs until meets logical instructions to
terminate the job.
7. Versatile:- The computer Performs these basic operations:-

A) It is capable to access and accept information through various input-output devices from user.
B) It performs basic arithmetic and logical operations on data as desired.
C) It is capable to generate the desired output in desired form.

1. Computer are not intelligent,they have to be instructed about each and every step which they
have to perform.
2. Computer cannot take decisions of its own,one has to program id some condition prevail.
3. Computer, unlike humans cannot learn by experience.
4. Computer does not work on itself it requires set of instructions to be provided and else computer
hardware is waste.

Name: Piyush Mudela

Roll No:43

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