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SUNDAY MIRROR 30 June 2013



SUNDAY MIRROR 30 June 2013




PCs unreal rant in summary:

from Simon Davies

additional reporting
by Louise Smith
is today
sensationally exposed as
undermining any chance
Team Wilson

Failed leadership coup has left"

Black Country boy with egg on
his face

have of winning at this Autumns

Gosport Games in an exclusive
undercover sting operation carried
out by the Sunday Mirror

Black Country born Cartwright, 30,

was caught by the Sunday Mirror as
he described in no uncertain terms
the disarray and ill-feeling inside the
Team Wilson camp.
He was taped telling undercover
Mirror reporters in Readings Back of
Beyond Wetherspoons: The whole
setups a disaster from top to
bottom, no one seems to have a clue
what the plan should be for Gosport.
Im asking the right questions but not
getting any answers
When pressed on Team Wilsons
team selection, independently
adjudicated and based on a series of
random picks, Cartwright said it
screamed of foul play: I was
watching the names being drawn
thinking hang on a minute. When
you watch the video back its pretty
obvious theres something going on.
Im no mug
As Cartwright devoured bacon and
eggs courtesy of our undercover man
in the field, he began opening up
about his rivalry with Middle East
based Luke William Tapp an longterm nemesis and opposing joint
captain of tournament hopefuls Team
Bestmen. Hes sat out there in the
middle of the desert counting his
gold and trying to figure out another
way of undermining my
professionalism. Ive got the better of
him time and time again I wish the
kid would just chuck the towel in and
be done with it.
The current Fantasy League
champion then turned his attention
to the recent coup attempt in which
he addressed both teams in an
emotive email calling for Tapp to step
down and do the right thing:
Basically, someone had to take some
action no one else had the balls for
it and Im a Brummie with ambition
whos confident in my ability to run a
tighter ship than that cowboy. The

Wilson: first outing as skipper

Claims to have evidence

suggesting team draw was

Denies Tapp rivalry has become

an obsession

Nick Benham is tipped to be appointed vice captain

Gavin Thomas: highly sought after utility man

Stone: adds unpredictable flair

Refuses to stand by Wilson

Jnrs past tour performances n
the field

Plans to hold secret team

meetings without skipper


Plotting to offer cash to go kart

engineers for faster car
Indicates that he may still force
a move to Team Bestmen
Scathing personal attacks on
every one of his team mates

I look at Team Bestmen and yeah

sure, theyre beatable but its a
collection of highly talented
individuals with an exceptionally
strong management team in Tapp
and Mann behind them.
Chandler, Dymond I mean the
names go on and on. And of course
Q Game [crowd favourite Adam
Antoszkiw] I mean hell pull in the
crowds theres no doubt about that.
As Cartwright sunk another latte
our man pressed him on what plans
he had in the lead up to Gosport,
given his obviously disagreement
with the way the team was being run.
With an arrogant grin across his face,
Cartwright led back in his chair and
brazenly went into the details of
what he defined as his masterplan:
Simple really, Ill run the show the
way I want it. Ive already got the
support of a couple of team mates
namely Doctor C [Pardoe] and one
other and Ill be running a series of
meetings to discuss how we remove
the skipper and get rid of some of
the dead wood.
He then went on to reveal how a
move to Team Bestmen shouldnt be
ruled out: Everyones talking about
how Tapp and I could never work
together but Ive put in a request via
my PA to meet with him, put a few
things on the table and see where we
go. Hes guaranteed gold with me on
his side, all hes got to do is remove
his ego.
Weve had our ups and
downs before sure, but look at
where Im at. A team of nobodys
going headlong into arguably the
biggest competition of the year 2nd
place in unacceptable in my eyes.
Always has been always will be. And
my motto is, if you cant win fairly
cheat. Ill do anything to make sure
Im top of the podium in Gosport.
And with that this incredible
undercover interview came to a close
and we paid up, shook Cartwrights
hand and watching him leave.
Theres no doubt that these
revelations will send shockwaves
through Team Wilson and indeed
the sport as a whole.
Tapp and
Mann will publically express calm,
but will privately not be able to
believe Cartwright's careless
outburst in particular the personal
nature of the criticism directed at
the same teammates hell be walking
out with in 3 months time.
Arguably though, the real work is on


personal responses Ive had have been
incredible, Im supported privately by
95% of those involved. One more slip
by Tapp and his reign is over
basically. Ill give him a month
Cartwright then shifted the criticism
from his opponents to members of his
own team, singling each of them out
for a poisonous diatribe of vicious
hate starting with fellow Midlander,
Peter Stone: Ive barely spoken to him
in the last 6 months hes off doing
his thing and Im doing mine. The
lads a talent but is he a professional
whos going to bring home the bacon
in Gosport?
No comment.
I was
dismayed when his name came out.

The criticism didnt just stop at Stone

with an unprompted Cartwright
going through each of his team mates:
Smithy [Martin Smith] Im like a
mentor to the bloke, but the way he
looks up at me is sickening.
understand the importance of being a
role model but the kid needs to find
his only personality and stop
replicating mine.
Everything from
dynamic midfielder technique to my
gags Im fed up with it. Plus, Im not
convinced hes over the schooling I
gave him in last seasons fantasy
league hes avoided talking about it
Cartwright, dribbling mouthfuls of
scrambled egg then turns his hate

toward housewifes favourite Richard

Pardoe: If Dr Cunt [Pardoes alter ego]
could get his head out of sexting on
Tinder we might stand a chance but
unlikely to happen.
The guys
obsessed with rape, pillage and
plunder he wont stop going on
about Raul Moat its disgusting.
Fan favourite and the bookies choice
for vice-captain Nick Benham was next
in line for a torrent of verbal filth: Mr
Bottle-Job himself his reputation
precedes him. Tom Manns face as
Benhams name came out of the hat
was a picture utter relief. Without
me in this side hed be one of the
headliners, but hell need to learn to

step aside and let me take centre

stage. Hell come into it with a safety
net injury thats for sure. Gav Thomas
has already text me saying hes
unhappy with Benhams inclusion.
Not convinced the gaffers got it right
at all.
And that was the last positive word
for Thomas: In love apparently I
dont want blokes in my side walking
up and down waving semis around
talking about how much they love
their girlfriends. Hell be up until 4am
the night before tee off shagging
probably. Wouldnt have got my pick
not a chance. Difficult character to
deal with too doesnt take criticism

at all well. I dropped a couple of C

bombs on his a few years back in
Germany, his head went down and
that was it chucked the towel in.
Hed better be prepared for a few
more this time around.
Cartwright saved the harshest
criticism for the Wilson brothers
starting with Wilson Junior, David: I
had a good look at this lad a couple of
weeks back, fundamentally he
couldnt go the distance as soon I
upped the pace he disappeared. Hes
one of the ones Im most worried
about in Gosport just has a tendency
to go hard then go missing. If Team
Bestmen set a decent pace, were

doomed with this lad on board.

Wilsons golfing ability was also
called into question: Im packing a
couple of pairs of armbands and a
rubber ring for Posh god knows hell
need then given the amount of times
Ive seen him stick the ball in the
drink. Disaster written all over it.
But of course it was the teams leader
Malcolm Wilson who was then taken
to task over his ability to motivate a
winning team.
Ive run Facebook
polls, Ive trended on Twitter, Ive even
gone out in the streets of Berkshire
and asked the public who they think
deserves the captaincy. Guess what, it
aint Malcolm. Im the most talented

individual on Team Wilson by a

stretch but I cant operate when Im
surrounded by amateurs.
leadership is all wrong I made a case
early doors with the backing of a
number of high profile individuals for
the captaincy but nothings come to
fruition. The request has simply been
ignored and I wont tolerate it. To rub
my nose in it further, management
produced a laughable video reel
looking at the various names in this
competition, and the lad introducing
me claimed never to heard of me let
alone my world beating abilities. And
where was my skipper when this was
going on? Nowhere to be seen.

Malcolm Wilsons side, who now has

the task of picking up a thousand
broken pieces in an attempt to build a
shell of a team in time for Gosport.
Its obvious that Cartwright could play
a huge role in bringing him success,
but on if he can keep hold of him and
somehow temper the ego.
Its still
quite possible that Cartwright will
push for that meeting with Tapp and
will attempt to force a transfer
request over to Team Bestmen.
Last night, Paddy Power was offering
7/1 on Cartwright being exchanged
out of Team Wilson for a member of
the opposition.

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