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Fall 2014

System Analysis and Design


By: Ahmed Al-own, Felix Beaudoin, Charly

Recinos, Malory Espinosa

The Williams School of Business

Bishops University
Fall 2014

Table of Contents
System Request ............................................................................................................................................ 3
Overall Current problem ........................................................................................................................... 3
Expected Benefits ...................................................................................................................................... 4
Feasibility Analysis ....................................................................................................................................... 4
Technical Feasibility ............................................................................................................................. 4
Economic Feasibility ............................................................................................................................ 4
Organizational Feasibility..................................................................................................................... 5
Project Planning Phase ................................................................................................................................. 5
Initiation Phase ...................................................................................................................................... 6
Analysis Strategy..7
Detailed Discussion ............................................................................................................................... 8
Project Management ............................................................................................................................ 9
Data Flow Diagrams ................................................................................................................................... 10
Context Diagram of Current Business Processes.................................................................................. 10
Level 1 Diagram of Current Processes ................................................................................................. 11
Level 2 Diagram of Current Payment Process ..................................................................................... 12
Level 1 Diagram of TO-BE Processes.................................................................................................... 13
Level 1 Diagram of TO-BE System ........................................................................................................ 14
Level 1 Physical Diagram...................................................................................................................... 15
Entities ........................................................................................................................................................ 16
Entities Tables & Attributes ................................................................................................................ 16
Entities Relationship Data Model ....................................................................................................... 17
Description of Relationship between Entities .................................................................................... 18
Database Design Model ...................................................................................................................... 20
Architecture Design .................................................................................................................................... 21
Operational Requirements ................................................................................................................. 21
Performance Requirements ................................................................................................................ 22
Security Requirements........................................................................................................................ 22
Cultural Requirements ........................................................................................................................ 23
Software & Hardware Specifications .................................................................................................. 23
Interface Design.......................................................................................................................................... 26
Interface Diagram ............................................................................................................................... 26
Structure Chart ................................................................................................................................... 27
Program Specifications ........................................................................................................................ 27
Implemented Database SQL ...................................................................................................................... 30


The name of the enterprise:

La Brlerie de caf Lennox Coffee Shop

An overall description of the problem:

The coffee shop offers free wifi (no password required) to customers and noncustomers, what has become a problem of uncontrolled internet connection system for
the employees. Some customers who do not purchase enter to the place and sit down
to use the computers or just log in through the wifi connection, saturating the network
and making the connection become slower for everyone. The lower internet speed
create customer to complain about the bad service and to get upset. What makes the
company less competitive within the ranking of good service and product.
This is why employees are often being pressured receiving complaints, when they can
basically do nothing, feeling unhappy, what makes them lose their job performance.
As well, the company is missing a program where customers could contribute some
feedback in order to improve the service, the products, the place, among others. If a
system could be implemented to manage the control of the internet users within the
place joint with an option that allows the customer to answer a brief question or make a
suggestion about the site, would be helpful to improve the internet service quality and to
know the customer opinion to allow an improvement.


1. System request for the IS

Name of requested system
Internet access control system and client data collection tools

Name of the requester

Brulerie FARO Roasting Houses
Quick summary of current situation

Uncontrolled internet connection system (no password).

Clients who dont purchase can sit down on the computers until the employee
(usually alone) realizes that they havent purchased anything and kicks them out.

Low Internet speed & customer complaints.

No customer feedback is utilized for improvements.

Outsourced networking company is expensive just to analyze the situation.

Employees are pressured by clients when they can basically do nothing.

Wireless and connected internet is faulty in this situation.

Major Expected Functions


Implement password access depending on the amount purchased. Print

username/password on the receipt.

Set an access time limit in relation to that username/password with warnings.

Expected Benefits

Higher turnover of clients or more customers (ex: twice as many tables available
during the day)


Faster Wi-Fi speed (From 2mbs/s to 25mbs/s-50mb/s)

Increased amount of purchases (1150$ in daily sales increases to 1300$)

Decrease in complaints (From 3 daily to 1)


Happier customers

More motivated employees (Consequently leads to more tips for them)

Increased efficiency (More time for employees to complete basic chores, not
necessarily sell more products to increase sales)


Cost to develop and implement the system

Some customers might be unhappy with the new system

Feasibility Analysis
Application aspect; computer science backgrounds guarantee the possibility of
making the system. If not, outsourcing to a company would be a possibility.
Possibility of needing to buy out the contract from network provider.
Outsource the project for about 3000$ one payment with monthly charges of
around 50$.
Update cash registering system for a few hundred dollars per location.


Makes employees' tasks easier by avoiding the need to kick-out non-paying
customers that are using the Internet network for free.
Employees are used to explaining complicated content (coffee and ingredients)
so explaining to the customers that their login and password is on the receipt
should not be hard.
Employees will be happier because of the reduced amount of complaints
concerning the network.
They can also spend less time on maintenance for the network so they focus
more of their efforts on producing quality service and products.

2. Analysis strategy that will be employed

We will be using BPI to improve the currently implemented processes in the
business, which are the internet security access and client data collecting and storing
management. We are using a BPI strategy in order to improve the logic of the internet
access process that is not protected and because there is already an automated cash
registration system that is not associated with the internet access system which is
something we want to improve. Implementing automatically generated passwords for
each receipt that is printed from the register is the real improvement we want to add so
that every user can have their own login and password that would be associated to a
predetermined timer from the amount spent from the receipt. We are also going to
improve the overall client data collection by improving the current network access with
data forms that will offer the clients more time in exchange for some of their information.
Every time a user connects to the network from the provided logins and passwords,


what the user does with the network will also be tracked for legal and practical
purposes. At this present moment, there is not client data collection whatsoever so this
would be a major improvement for the company because of all the data that will be
collected to better serve the client in the future and to also ensure that every client is
using the provided service properly. This overall improvement will lead to a better client
management process, a better network service being offered and client data collection
and utilization that would also lead to a better service towards the Internet connection. It
will also facilitate the employees tasks by letting them do their work instead of spending
time on the maintenance of the network and handling complaints and non-paying

3. Detailed discussion on the project initiation step of the project

planning phase
For the initiation step of the project planning phase we will need to provide an in
depth analysis of the four stages of that phase to be capable of initiating the project.
The four steps which are identifying opportunities, analyzing the feasibilities, developing
the work plan and staffing the project will all be done consecutively for a better
development of the overall system improvement.
The opportunities that we have identified were to improve the internet connection of
the coffee shop by limiting the amount of connections possible to that network as well
as control the flow of clients throughout the day automatically without taking time away
from the employees who need to focus on the quality of their tasks. Both of these
combined would lead to an overall improvement of client satisfaction which is the most
important assessable opportunity because it consequently reduces client complaints.

The steps taken to identify these opportunities would be to take measurements of

connectivity speed as well as information in regards to all the daily connections taken

The feasibility analysis made us realize that there would be no problem whatsoever
within the organization because the workers would actually need to work less to have
this system be implemented and has even been demonstrated by current employees.
Technically speaking, we would take the outsourcing approach which means that there
definitely is an organization that would take this contract and complete it with ease.
Approaching the current network company would be an option but looking at other
companies for improvement would also be wise. The economical aspect would be
dependent on the quality, reliability, time and scope of the system we want to implement
and if the owners of the shop would actually be willing to invest around five thousand
dollars to develop and implement the idea. We would need to approach the owners
directly as the manager does not have decisive power over such projects which would
at the same time define the other desired variables of the system.

Developing the work plan will not be a problem in this situation because the
approach and documentation associated to it will be already completed as part of a
project for a class. Therefore, there will be no cost for developing the work plan besides
the outsourcing budget that has already been calculated and the documents can be
overviewed by the managers and owners of the coffee shop at no cost.


This is beneficial for them in this type of situation since they do not even to utilize
resources before coming to a decision of whether or not this system should be
Staffing the project will not be a problem because the staff developing the tools that
would be implemented will be part of the company which receives the outsourced
project. The coffee shop itself has a representative, manager or even an assigned
employee that could take the project to the development company. So staffing is not a
concern in this situation, it all comes to whether or not the owner wants to invest in the
project and if a suitable company is found during the initial approach of the demanded
project. This all comes to direct interaction with the employees of the involved
companies to resolve this issue.


4. Details on the project management step of the project planning phase


5. Context DFD of the AS-IS business processes

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6. Level 1 DFD for the AS-IS processes

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7. Level 2 DFD for the AS-IS processes

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8. Level 1 DFD for the TO-BE processes

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9. Level 1 DFD for the TO-BE system

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Level 1 physical DFD


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Entity tables and corresponding attributes


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Relationships between the entities of the diagram


Description of Relationship between Entities

Many clients may be attended by many employees, the minimum required for this
to be logic, is to have one client attended by one employee, and the maximum
would be 5 clients attended by one employee.

One bill can have many payments method; because sometimes the client does
not have the exact amount so it may divide the bill in many payment methods
(cash, credit card, debit card, carte voir, gift card). The maximum would be one
bill having five different types of payment.

One employee can have many orders, because the place just have two
employees attending the coffee shop, so they need to split the orders among

One client can have many bills. The minimum is once client having one and there
is no maximum of bills.

One order can have many bills. The minimum would be one order in one bill and
there is no maximum for an order being in several bills.

One order can have one internet session in order to have a control in the access
and to ensure that only that customer will be able to access with that internet
session, avoiding non clients to use the service.

Many products can be to many clients, because there is a great variety and
quantity of products that can be served for many clients. The minimum is one
product for one client, and the maximum is the number of the physical inventory
for number of clients asking for them.
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Many employees can handle many products. The minimum is one employee
handling one product. The maximum is two employees handling as many
products as the inventory suggests.

Many products can be in many orders. The minimum is one product in one order,
and the maximum would be the number of products register on the physical
inventory in the number of orders suggested.

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Database design model


Architecture design of the system

Operational Requirements:
1.1 The system will work over a network server environment interconnected to all coffee
1.2 Customers will only need Internet Browser access, document management and
audio player.
1.3 The computer system will read in the login information provided by the user and
then demand the users personal information to provide an extension of time-allowed on
the computer.
1.4 The network system will read in the login information provided by the user and then
demand the users personal information to provide an extension of time-allowed on the
1.5 The computer system will read and write to the main network server (client & usage)
database of the coffee shops.
1.6 The network system will read and write to the main network server (client & usage)
database of the coffee shops.
1.7 A new module for the cash-register systems will be required to provide random login
information associated to the size of the produced receipts.
1.8 The system will be required to be to remain current with evolving web standards
especially those pertaining to internet usage.
1.9 The system will need to have constant maintainability requirements provided by the
network and system provider.

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Performance Requirements:
2.1 Login authentication must take less than 3secs.
2.2 The client database must be updated in real-time when login occurs.
2.3 There should be a maximum of 15 users at the same time connected to the
computer database system while the entire internet network should have no more than
2.4 The network storage databases (client & usage) will require at least 10TB of harddrive to store as much information as possible.
2.5 The system should only be available during store hours.
2.6 The system should have 99% uptime performance.

Security Requirements:
3.1 A very high level of security should be anticipated to protect all potential client and
network usage information.
3.2 Only coffee-shop managers and superiors should have access to these systems
through the intermediate of the network and system provider.
3.3 Special and unique encryption keys for login information generator should be
created and kept confidential within the upper-level managers.
3.4 Up-to-date virus-control requirements should be implemented to protect computers
and network from possible attacks and breaches.
3.5 Agreement of conditions should be accepted by users while logging in to ensure
security and responsibility requirements.

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3.6 Potential at risk websites and accessible tools should be blocked from the network.

Cultural Requirements:
4.1 English and French requirements should be anticipated for this network and system.
4.2 Special customization requirements should be anticipated to provide a possibility of
time extension with the customization of client database.
4.3 Following strict norms of website and tools accessibility should be anticipated within
this network.
4.4 Legal requirements associated to consumer data storage, network usage and
analysis and responsibility waiver associated to the potential use of the network should
be anticipated.


Software and hardware specifications

Hardware Specifications
All computers will run on windows server based architecture that will connect all the
computers to the same network. This is the most common architecture used for multiaccess systems within companies.
Processing Power:
Aside from the computers owned by the clients, the shop-based computers will have
minimal processing power to only permit social interactions over the web or access to
information an entertainment. Basic 2nd generation AMD processors are currently what
are being used within the coffee shop.

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A small amount of RAM of about 512MB is the currently used memory power provided
with the computers. The computers are designed for basic usage and not for highprocessor power tasks. The server will need to run on many crossfire 16GB RAM
memory to provide service for all of the computers.
Secondary Storage:
There is no need for a lot of memory for the computers because all saved files delete
themselves after a session is closed. A small 125GB hard drive is the current storage
system while the servers will need about 10TB to store all the client information for the
years to come.
Display Adapter:
There will be one display adapter which will be the personal computer of the owner to
manager all the stored information while the basic screens being used by the clients are
20 low resolution screens.
Basic keyboards and mice will be provided for the use of the computers.

Software Specifications
The exact platform installed on the computers is currently Windows XP. An upgrade to
windows 8 would be suggested for a better overall performance of the computers. As for
the server database storing all the information, it will be running on SQL language and

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APIs and Drivers:

The use of java and adobe will be required for the computers to provide the users with
access to the basic social medias and entertainment websites. No complicated drivers
or APIs for development are required for these computers.
Web Browser:
Chrome should be installed on each computer instead of Internet Explorer for ease of
use as well as increasing the probability of obtaining client information from their usage.
Internet Connection:
The Internet connection that would be required to reduce complaints and provide a
better overall service would be an unlimited business plan allowing speeds of between
25MB/sec to 50MB/sec of download. Having a very fast Internet is key to success in this
information system implementation.

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Interface diagram of the system


Structure chart of the system

Program specifications for each module in the structure
Calculate fees
Read Order ID
Read Price list
Calculate Payable:
Price x Product
End loop

Generate Access
Read Payable
Calculate access time

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Payable x Access Time per dollar

Create password
Create username
Add Access Time
End loop

Get Bill
Read payable
Read Password & Username
Read product ID
Read employee ID
Read current Time
Read order ID
Calculate Tax
Payable x TVQ
Payable x TPS
Read tax
Generate bill

Print Bill
Read payment
Read payment time
Read bill

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Print bill

Accumulate Time Remaining

Read access time
Calculate usage time
Session start time Current time
Calculate remaining time
Usage time Access time
End loop

Log Off
Read time remaining
If end user deliberately logs off
Confirm log off if time remaining > 5 minutes
Automatically log off if time remaining < 5 minutes
At time remaining 0.0 minutes automatically log off

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Database implemented in SQL server

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