Lectures On Virtual Environment Development L16

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Agents and Avatars 2

Ruth Aylett


Speech and Expressive behaviour
Embodied conversational characters

Creating autonomy

Crowds and flocking


Interactions among
members of a group
Local neighborhood

Reynolds Boids
Originally birds or
Complex behaviour
determined by
simple rules

Separation: Boid



Motor Control

Steering Force
Integrate to determine acceleration
Thrust determines speed
Lateral Steering Force determines direction

Boid Object Representation


Point Mass Vehicle

Constrained to align with velocity

Force and Speed Limits


(No moment of inertia)

Same maths as point objects

acceleration = steering_force / mass
Given f = ma

velocity = velocity + acceleration

Over a unit time period
Generically v = v x at

position = position + velocity

Over a unit time period
Generically s = s + vt

Seeking and Fleeing


Aim towards target

Desired_velocity = Kp (position target)
Steering = desired_velocity velocity

Seeking and
Fleeing Applet

Pursuing and Avoiding


Target is another moving object

Predict target s future position
Scale prediction time, T, based on distance to object, Dc


Pursuing and
avoiding applet

More Behaviors



Like flee, but predict pursuer s movement

Like seek, but stop at target
Applet (Reynolds)

Obstacle Avoidance
Repulsive force
Aim to boundary
Adjust velocity to be perpendicular to surface normal

Do People Flock?
Social psychologist s
report that people
tend to travel as
singles or in groups
of size 2 to 5.

Controlling Steering Behavior for Small Groups of

Pedestrians in Virtual Urban Environments
Terry Hostetler, Phd dissertation, 2002

Characteristics of Small Groups


Coupled Behavior
Common Purpose
Relationship Between

Moving Formations

Pairs: Side by side

Triangular shape

Stationary Formations

Moving pair approaches

stationary triple

Stationary quintuple

Locomotion Model for Walking


Two Parameters - because in 2D

Increase/reduce walking speed
Combination of step length and step rate

Adjust orientation
Heading direction for forward walking

Avoiding an Obstacle -Trajectory

walkway axis

walkway axis
ped 1

ped 2

Small look-ahead distance

ped 1

ped 2

Large look-ahead distance

Interaction Between Pairs -- 1

Interaction Between Pairs -- 2

Interaction Between Pairs -- 3

Adding goals

People are usually going somewhere

Easy case: same goal
Walking to a sports stadium
Political demonstrations

Harder case: multiple goals

Campus traffic
Most public spaces: streets, shops, stations

Talking Heads

Human faces
Thus high expectations:
Blinking, random head movement
Facial muscles
Lip sync

Rarely intelligent
Entirely scripted in most cases
No integration of speech production with
intelligent architecture and NL generation

Moving the face - 1


Simple approach
Define overlay frames with different facial
For example, six mouth shapes

Use signal from TTS engine to pick a

mouth shape
This works OK with cartoon-like characters

Moving the face - 2


Mouth and lip position
for each phoneme
Correspond to a
submesh in the

Using visemes

Find viseme for each phoneme

Synchronise graphical change with sound

Catalan weather forecaster


Complete talking character

Weather forecasts have predictable content
Still have to match content and behaviour
<demo via browser: sam_mosca_ok.wmv>


An independent sense-reflect-act cycle: implies

An agent-based action-selection mechanism
Self-animation in real-time: cannot be pre-rendered
Local sensing
Virtual robotics

Not a natural graphics view

Global manipulation of polygons
Hierarchical scene-graph


Typical of NPCs in computer games

What representational content is
Can just invoke named animations
What parameters?
Depends on animation approach

Scripting with Finite State Automata


Limitations of scripting

Becomes predictable
Either independent of local sensing
Or single FSM transition stimulus

Limited ability to use internal state

Interaction memory
Affective state

Lacks sequencing flexibility

Sequence is hardwired

Low-level architecture

Functional Architecture

for a fish

High-level architecture

VE or visualisation?

Embed all behaviour into scenegraph?

Advantage: efficiency
Disadvantage: tied to scenegraph software

Or visualise simulated world?

Loosely coupled: how to link?
Message-passing between world simulation
and scenegraph

Using game engines


Offer some support for NPCs

More facilities than a scenegraph
Attaching animations to graphical bodies
Imports from popular 3D packages like Character

Proprietary; oriented to scripting
Hard (in some cases impossible) to implement sensing
Fixed paths quite often

Often focused on shooting

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