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Alinco's New HTs

Fun, Fantastic and Affordable!

Check out the new OJ-596 duol bander or the OJ-196/496 monoband units. No matter which you
choose, you'll get a transceiver that's rugged, easy to pragram and built for years of dependable
operation. You expect more value from Alinco and we deliver!

DJ596T VHF/UHF Dualband HT ~

Loaded with features! The breakthrough design supports optionaL digital voice

communications and you can easily switch the unit between analog and digital modes!
FuLL 4.5 watts output VHF/4w UHF

FuLL 2m and 440 band coverage

Powerful NiMH battery

100 memories in any combination
of VHF or UHF channels
Direct frequency input from keypad

Accepts 6 - 16 VDC direct input

Each memory capabLe of "odd split"

ALphanumeric channel labels
CTeSS and Des encode-decode plus
tone bursts

Three scan modes

ILluminated keys and dispLay
Wide and narrow FM modes

10 autodial memories
Theft alarm feature
Optional EJ -40U Digital Voice Board!*

DJ196T (2m) and DJ496T (440 MHz)

These sturdy, full-featured monobanders are priced low and ready to go!
5 watts DJ -196 /
4 watts DJ-496
Long-last ing NiMH battery
40 memory channels
Keypad frequency input
CTess and DCS encodes-decode
Alphanumeric display
13.8 VDC direct input


Wide and narrow FM modes

Illuminated keys and display
Autodiat memories

DJ-196 TX 144 - 148MHz;

RX 135 "'" 174 MHz
DJ-496 TX 430 - 450 MHz
RX 430 - 450 MHz

om. Gr~~!o~~~~o~~~o~!e~o~.!2r~d~~iu~~f~ou~t~~ce~!~n~~o~n~~ i0S!

BNe connections make it easy to take your HT mobile for BIG signals in and out!

' - - - - - - --


IHC 19 car window mount

IHC 20 glass suction-cup mount

BNC connectors, window mount,

sets up in just seconds!

Extension BNC suction mount keeps

your antenna inside but against the
glass fo r a true "window on the
world." For mobile or base use,
includes 6 feet of RG-58U cable.

IHMM270 Compact VHF/UHF

Magnetic Mount Antenna
BNC connector, 9 feet of RG-174 cable and a
powerful magnet. Less than 20 inches high, SWR
less t han 1.5:1 throughout either band. Max
power: 50wjVH F; 25w UH F.


IHMMJ Magnetic Scanner Antenna

BNC connector, just 13.5 inches high. Powerful rare-earth
magnet, 9 feet of RG-174 cable. Receives 100,... 1200 MHz,
can transmit on 2m, 70cm and SM Rfreq uencies.

: ,~ Di,tributed in North America by ATOC Amateur Distri buting llC 23 S. High SL, Covington, OH 45318 (937) 473-2840

specmceucns subjecttc change without notice or obligation.

'[);9itolcommunications .equi re at "'a.t two similarly equ ipped tran.scei' e<s.
Digital mode ~ compatible WIth Alinco DA1 351235'435T mobile tronsce;...e1'S equipped with EJ.4JU digitai communiCII~""s boa.d.
Digital mod,e may no: be legal in soma cccnaes See FAa 00 ~Ital ill
ProOuc:ls .ntan<:l9d tor use by properly lICensed opaIs:oo-" Permits r8QtJ,rlld for MARS/CAP use. Speahca!lOns subject to Change wlthoLrt notice 00- obligation , AJI trademar1<s ,ema;" the property oIth81r respoctive owners


ISSUE 1493

El Supremo & Founde r

Wayne Green W2NSOfl


Radio Today

Assoc iate Publi sher

F, L Marion
a xeccnve Edit or
J ack Burnett


Managing Ed itor
J oyce Sawte lle
Techn ic al Ed ito r
Larry AAtonuk WB9ART

Contr ibuting Cu lprit s

Mike Bryee W B8VG E
Jim Gra y II
Jack H eller KB7NO
Chuc k Houghton WB6IGP
Andy MacAlliste r W 5ACM
Joe Moell KOO V
ste ve N ow ak KE 8YN/O
Dr. Rick Olsen N6NR

Ad vertisin g Sa les
Evelyn Garrison WS7 A
21 704 S, E. 35th 8 1.
Issaquah WA 98029

Mic rowin d to the Rescue! - WA8YKN

Let the wind keep your emergency batteries charged.


Subdivision SUbterfuge - KD51DU

A Houston homeowner handles his hamming.



That's Sf. Mary's Island to you ...


Bare Bones Battery Booster - N0GJ

A good project - as long as you understand the
dangers and limitations.


YOM Primer - W2GOMn

This overview is helpful for beginners and old-timers


Travel s wit h Henryk - Part 1 - SMOJHF

$MOJHF shares som e photos - and the fun of hamming.

Frances H yva rineo

Data Entry & otnee Sluff

Norman Marion


Ve Olde Fishpole Vertical - HL1 /N8HI

Some things never change - thankfully,

Bu siness Office
Editorial . Advertising . Circulation
Feedback Product Reviews
73 Amateur Radio Today MagaZine
70 Hancock ao .
Peterborough NH 03458 1107
Fall: 603924-86 13


The Builder's Dozen - AA2JZ

Uncommon uses for common stuff.


le706 Goes to Hell - W5RK

How to mate your Icom rig with an old Heil headset.


Helsinki or Buzz! - G3SWH

No-frills tickets meant an instant junket to OH-Iand
for this G3.

Repfi nts: S3 per article

Back issues: $5 each



Fa.: 425-5579612

Circu lat iOn




Above & Beyo nd - WB61GP

Ad Index
Barter on ' Buy
Cal endar Ev ent s
The Digital Port - KB7NO
Hamsat s - W5ACM
Homing In - KOOV
Ne ver Say Die - W2NSD/1
New Product s
On t he Go - KE8YN/O
Propagation - Gray
Rad io Boo ksh o p

F.-) tail
d~ s ign 73 @ ao l .com

Web rl\ ~t'


Beg inner 's PS Tester - WB9VBM , N9BRL

This variable active load will do the trick.


RF Inferno - K7GCO
Meet the new Raibeam antennas.

Printed if1 the USA

Manuscr pts : Contributions or
possible publication are most
welcome. We'. do the best we can 10
rellJ'Tl anyItJing you request. bJl we
assume no responsblily lor loss
~ damage. Payment lor Sl.tlrMted
artJcles ... be rraoe aller pY;llicaticn
Please Sltlml both a disk eoe a
ham a:py of you" artJcle IIBM (ok)
~ Mac (po eloned) lomIats~ caJ~
checIIed QawWlgs and $d'lOmahC$,
aro the dearest, best 1oo!S8d <n:I
IighIed photos you can manage. 1iOw

More Hams Among Sept. 11

Bill Ruth W3HR D was a veteran of two wars and
spent nearly 30 years as a social studies teacher. He
has now been declared dead in the September 11 th
attack on the Pentagon.

According to the Washington Post, Ruth was a

retired Army Chief Warrant Officer who lived in Mount
Airy, Maryland, On the evening of Sept . 10th, he had
presided over his first meeting as commander of his
local Veterans of Foreign Wars post The following
day, he was at work in the Pentagon when a jetliner
Continued on page 6

73 Am .'eur R.dio Tod. y {ISSN 10522522} Is publishe d mon thly by 73 Maga l"ine , 70 Hancock Rei.
Pelerboro ugh NH 03458 110 7, The enti re co ntents C 200 1 by 73 MagUlne . No part of this publication may be
rep roduced with out written permission of the publisher, whic h is not all that difficul t to get. The subscription
rate i s : on e year 524 .97 , tw o yea rs $44 .9 7; Canada : one yoar $34 .21 .lwo yea rs 55 7.75, including posta ge and
to 'MrteIor73"~icleines areavaiiable
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(949) 4587277 (949) 458-0826












115 "lAC SO/60HZ
OR 220 "lAC so,'60HZ



CONT. (Am ps)



sae (inches)


1% xe xs
1% x e x 9


2'lo x 7 x 9;',
3'l. xl x%

' 2


CONT. (Amps)
SIZE (inches)
2'; ' x 7 x g.y,
3Y. x 7 x !:Ylli


' .2


CONT. (Amps)
CONT. (Amps)


SIZE (iroches)
3 '); x19 x 9%


SIZE (Inches)
31\ x 19x 9'/0
311 x 19 x 9'1.

WI- (Ibs.)


3~ x 1 9 x~

Wl ~lbs. )




CONT. (Amps)


SIZE (iroches)
3'); x 19 x 9'Ji
31> x 19 x !:Ylli



CONT. (Amps)


saE (inches)
3'A x 19 x 9'10
JA x 19 x9'lo

Wl.(lbs. )


11 .0


11 .0


"Ies - Inta<mitref\1Communication S!I,Yi<:e




ICOM ICFl lQ20 & IC-F2020
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UNIDEN SMH1 525, SMU452 5
VERTE X - FTL l 0I l . FT-1011, FT2011, FH 011

5S10GX, SS 12GX
S5-1Q-EFJ-9S, SS12EFJ98, SS18-EFJ.98
SS10MG. 55- 12MG
S5-101F, SS-121 F
SS-12TK OR SS18ll<
$S-1 05M/GTX
5SIOV. SS12V, SS1 8V




II ~



Synthesized 88 to drift !

Buill in mixer - 2 riri e inputs and one
microphone input!
High power module available tOf e~ use
low pass filter lOf great audio

OJ FM1 00 is used OIl u.<er the WOf1d by serious hobbyists as wei as dut:hes.
dIM: il theaten. and schools. The kl idJdes mdal case. ~ anIema and bo..difl 110 d. N::. power supply.
Super-Pro FM Stereo Radio Station Kit
FM100wr 1 Watt, Wired Export Version

Priced (or the ho bbylSf!

You can create and test AC and DC circues

minutes after installi ng this package on your
,PC. Start from scratch, or from the included
library of pre-designed drctJits. Drag and drop
placemelll from a COIIl>Iete lis! of active and
passive componelllS. Test using a compIele list
of vW1uaI Ritruments, Oscilloscope. voltmeter.
ohmmeter. anvneter. and watt meter.

PlAB4 EIectrooic Prototype Software, Win95/ 98




'J. -r


..",.,.. ."


your own radio srenontoday with the FM 25!


Great er'tty IeYeI f M broadcast U . Thous.n:Is in use. H;n1y
!of serKJllg rrusiC lhrwgtl hcuse and yard. ideal lor school
plljeds too - )11 be erased at the ~ aLdo QU3iIy! Rms on 9V Mlery or 5 10 15 VDC. Add mfcfWJg case



The COMPlm analog-digilal lab station in coe.

Indudes function generatOf, dock ouqM. power supp1ies. 1eveI switches, pclsers. pols. LEOs and a LARGE
breadboarding area afl ln one! Includes a custom
molded case as shown. Used through the WQIid at uni versities, technical schools, and R&D labs. Av ai ~1ble in
"Learn as you Build" kit form or factory assembled and
tested. A great buy either way!

Prolessional quality rock stable S}'fl1hesiled transmit

te. Dip switch settable for any frequency between
88108 MHz. Strappable for high power output lor
esport sppucauoos. Our most popular kit. Start

Synthesized FM Stereo Transmitter Kit


aod ...tip ;neng Sd foc !1eal pro look.

Tunable FM Stereo Transmitter Kit
Matching Case and Antenna Set

lab Station, Kit
ML200WT lab Station, Factory Assembled & Tested

Did you C'o'ef ~ to identify the "other end of \h.1l:

C3b1e "'? No more "otmng it w ' With the Cal*
WI7ard. Sirr\lty cor .00 the IOiZard tr.Jnsrnlter to
one end of the cable and use the ..x cilC'" 10 sniff w
the other en:! . 's as sin1* as!hal! The transffitIer
sends a plAsatng 2 KHz ~ tbMl the C3bIe ..nell
is the .u:eioo is dose 10 the cable.
Worlo;s Wilh any cable io::Iuding coax. tdeptole
pairs, ethemet. and more. Equipped with an RJ45 for
aIItclco comections alld clip leads for single wire


SAW Resonato::o for hgh stbIhy NO Drift!
Powerlul +10 ~ out pu(
Range up to 600'
433 MHz license- free baod
Sensitive superhet receiver with RFl NA

St<ble over full 3-12 VDC rallgc

Ophol~11 on-board 12 bil encodCf!decoder
using Holick HT1 2 series chips, Quar1er not indOOed!




Receiver/ Decoder Mod., Assembled

Transmitter/Encoder Mod., Assembled
Data Receiver Mod., Assembled
Data Transmitter Mod., Assembled


THE CUBES! MINIATURE VIDEO TRANSMITIERS Cl)'Slal dear recepl:ion. yet smaIer than a

qual1er! Transmits color or B&W with fantastic quality almost ~ke a hard ~e COfIIleCtiofl to any TV Of
VCR noed to cable channel 59, Crystal cootrolled
no frequency drift with perforrnance that equals
law enforcement models thai cost hundreds more!


Basic 20mW unit goes up to 300' while the hil/Jl

power version ca n virtually dooble that range! Fully assembled and tested, and
ready to go. Powered by a standard 9V banery. Name that Qua rter!
Video Cube, Factory Assembled & Tested
High Power Version, Assembled & Tested


Lets video

cererss rsee in the dart",

IrJVisibie fight

sooce to

us. but lois of light 10 ceo B&W cameras! lluminales the area
just like light. yet cannot be seen. Draws 180mA at 12 VDC.
11 OVA( powt'" adapcer awilable.

Infra-Red Camera Illuminator Ki1

12VDC Power Supply

$225 .95


$14 .95

12V DC Wall Plug Adapter


Wireless Cable Tracer Kit
Matching Case Set for Transmitter & Receiver $29.95
WCT20WT Factory Assembled & Tested WCT20


This low cosIlTIir:T'crWa've radar uses the same pr;oo.
pie folnd i1 police units costing thous.nls more.
n-os. has been the rw..ntJef one sceece Fair pro;ect
lor years. Dm:t dgkaI
il rnies/hou". kJo,~
mders/hcJll", or led/seoond_ An eaptD .e jad.
*""'s you 10 aetulIy hear the Do!JI*r frequency

sNft of moYillg ob;ect$. < detailed m<nJaI no(
only gJJides you ~ C(XlSll,diorr. bt.l co.ers the
hows and oJIysof speed radar theory. Leam w+tk you buid. Uses two 13 ce
coffee cans for the anIerna (not irrlJded. so Slart driflkilg!) and lUIS on 12 VDC.


" .;,.-.-



Speedy Personal Speed Radar Kit

12VDC Power Supply





These are easy to build k~s thai can be used either stone
alone or as building blocks for more complex profects,

) , BL1
it .,. ~ ID1
::l: ~ .

TIckle-Stick Shocker
Super Snoop Amplifier Kit
LED Blinky Kit
Tone Encoder/Decoder Ki1
Touch Tone Decoder Kit
Code Practice Osdllator Kit
Universal Timer Kit

$9 ,95

Wayne Green W2NSOIl

Survivin g Biot er ror

A ,couple of years ago , I

was about the only one writing about the biot errorism
threat. Now it 's the cover
story of Newsweek and Time,
and in feat ure art icles in ForlUlie, etc. T he World Trade
Center att ack finally woke
the medi a in to its usual pack
action. But. how about you.
are you awake yet?
Yes, the govern ment has
bee n asleep on this, too despite a 1993 federal study
reporti ng that 250 pounds of
aerosolized anthrax sprayed
over D.C. could kill up to
three million people. The fact
is that America is almost totally ill-pre pared to de al with
such an assault.
Bush's appointment of Tom
Ridge as the antitcrror czar.
but then not giving him co nrrol over the counterterrorism
budgets. gives him lillie real
power, Wit h dozens of fed erul bureaucracies, all fig hting for more money, and doing their best not to ccmmunicate with other age nc ies,
it's the usu al D.C. mess. We
have the State Depart ment,
De fense Departmen t, Customs, FBI, CIA, ~SA , DlA.
and on through the alphabet.
all protecting their turf.
I hope you too k time to
watch the recent PBS series
on the drug war. It demonstrated the inc redibly stupid
way Congress went about
dealing wit h the drug prohlem and the mess it's made plus hundreds of billi on s of
ou r tax money that's been totally wastcd
not to mention
thousands of lives.

Alas, I suspect this may be

a blueprint for the war on
To start at the beginning:
Anthrax seems like one of an
enemy's most likely wcapons. It' s easy to make and
freeze-dry into a powder. It' s
easy to disburse. By mail _
pouff! - you're infected, from
crop planes. a hot air balloon,
a drone aircraft, spray cans,
the Empire State Building
observation deck , a nd so on.
Well, w hat about getti ng
vaccinated against an thrax'!
Sure, once the co mpany
(Acambis) that' s supposed to
he making it gets the bugs out
of the ir system. Once they're
able to safely ma ke the vac'cine, the first few million doses
will go to the military and
then government employees.
Oh. yes, there 's o ne more
complication . T he immunization requires six doses of vaccine given over 18 months.
followed by yearly boosters.
There's no word ye t on the
"acceptable losses" due to ad verse reactions to the vaccine. We do know that man y
Gulf War veterans who got
anthrax vaccinations had hellacious long te rm reactions to
it. T his docs not inspire confide nce in the who le immunizarion process. You'll have
even less if you read Walene
James' Immu nization, The
Reality Behind the Myth (sec
page 7 of my Wisdom Guide),
or Harris Coulter's Vaccination - Social Viole nce a nd
Criminality - The Medica l
Assault on the A merican
Now, the griuy-niuy
here 's w hat you can - no,
make that must - do .

4 73 Amateur Radio Today. December 200 1

Since telephones are usually the first serv ice to fail in

emergencies, and since our
government has not established any national emergency
communications alternative,
it's going to be radio amateurs
who will, as in all past serious
emergencies, provide it.
If you don' t have a ham
license, for heaven's sake ge t
one - j ust memorize a few

Get a handie-talkic and
get trained on emergency procedures over a local repeater.
Join the local radio cl ub
and hel p them se t up a va n
that will be able to permit all
of the mo bile rad io se rv ices
to intercommunicate. Like fire,
police, doctors, hospitals, ambulances, sheriffs, the military, C B, CAP, FBI, Secret
Serv ice, and so on.
Urge every inactive licensed ham in your area to
ge t on the stick. Look ' em up
on a Callbook ROM and call
them .
Keep a co uple of gallo ns
of silver col loid on hand , plus
the ability to make a who le
lor more . T his is one of the
most powerful antibiotics
there is and it costs pe nnies to
ma ke. The anthrax death rate
is aroun d 90% for those without antibiotics. and within
three days after the first
symptoms of a fever and a
cough appear.
However, the best protection against any pa thogen is a
powerful immune system. Have
you started rebuilding the
damage you 've been doing to
yours yet?

The Silver Bullet

Shades of the Lone Ranger !

Well, our medical -pharmaceutical co mp lex has done it

to us again. I mean the overuse of antibio tics which has
resulted in bac teria becoming
resistan t.
Researchers estimate that
around half of antibiotic prescriptions are unnecessary.
Then we put 70% of the antibiotics we produce in to livestock - and eat the antibiotic- laced meat. All this en courages the weak microbes
to become stronger. T he resul t is that bacterial infections, including tuberculos is,
pneumonia, and me ningitis,
which used to be easily
handled with antibiotics. are
bec oming deadly.
W hich leaves us with silver
co llo id. to which microbes
have been un a ble to adapt.
With the increasing threat
of biowarfare, it seems only
prude nt to have some silver
colloid on ha nd. No prescri ption needed, and it's cI chcapo
to make, at a pe nny or two a
gallo n.
But, do your homework.
Read The Plague Makers by
Dr. Jeffrey Fisher (page 22 in
my Wisdom Guide ), and the n
The Silver M icro-Buller by
Dr. Pau l Farber (pagcl S, ibid.) . ~
How do yo u make and usc it?
Read the M iller 73 arti cle in
the April 1997 issue. If you
have been totally imp rudent
and don ' t have that issue, a
reprint of the article is av ailable for $5 from Radio
Bookshop-s-item #98, see
page 63.
You can read more ahout
the antibiotic resistance mess
Continued on page 8



245XLTTrunk Tracker II

M fg . suggested list price $429 .951C E I price $189.95

300 C hlln ne l. ' 10 blin ks Trunk SClln lind Selin U sn.
Trunk Lockout Tr... nk De lay' Cloning Capability
10 Priority Chan n. I Programmed Se rvice S.lI rc h

Size: 2' tr Wid e x 1)1&- Deep x 6 High


MIg. suggested list price $529.95

Less -$190 Instant Rebate I Special $339.95

500 Cha nnels 0 10 banks CTCSSlDCS. S Meier
Size: 7"'" WIde x 6,,, r Dee p x 2'WW' Hig h
...... . I!106 000823 9l!I75UHz. &l9_0 1~ _91175 MHL. _ 0 12$.1300.000 _
The aea rcat 760XLT has 500 channels and the wM:l. sl
frequency coverage o f any Be areal scanner eve r. Pa caed
wi th Jeatures such as Trun ktracker III \0 cover EOACS ,
F....-..=y Coo .... .

25 .OO-512OO

Motorola and EF Johnson systems. control ch annel only

mode to a How \'OU to a ",lomal ically trunk certain systems

by simpl y programming the control channel. S A M .E.

___ alert, runtr~ display & baddit controls. tUftin CTCSS/DCS 10 assign analog a nd dig~a1 subaudlble
lone eodes 10 8 specific in memory, PC Cootrol
with RS2 32 poet, Beep Alert. Re<:otd function. VFO eeetrol, menu-driven doesign, total channel COflIroI and much
more. Our CEI padlag e deal include s telescopic a nle n na ,
AC adapl er, cigarette lig her cord. DC core, mobile mounl
iog bracket with screws, own er's manual, ,runking freQ...ency g uide and one-year lim ited Uniden facto ry .....a rranly. For ma ximum scanning enjoymenl . Ofde r magneti c
mount a nlerw'lll part number A NTM MB NC lor S29.95; T he
BC180X LT corntrS wrtto AC itdapter. lelescopic a ntenna .
~s manual and one year limited Uniden wa rranty. Not
oompatible WIlh AGE IS. ASTRO or ESAS systems. For
fa'Slesl delivery. order on-line al .com .

Bearcat" 895XLT Trunk Tracker

Mfg . sugg e sled list price $499.95

less -$320 Instant Rebate I Special $179.9 5

300 C ha nnels ' 10 banks ' B u ilt-i n CTC SS' S Meter
S ize : 10' 1T Wide x 7'tr Deep x 3..... High
Frequency e-tIge: 2i ,lIlIO-64 ,OOO Mttl. 108,0CJ0.1U

216~12 .ooo

Mttl.. 1lO80CJD.823W> MHz.. 849 012S

868W> MHz. 81M 0125-956.000 ..... ~~"". .

The 8earcal: ll9SXlT is ""I"I"b lor. "'" capbiiQ trunkad (:OfT>.........c:atio tr8l'Oltl'llS!lKl 'MII'I iIlalU"1t!I hkll TurboScoIn"' 10
...."'chVHF channels al 100 Slape per second . This base and
mobile sca nOOf is also id e. 1 lor intelligttflClI professiona ls
boca... ee it nee a Sig" al Streng lh Meter. RS232C PorI 10 allow
<;QmPlJter-GOnlrol of your scanl\(lr ~ia o pl>o " " 1hardwllra and
30 Ir""k ing ella"nel ind icator llnnundal,," to show you rellltime tr ""kinQ aetMIy t>r an """"' In,. ..k ing '~Iem . ()tMr features incl ude I\uto S tore - AutomabCllty "ores aI active IreQt*lCies withifl the 5pIICif;ed bank{s ). Auto RlIODI'ding - Lob
you record channel adMty from the scannel' onto a tape fIIc:ordef. CTess Tone Board (Conbnuous Tone Control Sqo oeIc:h
Syslem) alIo:I'n the squelch to be broI<en dufIng scanning only
when a corrftd CTCSS toroe is re<.:eivud , For ma.lm...... scanning lI njoymllnl, o rder I he following op l 'onal ecce s sonee:
PSOQ 1 Cigarelle lighler power eom for lemporary o peration
from your v"h k:le'. cigarell.. lighler $ 14 .95; P SOO2 DC power
conl - enables perma nent operation from ~ veh k:le. f\Ise
be>: 51495: MOOCH MobIle rnovn\Ing br8d< et 5 14,95: EX1 11
Exlftmal speaker WIth fTI<lOJnling brad<M & 10 teet 011 o;.IIl:IIe
WI1tI plug <ItlaChed $ 19 95. The BC895XlT lXlrnIl'S WIIll AC
8d8pI.... lei ! I ~ < antenna. oowne<'s m-.eI end one year
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Em ergen c y Opera t ions Cen te r


COlllilluedfrom paqe 1
piloted by a suicide terrorist slammed into the
In addition to a lover of ham radio, Bill Ruth
was described as an avid Aedskins fan and a
mctorcycnet who enjoyed riding in Maryland's

rolling hills. AVietnam and GuU War veteran, Ruth

held a master's degree and taught!Of nearly mree
decades. most recently at John 1. Baker Middle
School in the town of Damascus. Maryland.
In addition, the ARRL Letterreports that missing are Rod Coppola KA2KET, 46. 01NYC, who
was the transmitter engineer on duty for Public
Broadcasting station WNET, channel 13 at the
lime the attack occ urred , Wins ton Grant
KA2DRF, 59, of West Hempstead, NY, who was
a computer technician with Empire Blue Crossl
Blue Shield.
Neither man has been seen since the twintowers collapsed after being hit by hijacked jetliners
on September 11 thobringing to seven the number of hams known to have been missing since
that day.
Thanks to Daily Ox, Washington Post. ARRL,
and Henry Feinberg K2SSQ. via Newsnne. Bill
Pastemak WA6ITF, editor.

Financial Assistance for

Missing Engineers'
The Portland Chapter of the Society of Broadcast Engineers and the ARRL both report that a
fund has been established to assist the families
01 broadcast engineers still missing at the collapsed World Trade Center. Checks can be sent
to the Ennes Educational Foundation Trust, cto
The Society of Broadcast Engineers. Inc., 9247
N. Meridian sr. Suite 305. Indianapolis, IN 46260.
Please marx your envelope to the artenncn of
the "Broadcast Engineer Relief Fund."
Thanks to ARRL Portland SBE, courtesy of
Newsline, Bill Pasternak WA 61TF, editor.

Indiana Hams
at Ground Zero
Ham radio operators from Indiana were among
those who made the trek to New Yor1l. Cityto aid in
rescu e efforts after the September 11th terrorist
attack. Their job was communications.
Thirty-six hours afte r the fir st airplane
crashed into the World Trade Center. Ind iana's
Task Force One was standing at the ground
zero. Among the 62 members of this elite
search and rescue leam were two Indianapol is
amateur radio operators.
Veteran firefighter Jim Curseaden KB9ZFF
and Ed Elrod W9PTO made the ta-t our road
trip to help with disaster efforts . Both men made
6 73 Amateur Radio Today . December 2001

up the communications arm of this search and

rescue team ,
The moment they arrived, each man began
selling up a UHF communications link from
ground zero to their staging point several miles
away at the Javits Convention Center. According to Jim Curseaden. getting UHF signals
through the concrete canyon of New York City
was a ma;or challenge.
Ed Elrod said they first installed a repeater on
a nearby building and directed a yagi antenna at
the mountain of rubble. The Javits Convention
Center posed another radio obstacle. Hand-held
radios could not reach the repeater.
To fix this problem, Elrod wired a up a remote
base on the roof of the convention center. This
new link made it possible to commun icate with
the Indiana Search and Rescue personnel above
and below the World Trade Center ruins.
Ed Elrod's most inspirational moment came
dUring his second trip out of the devastation.
All week. hundreds of people had been lining
the streets. cheering and showing signs of support. When heavy rains began dousing New Yor1l.,
the crowds disappeared . He said the contrast
was amazing. The streets were nearly empty:
except for one lonely fIgure standing in the rain.
It was an elderly woman, holding a sign that read:
"Thank You."
Thanks to Jack Parker WBISH, via Newsline,
Bill Pasternak WA6ITF, editor.

CO Contest Magazine SK;

Ditto Hard-Col2Y Logs
CO Contest, a magazine devoted to the art of
amateurradio contesting ceased publication with
its October, 2001 , issue. CO Contest had been
published 10 times per year since 1996.
CO Communications President and Publisher
Dick Ross K2MGA said that the move was "a
purely business decision" and that subscriptions
to the specialty magazine would be fulfilled "on
a dcnar-tor-douar" basis with the company's
flagship magazine, CO Amateur Radio.
Writing in the final issue. CO Contest Editor
Bob Cox K3EST, explained that ~good business
economics" diclated that CO Communications
could no longer continue to publish CO Contest.
He thanked the readers for their "ideas, generosity, and royalty." Cox also said he's working
on developing an independent contest magazine on the World Wide Web, which would fulfill
subscribers' term s if it is launched.
In a separate "Message from the Publisher:
Ross explained that approximately $750,000 has
been invested in CO Contest since its launch in
1996, with cumulative losses exceedi ng
$150,000. "As much as I love contesting." Ross
said, ~it no longer makes sense from a business
standpoint to continue to subsidize CO Contest

In the meantime, following the events of Sept.

11 , CO has announced that all contest log submittals Will henceforth be accepted in E-mail format only. and that mere would be no guarantee
Ihat mailed entries would ever be opened,
Thanks taCO E-mailedpress release, ptAJlished

Ham Survivor at WTC

Acause to rejoice amidst the chaos is the case
of an amateur who worked in the Worl d Trade
Center. Rob Nail WV0S reports that his friend,
Herman Belderok, Jr., KB0EEB, managed to get
out of his building just minutes before the struc ture collapsed. Thankfully, Herm an survived unscathed.
Thanks to WVOS. via Newsline, Bill Pasternak
WA 6ITF, editor.

Where Have All

the Amateurs Gone?
Remember the old Kingston Trio folk tune,
"Where Have All the Flowers Gone?" Well, it's
now over a year since restructuring. and observers of the Ama teur Radio servic e are asking
etrere all the hams have gone. The answer is that
they are 00 the move with the rest of society.
What growth ham radio is experiencing is following population shifts. That's according to
W5Y I VEC Administrator Fred Mata. According
to statistics Maia recently published, about
682,000 people in the United States hold Amateur service licenses. Of these, just over 95,000
are Extra class, 87,000 are Advanced , 137,000
are Generals, and 320.000 are Technicians. Finally, 42,000 hams continue to hold onto their
Novice class licenses.
Right now, more than half of all licensed hams
in the US live in l Oaf the 50 states. The states
with the highest amateur populations are California. 102.000; Texas, with dose to 42,000: and
Florida. wi th almost 40,000. New Yor1l. state is
fourth WIth 32.275 hams.
The four states with the fewest hams are Wy0ming, with 1.61 5; South Dakota, with 1,588; North
Dakota, with 1562; and Delaware. withonly 1389
But even these numbers are changing. Maia
says that even though they have relatively small
ham populations, Utah, Wyoming , Nevada,
Idaho, Arizona, and New Mexico had triple Ihe
ham radio population growth of other states.
Texas. along with Oklahoma and Colorado, had
double the ham growth of other states.
And here's a twist. It you consider high popu
lation states wilh major cities like Calitcmia, New
York, and Illinois, they had no growth at all. In
fa ct. Maia says some of those states actually
suffered a net loss in the number of hams.

Why this is happening may have something

10 do with employment. Business Irends are
changing. Manyhigh-Iech companies wanting 10
reduce operating expenses are moving to less
populated areas. Where the companies go, so
do the job seekers, with many high-tech workers
likely being hams.
Thanks /0 David Black KB4KCH, via Newsline.
Bill Pasternak WA6fTF, edi/or.

More Hams Upgrading,

But Little New Blood
A lot of hams are upgrading but there are few
new people coming into the hobby. That was the
bottom line as we passed the hallway point in
the year 2001.
According 10 a person who should know, in
the last lour years the United States Amateur
Radio Service has grown at a rate of only 2.000
additional hams annually. ThaI's about three
tenths 01 one percent per year and less than the
United Stales Census Bureau's totat projected
percentage increase in Ihe total population of the
The person presenting the facts is Fred Maia
W5YI, who heads up the W5YI VEC and has
been carefully evaluating trends in ham radio for
over two decades, And 'Mlat hehas found is good
reason for concern.
According 10- Maia. four years ago, the total
Amateurcensus stood at 674,000. nnow stands
at 682,000. But, says Maia, an additional 30,000
amateurs are still listed in the FCC's database
which includes those whose licenses have expired. but who fall within the government's 2-year
renewal grace period. ThaI's the time when you
cannot operate a station but can renew without
taking an exam ,
Maia says that the FCC is now canceling about
1,500 licenses every month that are not ren ewed
within that grace period. He suspects that many
are silent keys.
The good news - if you can call it that - ~
that hams upgraded their licenses in unprecedented numbers. Maia believes that this was
motivated by the FCC's restructunnq 01 the
United States Amateur Radio Service. With the
reduction of the top Morse testing speed 10 5
wpm, most Technician Plus, General, and Advanced class tickets upgraded simply because
the 13 and 20 word per minute code exams were
no longer required, As a result, and to the oelight of equipment suppliers. tens of thousands
of potential high frequency operators have been
added to the all-band rolls, By license class
thaI's 20,000 new Exira class and 27,000 added
But there is another side to the equation. As
you might expect. the Novice, Technician Plus,
and Advanced class - all of which have essentially been placed in limbo since restructuringhave seen comparable decreases in numbers.
Advanced is down by about 15,000. The Tech
Plus is down by 40.000 and there are 8.000lewer
Novices. The Tech Plus gOl a double-barrel hit
since this license class is no longer being issued.

Instead. the database 01 Technician Plus and

Technician class have been lumped logether in
the FCC's database. Existing Tech Plus license
holders are having their tickets renewed asTech
nician even though they hold a 5 wpm code
credit. This, says Maia. distorts the total of NoCode Technician class statistics since many
Technician class holders do indeed hold Morse
Code credit.
There is some good news. Statislics show Ihat
about 1,600 new code-tree Tech nician class
hams are licensed for the first lime each month.
That's close to 19,000 annually.

The first code-tree Technician class tickets

began appearing in the spmg of 1991. n's now
a decade later, and these licenses are just coming up lor renewal. But, says Maia. it is very difficult to determine from the FCC's licensing
records the percentages of eligible Technician and
Technician PkJs operators that are renewng their
According to Maia, whose VEC operation also
handles license renewals - it appears as il many
are not. Maia says that the Technician class has
Cont inued on page 62

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December 2001 7

com mued j tc m page 4
in the Mav
200 1 Scientific

gel the camera at a far lowe r

pri ce than Circu i t City or B uy
Righ i'!

We ' re still going to need


the grant companies for hard-

K ontent Is KinK

th at s mall busi nesses a nd

e ntreprene urs will he king.
Got you thinking yet'!
Okay. if that didn't get your

[I' you' ll peck over my

shoulder into my crystal ball.

which hasn't failed me yet .
you' ll gel a good look at the

ware -

it' s in the co nte nt

your life so as 10 lake advantage of what's coming. or

watching Sci nfcld and Frasier

gray cells j umping. let me

jam a thinking cap ove r that
square protuberance above your
sho ulders.
Do you have any special
interest that you know more


about than 991k of the public?

fu ture. No w. arc you pla nning

Yes. the rush of Internet

It can be your work or a

ho bby, If yo u do n't, it's time

dot -corn s was prem atu re. The

Inte rne t is still in the hand - to get a life . S te p o ne is to get
cranked party line tel e pho ne busy and o ut line a v ideo prestage o f g ro wth. The We h in - sc r uurion which will help that
frustru cturc is still ricke ty, 99q learn mo re about your
w ith aged servers a nd tclc- interest and why it' s so inte rpho ne line c hoke poi nts for csting. Step two is to get a
mo..t subscribers. We're head- d igital video came ra and
ing towa rd a time whe n the compute r editing syste m and
world is fibcr-oprickc d and a sta rt producing the video. All
mo vie can he fast-forward you need is a ca mera and an
downloaded in seconds. Yo u iMac system. I got mine a
wa nt to read a book" Szzzt. year ago and the w ho le wo rks
a nd you ' ve got it downloaded the n o nly cost 52,500. S ince
for a huck . No printing, no then pric es have, as usual fo r
d istributo rs or bookstore in - el ec tron ics and computers.
ventorics. He y. no book pub - dropped. Le t me kno w w hat
lishcr - you' VI.' do wnloaded yo u lind that works and I'll
it fro m the author.
pass it along.
Who needs Son)' Music o r
If you 10v1.' to fly kites. well.
Warner Brothers when a mu- get at it and show us how to do
steal grou p can se ll di rect 10 it an d explai n why it 's so
the end users via the Web '! much fun a nd costs so little to
We' ll download an hou r of enjoy. I' ll pay a buck anytime
mu sic in a couple o f seconds to download something like
and burn it into o ur o wn C D.
Th is is not a good lime to
If yo u know how to ma ke
ma ke a lo ng-te rm investmen t and Ily ultral ights. tell and show
in a ny publi shers or reco rd us. Or one o f those fl yi ng
compa nies. Just as Wal-Mart parachutes!
and the o the r discount cha ins
we're heading into a world
have put roost downtown stores wh e re conten t will be king
o ut o f busi ness. we 'll he sec- and give you the Mi das touch
ing the We b doing major sur- - if yo u arc pre pared.
gel)' o n the who le merchandise
For all its problems. c-comdistribution system.
rncrcc is a lread y a $3-1 bill ion
In a few ye ars (months"). J business and grow ing at 35%
wo n't have to fight the fast- a year. Compare this to the
talki ng sa lesme n a t the d is- trad itio nal re ta il g rowth of
count c amera stores to buy 4 % to 5% per year! And this
the new digital c ame ra - I' ll with the cru de Web system
ge t the lowest pric e from the we have to wo rk w ith .
ma nufac turer o r the importer.
What custo mers want is the
W hy should I drive an ho ur to abili ty to sho p via the Interne t
M an che ste r o r Nashua and - to sec a vid eo showi ng
deal with a sales clerk who them the benefits and feat ures
knows a lmost nothing about of a product , and to be able to
the stuff he 's se lling when I answer their q uestion s. I want
can go to the Nikon site and to sec what the latest ham rig
get a ny info I wa nt. an d the n can do for me - what a ll that
8 73 Amateur Radio tcaev December 2001

male of knobs and buttons

we re first introduced tha t

helped CDs become the fast est growing co ns umer ele ctron ics industry in history.
We mercilessly reviewed new
CD rel eases and we polled
o ur reade rs o n ho w mu ch
th ey liked the so und. performance a nd the music on the
C Ds they 'd bought. The result was a di saster for the majo r labels, with sa les on indepe ndent labels going fro m
4 ('/(' of the market 10 16% . a
loss of billions for the majors.
Someo ne o ug ht to start a
magazine and Web site for
m usic a nd books a vailable
over the We b. lt's a huge
nic he w ith the pote ntia l for
making millio ns . You'd be
abl e to do wnload reviews a nd
ratings for the top-rated mu sic o f a ny kind that interests
you for a di me. Ditto hooks .
Or spend 520 fo r a year of

arc for a nd how I' m goi ng to

ha ve the time of my life
twisting and pushing them .
And then, if I c an' t sta nd
for o ne more day not having.
I want it del ive red pronto.
A nd there ' s the bi g catch.
America's infrastructure is
se rio uslv
outdated. We' re no t

goi ng to be o rde ring webvanlike g roc eries which ca n 't get

through the traffic j ams . Or
stu ff co rning by air to a irpo rts
that arc o verloaded . W he n I
tr ied to tly to California to
give a tal k to a ham club I
only got as far as C hicago befo re United A irlines gave up
a nd se nt me back to New
Ham pshire. I had to do my
talk o ve r the telephone.
O ur wads are c racking and
pothol es pro liferat ing, o ur
bridges c rumbling. a nd o ur
a irport s a rc desperately in
need o f more run ways . Har- Merciless Music Re views
bors arc silting up. la ndfills
ma ga zine o r Merciless Book
chok ing with old Pe s. a mi
Reviews magazine.
o ur water is ru nning d ry. It' s
lt costs about $750 ,000
been -10 years s ince we' ve
these d ays to get a new maga made a majo r in frastru cture zinc up a nd runn ing - anyinvestment . and we 're suffer- o ne interested" Having started
ing bec ause o f it. T he esti- a co uple dozen successful
mat ed cost'? About $ 1.5 tril - magaz ines, I know the ropes
lion, the sa me as the rece nt an d wi ll be glad to help.
tax c ut. With an estim ated
$20 trillion industry as the Vaccines
prize. it' s time to give your
I've written about vaccines
politicians a ho t foot. Try to
get their mi nds off those fat several times . I' ve ev e n ine nvelopes o f cash and vaca- cluded a review of Walene
tion trip.. from lobbyi sts, and J ames 's /1I/1JI1I1I;: ClI;O" - Tile
Reality Heiund the ,"" .rlll in
o nto the voters .
In the mea nwhile. arc yo u my Wisdom Guide (p . 7 ). But
ge tti ng ready to get a pi ece of the fact is th at you arc still a lthe ac tion ? Hey, wak e up, lm lowing th e mcdical/pharmacc utical industry to vacc inate
talking to you .
The competiti ve market for your c hildren and you're barcre ative m usic. books. films, ing your arm (or rear) .....he nart, and so on will, I predict . e ve r a doct or says to. J know,
precipi tate an explos ion o f it 's too muc h trouble to do
cre ativity, The ho ld the mus ic so me reading and beco me inand book publishers have formed - a nd Wayne'.. a nut
o ver these industries will blow about the medical ind us try
aw ay whe n they can no longe r anyway.
T he J une Acre s U .S .A. had
prevent prospective customers
from know ing abon new works . a most inte resting a rticle on
The big company control o ver vaccines . This monthly publidistribution to book and m usic ca tio n ($27/yr.) is the best
stores will blow away. No I' ve found to provide honest
more bookstores or music stores. repo rting on medical and food
One thi ng that is needed is mailers (ca ll 8(X)-355-53 13 to
a reliable source of info nna- subscribe). Where el se would
tion o n what's good a nd what you find o ut about Linda
isn' t. It was my provid ing. this Fisher bei ng no mi nated for
information via my Ct) ReCo n tinued on page 62
new magazine whe n C Ds


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Microwind to the Rescue!

Let the wind keep your emergency batteries charged.

Wi n d-p ower ed generators h ave been around for a l ong time, b ut this un usual and
etiicient wind-powered genera tor is really something d ifferent.

inishing a project al ways brings

two things - a se nse of accompl ish ment , and a p ile of le fto ver
parts . In this case , the project was a
Cl\C-controlled dri lling machine for
fabricating circuit boards. Among the
le ftover parts were various pipe fi ttin gs. some scra ps o f ang le iron and
se veral hefty stepper molars.

I hadn ' t really decided what 0 do

with the leftovers un til I noticed the
trash one of the ne ighbors had carr ied
to th e c urb. On top of the pile was a
ra ther beat -up OOX fan. and si nce it was
very windy, the fa n was spinning so
fast I cou ldn 't see the b lades. Some",'he re in the hack of my head where
new projects begin. a light went on. If
th is thing sp ins so
well in the wi nd .
fit ting it to one of
the stepper ITK~
could make a small
wind generator; It
could possibly generate enough " free
energy" to help
keep my emergency
batteri es charged.
especially in stormy
weather when there
is an abund ance
o f wind and the
solar panels are nol

producing anything.

Pholo A. The Microwind gl' l1erator.

10 73 Amateur Radio Today. December 2001

I carried the fan

home with me ,
look it apart and
removed the p lastic blade assembly
from the m otor.

T he re st of the fa n we nt bac k to the

Mo st sm all wi nd generators use DC
motors to produce direct c urrent. T he
problem is that sma ll DC motors ru n at
very high RPM . and when used as a
gene rator w ill not produce enoug h
vo ltage to charge a battery until thi ng s
are spi nning much faster than a typica l
wind generator ca n sa fe ly turn .
Un like a DC mo tor. a stepper motor
has a permanent-m agnet rotor inside a
wire -wound fi eld. When the fie ld
winding s are energized. the rotor
"steps" to the ne xt pole , making the
steppe r useful for critical positioni ng
ta sks. Ho we ver, \...'hen (he shafL of a
stepper mot or is rotated , it beco mes a n
a lternator. producing AC current Most
precision steppers are designed with a
ste p angle of less than tw o degrees, so
there are LOTS o f pol es . Since the
low-speed performance of an alternator increa ses wi th the number of po les.
it follo ws that a stepper sho uld work
very we ll in a low-speed wind-driven
con fig uration.
To test thi s assu mptio n I se lected
o ne of th e larger ste pper motors and
clamped the mou nting fl ange in th e
vi se . C hecki ng th e six leads with an
oh m meter, I di sco vered that there were

two separate wind ings. each with a

ce nter tap. I set the met er on AC
VOLTS and connected it across one
winding . To monitor the o utput frequency. I co nnected my oid B& \V freq uency co unter across the windi ng as
well. Spinning the motor with a cordle ss
electric d rill produced over .fO vo lts at
375 Hz ! With a ce nter-tapped windi ng.
this would he perfe ct fur a simple fullwave rectifier. In addi tion . with another winding to generate a second
phase. the output from a second rectifi er could be co nnected in parallel with
the fi rst. increasing the o utput curre nt.

Attaching the blades

The next step was to find a \\"3Y to
mount the fan blades [0 the motor. The
stepper motor has a 511 6" shaft. Th e
fan huh I had scrounged from the trash
heap was designed to tit on a 5/16"
Flatted shaft. however it w-ouldn't mount
d irectly o n
motor since the blade hub
would not clear the motor tlangc.
To so lve this problem I too k a 2"
lo ng piece of 3/4 " di ameter a luminum
bar stock and d rilled a IN " diameter
hole straight through fro m o ne end to
the o ther. From o ne end, I tapped the
ho le \.. . ith a 5/ 16"-18 thread . Tu rning
the piece around. I bored it halfw ay
through with a 5/ 16" dri ll. O n this e nd,
I also drilled in from the side wit h a


Photo R. The emergency stat ion: The A rgOlWfIl , fi Ts for 2 meters and CB, a scanner, oJ "
television. all-band receiver and 600 -II'ClU inverter: all powered from a 12 -\'Olt deepcycle battery. The Mi crowind keep s it cha rged and ready.'

#36 d rill and tapped the hole for a #632 se t screw 10 hold it onto the motor
sha ft.
I fi rst mo unt ed the e xtension 10 the
motor sha ft and tightened the set
screw. 1 then drilled th rou gh the fan
hub wit h the 5/ 16" d ri ll. used a sma ll
round file to remo ve the Flat side from
the plastic bore and secured it to the
exte ns ion with a 5116" bolt a nd loc k
washer. Every thi ng cl eared. and it
sp un without an y se rio us wobbles . so I
took the motor/fan asse mbly o utside
and stood in the drive way facing the
wind. I was pleased wh en . on the nex t
g ust, the fan started to spin ... I had a
Micrc win d generator !

fine .) The pipe. conduit and washer

would serve as both the mast a nd the
pivot hearing so that the Microwind
generator co uld yaw freely into the
wind. I a lso cut a 1/2" wide ring o il the
end of the 3/-1." pipe . wh ich I d rilled
a nd ta pped for a #6-32 set scre w. This
wou ld become a retai ner to pre vent the
ge nerato r from slipping ott" the end of
the cond uit. This is shown in detail in
Fig. 1.

Mounting the stepper molor

I had a rai l from an o ld bed frame I'd

Mast and pivot bearing

Photo C The motor mO/lnl tfl rns freely

the mast pivot.


Now that I had a way to mount the

blades onto the moto r. J need ed to li nd
a way to mo unt the asse mbly up in the
air. C hecking th rough the pile of le ftover parts. I found a piece of 3/4 " water pipe and a matchi ng 110m flan ge. I
also had a few 3/4" pipe nipples 6"
lo ng. and some short pieces o f 1/2"
E~1T electrical conduit.
I slid the condu it down int o the 3/... ..
pipe until about 8 " was Slick ing nul the
end. It w as a loose fit. so I drove a
couple of small nails int o the gap to
lig hten il up. Since I ha ve a sma ll
welder. J spot-we lde d the two pieces
together. The n d rove a 5/8" flat washer
down over the cond uit 10 re st o n the
pipe . (If you don 't ha ve a we ld er.
stee l-filled epoxy should work j ust

l'hoto D. Stepper motor "lid circuit board

a ttt/ched and wired. TI,e cable paul'S
dOlHI through the center of the fIlasl.
73 Amateur Radio


December 2001 11

o ther side of the

flange, facing in the

opposite direction,
T his wo uld provide a place to
mou nt the s m a l l
re c ti fi e r c irc ui t
bo ard . maki ng it
possi b le to bring
two wires do wn
the mast instead
o f six.


Putting it all

Fig. I. Microwind generator assemhty.

togethe r

scrounged from the trash. and it was

made fro m 2" wide ang le iro n. I cut a
4 " long piece of this and drilled two
1/4 " holes in it to lit the mounting
flange of the stepper motor. It's important to keep the holes as close as possible to the edge of the angle iron. so
that when it's mounted. the motor will
be as hi gh as possible.
I threaded the 6" pipe nipple into the
3/4" pipe flange. Turning the flan ge
over so that the nat side was facing up.
I clam ped the ang le iron mo tor mount
to the fl ange with locking pl iers and
spot-we lded them together. A pair of
1/4 " holts and nuts would work fi ne
for this. but since I had the welder out
anyway. welding it was q uicker. While
I was at it. I found a small rig ht-ang le
corne r bracket and we lded it onto the

Clamping th e mast pipe into th e

vise , I slipped the generator head assem b ly over the condu it pivot post.
The cond uit was a bi t long , hitting the
motor, so I used a tubing culler to trim
the p ivot u ntil. with the e nd o f the pipe
nipple resting on the 5/8 " wash er. there
was just hare ly e nough conduit above
the flange to mount th e 1/2" wide re ta ining collar. I also carefu lly deb urred the inside o f the cond uit so that
there wou ld he no sharp edges to cut
the wires. Once I was sure th at e veryth ing ti t and wou ld ro tate freel y w ithout binding . I took it apart and painted
the generator head assemblv, Whcn the
pai nt was dry. I rubbed a thick co at o f
g rease o n the pi vot and re-assembled
e veryth ing. Bo lting the stepper motor,
shaft e xte nsion and fan blades o nto the
head assembly, the

Microwind generator was starting to



1/ 2 " EMT


take shape .
One thing lacking , howe ver, wa s
a tail to kee p it
po inted into the
wind. Once again ,
scrounging the j unk
pile. I fou nd a
section o f light

stee l slotted "U"

3/4" PIPE


Fig. 2. Mast and pivot assembly ma de from pipe and condu it

12 73 Amateur Radio Today December 2001

c hannel intended
to mount adj ustab le she lf brackets to the wall. I
cut a n 18" long
p iece and dri lled
two holes to clamp
it to the generator
head w ith a small

" U" bo lt a nd nuts . I cu t a ta il fin

from a piece of p lastic sign board
a nd fa ste ned it to the tail boo m wit h
#6-32 sc re ws and nuts. Fig. 2 sho ws
the asse mb ly detai ls for the Mi cro wind
ge nerator.

Elect rica l c ircu it : two- phase AC 10

With the mech anica l assembly tinished, the next step wa s the e lec tric al
hook up to get power o ut of the mach ine. Bri nging two-p hase AC down
the m ast is no t practi cal. s ince it
would require si x wi re s. A much be tte r idea is to in sta ll a two-phase rectifi er at th e ste ppe r m o tor and
bri ngi ng the DC o ut p ut down using
o nly two wi res. Fig. 3 sh o ws th e circ u it, whi ch is ac tually t wo separate
full- wave rec tifiers wi th the outputs
connected in paralle l. I made a small
c irc uit board to moun t the rectifier diodes and terminal blocks to make the
co nnection sim ple . Fig... sho ws the
component layout.
T he c irc uit board was assembled ,
the n ux clea ned from the so lde red conncctions. and the hoard was heavily
s prayed w ith clear urethane to seal it.
(put a piece of maski ng tape o ver the
terminal bloc ks before you sp ray !)
T he circ uit board was then mo unted
0 11 a 3- 1/2" x 4 " piece o f p lywood using sma ll p lastic sta ndo ff s pacers and
#4-40 sc rews and nuts. The pl ywood
was a lso sca led with clear urethane.
Once all the urethane was dry. I con nected th e wire s fro m the stepper moto r to the term ina l b lock , and also used
a piece o f two-cond uctor cable abo ut
te n feet lo ng to connec t to the DC o utput b lock. Once every thi ng was connected, the plywood with the ci rc uit
hoard attached was mounted o n the
small comer bracket behi nd the ste pper motor. I fed the cable down
throu gh the center o f the m ast. and ancho red it to the stepper motor wit h a
large ny lon wire tic , posi tio ning it
carefully so that it passed straight
through the center of the 112" cond uit
w ithout touc hing the edges. Note that
th is is why it's nece ssa ry to mo un t the
motor as h igh as possible - to get
room to pass the cab le down th ro ugh
the m ast.


I N4004






I N4 004


Fig. 3. Stepper mo tor gene rates two-phase AC, which is rectified and filte red before
bringing rhe power down 10 the shack.

Bringing the power down

to the ground
I' ve built severa l wind ge nerators in
sizes ranging from the Microwind up
to machines with eight-foot rotors, and
I have never needed to use s lip rings
and brushes at the top of the towe r. To
prevent wrap ping the wires aro und the
tower, I have always simply attached
the wires at the top with a strain relief,
and passed the wires down through the
ce nter of the mast. At the bo ttom of the
mast, I let the wires hang straight
down for twenty feel or so. The wires
can' t wrap aro und anything , and in the
event that the win d docs tum the generator a complete 360 degrees, all that
happens is that a single twist is pu t into
the pair of wires. 1 install ed a plug at
the bottom of the tower, so that should
the wires ever accumulate more than a
tum or two, it's a simp le matter to unplug the wire. untwist it and plug it in
again. This doesn' t happen as o fte n as
you might thi nk, since the wind te nds
to even out. M y biggest machine was

up for a full year before we moved,

and in that time I unp lugged and untwisted the wire exactly once . This is
hardly worth the added complex ity of
brushes and sli p rings.
Once all the electrical connections
were made and the circuit board was
mounted, I sprayed another coat of
urethane over e verything, including
the stepper motor. This would protec t
the connections, a nd also keep any water from see ping into the motor
through the scams. I the n cut a small
piece of alumi num Flashing and be nt it
into a "Ut'-shapcd cover, which I attached to the plywood with two
scre ws. T his covered the motor and
electrical connections to protect the m
fro m direct exposure to the weather.
Once the ure thane was dry, I ca rried
the Microwind ge nerator up onto the
shop roof and used a pair of large hose
clamps to attach the pipe mast to the 4 "
vent that came up through the roof
from the bathroom. I connected the
end of the two-conductor cable to a


t ...... Uul Our SpodaIo.: \ \r'", ( hi n..

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. Ie } ..






,,,. @

--n ..



-- .,


CE)il l:: f{'1':\1'



.. _------ --- _..


Fig, 4. Component layout for the rectifier circuit board.

73 Amateur Radio Today " Decemb er 2001 13




I N~

7 8 15

~ ~

470 MP1l


Video / RF Modulator



.. ""


- ,,.

~ ZN ZZ22


n G IilFtl

Fig. 5. The regulator prevents voltage pea ks from damaging equipment. The LED lights
when the voltage f rom the Microwind generator reaches /2 volts.

Converts audio and

video line e ver sognals 10
RF VlitlICh can be itlputled to any televiSiOn on
channel 3 014. Channel 3-4 selector switch.
Video . audio and powe r Inputs are through a 7
roo t cable term inated with a mil'il-OIN plug
wtllch generally needs to be rut off so coooec tioos can be made directly \0 conducto rs in
cable. We supply a hook-up diag ram,
Requires a 4.5 . 6 vee. 50 rnA power supply or
wall adapte r (nol included).

u rge quantity available.



I 10 for $4.50 each

Assembly with 12 Vdc Motor,

Gears and Pulleys



Originally part

ora rrotonzeo macrenc

card strip reader, this assem bly is driven by one of our gea r motors. e ither
CAT ' DCM -181U o r OCM 182U. A worm gea r
turns a pair 01 cog pulleys linked by a cog belt.
The n.tlber covered otIeels puN a ceot card
pas! a magnellC head and two Ushaped op tical
sensors. Assembly II"ICllJdes motor. puleys. belt.
magnehc head and cote sensors. Mou'lled ()fl
an alumirll,JlTl p1aUorm 625" . 2.75".





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14 73 Amafe ur Radio Today . December 200 1

section cut from an old l 00-root ex tension cord , dropped it down the m iddle
or the tower and brought the' other end
into the shop .

First tests: stormy weather!

The very ne xt evening a stro ng
weather front passed through our are a,
and as the temperature dropped, we also
had some very strong, gusty winds . I
hooked up a multi-meter in series with
the positive lead and set it to measure
current, then connected an analog ~30
volt OC voltmeter across the line. For a
load, I ro und a bullet-s haped 12-voh
trailer clearance light and connected th is
to the line.
To my surprise, (he Microwind gcnerator picked up a strong gust and the
trailer light stalled to glow brightly " , it
was producing quite a bit of power in the
gusts. I watched the meters through the
evening, and at the strongest peaks I was
able to measure over 20 volts at 750
milliamps. I measured 10 to 15 watts
many times through the e vening whe never the wind picked up.
O bviou sly, this is not enough to power
your house, or even a good-si ted light
bulb, but it's plenty to tric kl e-charge a
car ba ttery used to
operate an emergency ham station
whe n the power
grid is do wn. By
comparison, a 10
wan so lar pan el
costs between $100
aOO 5150. aOO it

Regulator circuit

It is not a good idea to connect the

M icro wind generator directly to a battery used to power your e mergency
ham ri g , Once the battery is fully
charged , the voltage in wind gusts
could reach 25 vo lts or more , which
could he bad news for any electro nic
equip ment connected to it, Fig. 5
shows a sim ple regulator c irc uit to
clamp the vo ltage to 15 volts, a le ve l
that is safe for most electron ics made
to be powered from a 12- voll circui t
A lso included in the c irc uit is an isolati on d iode to keep the 12-voll battery
from di schargi ng backwards through
the c irc ui t. This is always good practice , es pecially when you have other
sources o r charging c urrent, such as a
solar array. I also incl uded a zener diode and a small transistor, which acto;
as a voltage-controlled s w itch. When
th e voltage crosses the 12- volt threshold, the LED will light, indicati ng that
the c harging le vel has been reached.
T he circu it board component layout is
shown in Fig. 6. Both the two-phase
recti fier a nd the regulator hoards are
identical in size. The ro il patterns for
the hoards are shown in Fig. 7.

will rot gercrate a

si ngle milli amp at
night, or when the
sky is darkened by
storm clouds.

Fig, 6. Component layout fo r the regulator circuit board.


~ 1.950"--1

~ 1.950"--1

Fig. 7. Prim ed circuit board p tlllernSf or the rectifier and regula tor:

Mort! is better !
S ince the Mi cro wi nd project worked
out we ll an d I still had a fe w steppe r

mo tors left ove r, I located a few more

j unk fans and salvaged the blades. I
now have three of these lillie machines

spinning happily in the wi nd. One of

the fans had a 112" shaft. so when I
made the extension p iece 1 ch ucked it
in the lathe a nd turned one end down
to Jf2 " outside diameter after drilling.
tapp ing and boring through the ce nter.
I filed a Fla t on it to fi t into the fan

l'hato F:. The Microwind generator with

blades attached. All it needs new is a rail
10 keep it pointed into tlte wind.

difference between the hi gh and low

sites. A good rule of thumb is to loc ate
any wind generator 12 to IS feet above
any nearby obstructions.
T he Microwind generator is a fu n
project and provides a good . simp le introducti on to wi nd technology. It's
also an u nus ual and practical application for surp lus stepper moto rs. More
ex pe ri me nts in th is area co uld be interesting ... the s m all p lastic fan blades arc
not driving these step pers to the m aximum. so it might be wort hwh ile to
bui ld larg er. m ore efficie nt b lades.
possibly using a bicycle chain and
sprockets to sp in the stepper fas ter
than the b lades. There arc also much
large r ste pper motors o ut there . and
the se d o s how up a s s ur p lus from
time to time . In the pa s t. I' ve worked
w ith s te ppe rs that d rew ove r six
am p s per wi nd ing . One o f the se
coul d h ave so m e rea l poten tia l for
usc as a n alte rnator.
Fo r the radio amateur. batterie s are
necessary to power the s tatio n in e mergency condi tions when the grid may
be down. M y emergency statio n is located in th e basement. and consists of
an e lderly but functional Ten -Tee ~r
gonau t. hand ie-talkie s for 2 meters and
Cts. a scanne r. a sm all tele vision and a
portable a ll-hand recei ve r. All this is
powered from a large m arine battery,
which also fe eds a nOO-watt inve rter to
provide 120 vol ts AC. A sm all re lay
bring s the inve rter o n a utomatically
whe n th e power fails . Like many
hams. I u se a sma ll so lar panel to keep

hu b an d sec ured it wit h the 5/ 16" bolt.

T hi s partic u lar fan b lade had a large
n at center huh . which was not ve ry
stream lined. In order to c ut the wind
load ing, I fo und a white pla st ic funnel
that close ly matched the d iameter o f
the hub a nd m ounted it with fo ur s mall
sheet metal scre ws.
The shop roof p roved to be a lessthan-ideal location for a wind ge nerator. Located behind the hou se, the a ir
swirled over the roof and down o nto
the sho p in all so rts o f eddies. The
M icrowind generator spe nt most of the
lime yawing back and fort h . try ing to
truck the sh ift ing wind. I installed one
o f th em on top o f the 4 5-foot tower beside the s ho p, wh ich is th e proposed
location for a large ge ne rato r. Thi s
" next generation" wind machine will
utilize an alternator made by adding neodym ium
magnets to th e rotor of a sing lephase AC ind uction motor. W hile
I'm working on
thi s project . the
Microwi nd gen .
c rator IS grvmg
me information on
the wind spee ds
and d irections I
can expect when
it's big brother arri ves on the site .
So far, it's s ho w- Photo f : In CI strong wind, the Microwind p roduced more power
ing a dramatic than expected!
73 Amateur Radio


Decemb er2001 15

P/wlo G. This l'l'rS;OI1 sports a /lose cOile

[unnei ,
the back up ha lter)' charged. The
Micro wi nd ge nerator is now adding
wi nd power 10 the system. Wind and
so lar compleme nt eac h other ... when
the weather socks in and there's ve ry
little so lar po wer available. there is
mo st often plenty of wi nd . Under those
cond itio ns. the Mi crowind generator
rea ll y s hi nes .

single p iece came

either from my
junk bo x or from
the s treet corner
duri ng the local
Spring C leanup.
All the materials.
including the angle
Iro n. Iupe- cond uit and assorted
nuts and holts ca n
be found new at
your local ha rdware s tore. h ut
there' s no reas o n
not to adapt the
desig n to utilize
whate ve r m aterials you c an find
lying around .
The one piece
made f rom (/ plastic
that requires some
fabrication is the
blade adapter; This
can be m ade with hand tools if you're
careful. sinee by d ri lli ng the pi ece
straight through fi rst, then boring it o ut
halfway to fit the motor s haft, the two
e nds shou ld be co ncentric. Sti ll. if you
have a frie nd with a small lathe. this can
he done more easily and accurately,

So urces
There is noth ing sacred about the
mechanical construction of th e ~1i c ro
wind genera tor ... it evolved into the
presen t config uration beca use every



Dig i-Key



Reg ulalor

U" 340 1~NO


Ste ppe r motors

The heart o f this project is the s tepper motor. T he left overs r used were
N EM A 3"fra me steppers made by
Sanyo. The original source for these
no longer lis ts the m . but I fo und a
good supp ly whe n r visited Dean's

Radl oShac





lN40040 CT-NO

l N4004


12V Zen&r


lN4 742A





900- 1324

Red lEO


4700 ResiSlor


lk Re sislor








3.31< R.. &islQr

3 3KW-I-NO




EOl 6Q9-NO

~1 10


Hell1 slnk



9 1o.3:!63

l aMe I . Parts N.H.

16 7J Ama teur Radio Today Decemb er 200 1

Hobby C:\"C Web site. Dea n has the

same Sanyo mo to r I used . both ne w
and used for $35 a nd $25 re spectively.
O rde r directl y fro m Dean 's We h site
(hltp:// pla za . v- wavc .com/dea nc/] o r
write to him at Dean's Hobby CT'c,
11222- 131 si, Edmonton. AB. Canada

Ci rcuit Speciali sts

PlwtfJ H. High atop the tower. the

Microwind generator cha rges the station
batteries as slOrm clouds gather in the
background. TI,e tinv machine c all survive
and produce power ill l torms that wouftl
desmry a larger wind )'"erator.


If you choose a d ifferent motor. be

sure that it's a b ipo lar type . Larger,
more po werfu l stepper motors are almost always bipolar. which means that
there are two separate . center-tapped
windings. Small s teppers such as those
used in pri nters and d is k drives arc o f
tc n unipol ar. having a sing le winding
with many taps. The se wo uld re quire a
different recti fier d esi gn. and would in
any case he too sm all to be usefu l as
al ternators .

Electroni c components
T he rec tifie r and regu lator components are very com mon items available
from any electronic s supplier. I' ve ineluded part numhcrs from Digj -Key,
Circui t Specialists and
for re feren ce . For some reason. C irc u it
Specialists doc s not carry the small
stackable terminal b locks. h ut they
have the best pri ces for every th ing else
Con flnued o n /xlg e 58

J ohn R. Endsley. Jr. KDSIDU

56 10 Cerritos Dr.
Houston T X 77035-2534

Subdivision Subterfuge
Here s how a Hal/stan homeowner handles his hamming.

A m enn a ch allenge on a smell or difficult lot got yo u down ? Check out this photo essay
for some handy p ointers.

y solution is a manufa ctured

vertica l an tenna that re

quires no radia ls. a homebrewed support. and an e lec trical discharge system to protect the an ten na
a nti my rig . Although not a prob lem in
our subdivision. it could have "steal th"
advantage s where needed . As you call

sec, the ability to swing the antenna

down provides easy tuning and service.
The support is 10 fee l. plu s the
antenna's 20 feet . Such an antenna is
usually top-loaded and gives excelle nt
DX and sate llite opcnniun . My antenna is an MFJ -179X and is tuned for
75/S0 to 2 meters, as speci fied by the

ma nufacturer. I have a lso found it to he

effective on 160 meters as well. The:
counterpoise is located at the top . A
top-quality S\VR meter helps in gelling
good results.
The an tenna is grounded by a hea vy
single-s trand coppe r wire, and may be
c ut off during tra nsmission by an AC


Pholo A. The vertical all1efll10 by our


/'/WIO H. This is the box which sets up

broadcast or electrical discharge protection.

/'holo C. My,\lF] "Guardian Angel " surge

73 Amateur Radio Today December 200 1 17

Photo D. Amf!lIIlll .nrullg down for service or installation.

t'hoto f :

D III1I/1/\" toad.

t'hoto I. Coax connected TO n llfel1lW base,

18 73 Amateur Radio Today December 200 1


I'hoto G. Base of (/1I1el1110

and loading coil assembly.

SI\'irch!nHII the transceiver to the dll/lUIlY loal und the tllltewliL



Ph oto II. Coax under ground from the

allfelilla support 10 the entry 10 the house,

Ph oto J . Con nection / rom amemw ma.lf ro ground.


/'11010 L KD5I/JU 's station setup.

Plwlo K. Coax enters the home.

CUI<IITbox . A shorting bar is in place where

the fuse would he ifit were being used with
an AC unit. The station is protected by a

I plan to replace my hom e-brew support wit h a 15- to 37-foot c ra nk-up

tower when it becomes a vailable later
this year.

discharge protector; available from dealers

of Poly Phascr; ~fFJ. and others.
There are se ve ral verticals thai can SCTI'C
eq ually wel l. Check oul 73 advertisers .


Become A

The ham industry wants to support your efforts for ham radio growth with free instructor materials.

Wall Maps ' Log Books ' Band Plan Charts

Frequency Charts e Grid Square Guides
Discounts on Licensing Materi als

Equipment Discount Program

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To request a detailed Ham Ambassad or Introductory
package, write to :
Gordon West c/o 73 Magazine 70 Hancock Rd..
Peterborough. NH 03-t5lt E-mai l

73 Amateur Radio Today December 2001 19

Srikanth Bhat VU2SBJ

37 Ananth Nagar
Manipal 57611 9



That 's St. Mary 's Island to you ...

St. Mary 's Island (a constiwent part of the AS096 group of isles) is about 3 km from the
coast of Malpe in the Ud upi district. The island is barren, without human inhabitants,
shelter, or drinking water , A bout 400 m eters by 150 meters in size, the smalI isle is
o ften exp lored by tou rists who visit it fo r a few h ours, usually on weekends when few
boars offer services from th e Mslpe coast,

he boat takes about 25 minute s

from the Malpc coast to the is
land. Some boats cannot go all
the way to the island, and tourists arc
transferred into a smaller boat that wi ll
go all the way. So me other types of
boats mo ve all the way from the coast
10 the island.
O vernight Slay Oil the island is restric ted by the po lice a uthorities of
the distri ct. Be g inning at a bou t 05 30
UTC o n Saturday, 5th May. 200 1. the

IOTA (Islands on the Air) station was

up almost continuously till about 0030
LI C on Monday, 7th May. 200 1. With
the len operators who participated. thi s
IOTA e ve n t o perated fo ur s tations
o n phone a nd C W o n var iou s ba nd s
s im ulta neously.
Amidst a lot of weather u ncertainties, the IOTA 10 AS0 96, The St.
Mary 's Island, was a gran d success .
The to ta l count o f logged QSOs
c rossed 3.500 in the less than 40 ho urs

of e ffective operati ng time . Logs are

still bei ng ..oncd o ut and more statistic s will soo n he availabl e . It is our desire to Q S L every QSO logged. A
we ll-pla nned eve nt by the Manipal and
the Ma nga lorc ham s. the IOTA was the
fi rst of its kind for all operators who
partici pated, Hoping W PC's approval
will come in on time , which it eventually d id. o the r coord inating e fforts bega n j ust a fe w da ys prior to the
sc heduled da te .

Photo A . OM Pra kash VU2J1X, operating oll e of the sta tio ns Oil
AS096. Mu r VU2 M7T ill tl,e backg round, watches .... nile VU2SHJ
takes a break lying
f loor (Photo by VU2RDQ )


20 73 Amateur Radio Today December 200 1

I'hoto R. A de w of one of th e fo u r stations 011 AS096 , VU2JIX

operatin g ....h ile S WL Ni dhi lie s (101-1 '11 . ( Pho to by V U2RDQ )

MASTI : 10 n . G I pipe
CA BLE: RG-2 13
ANT2: 15 m

z-crcmem home-bre w

MAST2: 17 feet AL
CA BLE: RG-2 13

TUNER: Home-bre w
BATTERY: 180 Ah lead acid
C HARGER : 35 VA so lar pa nel


S HELTER : Home-brew tent w ith bamboo supports.
STATlO~ 3:

tarpaul in


RIG: Icom IC-751

Photo C. A l'iell' of the Diamond CP6 ver-

tical alllelllW during sunset ;/1 the background 011 AS096. (Photo by VU2RDQ )

The team that took part included

Manikar u VU2J RO, Shut VU2NJN, Sri


(M IT Ham Cluh. Manipal ) from Manipal: and MUT VU2'm, Cbets VU3mIP,
Pa i VU2 PAI. Prak ash VU2J IX. Rohit

ANT I : Fritz 3-b and (20115/10) vertical anten na with m ast in the water
MAST: 12 fee t alumi num

CABLEI : RG-2 13
AZ\TI: Home-brew G5RV allband
hor izontally supported on coconu t

TUNER : Ho me-brew
BATfERY: 8X Ah lead acid
C HARG ER: 35 VA so lar panel



VU2RDQ. and Sukanya VU2RDJ from

SWL Laxrrunidhi from Man- ipal and
two others from the Manga lore Coast
Guard also accompanied the team.

SHELTER: Home-brew ten t with bamboo supports.

These were the 4 stations we eventually set up .


RIG : Kenwood TS 850 S
ANT: 3-e lc mc nt 5- ha no yag i,
C ushcratt MASH ( 10/1 2/ 15/ 17/20 )
mete rs

CABLE: RG-2 13
~I A S T FOR ANT: 17 fee t
BATIERY: I RO Ah lead acid
CH ARGER : 35 VA solar pa nel
SHELTER: Pre-erected bamboo frame
with wo ven coconut leaves and tarpaulin.


N.B.: The ca mp kitchen was also in
the same shelter - now you know why
there were so many operators in one
place! The camp kitchen was operated

RIG : Yacsu !-'T-757
M'TI : 10m 3-e1home-brew yegi


R IG: leom IC- 725

ANT: Diamond C P6
MAST: 17 ft. aluminum

CAB LE: RG 213

HATfERY: IXO Ah lead acid
C HARGER : 35 VA so la r panel


l 'hoto IJ. Unloading the sw fff rom the boat

to the island. It took a good 40 minutes to
get all the swff out. ( Photo by VU2RDQ )

to ind ication s of rai n. adequate water

proofing for equipmen t (worth our life
for mo st of us). utensils for cooking.
a nd food were the other components o f
the luggage th at was carried.
Ra in and a flat tire del ayed our start
by about 60 minutes. Eventually. after
a quick breakfast spec ia lly arranged by
VU2r\JN at the wee ho urs of the
mo rn ing a t a hotel in Udupi, we
reached Ma lpc and began unloadi ng
stuff from a m ini truck and 3 other cars
at about 7:45 a.m. (S aturday, 5th May).
It took about 30 m inutes to load the
boat, and a similar amou nt of time to
unload a fte r about 25 m inutes o f tra vel
in th e sca. It was d rizz ling and the sky
was dark . so you ca n im ag ine the un certainty in our minds. Fortunately. it
was no t wi ndy. The boat peo ple refuse
to travel if it is windy.
Arter we la nded 0 11 the island a nd
un loaded all the stuff h)' using a hu ma n chain. it took us about 4 hours to
ge t most o f the thi ng s in place and to
se t up 2 statio ns on th e island. Fortunately it stopped raining. (Later the
temperature went up to as high as 42

S HELTE R: Commercia l dome tent

Thi s sho uld give an idea of me enormous amount of luggage that was carried . The 6 lead acid batteri es (2
ex tras) probab ly were the bu lkiest
ite ms. A very usefu l sledge prepared
by VU2RDQ was a boon to move the
batteries. About 250 liters o f drinking
water. and another 50 liters for "othe r"
p urpose s, came second in line in terms
o f hulk. Tarpau lins. bamboo staves for
tents, aluminu m masts. radio equipment. and antennas ca me in next. Due

Photo E. Setting lip tire Cushcroft MA5H
f or 01l e of the stations, Seen in the picture
are (left to right ) VU2 PA I. VU2JRO (fa ce
/l ot seen ). VU1NJN. VU1M1T ( a ll the
chair). VU1JIX. S WL Nidhi. (Photo by
73 Amateur Radio Today December 200 1 21

,...1,\ . ....,...
"'" M~'" CWlI AS 096
"'N'~ .

. "~
... ....... ..;,1/5


Photo f : A i'it'w of the AS096, St. Marys Islund. This picture was
used on the QSL card, too. (Photo by VU2SBJ ,

degrees C .) We were the only people

on the island then.
The thi rd and the fo urt h station came
up subseque ntly. A very use ful tip
from K2KW encouraged us to install
at least one vertical with th e m ast right
in the se a water. You have got to see to
belie ve how dramaticall y it improves
the performance of the a nte nna. II was
comparable to th at of the other beams
that were erected. For more detai Is on

Photo G. The entire AS096 team. Left to right: VU2MIT.

VU2GPH, VU2JRO. VU2 RDJ, VU2RDQ. (Phoro by self-timer)

the specia l performance of verticals in

salt water, visit [hup:/Iwww.k2kw.
com1k5k1dxcomp.htm] .
The propagation condition from 51.
Mary's Island was moderate overall
with solar flux sho wing 165 poi nts o n
Saturday and 160 points on Sunday.
The peak was showing a downtrend in
the com ing days.
Ten meters was good on 5lh May dwing
the 12:OOZ to 15:OOZ with a huge pi leup.

usually from Europe. Tbere were

stations fro m N.

America. S. America. lA. VKs

coming through
pre tty well. The
cond ition on 15

meters was exceptionally good

and the pileup
from Europe was
tremendous d uring 17:002 to
20:OJZ. Abo. some
stations from N.
America/S. Ameri ca were strong
on 15 meters. The
20/1 7/ 12 meter

band was not encourag ing on 5th

May, hut we cook!
log maximum stalions during th e
peak lime on 12
me ters



May. 20 meters
improved on 6th
May with stations
from Europe, N.
22 73 Amateur Radio Today December 2001

A merica, S. America comi ng through

pretty well. 17 meters was q uite moderate. We did our best to log maximum
QSOs with optimum hand propagation
and mini mu m operating time.
We stopped operations early in the
m orning o n the 7th (Mo nday). The
specially h ired boat was to pick us up
at 7 a.m . It arrived dot on time. We
were almost done with di sassembling
all the sta tions and the other stuff. It's
amazing ho w much less time it takes
to pull do wn a statio n as compared to
setting it up! It took us less than 90
mi nutes to get all (he stuff back to one
place. Wc reached the shore of Malpe
at about 9 a .m. A promi singly busy day
at work for each of us looked certain.
Nevertheless , it was worth every
mi n ute o f the fun we had on AS096.
The small effort to publicize the
IOTA event on the Web paid off wcll .
Though the event was co nfinncd j ust a
few days prior to the event after
WPC' s letters came in , the good respo nse on the band made all efforts towards our maiden IOTA vcrv
worthwhile .

1-------------Su bscr iptions


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George E. Johnson NOGJ

21 0 Main SI.
Agenda KS 66930

Bare Bones Battery Booster

A good project - as long as you understand the dangers and limitations.

Back in the mid-1 970s. I came across a circuit [or a very sim ple consran r cur ren t
ctuitger which was a capacitor in series with one side ot the AC pOIIcr line La a bridge
rectifier wilh the outp ut ot the bridge going La the bactery terminals. The capacitor
value limited the AC curren t by its reactance value. I made mine La pass around 40 rnA.
I used it [or several years without an isola lion transiormer. They are not cheap.
eL-e mlY I decided ( 0 change the
d esign a little and not on ly
. make it safe but a lso g ive four
d ifferen t current o utp uts for batteries
with d ifferent ampere-hour ra tings. A
te ll perce nt charge rate is standard and
will not damage a battery if left o n
charge for over 12 ho urs .
I had a ll the parts o n hand in my
j u nk box supp ly. There are just a few
parts needed and it is a good project to
do in your spare time. You can ma ke
your own layout and c usto mize it to

your needs. O ne neat th ing about thi s

charge r is that yo u can sh ort the o utp ut
lea d s and the current w ill still be limited . I used a surplus 0- 150 rnA meier
mounted o n the proj ect box to sho w
th e act ual cu rre nt. You don ' t need the
meter. but yo u sho u ld mour n a coup le
of le st lead jacks on the box to usc
you r VO~1 current fun cti on to watc h
the c urrent when trying d iffere nt cupacitors. Leave the output shorted while
testi ng capaci tors. After se lectio n. you
may replace the YO M with a jumper if

de sired. Al so . yo u may want to add a

power switch and an ind icator light.
T he battery voltage under charge is
not important as lo ng as it is under 20
volts. The chargi ng current is imporrant. T he cha rger output voltage drops
unto the buncrv le vel d urinu
e charuc
less the batte ry has an open ce ll. in
which c ase no current will flow. O pen
circ uit voltage is about 25 vo lts. Use
Myl ar capacitors wi th a vo ltage rating
of at least 2<X) volts DC. Ha ve fun.







O.47u F






12 .6VA



! f--:130mA



T1 IS RA DIO SHACK 273- 1366A


Fig. J. Ha ue r)' booster circuit.

73 Amateur Radio


December 2001 23

Ken Glanzer K7GCO

73 Review

202 S . 124th
Seattle WA 98168

RF Inferno
Meet the I/ew Raibeam antennas.

It 's the beam of tile ru rur e an d it can be on y our Lower today, This am azi ng new design
is th e develop men t of Ch uck Sm i th WA 7RAI, who "just wall1ed to be competitive while
DXing Irotn a small city lot."

il'k Adcock W".GL was the earlies t pioneer or this, in the late
' -lOs. with a 3-c1cmc nl all-driven array
that he adverti sed in QST for nne
month. ROOCl1 Martinez W6PU was a
pioneer in 19RO with dual-drive n quads.
.... hich he introd uced 10 the am ateur ra-

di o comm unity via an artic le in the

December 19K3 issue o f CQ. He is still

using thi s beam and it ha s no com petilion . A I La un K3Z0 foll owed up about
a year later wi th an article in CQ, trying to prove W6PU wrong. and
cou ldn't. K3Z0 is a con test w'inne r
wi th his version . A ntenna M art has a
vers ion o f thi s q uad a lso. All dr iven

Photo A . The 2x2-t'!{'lI1l'IIf and .'i-clement Raibeatus came neatly wrapped ill ol/e box.
Om' l -etement is unwrapped. The bag of hardware and tools I added {IT{' l"IOWIl. These
" ere assemb led and installed ill one afternoon.
24 73 Amateur Radio Today . December 2001

eleme nts up to about three or four. and

the n " parasitic clements." appear to be
the state-of-the-art. Even just two
driven elements kick a lot of butt.
What makes this design so different?
The typic al yagi has a single dipole
drive n clement (DE) that accepts
po wer from the fccdlinc. A dipole's
free space paucm is do nut-shaped with
a gain of approxima tely 2.2 dB as referenced to a theoretical isotropic source
(this gain is ex pressed as d Bi). Thu s
2.2 dBi is generally accepted as a 0 d B
reference for all a ntennas where thei r
gain is expressed as dBd . In the case of
the yagi . the dri ve n cleme nt excites
one or more parasitic clements. i.e.. re[lector and/or di rcctorts ). that change
the donu t pattern into a cardioid pattern , with its main lobe extending forward and a null towards the rear (the
diffe re nce between these two extre mes
is ex pressed as the front to back ratio.
FIB) . Parasitic eleme nt' . to be effective, must be a certa in leng th and spacing - the specifics being dependent
upon their function . Yagi s have been
the sta ndard beam antenna for years,
but they must rely solely on parasitic
clements tha t abso rb a nd re-radiate
RF energy, to affec t a nd reinforce the

radiation of energy from the DE in the

desired ma nner. Yagi s (a nd quads). do
a grea t job but all parasitic arrays of
this type ha ve limita tio ns regarding
ma ximum ga in and best possible pa ttern, not to men tio n that the ir maximum gain and nest FIR cannot occur
simultaneo usly. The re fl ector and directors are "paras ites on RF welfare."
he nce the name "parasitics."
A phased 2-eleme nt beam ca lled the
"ZL Special" was feat ured in a series
of articles in the NZART (New Zealand Association of Radi o Transmitters ) pub licati on . Break ln. in the late
1940s. Th is beam was co nstruc ted using tubular folded dipole cle me nts at a
spacing of 0 . 125 wa ve len gth. and despite numero us phasi ng line variatio ns. it remai ned so me what quirky
and difficult to match to a feedli ne.
Despite these difficu lties. o ne of the
ve rsio ns worke d quite well - actually.
ve ry well. I played with tha t myse lf in
1953. Obtaining the proper current
distribution by employi ng a phasing
line of the right length a nd impedance
can be a very tric ky proc edure - and
successfu l resu lts ha ve evaded many
who tried . A Swiss ham la te r dev eloped a somewhat successful plumbcrs
deli g ht versio n of it known as the
" II B9C V."
In the 19XOs, C huck. after using and
studying the Z L Special. began developing his o wn improveme nts which
utilized closer-tha n-norma l c lement
spac ing . incre ased phasing line de lay. and a mea ns to prope rly term inate the phase/de lay line into each
c le me nt. Since the impeda nce of both
clements arc fairl y low d ue to their
hig h deg ree of mutual co upling. the
current flowing in the m is q uite high .
Chuck soon de veloped a unique e le ment hracke t desig ned specifica lly to
red uce high-current losses .
Thc Raibeam 's driven e lemen t spacing is about 0.1 wa velength, w hich is
much closer than the typica l 0 . 125
wav eleng th or gre ate r tha t is ge nerally
used with IXOdegree phased c leme nts.
At this closer spacing, a nd higher degree of coupling. the d riven clements
ca n become - under certain SCl.. of conditions - critically coupled. a state in
whic h the ir currents become eq ual in

Photo R. Tile 6111 i -elesnent Raibcam above lilt' 2.1:2 phase-Slacked vertically polarized

amplitude. Chuck has a pa tent on this

uniq ue desig n as it uses this crit ical
coupling to an advantage. resulting in
inc rea sed guin a nd a bcuc r overa ll
patte rn (e xce llent FIB ).
Upon realizing that he had al so devcloped an ideal "engine" for a rcFlcctorless beam. Chuck soo n married
his design to parasitic directors. In 1995.
he fonned a compa ny ca lled Raibearn
a nd then started selling moo- oband
beams for H F and 6 m. II wasn't lo ng
he fore he disco vered thc best way to
,interlace the dri vers, and thus his triband and du a l-hand beams were horn.
The 2-e lement tribandcr weighs 36
pou nds and the d ual -bande r we ighs 20
pounds. Rai- bea m has up to 4 elcmcnts on 2()....lOm . The 2 driven clcmcnts ' "gain cell: ' as J ca ll it, have an

RF ru nning start with ga in a nd FI B hefore d irectors are added for more gai n
and the FIB is retained . T his is not so
with a yag i D E. whe re its dipole vcrtica l pattern is a ci rcle with "0" ga in.
A ft er hearing a lot of good things
abo ut these beams. J dec ided to see for
myse lf if there was an ythi ng to it. I
sho uld me ntion that I wa s also eager to
experime nt with Slack ing the 2-clement
one s. And. yes. I did pay full price for
them. and o n a retirement inco me as
we ll.
All 3- 6 m beams came neatl y
w rapped in plastic wrap. After checking the pack ing lists for missing parts
(there we re none ). the ir assem bly was
easy and s tra ig htfo rward . I was ab le
to assemble a ll three beam s in one
afternoon. Their light weight allowed
73 Amaleur Radio Today December 2001 25

l 'hato C l -etement 6/11 Raibeam. Roth clements are driven. have

weigh j ust 3 pounds each.

me to ins ta ll the beam s al l by m yse lf in

a ve ry short time . a lthoug h I do havc
the advantage of 3 very usefu l woode n


good patterns.

platform on the tower that allows me to

do antenna work very quickl y. Having
close to 60 years o f tovv er experience
docs tend to he lp
h ,
There were no

co mpromise s

J'lI l1to D. 5- OH' r 2 -eh'lIIt'1If 6", Ra i heams with 1!2-wal'(! vertical

011101' used as a listening amt'lIIlt1. The se '"'0 beams can be selected individua lly or bOlh together in phase, \b riO/IS COII[i gurations are being tried to obtain diffetrm angles of radiation illdividuallv o r phased tagrthrr: or differences inpolarization In cr eate
(lilfcrenr angles of mdiation to eOIllIX'I!.\{I/(' for patarization shijt.
26 73 Amateur Radio Today. December 200 1


the q uali ty of the

materials and constructio n of all
three beam s desp ite thei r case o f
asse mb ly, I \v as
impressed to see
that an c lement
tubing th ickness
of 0 .058" was
al so used for the
0 .625 " diameter
tips, The boom-toeleme nt mounts arc
machine d f rom
th ick a lum in um
fl ats thai cl amp
on the boom. then
secure d w ith both
a clam ping bolt
and poi nted set
scre ws. Each e lement sits in a
finely milled sad dle and is sec ured
T ubing clamps are
u sed at the te lescoped
t u bi ng

joints (all hardware is s ta in less s teel),

and a th ick a luminum mast-to-boom
plate is included. Conductive grease is
also s upp lied for the clement j oi nts to
prevent corrosion. and for coating the
threads of the stainless steel bolts.
nuts. hose clamps. and L l-bohs to prevent se izing. It's obvious th at these
beams we re designed to take a lot of
ice load ing . very strong wi nd. and
shou ld he ab le to stay up for a lo ng
time without the need o r maintenance.
The 5-e leme nt 6m beam is on a
23.5-ft. boom (1 . 125 wavelengt h). and
from on -air te sts . I ha ve co ncl ud ed
that its patt ern is s h a r pe r than the
7-elcment I once had with a 0 . 15
wavelength longer boom . ThaL caught my
immedi ate aucmion! I fou nd it sometime s necessary to ask e xactl y where a
local 6m Slatio n was located . If I were
just Sf deg rees off. I'd lose th em in the
noise . 1 usc speeded up prop pi tch motors as rota tors to turn my beams. and
the sudden signal strength change either way was dramatic. Ore station o bserved the sud den increase when I
spun the beam o n him and said
" W OW ! IL was ju st like you 'd s uddenly mo ved do wn the s treet from
me : ' Wi th my previou s 5-e lement 6m
yag i - on a 16-1'1. boom - I didn 't
have th is e ffec t at a ll. I ca n no w hear
diffe rence s in hand noi se as I rotate the
beam . wh ich I di dn ' t hear be fore . It 's
not unusual to ge l 40---60 dR over 5-9
reports in Seatt le with j us t 100 W no w,
The 2-element Raibeam weighs j us t
3 pou nds and is on a 2. t - ft. boom.
making them idea l for limited installation s. I have both of the 2-element
601 beams vertically polarized. and
Slacked in phase o n a horizontal fiberg lass boom 10 fee t below the 5-clemen ! horizontal beam , The s hort boom
z-c lcmc m beams need o nly about 112
wa ve spacing fo r a 2.9 dO (maxi mu m)
add itio na l s tac k ing gain .
Vertica lly po larized beam s will
genera lly give a lower ang le of radi ation than a horizontal onc ut the same
heig ht. hut I wanted to determine if the
wide ho rizonta l pattern. typical of 2eleme nt beams. would perhaps he beneficia l by filling the hole s or areas not
covered by the variou s lobe ang les
typ ica l o f a si ng le horizontal antenna

that is se veral wa veleng ths above

ground .
Ano ther reason I w ishe d to experiment with the 2x2 ve rtical array is that
I ha ve heard statio ns using hori zontally stacked vertically polarized
beams on 6m where the user claimed
great success with them . Since they
didn' t have a ho ri r:ontal reference
beam. it cou ldn 't he de termined if a
real ad vantage (or di sadvantag e) over
a horizontall y po larized beam at the
same height did exist.
A nothe r big ad va ntage when
swi tching to the ve rtica lly po larized
beams is often the reduction of QSB
due to po larizati on shi ft . You a re at
the mercy o f it with only o ne polarizati on . This c o nc ept is applicable on
1. 8-445 M Hz and few use it - I
sure do.
I have been abl e to run a few co mparison tests, but so fa r, I' ve seen too
few and no lon g o pe nings to rea lly
come up w ith any real definitive data .
Preliminary results suggest that the
vertica lly polarized 2 x2 array appears
to ha ve similar rece ive abilities whe n
co mpared to the hori zontal 5-c leme nt
beam, but the hori zontal 5-element
beam wa s supe rio r o n tra nsmit most
of the time so far, more than the ga in
difference . Further tests may provide
en ou gh informati on to verify. thi s phenomenon and perhaps find an e xplan ation as to why thi s may be so. I will be
using higher- gain beams ve rt ically
polari zed.
In co nclus ion, the Raibeam's gai n,
FIB, a nd front-to-side ratios are ve ry
good . Maximum gai n and FIB are
never obtained simulta nco usly wi th
yag is and quads, but there is ample
e vide nce to suggest. that wi th the
Ra ihcam 's critica lly coupled dri vcn c leme nts. this is no t only possible , it is
more than Iikcl y thc casco The 5-e lement 601 Raibeam has the best gai n
and F/A/S ide of a ny a ntenna I've e ver
used in over 60 years of using
beams . I fo und that wi th o nly 100 W
I ha ve a lot o f ' <RF clout." If and
w he n I d idn't ge t a sta tion o n the
first ca ll, J would c hec k a nd se e if it
was po inted at them , and in most

cases, It
wasn I.

Wh en the band was open, there

would he a lo t of other loc al stations
working the openi ng before and after
me which is normal. But what
wasn' t norm al was w hen the band wa s
about dead - I co uld still he working
the weak stations, bu t no other local
stations would he ca lling them . Th is
happen s routine ly which im plies that
the other loca ls just aren't hearing
them . Surpri singl y, I ha ve a lso
worked .scancr - over the Cascade
Mountains in to Yak im a - KC7FFK.
When a fri end ca lls you o n the phone
to ve rify that you are re all y in contac t w ith a sta tio n - a nd no t faking
il - it is a tip-off of very good ante nna
performanc e !
I can certa inly believe Raibcam 's
claim of higher gain and lo we r noise
reception . T he matching arm s are "DC
shorts" across the fccdpoints. w hich is
not the case with a ga mma a nd its serie s capacitor. There is nothi ng that
will ge t a sa lly o ld a nte nna man more
excite d than a ne w de si g n that has
fea tures a nd perfo rma nce that the
o the rs don 't!
I highly recommend this superb line
of ant ennas [Raibcam. 565 8 W. A lice,

Glendale AZ 85302: I (800) 53019 13J.

If you'd like 10 know more about
the m, check out thc ir excell ent Web
site ar jhttp.r/ ].
On e photo shows the 6m 5-elcme nt
Raibeam above the 2x2 phase -stacked
vertically polarized Raibcams. I can
se lect e ither o r both in phase. On top is
a II2-wave vertical antenna I use for
mo nitoring the call freq uenci es of

50. 110, 50. 125 MHz, and beacon activity. A " monitori ng antenna" is even
more of a necessity using beams with
very good FIBISide o n an y band, In
the near future , I plan o n e xperime nting wi th stacked halos on top for
mon itoring al so.
Get a Raibeam and create yo ur o wn
" bragging rig hts "!

1----- - - - - - - - - -Say you saw it in 731



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73 Ama teur Radio Today December 2001 27

Parker R. Cope W2GOM17

8040 E. Tranquil Blvd.
Prescott Valley AZ 86314

VOM Primer
This overview is helpful fo r beginners and old-timers alike.

The VOM, volt -otnn -millianuneter, 1s the workh orse of the electronic workben ch, How
it works and why it works isn 't important as long as it works. Bu t the how and why arc
impottsnt if we are to know its limitations.
he galvanometer is the core of
the instrument. It's the thing
that indicates what's being
measured. The ga lvanometer's operation depends on the forces applied to
co nductors in a magnetic fi eld. In the
usual form, a coil of wire with a
pointer attached is suspended in a
magnetic fi eld and a current is cstablished in the coi l: The forces thus produccd on the coil deflect it from its
posit ion of rest and the a mount of deflection serves as a measure of the current in the coil. This is the operating
principle of the d ' Arsonval gal vanomctcr (named after the French physici st.
Arsenc d'Arsonval) used in the measurcmcnt of small c urre nts. as well as
most voltmeters and ohmmeters .
Meters are rated by the curren t
needed to produce their full scale deflection. For example, a I rnA meter will
have full scale deflect ion when the
current in the meter is I rn A; a 50 ~ A
meter will have full sca le de flection
when the current in the meter is 50 ~A .
Th e basic meter is a coil placed in
the field of a permanen t magnet. T he
coil is hcld at rest with a sma ll spring
and a needle is at tac hed to the coil to
sweep the needle across the me ter face

28 73 Amateur Radio Today. December 2001

to indicate the current in the coil. The

coil is free to rotate in the magnetic
The magnetic fie ld can be disturbed
by nearby magnets or even magnetic
material and affect the readings. Most
meters. hut not all, are shielded to isolate them fro m their surroundings.
Th ere arc man y ways to abu se a
meter: Mec hanical shocks can dislodge
the coil from its bearings . Strong overloads ca n bend the needle at the peg.
Meters with bent needles are not uncommon. I have see n meters that have
been overloaded until the coil's insu lation has smoked. The faces arc then
tan with black numbers.
Most meters ha ve a short across
their terminals whc n they are not in
use. The short across the me ter damps
a m the effects of sudde n movement of
the meter. If the coil is moved with respcct to the magnet, a c urre nt is jnduced in the coil and a counterforcc is
produced . The short is not intended to
protect against stray voltages that might
be encountered.
An unknown meter can he mechanically tested by rotating it in the plane
of the meter face. If the needle moves,
the coil (for m) is in its bearings, and if

it retur ns to rest immediately, the coil

is probably intact. Of course this kind
of test doesn't tell anything about the
elec trical condition of the meter. only
the mechanical.
Two characteristics of a basic meter
are the resistance of the coil and the
current required for full sca le dcf'lectio n. As yo u might guess, the resistance of the mo vement differs for
di fferent se nsitivities . Typically the
voltage across the coil is ei ther 25 mV
or 50 mY. Most I rnA movements are
about 25 or 30 ohms . More sensitive
movements have a resistan ce in the
range of 1,000 or 2,000 ohm s. The
c urre nt is the c ritica l factor.
To make an ammeter req uires a
shunt ac ross the bas ic meter. For this,
the meter 's resi sta nce R m must be
known . If it is requ ired to increase the
full sca le deflectio n from I rn A to 10
rn A, a 9 rnA shunt must be placed
across the meter. The voltage across
the meter and across the shunt is R x I, .

1be current in the shunt is Rmx Iro/R'i.
T he ratio of (he shunt resistance to
meter resistance is R,/R m = Iron .. A 30ohm R m and a I rnA movement needs a
3.333U shunt to increase thc full scale
deflection to 10 rnA.

Wbile the mctcr

indicates cu rre nt,
the scale can be
calibrated in anyI
Eunk -=...
thing from VUs to
inches of water; So
d on ' t be put off
by the scale; the
meter works the
sa me . It measures
a c urrent.
To make an
ohmmeter req uires
a c urrent meter
and a known volt1-------1 11f - - -age o f somc sort;
a sing le dry cell
o f 1.5 volts is fine
Fig. 1. (a) A current meter can mea sure voltage. (b) A current
for lowcr resismeter can measure resistance.
tances, but 9-volt
or e ven 3D-vo lt
The unavo idable voltage drop across batteries are used in some ins truments .
the meter is a limitati on in very low The vol tage is applied to the unknown
current or very sensitive measurements. resistor and the c urre nt measured. The
Usually we ignore the voltage drop unknown resistance is EII 'ndi<:~ '
Since the ohmmeter's battery voltacross the current meter and ignore the
few millivolts d ropped across the meter, age c hanges wi th usc and time , a zcBut the limitation should be recognized roing pot is included to set the full
sca le de flecti on . Thc pot is adj usted
and evaluated for the particular case.
To make a voltmeter. a multiplier re- so the meter indicates full sca le whe n
sistance is placed in series with the the leads are shorted (the unkno wn
movement to limit the current. A mul- resi stance is zero ).
Most VOM s also read AC volts. To
tiplier resistance of 3k would limit the


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current from a 3-volt sou rce to I rnA.

A multiplier resistance of 60k would
limit the c urrent from a 3-vo lt so urce
to 50 IJ.A. The sensitivity of a vchmetee is often expressed in terms of ohms
per volt.
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and a 3-voh sca le loads the circuit with
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ohms per volt on the face of the meter.
We often ignore the load ing imposed
by the voltmeter, b ut the extra loading
can upset a high impedance circ uit.
The meter's se nsiti vity indicates the
loading that can he expected. For e xample, a 20k ohms pe r volt me ter on
thc l OO- vo lt scale loads the circuit
with 2 megohms, but o n the 3volt
scale the loading is 6Ok .

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73 Amateur Radio Today December 2001 29

Francis (Frank) Kelson HL1/NBHI

PSC 450 Box 826
APO AP 96206

Ye Olde Fishpole Vertical

SOllie things never change - thankfully:

Recently I lJave noticed the quest [or portsble antennas among our QRPers, and I remem ber
the many times when I was in ,1 situation where a sky wire couldn '( be tolerated.

ver the ycurs I haw used small

work ed quite good from earth g round.

portable a nte nnas. mi ni loops. hut not from on to p o f bu ild ing s. I fighclicoids. and hotel room w in- ured that I could co me up with a small
dow frames. All worked for me reason- package that sho uld perform reasonably well. hut I notice the trend these ably well unde r the above co nd itions.
days is more for hiking int o the hidden
I knew that an ante nn a req uire s cava lle ys, mo untai ns. a nd perso na l pacitance and ind uctan ce . From the
form ula s contained wit hin the ANN/.
I've been an amateur radi o operator Handbook I also knew tha t it wou ldn 't
fo r a num ber o f years now. and I' ve take very mu ch to accomplish an exex perimented wi th heficoids. end fed tremel y small antenna whose weight
di pole s, and Vertical Radiat ing Di- would he ideal for backpacking. Expepo les (VRD ). which I have foun d rience gained hy the usc o f fiberg lass
compo nents
f ish ing poles for rotatable d ipo les and two-c lement beams made
me yank o ut my
trusty o ld notehoo k, and pe ruse

th rough the hu ndreds of schemat ics a nd antenna
d esigns that I
have .
S uddenly my attention was focused on a m ini
2o-metcr two-c lePhoto A.. Fmilk if I the Sierra Nevadas. working /)X 'with a Jill/pie ment beam. It was
portable vertical.

32 73 Amateur Radio Today December 2001

al though the beam punc rn was q uite

narrow. mak ing the use o f a rotator a
necessity. Once the other station's signa l was peaked up. it was no prohlem
making a contact with I through 5 walls
of RF power,
I also real ized that I stum bled upon
this desig n hy first co nstruc ting on e cle ment and making it res o nate to my
freque ncy o f choice, be fore mak ing
the other three cle me nts. Armed w ith
that data, it didn 't take me h ut a fe w
mi nutes to co nstruct a verti cal that
could he collapsed down to a 28-inch
package , and we ighed in at j ust a fe w'
ounces .
T his is one that cou ld he used from a
Canoe or rowboat. held up by clamps,
and w ith the radia ls running around
the g unnels . Don 't forget the Joll y
Roger. Or from a hotel balcony, and yes - fro m the le nder of your vehicl e
if that is how you a rc backpac king.
O ne that would n' t at tract the att ent ion
of the loc al Park Ran ger, who more
than likely will he thumbing thro ugh
his ha nd boo k loo king for a clause that
mentions so me thing about potential
lightni ng hazards. You cou ld even s lip
this antenna into a PVC tube wi th a
mock wooden TV an te nna at the top.

The New Pools!

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Co.-..l Isoblor

Examination Test
Questions & Answers

ee "'"

68 -112"

Fly R od

c h os e d amp

Coil Option



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Fig. J. Simple QRP vertical.

for only 80% o f the ring ; if that is not

feasible, then you would have to go to
the next larger core, o r u se a sm allerdiamete r wire . Right ! If there are a ny
doubts about these devices, please refer to Chapter 6 of the A RRL Handbook and scroll down for the area o f
I used the yellow core series si nce I
have them on hand . Generally these are
not ideal fo r widcband applications. hut
they arc suitable for our need.. in the
area of from 2 to 50 MHz. with the 6
material being more temperature-stable.
If anything, I hope that thi s will stimulate your in terest for further re searc h
and experimentation. There is no telling

and usc it as a vertical d ipo le. Don 't

forget to silver-paint the tiny UHf TV
The fly rod that I now have has been
painted with camouflage green paint.
and a good coat of varni sh for a special
application. It is now almost in visible
in the bush.
The sc hematic shows that th e antenna wire uses a fl y rod to maintain
its integrity. Simple fly rods that are 11
or 12 feet in lengt h are rather c heap
these days. De viating from the ncrm of
using air core coils, I used a. simple
ring core, wh ich fi ts o n the rod's frame
rather nicely, and is q uite sm a ll a nd
easy to slide ofT for removal when yo u
fold up the fly rod. When winding a
ring core, make sure that you wind it

P.O. Box 376

Jaffrey, NH 03452


Ort lbt World Witbout Worling uplhl: Ncigbborbood-



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( Usmg the verti cal WIthout radJ.als )

C l RX Type 250 Pf
H ose clamp



Alligator clip see text

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Fly Rod Handle

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'1K ""'Itet'Ion HI9hway '

~",, VA

........1 .nlo. b.. c ~ com

Fig, 2. Using QRP vertical without radials.

23117 USA

540894-5T77,101l 2825628 ' M il 894-91411Ia.)

73 Ama teur Radio Today December 200 1 33

Ve Olde Fishpole Vertical

continuedjrom page 33

what yo u may co me up with , and J will

be looking forward to your articles.
An opti on for an airwound coil is
also provided. You ca n accomplish this
by using PVC pipe 4" long by 7/8" diameter, Close-wind 32 turns of #24 insulated audio wire for 3.5 inches,
approximating 5 J.lH; shim o r glue into
place. The coil wire and element wire
in this case can he one continuous

Constructing these an tennas indoors
is fine. but adjust them outdoors. Go
out in the yard or to a city park. and
prune for resonance. Make sure that you

are not above a sewer pipe. or beneath

power lines.

The leng ths indi cated in the schematics may put you well below 14
MHz. perhaps more like 13 or SQ . J ust
prune the tip 1/4 inch at a time. and
you will fi nd that your resonance poi nt
will simply pin the analyzer meter
clear down to zero. Don't cut any excess from the fly rod - you may want
to try something else later.
Make sure that you make an isolator
out of the coax. This is done by c urling
a six-inc h diameter coil composed of 6
turns at thc base of the ante nna. and
tic-wrapping it in place . This will isolate the line from the antenna. Thi s is
very important. e specially when using
from a balcony or permanent site.
I usually don't snip any wi re. I j ust
c url it up into a small ball. and tape or
rubber hand it in place. Rule of thumb

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34 73 Amateur Radio Today December 2001

with all antennas: The higher up in the

clear, the el ements will be longer.
C loser to ground o r metal, the sho rter
the elemen ts will be .
You will find that luning under the
most severe co nditions. like on a balcony surrounded by a metal railing.
and being cl ose to a wall, will make
the resonan ce points of the e lements
shorter. The tip. around 44 inches, and
the radial, 158 inches. So when emharking on a field trip less all the close
de nsity fac tors. then you will tune it up
for resona nce for its particular environment. That's why I say don't cut
the e le ments. j ust roll them up, or j ust
tune for resonance in the field. and
leave the clements fo r that type of
1 mated the handle of the pole with a
3-foot piece of PVC pipe, and ex tended the radi als out in GP fashion,
using plastic tent stakes to hold them
in place . Another alternative is to use a
small ca me ra tripod. I prefer to usc a
metal stake in the bottom of the PVC
so that it c an he forced into the earth .
usually a l ahout a 3Q-degree angle
with the tip o f the fly rod pointed in
the directio n of c hoice. It seems to me
that an endfire is accomplished with
these little antennas. that is. when the
radial s are placed 180 degrees from
the tilt, a nd my first contact like this.
as I reca ll . was a co ntac t between
Hawaii. and Seou l, Korea with only
5 watts .
O n one model I used a car whip antenna for the tip element, hut of course
on a heavier model fly rod that permitted me to adj ust the length of the whip
for resonance. and even allowed tuning up to 15 me ters. Radio Shack now
has these in a 72-inc h len gth. Wish that
I had a couple of them while experimenting for my helicoid article bac k in
May '94 for 73. This method also can
be prearranged with the wire el ement,
by marking a spot on the fly rod. simply coiling the wi re up with two fingers, and holding it in place with a
rubber band. Yes! Coiling the wire up
nulls out the last resonance point, and
permits se lecting another resonant
point - no need to snip!
If the acquisition of a fly rod is a
problem, just tie a piece of fishing line

o n the tip . and hoist it up on a bush.

Till the bottom e nd for a d irection. and
be sure th at it is no t so high as to permit the proper placement o f the radials
on the ground or o n stakes.
Portable opera tio ns arc mainly being
at the right p lace at the right time. tenacity, and the ab ility to listen through
the noi se level for those elusive d istance stations, whi ch will bring you
yo ur fair share o f the prize . My old
logs are full o f co ntacts with stations
using weak sig na l applications and
ham sticks. wi ndow fra mes, o r a w ire
thrown o ut the wi ndow.

Using the vertical without radials

I used a 4 foo t length of insul ate d

You could start from scratch by j ust

connecting C I to a ground . and by reducing tip length, and C I adjustment to
obtain a resonance point, but the method
in the paragraph abo ve is much easier.
This will e lim inate the leng thy rad ia ls on the apartment floor, o r fo r any
sem i permanent locat ion .

w ire to connect to a 20 foot sp iral

stairwell. Connect the rig e nd o f the
co a x to an MFJ analyzer. then adj ust
C I fo r a good hea lt hy d ip. then perhaps a slight adj ustmen t o f C I when
Con tin ued on page 5 9

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C l is a rece ive r variab le capacitor.

Fig. 2. The o ne that I used was 250 Pf.
about 2 inches lo ng by I 1/4 inch wide.
I mounted it w ithi n a pill bottle , th en
attac hed two short leads with alli gator
clips on them. O ne goes to thc cap's
hot side, and th e other goes to the cap's
ground side . The pill bottle conta ining
the variable cap can be he ld in p lace
with a plastic hose clamp.
The antenna is placed in it's area for
operatio n. Wi th the long radials. determi ne thc tip end c lement o f the fl y rod
for re so nance . Whcn re sonance is acco mplished d isconnect the lo ng radi als, a nd connect the alligator clip fro m
the ground side to th e L bracket radial
ground sc rew. Now connec t the hot
e nd of the cap with th e cl ip to perh aps
a radiator, balustra d. roof ladder, or
even a vehicle ground .



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73 Amateur Radio Today. December 2001 35

Carl Herbe rt AA2J Z

43 South Plank Rd.
Newburgh NY 12550

The Builder's Dozen

Uncommon uses fo r comlllon stuff.

During my tenure as a "ham operator/builder, " I've been able to construct m any
projects. some of which would have required expensive shop tools, equipment, etc. ,
which I don 't h ave an d h aven 't the resources to buy. By using tlu: com m on objects
surroun ding all of us. we can usually "make do " lVilhoUl many devices and yet accomplish
our desired goal.
crc are a "Builder's DOLen" I
ha ve used throughout the
years . Have you e ver tried any
of them? Or. do you have any other
ones to send me?
1. Whi le shopping with my XYL, I
came across " plastic shoe shipping
rods," used to hold the shape of the
shocs during shipment These are abut
10" long with a 2" bend on one end.
One is in each shoe. Removing the
bend portion leaves a long rou nd rod.
easily scored with a razor knife. Roll
the rod along a flat surface while putting pressure on the knife . Snap the rod
at the score . I usc these as "spacers."
2. " AlB" boxes. used to shift data
from one printer to another. make great
project boxes. Some arc plastic and are
easily drilled and cut. whi le others arc
metal and require a new face and rear
plate but are entirely usable for small
projects. The price is usually very affordable at hamfests and Il ea markets.
3. Emery boards, used for trimming
fi nger nai ls, arc an e xcellent device for
removing enamel coating from fine
wire used to wind toroids and transformers. When the e nd of the cmery
board becom es too smooth to be effecti ve . tr im the e nd with shears a nd
continue use .

36 73 Amateur Radio Today . December 200 1

4 . Juice straws . from the little packages of "lunch box" style dri nks. make
an ideal "bobbi n' for fine ename lcoated wire used to wind tornids and
transformers. Cut the straw to about
2", and notch both e nds to form a
"vee' to hold the wire . Wind the wire
on the length of the straw using the
notches to hold the wire. Pass the e ntire " bobbin" through the toroid a nd
unwind as necessary.
5. Coffee pot plastic. Whcn I needed
a so urce f or c Iear or srno ked
.ec p 1as riIC ,lor
a project face. I ca me acro ss a broke n
., d f or te
h tras.
h 10 e
co fftee rna hcaue
clear "water tank" provi ded a good
source of tough, clear plastic which
was easily cut to size, durable. and not
scratc hed from use.
6. Speaker cloth to cover small uni ts
can be substituted with black felt (or
your choice of color). Squares of felt
can be purchased at the local se wing!
cloth store for pennies .
7. Speaker grilles, the screen material used to cover the speaker hole , ca n
be c reated from the bottom panel of
VHS players. c tc., that have vemilation holes stamped in them. Carefu lly
measure and cut to size . Drill and paint
to match the equipment.

8. Damaged paint on e nclo sures ca n

be effecti.. . ely cove red using shelf contact paper. Th is product is sold in
many stores in thc housewares departme nt. and cc mes in many colors includi ng clear. Cu t the prod uct
oversized. peel the protective backi ng
and apply to the cabine t Trim excess
material for a fi nished appea rance.
9. For a more permanent fix, use
" metal tone" spray paint sold in most
hardware stores. This paint dries wit h
a "dimpled" texture and is great for
covering a mu ltitude of sins. It looks
good too !
I O. Need a "gro und pla ne" of largerthan-normal size'! Go to the craft store
and purchase a roll of "M aid-o -Metal"
copper tool ing foi l for about SID. Using contact ce me nt, a dispo sable
brush. and a suitable backing material
(I used an old legal-size clipboard).
adhere the copper to the backing. Roll
the copper on the backing (I used a recently emptied glass be ve rage bo ule)
to remove hubbies, etc . T he foil ro ll is
36" by 12", so there's lots of material
left over for futu re projects. This much
cheaper than pu rchased circuit board
stock of the same size.
Continued on page 59

Ozz te Levin W5RK

780 W. Bay A rea Blvd. #1335
Webster TX 77598

IC-706 Goes to Heil

How to mate your lcom rig with all old Heil headset.

A f ter win n i ng all Icom 706 J\lKIl tu a recent tiamtest, I decided n ow was the lime to
go m obile.

ounting the rig in my Nissan

r --....-- - -7 PIN 6
Altima proved to be quite a
problem. Car manufacturers
certainly don' t de sig n the interior fo r
mounting tra nsceivers. A fter much
frustratio n, and arguments with the
XYL, the location was fi nalized. Now,
mounting (he antenna and running the
706 MIG
coax and power leads caused a fe w
headaches. but finall y everything was
in place.
A handh eld mic doesn 't lend itself
very we ll to mobile operation, though.
It' s strict ly a no-no as far as sa fety is
concerne d. I happe ned to have an old
Heil head set - it would he ideal for
operating VOX . However, s ince
lcom uses electre t microphone input,
I had to figure out how to use my oi d
After checking out the mic circu it.
I decided to build a small preamp to
dri ve the mic input. T he voltage for
the pream p is supp lied from the mic
connectio ns of the lcorn . It works so
we ll th at I decided to let others know
how to use their Heil mics on the
This circuit can he used wi th any
other transceiver that uses the same Fig. 1. (a) Preamp using NPN transistor alit! associated parts. (h) Rear \,;ew. 8-pill mic
fa connector comes as an acce ssory.
type of input.

73 Amateur Radio


December 200 1 37

Phil Whitchurch G3SWH

21 Dickensons Grove
United Kingd om

Helsinki or Buzz!
No-frills tickets meant an instant j unket to OH -landfor this G3.

For our Spring brcak th is yc,1r, j an and I decided 10 visit Helsinki. Part of the rcason for
th e choice was tha t the "no frills" airline Buzz was ottei i ng two ro und -trip tickets for a
lOtal of 1 02, including taxes! The downside of this wa s that it m eant l1ying from
Stansted, which is about a 2.5-hour drive trom home. This is the samc as the tlight time!

A lso inclu ded was a possible da y's trip

across the Gulf of finl and to Tallinn.
the capital o f Estonia .
We le ft ho me o n the morni ng of Saturday 21 st April and dropped in at Pot rcrs Bar to se e Ill)' some time partner in
crime Jim G3RTE, for a cup of coffee
and to d rop off three large box es o f
QSL cards for him to deli ve r to the
RSGB bureau. The Flight from

n exchange o f E-ma ils with

m v eood friend Jorma OH2KI
led to a rese rvation in the citycenter Helka Hot el and the offer o f
transport to and from the airport. It
was not my inte ntio n to play rad io at
a ll d uring our visit. hut maybe to meet
up with a few of the loc al Finn ish
hams for a drink or a meal and to enj oy
a fe w days sightsee ing aro und the c ity.


; ' 11

, I

Photo A . Lefr to right : l orma 01121<.:1; author Phil G3S IVH: Ja n, G3SWII 's X YL ;
Hans 0 1/2EA .
38 73 Amareur Radio Today December 2001

Stan stcd was a few minute s late, b ut

Jonna was wai ting for us at the Vamaa
Airport arrivals gate . He then wh isked
us o ff to the Hclka Hotel to de posit o ur
luggage and then for a whistle stop
tour o f the c ity ce nte r, including a
coup le of mu ch needed local beers.
Jonnu was un able to joi n LI S for di nner that eve ning, so we found a restaurant and enj oy ed an e xcellent howl o f
m ushroom soup fo llo wed by red deer
e n croutc . washed d ow n with a boule
o f good red wine .
Next morni ng. Jan wanted to go to
visit the ho use o f Gallen-Kall ela. the
natio nal artist o f Fin land. T his is situated some di stance to the west of the
city center. and Jorma didn't know
how to get the re by road, so we had to
gel advice fro m the ho tel. who said
'"ta ke the number 4 tram to the end of
its route and then follow the signs for a
couple o f kilom eters: ' Having once
got hope lessly lost on the Pari s Metro,
I am a lway s a bit suspic io us o f publi c
tran sport systems in strange ci ties, but
we found the number -I tram route
w itho ut a ny difficuhy and pa id our
fare . It wasn' t until we begun to see on
our right-hand side bu ildin gs that we
had already pa ssed on our le ft-hand

ice cream ! We the n caught the tra m

back to the ci ty cente r and a late lunch .
That eve ning. Jon na had arranged for
us to meet up with Hans OH2EA and
himsel f for a d rin k in the hote l bar.
Han s is ano ther ex-ma rine rad io ope rator and we swapped many stories of our
lives and experiences at sea . Unfortunately, Hans had a prior engagement and
was not able to j oin us for dinner, so
J orma , Jan, and I we nt off to a very
plea sant Chinese restaurant for a meal
together, over which we discussed the
possibility of a trip to Tallin n the following day. A fte r din ner, we made a visit to
the Nord ic Jet Line fe rry company's termina l and looked at the schedules . O ur
best option was to take a fast catamaran,
which covered the 60 kilometer trip in
one hour forty minutes and gave us six.
hours in Tallinn, before returni ng in the
late afternoon. Strangely, the return fare
increase d if you wanted to stay longer!
Jorma then suddenly a s kcd . " Do
yo u k now Ve ll o
E S I Q D '? " I r ep lied , "1 think I
have wo rked hi m
from j ust about
every DX location
where I have opcrated. " Jorma immediately p ulled
o ut his mobile
phone and called
Vello. who read ily
agreed to mee t us
at the ferry rermi nal in Tallinn and
sho w us around
the city.
A tax i go t us to
the fe rry terminal
in good time . The
weathe r was very
cl oudy and it was
q uite foggy du ring the voy age .
Luckily, j ust befo re our arriva l,
the sun came out
and it was another
beautiful day. Vello
was easily identifi able by the large
Photo R. The author with Vello ESIQLJ outside the Kadriarg
"ES lQD" call sign

side that 1 re alized that we had actua lly

reached the end of the tra m route and
started the return j ourney. We ho pped
off smart ly and began to look for the
sig ns to the Gallen- Kallela Muse um .
Nothing ! This was a residential district
and there we re very fe w passersby to
ask - and those didn' t speak Eng lish.
Fortu nate ly, it was a beautiful sunny
day, alth ou gh the resid ue o f the pre viou s day 's snow on the gro und made it
co ld. After a long walk following the
many vag ue ly waved arms indi cat ing
" tha t di rectio n," we eventually fo und
the m use um and collapsed in d ire need
o f a c up of coffee.
After an hour or so look ing arou nd
the m useum , we followed the lakeshore back to the spot where we
should have got off the tram, and
fo und an ice cream stall d oin g a roaring trade . There's some thi ng particularl y d eli ciou s about mango-tl avored

badge on his chest. He took us off to

see the Kadriorg Palace, which is a
fe w kilometers outside the ci ty and
was built in the early 18t h century by
the Russian tsar Peter thc Great. Appa rently Peter himself act ua lly laid
three bricks ! Ve lIo works as an engineer fo r the loca l state broadcasting
authority and explained that he had to
go to wo rk for a short time, so he took
us to mee t his son Tom as and explained that Tom as would lo ok after us
in his absence . Both Tomas and Vell o
speak exce lle nt English.
The o ld town of Tall in n is situated
o n a hi ll in the heart o f the c ity and is
me d ie val in o rig in with narro w,
co bbled stree ts. Seve rely neg lected
d uri ng the time o f the Sovie t occupation , m uch good-q uality res to ratio n
has been com ple te d and the town is
we ll o n its w ay to becomi ng one of
the a rc hi tec tura l gems o f Eu rope .
After a wh istle sto p to ur of the
tow n. To mas took us to an e xce lle nt
restau ra nt for lunch before we headed
back to wards the ferry te rminal ,
w here we w ere able to say o ur farewe lls to Vella before the trip bac k to
He lsin ki .
Neither Ha ns nor Janna were abl e to
join us for di nner again that e vening,
b ut we arranged for Jo rma to pick us
up at the hote l the fo llowing evening
to take us ba ck 10 the airport . We fou nd
an excelle nt stea k house for dinner,
where a n Estonian stude nt served us!
It was the n back to the horc l bar for a
nightcap .
O ur la st d ay wa s spe n t wal king
around the city cen te r j ust seei ng the
sigh ts, includ ing a IS-minute ferry
trip to the S o umen lin na fo rtre ss, d ating from 1748 , and bu ilt o n six islands in front o f the ci ty. A gai n, the
we ather wa s kind to us an d a ltho ugh
it wa s cold, only abo ut 5 d egrees C ,
it was suffic ie nt ly bright a nd sunny
for us to sit in a paveme nt ca fe and
d ri nk be e r.
Jorma c ollected us in the late afternoon as arra nged, and the trip home
wa s com ple te ly uneventful . Even the
.M2S ran smoothly, a lthoug h it d id
start to rai n a s we en te red the Bri stol
area !
73 Amateur Radio Today December 2001 39

Rolf E. Spies N9BRL

6502 N. Oketo Ave.
Niles IL 60714

Klau s Spies WB9YBM

61 5 Woodland Heights Blvd.
Streamwood IL 60 107

Beginner's PS Tester
This variable active load will do the trick.

Yo u've just been told you 've got a humming n oise on your transmissions. Maybe
you've even noticed a m ilder version of that on receive. Is your transceIver de veloping
a problem, or is the tittering on your power supply failing? Here's ,w easy way to find out.

w e'reall

familiar with the

amplifi catio n capabilitie s
o f tra nsisto rs: Tum it o n a
liulc by feeding the base j unction. and



Web Site


AIIi&d Electronks


(BOO) 433-7500

al l tede~ ... ,

7410 Pebble Dr.. Ft. Worth TX 76119

DC E~ctron ics

(602)994- 1707

(602) 945n36

ockil scom

POB 3203 , SCott sdale AZ 8521 1

I Digi-Key Electronics

(219) 691-3380

(218) 681-6674


Jameco Electronics

(650) 592-2503

(800) 831"'242

1355 Shoreway Rd . Belmont CA 94002

MouMr Elok;b oili..."

(811) 483-6899

(900) 346-6873


958 N Ida... SI-. Mansf>ekl TX 76063

Noll........... EleclI<lIOCs

(800) 71 8-1998




Tn-Slate Electlo" i...s


(847) 25s-0600


200 W NW H1grnoray. UI. Prospea IL


701 Brooks Ave S" Thief River Falls MN



Table I. Sources list.




little voltage to the base throu gh PI in

Fig. I, the tran sistor starts to c o nd uct.
Instead o f the transi stor 's gain
to a m plify RF. though . we're using it
to load an e xternal power sup ply.
Before di sc ussing actua l operation.
here arc a fe w de sign considerations
I fo r o ur circ uit. If we ' re goi ng to test
small to mode rately sized power supplie s. the l-ampcrc trans fo rmer. rectifier. me ter. and co nnectors ava ilab le at
Radi o Shack will suffice. If yo u' re goin g to test bigger supplies. then I rccommcnd in vestigating hea vier-duty
I co mpo ne nts avai lab le throu gh parts
I dealers like Digi- Key, Tri -Sta te Elec!
tronics. Jamcco. or Newark (my fa voritc four. hut I'm sure that there are

the collector turn s o n a lot. We usc it

e very da y in the amplifiers in ou r radios. Here. we're applying this concept
to a more basic principle. By applying a

, 'J


IIlIIllit IlI:CTlftU


r r



- \0C0J

Fi!:. I. Acril'e 10m !. Ro(f E. Spies N9 BRL 1/(/(1the original idea / or th is circuit. while
40 73 Amateur Radio Today December 200 1

, 1J


"'1Il. rUl

1 r

Klaus WB9YIJM built the prototy pe.

others out there). Either way, though,

the po wer transistor at Radio Shack
(typically used for tele visio n sets,
power sup plies, and stereo eq uipment)
will work. Be sure to heat-sink everyth ing we ll-in th is application, thing s
will get warm!
I bu ilt my active load in a metal box
- in th is case, not to protect the in ner

workings from stray RF (as is the concern o f my other proj ects), but rather
for safety. we're dealing with 110
vo lts, and a grounded metal box is still
the best protection between my fingers
OUTside the box and (he voltages
INside the box! Al so, as I said, in this
applicatio n things will get warm.
Metal e nclosures can still not only
Part Numben


Rad io Sh...k


HM520(12 .6V

21315 118
( H>. 6V 3A)

HMS21 (1 2.6V

(12.6V 1.2A)


A llied



DC Ele<m"onie.



(12V lA)

(12V 4A)

29225 (1 2V


41 FG01 0 (12.6V

(12V 2.0A)

(12V 6A)

102 120
(12V 4A)

4 1FGQ20 (12.6V

HM522 (12 .6V

(12V l eA)


4 1FGOOO (12. 6V


HM523 (12 .6V


HMS24 (12.6V
l OA)


22-414 (SOOrnA)

20-11 16



20- 1117

229-411 2










21 1-26b (25





withstand but di ssipate heat beuer than

the other options out there .
In actua l operation, always be sure
to start the potentiometer in the position that will turn the transistor off.
This will avoid unexpected surprises.
A lso, I included a second se t of jacks,
or test points, that I could hook an oscilloscopc 10. This will allow me 10
monitor the purity o f the DC of the
power supply being tested , as I slo wly
increase the cond uction o f the active
load. If you don' t have an oscilloscope
ava ilable, d on 't despair! There is another way to test fo r hum, and that's
with an aud io amplifier sim ilar to the
one di scussed on page 26 of the Nove mber 1999 issue of 73. Be surc your
a udio amplifier works properly (i.e.,
doesn' t have hum o f its own) . Then,
with a series capacitor in usc (you
do n't want to feed DC into the input of
your amplifier, so check to see if you
need a series capacitor or if o ne is already built-in), hook up to the test
points o n the acti ve load. Crank the
vo lume on your audio amp, a nd if you
don't hear a hum, your powe r supply is
(a t least close to) fine !

271-171 6(501\













38324 (4A)

2N37 1S (l OA)

73 Magazine

40151 (eA)

2N3716 (l OA)

38306 110A)

2N3055 (15-')


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2H3771 (:!A)


I Saewa. 6-32
















6<1-301 2







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None 10Inl

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'31'.'5 a .
KCo100av $2S5 I Kc..100,12'S

Micro Computer Concepts

. .... GumT.... Aw

276-3146 (4A)



Similar 10
Radio Sllack

- _c:alalo9

Table Z. Pan s list,


s,,,,,, -

276-1161 (61<)

276-1 185 ( 251< )



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Sim ~aIIO

--... --

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73 Amateur Radio Today December 2001 41



Chuck Houghton WB61GP
San Diego Microwave Group
6345 Badg er Lake Ave.
San Diego CA 9211 9
[Clhough @pacbell.coml

VHF and Above Operation

The Channel Master 11.7 to 12.2 GHz LNB:

Conversion to 10.368 GHz
This month . let's co ver finding


gem in the swaprneer circles and making a silk purse o ul of chis

sow's ear. During one of these adventures at my local swapm eet, I noticed some vel}' interesting
sh ap es i n a l arge box. On f urther inspection, they turned our to be micron-ave dish

downconverters from a Channel Master satellite converter system.

u w, this box was nOI an apple crate.

hut ra ther a b ig box fu ll of anten na
feeds. converters, and shro uds of plastic tha t
covered the converters. There seemed 10 be
litt le interest in these items. as no one else
even came o ver while I was digging in lO
v-eri fy j ust what treasu res lay inside . This
box was abo ut the size o f a sma ll re frigerator cut in ha lf. abo ut 3 feet c ubed. D iggi ng
in to the m ateri al. I dete rmi ned that there
we re q uite a number o f down con verters o f
severa l different types in thi s box . From all
observa tio n. itlooked like the se co nve rte rs
had bee n co llecte d from service calls or
were units removed from cus to me rs who
were changing 10 othe r T V ...atel f re o r c able
TV se rv ices.
well. thi nki ng about the possib le usc for
these item s brought many ideas into play.
T he firs t consi de ratio n is the price o ne ha s
to pay to bring th is decision into frui tion.
Docs it warrant a single purc hase for ex pcri me nratiou. or docs a bulk -buy scenario
take effec t? T he premise o f thi s thinking is
that if o ne costs several do llars. do they gel
cheaper in uni t price if th e whol e bo x is
bought '?
A cheap per-unit cost certainly has hene m s. especi ally if yo u ca n us c all o f the
mat erial. Also. you have to co n...ider the texting to determi ne the good- to- bad rat io how m uch pro ves to he good o r whe ther a ll
un its arc bad and junk.
Th e se an d m a n )' o t he r tho ugh ts go
thro ugh yo ur head prior \0 asking the price
from the se ller, J ust don 't ask , " W hat do you
want for this gol d mine o f m icrowave materia!'?" A sim p lc r q uery w o u ld be " How
mu ch '!" for one item. G et a feel for the range
of price negotiations firs t before goi ng o ver
42 73 Amateur Radio Today Decembe r 2001

the edge and payi ng too much for so me

untested devic es, It' s wo rth a try if yo u are
interested in the lo t o f mate ria l and still he ing a part o f the app ro ved hagg ling a t
swapmects. Hagg ling can be j ust as m uch
fun as getting some tre asure.
Well. in th is instance I boughtthe whole
box o f plastic shrouds. converte rs. and antenna dish feed') for a modest to stiff price .
A t least it was a price I co uld w alk awa y
with kno wing that if all item s were defective. I wo uld not ta ke a bath in this dea l. It 's
like playing poke r: You have 10 pay to learn
ho w to play the game . JU SI do n't pay 10 0
much to le arn how to p lay the gnmc at
Go ing th ro ug h th e items at home , I removed the plastic shroud s and they became
recycled mate rial. The antenna di sh feed...
we re cast alum inum . M y grandc hi ldre n and
I sorted o ut the aluminum from the p lasti c
and I gav-e them th e scrap metal price paid
fo r the m eta l, 88 pounds o f cast alu mi num
at 5 ce nts a pound. It was eno ugh for each
o f them to get a Pokemon card set fo r the ir
co llection (my contribution}, and a few dollars each fur the ir piggy banks. A pro fi table
event fo r the grand ktds . I got the sc rap rem oved and recovered the 11 .7 to 12,2 GH/_
m ic rowave do wnconvcrtcr, and we had a
good time w ith something for a ll of us.
Th e m at e r ial s re co ve re d we re the
waveguide flange input connecto r and an
"F' coax j ack o n the o utput. In actual o peratio n. the converters are the units seen at
the foc us o f a sm all microwave dish antc nna. usuall y obscured by a p lastic cover
10 give weather protection. What happens
in side e lectroni cally is the same for all units.
the o nly design diff erences being severa l RF

stages (ra nging Irom to 4 ). the num be r of

el e m e nt s in th e R F fi lt e r s , a nd h o w
de scrctely the units arc construc ted . By that,
I mean arc they individ ual pa rts o r a great
b ig rnouolithic ch ip that is unco nvertiblc to
o ther applicatio ns?
We ll, a ll the units I p ick ed up we re discrete. T he circui try inside was the sa me
except fo r the nu mber of stages. types o f
RF filters . and the m ixer and IF types of the
am pli fiers .
The circu itry n ow goes like thi s: The convertcr couvcns 11 .7 10 12.2 ou., a 5(Xl M Hz
T V band of m ic ro wa ve from a satelli te as
rec eived and am plified by th e d ish anten na,
furthe r amp lifi ed by th e internal RF am p lifie r stages. a nd del ivere d to a n inte rn al
mi xer 10 convert down 10 an IF frequency
o f some thing in the I to 1.5 G Hl frequency
ran ge. To allo w great operation the se ampllflcrs are constructed to have a " ery lo w
noi se figure. in the 0 .8 to 1.4 dB range 10 sa y the least. that is HO T ! A great performer! Thi s signal is now amplified some
30 dBd by the d ish ante nna . and anot he r 50
10 bO dB to th e IF o utput is the n co nnected
by a section o f coa x cable to th e to p of your
T V set. T he converte r o n top nf yo ur TV set
converts the incomi ng I to 1.5 GIlL inp ut to
sta nda rd T V channe ls for rece ptio n.
No w. w ith a baske tful o f conve rte rs. I
fo und large gray o nes, sm all bt nck units, a
small nuru bcr of white plastic-co vered units,
and a large nu m ber of sma ll beige units. All
the dittercn t-cclorcd units loo k a like except
fo r physical si ze . T he gray unit s we re about
6 inc hes long and looked to be the o ldest
de sign type. T he w hile p la stic units were
sm aller and we re sealed wit h a potting com pound. m aking opening d iffic ult. T he b lack

t'hoto A . Tile convener unit "'itll tile cover off. The RF housing
plate is hollowed O/lt, making stnail chambers for each part ofthe
microwave circuitry 10 isolate parts ofthe circuit from other parts.
units were ve ry high-tech interna lly and
easy to open: Just remo ve the " F' connecto r nut o n the rear of the un it a nd p ush
against the " P' connector ho lding the case
and the waveg uide end. as it w ill pop o ut of
the cover assembly. T he beige un its we re
opened la st. and they pro ved to be the best
of the batch : smallest in Si/C, simple 10 open,
and ha ving very high-tec h co nstruc tion,
with some ve ry interest ing ci rc uitry ye t to
be discovered .
See Ph ot o A fo r a p hoto of the unit
opened. Depicted are the convener un it le ss
cover, wi th the LO oscillator module and
its cover ho ld-do wn p late , " F' connector.
and a spare cove r shield housing fo r the R F
amplifi er c irc uitry. As yo u can sec, the RF
housing plate is hollowed out. making small
chambers fo r each pa rt o f the m icrowave
circ uitry to iso late o ne pan of rhe ci rc uit
from another. This prevents what is called
crosstalk from one pan o f a circuit to another, e nsuring that the fl o w of arnpliflcanon is as it should be and not a prod uct of
oscillations or feedback.
:'Jo w, wha t can be done to usc these devices. as I am not go ing into sa te llite TV
reception? Well. the base uni t with some
modifi cat ion can be converted into a great
low- noise di sh feed am plifier for connectio n 10 a waveguide switc h. or an tenna d irectly. This wou ld make full use o f the RF
LN A amp li fi er 's lo w no ise fi gure. all ow ing the RP amp lifier to de tec t very weak
signals in thc 10 GUI amateur band after
conversion. Be nefits arc low cost. easy
modifi cation . and low cost again, as if you
mess up the conversio n you can o btain a no the r and give it a go again. With a ll the
sate llite syste ms being replaced and co nsumers upgradi ng systems everyday, there
should be plenty o f these u nits avai lable at
you r local Ilea marke ts and swap meets.

/'Iw to H. SMA connection and RF board parts placement.

The conversion and unit

T he um pream p input is a waveguide
input. multistage m in im um loss connectio n
to the microwave antenna system. Th is ailows fo r a n' ry low no ise front e nd a: close
as yo u can get to the a ntenna. T his COII \'c rslon fro m satelli te LN H operatio n to amatcur 10 0 111 operalion is qu ite eas y. T he
be nefits are many. First. the am p lifie r is
pre tested a.s a unit, with its interna l O RO
LO source m ixing the 11. 7 to 12.2 G Hz
o wn to the I to 1.5 O Hl input to a convencr located o n your TV set for norm al
reception. T hese units o perate wi th DC and
IF (I to 1.5 G Hz ) sharing the same co ax
fro m the LNB to this co nverter inp ut. The
voltage req uirements arc any vo ltage from
+ 10 to about +~-' volts. It normally shares
the coax cahlcotO-the L~B coax cell1c r. posith e and negative O il the coax braid. T here
is diode po lari ty protection and a 7808 vo ltage reg ulator internal. Ty pica l system noise
fi g ure is O . ~ to 1.2 d B.
Modifi catio n is q uite easy. Remove the
ye llow co ve r hy re moving the type " F ' COIlncctor nul. S lig ht pre ssu re on the " F' conncctor will push o u t th e L N B fro m the
ye llow case. O n one side o f the L:\"B there
is a mo du le that looks like a TIL crystal
oscillato r w ith a metal side cover held in
p lace by two sc re ws . Re mo ve the tw o
screws fro m the metal plate over the oxci llater module. T hen remove the live scre ws
hol di ng down the to p cover over the m icrowave am p pan of the LNB. Unsolder two
pins connected to the PC board from the
oscillator module. o ne on top ami one on
the underside o f the LN H. This w ill remove
the O RO m ic ro w ave o sci llator and m ixer
assemb ly. It is no t req uired in the conversion. Notice that o n the underside of the top

metal cover plate there arc two arches where

two to p pins of the D RO connec t to the
upper PC boa rd w here the LN A ci rc u itry
res id.......
At the spot w here yo u unsoldered the
D RO osci lla tor (on the beige unit. this modulc loo ks like a metal ITI. oscillator -t-pin
C H IP like metal can) , o n the top PC hoard
RF c irc uitry. is whe re a ll S ~1 A connector
will be attac hed. A t this poi nt (St\IA co nnccror connec tion] and the o utput of the 2nd
stage amp lifier there is a filte r th at is DCisolated from the last stage am pli fie r and
the point whe re the S ~ IA connector COIl nccts (same place w here vou unsoldered the

ORO oscillator/mi xe r). Remove all o f the

fi lter c lements except a center widt h ofcop per o n thc PC hoard. for a new trace sallie
w id th as filte r tra ce s. C ui away a suitable
openi ng in th is line to insert a 110 2 pF
mi crowave chi p capacitor to provide DC
isol ation bcrwc-c n the lust amp stage and the
o ut put.

T he S MA con necto r call be mo un ted on

a me ta l pl ate the same size as the one re mo ved that held the O RO oscillator in place
o rig inally. Use the same mounti ng screw
ho les to mount this pla te a nd anach a 2- hole
SMA connecter, being \'ery careful to be
accura te in positioning the connecto r o n the
strip- line c irc uit board truce. A llo w clearnncc for the top cover w ith its arch. w hich
sho uld gi ve c lea rance for the SMA pin 10
go under the cover plate hole . If need he,
file away add itio na l cleara nce in the underside shield plate for the L NA' s SM A connector clea ra nce to p revent shorti ng to
g round. Ano the r method of mount ing the
S ~I A connec tor is to so lde r the center pi n
d irectly on the output trace and push up the
2-ho lc co nnec to r 10 the nat surface on the
LNA body 10 ge t as c lose as possible 10 the
73 Amateur Radio Today Dece mbe r 200 t 43

Photo C. Fullside view of the CIWIlIle! Master LNB.

housing side. Solde r the center SMA pin on

the o utput (face that connects to the 1-2 pF
chip capacitor . See P hoto R for SM A connection and RF board location parts placement

Now. solder the ground part o f the

S ~I A

connector to th e ground foil o n the edge of

the PC ho ard. Do not ovcrsoldcr. as you
need clearance fo r the shiel d co ve r to fit
allowing the arch 10 clear the S " t A cente r
pi n and still provide rigid mountin g fo r the
SMA co nnecto r. It' s not as ri gid a s the
mountin g pla te sc heme. but it's an alternati ve 10 usc ill yo ur modificat io n o ptio ns.
Last, remo vc the type " F ' output co nnec to r
and rep lace it with a fecdthrough capacito r

Photo D. The shop.

o f m in ia ture size , and so lde r to the trace

where the "F' connector was unso ldered .
Thi s w ill no w be the new + 12 volt DC
po w e r for the m od ifi e d L N A. The
waveg uide input flange is WR 75 and will
fi t up to WR -90 waveguide sw itc hes by
drilli ng o ut the four mo unting holes through
the back o f the flange mount o n the LN A
and cutting away the o utside edge to allow
a scre w to fi t th e pattern of the WR-90
flange. The -l- bolts will hold the mismatched
w a veg uide fitt ing s to gether w ith lin le
trouble . It has been shown that as little as
two scre ws w ill hold the L NA to a WR-90
waveg ui de fitting w ith grea t rigidity.
Here is a full side view of the C hannel

* --.r;E "",
l-r: : =====~~~====:::':::h

1.O c.:




Oft ..




I---i -....

-~-~~- - -l----- - - - -- ---- -- ----- - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - --


.s" IL ~ It



L::;: ( ~;~:;:;"'
1 ,1;


Fig. I. A short version <if a reverse-engineered schematic of the beige do wnconverter:
44 73 Amateur Radio Today . December 200 1

Master LNB (P h oto C ) depi cti ng the DRO

re moved alo ng wi th a second top cover plate
and ORO mounting plate and coax <OF' connector. T he ' -P' connecto r is remo ved and
re placed w ith a feedthrough ca pac itor to
bri ng DC o nly to the co nnection pre viou sly
soldered 10 the "F' connector; mo urni ng of
the feedthrough cap is not critical. The DRO
oscillator was removed in thi s picture, hUI
where the top le ft pin o f the ORO mod ule
is soldered to o n the top LN A part o f the
PC board. it is re pl aced with th e center pin
o f the SMA co nnecto r.
Fin. 1 is a short version o f a reverse-eng tnccred schematic o f the beige downconvcrtcr. A s yo u ca n sec fro m the sche matic.
the ORO module wc des cribed wa s of great
interest. It was d isco vered tha t no t o nly was
there all interna l microwa ve ORO-type os ci llator. but the RF mi xer and IF prcampli fl cr at 110 2 GHz range were utso co-loc uted
in side this m odule as wel l. Quite high-tech
to say the least. This fact m ade the conve rsion easy, a s the re mai ni ng ci rcu itry was the
po wer supply and micro wave RF ci rc uits.
These were th e idea l re maining com ponents. as the ORO, m ixe r. and IF we re not
needed in trying to make a great 10 GilL
LNA for am ate ur microwave usc . B ) ' th e
way. no convers ion for fre q uency o peration
at the lowe r 10 GHz see med to be needed
- j ust the remova l of the o utput fi lter and
replacing it w ith a I to 2 pF mtcro wave c htp
capaci tor wa s requi red .
This mod was the resul t o f severa l amate urs pooli ng efforts and m aki ng this project
wor k . Ed W60YJ , Pe te W6DXJ , Kerry
N6lZW, and I are all membe rs o f the San
Diego M icrowave Group. Recently, a quantity of the se L NB ampli fiers. along with
se veral o th e r type s of s lig htly differe n t
Con tin ued on page 5 9

Low Power Operation

Mike B ryc e WB8VG E

SunUght Energy Systems
955 Manchester Ave . SW
North Lawrence OH 44666

J had planned lO h ave som e receiver troubleshoo ting tips this month. But instead we will look

at another project. J got started in getting the project done when working a key er [or Field Day .
After a fel\' monrhs of Heathkit QRP ra d ios. I\'hy n ot I\'r.1p things up witn a luok al the Hcsubkit
If[)-I ~ 10 keyer?

f all the product s Uealhkit made. II

seems kind of strange that they only

made three ve rsions o f a C W kcyer. The first

was the rather funky (10- 10 kcyer. It had
microswitc hes for the padd le contacts. It did

not ha ve a "fine" feelto the key. It did work.

anJ Heath sold zillions of them. The HD
10 wa .. designed primarily for the $8 and
HW lube-based gear thai used grid-blocked
The next keye r, the HD-1 4 10 , is a ri pped
off version of the Ten-Tee KR5 keyer, Th ~
electronics and key paddle are mounted in
a slim line case.
T he Heath kit HD- 14 10 ia m bic keyer is a
very po pular unit. Many o f these are still in
use today. A lthough the keying paddl es are
not by any means a Brow n Brothers' ke y
padd le, they ' re nor too bad !
The HD+1 4 1O fea tures a b uilt-in powe r
supply and adjustable sidctouc. The sidetonc
pitch is a lso adj ustable , al though you m us t
open the case to access this control. The HD14 10 will operate on either 12 VDC or 110
VAC. W hat's nice abo ut the 110AC s upply
is the detec tab le power cord. If you wa nt to
use the HD -I -l- 1O d uri ng f ield Day, yo u
do n' t need to bri ng along the AC powcr
The output is full y so lid state. T he HD14 1() will key either grid-bloc k - or cathodekeyed tra nsrniuc rs. T here ' s a j ack for a
straight key, too, although I don't kno w why
yo u would use one with the keyer.
By pulling out the speed control, the H D14 10 w ill key the trans mi tter. That ' s a great
feature fo r tuning the a nte nna tuner. There
is a second knob on the front panel that controls the volume of the sidetone. And. like I
said. a PC board-mo un ted trimmer controls
side to ne pi tch. .
A ll o f this is housed in a s m a ll w ra paround case that matche s the " S 8" line of

Heathkit equi pment - in particular, the S 8 I ()..I and the HX - 168 1 transm itter, H R- 16 XO
recctver. Heath J iJ no t change the color o f
the keyer to ma tc h the H W-9 o r H W-')9
transceivers. T he H D - 14 1O conti nu ed wit h
the Heathkit two-to ne green pai nt j ob.
S ince the HD- 141O is f ull y so li d sta te,
a good place to s tart looki ng fo r tro uble
is the power s upp ly. If the H D - I-l- IO works
on an exte rnal battery hut not o n AC.
c heck the 110 AC fu se an d the power
tra nsfo rme r. O n t he o the r han d , if the
keye r seems dead. but the red power lamp
comes o n. check Q8 and D 7 . With a D VM,
c heck th e vo ltage 0 11 th e collec tor o f Q 8 .
It s ho uld be a t le as t 10 volts. T he o u tp ut,
o n the em itter s ho uld be at leas t 5 vo lts .
If the emitter is o ve r fiv e vo lt s, the n QX
is s horte d. If the outp ut o n the emit ter is
zero , the n s uspec t Q 8 or D 7 . Diode D7
biases the driver transi stor o n. The TTL
IC c hi ps in the HD - I~IO re qui re +5 volts
to operate. Too much or too lo w o f voltage w ill cause the HD- I-l- IO to fai l.
A com mon proble m is a s horted or open
o utput transist or. You can easily check this
by turning up the sidetone volume. If the
side tone follo ws the keying, the n the keye r
is working , but the o utput keying transistors have fa iled. C heck Q5, Q6 and Q 7.
A lso, check d iodes D4 and D 5 . T hese parts
fail if yo u try to key a tra nsm itter the II D 1410 canno t ha nd le.
I did m entio n that the H D-1 4 1O wou ld
key a cathode-keyed rad io . That's true. but
yo u can' t key an El mac AF-67 w ith o ne.
There are lim its on the keyi ng current the
output keyi ng transistors can handle .
To get the HDI -l-IO to key m o st solid
state transmitters. remo ve DS and R27 and
re place these w ith jum per w ires. This will
a llow the HD - 14 10 to pull the key ing line to
ground. You' ll need to do this modification i f

you w ant ro usc the HD- 141 0 with your TenTee A rgonaut transceiver.
r ve found that IC 3 can go bad and cause a
string o f either dots or dashes to he prod uced .
A lso check rc 5.
IC5 also d ri ves the sidctonc o scillator.
Tran sisto r Q jtakcs th e o utpu t from IC5 and
drives the s peake r.
After yea rs o f use , the paddles may need
to be re moved and cleaned. To remove the
paddles, pull off the black p lastic covers.
The n, remove the speed a nd sidc tone \'0 1ume co ntrols. U nsolder the wires from the
pilot ligfu. You can then pull do wn the front
pane l. T here are a few scre ws ho ld ing th e
padd le assem bly o n th e PC hoard . Afte r remo ving th e ha rd ware , the padd les can be
removed . C lean the contacts wit h a strip of
typ in g paper. Yo u can c le an the co nt acts
witho ut taki ng the paddl es apart or remo ving them from the case.

The Heathkit SA-SOlO keyer

T his keycr is a drastic de part ure from the
HD-141O kcycr. The SA-50 10 is a m ic roprocessor-based e lectronic keycr, The SA5010 will key e ither g rid-block or pull the
key line to gro und . A ga in , the re ' s a limit to
how m uc h c urre nt th e o utput tra nsistor w ill
hand le .
Ho used in a two- piece p last ic cl amshell
case that's really hard to reassemble. the SA50 10 came in two diffe re nt pain t j obs. You
co uld get o ne to march the S 8 104 line or
o ne to match the H W-9 .
The microprocessor was custom-m ade
for Heath. Fi ndi ng a re p lace ment wou ld he
nex t 10 impossible. So, if the mic ro is
cooked, you 're cooked. Howe ver, I' ve never
come across one with a bad C PU, Mo st o f
the time , the o utput s w itc hing transistors

Continued o n page 59
73 Amateur Radio Today . Decembe r 200 1 45


Jack Heller KB7NQ
P.O. Box 1792
Carson City NV 89702-1792

Hams Make Good Use of High-Tech

This montil, I want to touch on se veral areas that prove interesting on discovery. First, there
are sever al new wrinkles in the Mixl V sof tware. Those of y o u 1\'ho are using the program and
k eeping up witti th e releases will thInk this is dated m aterIal because of the warp -speed
d evelopm en t com bi n ed with th e rime Jag due to publication sched ule.

So. what would you think i f you co uld

ut fo r the rC!'.1 of you. the fo llow ing is

going 10 sound m uch like way fa r-ou t

si m ply selec t a Q SO fro m your log. doubleclick a utility, and have a card ready to print?
T hat is available in the Release 10 of M ixW
2 tha t I am c urren tly usi ng . A b so lute ly
amazed me .
I knew there w as something of this natu re available according 10 a fe w posts o n
the MixW reflector. I printed OUI the SC\'cral pages o f news)' items from the Ml xw
download page and read the info on the card
ut ility a few times. It was o nly abo ut two
sho rt paragraphs and, fo r some reason. the
brevi ty intimidated me . II j ust couldn' t he
th is easy - had 10 be a catc h.

tech. And that is exactly ho w it im pressed

m e as I came acros s th ese development s.

New st uff in MixW 2

If you ha ve looked aro und a bit, yo u
have disco ve red softwa re to roll-yo urown Q S L ca rds. I ha ve a fe w o f rhose very
fine program s o n the back b urne r of th is
com pute r an d si mp ly ne ve r devot ed
eno ugh (any) lim e to th em so I could send
o ut modem cards Iha l do nor include the
o pt io n o f A M mode alo ng with a few other
tho ug ht s from a nt iq uit y.

.la r k in C ars on C"'j . NV
To rad io :





Thasks f or the mce (lSO I73.1

New Berlin.




14.1 MHz



I use .Mul\uSlon 2.0RC10.

Fig. I, Just a couple of d id.s.' Th is i.{ .N } O- O eosy. Select the QSO from the .\ fi.d V 2 log ,
double-click II,e file ( see te."I) ill the MixW folde r and this p rints 011 your Mic ro.wft n o rd
page. And it looks better than this ifyou simply prim it 10 some cardstock and mail u aff.
For m me reason. the resolution lI"elll down the lube wnen I ran this ;1110 the clipboard
and massaged it in the graphics program. Hilt it does se rve the pUT/JOse: you get a custom
QS L prim you witl not be ashamed of and IT IS FREE, A/II"ays coullts ill my (Imcker)
book. If yo II are US;"N tI,e latest version of 1\'o rd . the ;1lJ(TlIct;OJlS jay YOIl call do a hit of
customizing. TIle above ' }Tim is as ;1 comes f rom the box. This Ims the fi rst experiment,
Simply closed my eyes and slim f rom the hi".
46 73 Ama teur Radio Today ' December 200 1

BUll too k a deep breat h a nd fo llowed the

sim ple d irections w hic h started ....'ith doublecl icki ng the Mixw Q SL card rest.doc whic h
reside s in the M ixW fo lder. Being a .doc
fi le mean s it will open in Mic ro soft Word .
N ot bad. J usc th e earliest ve rsion of w ord
for Windows which is Wonl 6 an d wus o n gtnail)" wriuen for windo....s 3.1. so th is is a
good tes t.
It works. T he te st document is a card al ready made up for UU9JDR as an example.
T hings di d n't work at first because it is necessary 10 have M ix\V :2 up a nd running, b ut
th at is easy. The sam ple card is quite like
th e o ne in the scree ns hot th is moruh. with
d ifferent in put . and is very cust Iy d uplicat ed
wit h yo ur o wn cal lsign and in fo.
The pa rt th at makes th is so ove rw hel m ingly sim ple is the process is just IWO steps.
With Mi.", W :2 and Word up and running, yo u
fi rst select the log entry for w hich you want
the card printed. Second, using Ex plorer. go
10 your folder wbcre Mixw rcsidc~ and double
click the file ~li x W Q SL card test.doc. That's
it. nothing more. Your custom card assemb les
itself in the Word
N ext. I printed a couple o f card .. for recent contacts and sc m the m o ut via E- mail
as attached fil es. During the process, I real ized there is a percentage of hams w ho wi ll
not be able 10 o pe n the se files because th ey
will 1I0 t have the correc t software . I thi nk
mos t of the lat er wordl'erfectsott ware w ill
o pe n suc h ti le s nu t I hate 10 send stuff that
looks sus picious o n the receiver's end.
T he rcal poi nt is it wi ll be a simple proj ect
to print some of these and se nd Ihem through
the o ld fashioned mail syste m. As a mailer
of fact. by the lime you read this. I would
nOI be surprised if some o f yo u h av e nOI
al re ad y recci ved a card like th is from someone e lse. It loo ks like something th at co uld
reall y catc h o n,

Ju st as a furthe r ex pe r iment , I d id a
lookup fo r a QSO in the Mi xw log that was
earlier histo ry and the card print system
worked just fine from the in fo in the loo kup
resu lt window. That makes ce rtain situat ions
easier to manage,
Fo r instance. at this time MixW 2 does
not allow a sc roll feat ure in the log st.l you
co uld select an e ntry directly fo r this card
print proce ss. I have seen a rumo r that that
fea ture may surface from the p ile o f thingsto-do sometime soo n. Bu t that is no t a hindrance to making the se card s.
As I looked fu rther into the minimal doc umentat ion I fo und Held ed iting ava ilable if
I we re using the latest version o f Word fo r
Windows. This does not see m to be an abso lute necessity. bu t perhaps the bu ndled
softwa re with the ne w com puter has something in Microsoft Works that w ill lend a
hand for a little tweaking .

How about an atl as ?

Ano the r feature tha t works extre mely
easi ly is the interface to the D xAtlas softwa re whi c h c a n be d o wn lo ad e d fro m
[ww] . If you go to the M i xw
Web si te , yo u c a n d o wn lo ad th e fi le
IMix2D xA llas J. 7ip ]. With those two files
you will he surp rised how easi ly yo u can
disp lay a world ma p that gives you beam
headings alo ng with sunrise-sunse t ind ic ato r and o ther use ful inform ati on for yo ur
OX hunting .
Sim ply ins tal l the softw are pe r the instr uc tions, then when yo u a re r un ning
Mix W 'I a n d D xA tl a s a lo n g w it h the
Mix 2DxAtlas u tility. yo u sim ply doubledick the callsign in the receive field as yo u
make ready 10 make me contact and the
D xAtla s program will d isplay the location
o f the other srauon and when you point yo ur
cursor to the locatio n the be am head ing is
ca lcu lated fo r yo u. C an ' t get any easie r,
plus. it is fun to do.
I shouldn ' t adm it ho w some of these big kid 10Ys fa sci nate me . I can sit and see the
calls on the monito r and. instead o f tryin g
to work them, I will stan cl icking on them so
I can watch the programs strut thei r stuff, To
he fa ir, I should mention Dx.Atlas is shareware
and the demo copy is go od for 30 days.
Thi s ki nd o f automati on is makin g me
entirel y too la zy (and very addicted ) for my
o wn good. Here I have asse mbled a group
o f softwa re o n a sim ple o ld slow compute r
that works 1110st every popular d ig ita l mode
in use by active hams . Plus. it accesse s m y
CD with ham addresse s automatically, pops
up previo us co ntacts and no w it si m ultaneo usly sho ws me wh ere the other statio n
is and ho w 10 head the antenna ,


.-- "



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-- -

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la.UJ '
. ~ 1oN


1D 1M l ZH N!(.

~tt.!r."' .,.lfiio,ltA. .

1(' I'M

Fig, 1. DxAlhlS ill action. This is the flat world \'it'"' of the world atlas. Also ava ilab le is
an azimuthallayout " ,;tl1 YO llr station located ill the middle and The rest Of tile world revolving a round you. Your cho ice - JOII can change it illstel1lI!.,' back andforth. The overall si:.e of tile panel ca n be reduced to fit along side your Mi,t 1V display or J OfI call have
them o verlap. This Iiew i.f shown Oler lop and comple tely covering Ih l' Mix 1V 1 displav .
If yOIl do it this ~nlY, YOIl call switch back and f anh with 1/l(' task: bar buttons at the botIOIIl , The KH7NO location is indicated by the m l/e fl/ Ill planted to the left of the 1V7 i n the
II'l'Mem U.S, When I double-c licked the P12 station i ll the receive pllile in ,HixlV, an all lenna showed in the l'e rJ northern part of South America. fly moving the cursor to that
point and clicking the mouse the program calculated beam headings and distances ill tile
info box above tile task bar. This was taken about 11'.111. IOCll1 time and you call spot 'fie
location of the slm by the bright (yello"') spot about 1.500 miles SlY lif the home QTH.
YOII call see the sunrise-sunset indica tor covering EIl TOI,e. Africa, (11,,1 111051 of A sia.
There are several options for lookup on prefixes, countries. cities. etc, I did not wish 10
conf use the display with clutter. DxAllaJ integrate's nicety with Mix lY 2 with the patch shown
by the button at the right of the task bar (Mi.r:]IJx ) that can be downloadedfree. See text.

Th en w he n 1 g e t a tt rhro u gh wi th the
c o n tac t, a ll tha t i s ne c e ssary to p rod uc e
a QSL c a rd a re a fe w s im p le clic ks , A
few m ore a u to mate d p roc edu re s a nd the
s ta ti o n wi ll be i lleg a l; t he re wo n ' t he
a n y n ee d fo r a h uma n a t the c on tro ls . It
wi ll wak e itse lf up in the mi d d le o f the
ni ght and st a rt ma king c ontact s . Too
m uc h .. ,
There is m ore. I h a ve n ' t menti on ed
the a u to matic lo o k u p s yo u c a n effec t
w it h M ix W v ia In t er n et data ba ses
Mo st ly I ha ve no t men ti one d t h is be c a use I c an not d emon strate th is o n thi s
lim it e d o ld co m pu rer.
And there are a nothe r co uple o f ite ms
10 make ha m li fe more fun a nd le ss threate n ing that have to do wi th a uto ma tic a ntenn a se lec tion and heading . The se are
a lso covered in the ma te ria l o n the M ixW
Web site . A nd . d ue to lack of eq uipme nt
in th ai cate go ry, I ha ve not covered the se
s ubjec ts for yo u.

Upgrading the shack -


BUI there is an area that I am try ing to

co me up 10 speed . I think m y wife was beginning (0 think I was abo ut to break her
new com pute r as I was ha vin g to rel y more
and more on it to lest SOIllC of the new and
im proved software that keeps comi ng down
the pike. So she ca ught me in a moment o f
weakne ss and ins isted it was time to get a
ne w com puter.
I have it sitting o n the ll oor j ust o utside
the door to the shack at this time , As soo n
as I ge t this uruclc o ff in the mai l Ih:1I will
he the ne xt maj or shac k proj ec t. I tried to
get e no ug h he lls and w hist les to be able to
do all that might be deemed necessary fo r
ho o k ups and s peed . Mo re o n thai as I
I d id m an age to pu rchase th e largest
monitor I co uld afford , It is still one size
Connnued on fXUJ e 50
73 Amateur Radio Today December 200 1 47

Alinco Introduces DJX3 Scann ing
Receiver- Compact Design Features
" Hidden" Speaker
Ali nco is a nno unci ng the release and FCC
Type-acce ptance of its ne w DJX3 sca nning reo
cei vc r. a compact uni t that can receive from 100
kj-lz 10 1.3 G Hz in A M and w ide or narrow FM
mode s. Announcement of the new uni t was made
by Craig COla of ATOC Amateur Distributing.

which di stributes Alinco products to dealers in

the U SA and C anada.

The DJ-X3 has a vel)' di stinctive design tha i

place ... the speaker behind the display. Audio is
heard from pons o n e ither side of the display
window . The compac t unit easily fits in a shin
or j acket pocket. The OJ -X3 features 700memol)'
channels (10 hanks of 70 channe ls), is powered by a rechargeable
Ni -M H battery and also comes with a dry cell (3 X AA) battery
pack. The trip le conve rsion IF ..rage provides excellent recept ion.
The OJ X3 can reproduce F~t srereo when o ptional stereo
headp hone.. are connected to the unit. T he operator also has fo ur
..electable antenna choices: an internal A~ I bar antenna, a s ho rtwave bar arucnna. the earphone cab le Illay be used a s an antenna. or the SMA whip ante nn a term inal can be activated. The
unit is supplied wi th a remo vable whip an tenna but an external anrcnua can also he connec ted to the SMA port. A n auenuator function is available to reduce very ..tron g signa ls. The receiver also has
a "hug" detector, useful in searc hing for hidden transmitters .
o T he OJ X 3 ha s three operating profiles. Vf O , Preset A M.
FM and TV freq uenc ies and the Me mory mode . T he o pera tor
can make ma nual select ions or sean ill any o f those m odes . In
th e mem ory sean mode. the o pcnuor can c hoose o ne speci fied
ba nk. ce rtain hank s call be linked for sc ann ing or one can choose In
scan a ll ban ks. There arc 20 prog ra m ami memory scan options.
o The DJ - X3 is cupublc of luni ng in user-de fined ste ps of 5.
6 .25. 8.33, 10. 125, 15. 20. 25, 30, 50 and 100 kH /.. T he unit
also has an AUTO s tep mode tha t selects the ap propriate s rep
for the band curre ntly i n usc .
o T he ill uminated display is large and easy 10 re ad . In addition
to freq uen cy info rmation. it wi ll also show the operating mode ,
memory chan nel , battery streng th. signal strength. and a number of other user-selected operati ng parameters . A c harger, belt
clip and stra p arc also included. The OJ-X3 can al so "clone" to
o the r DJ X3 unit.....haring its programmed parameters thro ug h
a w ire connection.
"The OJ -X 3 is an e xci ting new addition to o ur growing line
of receivers ."said Mr. Ce ra. " It is a great performer in a compac t package . Aloll!;! with the OJ -X2000. OJ-X2, and the OJ ~
X 10. Aimee now otte rs the mo nitori ng enthusias t a wide range
of cho kes in recei vers in different price ranges : '
The OJX3 is e xpected to be available in stores soon. M SRP
is S302.95 . Acce ssoric.. for th e unit. suc h as e xtra battery packs.
are also av ailable . Dealers are free to set th eir o wn prices and
o fte n se ll at price s helow the ~1SRP.
Disclaimer: Specification.. su bject to change without notice
or obligation.
Fo r more inf ormation, contac t Evelyn Garrison WS7A at (425)
48 73 Amateur Radio Today

December 200 1

Specia l Christmas Key

In celebratio n of the sea son.
M or..e Express has co m m issio ned a s pecial telegraph key
which will double nicely as a
Christma.. tree omarncru.
The Morse Express C hris tmas key is a full y o pera tional
miniature key. hand-machined
from solid brass and p lated in
gold . It measures a tin y 1-3/4
in.b y 15/1 6 in. at the base and
wei g hs a mere 2 0 1. .
Designed by Marshal l En un
N IFN , the C hristmas key was a
c ha llenge for E uropea n key
m aker Llave.. Tc tcgraphicas
Anisnnus. A ll the usual adjustmcrns (trun nion bearing tension.
lever spring tens ion. and contact
spacing) are available by means
of gold-plated screws and matching lock nuts, and the indented

knob is very comfortable in usc .

A ll or the machining and assembly processes were done by hand.
The result. accordi ng to Ernm.
is "a prcuy little key that will
make an exce llent Chri..un a.. tree
decoration or stock ing stuffer,
but is also em inently usable for
se nding code. It's the s mallest
key we se ll. and one of Ihe smallest we ' ve ever seen. so it will he
ve ry handy for QRP portable
operations. It will also add ~"lITIe
th ing special to St raig ht Key
Ni ght."
The base of eac h key is engraved with th e Morse E xpress
logo and "Chri stma s 200 1."
This is a lim i ted edition of 200
keys. and each bears an engraved
serialnumber o n the base.
The Morse Express C hri suna..
Key is $-1-9.95. plus sib. and Is
available only from Morse Express. Photos and mo re inforruation are available on the Morse
Ex pre s s \Ve b s ite al [w w w . l. where you w ill
also find secure orderi ng facilitics. Call (8{X)j 238 -8205 1011free 10 order by phone. o r (303 )
752-3382 for more information.

PkTerm '99 Version 1.5 Now Out

C reative Services Softw are ha.. no w re leased ve rsio n 1.5 of
Pk'Ic rm ' 99. which su pports the hot new digital mode PSK ) 1 as
we ll as th e AGW Packet Eng ine.
All of the Icutures of Pk'Icrm 1.5 e xce pt fo r one a rc avai lable
as a free upd ate if yo u don't ha ve the PK-2J2IPS K-31 hardware
interface. or if yo u purc hased Pk'Icrm ' 1}9 a fter May 15 . 200 I . If
YlJ u do ow n the in terface , and purchase d Pk'Ierrn ' 99 befo re May
15. then the update is $29.95 for every thing:
For further information. contact Creative Services Software .
50) Wes t S tate St.. S uite 4. M uscle S hoals A L 35661: (256) 38 16 100; l ww m I.

A GREAT gift idea for your ham friend(s)

is a subscription to 73 Magazine ... only S24.97!
Caf/8002747373 or write to 70 Hancock Rd.,
Peterborough NH 034 58

There's still time to get a subscription for your favorite ham

for Christmas. Just mention this ad when you call your order
in. and we'll send you the latest issue to put under the tree!


R.S .#






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73 Amateur Radio


December 2001 49

down from the one that would have req uired

a crow bar to get it through the door to the

By measurement, the available surface

a rea on the tv-Inch monitor is approxi m atcly 75 to 80 percent greate r than the 15inch. I think thai ....ill suffice to arrange the
pictures for ease of vie wing. Will let you

shack. There was a $500 difference

k now.


corumued from page 47



fro m 19 to 22 inche s, so I only have to move

Just a littl e side note . J ust a day or so

one of the shel ves to get it in he re. Speaking of large. I doubt if the box the Ic-inch
monitor ca me t u would have mad e it
through the door withou t a squeeze.

after the purch ase of the ne w m achine , the

XYL and I were passing a co unter di splay

in an o ffice supply and I spotted one of
those real treasures. Ac tuall y, the di splay

Source for.

Web .ddress (UR L);

Mlr. W Soundcard program 101 PSK31 , ATTY, new

hClp:ll1av kIev.ual_ nod<!m;><W2/

modes, MTTY. F SK3 1. more

www.n\fbb, netl~;atlejim/mil<WPage,hIm



www,lI"oQli es.comImmha mso h/


http://u se r, .ono; n,nel .al>! ~cracl



www.oonknelconV~kbl~ .h1m

l.t.Jdl ham into wiSSTV downloads




TrueTIY -

Sound card

Pasokon SSTV programs &.


and mud> PSK inlo

hnp:Jl arnel .bl ,ehu,lJS/psk3 1.html


Free -

Inlerlace l or digrtal - rigs 10 compulers

Soundca rd inlarl aCe info -

www..qsl ,l'\&lIwinwarblerl

Throb -'zl 1bpu!

how. worI<s

- k:Ils 01 infO

Download Logger, arsc Zakanaka


easy to use



http ://m embe rs ,home,comihtellerl digl panl

Lo1s 04 into


htlp-J n - b.P<'l nedcalllzW

TNC 10 radio wiring help

CtvomaPlX and CtvomaSound DSP sottvware

ereawe ~ $IW Mulh.'oodtl w,f'SK

Auto lunar and other kilS

Trnewa"l'i DSP &.

XPW' re -

.qsl ,ne1lkc4ell:W"

www,al..... I ~ am s. comIw d5 gn rlp sk gn' , h 1m

Floot end for PSK31


htIp: l _ cssincofp.oomlpfO<lICU.hIm

AA (prev.) products

wwwtimewl!'ffl ,com

TNC softw are wrtt> sa mpHl DL

www,qoodnel. ooml-gj oh nSO!1/

RCKRtIy Windows prog ram with ee e DL


HF serial """"'m plans &. ATTY &. P..::tor

http ://Tlome,all.netl- k7UW

SV2AGW free WIn9S po-ograms


WlnWarbler into and DXLab Sur1e


w ww, p a c ~ e l radio . comIps ~ 31

Includes Alinoo

w_ ,qsl.nal/Wm2ulinte rlace ,html

UFSK-rela l ed tKh info -

Source lor 8ayPac BP2M &. APRS

1nI1 V1Sl.181 Communicalions Assn. 00";1 , dedicated 10 SSTV


Hell sdl reit>er &. M T63 &. MFSK1 6 (S tream)

Ham SCOjltI -

mu ltim ode wi MFS K16

YPLog sha ,eware log -

rig conlrol -

nee demo

W1nUnk 2000 Syst em info

AlnnaiI - If" prog ram 10 use WInlinI< 2000

Table 1. The Infamous Chari ... updated monthlr

50 73 Amateur Radio Today ' Decembe r 2001


www,weslmounI8lmadio.comIR IGblast8f,lllm

Int erlace Into for D IY digital hama

DigiPan _ PSK31 -




.raag Of9'Inde.l .hIm



httjl ;/Iu sers,m es atop.coml ~ ghansen!




was covered with g lass 10 keep strangers

with g ru bby lit tle paws from touching .
Inside the glass di splay case we re a fe w
honest-to- goodness fou ntain pens. We m anaged 10 gel permission fo r m e 10 hol d o ne
m m y hand . They have changed the design
a bit ove r the years . There is no exposed
le ver to aid in filli ng . T he inside seemed
e mpty and I asked where th e b ladde r was .
T ry ing to either suppre ss a sm irk o r no t
let on she did not kno w w hat I meant the
girl beh ind the counter went and retrie ved
the innards o f the mechanism from the back
room and sho wed me a plastic cylinder with
a twi st mechani sm on the e nd . Twi st th e
knob with the pe n immersed in the ink bou le
and it dra ws ink into th e cy linder.
The point of all this is that a fter the XYL
became certai n thi s was the find of the day
and I should have o ne. she mentioned the
fact th at with such a fine wri ting instrume nt
as thi s J might no t really need that new computer after all. I told he r the computer was
still necessary, bUI the pen would beco me
nearly indispensab le if the printer failed .
Plus, the pen has a lifet im e wa rra nty - th e
life o f the o wner, not th e pe n. Try to match
that w ith the com puter o r the printer.

More on Dxlabs
Last m o nth's an kle is quic kly beco ming
o utda te d as the wo rk co ntin ues on the
DxLahs projects. I d id a bit o f a no-no as I
sent thai article off . The lime had gouen in
ve ry short supp ly due to technic al difficullies wit h the pre viou s Inte rne t co nnectio n
and getting the new se tup going . Not very
good exc uses, hut I notifi ed Dave A A6YQ ,
afte r the m ai ling and included the te xt o f
the article he wa s not aware I was wri tin g.
Needle ss 10 say. this resulted in an unintended surprise to the a uthor of the fine software I wrote about. Da ve was gracio us and
offe red a few corrections and since that lime
I disco vered he is invo lved in another great
a ll-e ncom passing software proj ect.
H e is n ot o nly he ad ing to w ard more
mod e s th an w ha t th e c u rre n t PSK 3 1
winwarblcr software offe rs, bUI is also about
to embark on a proj ect io e xpand past the loom
line o f ri g co ntrol. By the lime this reache s.
print. you may be able to find support for
the Yaesu ri gs on the WinWarhler Web sue
and I can only g uess how muc h more .
There are a 101o f projects being initi ated
by the fe rtile minds o f so me of o ur lead ing
ham o rie nte d softw are fo lks . I rea lly like
wh at Dave has. done and is doing . It wou ld
seem th ai doing all th is work without asking fo r any pay in return sho uld ca use the
Continued on paqe 6 J

Amateur Radio Via Satellites

Andrew C . MacAllister W5ACM

14714 Knights Way Dr.
Houston TX 77083-5640

ltyou missed la st month 's issue of7 3, f1nd a copy! The issue ivas pecked \..-i th feature art icles
ahout the amateur-radio satellites. All of the .1Ulhors involved are experts on many fa cers of
sp<lce communicsttons. Th e November 200 1 issue will be a useful tool for satellite enl1wsi<lslS,
and n Ol just a one-month curiosity. C?Jeck it ou t!

ew hamsats in orbit: On September

30t h, four satellites were launched

from the Kodia k Island launch comp lex in

Al aska o n a s ing le Lockhe ed -M a r ti n

Athena-I rocket. T he sate llites. included
p e sat. SAPPHIRE . Starshine 3. and
Ptco'Sat. Three of the four satellites were
designed to use VHF and UHF amateur-radio frequencies . The orbits are polar LEO
(Low Earth Orbit) from 50n to

son km.

PC sat is the result of a U.S. Nava l Academ y proj ect fo r studen ts pursuing an aerospace m aj o r. T he goal was 10 provide
st udents wit h a hand s-on experience in sa lcll!tc design and o perations . Funding wa s
pro vid ed oy the U .S. N aval Academy, and
a grant fmm the Boeing Co rpo rati on. T he
launch was secured throug h th e Department
o f Defense Space Test Program in coo peratio n w ith NASA. Even befo re th e successful lau nc h. the proj ect had achieved its goal
o f desig ni ng and building a viable spacecra ft. Boo Bruninga W B-JAPR provided an
exce lle nt article about the progmm and its
operation in the November 73.
The mi ssion of PCsat is to provide mobile and handheld digi tal com m unications
fo r amateur-radio satellite o perators usin g
AP RS (A utomatic Position Report ing Sy ste m ). A I'RS has become mo re than ju..t ano ther u..e for pac ket radio. For man y hams.
packet has sim ply been a means to get o n
AP RS . Those who have used A PRS kno w
that it is a lo t more than a solut ion look ing
fo r a problem. It has become an eas y an d
entertai ni ng w ay to {rack the locutions of
friends. balloon s. bo ats, pl a ne s. a nd j ust
about anythi ng that can carry a transceiver.
TNC (Te rminal Node Controller) , and G PS
(Global Po sitio ning System ! receiver. Now
we have a satelli te to re lay this d ata to a nd

from remote locatio ns. not to mention the

short -message featu re th at allows users to
se nd a nd recei ve brief co m m unicati o ns
a lo ng w ith lat itu de and longitude location
data. A ltho ugh Bob W B-JAPR had originally
anticipated a t wo- wcek chec kout after launch
before the satellite would be re leased for
gene ral usc, it o nly took a few days 10 test
all sys tems and declare PCsat ready to go.
Fo r detailed and c urre nt satellite informat ion se c (h tt p :// w e b .u sn a . n a vy. m ils
- bru niuga/pcsat.html J.

SAPPH IRE is th e first Sate llite Q Uick
Research Testbed (S QUIRT ) satelli te and
the second to Ily. OPAL wa s the second sate llite of the SQ UIRT se ries. hUI the first 10
fl y . Th e n am e SA P P H I RE st a n ds for
St a n fo rd A ud io- Phon ic Ph oto graph ic
In fra Red E xpe rim e nt. The SA PP H IRE
proj ect was started in 199-1 a nd was read y
for lau nch in 1998. B ut no w, th ree years
later, SAPPHIRE is finall y in orbit. T he sate llite w as d eveloped by the Stanford Space
Systems Development Laboratory to allow
g rad uate stude nts to gain e x perience in
satel lite de sign and construc tio n.
SA PPHIRE carries th ree m ain expcnmcnts . The primary payload is a gro up of
Tunneling Ho rizo n Detectors. The y are a
new generation o f in frared sensors that have
bee n. m icromac hined to tit in a ch ip and
o perate at roo m temperature . T he d igital
camera e xperime nt use s a Logitec h digital
camera ca lled the Fotomun Plus. It can take
a nd sto re 3 2 pic ture s ill l PG fo rm at for
transmission to grou nd ..rations . The third
experiment is call ed Digitalker. It sim ply
con vert s a text string to vo ice output for
tran smission via the 70clll F1\I transmitter.
More informa tio n abo ut SAPPH IR E can he
fou nd o n the In te rnet a t [ h llp :/1

s t u d e n t s .cec , w u s tl.e d ur c s a pph i reI

s y sovcrvie w.hun I].

Starsh ine 3
Project Starshine is a program de veloped
by Gi l Moore of Mo nument, Colorado . to
e ncourage and involve yo unge r stude nts in
satel lites. Each Starshinc ..atellire is covered
with sm a ll ro und m irrors like a d isco ball.
Mirro r kits arc se nt to school groups that
wi sh 10 partici pate. The m irrors nee d to he
ground . polished and re turned for Installarion on the sa te llite. A fter launch th e stude nts lea rn abo ut sate ll ite o rbi ts. and 0 11
ap propriate passes. get a chance 10 see su nli ght re fl ect from th e sa te llite 's mi rrored
surface . S turshinc 3 is the th ird spacccrutt
in the series. hut the second to ac hieve urbit. Starshine 2 IS ready a nd wait ing for
launc h on STS- IOH later this year.
Starshi nc 3 is a 37-inch- dia met(. r ho llo w






14 5 8250

PC ~

435 2S0

1450 825

145.82 5

"'" '"
AX .25 flol


AX 25





1200 baud
AX 25 FM'

9600 baud
Stars h,ne 3

14 5 825


AX 25 FM

'SAPPHIRE ts atso capable 01 synthe:;;zed voiOe

Table I. New hamsat frequencies fMH: J.

73 Amateur Radio Icaey

December 2001 51

can be found a t [hn p:/Iwww.azine

The fin al passe nger o n the night was
PicoSal. This small sate llite was built by the
sa me gro up that has provided so m an y
UoSAT!i> o ver the years , Surrey Sate llite
Technology, Ltd " at the University of Surrey in Guild fo rd. England. The satellite was
built under contract with the U.S, Air Force
to te st four e xpe riments , includ ing an RF
beacon, GPS Ionosphe ric So unding Payload. a Polymer Battery. and an Ultra-Quiet
Stabilization Platform . There are no amatcur-radio-Irequency transmitte rs on board .
Check ( for more o n
projects from the folk !'> who brought yo u the
highly popular UoSAT!'>.

I'hutu A . PCSlIt. SAI' PHIRE, and Starsiune-B (Ill " tTe on boa rd the fi rst o rbital launch
from Kodiak Island . Alaska. (NASA Photo }

aluminum sphere covered with 1.500 mirrors.

3 1 laser retroretlcctors. and seven so lar-cell
cluster s. There is a lso a lJ600-baud pack et
teleme try sys tem o n 145.825 MHz 10 send
back data about the system's powe r status
and the satellite's spin nne. Data bursts urc
typically sent o nce o r twice a minute via a
1.25-wau FM tran smitter to a pair of q uarte r-wa ve mo no po le ant enn a s . Late r
Starshine satellites will incorporate spin-up
and spin-down systems. Hams are encouraged to collect telemetry from Starsfu ne 3
and forwa rd it via a rad io data collection
Web sit e [hllp: /I w w w.e pula t io l11/
sta rs binc}. The ma in mailing address is
Project Starshine, 3855 Sierra Vi sta Road.
52 73 Amateur Radio Today December 200 1

Monumen t CO 80 132 , Mo re information

about the past, c urrent and future programs

All of these satellites went to o rbit on a

Lockheed-Martin At hena-I booster from the
co mmercia l Kod iak launc h co mp le x on
Kod iak Island off the so uth coast of Alaska.
Th is was the third la unc h from the Alaska
Aerospace Deve lopme nt Corporation's new
27-acre co mple x. but the fi rst for an o rbital
mission d ub bed Kodiak Star. The Athena-I
is a three -stage rocket specifically de signed
for se ndi ng payload s that we ig h 3.300
pounds ( l 'sOU kgl or more to lo w o rbits.
The launcher for this flight was originally
slated to carry the Vege ta tion Canopy Lidar
satellite, hut due to schedule slips, and the fact
thai the satellite has grown 100 large for an
Arhcnu-I. ou r hamsats and Pico.Sat got a ride.
The fli gh t was broadcast via NASASe
lectTY. During the wait fo r launch and vario us co untdo wn ho lds. viewe rs got to sec
some of the beautiful sights on Kod iak Island. including wild horses m illing around
o ne of the tracking antenna!'>. buffalo grazing nea rby.fl oc ks of birds, and e ven whale s
off the coast. Tbe NASA broadcast also carried footage of the integration of the satellites
and the launche r preparations . Fo r detail!'>
about the Kodiak Launch Comple x. go to
[http:// www.akae rospace .co m].

W3ADO -11>BEACON,SGATE:TII712 ,162,163,052,213,213, 11111111,0011,1

I KB7ADO-8>BEACON,W3ADO- 1' :SYSTOP TEST NO users please. Wail lill users authorized.
I W3A DO-b APRS3:0 efautt LT3
I WMOO-bBEACON ,SGATE:H 713,159,066,139,044,213, 11 111 110,0000,1
I WMDO-bBEACON.SGATE:H715.1OB,102.067,232.213,111111 11,0010,1

I W3AOO-bAPRS2:Delault LT2
I W3ADO-1>BEACON,SGATE:TII719,110.103,089.158,2 13,11 111 11 1,0010,1
W3ADO-bBEACON,SGATE:U5 Naval Academy Prototype Comm. Sal. PCsat(A)

Table 2, A slIIa/l samp le

of packet data

received from PC.W I on its firs t day in orbit.




Mobile. Portable and Emergency Operation

Steve Nowak KEBYN/O

1671 7 Hickory 5 1.
Omaha N E 681 30- 1529

How Do You Communicate?

Ham rad i o operators often think uf themselves as great com m unicator s. and i n som e ways H 'C
ar e excell en t. In o ther ",'ay 5, such as when talking to n onhams abo ut th e bobby, we may tui ve
difficulty in get ting our message across.

here ' s a famo us comedy ske tc h in

which a charac ter anno unce s that he ' s
a ham rad io operator with " friends all over
the world - all over the world. (pause) BUI
no ne around here." We all laug h at the joke.
because the re is an eleme nt o f truth to it.
Some of us do better when in contact with
another ham thousands of miles away tha n
when talki ng with some people o nly a few
feet away. Of course. it could he arg ued that
the maj ority of o ur contacts a re 1I0 t rea lly
communication in the true se nse of the
word. If you r average Q SO cons ists of two
ca llsigns and " five -nine: ' it cannot be compa red to a true conversation. Howe ver. I
be lie ve that rno st o f us are rag-chewers at
heart and enjoy the co mmunicatio ns aspect
o f the hobby as muc h as the technica l side.
One of the most im po rtan t contac ts we ca n
ever make is with so meone who mi ght have
an in tere st in the hobby. Unfortunate ly,
while some hams are very skilled at this.
some o f us could use a little coac hing.
We need to have a steady stream o f new
hams in the hohhy o r et se we ca n bid a fond
farewell to the hobby itse lf. Without a significant pre sence. we hams are go ing to lose
our mo st impo rtan t reso urce - o ur freq uencies. The rea lity is such that being e lite doe s
not j ustify access 10 a rare co mmodity that
is in high demand . A sma ll number o f hams
who are high ly skilled, technically ex pe rt.
and dedicated to the hobby do not carry the
clout o f a large number of hams o f whatever caliber. Whethe r we like il or no t, Ihat
is a fact. T herefore. it is in o ur very o wn
se lfish best inte re sts to since rely invite in
as many potenti al hams as we ca n.
T here are a lot of people who could be
interested in the hobby, if we e ffec tively
commu nicated its be nefits. The problem is
tha t many people don.'I kno w it even e xists.
So me are not aw a re of the hobby at all,
while others thi nk tha i this went o ut wi th

Morse Code and the big ba nd s. Ham radio

is o ne o f the best-ke pt secrets around. We
need to let peo ple know ham rad io exists
and that they just mi ght e njoy themselves.
Kid s are na tural s fo r ham rad io tod ay. j ust
like whe n I was a kid. The d iffere nce is that
the y have a lot more o ptions , and like mo st
log ical people arc going 10 seek the path that
provides the mo st benefi t with the least inve stment. It's not a "d umbing down" as
much as commo n sense. Why sho uld anyo ne work twice as hard fo r the same o utcome? If my goal is to ta lk to peo ple all
over the world. I can d o that by ham rad io
or by the Internet. If I waruro talk to friends
at the other end of the am use men t pa rk, I
can use a two-me ie r HT, a cell pho ne , o r a
Fami ly Rad io Se r vice radio . W h ic h is
Rule Numbe r One : Foc us o n the be nefits
of the hohby. With my interest in emergency

commu nica tions. I fi nd it important that in

a pinch, ham rad io is the best c ha nce to
maintain commu nications . No other o ption
exists in some situations . Other people have
d ifferent bene fits to focus o n. Interested in
space? Ham rad io can communicate wit h
the Internat ional Space Sialio n and has its
own satellites . Enjoy mode l rocketry o r radio-co ntro lled aircraft? Ham radio can be
yo ur te lemetry or video do wn li nk as well
as you r co ntrol frequ ency.
Rule Nu mber Two : W he n spe aking 10
someone about ham radio, don' t try to impress them with your trials and tri bulations .
How man y people do we scare o ff with o ur
d issertatio n abo ut the d iffi culty o f the lice nse ex a m? Do yo u tru ly believe that most
fo lks who ha ve a po tentia l interest in the
hobby wouldn ' t be able to pass the e xam
Con fill ued on page 62

Pnoto A , Kids today can be as att racted to ham radio as we wert', bill we hare to compete
with the Internet and other technology to catch their attention.
73 Amateur Radio Today December 200 1 53

----------------- - ----------------HOMING IN
Joe Moell P, E. K00V
P.O. Box 2508
Fullerton CA 92837
[hlt p://]

Radio Direction Finding

ARDF Championships, Part 1:

Triumph in the Land of Enchantment
Just o ver a year ago, "Homing In" an n o unced th e search for a l ocal ra dio club to host the firstever na tional on-foot r adi o direction finding (RDF) cnemptonstnps i n t he USA . In k on tile la st
copy of til e p r ess r un was barely dry wh en Al b uq uerq ue Amateur Ra d io Cl ub (AARC) answered

the call. Its members were eager to put on this historic even t.

il'cnse plates ill Ne w Mexico proudly

proclaim that it's the Land of Enchantment. From Ju ly 3 1 (0 A ugUSI4. it was the
land of international-rules competitive RDF,
also called toxhunting. foxtailing radioorienteering. and AR DF. A nyone, wit h or
without a ham license , was welcome to enter the First USAARD F Ch a mpionships by
paying the registration fee a nd trave ling to
Albuquerque .
Perhaps AARC's leaders didn't fully understand what tIK'S were signing up for, hut

they were defi nitely up to the task. Following

the suggestions ill my site-search article, 1 they
arranged for ho using, local transportat ion ,
hunt venues, map s. medal s, and the endless
other details of a we ll-run radiospons e ven t. I
have much more to say about the fine peop le
tha t made it a rousing success. but firs t let's
focus 0 11 the competitors and ho w they fa red.

A cross-section of America
We sought entrants from e very part of the

co untry and with every ARDF ski ll level ,

fro m beg inner to expert. In the e nd, ten
sta tes from coast to coast and horder to bo rde r we re represented . Altho ugh there was
no form al teaming among the stateside hunt ers, some o f them had trained together and
put o n local prac tice sessions for each o ther.
Californi a se nt the grea tes t number. Th e
most experienced was Mar vin Jo hnsto n
K E6HTS from Santa Ba rbara. He had heen
o n Team USA for the A RD F \Vorl d C hampionships (WCs) in 199H ill H unga ry" and

- - -- -

Photo A . SCOff Moore KFOIKO otSanta Barhara is /lot having a

good day 011 the 211I IW/ I/, hut hi' will go 011 to will a silver medal
011 NOm.
54 73 Ama teur Radio Today December 2001

Photo H. Sixteen-year-old l ay Thompson W6JAY accepts gold

medals for both 801/1 and 2/11 from AARC president Mike Eaton

Pnoto C. lVl'llrillg his skirted" Flying Nun"

hat, Steve Shannonhouse from Georgia follows a wash: toward the fin ish co rridor.
2000 in China.' A stro ng promo tcrofARDF
in his home town, KE6HT S encouraged two
loca l ne wcomers, Scali Moore K F6I KO
(P h oto A) and Dave Jacobs K9KBX, to
ma ke the trip. and he he lped them with trai ning . Two othe r ve terans o f the C hina WC s
were Jay Thompson W6J AY (Photo B) a nd
his father Richard WA6NOL. who arrived by
train from Santa Ana, California. Jay, who
turned 16 just before the Albuquerque events,
was this year's yo ungest competitor,
Scot Barth KA6 UD Z and Ric k Barre n
KE6DK F are mem bers o f the San G ab riel

Photo E. As photographers and timers

stand a t the ready. Hvon Garrabrant
NfJ HG ofLas Vegas N V heads lip the corn.
dor to the 2m fin ish line.

Vall ey R adio C lub

near Lo s A ng e les.
Although thi s was
their fi rs t out -ofs t a te eve nt , the y
we re ex perie nced
fo xhunters. ha ving
already wall trophies
at on-foot hunts o f
ARRL Southwestern
D ivision conve ntions a nd the w est
Coa st V HF/ U H F
Conference .
The next-la rgest
regional group came
fro m the Peachtree
S tate . whe re th e
G eorgia Orienreering C lu b (GA Oe)
has been including

rad io-orienree ring

Photo D. Dick Arnett WB-ISU\-, ofErlange r KY catches his breath

after a gold medal-winning rim. After losing his glasses on the
championship course in China last yea r. he got a baud to keep
them firmly Oil his head this till/e.

in its activities fo r a
couple of ye ars unde r the leadership o f Sam
Smith N4MAP. O ther GAOC members in
A lb uq uerq ue were Ke v in Ha y wood
N4M G B, Ste ve Shannonhouse (P h oto C ),
and Bill Farrell.
Tra w ling south from the Den ver area
were Larry Ben k o W0QE, Dave
O ' E p a gni e r KOQ E, a n d L a rry No b le
N0 ND M. De spit e being newcomers, a ll
we re quic k learners and good athle tes. From
th e C i nci n na ti are a c ame Dick A rnett
WB4S UV ( P hoto D ) and Bob F re y
WA6EZV. Both ha d hee u to the C hina WC s
and had trained hard for success in 2001 .
Fou r localities with active ARD F pro g r a ms were re p re sent ed b y "one -m an
teams: ' Dale Hunt WB6BYU o f Yamhill ,
Oregon. was mo st experienced of the fou r.
having competed at the WC s in H un gary,
served on the Internat io nal Jury at the WC s
in C hina. and organized the 1999 InrcmationalAmateur Radi o U nion (lARV) Region
2 C ha m pio ns hips in Port la nd . near his
horne.' Harley Leach K I7XF anended the
C hina WCs and is p utti ng on fo xb unts at
M ontana Sta te U ni versi ty in HOleman .
w here he was professor of engineering for
many years . C harle s Scharla u NZ01 reprosc nred the Piedmont area of North Can II ina,
where he has been promoting foxhunting
since moving the re from Seattle. Byon
G arrabrant N6BG (P hoto E ) won fox tailing
trophies in southern California in the mid' 90s and is no w putting on events in Las
Vegas. Nevada , fo llo wing hi s recent move.
The remain ing three stateside en trants
le amedARDFhy competing ag ainst champio ns in o ther co untries. They were eage r
10 leach and sh are the ir kno wl edg e a nd

ex perie nce. Gyuri Nagi HA3PAlKF6Y KN

(photo F) and Csaba Tiszttarto arc Hu ngarian ci tize ns with USA resident status, living
o n the cast coast while in this country. Both
competed on Team USA in the WC s o f 1998
and 2()(X). Hiro shi " Ya h" Izuta JF I R PZl
KG6CEH was a national ARDFchampion for
1987 and 1993 in his native Japan . He now
resides in Sunnyvale. Ca lifornia.
It's tradi tional fo r fore ign hams to COIII pete in nat ional championships as visitors,
Con tinued o n page 5 6

Ph oto F. Gyuri Nag i HAJPtVKF6 r KN. " -I/O

trained ill III/II8ar); had the best times of
all ill the USA-only standings.
73 Amateur Radio Today . December 200 1 55

Photo G. .sta rvin l ahnston KE6 HTS ofSanta Ba rbara (right) put 011 a tri-tip beefbarbecue after the practice session around Fenton Lake. Ke vin Hayw ood N4M GB (left ) of
Georg ia O rienteering C/llb captured a bronze medal three dan later:

ccnrmuedjfcm page 55

so the inv itatio n went o ut to e very co untry in the wo rld with A R D F prog ram s.
Reg istra tio n s ca me in fro m Au st ralia.
C hina. Mo ngoli a. and Ukrai ne . T hey will
he fe atured in an upcoming " Ho ming In : '

with a dam and downstream river, surrounded

by stee p hills and canyon wa lls that went up
to the 8,40:) feet elevation.According to Kevin
Haywood N4 ~1GB. " Eac h GAOC member
took off in a different directio n with one o f
the transmitters and walked up the slope as
far as our lungs wo uld carry us."

RD F was tricky at Fe nton Lake. part icularly o n two meters as signals echoed and
sc attered o ff the canyo n walls. T he steep
hills made the course physically d ifficult,
no t to mention the swam is o f twin-engine
mo squitos that nearly carried me awa y. I
found o ut lat er that this was a haekup loca tion fo r the championshi ps in ca se the primary loca tio n co uld no t he used . II' s good
tha t didn 't happen !
A fterw ards. everyone enjoyed a Santa Barbara style tri-tip bee f barbec ue suppo.:r eourte...y of Marvi n Johnsto n KE6HTS_who had
been mari nat ing the tri-tips in a coole r for
three days on the way to A lbuquerque fPhoto
G ). O the rs provided salads and fix in gs to
com plete the meal.
J uly and Aug ust is "monsoon season" in
New ~fe x ico . warm moist air masse s come
in from the south. meet the mounta ins . and
trigge r thu nderstorm s almost eve ry afte rnoo n. T his day was no exce ption. and after
a couple o f brief showers during the 80meter hunt. a rea l g ully-wa she r br oke o ut
j ust as the barbecue e nded.
Nex t d a y. m o st o f t he com pe titors
chec ked into dorm rooms at the Unive rsity
of New Mexico (UNM ) cam pus near dow ntown Albuque rque . T hey ate there. too . at a
faci lity that co uld hard ly he ca lled a "do nn
cafe teria:' It was actually a full- Ilcdgcd food
co urt with a variety o f ho t and co ld selections fo r every meal. serv ing all yo u warn
10 cal.

Prepare fo r a monsoon
Earl y urri vcrs we re treat ed to full-Fl edged
practice sessio ns o n hoth 1WO- and eig htymet er bands, ho sted by the fo ur partic ipan ts
from Georgia O rienteeri ng Cl ub . T his too k
place Monday. J uly 30. at Fent on Luke State
Park. ncar Seven Sprt ngs. T he site . at 7,740
feel abo ve sea le ve l, incl uded a 25-acre lake

Photo H. This whbnsical MRC logo was 011

the from of competitor and srajfT-.\",in ,5.
56 73 Amateur Radio Today December 200 1

Photo I. April Moell trigiu] sounds the hom 10 sIa n Charles Scharlau ,"'IZQ I (left) and
Scot Ba rth KA6 ULJZ on the 80m hunt. Scott d rew # 1 in the start lottery. putting h im ill Ihe
first sta rting position 0 11 211I ami the last on 80m.

Meda l

Where are we going?

2m winne r s

80 m w inners

M I9 , 4 foxes

Jay Thompson W6JAY

Jay Tho mpson W6JAY

M2 1, S foxes

Gyuri Nagi KF6YKN

Sam Smith N4MAP
Hiroshi Izu t a KG6CEH

Gyuri Nag; KF6YKN

Dave D'Epagnier K0QE
Richard Barrett KE6DKF

M40 , 4 foxes

Dale Hunt WB6BYU

Charles Scharlau NZ01
Kevin Haywood N4 MGB

Dale Hunt WB6 BYU

Scott Moore KF61KO
Charles Scharlau NZ01

MSO , 4 f o x e s

Dick Arnett WB4SUV

Larry Benko W0QE
Robert Frey WA6 EZV

Dick Arnett WB4SUV

Robert Fre y WA 6EZV
Larry Benko W0 QE

M60 , 3 foxes

Harley Leach KI7XF

Harley Leach KI7XF

Table J. USA-only stand ings and medal winners by category.

Wednesday, Aug ust 1, was a full day of

Service about its "Leave No Trace" pro-

Sam Sm it h N4 MA P o f Georgi a
Orienteering C lub then stepped up to cover
all aspects of o rientee rin g maps an d forest
navigation techniques, followed by Dale
Hunt WB6BYU wit h a talk about ARDF
course stra tegy. T he se presentations were

gram. Next. AARC's Event C hair. Jerry

Boyd WB8WFK. thoroughly ex plained the
rules. The most signifi cant departure from
standard IAR U rules was an increase of the
maximum allowable time on each hunt (0
three hours. This gave first-time rs a greater
chance o f success. It a lso partially co mpensated for the high alti tude and a nticipated
hot. dry weather.
AARC decided to use the new agclgender categories that had been proposed and
debated by IARU offic ials in Eu ro pe and
Asi a, but had no t yet been o ffic ia lly approved , The new categories for ma le s. based
on the co mpe titors' ages on Jan uary I. are
M 19 ( 19 and younger), M40 (40 and olde r),
M 50 (50 and o lder), M60 (60 and o lder),
and M2 1 (intended for age s 20-39. but O K
for any male). IAR U also is conside ring fou r
new divisions for females, but unfortuna tely
no YLs entered these c hampionsh ips .

primarily for the newco mers, some o f who m

had never p articipated in a fuJI -c o urse
ARDF even t and ha d no idea wha t terms
like "cairn ," " spur," and " ree ntrant" mean .
Everyo ne re ceived a T-shirt with the
event's un ique "UFO" logo (blue for competitors, red for staff, see P hoto H ). Hyd ration backpacks and whistles were passed out
to all. for health and sa fety in the forest.
Competitors were told what 10 do in ca se
they got h un or lost. to summon hel p from
the Ne w Me xico Search and Rescu e Team .
The rest o f Wedne sday afternoon was for
traini ng and eq ui p me n t c he ckout, w ith
p le nty of 80m lind 2m transmitters o n the
air througho ut the U NM camp us. Everyone
wondered if the signal reflectio ns and bearing aberrations caused by campus b uild ings
were more severe than those they wou ld encounter in the forest. After that. it was lime
for a hearty dinner and a good night's rest

organization. instruction, and practice on the

campus. It beg an wit h the opening ceremo-

nies, self-introd uctions. starting-order lottery, and a presentation from the U.S. Fo rest

Buses boarded promptly at 0800 Thursday. Ru mo rs had been flying that the 2m
hunt would be in the Sand ia, San Pedro. or
Sangre de Cristo Mountains . but instead the
b us went 35 miles southeast o f the ci ty to
Manzano Mountain State Park. It parked
near the fin ish line, then AARC members
d ro ve a few hu nters at a time down a narrow d irt road to the starting point. where
t he bu s cou ld not hav e g o ne . Sco tt
Stevenson KC5VVB and h is crew o f vo lunteers were ready to send them o ff, two
from d ifferent age di visions at a time, into
the woods at fi ve-minute intervals correspo nd ing with the start o f Fox # 1 (MOE)
tran smi ssions (P hoto I), While they wa ited,
there was p lenty o f water and snac ks .
After receiving the ir I I x 17-inc h maps
just be fore stan time, h un ters d isco vered
that the starting line wa s at the north e nd o f
the hu nt a rea and the fini ..h line was to the
east . They would have to optimize their
routes to find the ir requ ired fo xes a lo ng the
way from start to fi nish.
JA RU ru le s prohibi t h unters from turning o n thei r receivers unt il they are at the
e nd of the stan corridor. o ut of sight o f the
hun ters still waiti ng 10 stan. Some s ta yed
at the end of the corri dor for a full 5-fox
transmi ssion cycle, taking care ful hearing s
on e ve ry required tra nsmitter a nd plotti ng
them o n their maps. Others immediatel y ra n
o ff to ward Fox # I .
The two -m e ter hu nt area encompassed
abou t XXO acre s of forest. with po nderosa
pine , pino n, and alligator j uniper. Purticipants in last ye ar's WCs in C hina agreed


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>f') I>~ hand ."" "'" the '<I~I" _
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h n . " onh '" ,II< IUIIobrd .....hod, K k<o ,ho ""'" f~ ..-.
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73 Amateur Radio Today ' December 200 1 57

th at vegeta tio n in Manzano Mountain Park

wa s much less dense. mak ing cross-country running easier. hu t not too easy. The
weather was better this year. too. T he direct
sun was quite warm. hut clouds increased
as the hum went o n.
A ltitude. which ra nged fro m 7. 250 to
7.840 feet. was the g reatest ru nning c ha llenge for many hunters. T he mosquitoes
weren't o ut in fo rce. but the forest fl oor had
bo ulders in many places. making it important fo r hu nters to m ind thei r footing . T he
stra ig ht-line course le ngth. from start to all
five foxe s and then to the fi nish. was just
unde r fiv e kilometers .
~1i k e Eaton K5M JE (A A RC presiden t)
and another vo lu nte er crew awaited the
hunters a s the)' ra n through the co rri dor
to the fin i..h line . Boy Scouts at the e ntrance of the co rrido r used Family Radio
Service ( FRS) rad ios to al ert the fini sh
line staff and photographers when run ners
approached . The last fi nish er ca me in just
as the afte rno o n's th unde rstorm be gan
soaki ng the fi n ish shel ter area. A spec ial e vent HF station (K5T) wa s read y. but no
one wante d to operate it with lightn ing
ne arby.
The bu s rou te was e xactly the sa me o n
Friday for the !lO-me te r hum. becau se that
hum ended in the same place . Ho we ve r,
the start w as 1.4 mi les southwest of the twometer sta rt. The SOm hu nt area was about
the same si ze and d irectl y south of the 2 m
zo ne . T he start ing lin e was at the we stern
hig h point, so it w as a ll d o w nh ill fo r the
co m pe tito rs if th e y c hose th e co rre ct
ro ute .
As they picked up thei r xnm maps. every
hunter was p lann ing how to do better tha n
the d ay before . For some. it was their fi rst
80m hum and they were using bo rrowed
recei verso For o thers. it was a n o ppo rtunity
to try OU I thei r just-completed hom e-brew
80 m A RDF sets.
S u re e no u gh . e very th ing we nt m o re
smoothly. bo th for the organizers and the
hunters . A lmost eve ry performance was
better, e ven though the course len gth was
10 per ce nt lo nger than on two meters. T he
hunt was o ver befo re the afternoo n rai ns
came. e xce pt for one lost com petito r that
I'll tell yo u abo ut next time .
The closing banquet o n Friday evening.
org anized and presided o ve r b y Bria n
Milesbosky N5ZGT, included an exce llent
Mexica n food bullet. the tradnionat roken
gift e xc hange. speeches of thanks. raffle
prizes, lots o f photos, and. o f COUTSC. the
meda ls . Afterwards. it was time to go pac k
the suitcases fo r departure by tra in. plane .
and high way the next morning.
58 73 Amate ur Radio Today December 2001

The winners are ...

Experience in hi s nativ e H ungary and at
the last IwO AROF WC s paid ofT for Gyuri
Nag! HA 3PN K F6 Y KN. who had the best
performance by a state side competitor on
both bands. Although he could have competed in M 40 division, he chose M2 1. re quiring him to fi nd all five fo xes. His time
w as under 5-1- minutes on 2m and under 50
minute s o n 80m. Clo se behi nd him o n 80m
w as newcomer Dave D'Epagnicr KOQ E
wi th less than 63 m inute s. O n 2m, Sam
Smith X4~1AP was next with less than 68
minute s. All medali sts in ~f2 1 had times
under 99 m inutes.
In .M-I-O division. D ale Hunt WB6BYU
cruised 10 a gold medal by findi ng his requi red four foxe s in le ss than 8 3 m inutes
o n both bands. Newcomer C harles Scharlau
NZOI had excellent under-t wo-ho ur time s
on both bands. But the big surprise in M-I-O
was Scou Moore KF6JKO, who found no
2m transmitters on T hursday and then went
o n to lake silver on 80m by finding all fo ur
in le ss than 86 minute s.
In ~150 . the go ld winner both days was
Dick A meu WB4SUV. He fo und his -I- foxes
in less th an 69 m inutes on 2m and 82 minutes on 80m. T he 2-day batt le fo r runn erup was between Larry Benko W0QE and
Bob Frey WA6EZV. Each went horne wi th
a silver and a bronze.
The yo ungest co mpetito r (Jay Thompso n
W6JAY) a nd the o ldes t (H arley Le ach
KI7XF) were in catego ries by themsel ves .
(Even though he was actually 59 at the lime ,
H arley was in M60 because " divis io n uge"
is the age on yo ur birthday in the competition ycar.) Each had excelle nt performances
and each took ho me gold medals . Harley
fou nd his req uired 3 faxes in less than an hour
each day. The complete list of all medalists in
the USA-only stand ings is in Table 1.
T hat's all fo r thi s month, bur there's lots
mo re to tell abo ut the fi rst USA A RD F
Champio nsh ip s. Co me back next month for
m ore storie s from New Mexico . The spo tlight will be o n the forei gn visitors. the o rgan izers, a nd the info rmal co m pe titio n
among the ci ties. Mean while. sian planning
on-foot o r mob ile transmiuer hunt" in yo ur
home town. J welcome your RD F stories
and photo s. which sho uld be se nt to the
postal or E-mail addre sses at the beginn ing
of th is anic1e.

2. Moell. Joe , "Horning In: A Banner Year

- More to Come." 73 Ma gazine. Jan ua ry
1999 .
3. Moell. Joe. " Hom ing In: A New Mille nn ium for Poxhunti ng," 73 Magazine,
4 . Moell. Joe. " Homing In : City of Roses
- and Foxes: ' 73 M aga zi ne, Oc to be r


f--- - - - - - - - - - - -- - 1999.

Microwind to the Rescue !

cotHinued Jrom page 16
o n the list. All th re e o f these su p p liers
c an be fou nd o n the Web. or you can
orde r b y p h one . The contact informati on for the se su p p lie rs is :

1-800-344-4 539
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1-800-528- 1417
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[h it p I
W h ile th ere ' s no reason why th e circuits c o u ld n o t he hui lt on s m a ll p ie ces
of pcrfboard. the printed circ uit b oard s
make it sim p le r, avoidi ng a ny hand w iring . 1 ca n provide a se t o f tw o bare
c irc u it board s. etched and d rilled. fo r

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mo ne y orders to :

216 East 10th Street
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If the re is enough inte res t. I will

consider o ffe ri n g a ki t of c ircu it
bo ards . e lectro n ic c o m ponents a nd the
blade adapter. K eep an eye o n m y Web
s ite electrifier.c om] for
upda te s and ad di tion a l information o n
thi s a nd many o the r proj ects .


I . Moell . J o e , " Hom i ng. In : USA
Foxhunting Championships 2001 _ Let' s
Start Planning Now: ' 7J Magazine. October


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VOM Primer

Ye Olde Fishpole Vertical

ccnrm uedjrom page 29

con unuea from pag e 3 5

re ad AC vo lts requi re s co nverting

the AC into DC and the n read ing the
DC in the usual way . A half-wave
rec ti fi er is used 10 conve rt the AC 10
DC. Half wa ve rec tific at ion prod uces a DC (a ve rage ) vo ltage that is
0. 3 183 x EI"'.... T he me ter face is
marked to ind ica te the RM S vo ltage.
which is 0 .707 J x E at. ' T he AC

the coax is con nec ted hack on the

meter reads average ~d indicates

R~IS .

Me asuri ng complex wave

shapes can lead to confu sing readings unle ss the shape is know n. If the
AC freq ue ncy is very lo w, the meter
will fo llow the vo ltage o r curre nt and
not indi ca te the average .
Most meters arc calibrated with 60
Hz. At low voltage s. the forward voltage drop across the rectifi er is significant. and a sepa rate low AC voltage
scale added 10 the meier.
Frequencie s above high a ud io are
no t usually measured wi th a V O ~1
bec a u se ' the c upnc i tancc o f t he
meter ' s ci rc u its is loss y or unprcdictable and the eq uiv ale nt mult ip lie r is
unkno wn ,
To s umm arize the lim itatio ns o f a
YOM: The ideal c urrent meter has
zero res istance a nd drops no vo ltage, A
rea l-world c urre nt meter has so me res istance and drops u litt le vo ltage , usually on the order o f 25 mV or 50 m Y.
T he idea l vo ltmete r has an infi n ite re sistance and d oc s not load the ci rcu it.
A real- wo rld voltmete r load s the ci rcu it under lest. The loadi ng is a function of the voltage sca le used and the
sensitivity o f the meter. T he loadi ng
pro vided by a voltmeter is g ive n as
ohms per vel I.
The AC voltmeter fun ction read s the
a verage o f the AC and indicates RMS .
The AC voltage is assumed to he a 60
H z s inuso id , Vo ltages o f audio fre q uenci es ca n he read with u nspecified
accuracy. The c irc uit under rest is s ti ll
loaded by the mete r.
The YO~1 is a must useful ins tru ment. It is rugged bu t not bu lletproof:
They can be abused to the detri ment of
the meter. In fact. the YOM is p robably the most used instrument on the
bench, and no benc h shou ld he wit hout
o ne - de spite its limitatio ns.

for kee pi ng re s ist ors. caps, c tc ., sorted

and ready for usc. T hey 're abou t 8" by
12" and are di vided into compartme nts
for easy sorti ng of part s. The price o n
these is ubou t $ 2. and so me times they
can he fo und o n sa le for half that.
Mark the outside o f the hox with the
contents for easy idcmificatiou .
A nd the re vou ha ve a " Builder 's
Do zen" of helpful h in ts for a more
s uccess fu l proj ect. Keep bui ld ing!
There ' s no end to the pride and sense
of accomplish ment achieved whe n you
create your own proj ec ts:

n g,
If you d on ' t have an ante nna analyzer, you w ill ha ve to go thro ugh the
purgatory o f reduci ng power and
checking and rechecking the S W R.
I also ob taine d good results hy using
the metal fram e of a door, a nd a n air
cond itioner metal frame mount.
There will d efinitely he variations to
the tuni ng. de pendi ng o n the inherent
density values surrounding your area o f
installation. In some cases a larger value
capacitor may be required. My capacitor
value turned out to be I 25Pf under a variety of different applications. If the in
stallation is to be permanent. then 1nca.... urc
the cap's value and replace with a good
fixed mica capacitor for a smaller foot print.
Follow the s imple ru les in resona ting an
ante nna. and I am sure that it wi ll work
quite as \ve ll for you a." it has for me .
I am sure that th is ante nna wi ll g ive
yo u more ideas fo r othe r ve ntures, and
I hope to he read ing a bout them .
Although th is anten na has bee n
tested at 40 watts. I recommend that it
he used fo r QRP only,
I used approx imate ly 25 fee t o f mi n i
RG-RX coax ca b le for my insta llat io ns. h ut R G -5 S co uld al so he used .
A lthough it has m ore ca pacitanc e per
foot. I am sure that you co uld get it to
resonate . Expe ri ment ! T he MFJ SW R
a nalyzer wou ld be a great a ssi st for the
ini tia l setup, Have fun! Get o utdoors
with your fa vo ri te hobby!

l----- - - - - - - - - - -R.DUE l} BEYOND

con lin u ed f ro m paqe 44
co nfigurations. were obtained: the se will be
made available to other amateurs. We make
these devices available for those w ho cannor find units at thei r o wn local swap meets.
The beige LNB. tested and read y 10 convert. is a vailable for $ 20 po stpaid from the
author. Please direct any q uestion on this
and any other items to Chuck WB61GP at
[ct ho ughw pacbctl.nct].

CUrl f in ued .fro m page 4 5

1------ - - ---- - - ---The Builder's Dozen

ccnnnued from page 3 6

I I . Vernier gear dri ve s can he erea ted from V HS tape p layer deck gearing. Use heavy pe rfboard as a
sand w ich to hold the gearing, T he
p last ic spacers de scri bed above can be
c ut to Conn the nece ssary comer s pacers and bearings. While not a tig ht professional unit. it has bee n in ser vice for
se ve ral years no w a nd works as it did
w hen new.
12 . S torage boxes, the o ne s so ld at
the craft s tore for storage o f thread o n
s ma ll pa per sq uares, make idea l units

either open up or sho rt ci rcuit. Lucky I'm

us. they ' rc ju st cheap bipo lar transi stors.
Openin g the SA-50 I a is easy: There arc
fo ur screws holding the bottom plate OIl. T he
top and rouom ha lves come apart. O il the
bottom plate. 3 7805 regulator is mounted
with a connecting cable leading 10 the main
PC bo ard. Thi s cable must he unpl ugged
hefore the two halves can come upart. Once
a part. there is one more cable that needs to
he messed with. That's the one that goes 10
the keypad . There is another smaller PC
hoard that holds the LED. This guy always
seem... 10 get in th e way.
The keying transistors are mounted on the
top right-hand side of the PC hoard. There
you will also find the bridge rectifier made
up of four diodes. These diodes provide the
SA5010 with the ability to o perate on either AC or DC power. Th e SA5010 is not
polarity-senstu ve either. These diodes w ill
al w ays select the prope r polarity and se nd
it the necessary ci rcuits.
PUlling the S A-5010 back together requ ires severa l more hands than most of us
Con tin ued on page 6 J

73 Amateur Radio Today December 2001 59

Jim Gray II
210 E. Chateau Ci rcle
Payson AZ 8554 1

DXers, Rejoice!
December should offer DXers some otthe best conditions or the year, as daytime signal absorption
and atmospheric n oise both decline to seasonal minimums in the northern hemisphere. Activity
on th e sun is also expected to moderate som ewhat, leaving plenty of opportunity to exchange
"season's gree tings " with stations worldwide.

shown on the calendar, eig htee n days should bring us at

least Fair (F) propagation conditions ~ the best days being
the l l th to 13th and 25th to 27th. whe n so lar activity is projected
to he very lo w. or co urse, there will be some disturbed periods.
and the whole week from the 2nd through 8th looks partic ular ly
disma l. Ot her " cri tical" dates are the 14th, 17th, loth, 23rd. 28th.
and 3 1st. so expect moderate flares. coronal mass ejections (CMEs),
and associated high flux va lues on thos e days. As always, geomag
netic effects may follow so me erup tions within 72 ho urs, so be
sure to monitor WWV for any deve lopments .
Last mo nth. I ment ioned that we wou ld look at the methods and
pi tfa lls of propagation fo recasting. Unfortu nately. due to various
constrai nts. this disc ussio n will have to wait until a future issue.
Ho wever, to set you to pondering the fi rst subject of my intended
discourse. let me pose a question: What doc s the latitude of your
station have to do with the propagation and quality of the HF signals
that yo u send or receive?




o' "







I I~".-.


,How. i;


I ~~

Decembe r 2001


2 F-P


3 P


C. _

Worldwide openings will occ ur from sunrise to j ust after sunset.

Europe . the Middle East. and Africa will be hest before noon. Ccntral and South America should remain open from midmorn ing
through late afternoo n. wit h some noontime fading. The Pacific
and Asia should open from noon thro ugh ea rly evening. Ex pect
skip to be 1.000-2.000 miles.


4 P


5 FP


6 F


7 F-P


8 F

10 FG

l1 G

12 VG

13 VG

14 P

15 F G

16 FG

17 FP


19 F P

20 F G

21 FG

22 G

23 F-P

24 F

25 G

26 VG


28 F-P


30 F-G
60 73 Amateur Radio Today. Decem ber 200 1

I ~'



,How. ,;














11017) (15-20)
(10) 15





"'. ro
'" "'.


,ro, ro,..

(' OJ -10 (15j -10

(20) 40

' 0 (201 10-17




('0 ' S)


's (<Ol



15 ' 7
1:10-401 (20)




, ,W,
, ,

15 ' I
) (1 Q.-20)

(1Q.-20) (1 Q.-15)



1:10-40) (10j 20 (1Q.201

' ''


(00 ' 21 1111) {1 21 ,., ('5 _20)

(1<J.2O) (10) :!O

110) 20

10 (15) ' 0 (201 110) 20

(1<J.'0) 10 (001 (W ) 00 (15201


10 (201


' ''


1' Q.-.2O)

'0 ('5)



i e ee

10 (20)






20 (-10) 20 (-10)

,W, , ,











(10115 (16-20)


(101 15

'''''W", ",





(10) 20


lQ.-1 5





' 0 (20) (10120


(15120 (10) 15 (15j 20

(10' 15) (101 15 1 ~ (201

(1Q.-151 (W_15)

'W ,



( ' 51







20 140)

, ~,




(1 51

( '51

120--40) 20 (-101


(IS )


(10) :10 (1 Q.-:I01

,ro, ,ro,

20 (<01


(' 0- 15)

( 1 ~1

(1 0) 15


. . .m
"" . rn







I I~ M

9 FG

.. ,

(15) 20


10- 12 Meters


(1 5) 20 20 (-IO) (20) 40 ~ .


Band-by-Band Summary


115) :!O :!O (40) 20 (40) 20 (401




, ~~~









(101l'O ' O ll'O) 10 (20) (10) 20 (15) 20

(1 5)
'<0' re 'W ,
""' , , , ,
, {l SI
""' , , '''', 'W,
(15 -W!
{101.2O (15-20)

,ro, , , , ,ro,
, (20-010)
(10)-1S) (15-20)

, se-se
10 15

11 (40)

(1<J.~ 0)



{'5120 {151:10


(101-10 I ~ -10


--"'-'00. """"-'"--


(2O) -IO






, Q.-20


(15) 20


(1~ ' '''1








IS (2IJ) {'~I.2O

(101 15 (1Q.- ' 5)




12 120)

(10 '51 1015




(IS) 20 15(201 11Q.-1"1 10 (151 (101 15





'0-20 1 1Q.-20


,e ro

Table 1. Band, time. CO Ull try chart. Plain numerals indicate

bands which should be ~vorkable on Fair to Good (F-C) and Good (C)
days. Numbers in parentheses indicate bands usually workable on Good
(C) days only. Dual numbers indicate that the intervening bands
should also be usable. When one number appears in parentheses,
that end of the range will probahly be open 0 11 Good (G) days only:

Listings are free of charge as sp ace permits. Please sen d us your Cal en dar Event two months in
adva nce of the issue you want it to appear in . For exam ple, if y ou wan t it to appear in the
Ma rch issue, we should receive it by December 3 1. Provide a clear, concise summary of the es-

sential details about your Calenda r Event.

ST. JOSEPH , MO The 121h annual Northwest
Missou ri Winter Hamtest, co-sponsored by the
Missouri Valley ARC and the Ray -Clay ARC ,
will be held 8 a.m.-3 p.m. at the Ramada Inn
in 51. Joseph MO. The motel is located all-29
and Frederick Ave. (Exit 47 on 1-29). Special

room rates are offered for hamtest participants.

Talk-in on 146.85 and 444.925. VE exams,
major exhibitors and flea market all indoors.
Free parking. Advance ticke ts $2 each or 3 for
$5; at the door, $3 each or 2 fo r $5 . Preregistration requests received after January
6th will be held at the door. Swap tab les $10
each lo r t he fi rst two tabl es . Commercial

15-17 Meters
Openings c an be found from sunri se to
mid-e venin g o n good days. Th e be st time s
will general ly be a b it after the peaks fo r 10
and 12 meters, bu t the ba nds sho uld remain
acti ve unti l about 9 p.m . local. Skip will be
shorte r, though , at on ly 1,000 miles o r so .

exhibitors are we lcom e , wr ite for detai ls:

Northwes t Missouri Winter Hamfest, c/o Neal
WB0HNO or Ca rle ne KA 01KS Makawski,
3704 Meadowoak Ln., St. Josep h MO 64503.
E-mail {};ortel. (8 16)2793406.

by phone . Talk-in on 146 .64{-), the DART rptr.

For info about the swa p, ti ckets , o r table
reservations, mail to HPARC, Po. Box 368,
Hazel Park M148030.

JAN 20

DEC 14, 15

HAZEL PARK, MI Th e Hazel Park ARC's 36th

An nual Swap & Shop will be held at the Hazel
Park High School , 23400 Hughes St., Haze l
Park MI, 8 a .m.-2 p.m . Gen eral admission is
55 in advance o r at the door. Plenty of f ree
parking . Tables $14. Reservations for tables
must be received with a check. No reservations

BETHLEH EM, IN The Clark Coun ty ARC will

operate W9WWI 1500 Z December 14th2200Z Dece mber 151h , in celebration of the
Christma s seas on . Ope ration wi ll be on
Gen eral 75 , 40 , and 20 meters. QSL with an
SASE for a certificate to CCARC, 1805 E. 8th
St., Jeffersonville IN 47130.

static w ill occu r on pa th s across tha t area.

The strongest sig nals are li kely to be from
Europe , Africa , and the M iddle East he tween s unse t an d mid n igh t. S ho rt-ski p
wi ll ty pica lly fa ll b etw een 1,500 and
2 ,0 0 0 m il e s . Un til ne x t ti me, 73 a nd
Hap p y Ho lida y s ! Jim Gray, [ ak dh c Z
p ilo t @yahoo. com }.


20 Meters
Around-the-clock activity can be fo und
here . Expect peaks just after sunrise. From
la te afternoon to early evening, and just
before midnight. Central ami So uth America
should be workable at all ho urs e xcept sunri se . Skip wi ll average 500-- 1,000 miles
d uring the d ay and 1,500--2,000 miles at
nig ht.

30-40 Meters
These bands will usually be open bet ween
7 p .m. and 7 a .m. local lime . Euro pe and
the Near Ea st will be be st befo re midnigh t
while the Far Ea st and the Paci fic will be
best after 12 a .m . T he Americas sho uld be
open all night long . Expect short-sk ip to be
from 1,000--2,000 miles.

80-160 Meters
Dec ember is a goo d mo nth fo r these
hands, gi ven the long northern nig hts and few
tropical disturbances. The greatest storm activity will occur in the South Pacifi c, so most


con tinued f rom page 50

de ve lopment whee ls to slow to a c raw l. Bu t

the work keeps goi ng and, if anything, the
tempo in creases. It takes a mighty amount
of brain powe r to continue to push fo rward
o n these d iverse fro nts as m uch as Dave
does .

Ham bands are busy

coruinuedfrom page 59
are eq uipped wi th . J ust p lug the v ario us
ci rc uit board s bac k into their j ack s. T hen
sq ueeze the two halve s toge the r and, with
a b it of lu ck, it will a ll fi t. I' ve found that
it takes abo ut a half a d oze n tri e s before
yo u get eve ry thing b ac k to ge the r like it
sho uld be .

HW-8 modifications
We ' re sti ll looking fo r more m o difi c a tio ns to the Heathk it QRP series. No
m atte r h o w si m p le o r co m p le x , if yo u
ha ve a modifi cati on o r a fi x for a p rob lem wi th a ny of t he r adi os, p lease pa ss
it on 10 m e .
And, by the time this gets to prin t, I'll
ha ve uploaded PC board la yout and c ircults for the HD- 141O ke ye r on m y web
si te . C heck the m o ut at : [http :// w w w.
the hca thki tsho m] .

As this is being written, it is o ne of the

ho tte st A ug ust months r can recall . 11 hit the
hu nd red mark j ust 30 m iles do wn the road
fro m he re yesterd ay. I like to stay inside
during that kind of weathe r. And I get lazy
and like to play with the rad io .
Us ually, this time of year seems to lack
for rad io ac tivity a bunch o f the time, hut
this ye ar is givi ng plen ty of action. I am
see ing ple nty of fore ig n c all signs o n the
monitor. Sometimes they are not direc t, but
at least they arc being wo rked by someone
in a be tter spot for the propagation .
Other times. these sig nals are dropping
in here just as well as they mi ght in (he early
pa rts of Spring. I think some of thi s is hecause the popularity o f the d igital mod es is
keeping ham s involved, and when that happens someone is Oil the air at the right time to
take advantage of unpredictable openings.
What I am saying co ncerns acti vit y. It
Continued on page 62
73 Amateur Radio Today December 2001 61


continuedJrorn page 61
doesn't ha ve to be d igital. or a certain ba nd
or mode . W hat matters is that there aTC
enough statio ns on the air and listening 10
make some of those thrilling contacts to
remote regions and faraway places.
Thai being said. we c all ge l back to the
fact that digita l modes arc causing a real stir
in the ham ranks and a great percentage of
the fun is to he had bec ause of the new
modes we discuss here . Keep it up. guys!
One fina l no te . I j ust received my fi rst
Digita l Po rt- re lated E-mai l due to an article
in the Se pte mber issue . ]\;OW I kno w that
the new E-mail address is o ur there and
working. Always g lad to hear fro m you
folks in ham radio land .
I f you have q uestions Of comments abou t
this co lu m n, E-mail me at [ KB7NO

@wnrldncLall,netj . lwillgladlysharewhat
I know or find ,. resource for you. For now,
73, Jack KB7NO,

conlinuedJrom page 53

with proper preparation'! Also, don' t take

offense if people co nfuse ham radio with
CB. Sure , there's a world of difference, but
to many people, "Ten-four good huddy"
doesn't sound signi ficantly different than
"Roger and thanks fo r the CUl>SO:'
Rule Number Three: Focus on the community that enco mpasses ham radio and
how supportive it is. There arc classes to
hel p people prepare for their firs t exa m or
an upgrade. If you prefer to study alone,

there are "EImers" who will I'll.' happy to

ans wer a question or explain a co ncept.
Maybe someone would enjoy being part of
the Field Day gro up or the hamfest comminee. Get tWO hams together at a restaurant on a regular basis and soon it' ll be a
small crowd enjoying the camaraderie .
Rule Number Four: Let people know how
much ham radio helps out the neighhorhood
and the community. When people think of
a disaster, they may automat ically think of
such organizations as the Red Cross or Salvation Army. These age ncies depe nd upon
hams to help them in their relief effort. If you
live in an area that is subject to had weather,
you know how important SkyWarn is to the
weather service. Hams' role in public service
covers everything from the Christmas Parade
to support at college football games.
Rule Number Five: It' s a hobby. It's supposed to be fun. Most of us want to share
the fu n with others we like, so focus on how
much fun you've had with the hohhy. Focus on the fun yo u've had recently, not hack
in the good old days.
Now, don 't just sit there : Go tal k to
somebody abou t how great a hobby this
is ! If yo u hel p someone become a ham,
let me know. If yo u've been think ing o f
becomin g a ham and this helps make up
you r mind, let me know th at. I can' t wait
to hear from you .


conunueaIrom page 7

increased by about 20,000 since April15th of 2000.

At the same time, the total number or combined
Techn ician and Technician Plus operators has
de clined . Also, th e
number of Novice
class license holders
has been deteriorating
Be autifu lly hand-polished .
stead ily since 1991,
when the No Code
S ta mpe d bra s s c ase and
Technician became
b e zel.
the entry level license
C urved gla ss c rystal.
of choice. There were
95,000 Novice license
Wall or bulkhead mounting.
holders on February 1,
Made so we ll th ey la s t from
1991. Mara says that
gen eratio n to ge neration !
today there are only
42,000, a decrease of
Order this mo nth a nd s ave
60 percent.
On the surface , it
wo uld appear that
Vour price $75
Chelsea Clock
there is a significant
Clockmakers since 1897
net loss of hams who
Omega Sales
T he c h o ice o f T he Coast
held telegraphy skills,
P.O. Box 376
but Meta says that this
Gua rd Foundation .
too may be inaccurate,
Jaffrey NH 03452
Quartz Clock
sinc e many Tec hni n
cians do indeed have
4 Dial
their 5 wpm Morse
62 73 Ama teur Radio Today ' December 2001

rating, as mentioned above. But they are now

lumped in an FCC database that uses the term
Technician to desc ribe them all . In fact, this
alone renders the term No Code Tech as being
And here's the real kicker. Reducing the Morse
testing s peed to 5 wpm has not accounted fo r
any sign ificant numbers of new applicants for
ham radio licenses. What it has done is to mortvate existing hams to upgrade to get new privileges, but thaI's about it. The bottom line is that
the number of amateurs in each license class
has merely been rearranged.
Mate's conclusion? Amateur Radio is notgrowing in relation to the growth of the nation's population. He says that reduction of the Morse speed
to 5 wpm and fewer license classes has had no
discernible impacton growth inthe United States
Amateur Radio Service. Or at least none so far.
Thanks to David Black KB4KCH and the W5Y I
Report, via Newsune. Bill Pasternak WA61 ~


f------- - - - - - - ----NEUER SRY DIE

continuedJrom page 8

the position of deputy administrator at

the EPA ? Linda. no w an executive with
Monsanto, had worked for the EPA for
10 years he fo re heading M onsanto 's
Washingto n lobbyin g office . Back at the
EPA in a top pos itio n, she' ll he mak ing
bi otech food decis ions which ca n affect
us ull.
A nyway, here arc some quotes from
the vaccine article.
"The grandson of Congressman Daniel
Burton. of Indi ana, was vacci nated for
nine different diseases in one d ay. Before the vaccines he had been a healt hy
child. Now he suffers from uutisrn."
"Autism has an onset be fo re 30
mo nths of age. There has been a dramatic increase in this (psychi atr ic) disorder throughou t the Un ited SLates during
the last six years. Stat istics in O hio show
a 6,822 percent increase o f this di sease
over that period of time . California has
ex perienced a sim ila r explosion in the
number o f new cases of au tistic ch ildren.
Nationa lly, we have had a 26 percent
increase per year:'
"Mercury is used as a preservative in
many vaccines, With those ni ne vacc ines,
Congressman Burton's gra ndson was injected with 4 1 times the considered safe
level o f mercury in one day. Mercury poisoning alone has been linked to autism,
other learn ing difficulties, an d emot ional
d isorders. Chi ldren under 2 vcars
of ace
do not produce enough hiIe (0 remove the
mercu ry, so it deposi ts in their brains, the
kid neys, and in o the r vital orga ns. For
ma ny persons this heavy metal is never
eliminated fro m the body.'
Heard eno ugh?

Here a re some of my b(J()k~ whir h

ca n cha nl:e ) OUI'" life (if )'ou ' lI lei
' ern ]. If the idea of twin!: healthy,
wealthy and wtse Interests you, sta n
read in!:. Yes, JOu can he all thllt. hu t
onlJ "hen yo u know th e secre rs
which I've spent a Iifethn t uncoverins:.

. .Way ne
The Sec ret G uide to Health : Yes.
there really is a <;ette{ to regaining }uur
Ikalth and adding 30 to 60 years of
health)' 1i\111j! 10 yuur _wee is
simple. but il means making some serious lifet>I}'k changes. Will you be skiing tbe slopes of Aspen with me when
you' re 90 or dodde ring around a nursing 1ll.1I11e?Or ptNting up dri~io::r.? :"10, r m
not selli ng any health products. but I
can help you cure yourself of cancer,
heart trouble, or any other illness. Gel
this ne w, 200 1 expa nded editio n
(156p), $10 (#05)
Th e St"i:ret Guide to wealth: Just as
wi lh health. YOll' n find that yoo have
brett brainwashed by -ee system" imo
a panem of life that will keep } 'OU from
ever making much mone y and having
the freedom 10 travel and do .... hal you
....'ant. 1 explain how any~ can gel a
drum job wilh no college. no r6ume,
and even withou t any experience. I
explain how you can gel MlmeoRe 10
happily pay you to learn what you need
to know 10 start your own busincss. $5
The SlCrt't Guide to Wisdmn : This
is a review of around a hunllred hooks
thai will boggle your mind and help
you change your life. :"10, I don' t sell
theM- blw. 1bef re 011 a wide f1lJ1lle of
subjecls and will Iklp to make you a
\"Cf)' intere5ting po;nm. Wait'D yoo SI.-"e
some of lbe I;ems you'\'e mis..ed reading. You' Dh,weplenl~lOffascinating Sluff
10 talk about on ~ air, $5 (11021
The Bioelectrirler Hlmd hook: This
explains how 10 build or buy (S I5S, a
lillIe eleclrical gadgel Ihal ca n help
ck an your " Iood of any virus, microbe,
parasite, fungus or yeast. The process
was disco vered hy scientists al the
Albcrt Einstein College of Medicine,
'JukU)' patcnc oo. and hushed up. It"scur-ing AIDS, hepalitis C, and a hunch of
other serious illnesses. It's working
miracles ! The circ:uil can be "ui h for
under $20 from the i nslruclion~ in the
book. SIO(#OI)
~t , WWII Submarine Ad \ ~n lurh:
Yes, 1spenl from 1943-1945 on a sub
marine, righl in the middle of the
widl Japan. We a!JnlN: gOI wok SI:\l.T.l!
limes. and [\\'ice 1was in the righl place
at the ril;hl time to save the ooat .
Wha t's it rea lly like 10 he dep th
charged ? And what's the da ily life
abo.:lrd a submarine like? How ahout

the Amel ia Earha n inside story ?l f

you're near Mo bile, please visit the
Drum. S5 (# 10)
Wa} ne's Ca rihbean Adwnlu l'\'S; !<tly
super budget travel stories - 10. here I
visit Ilk haruv and scuba di ve mOSI of
the islands of the Caribbean. You' ll
10\'1' the specialLia r fare which let me
visit I I countries in 21 days, diving
all bUI one of Ilk islands, G uadc joupc,
where the hams kepi me too busy with
pan ics. $:'i (#12)
Cold t"usiun Overview: This is b oth
a brief history of cold fusion, which 1
predict will be one of the largest in,
destries in the world in the 21 sl ce nrury, plus a simple explanatio n of how
and why it w orks. This new fi eld is
going to gcoer-ue a w hole new bunch
of billionaires. just as the personal
compu ter indusU)' did . S5 ( #20)
Cold Fusion Journa l 11Jcy laughed
.... hen 1 predicted the PC industry in 1975. Pes are no.... the IhinJ
largest industry in the world. The co ld
fusion ground Iloor is still wide open.
but then Ihat might mean giving up
watching hall games. Sa mple: $ 10 (1t22 )
J ulian Schwinl:cr :A Nobel laureate' s
talk about cold fusion -c-confirmmg its
validity, $2 (#24)
Do....sin 2. Yes. dowsing really does
work. I explain ho.m and why il works,
opening a huge new area for sciemu ic
research ....ilb profound effects, for humanity. S2 (#84)
Improv ing State Governmen t : Here
are 2.J ways that slate governmerns can
cut expenses enormously, Io. hile pr0viding far beller ser,dce . I explain how
any government bureau or department
can be gotten to cut it's expellSl.'S hy at
least 50% in Ihree year.; and do it cooperatively and enthusiaslically. I ex
plain how, by applyi ng a new technology, the state can make it possihle to
provide all needed services without
having to levy /lI1)' taxes at all! Read
lhe book, run for your legislature, and
Jefs get busy making this counU)' 10.'00:
like its founders wanted il TO. Don't
lea\'e Ihis for someone elsc" lo do. S5
~Iankind 's Extinction Pred iction.s: If
an)' one of the expens who have: wrilten book.s predicting a SOOrl-to-co me
catastrophe which w ill virtually wipe
most of us ou t are right, We ' re in
trouble, I explain the various disaster
scenarios, like Kostradamus, who says
the poles will soon shift (as they have
several li nll'S in !he paq), wiping out97%
of manlillll, Okay. so he' s made a kIIlg
string of pa'" Iud :)' gues.'Ci. The Worr.l
pan of the.'>e predictions is tlk accuracy record of !>OInt' of the experts lik.e: f1apgood. Einstein, Snow. S~,
Felix, Strieber. S5 (#31)
~loond oll:ll:l e : After reading Rene's
book, NASA }.Ioonl'J Aml'rica. 1 read
e\'er)'lhing 1could find on our Moon
landings. 1 watched the ;.!ASA vid eos, looked carefully at the photos ,
read the astronaufs Iliographies, an,1
tal ked with readers v. ho worked for

:"IASA. This book cites 45 good reasons I believe the Io. hole Apollo pr0gram had 10 have been faked S5 (1f321
C lassical ~I us ic Gu ide: A list of 100
CDs \\ hich will provide you w ith an
OUIS13nding collectio n of the finest
classica l music ever .... nnen. This is
wha t yo u need 10 he lp y'OU reduce
stress. C lassica l music also rai ses
youngster's IQs, helps plants grow
faster; and will make you healt hier. Just
wai t' II you hear SlHtleofGotschalk's fabu lous music! $5 (#1\)
The Radar C u ver u p : Is p olice radar
dangerous? Ross Adey K 6VI, a world
a uthority, confir ms tnc dangers of radio and magnetic fields, including our
HTs and cell phones . S3 (#34)
Three rt auo Tlllks : A prize-winning
teac her explains what's wrong with
American schools and why our Idds are
IlOl being educated. why are Swedish
young sters, wbo SIan school at 7 years
of age, Iea\'ing our kids in the dus!'!
Ou r k id s are inte ntio nally bein g
dumbed dow n by our school system
- the least effective and most cxpens tve in the world, S5 (#35)
Aspertame : a.k.a . ;.!utraSweet, the
stuff in diet dri nks, etc., can cause all
kinds of serious health problems. Mutnplc scleros is, for one . Read all about
it, [\\-0 pampltleU for a buck. (#38)
SI !\Iillion Salt'S Vidl'O The secret of
how yo u can generate an ex ira mi llion dol laJ'\ insalesji.N byusing PR_This
will be one of the best mvesuneus you
or)'OOl" blt\i~ will ever make. $.10(#521
Rep rin ts tI( ~IJ Ed itorials fro m 7J ,
'kry few things in this world arcas we' ve
been 1aUght, anJ as ~ appear. I blow
the whistle on the scams around us., SllL'tl
as the health care. our school system.. oor
money, the drug war. a co llege education.
sugar. the 1'000 gilUllS, \lur unhealthy food,
nuorido::>, EMfs, NutmS weet ele.
1996 f .ditorials: 120 pages, 100 choice
editorials. S10 (#72)
1997F.ditormls: 148 fun-packedpages.
216 editorials. 5 10 (#74)
1998 fAitorials: 168 paget> that'll gi\'e
you lots ofcontro\ersial lbings to talk
about on the air. 5 10 (_75)
1999 Edi torials: 132 pages of ideas.
hook re\'iews, heallh, education. and

anything else I think yo u ought to

know about. SIO (#76)
20U() Edito ri als: 76 pages (thinner
magazine as a result of our slowly dy ing hobby) $5 ( # 77 )
Siher WilY: \\'1 lh 110.'0 5-in. pieces of
heavy pure silver wire + three 9V batterie<. you can make a thousand dollars worth of silver colloid, What do
you do with it? II does what the antibiotics do, but germs can' t adapt to it.
Use itto get rid of germs on food, for
skin fungus, warts, and even to drink,
Read some hooks on I he uses of silver
colloid, it's like ma gic. $ 15 (#80)
Silw r CoUuid RepMnL April 97 arti cle
on a silwr oolloid maker, hislCf)', and how
to use the SlUff. 55 (1f'J81.
Colklid Kit. Three 9V battery clips. 2
aligaroe chps & iINructions. S5 (#991.
Wlill ne'S Bell Savee- Kit . The cable
and instructions enabling you 10 inexpensively tape An Bell W60BB's
night ly 5-hr radio talk show. S5 (#83 )
73 Writer's Guide : It's cas", fun. can
pad your resume, and impress the hell
out of your friends. SO (1/78)
Cold Fusion Slx-Pack: Six Cold Fusion Journ al back Issues 10 hring you
up to speed. $20 (# 19)
~ '\ S A Mo on ed A m e r tee : Ren e
makes an air-tig h t case tha t NASA
faked the Moon landings. This book
will convince even you . $30 (#901
I.a st Ske ptic of Science: This is
Rene' s book where he debunks a
bunch of accepted scientific beliefs such..... the ice ages, th: E.utlt being a magnet, the Moon causing tilt tides. ere.530
Dark -' loon: 568 pages or carefully
researc:hed proof that Ilk Apollo Moon
landi ngs were a hoax--a capping blow
for Rene's skeptics. $35 (#92)
J)llrk !\loon Video: 222' I1I inule exposC
nai ling NASA with their own photos,
If yoo' ve watched the NASA fi lms of
Ihe astronauts walking on the !<t100n
" OU wo nde red al their weird ga il.
Waie ll you see it specdl:d up. It looks
exactly like they' re running on Eanh!
The y catch NASA in dotens of givea\\a}'s lhal the photos and films had to
ha\e been faked. S.J6 (#931



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73 Amateur Radio Today December 2001 63

Barter 'n' Buy

Tum your old ham and computer gear into cash now. S ure, you ca n walt for a hamfest to try and dump it, but you know you'll g et a far more
realistic p rice if you have it out where 100,(l(X) active ham poten tial buyers can see it, rath er than th e few hundred local hams who come by
a Ilea market table . Check your attic, garage, cellar and clos et shelves and get cash for your ham and comput er g ear before irs too old to
sell. You know you 're not going to use it again . so why lea ve it lor your widow to th ro w out? Tha t slufl isn't gettin g any young er.
The 73 Flea Market. Barter 'n' Buy, costs you peanuts (almost) - come s 10 3S cents a word lor indi vidual (noncommerciall ) a ds and $1 .00
a word lor commercial a ds . Don'! plan on telling a long story. Use abbreviations, cram it in . But be honest. There are plenty of hams who love
10 fix th ings. so if it doesn't work , say so ,
Make your list, count the words, including your call, addres s and phone n umber. Includ e a check or your credi l card number and expiration.
II you' re placi ng a commercial ad, includ e an additional phone number, sepa rate from you r ad .
Th is is a monthly magazine. not a daily new spaper. so ligure a couple mont hs be fore the action s tarts ; then b e p repared. If you get too many
calls, you price d it low. If you don 't get many c alls, too high.
So get bu sy. Blow the dust oil, check eve rythi ng out. mak e sure it still wo rks right and maybe you ca n help make a ham newcom er or retired
old timer happy with that rig you' re no t using now, O r you m igh t get busy on your compute r and put to gether a list of small gear/pa rts to send
to those interested ?

Send Jour ads and payment to : 73 Magazine, Barter ' n ' HlI):, 70 Hancock Rd., Peterborough Ml 03458 and get set for the
phone calls. T he dead line fo r the f ebruary 2002 classified ad sccuon is December 10, 20()1.

220 MHz Award; see W9CYT on WWWORZ,

COM for information.
K8CX HA M GA LLERY [http://hamgalle ry. com].
250 pi cture s/pr ices. $1 2 postpa id. ARTIFA X
BOOKS. Box 68, Maynard MA 01754. Telegraph
Museum: Ihnp:/].
BNB1 13
New miniature OSCillator modules are nowavail
able ... all under $20 ... plus our great reference
bOOk is still lor sale. Write to RMT Engin eerin g.
6863 Buffham Road, Seville OH 44273 or see
our Web site at [www.chlo.netr-rtormetr
index.htmll] .
2SC1972, MRF247, MRF455, MBa719, 2SC1307,
2SC2029. MRF454. 2SC3133 , 4CX250B, 120 0 6,
6KG6A, etc , WEST GATE. 1-800-213-4563.
WITHOUT HANGUPS Johan N3RF. send $1 ,00
RIES. P.O. Box 81 , Washington DC 20044 USA.
Cas h for Co ll ins: Buy any Collins Equipment.
Leo KJ6H l. Tel./FAX (310) 67Q.6969. (radioleo O
Bro wse our Web site and check out the
" Monthly Spec lal. TDl Technology. Inc. [_
zia net.comltdl].


Thomas Appleby (copyright 1967). second printing available from JOHAN K.V. SVANHO L M
RI ES. P.O. Box 81, Washington DC 20044. Please
send $25,00 donation with $5.00 for S&H,
Ham Rad io Repair, Quality workmanship. All
Brands , Fast Service. Affordable Electron ic s.
7110 E. Thomas Rd., Scottsdale, AZ 8525 1. CaU
480-970-<1963 . or E-mail [HAM $ERVlCEOAOL
64 73 Amateur Radio Today Dec ember 2001

SATEL LIT E TV - Large selection 01 items at

reasona ble crces. We specialize in Big Dish
TVAO C & Ku Band equipment. Check us out at
HEATHKIT COMPANY is selling photocopies of
most Heathkit manuals. Only authori zed source
lor coPYright manuals. Ph one: (616) 925-5899,
8-4 ET.
BN B964

Ell Olic 2002 Car ibbean Hamboree -- Join us in

meeting with Caribbean hams, visiting jnteresting Georgetown, Guyana . opera ling from great
OX location. March 2931 102. For information
contact KK4WW, 8R1WO or (www.publiC.usit.

f-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


egant, inexpensive, comprehensive, logical. easy!
E-mail UlldlindO earthlink.netj.

Electricity, Magneti sm, Gravity, The Big Bang.

New explanation of basic forces of nature in this 91
page book covering early scientific theories and exploring latest controversial conclusions on their relationship to a unified field theory. To order, send
check or money order for $16.95 to: American Science Innovations, P.O. Box 155. Clarington OH
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aSi_2000. com].
"box of batteries' for hundreds 01 dollars? Current
regulated. AC powered. fully assembled with #12
AWG silver eleclrodes, $74.50. same, but DC pow.
ered. $54.50. Add $2.50 shippiog. Thomas Miller.
216 East 10th SI., Ashland OH 44805. Web address ( ].

To place your a d in

73 Magazine
Evelyn Garrison

l r ~ rn.D

STATl:S I'f lS Y" L S ~. WV Il1-:"" St... ..... ,,' 0 .. """",1' "'.... ,._
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