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Thanksgiving Community Lovefeast

Sunday, November 22nd

5:00 p.m.
Dieners, Coffee-maker, Ushers, and
Clean-up help needed.

Sunday, November 15th

Please sign-up in the

New Beginnings
Moravian Church

following worship

Receive the State of the Church report

Elect members to your Board

Approve the 2016 budget

fellowship hall.

Members, please make every effort to

be in attendance.

3, 4, & 5th
Volunteers are needed for
set-up, sales,
break-down and clean-up
Watch for sign-up sheets!

CandleCandle-Trimming Workshop
December 6th
Join in the fun as
homemade beeswax
candles are wrapped
in their red frill,
in preparation for our
Christmas Eve
Questions? Speak with Jan Richardson

Its time for our Youth Christmas Pageant!!

Sunday, December 6th
All youth of every age
are encouraged to be a part of
this years old familiar story
told from a
whole new perspective.


Please sign-up in the fellowship hall
by November 8th.
PracticeDecember 5th a.m.

Building a community guided by the Holy Scriptures, preparing it to reach out in word and deed, with faith, joy &
compassion, spreading the message of hope through Jesus Christ while celebrating Gods everlasting love & grace.

Page 2

New Beginnings Moravian Church

Classes for Every AgeYoung & Old!

children, ages 3-4 years October Theme: Creation
Circle Time, Craft, Music, Bible Story, , Snack

G.P.S.children, Kindergarten through 4th grade

What we can learn from the Bible & Dr. Seuss

November Thankfulness
youth, grades 5th through 8th
Faith through Film, Talk Sheets, current events
(will not meet on Joyful Noise Sundays)

9:30 a.m. each Sunday

Wednesdays, 7-8 pm

watch for the next

offering of this class.

Wednesdays, 7-8 pm

The following companies donated to our Cars for a

Cause Car/Cycle/Truck Show. Please patronize them
when possible.
131 Main, Huntersville
OCharleys, Concord
IHOP, Kannapolis
Bagel Bin, Huntersville
Lupies Caf, Huntersville

Our children are practicing weekly for

several upcoming activities.
Practice is the first 5-10 minutes of
Sunday School, and all youth are
encouraged to participate.
(in the Toddler Time room)

Huntersville Family Restaurant

Applebees, Concord
Food Lion
Norman Tires, Stanley
Tuffy, Huntersville
Tenders, Huntersville

2 Corinthians 8:1-5
1And now, brothers, we want you to know about the grace that God has given the Macedonian churches. 2Out of
the most severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity. 3For I testify
that they gave as much as they were able, and even beyond their ability. Entirely on their own, 4they urgently
pleaded with us for the privilege of sharing in this service to the saints. 5And they did not do as we expected, but
they gave themselves first to the Lord and then to us in keeping with God's will.
Pauls words to the Corinthian Church of his day about stewardship and giving, and the churches responsibility within its
individual membership is really a word about being thankful! This principle that Paul spoke about boldly and set forth to the developing Christian community that he was addressing in Corinth finds its beginnings in the Old Testament where Gods covenant with
Abraham spoke about being blessed to be a blessing and threads its way all the way through to the last book of the New Testament
where we read about the images of the New City and the New Creation that is coming.
At the very center of this "Being Thankful" is Gods grace. Paul spoke to his brothers and sisters in the faith poignantly
about a need that had arisen within the Jewish Christian Church in Jerusalem. Essentially, Paul implored them that how they responded to this need that was being brought to their attention was the true indicator of really how much they believed in Gods
grace. Paul was challenging them to dig deep in their pockets and give money and time and energy to a group of people who were
far removed from them and their own problems. In fact the church in Corinth had gone through some significant problems of their
own. Some were over clashing personalities others had to do with right belief and still others had to do with worship and different authority structures within their fellowship.
Paul, as he talked about how gifted and blessed the Corinthians were, used the churches in Macedonia as a point of reference for his plea. He says, 1 And now, brothers, we want you to know about the grace that God has given the Macedonian
churches. 2Out of the most severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity. In a
sense, what was happening is that in the center of some very tough times for the Macedonia churches, they discovered Gods grace
in a profound way and once discovered, it was unleashed upon other brothers and sisters in the faith in a profound act of generosity. In the midst of their own need, they were able to respond to the need of another and Paul says that they did it by first offering
themselves. What a perfect picture of the concept of stewardship of personal responsibility and above all, thanksgiving. It
begins and ends with the offering of ones self.
Happy Thanksgiving!

Church Cleaning Day

Saturday, Nov. 14th
9:00 a.m.
After all the construction, the church could
use some TLC.

Sign-up in the FH or call the church office

Mission Opportunity!
Nov. 28th
2-6 p.m.
Ages 13+
(18 and under requires a guardian)

Help process shoeboxes at the

Charlotte Samaritans Purse/
Operation Christmas Child Processing Center
there are 30 spaces available
Register online at

by November 23rd
Questions? Speak with Janet in the office

November 1st all cooked chicken due to the

church freezer
Chicken Pie Assembly, November 7th, 9 a.m.

Thank you to everyone

who donated Pop Tabs.
They will be weighed &
turned into CASH
to benefit
The Ronald McDonald
House of Charlotte.

Around the Province

Mission Society Lovefeast, November 1st, 3 pm at Bethabara Moravian; Michael & Caroline Woo will share about mission work in Southeast Asia.
Comenius Learning Series, November 7th, 9-3 p.m. at Clemmons Moravian; Martyrs, Exiles, and Missionaries: Making Bold Choices for Christ. Register by Nov. 2
(Register online at
Lunchtime Lecture, Thursday, Nov. 12th, 12:15-12:45 p.m. at Archie K. David Center in
Old Salem; New old discoveries at MMFGuest flutist, Laura Steven will share the discoveries she has made in A Chamber Music Adventure. Parking is free; lunch not provided, but
you can bring your own.

Last call...If you havent already picked up your Health Survey in the FH,
please do, complete it, and drop in the big red box on the table. The Health
Ministry will be planning their 2016 program, and your help will be invaluable.

Advance Care Planning It may not be at the top of

everyones To Do list, but if you are an adult, it is something
you may want to consider doing now before crisis or tragedy
occurs. Advance care planning has been described by many as
one of the greatest gifts you can give your loved ones. Simply
put, advance care planning is a process where you reflect upon
and plan for the care you would want if you are unable to make
decisions for yourself. (
Not one of us knows when a health crisis may occur in our
lives. We may be 19 or we could be 94. We may know exactly
what kind of health care we would want if a crisis should occur, or we may not have any idea.
But what happens if the crisis has left us without the ability to communicate our wishes? Do your loved
ones know what you would want done? Legally, are they the ones who would make those decisions? And
would they be able to make those decisions in the midst of the emotions of the crisis?
There are many resources out there that can help you work through the process of advance care planning
from figuring out what you might want or not want done during a health crisis, how to legally put those
wishes into writing, selecting the person who you would want to speak for you if you no longer could and
how to share your wishes with your loved ones.
Your health ministry team will be planning an advance care planning workshop in 2016. Here are a few
online resources to get you started in the meantime. Also, your attorney and health care providers may be
good resources for advance care planning.
Hospice and Palliative Care
American Bar Association
North Carolina Department of the Secretary of State
North Carolina Division of Aging and Adult Services
submitted by Rebecca Hoover


From your Board:


Treasurers Report September 2015

Regular Offering
Joyful Noise
Total Income:


Christian Ed.
Joyful Noise
Office supplies
Provincial Assessment
Womens Fellowship
Total Expenses

$ 8,008.38

Budgeted Income YTD

Actual YTD


Budgeted Expenses YTD

Actual YTD



New Beginnings Moravian Church is blessed in so

many ways, one of which, is our church website:
Several of our members created this site and keep it
updated on a regular basis. Recently we have added a
childrens section that we hope you will find helpful.
Remember the website can assist you with a scheduled calendar, listed events, and current classes
available as a reference for the congregation as well
as visitors. It also gives a place to refer and encourage
potential newcomers to visit New Beginnings,
providing our location and hours of service.
Our site highlights important history, gives visitors an
idea of what we believe, and how we are involved in
the community. Our prayer remains to offer encouragement to participants as we all journey together in
faith. We are not only a church family that has pies,
cookies, love feasts, candle light services, but we
are people with families that pray, hurt, sing, laugh
and learn together how to walk in community to worship our Father.
It is hoped that you will use this tool to encourage
families and friends to check out all the "happenings"
here at New Beginnings, as we reach out to the
community for and with Christ.

Nov. 6
Nov. 14
Nov. 17
Nov. 20
Nov. 21
Nov. 30

Sherry Ludwick
Shannon Frye
Tyler Thore
Ginger Bowman
Chad Frye
Duncan Snider
Sue Ann Hurlbert

*If your name doesnt appear on this list, please let the
office know so the church records can be updated.

Change of schedule
or closure will be
announced on WBTV,
and when possible,
an email will be sent
out as well.
If you know someone
without internet, please
give them a call just to
be sure theyre aware
of the schedule change!

Page 6

New Beginnings Moravian Church

Stuff this month

November 6thYouth Movie Night (Nov. 1st deadline)
November 8thChildrens Shopping Trip for Operation Christmas Child
November 14th Cleaning Day, 9 a.m.
November 15th Chief Elders Festival & Church Council
Time & Talent forms are due
November 22nd Youth Shoebox Packing Party for OCC
Thanksgiving Lovefeast, 5 pmvolunteers needed to help
November 28th Mission Opp at Operation Christmas Child Plant, 2-6 pm

New Beginnings Moravian Church

PO Box 2278
201 Seagle St.
Huntersville, NC 28070-2278

Clocks fall-back
2 a.m. Nov. 1st

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