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Hepatology 2015

A Clinical Textbook
This year new book by Stefan Mauss, Thomas Berg, Jrgen Rockstroh, Christoph Sarrazin and Heiner
Wedemeyer. They are internationally renowned hepatologists. This book is now in its sixth edition. This book
have 29 sections about liver disease and 654 pages. The content of this book has been substantially updated to
reflect the latest medical progress. Like Stefen Zauzem said, The book is well-written and provides in-depth
information without being lengthy or redundant. So, I think this book would be right reading level for medical
student who interest to internal medicine especially hepatology.
Hepatology is knowledge all about hepar/liver, and this book only discuss about disease in liver without
mention about anatomy, fisiology or histology of liver. This book explain all about disease that can attack our
liver, and explain it from definition until therapy and diagnostic. All of etiology or agent of disease that can
attack our body, also can attack our liver example like viral infection, autoimmune or vascular disorder even the
Hepatitis is the main topic in this book, because prevelance of hepatitis in the whole world right now reach
millions people and occurs predominantly in areas of lower socio-economic status and reduced hygienic
standards, especially in developing, tropical countries. Hepatitis have various type, from hepatitis A till hepatitis
E. Although hepatitis A and E have resemble pathogenesis and transmission. But, really different with hepatitis
B, C and D. From all kind of hepatitis ,hepatitis B is the best killer from the other. In particular, the management
of viral hepatitis has completely changed every year.
Another interesting point in this book are advanced therapeutic options and diagnostic procedures in
hepatology. This book reveal recent things like new drugs for hepatitis c, there are Novel NS5A and NS3-4A
inhibitor-based regimens and new system to research the viral use the genom etc. Finally, this book also discuss
about hepatocellular carcinoma and new way to assessing the stage of liver disease and the last section of this
book discuss all about autoimmune and metabolic non-viral liver diseases.
The point is this book really helpful because really provide new information about Hepatology. Just like
Stefen Zauzen (Frankfurt, Germany, 2009) said hepatology is a rapidly evolving field that will continue to grow
and maintain excitement over the next few decades. So we have to catch up therefore we can be good physician
and not be left behind the others.
I would recommend this book to anyone who really interesting about hepatology, because the virology in
this book a little hard to understand, and need repeat more than onetime to really understand it. And then, less

picture to describe the theory in this book will make you really bored if you dont really interest. But overall this
book will enhance the understanding of the details liver disease.

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