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Summary: Reporters Notebook

On November 4, it was first reported that a storm is about to enter the

country to be named Yolanda. The following day, the storm becomes a
typhoon while it passes through the Pacific Ocean. On November 6, the
storm became a super typhoon and was cited to be the strongest typhoon in
the planet which could destroy houses, building, big trees and posts. Yolanda
entered the Philippine Area of Resonpsibility (PAR) on the 7 th November with
heightened storm signal Number 4 to the following areas: Southern
Occidental Mindor, Southern Oriental Mindoro, Rombln, Calamian Group of
Islands, Masbate, Northern Cebu, Cebu City, Bantayan Island, Northern
Negros Occidental, Aklan, Capiz, Antique, Iloilo and Guimaras. Thirty one
provinces conducted preemptive evacuations especially in the coastal and
landslide prone areas. In a televised address later that evening, President
Benigno Aquino III warned the Philippines that Yolanda may cause greater
destruction as to that of Pablo.
On November 8, Yolanda had its initial landfall in Guiuan, Sammar and
next to Leyte. In Tacloban, water continued to rise which was described to be
a storm surge. According to Nathaniel Cruz, GMA resident Meteorologist, it is
characterized by a strong wind that that brings big ocean waves to land with
low atmospheric pressure to the eye of the typhoon thus it causes flooding.
Based on PAG-ASA and project Noah, the storm surge even reached the
height of a two-storey building. .
Jiggy Manicad had a short interview with an old man named Mang
Domeng. According to him, he was taken away by the strong current of water
and he got separated to his wife. The downtown area was also shown. As
seen on the footage cars had piled up and the buildings are completely
destroyed. The roads are also full of fallen trees and posts. Dead bodies were
scattered not only in the streets but also inside the car with the hope that
they could survive. In Palo, Jiggy came across a man holding the dead body
of his 6 year old son. Meynard stated that the water eventually entered the
evacuation center. According to the Center for Disaster Preparedness,
although they had announced the occurrence of storm surge, it was not
explained to the local government its radius or the extent of its destruction.
According to Zenaida Dellica-Willison an adviser on center for disaster
preparedness people were not aware how high it can reach the water
therefor people should transfer in a higher land. But our preparedness
sometimes is beyond our capacity because the said information given to us
was not that clear.

The only son of Menard was belong to the One thousand seven
hundred seventy four (1774) people who died bring by the super typhoon
Yolanda. Many people died because of the fallen trees, post, electric wires or
maybe drawn by the storm surge. There are nine million people who are
affected by the typhoon Yolanda in a 455 municipalities. The night after the
typhoon Yolanda the Government but our country in a national state of
calamity. Some isolated areas cannot still reach by the media and
government due to a transactional matter. Because the electricity is out
some residents gave letter to the reporters so that they can deliver it to their
specific families so that they can reach then and contact them.
Saturday when the C130 of the Philippine Air force start to fly carrying
the relief goods, but somehow it did not delivered immediately due on
delivering goods because highways and roads are quiet difficult to pass.
According to Mayor Leonardo Javier, if this kind of problem will not solve the
people affected by the typhoon Yolanda will be hungry, thirsty, homeless,
sick, miserable and desperate.
Because the relief good were late in 2 days people lacks clean water to
drink and food to eat. So people barge in places like shopping malls, grocery
stores, burger stands and many more where they can relieve their needs.
One of the survivor were ask by a reporter, he answered their just doing this
because they want to live and they will do everything they can just to
survived because at that time money are useless. According to the Center of
preparedness this chaos will not happen when they were just plan it
On the text sent by Sen. Mar Roxas III answering the question How do
Relief goods deliver to the victims he replied, In Tacloban via barangay.
DSWD brings food packs to barangays and distributes there. For Leyte
province via government, sacks of rice are sent to provincial government
who then resends it to town. Had there been delays along the way he
replied, Delays were because of inaccessibility after Yolanda. Roads were
blocked. Also the prepositioned 5000 food packs relief goods were carried
away by the storm surge. To date as per DSWD, about 120000 food packs
were already distributed.
Philippine National Police or PNP send 1000 additional police officers.
According to SR. Supt. Reuben Sindae, because of the people so desperately
want to survived they do whatever they want, so they also send 3000 special
action force send to the Visayas Region to help the people be organized and
to bring back the peace and order of the municipalities specially the Law.
They also send Prime lab technicians to help the forensic investigation and

dignify information, medical teams which includes 17 people from the health
service which involves 4 doctors and some are medical nurses.
This is not the first time when there is a super typhoon visited our
country. December 2012, typhoon Pablo visited our country near Mindanao
there are 1100 people died and it carries a bill of 42 Billion pesos. December
2011, 1200 people died and it also carries a bill of 2 Billion pesos.
This kind of problem will not happen again if they will give the whole
information clear and organized. Teamwork, trust, faith, strength and hard
work are the keys to overcome the situation like this.

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