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(updated 141212)

If you successfully entered all the required information

you will be prompted to both save the Application data
file and to show print version.

Important: The online application form is not linked to

any database and therefore no personal information is
collected through it. (do not refresh the browser or
you will lose your personal information)
The Application Form webpage serves as a template
that will allow you to generate two (2) documents to be
submitted with your digital appliation: Application Data
File and a print out of your completed Application Form.
For additional application information please see the
ITECH MSc Information Brochure.(link here)
What to do?
1) Complete the form.
Fill out all the required information on the form.
Some fields are mandatory (indicated with *) and
some are not but you must make sure you include all
the information required as accurate and truthfully
as possible. Failure to do so will compromise your
2) Check the data.
Once you have entered all of your information click on
the check the data icon at the bottom of the page.
The application form WILL NOT send information to
us directly, instead, it will check that all the mandatory
fields have been completed and will direct you to the
next step.
If you are missing any information, you will get a
message indicating the missing fields.

6) Compile application document

Include your application form and your supporting
documents into a single PDF. This should include:

2) Save application data to file.

Once you click on the save data to file icon, you will
be prompted by your browser to save a small file (txt) to
your computer. Please save this file to a secure location
as you will need to include this file with your application.
3) Print your application.
Once you click on the show printversion icon, you
will be able to see in your browser your completed
application form.
Check for errors, if you spot any issues, use the go
back function in your browser to access the initial input
section (do not refresh or you will lose your data).

File must not exceed 10MB.

7) Name your file
8) Submit your application
Your submission should include two (2) separate files:

Your PDF application document including your

complete Application Form (with signature and
passport photo), supporting documents and
portfolio. (Max. 10MB)

An Application Data File

This is the txt file generated by the application
form that you saved earlier on (step 2)
2015_Last Name_First Name. txt

Once you are satisfied, please print (or save to PDF) from
your browser.
4) Add passport photo and signature.
Once you have printed your application, you still need to
include your passport photo(1), complete the submission
checklist (7) and your confirmation information(8) (place,
date and signature)
5) Scan it
Scan your completed application form (with passport
photo and signature) and convert into a PDF.

Completed application form

Copy of passport (optional but recommended)
Certified copies of academic certificates/diplomas
Proof of English proficiency
Curriculum Vitae (CV) (optional but recommended)
Letter of Motivation
Portfolio (10 pages max.)

Please send both files to:


Application form - Master of Science Programme ITECH

Application form for admission to the Master of Science Programme

"Integrative Technologies and Architectural Design Research"
For Winter Semester 2014/2015 (Start of Programme: October 2014)
Application Deadline: 15th February 2014
(Note: the ITECH programme only starts in the Winter Semester)

The web application form does not have upload

functionality for the Photo and the signature. These
will need to be added after you print (see application
instructions on previous page).

Passport Photo on the right side and signature (last page) to be added to
PDF-submission only, which is to be submitted by email together with
all other submission documents.
* Fields within these sections are mandatory.




First Name* (enter exactly as it is contained in your passport)

Last Name* (enter exactly as it is contained in your passport)

Date of Birth*





Phone Number* (provide a number where we can reach you for application purposes, include country and area
Country Code:

Area Code:


Skype Name (we require this information to contact you if you are shortlisted for an interview)

1.1 Mailing Address

Your Skype user name is not mandatory for the

application but if you already have an account, it will
make it easier for us to have your contact information
ready for the interview.

1.1 Mailing Address

(exactly as it should appear on the envelope for mail correspondence)

Recipient Name at Mailing Address (if different from Applicants name)

Street and Number*




Application form - Master of Science Programme ITECH


Note: Scanned copies of certificates might be attached to the PDF application form. For documents in
languages other than German or English you must attach officially authenticated translations. Please do not
send originals. Originals must only be presented in person during the enrollment process in October.

2.1 School Education*: What qualifications did you obtain before entering University?
(G.C.E. (O+A-Level), baccalaureat, Lise Diplomasi, Apolyterion, Maturitt, Highschool Diploma, etc.)

Place (Country)*

Date of Graduation*



GRE, test if any (where, when and result)

APS Certificate: Applicants from China, Mongolia and Vietnam have to add a certificate from the
"Akademische Prfstelle (APS) des Kulturreferats der Deutschen Botschaft" to their application material.
Note: if you are unable to provide this document with your application due to the processing time please
include a letter explaining when you expect to receive it. Please note that you will be required to present this
document prior to enrollment.

2.2 Bachelors Degree (Undergraduate) Completed or In-Progress

Please include here the full name of the qualifying Undergraduate degree that you have completed or intend to
complete prior to enrolling into the programme*

These items are country specific, if they do not apply to

you, please leave blank.

include a letter explaining when you expect to receive it. Please note that you will be required to present this
document prior to enrollment.

2.2 Bachelors Degree (Undergraduate) Completed or In-Progress

Please include here the full name of the qualifying Undergraduate degree that you have completed or intend to
complete prior to enrolling into the programme*
Name of Academic Institution where your undergraduate degree was completed*

Place (Country)*

Length of Academic Programme*

(select number of years)
Note: This is the minimum numbers of academic years in which the program is structured to be completed (i.e.
3 Years Bachelor, 4 years Bachelor, etc.).
Month/Year of completion or intended completion*


Final Grade (overall GPA or equivalent)*

2.2.1 Additional Undergraduate Degrees Completed

Please include here the full name of the completed Undergraduate Programme

Indicate the final grade as it appears on your transcripts,

if you havent completed your degree please indicate
incomplete. If your are offered admission into the
program, it will be conditional upon the successful
completion of your degree.

If you have more than one additional degree, please list

the most relevant. Any other additional qualifications
can be listed in your CV.

Name of Academic Institution where your undergraduate degree was completed

Place (Country)


Length of Academic Programme

(select number of years)
Month/Year of completion

Application form - Master of Science Programme ITECH


Final Grade (overall GPA or equivalent)

Total number of Undergraduate Academic years completed (2.2 and 2.2.1)

(select number of years)

2.3 Masters Degree (Graduate) Completed or In-Progress


(select number of years)

2.3 Masters Degree (Graduate) Completed or In-Progress

Please include here the full name of the Graduate degree that you have completed or intend to complete (if
any) prior to enrolling into the programme
Name of Academic Institution where your Masters degree was completed

Place (Country)

Length of Academic Programme

(select number of years)
Month/Year of completion or intended completion


Final Grade (overall GPA or equivalent)

2.4 Post-Graduate Degree Completed or In-Progress

Please include here the full name of the Graduate or Post-Professional degree that you have completed or
intend to complete (if any) prior to enrolling into the programme
Name of Academic Institution where your Post/Graduate degree was completed

Place (Country)

Length of Academic Programme

(select number of years)
Month/Year of completion or intended completion


2.5 Previous ITECH applicants

Have you previously submitted an application for the ITECH MSc Programme?*

(select year)
Additional Qualifications (max. 1.500 characters):
Please indicate your new academic credentials (i.e.: completion of degree, additional courses, etc.) that you have



2.5 Previous ITECH applicants

Have you previously submitted an application for the ITECH MSc Programme?*

(select year)
Additional Qualifications (max. 1.500 characters):
Please indicate your new academic credentials (i.e.: completion of degree, additional courses, etc.) that you have
(if applicaple).
09/12/2013completed since your last application to the program
form - Master of Science Programme ITECH


2.6 Applicants to other universities

Have you or are you currently applying to other academic programs?*

If yes, at which university and for which program?

2.7 Computational Experience

(This information required below will only be used to adjust our curriculum so that we can develop suitable
workshops and seminars that reflect the overall skill level of our applicants.)
Visual programming*
(grasshopper, GC, etc.)
Geometric Modelling*
Graphic Design*

Indicate language/software, and proficiency

If you have answered yes to any of this fields, you are

also required to indicate your level of proficiency and
the software/language used.


If you don't have any work experience please write "N.A." (not applicaple). If you have held more than 3 positions, please include the most
significant for this application.
Position held (title)

Name of Office















Please note that you can list all other related work
experience - in addition to the 3 most significant ones in your CV.

Proof of English Proficiency*
(select your English qualification)

Please indicate the type of english language proficiency certificate that you intend to submit with your
application or indicate the type of exemption that applies to you (i.e. native speaker or previous degree
completed in english).

Application form - Master of Science Programme ITECH

Students who have completed a 4 years (or more) bachelors degree or students who already hold a masters
degree in a qualifying field may apply for advanced standing. However, all applicants (including the
aforementioned) have the choice to take the programme in full (2 years).

If you wish to be considered for placement in the third semester of the programme - conditional on a review by
the involved institutes - you will need to provide proof of both, course and credit equivalence. These credits
must be from courses that are part of your previous education, and that are equivalent to modules offered as
part of the first year curriculum of the ITECH programme.
Please note: All applicants will initially be offered acceptance to the first semester; upon enrollment to the
programme, the advanced standing application will take place. Please note, that advanced standing applicants
might receive advanced standing on some or none of the course credits based on the committee's
assessment. Equivalent credits must be analogous to the course of study of the first year of the ITECH
programme curriculum and must also demonstrate high level of academic performance and design proficiency.
Are you intending to complete the programm in two years?*

Are you intending to apply for Advanced Standing upon admission?*

Would you still pursue the programme - full two years - if you are unable to obtain Advanced Standing?*


How did you learn about the ITECH Programme?
Institute for Computational Design (ICD) web page

Please help us understand how we can communicate

better with you!

Institute of Building Structures and Structural Design (ITKE) web page

University of Stuttgart web page
Institute Members (ICD, ITKE, Other)
From your Professor or Teacher
Other professional organization web site, please specify

Advertisement in professional publication

Others, please specify

7. CHECKLIST - for PDF submission

This checklist can only be checked in the print version that you will get after sending this form.
Completed application form
Saved Application Data to file

This section is only to be completed after you print out.

It is intended to help you confirm that you have not
missed any of the required documentation.

Copy of passport (optional but recommended)

Certified copies of academic certificates/diplomas
All copies of these documents need to be officially authenticated and English or German translations are
required bearing the stamp/signature of the certified translator. Note: No original documents will be accepted or
returned during the application process.
Proof of English proficiency
Curriculum Vitae (CV) (optional but recommended)
Letter of Motivation

Portfolio (max 10 pages)

Application form - Master of Science Programme ITECH


Important: All documents have been compiled into a single PDF with a maximum file size of 10 MB. The
naming cenvention for the file is: 2014_LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME_ITECH.pdf



Important: All documents have been compiled into a single PDF with a maximum file size of 10 MB. The
naming cenvention for the file is: 2014_LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME_ITECH.pdf

By submitting this I certify that the work submitted is entirely my own or my role is clearly stated. By this
confirmation I also declare that all the statements I have provided in and accompanying this application are
correct. I understand that any offer of admission to the ITECH programme may be withdrawn if I cannot provide
documentary evidence of any statement on this form or in my portfolio.
I have read and understood the conditions of entry to the ITECH programme and confirm that I satisfy these
requirements. I also understand that if I am offered a place at the ITECH programme, this would be subject to
bringing or posting all the original copies of my supporting documents for verification purposes.
IMPORTANT: in addition to completing this online form you must also:
a) check data (see icon at the end of the form - below)
once your have successfully entered all the fields, the page will give you the option to both, "save Application
Data to file" and to "Show print version".
b) save application data to file
c) print this document (from the browser)
d) add a passport photo
e) sign it
f) scan it
g) compile it with your complete digital submission (supporting documents, portfolio, etc) into a
single PDF (10 MB max.)
f) email your complete PDF submission and data file to the following email address:


Date (day/month/year)


(Photo (first page) and signature (last page) to be added to PDF-submission only, which is to be submitted by
email together with all other submission documents. The online submission does not require signature.)
The statements that have been made will be saved and appraised by the university. Statements are subjected
to the privacy determinations presently valid.

Check Data
If you have any questions please contact info(AT)

This section is only to be completed after you print out.

Dont forget to:

2) Check the data.
2) Save application data to file.
3) Print your application.
4) Add passport photo and signature.
5) Scan it
6) Compile application document (portfolio, transcripts,
motivation letter, etc.)
7) Name your file
8) Submit your application - two (2) separate files:
2015_Last Name_First Name. txt
Further instructions on page 1.

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