Open Letter To Indian Media

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By An Indian Citizen

Dear Journalists of India ,

I have always admired the power of Media and have always believed that Media plays a
very crucial role in bringing the truth to people . Whereas since last few years we have
witnessed a totaly different face of Indian Media which is exactly opposite of what we
thought it is. We very much understand the role of national media channels is to put
information from different part of country and world to its audience. These informations
are basicaly for awareness and not for entertainment. Since last few years we have seen
more political news instead of real information. The major part of which are "statements "
by member of political parties. Out of this approx 90% are those statement which are
declared controversial and create anarchy among people and 50% are those statement
which are not exactly the complete statement but an edited version or a part of what
someone said. As a citizen of India I am least bothered about what the politicians say
unofficialy unless it comes as an official statement . But i was shocked to see how these
"controversial" statements which had a reach of hardly some hundred people and could be
handled by a simple complain to the administrative authority were telecasted on national
news channels for 2-3 days.its not the person who made this statement but media who
conveyed this statement to millions of citizen sometimes not with the same meaning what
the person has conveyed So my first request to you is kindly reduce the coverage of
"controversial statements " for national interest also try to avoid if it is off least
importance . I mentioned "reduce" not to stop because I also strongly believe that the
genuine and real statements need to be put infront of nation to understand the thought
process of any leader.
Now the major issue because of which I wrote this letter is the way some incidents has
been reported in the past few days. Specialy the Dadri mob lynching case and burning of
two innocent kids . When any crime is commited there are only two side. One is Criminal or
the accused and another is victim. How shamelessly mainstream media of my country has
mentioned that X community was killed by Y . dont you feel shame of what you are doing
to the national integrity. You have all rights to evaluate as per your own level of intelligence
, but you have no right to declare it a community issue on the very first day itself specialy
without knowing the fact when the Investigative agence havent start there work. It looks
more like an agenda followed by the gang of award returnee who were silent for so many
years. And if you cant stop doing that then please do report every crime of same intensity
which is committed in any part of the country . I am very much sure if you go to Kerala ,
Karnataka &WB you will find a lot of these incidents where the victim was targeted just
because of its community.
It is very clear since last few years media has restricted itself to some limited areas. The
maximum part of information which we receive are either from Delhi or NCR . The term
"News" stand for it is combination of North, East ,West & South . there are other states too

we want to see what is happeing in other part of country not only in delhi.have you ever
analyzed the corruption ,scam and crime level in some of the big states like UP, Bihar
,Rajasthan, West Bengal. What are the situations of hospitals, schools ,roads in many of the
states. Why no industries are ready to go to Bihar & UP .Can you please tell me when did
you telecasted a news about Orissa ,Arunachal pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, J&K. Are you
not bothered about what is happening in Kerala and tamilnadu perhaps not ,because you
dont have viewers there. Forget that. how much coverage you have given to IAFS where is
the news about FDI , Construction of lacs of toilets, different schemes started by Central
and state govt. Dont you have moral responsibilty of educating poor people and farmers
about how they can use various schemes which already exists or started by government.
Why dont you ask govt the status of National Highway project ,Number of Toilets build
under SBA,Increase in FDI , Employement generation ,. We want to know what is
happening to strengthen our defence forces. What steps has been taken to reduce defence
import. What facilities have been planned for farmers.,what laws has been made for
women security. We want to see news about How is India's strength at Global level. Which
countries we trade with . We want to see also when Indian Hockey team wins a series
which is our national game. We also want to see when our women hockey team qualified
for RIO olympics. We want to see when an Indian girl(we are proud of her ) qualify for
world Gymnast championship final and creates history.
we are a developing nation. A lot of good things happening in the field of trade and
commerce, art ,education, hospitality, tourism , technology and agriculture. We want to
see all that also . Dont create a bad image of India and its people . We are the only country
which have maximum tolerance about freedom of speech even after being highly
as a citizen we want to see all these news also, which not only make us aware about whats
happening around in our country but also educate us about useful informations .Its high
time for media to analyze its own credibility . Just calling yourself the fourth pillar of
democracy doesnt mean you are but you have to deliver the duty which comes to you with
this title. Not only govt but media & people also have moral responsibility of development
& Peace ,and how people can benifit from the information. So please all my dear journalist
with due respect I urge you all to use your power of pen for a better India not for any
Jai Hind
yours sincerely,
A Frustrated Indian Citizen

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