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Hazard & Operability Study (HAZOP)

A Powerful Tool for Identifying the Cause of Undesirable Plant Condition

Business Challenge
Most industrial licensing authorities and insurance companies require operating
companies to carry out hazard studies and risk assessment during a facility design, as
well as prior to construction and during operation.
The authorities require that the hazard studies be recorded and acted-upon, and that
they be subject to management audit and approval.

What is Hazop?
HAZOP study is well-proven structured team-based method for hazard identification at
process design completion or for planned modifications. The technique makes detailed
examination of the process and engineering intention, or malfunction of individual items
of equipment and their consequential effects on the facility as a whole.
HAZOP is led by an experienced facilitator. For an oil & gas project, a core team would
typically include personnel from Process, Instrument, Mechanical, Project Engineering,
and Operations, and it might require the involvement of process technologists,
environmental specialist and corporate Health & Safety and Environment (HSE) staff for
some parts of the work.

What Are the Key Benefits?

Comprehensive hazard identification is the cornerstone of effective risk management
since if a hazard has not been identified then measures cannot be put in place to
mitigate the risk. A hazard that has been overlooked can have a significant impact on
the overall success of the venture.
HAZOP ensures that :

Potential deviations from intended design function are identified and corrected
HSE process and equipment hazards are revealed
Actions for necessary process or instrumentation can planned

Why Choose Us?

We have planned, managed, delivered, and reported many of HAZOP studies up to 60
cases. This is some of our list experiences:
1. Project
: HAZOP for Blok A Gas Development Project-EPCI
: 2015
Plant owner : PT MEDCO Energi Internasional
2. Project
: HAZOP for FEED Pembangunan LPG Terminal Pulau Layang
: 2015
Plant owner : PT PERTAMINA (Persero)
3. Project
: HAZOP for Japanan Metering Station Project
: 2015
Plant Owner : PT.Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN)
4. Project
: Study of RBI API-581 Implementation for Mutiara Plant
: 2015
Plant Owner : VICO Indonesia
5. Project
: Lab Failure Analysis for Spring Support
: 2015
Plant Owner : Tangguh LNG Operation
6. Project
: HAZOP Study for Pembangunan SPBG Mother Station di
Mangkang Semarang
: 2014
Plant Owner : PT. PERTAMINA (Persero)
7. Project
: HAZOP Study for Pembangunan SPBG Daughter Station di
Penggaron Semarang
: 2014
Plant Owner : PT.PERTAMINA (Persero)
8. Project
: HAZOP for TWU Pipeline from MCLs CPF to TWUs Refinery
: 2014
Plant Owner : Tri Wahana Universal (TWU) & Exxon Mobil Oil
9. Etc..

Our Approach
We believe that hazard study is an integral part of the design of oil & gas facilities. We
offers hazard study services across all phases of plant design, from feasibility and
FEED, to detailed design, and to construction and commissioning. We often take full
responsibility for HAZOP study recording and reporting, so that administrative burdens
on designer and client personnel are minimized.

How long does a HAZOP study take?
For the installation of an oil & gas unit on an existing site, each P&ID (Piping &
Instrumentation Diagram) might take 5 or 6 hours to study. For simple P&ID will take
just 4 hours to study
What is the output from HAZOP study?
HAZOP study is a discussion hazard that may happen to plant and about safety device
installed in order to minimize hazard effect. After HAZOP client will get list of
recommendation to ensure their plant is safe.

Related Services

HAZID & Process Hazard Analysis Study

Hazard Area Classification
Firewater Design Review
Fire Fighting Design Review
Overpressure Study

Contact Us
Aditya Rizky Putra
+6281296018203 (

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