Mona Lisa

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Mona Lisa's lovely smile that now is so adored,

The cobbler wasn't used to feet so plainly reeking,

used to be an ugly frown that everyone abhorred.

still he helped Mona find the shoes that she was

I'm sure you've heard a frown is a smile turned


upside down. Well, Mona Lisa's frown went

He added and subtracted, divided, multiplied; this

halfway to the ground!

lady had petite feet, but they were really wide!

But if you had walked a mile in Mona Lisa's shoes,

"She needs violin cases," he muttered to himself,

who's to say that you wouldn't have been a sour

as he stood to reach for shoes high up on the

puss, too?


Everything in her life was slightly out of kilter, her

He pried on haughty loafers, she tried on gaudy

house was falling down, the one some lout had

pumps. Not a single pair would fit her, she was in

built her.

the dumps.

When she bought a cow, the farmer also bilked

With every shoe she tried, Mona's mood got

her. Mona found the cow was dry when she went

bleaker. But then the cobbler tried a pair of cushy

to milk her.


On garbage day Mona rushed her trash out to the

Mona had always wished for a pair of shoes like

bin; instead the garbage men tossed Mona Lisa in!

this. They didn't pinch her toes! Her pinkies felt

But Mona's other problem made all the others trite.

such bliss!

Mona's other problem was her shoes were much

Goodness, how her feet felt, like cushy clouds of

too tight!

air! Those sneakers felt so neat, well, she had to

Mona moaned and groaned, her feet were in such

have a pair!

pain. No one paid attention, as she complained in

In shoes this cool and sporty, her life was now a


dream. Even the garbage men noticed her

Mona's feet were aching, she scowled and

newfound self-esteem.

hollered "Ouch!" Who could blame poor Mona for

Now Mona wore a smile; her shoes were never

being such a grouch?

pinchy. Her smile soon caught the eye of an artist

She needed some relief, some shoes that didn't

named da Vinci.

hobble her, so she went to a store owned by the

He painted Mona's picture, but let's be very frank;

village cobbler.

he got all the credit, but the sneakers were to

The cobbler was a master, a man of some renown,


if shoes would do the trick, he'd rid her of her

The sneakers did the trick and shooed the frown


from Mona's face. Those shoes replaced the blues

"My feet are killing me!" Mona Lisa blurted out, as

she sat down on the couch with a surly pout.
"Yeah, and they don't smell good," said the cobbler
with a sniff, when he took off her shoes and got his
first good whiff.

and put a smile in its place.

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