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X Least Expect It, ISSUE 5 VOLUME 1 March 21, 2010

Least Deserve It………………..1

XWhen Someone Arrives

in Pain…………………………….2
A weekly publication to encourage and equip
Group Leaders

X Nuts & Bolts:

Least Expect It, Least Deserve It

From Mark Batterson, pastor of National Community
Church in Washington DC
And one of the primary pathways or primary steps to
community is to decide to make a commitment to a
Posted: 28 Jan 2010 04:45 PM PST community.
—Richard Lamb

We have a core value at NCC: love the woman caught in the act of
people when they least expect it adultery? He loved her when she
and least deserve. Go ahead and least expected it and least
love people when they expect it deserved it. That is the example
and deserve, but that doesn't count we need to follow.
for much. Buying someone a
birthday gift or giving flowers on I want my life to be about loving
Valentine's Day is like breaking people and blessing people when
even. Why? Because it's expected they least expect it because that is
and deserved. how God loves us. He comes out
of nowhere and surprises us with
If you really want to impact some- His amazing grace!
one, love them when they have just
made the biggest mistake of their Mark Batterson
life and they are surrounded by an
angry mob with stones in their
hands! Isn't that what Jesus did to

P.T. Forsyth once said,

“The worst sin is prayerlessness.” We usually think of murder, adultery, or theft as among the
worst. But the root of all sin is self-sufficiency—independence from God. When we fail to wait
prayerfully for God’s guidance and strength we are saying, with our actions if not our lips, that
we do not need Him. How much of our service is characterized by “going it alone”?

Tyranny of the Urgent

Charles E. Hummel
When Someone Arrives in Pain
Small-group ministry includes hurting person. They’ll be • Before you leave, ask how the
bearing one another’s burdens’. discerning in what they share group can help. Make a plan for
Here are some considerations for about their own experiences—no ongoing, practical support. If the
the next time someone comes to horror stories, but only those response is, “Just pray for me,” do
your group in pain. personal accounts that it, then check back in a day or two.
• If possible, acknowledge the communicate empathy. • Make sure the whole group knows
person’s pain privately before your • If certain verses come to mind, jot and understands these principles.
meeting and ask her if she wants them on a piece of paper and give - Marsha Crockett
to let the group know what’s going them to the person later. It is Best Small Group Ideas
on. If not, keep it confidential. usually nest not to quote Scripture Discipleship Journal, 2005
• Remember that this situation is while a person is pouring out his
We had all settled in with our not a surprise to God. He is in pain.
coffee, ready to begin our Bible control of the situation and the • Spend a few minutes in prayer.
study. But it soon became obvious group. Incorporate the power of touch by
that one group member was fighting • Ideally, your group will have holding hands or laying hands on
back tears. So we stopped and discussed in advance how to the person in pain. When you
said, “We’d like to listen if you want respond to people in pain. sense the person is finished
to talk.” The floodgates opened, Members will know not to jump in sharing, take a coffee break to
and we spent the next half hour immediately with well-meant decompress and then return to the
ministering to this woman. advice. Instead, they will gently lesson.
ask questions and draw out the

I think there are three

essential and kind of
Nuts & Bolts for irreducible components of
community. Community
Group Leaders involves a move outward, a
move inward, and a rela-
tional glue that keeps us
together. I call the move
Calendar • May is promotion month for
outward partnership in
Dates that may interest you! Summer semester. Summer 6 Leadership Essentials mission; the move inward is
catalogs will be available.
• accountability, depth of
• By March 28—let your Sunday May 17— 1. THINK Life change
registration will begin in the relationship; and the glue,
Team Leader know what you Why we do groups
as a leader are planning to lobby the relational glue is
do next semester and fall (if • Sunday May 23—Group 2. Cultivate RELATIONSHIPS Friendship.
you know) and also what Leader Meeting will be held How to build community
your group is planning to do • Sunday May 30— Richard Lamb
(continue without adding new Registration for summer 3. PROMOTE participation author of The Pursuit of God
members, continue and add groups will end How to lead a group in the Company of Friends.
new members, not continue, • Week of June 6—12
start a new group…) Summer groups will begin 4. REPLACE yourself
• March 31—turn in, e-mail in, • Week of August 29 - Sep- How you intentionally
Your Stories—to your Team tember 3 - Summer Groups apprentice
Leader or to me (Linda) End
5. Provide CARE
• Last Week of April—most How you handle tough
groups will be finishing up. situations
Be sure to celebrate your
group, friendships that have 6. MULTIPLY influence
been made, spiritual How you maximize impact
decisions and progress.

Let all that I am praise the LORD; with my whole heart, I will praise his holy name.
Let all that I am praise the LORD; may I never forget the good things he does for me.
Psalm 103: 1,2

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