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Antigone: Something Different

While there are many engaging and interesting essay topics that we might write on now that we have finished our play
Antigone, this time we are going to try something a little different. Select one of the following assignments that you think you
could produce something creative and interesting. Keep in mind that although this is not a formal essay, I am still looking for
the same things that I ask from you in an essay. Just like an essay, whatever you submit should argue a point and offer
evidence to support it. For each assignment, that will mean something different. If you piece requires it, your written
explanation should be typed and at least one page.

1. Antigone didn’t have an iPod (or any sort of recorded music) but imagine she did. Create a play list
of 10 songs that would show her character. Submit the list of 10 songs (or a cd of them.) Then in a
written explanation, explain how each song helps us understand something about her character. Use
lyrics as evidence.

2. If Antigone and all of her family members lived today, they would have probably found their way
onto TV somehow. Select a show that the characters might have been on, it could be Oprah, reality TV,
Judge Judy etc. Write out the script a portion of the show. Be sure that advice or solutions are offered
related to the conflicts in our themes.

3. Create a collage illustrating one or more of the themes of this play. (Don’t be fooled- this is one of the
harder choices. You can’t just put random pictures from the Internet. They must be carefully thought
out.) In addition to the collage, submit a written explanation describing the pictures you chose and how
they illustrate your theme.

4. Antigone has been asked to give the keynote speech at the Annual Convention held by the National
Council of Women’s Organizations. Write the speech that she would give sharing her views about the
role of women. She should discuss her role as a woman within the play, as well as how this theme can be
connected to modern day life.

5. Do you have any special technology skills? Use iMovie, Garage Band, Voice Thread, image editing
software, etc to creatively illustrate a theme of Antigone. It should show both the theme within the play
and applications today. Write a written explanation explaining the technological product you created and
how it illustrates one of the themes.

6. Write a poem or record a song about Antigone or Creon’s struggle. Include a written explanation of
your product and how it connects to the themes and main ideas of the play.

7. Imagine a scene that has been cut from the play. Write out the script for the scene using the original
characters and a new song for the chorus. Or imagine that there is an alternate ending to the play. Write
out the new ending scene with a new song for the chorus. If you would like, you may act the script out
and film it. This movie should show your understanding of the characters and structure of Greek drama.

8. Imagine that Antigone kept a journal. Write out five entries that she may have written during some
point during the play. Each should be about a page and written from her point of view.

9. Have another creative idea not listed here? Come and speak with me (ASAP) and we can figure out a
way for you to use your unique talents.

Your creative piece (and accompanying written explanation if required) is worth 50 points.

It is due in class on _______________________

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